National Competency Framework For Bachelor of Nursing Programs Ksa
National Competency Framework For Bachelor of Nursing Programs Ksa
National Competency Framework For Bachelor of Nursing Programs Ksa
Health Education and Promotion ......................................................................................................... 34
Communication and Information Technology ...................................................................................... 36
Information Technology ....................................................................................................................... 36
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 40
Recommendation ................................................................................................................................. 40
References ........................................................................................................................................... 41
The nursing profession is the cornerstone of safe health care and the foundation for distinguished
medical care. In order to promote and develop this great profession in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a
team from the Professional Nursing Council at the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS) has
developed and defined basic knowledge and skill competencies in the nursing profession for the
bachelor’s level. This step is very important in enhancing the integration between the nursing colleges in
the Kingdom and the SCFHS and an important factor for developing nursing professional license
examinations that are based on mutual and clear principles that are based on international standards
and best practices.
I am very confident that this important document will have a great role, God willing, in developing
the nursing profession in our country, enhancing patient safety, improving chances of success in the
professional licensing examination as well as the process of assessing local and international
qualifications in the nursing profession to reach more objective and accurate competency assessment
On this occasion, I am honored to thank Ms. Nabeeha Tashkandi, Chairman of the Professional
Council for her great effort and care in preparing this important document, which will be a milestone in
nursing education in our country, asking God Almighty to reward them with the best reward and to bless
their wonderful efforts and the efforts of all sincere in developing this profession great. I would also
thank the members of the council and the representative of the Nursing Dean Council in Saudi Arabia
whose names are listed below for their valuable input.
This appreciation also extends to Dr.Fatmah Alsolami, Dr.Manal Banaser, Dr.Nahar AlReshidi,
Dr.Roa Altaweli, Ms. Maysaa Mazhar, Mr. Qasem Alnasr and Shougi Makafi respected members of the
Nursing Professional Council who have actively been involved in finalizing this project. This work
represents the accumulation of various experiences of nursing professionals and hence recommended
to be recognized in high regard.
Secretary General, SCFHS
Nabiha Tashkandi, MSN, RN. Roa Altaweli, PhD, RN, MSc, PGCert, PGDip.
Associate Executive Director of Nursing Director of Midwifery Department at the Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia
King Abdulaziz Medical City for National Guard, Riyadh Chairperson of the Saudi Midwifery Group
Members of the Nursing Professional Council (SCFHS): Maysaa Abdulwahab Mazhar, MSN, RN.
Senior Nurse Supervisor in Nursing Administration at Directorate of Health Affairs in Holy Ma
Fatmah Jabr Alsolami, PhD, RN, MSN.
Qasem Alnasr, MSN-Onc, RN.
Associate Professor
Director of the Oncology Diploma Program - SCFHS/KFSHRC
Dean of the Faculty of Nursing
Education Coordinator Oncology Transplant Nursing
Faculty of Nursing, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah
Nursing Development and Saudization
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre
Manal Banaser, PhD, RN, MSc.
Head of Nursing Research and Practice Development
Shougi Makafi, M.Clin. RN.
Nursing Affairs General Department,
Head of Nursing Research
Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh
Education and Staff Development King Fahd Central Hospital, Jazan.
In 2018, a health workforce planning conference was held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to forecast the future
demand of the healthcare workforce in Saudi Arabia. One of the recommendations was to develop and formulate a
competency framework for Bachelor degree in nursing. The Nursing Professional Council under the umbrella of
Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS) was appointed to lead this project and a task force was formed
including representation from Deans of Nursing Colleges Committee. Thirty meetings were conducted before
finalizing the new framework in a document that is expected to serve as a guide for the creation and updating of the
Saudi Nursing Licensing Exam (SNLE) blueprint, a base for registered nurses entry level to practice and a backbone
for Saudi Nursing scope of Practice (under development). Moreover, this document supports the national standards
of program accreditation.
The taskforce reviewed several International competency frameworks and nursing education guidelines from
various countries and benchmarked them in order to formulate and develop a competency framework suitable for the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Literature from various countries like USA, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, South
Korea, Hong Kong were sought to benchmark nursing students’ core competencies. Seven themes were derived and
presented in this document with a detailed description under the three (3) domains of learning specified in the National
Qualifications Framework (NQF) which is knowledge, skills and values.
National Competency Framwork for Bachelor of Nursing Programs
Nursing graduate Graduate of 4 years of Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and completed the
compulsory year of the internship program in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Competency The integration of knowledge, skills, values, attitude and abilities expected and
required for nurses in their practice settings (Carraccio et al., 2002; Eraut, 1994;
Frank et al., 2010).
Knowledge Broad awareness, understanding and critical view of the principle theories,
concepts and terminology of the discipline (Zander, 2007).
Skills The ability and capacity of using the acquired knowledge effectively to
demonstrate competence (Tsimane and Downing, 2019).
The seven themes are:
1. Professionalism.
2. Patient Centered Care.
3. Evidence Based Practice & Research.
4. Leadership and Management.
5. Quality and Safety Management.
6. Health Education and Promotion.
7. Communication and Information Technology.
1. Few to none available resources pertaining to nursing student competencies.
2. Alignment to National Qualifications Framework (NQF).
3. Selection of core competencies appropriate for nursing students in Saudi Arabia.
4. Parallelism with the present nursing curriculum.
5. Mitigating gaps between nursing practice, theory and education.
6. Matching the international competency framework to the local context of Saudi Arabia.
In order to come up with the new framework, the team conducted extensive reviews of nursing competencies
for both professionals and students from USA, UK, Canada, Australia, South Korea, and Hong Kong. The
benchmarked nursing competencies from USA, UK, Australia, Canada and Hong Kong were considered because
they showed applicability for the students in KSA. Specifically, these were the (a) Massachusetts Nurse of the Future
Nursing Core Competencies: Registered Nurse of Massachusetts (Department of Higher Education Nursing Initiative,
2016), (b) Standards for Competence for Registered Nurse (Nursing and Midwifery Council in the United Kingdom,
2010), (c) National Competency Standards for The Registered Nurse (Nursing and Midwifery Board Australia, 2010),
(d) Competencies in The Context of Entry Level Registered Nurse Practice in British Columbia (British Columbia
College of Nursing Professional in Canada, 2015) and (e) the Core-Competencies for Registered Nurses (Nursing
Council of Hong Kong, 2012).
The task force reviewed all the competencies of nursing boards in USA, UK, Australia, Canada and Hong Kong
and started drafting new core competencies appropriate for nursing students based on the qualification framework in
Saudi Arabia. Several meetings were conducted before finalizing the various components in the new framework such
as the student’s roles and nursing abilities under the three (3) domains of learning specified in the National
Qualifications Framework (NQF) knowledge, skills and values.
National Competency Framwork for Bachelor of Nursing Programs
The Nursing graduate will demonstrate accountability and responsibilities for the delivery of nursing
care that is consistent with moral, ethical, legal, humanistic and regulatory principles.
Competency 1: Professionalism
K1. Recognizes the professional S1a. Applies nursing in accordance with V1a. Displays professional judgment when
standards of practice for Nursing relevant Saudi Arabia scope of practice for using organizational policies and procedures.
Professionals. registered nurses and Nursing
V1b. Advocates for patient’s rights
V1c. Demonstrates nursing professional
S1b. Assesses personal capabilities, areas
for development and knowledge-based
K2. Recognizes the differences in S2a. Explains the role and responsibility of V2a. Demonstrates a professional presence
accountability and responsibility between a registered nurse as a member of the and models professional behavior.
registered nurses, nurse technicians and nursing and healthcare team.
V2b. Displays responsibilities and the
licensed health care assistants.
S2b. Analyzes breaches of practice that accountabilities for own action, decisions, and
occur to report them to the appropriate professional conduct according to the scope of
person(s). practice of registered nurses in Saudi Arabia
K3. Underlines the concept of autonomy S3a. Explains various sources of V3a. Accepts the responsibility to function
and self-regulation in nursing practice. autonomy in nursing practice within appropriate behavioral norms suitable to
the discipline of nursing and the health care
S3b. Discusses justifications for his/her
own decisions related to patient care in
health care organization V3b. Demonstrates advocacy for nursing’s role,
accountability, professional autonomy, and self-
K4a. Describes factors essential to the S4a. Organizes opportunities for V4a. Advocates for continuous learning.
promotion of professional development. continuous learning.
V4b. Values the organizational collaboration for
K4b. Identifies the role of the nursing S4b. Plans professional nursing practice. professional development.
professional organizations in shaping the
future of nursing practice.
Competency 1: Professionalism
K5. Identifies the requirements for S5a. Organizes own work based on V5a. Demonstrates leadership in patient care
delegation and supervision of practice. priority. by promoting a healthy and culturally safe
practice environment.
S5b. Employ time management skills to
meet responsibilities. V5.b. Accepts accountability for directing,
monitoring and evaluating nursing care that is
provided by nursing technicians and Health
care assistants.
K6. Describes roles and responsibilities S6. Appraises situations which need nurse V6. Values responsibilities and nurse role as
as patient advocates. role as patient advocates. patient advocates.
Competency 1: Professionalism
K7. Recognizes values, ethical principles, S7a. Incorporates the nursing professional V7a. Compplies with the application of ethical
and decision making that relate to patient code of ethics into the daily practice. principles in daily practice.
care, professional nursing practice and
S7b. Applies an ethical decision-making V7b. Performs in accordance with code of
inter-professional collaboration.
framework in clinical practice ethics and standards of practice
S7c. Judges nursing practice ethical V7c. Demonstrates honesty and integrity in
concerns, issues, and dilemmas relationships with patients, families, and other
health care team members.
Patient Centered Care
The Nursing graduate will deliver compassionate and coordinated care that recognizes patients’
preferences, values, and needs and respects the patient as an active partner in providing holistic, safe,
and effective care.
K1. Recognizes the five steps of the nursing S1a. Assesses patient, family and V1a. Values the use of scientific examination,
process that is suitable for patient, family community values throughout the as demonstrated in the nursing process, as
and community values over life expectancy. application of clinical assessment an essential tool for the provision of nursing
interview, implementation of care plan care.
and, evaluation of care.
V1b. Displays the differences between data
S1b. Demonstrates cognitive nursing skills collection and assessment.
when delivering direct patient care.
K2. Recognizes that care and services are S2a. Assesses patient’s preferences and V2a. Defends the views and perceptions of
delivered in a variety of settings and expressed needs throughout the phases of patients about health care services.
different cultural backgrounds along a the nursing process.
V2b. Advocates for the patient’s active
continuum of care that can be accessed at
S2b. Explains personal attitudes about participation in choices about their health
any point.
working with patients from different care needs and services.
ethnic, cultural and social backgrounds.
Competency 2: Patient Centered Care
K3. Describes multiple S3a. Discusses patient values, V3a. Accepts the patient’s view regarding
preferences, and needs with other their own health needs and concerns.
dimensions of patient-centered
members of health care team involved in
V3b. Displays the collaborative care
care including: their care.
approach involving multidisciplinary team
Patient/family/community S3b. Demonstrates patient values and contribution to patient centered care.
and education.
K4a. Identifies the diversity of the human S4a. Plans nursing care to meet the V4a. Seeks learning opportunities in all
response to health conditions. comprehensive needs of patients on aspects of human diversity and the inherent
cultural, social, ethnic, and religious values and uniqueness of individuals and
K4b. Describes cultural diversity, ethnic,
beliefs influencing human services and populations.
religious and socioeconomic backgrounds
nursing practice.
function as bases of patient, family, and V4b. Accepts diverse backgrounds and
community values. cultures of healthcare providers during
collaborative care.
Competency 2: Patient Centered Care
K4c. Recognizes human behavior, which is S4b. Explains the effect of personal V4c. Demonstrates caring practices toward
affected by diverse cultural backgrounds, attitudes, values and beliefs of diverse patient, family, community, and population
socioeconomics, race, religious beliefs, patients in the delivery of care. receiving care.
gender, lifestyle, and age.
S4c. Constructs patient-centered care for
individuals and groups considering their
different beliefs and values.
K5a. Recognizes the concept of health S5a. Assesses the degree of physical and V5a. Verifies the role of the nurse in relieving
across the continuum, comprising chronic emotional well-being and self-care all types and sources of pain and suffering.
conditions, palliative care, and quality of abilities.
V5b. Defends strategies to promote health
S5b. Prioritizes the preferences of patient maintenance/ self-management ability.
K5b. Identifies the concepts of health and family for the help of pain, discomfort,
V5c. Demonstrates nursing interventions to
maintenance and wellness. distress, and end-of-life care.
relieve pain and suffering in light of patient
S5c. Analyses the impact of personal values, preferences, and expressed needs.
values and beliefs about the management
of chronic conditions, pain and suffering
and end-of-life care.
Evidence Based Practice & Research
The Nursing graduate will be able to conduct scientific research related to current trends, issues in
nursing, appraise evidence-based practice by using their clinical expertise and make clinical decisions
based on patients’ preferences, experience and values (Adapted from QSEN, 2007).
K1. Describes the concepts of evidence- S1a. Demonstrates the concept of V1a. Applies findings of research and
based practices (EBP). evidence-based practice as an integral evidence to areas of practice.
part of assessing best practices.
V1b. Accepts the responsibility to maintain
S1b. Compares clinical findings from professional development in clinical practice
summaries of research and evidence. based on new evidence-based practice.
S1c. Constructs individualized care plan V1c. Displays the importance of accessing
based on best evidence based practice relevant clinical evidence.
K2. Identifies the role of evidence based on S2. Combines own experience and clinical V2. Use best practice and evidence based at
deciding best clinical practice. skills limitations before finding evidence the patient level, clinical level and population
and altering clinical practice. level as well as throughout the health care
Competency 3: Evidence Based Practice & Research
K3. Recognizes rationale for evidence S3. Interpret evidence based when V3a. Integrates new evidence into standards
based when developing or modifying developing or modifying clinical practices. and guidelines of nursing practice.
clinical practices.
V3b. Displays the importance of accessing
relevant clinical evidence.
K4. Outlines current trends, issues and S4a. Appraises clinical information V4a. Seeks relevant information
relevant research topics in nursing and in critically. tocontemporary healthcare issues.
the community.
S4b. Constructs clinical questions for V4b. Realizes contemporary issues affecting
potential research. the individual and the community.
K5. Recognizes the knowledge and S5. Discusses the guidelines and V5a. Complies with ethical conduct in practice
techniques of scientific research. requirements for protecting human and research.
subjects for research purposes.
V5b. Demonstrates an appreciation for
attending research classes.
Leadership and Management
"The Nursing graduate will demonstrate leadership and management competencies to have
affect the conduct of nursing and healthcare professionals in their community in a way that will facilitate
the establishment and fulfillment of shared goals". (Tomey, 2009)
K1. Identifies leadership and S1a. Employs leadership skills in V1a. Values the importance of nursing
management theories and styles. patient care by promoting health and leadership role.
appropriate culturally sensitive
V1b. Demonstrates teamwork with members
of the healthcare team in delivering patient
S1b. Demonstrates leadership care.
behaviors throughout collaboration and
communication with other health care
K2. Describes aspects of clinical S2a. Illustrates high standards of care V2a. Recognizes the value of clinical
governance, responsibility and to cultivate excellence in nursing governance in health care to ensure safety
accountability. practice. and quality.
Competency 4: Leadership and Management
K3. Recognizes the role and responsibility S3a. Demonstrates management skills V3a. Accepts responsibility in completing
of a registered nurse as a member of the in planning, organizing, staffing, assigned work and communicating about
health care team. directing and controlling. completed and incomplete work.
S3b. Appraises healthcare team V3b. Advocates for the diversity and expertise
diversity in culture, communication, of each member of the health care team.
contribution and input.
K4. Recognizes critical thinking and S4a. Discusses critical thinking skills in V4a. Displays the critical thinking process in
problem-solving processes. relation to knowledge and technology the management of patient care.
that is used to improve and support
V4b. Uses basic conflict resolution strategies
patient care and advance nursing
in different situations through critical thinking
and decision-making skills.
K5. Describes change management S5a. Examines consequences, plans V5a. Accepts new ideas and innovation to
strategies. ahead, and change approaches to improve patient care and remain open to new
improve outcomes. initiatives and approaches.
K6a. Identifies the principle of motivation S6a. Summarizes personal attitudes, V6a. Demonstrates motivational approaches
and self-growth in face of stressor and beliefs and experiences influence one's based on exist situations through critical
changing demand. leadership style. thinking and decision-making skills.
K6b. Underlines basic principles of stress V6b. Seeks opportunities for improvement and
management technique. ongoing learning.
K7. Describes the principles of S7. Applies principles of delegation for V7a. Displays accountability for own decisions,
accountability and delegation. nursing activities based on the professional judgment and actions.
competence of delegated staff.
V7b. Accept accountability when delegating to
other nursing support teams by directing,
monitoring and evaluating nursing care
provided to ensure safety.
Competency 4: Leadership and Management
K8. Recognizes health care challenges C8. Discusses health care challenges V8a. Participates in policy development
and the process of policymaking. that affect the nursing profession and activities that will support safe and
patient care. standardize patient care.
Quality and Safety Management
"Quality: The Nursing graduate will be aware and uses information to display the effects of
care given
and uses improvement techniques to design and check modifications to continuously enhance the fine a
nd protection of health care systems". (QSEN, 2007)
"Safety: The Nursing graduate will minimize chance of harm to patients and health care providers
through both system effectiveness and individual performance". (QSEN, 2007 )
K1. Identifies basic safety principles S1a. Demonstrates strategies of V1a. Verifies a culture of safety and security
within healthcare sector. patient safety and risk management for the client without violating any of the
skills. patient's rights.
S1b. Appraises the accountability of V1b. Displays effective use of technology and
both individuals and the system for a standardized practices that support safe
safe culture. practice.
Competency 5: Quality and Safety Management
K2. Identifies the roles of patients, S2a. Analyzes unsafe practices by self V2a. Performs risk management analysis and
families, individual clinicians, healthcare and others. system enhancement to reduce the risk of
teams and systems that contribute to harm to self and others.
S2b. Judges the value of analyzing
promoting safety and reducing errors.
system and individual accountability V2b. Accepts responsibility for own actions
when errors or near misses occur. and decisions, including personal safety.
K3a. Describes general categories of risk S3a. Distinguishes types of risk based V3a. Displays the importance of transparency
and hazards in care. on critical thinking and perform steps in communications with patients, families and
of risk management processes. healthcare team around safety and adverse
K3b. Describes the steps of the risk
management process and S3b. Discusses safety measures to
communication. protect self and colleagues from injury V3b. Adheres to maintain an environment that
or potentially abusive situations (e.g., enables patient’s safety, independence, quality
K3c. Identifies predictors of occupational
aggressive clients, appropriate of life, and health.
disposal of sharps, lifting devices, low
V3c. Demonstrates compliance with personal
staffing levels, increasing workload
protective equipment (PPE) and standard
and acuity of care).
Competency 5: Quality and Safety Management
K4. Describes processes used in S4a. Uses an organizational reporting V4a. Volunteers in data collection to facilitate
understanding the causes of error and the system for reporting errors. effective provision of care and system
allocation of responsibility and improvement.
S4b. Discusses the accountability of all
healthcare providers and the V4b. Complies with the systems' benchmarks
complexity of healthcare system. that arise from established safety initiatives.
S4c. Applies the principles of reliability V4c. Uses established safety resources for
to health care system to prevent professional development and to focus
failure, identify and mitigate failure and attention on assuring safe practice.
redesign process in identified failure.
V4d. Completes safety surveys and error
reporting to improve the overall reliability of a
complex system.
K5. Recognizes effective strategies to S5. Demonstrates appropriate V5. Pursues the accountability of both
minimize interruption and relying on strategies to reduce reliance on individual and system for maintaining a safe
memory and recall in patient care. memory and interruption. culture.
K6. Describes the difference between S6. Creates information about quality V6a. Demonstrates that quality improvement
quality improvement and quality improvement in own health care activities are an essential part of nursing
management within the nursing context. settings and from relevant institutional, practice.
regulatory bodies from local or
V6b. Displays Compliance with principles of
international sources.
quality improvement.
Competency 5: Quality and Safety Management
K7. Recognizes the role of nursing that S7a. Evaluates system improvement V7. Values the importance of team
contributes to the system of care and based on clinical practice data. collaboration in quality improvement projects
process that affects outcomes. and values the input of the inter-professional
S7b. Discusses quality improvement
initiatives to make the process of care
interdependent and explicit.
K8. Underlines methods and processes S8. Supports standardization of quality V8a. Volunteers in the analysis, development,
for quality care improvement. improvement projects that enhances implementation and evaluation of quality
patient care. projects focusing on clinical practice to
enhance policies that guide the delivery of
K9. Describes the quality improvement S9a. Construct changes in the delivery V9a. Displays the value of the individuals and
project with the awareness of diverse of care with consideration to a diverse team inputs in improving patient care and
populations and issues. population. outcomes.
Health Education and Promotion
The Nursing graduate will be able to identify communities, individuals and patients’ needs related to
their health preventions, and promote healthy behaviors by providing health information and educational
activities using reliable resources with respect to different age groups and cultural backgrounds.
K1a. Recognizes up to date S1a. Demonstrates teaching skills through V1a. Seeks related theories and principles
educational theories. providing health education to patients and related to education and delivery of
families. information.
K1b. Identifies the concept of health
education, and related teaching S1b. Explains educational principles and V1b. Applies theories and practice of health
strategies. counseling techniques appropriately and education and health promotion for the
effectively with respect to diversity. individual, group and community with
respect to diversity.
K2. Recognizes health related learning S2. Uses information from different reliable V2. Responds to the differences inf clients’
needs of clients with respect to sources for planning and improving health health learning needs.
Personal, environmental and promotion and health education activities.
community health backgrounds.
Competency 6: Health Education and Promotion
K3a. Identify different modalities of S3a. Analyses contemporary health issues V3a. Demonstrates communication skills
care to support patients' care affecting the individual and the community. and proper trusted relationship with clients,
preferences. family and community.
S3b. Supports the activities for health
K3b. Recognize principles of disease education and promotion at local, national V3b. Displays respect patients' care
prevention and health promotion with and international levels. choices.
respect to social and cultural aspects.
V3c. Advocates for patient's rights in regard
to treatments plan.
K4. Describes principles of lifestyle S4. Creates an educational plan for disease V4. Values individual cultural and personal
modifications. prevention and quality of life promotion. diversity.
Communication and Information Technology
The Nursing graduate is expected to maintain effective communication and interaction with patients
and their families notwithstanding their co-workers. They will also be expected to foster mutual respect
for one another and harbor cooperative decision-making with the outcome of optimizing patient
Satisfaction and the overall improvement of the patient’s health outcomes.
Information Technology
The Graduate Nurse will be expected to take advantage of these developments to analyze and
synthesize information in order to collaboratively make critical decisions for the best patient outcome.
(National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2015)
K1. Recognizes the importance of S1a. Demonstrates appropriate V1a. Shows the importance of communicating new
effective and efficient communication information sharing within the scope information and revisions to members of the health
with patients and other healthcare of practice to individuals/groups. care team as necessary.
providers in both verbal and written
S1b. Employs written and spoken V1b. Accepts the responsibility to establish
forms of communication.
communication skills appropriate to appropriate alternative communication methods for
the needs of individuals/groups. individuals/groups who are unable to verbalize their
S1c. Generates clarification when
questions, directions and decisions V1c. Communicates transparently with healthcare
are unclear or not understood. providers, patients and the community.
Competency 7: Communication and Information Technology
K2. Describes the nurse's role and S2a. Clearly and accurately presents V2a. Values the effects of psychological,
responsibility of applying the self with respect to name, title and physiological, developmental, spiritual and cultural
principles of written, verbal, non- role. influences on one’s own ability to communicate.
verbal and electronic communication
S2b. Demonstrate skills in written, V2b. Demonstrates honesty, integrity and respect in
and active listening.
verbal, non-verbal and electronic all professional interactions.
V2c. Demonstrates written and spoken
S2c. Applies established communication skills appropriate to the needs of
communication policies and protocols individuals/groups.
within and across health care
V2d. Displays rapport with individuals/groups to
enhances their ability to express feelings
S2d. Practices documentation inanappropriate context.
according to organizational
guidelines and procedures.
K3. Identifies appropriate S3a. Distinguishes different forms of V3a. Displays the importance of utilizing different
communication tools utilized communication including, auditory, communication and documentation tools either
throughout patient care. visual and tactical relevant to electronic or non-electronic.
patient's needs.
V3b. Applies clear, concise, effective, electronic,
non-electronic, written and non-verbal
Competency 7: Communication and Information Technology
K4. Recognizes the skills of S4a. Assess barriers to effective V4a. Values mutual respected collegial
interprofessional communication and communication. communication.
principles of handover.
S4b.Uses approved organizational V4b. Accepts responsibility during a handover of
communication policies and tools. patient information with respect to patient
K5. Identifies concepts of Health S5a. Demonstrates literacy and V5a. Displays the importance of utilizing information
Information Systems. computer skills necessary to record, technology within the healthcare system.
enter, store, retrieve and organize
V5b. Applies clinical technologies in nursing
data essential for care delivery.
S5b. Creates information
systematically in an accessible and
retrievable form.
K6. Describes the role of technology S6a. Uses information management V6a. Justifies the contribution of technology as a
and information management in tools to monitor outcomes of the care tool to improve patient safety and quality of care.
improving quality, safety and process.
V6b. Shares the use of new patient care
outcomes of patient care.
S6b. Discusses the limitation of technologies for safe quality care.
technology and nursing practices that
cannot be performed by computers or
The framework embraces the appropriate core competencies for nursing students to successfully mitigate the
gaps between nursing education and practice. The seven identified core competencies encompass the entire nursing
curriculum in preparing students for professional nursing roles. Also, the competencies parallel the three domains of
NQF: knowledge, skills and Values.
Ǧ The nursing colleges need to design nursing program including curriculum, student activities, assessment tools
and evaluation processes in order to achieve these competencies which will be demonstrated by nursing students
and graduates at the entry level of practice.
Ǧ It is recommended that updates or modifications of the current nursing programs to align their curriculums to fit
these competencies.
Course objectives.
Course content.
Evaluation tools.
Teaching strategy.
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