Ai Glass 1
Ai Glass 1
Ai Glass 1
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B3565079220/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.B3565.079220 416 & Sciences Publication
AI Powered Glasses for Visually Impaired Person
Since most visually impaired persons can distinguish bank fulfils the electricity requirements of the processor.
brilliance from dullness, the glasses can brighten anything
1.4 A voice playback module
close to the wearer so that they can discern obstacles and
persons. The GPS module can provide directions, and the This module will inform the user of the Earphone is used
gyroscope assists the glasses in calculating perspective for output purposes. Output generated by the raspberry pi will
changes as the wearer moves. The camera can also work with be delivered to the person‟s ear with the help of earphone.
the computing module to help read markers along the way
1.2 The AI glasses
Today, computer vision-based applications are making the
AI glasses integrate a host of features, including artificial planet a far better and convenient place. during this project,
intelligence, ultrasound techniques, and computational we are making smart glasses for visually impaired, which may
geometry to create an essential aid for visually impaired help them navigate also as identifying objects in day to day
persons [3]. By linking glasses with GPS technology of a life. this text explains a deep learning-based [1] method for
tablet, along with stereo sound sensors, the prototype can classification of objects given during a road or indoor setting.
issue spoken commands, recognize currency denominations, We propose one method to classify the objects on the road.
read signs, etc. The estimated cost of AI glasses is between during this method, we train a convolutional neural network.
$1000 and $1500. In practice, machine learning requires features and to
1.3 Envision glasses extract features, one must do feature engineering. Feature
Recently Google and envision company introduced AI engineering takes tons of diligence and manpower. Instead,
glasses which helpful for the visually impaired person. The deep learning may be a sort of representation learning, where
cost of this equipment is around 1,50,000₹. This glass is also we feed the input signals in its raw form, be it speech, image,
known as Google smart glass [4]. video. In our application, we'd like to classify objects in any
given image. Deep learning methods exploit the tremendous
III. AI GLASSED FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED computational power of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs).
PERSON At each level of the deep learning architectures, we introduce
a non-linearity which helps in solving very complex
The AI glasses for this project is an electric supplementary problems.
eye goggles, equipped with image capturing and recognition
using Artificial Intelligence technologies. In this regard, it
will have the following components:
1.1 A raspberry PI
The Raspberry PI 3 is a microcontroller board n PI series [14].
It can be considered as a single-board computer that works on
a LINUX operating system. According to a 2018 article, the
board not only has tons of features it also has terrific
processing speed making it suitable for advanced
applications. here wireless connectivity is needed. Raspberry
PI 3 has wireless LAN and Bluetooth facility by which you Figure 1: Simple Multilayer Perceptron
can setup WIFI HOTSPOT for internet connectivity.
As shown in the image, multi-layer perceptrons consider all
Raspberry PI 3 had dedicated port for connecting touch LCD
the features of equal importance and do not consider any
display which is a feature that completely omits the need to
spatial position of the input features. While in the image the
monitor. Raspberry PI 3 also has dedicated camera port so
neighboring pixels have similar values and they contribute
one can connect camera without any hassle to the PI board.
significantly in the semantic information of the image. In
Take the 16GB micro SD card and dedicate it specifically for
order to classify the image, if somehow, we can help the
PI OS. Board has a reset button and a power jack. With an
neural network [16] get the spatial structure, then it can help
operating voltage of 5V, the tool is highly user-friendly. It can
in achieving better classification accuracy. This is where
be connected to a computer directly through a USB cable or
convolutional neural networks come into the picture.
powered up with a battery, or an AC-DC adapter.
1.2 Raspberry pi camera module
The camera is used to take the input from outside. The
camera is responsible for taking the images of the objects.
Further, this input data transfer to the raspberry pi processor
for computation. Position of the camera would be at the top or
side of the glasses.
1.3 Power supply
To provide the constant power to the raspberry pi portable
power bank would be used. DC supply through the power
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B3565079220/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.B3565.079220 417 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-9 Issue-2, July 2020
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B3565079220/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.B3565.079220 418 & Sciences Publication
AI Powered Glasses for Visually Impaired Person
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B3565079220/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.B3565.079220 419 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-9 Issue-2, July 2020
A conclusion the proof of concept version can be used in a
production environment. Our proposed device is able to
detect the objects, and recognize the faces but it has limitation
because of lower processor and therefore, it still needs some
improvements. The use of transfer learning can make the
classification highly accurate but slow the performance down,
conversely, quick response is essential for the convention of
users. To address this issue, one needs a faster computing
device which ideally should be low-powered. Apart from this,
Other better option is to use cloud computing.
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Table 1: Result engineering (IJRTE) 2.1 (2013): 72-75.
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unfamiliar with technology. cure this problem.
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B3565079220/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.B3565.079220 420 & Sciences Publication
AI Powered Glasses for Visually Impaired Person
Nirav satani is currently pursuing a bachelor‟s degree
in the field of Information and Technology at the
Department of Computer Science at Parul University,
India. He is always keen on computer and technology.
He did several use cases during his academics. For
instance, he did smart signal-based project which was
selected as best visionary-project of the year 2018 by his university. He did
competitive coding too. He took a part in various online coding competition
and he also won the coding challenge (in group) which held on university
level. Deep learning, Machine learning and Data Science are the favorite
domain of him. However, he also cleared competitive exam namely GATE
(Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) in 2020. In future, he willing to
works on data science domain. Email: [email protected]
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B3565079220/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.B3565.079220 421 & Sciences Publication