Diode Circuits: Essentials of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE 1)
Diode Circuits: Essentials of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE 1)
Diode Circuits: Essentials of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE 1)
Diode Circuits
Student Number:
● Lab08a_Readings
1. [1 pt] Using the LTspice, recreate the circuit shown in the figures. Use 1N4148 silicon diode
and set the value of R to 1 kΩ and Vi (t)to sine wave with an amplitude of 12 V and a
frequency of 1000 Hz using a frequency generator. Display the input and output voltage
and paste the snapshots on the space provided.
Figure 1
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Essentials of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE 1)
Figure 2
Paste the snapshots of the LTspice circuit and vo waveform here.
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Essentials of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE 1)
Vout (Green):
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Essentials of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE 1)
Table 1
Theoretical Simulated Average Voltage
Average Voltage
@R = 1 kΩ @R = 10 kΩ @R = 100 kΩ
1. [1 pt] Compare and discuss the results of activity 1a, 1b and 1c.
For half-wave rectifier in 1a, only half of the cycle of input waveform gets “pass through”
the output, while for full-wave rectifier in 1b, the whole cycle get “pass through” and
also converting the negative part of the cycle to positive. Lastly, the filter capacitor in 1c
“flattens” the output of the full-wave rectifier.
2. [1 pt] In activity 1c, change the value of the capacitance from 1 to 10 to 100 uF. Discuss
the output waveforms. (No need to paste the snapshots)
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Essentials of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE 1)
In the long run, the output becomes less “wavy” and is becoming more like constant voltage.
3. [1 pt] What does the capacitor do in the power supplies? Why is it important to add a
capacitor in a power supply?
From the previous question, the capacitor with higher capacitance discharges more slowly. The
capacitor is important in a power supply with AC input because it can be used to produce
practically-constant voltage, which are used in some devices.
4. [1 pt] In item 2, why does the value of the simulated average voltages differ as the value of
the resistance changes?
This is because in non-ideal diodes, there is actually a relation between voltage across the
diode and ON current. This is exemplified by the 3 rd approximation (V D=V T + I D R D),
which better approximates diodes.
F. Exercises
[10 pts] Show the output voltage (Vo) waveforms of the following circuits and briefly explain.
1. Series Clipper
Figure F.1
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Essentials of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE 1)
2. Using the circuit in Figure F.1, change the value of V2 to 5V and reverse biased the diode.
3. Parallel Clippers
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Essentials of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE 1)
Figure F.2
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Essentials of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE 1)
5. Recreate the circuit in Figure F3 using BZX84C10L zener diode having Vz = 10 V, I z(max) = 20
mA in LTSpice and fill-out Table 2 with the calculated and simulated values. Show your
solution and paste your simulation on the space provided.
Figure F3
Table 1
Calculated Simulated
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Essentials of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE 1)
Voltage divider without Zener diode: V L=30 ( ). Putting back the Zener diode,
5.1 k + R L
If V L >V Z =10 V , then V L, actual=10 V and D1 is reverse-ON, or else, V L, actual=V L and D1
is OFF.
1.5 k
For RL=1.5k, V L=30 ( )=6.8182 V . Since V L <10, therefore
5.1 k +1.5 k
V L=6.8182V . V R 1=30 −V L=23.1818V . D1 is OFF, thus I z =0 and
I L =V L /1.5 k Ω=4.545 mA .
4.7 k
For RL=4.7k, V L=30 ( )=14.388V . Since V L >10, therefore V L=10 V .
5.1 k + 4.7 k
V R 1=30 −V L=20V . D1 is reverse-ON, thus I Z =− 30/5.1 k Ω=−5.882 mA and
I L =0.
6.2 k
For RL=6.2k, V L=30 ( )=16.46 V . Since V L >10, therefore V L=10 V .
5.1 k +6.2 k
V R 1=30 −V L=20V . D1 is reverse-ON, thus I Z =− 30/5.1 k Ω=−5.882 mA and
I L =0.
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Essentials of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE 1)
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