Penawaran Harga Kayu C-26 Flynindo 2021

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Kepada Yth.

Jakarta, 4 Agustus 2021

Jalan Cikuda Wanaherang Cilengsi - Bogor
Telp. 021-87925790
No Ref : 133/RSSP/FLY/2021
UP : Mr. Reza
CC : Mr. Hendrik / Mr.Wilson

Dear Sirs / Madam,

Thank you for your inquiry and we are pleased to quote you as follows:

No. Product Description Quantity Unit Price Total Price

1 NTA BALOK JATI LANDA (10x10x85cm) 30 Pcs Rp 75.000 Rp 2.250.000
2 NTA PAPAN JATI LANDA (10x3x199cm) 25 Pcs Rp 37.500 Rp 937.500
3 NTA PAPAN JATI LANDA (10x3x85cm) 30 Pcs Rp 15.000 Rp 450.000
4 NTA PAPAN JATI LANDA (10x3x200cm) 52 Pcs Rp 37.500 Rp 1.950.000
5 NTA PAPAN JATI LANDA (10x3x94cm) 26 Pcs Rp 16.000 Rp 416.000
6 NTA PAPAN JATI LANDA (10x3x214cm) 12 Pcs Rp 42.000 Rp 504.000
7 NTA BALOK JATI LANDA (10x10x105cm) 5 Pcs Rp 80.000 Rp 400.000
8 NTA PAPAN JATI LANDA (10x3x105cm) 5 Pcs Rp 20.000 Rp 100.000
9 NTA PAPAN JATI LANDA (10x3x111cm) 8 Pcs Rp 30.000 Rp 240.000
10 NTA PAPAN JATI LANDA (10x3x114cm) 2 Pcs Rp 30.000 Rp 60.000
11 NTA PAPAN JATI LANDA (10x3x229cm) 6 Pcs Rp 48.000 Rp 288.000
12 NTA PAPAN JATI LANDA (10x3x101cm) 4 Pcs Rp 20.000 Rp 80.000
13 NTA BALOK JATI LANDA (10x10x412cm) 3 Pcs Rp 215.000 Rp 645.000
14 NTA PAPAN JATI LANDA (10x3x107cm) 42 Pcs Rp 20.000 Rp 840.000
15 NTA PAPAN JATI LANDA (10x3x116cm) 6 Pcs Rp 35.000 Rp 210.000
16 NTA PAPAN JATI LANDA (10x3x117cm) 8 Pcs Rp 35.000 Rp 280.000
17 NTA BALOK JATI LANDA (10x10x407cm) 3 Pcs Rp 210.000 Rp 630.000
267 Rp 10.280.500
Terms & Conditions:
Delivery : Estimated 2-4 Days after PO
Payment : 30 Days
Validity : 1 Month
Remark : Netto (exclude PPN)

We hope this Quotation can meets your requirement and please let us know if you need further information.

Best regards,

Sales Manager

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