Workshop Manual AT 2000 ST
Workshop Manual AT 2000 ST
Workshop Manual AT 2000 ST
Air Top 2000 ST Table of contents
Table of contents
1 Introduction
2 General description
3 Function description
Table of contents Air Top 2000 ST
5 Troubleshooting
6 Function tests
7 Circuit diagrams
8 Servicing work
Air Top 2000 ST Table of contents
9 Repair
10 Packaging/Storage/Shipping
Table of contents Air Top 2000 ST
List of illustrations
Air Top 2000 ST 1 Introduction
They are not designed for heating cargo areas used to Air Top 2000 ST heaters have been type-tested and
carry hazardous substances. approved in accordance with EC Directives 72/245/EEC
The heaters operate independently of the engine and are (EMC) and 2001/56/EC (heater) with the following EC
connected to the fuel tank and the electrical system of the permit numbers:
vehicle. e1*72/245*95/54*1085*--
They are not designed for installation in vehicles with e1*2001/56*0022*--
water or air-cooled engines.
Installation is governed above all by the provisions in
Annex VII of Directive 2001/56/EC.
1.2 Meaning of signal words
Throughout this manual, the signal words WARNING, The provisions of these Directives are binding within the
CAUTION and NOTE have the following meanings: territory governed by EU Directive 70/156/EEC and
should similarly be observed in countries without specific
WARNING regulations.
This heading is used to highlight operating instructions or
procedures which, if not or not correctly followed, may (Extract from Directive 2001/56/EC Annex VII)
result in personal injury or fatal accidents.
1.7.1. A clearly visible indicator within the user's field of
CAUTION vision must show whether the heater is switched
This heading is used to highlight operating instructions or on or off.
procedures which, if not or not correctly followed, may
result in damage to the equipment or its components. 2. Regulations for installation in the vehicle
1 Introduction Air Top 2000 ST
2.2.2. The internal combustion heater must not pose a 2.7. Hot air outlet
fire hazard even when overheated. This 2.7.1. Hot air lines within the vehicle must be positioned
requirement is deemed to have been met if care is or protected in such a way as to exclude all risk of
taken during installation to ensure an adequate injury or damage caused by direct contact.
distance from all parts, as well as adequate 2.7.2. The air outlet must be positioned or protected so
ventilation and if fire-resistant materials or heat that it cannot be obstructed by other objects.
shields are used.
2.2.3. For class M2 and M3 vehicles the heater must not 2.8. Automatic control of the heating system
be installed in the passenger cabin. A device in a When the engine stops, the heating system must
sealed cover, which also meets the requirements cut out automatically and the fuel supply must be
set out in paragraph 2.2.2, may be used, however. stopped within 5 seconds.
2.2.4. The plate mentioned in paragraph 1.4 (model The heating system may remain in operation if a
plate) or a duplicate thereof (duplicate model manual unit has already been activated.
plate) must be fitted in such a way that it is still
clearly legible when the heater has been installed 1.4.2 General safety information
in the vehicle.
2.2.5. When positioning the heater, all due precautions The mouth of the exhaust pipe should be installed
must be taken to minimise all risk of bodily injury, upwards, to the side or, if the exhaust pipe passes under
as well as damage to items in the vehicle. the floor of the vehicle, to the side or rear limit of the
driver’s cab or the vehicle.
2.3. Fuel supply
2.3.1. The fuel filler neck must not be located in the The function of important parts of the vehicle must not be
passenger compartment and must have a tightly adversely affected. It must not be possible for condensate
fitting cap to prevent any fuel leaks. or water to collect in the exhaust pipe. Drain holes may be
2.3.2. The type of fuel and the fuel filler neck must be used.
clearly identified on heaters for liquid fuel, for
which the fuel supply is separate from the fuel The electric cables and controls for the air-conditioning
supply for the vehicle. system must be arranged in the vehicle so that their
2.3.3. A sign must be affixed to the fuel filler neck proper functioning cannot be adversely affected in normal
warning that the heater must be switched off operating conditions.
before refuelling. An identical warning must also
be included in the manufacturer's operating Compliance with §§ 45 and 46 of the Road Vehicle
instructions. Licensing Act must be ensured for the installation of fuel
lines and the installation of additional fuel tanks.
2.4. Exhaust system The main points from this law:
2.4.1. The exhaust outlet must be positioned in such a
way that exhaust fumes cannot get into the interior • Fuel pipes must be designed in such a way that
of the vehicle through ventilation devices, hot-air torsion in the vehicle, movements by the engine and
inlets or open windows. the like do not have a negative effect on their
durability. They must be protected from mechanical
2.5. Combustion air inlet damage.
2.5.1. The air for the combustion chamber of the heater • Parts that carry fuel must be protected from heat that
must not be extracted from the passenger cabin of will adversely affect their function and positioned so
the vehicle. that dripping or evaporating fuel cannot collect or
2.5.2. The air inlet must be positioned in such a way that ignite on hot parts or on electrical equipment.
it cannot be obstructed by other objects.
The air heater’s heat exchanger can be used for a
2.6. Hot air inlet maximum of 10 years and must then be replaced by the
2.6.1. The supply of heating air must consist of either manufacturer or one of its authorised workshops using a
fresh air or recirculated air and must be taken from genuine spare part. A label must then be affixed to the
a clean area which cannot be contaminated by heater showing the date of sale and the wording “Genuine
exhaust fumes from the engine, the internal spare part”.
combustion heater or any other source in the
vehicle. When you change the heat exchanger it is essential that
2.6.2. The inlet line must be protected by a grating or you also replace the overheating protection element
other suitable means. (overheating sensor) to prevent possible function faults
caused by using the old overheating sensor.
Air Top 2000 ST 1 Introduction
The Air Top 2000ST air heaters are prepared for interior Installation regulations for Webasto fuel tanks
installation and sealing directly on the cabin floor or a for supplying fuel to heaters in vehicles:
cabin wall. Non-release connections must be used in the
interior for combustion air and exhaust pipes with the • The tank must not be installed in the passenger or
accessories available from Webasto. driver’s cabin of buses.
• The fuel filler neck must not be inside the passenger
The seal between the heater mounting and the vehicle or driver’s cabin in any vehicle.
floor must always be installed; otherwise harmful • Fuel tanks for normal or super grades of petrol must
emissions may get into the interior of the vehicle. not be immediately behind the front trim of the vehicle.
They must be separated from the engine in such a
The hot and combustion air intake openings must be way that in the event of an accident the fuel will not be
positioned in such a way that no water can ingress into expected to ignite. This does not apply to tractor units
them if the vehicle drives through a water hazard for which with an open driver’s seat.
it has been approved.
The fuel lines (Mecanyl hose) must not be immediately
The heater must not be installed in the driver’s or next to the exhaust pipe and must be thermally insulated
passenger cabin of buses (vehicle classes M2 and M3). If if necessary, otherwise they will pose a fire risk.
the heater is nevertheless installed in such a place, the
installation box must be tightly sealed against the vehicle All pipes that come into contact with fuel must have sealed
interior. The installation box must have sufficient external connections, they must not be damaged in any way and
ventilation to ensure that a maximum temperature of the must be checked at regular intervals (at least the
40°C is not exceeded in the box. Malfunctions may occur same intervals as for inspection of the vehicle as a whole).
if the temperature exceeds this level.
The heater must be switched off at filling stations and fuel If any damage or leaks are found on the fuel line, the
tank farms because of the risk of explosion. heater must not be used until the damage has been
rectified by an authorised Webasto workshop.
Wherever inflammable vapours or dust may form (for Put the heater out of action by removing the fuse.
example near fuel, coal, wood dust or cereal stores or the
like), the heater must be switched off because of the risk Overheating
of explosion.
Keep hot air inlet and hot air outlet free of dirt and other
The heater must not be operated in enclosed areas, such items. Dirty, blocked air lines can cause the heater to shut
as garages or workshops without an exhaust emissions down due to overheating.
extraction system, not even using the timer, because of After an overheating lock-out, check that the air system is
the risk of asphyxiation and poisoning. clear, remove any materials that may block the air flow
and have any damage to the air lines repaired by an
In the event of lengthy heavy smoke development, authorised Webasto workshop. After this the heater lock-
unusual combustion noise or a smell of fuel, the heater out can be cancelled by switching it off and then on again.
must be put out of action by removing the fuse and must If this action does not produce the required success (if the
not be started again until it has been examined by heater overheats again) take it to a Webasto-authorised
Webasto-trained personnel. Liability claims can only be workshop. Never remove the grating over the air inlet of
lodged if the claimant can prove that he has complied with the heater.
the servicing and safety instructions.
The air outlet jets or air vents with adjustable flaps must
always be opened to some extent so that the air flow
through the heater is not completely blocked. At least one
air vent must be prevented from being closed.
1 Introduction Air Top 2000 ST
The errors described below are to be avoided at all costs:
Failure to follow the installation instructions and the notes
contained therein will lead to all liability being refused by
The same applies if repairs are carried out incorrectly or
with the use of parts other than genuine spare parts. This
invalidates the type approval for the heater and its
homologation / EC type permit.
Webasto AG
BU: Special Products & Markets
Dept. B5.6.2
Kraillinger Str. 5
D-82131 Stockdorf
Air Top 2000 ST 2 General description
inside it.
Drive unit
2 General description Air Top 2000 ST
The heat generated by the combustion process is The control unit is the central component for ensuring the
transferred to the air transported by the combustion and function is maintained and for monitoring the heater’s
hot air blowers in the heat exchanger. operation. A temperature sensor in the control unit is
designed to control the room temperature. An external
temperature may also be connected to all the heaters.
temperature sensor
Heat exchanger
Flame sensor
Air Top 2000 ST 2 General description
The mixture of fuel and air is ignited by the glow plug when The metering pump is a combined transport, metering and
the heater is started. The glow plug takes the form of an shut-off system for supplying fuel from the vehicle’s tank
electrical resistor and is positioned in the burner insert on to the heater.
the side away from the flame.
Glow plug
Overheating sensor
2 General description Air Top 2000 ST
Air Top 2000 ST 3 Function description
NOTE If the heater has again failed to ignite properly, the heater
ADR operation: will be shut down using a fault slow down procedure at
After an operating voltage has been applied by switching maximum speed after 180 seconds and will suffer a fault
the battery isolation switch and control element to “ON”, lock-out.
the control unit will be set to the “Fault lock-out” position.
Before it can be restarted the control element must be set NOTE
to “OFF”. After a restart the heater will suffer a fault lock-out. To
reset the fault switch the heater off briefly (min. 2 seconds)
and switch back on.
3.2 Switch on
Set the control element to the required temperature. 3.3 Heating mode
If the hot air temperature is lower than the nominal While the heater is operating, the combustion gases pass
temperature, the heater will start. through the heat exchanger. During this process the
combustion heat is given off to the walls of the heat
NOTE exchanger, absorbed by the hot air transported by the hot
If the temperature of the hot air intake is above the set air blower and fed into the interior of the vehicle.
nominal temperature, only the motor for the hot and The temperature of the hot air intake is measured by a
combustion air blower will start (control pause). Special temperature sensor on the intake side of the heater or an
feature: The control pause speed is 0 rpm if boat heaters external temperature sensor. If the measured
are used. temperature is lower than the value set on the control
element, the output of the heater is increased to maximum
The function of the flame sensor is checked. If the flame heat output.
sensor now reports “light”, the system will attempt to cool
the flame sensor for 60 seconds. If the flame sensor still To increase the burner service life when it is used
reports “light” the control unit will suffer a fault lock-out. If continuously the transportcapacity of the metering pump
another monitored component has suffered a fault, the is reduced for 10 seconds every 10 minutes.
fault lock-out will take effect without any slow down time. In addition, heating mode is interrupted every 8 hours in
the same way as for a control pause.
3.4 Control mode
When the heater is switched on, the ON signal light will be
lit and the glow plug will be switched on (cycled). The In control mode the blower speed and the metering pump
motor for the hot and combustion air blower will be set to delivery rate are dependent on the heat output. The glow
approx. 50 % of its maximum speed. plug is switched off.
3 Function description Air Top 2000 ST
3.5 Control pause If the heater is switched off using the control element, the
slow down time remains unchanged.
After the temperature set on the control element has been A brief slow down time (max. 40 seconds) is started
reached, the heat output is reduced. The speed of the automatically if
heating and combustion air blower and the delivery rate of
• the vehicle’s engine is switched off
the metering pump are reduced.
• a transport device is started.
If, at minimum heat output, the intake temperature set on
the control element is exceeded, the metering pump is
After an ADR shut down process the controlunit is in the
shut down and the combustion process ended. To burn
“Fault lock-out” position. Before it can be restarted, the
off the flame properly the blower speed falls after
control element must be set to “OFF”.
20 seconds to low-fire rate speed and then returns to the
initial speed after 15 seconds, after which it falls to the
control pause speed in 3 minutes, where it remains for the 3.8 Fault lock-out
entire control pause.
The control pause speed on boat heaters is 0. The control unit has identified errors on individual heater
If the temperature set on the control element is not components and faults during the starting procedure and
observed at the temperature sensor, the heater will in operation. The heater is switched off and goes into fault
restart. lock-out if the following conditions occur:
Air Top 2000 ST 3 Function description
3 Function description Air Top 2000 ST
Air Top 2000 ST 4 Technical data
Except where limit values are specified, the technical data Fuel for Air Top 2000 ST D (diesel/PME):
listed in the table refer to the usual heater tolerances of The diesel fuel specified by the manufacturer must be
±10% at an ambient temperature of +20 °C and at the used. Class EL heating oil -not L heating oil- may also be
rated voltage and in rated conditions. used as long as it complies with the normal quality
available on the German market according to DIN 51603.
Electrical components: We know of no negative influences due to additives.
The control unit, combustion air blower (drive), metering If fuel is extracted from the vehicle’s tank, follow the
pump, timer*, glow plug and control element are designed additive instructions issued by the vehicle manufacturer.
for 12 V or 24 V. If you change to low-temperature fuel, the heater must be
operated for approx. 15 minutes so that the fuel system is
The components temperature sensor and flame monitor filled with the new fuel.
(only petrol heater) are not designed for a specific voltage. The Air Top 2000 ST D heater is also licensed for use with
PME (bio-diesel), which complies with DIN EN 14214.
* not for ADR
4 Technical data Air Top 2000 ST
Air Top 2000 ST 5 Troubleshooting
5 Troubleshooting CAUTION
The troubleshooting guide is restricted to the localisation
of defective components. The following potential sources
5.1 General of malfunctions have not been included and should
always be checked so that they can then be excluded as
This section describes how to identify and remedy faults the cause of the particular fault:
on the Air Top 2000 ST air heater.
• Corrosion on plugs
If a fault occurs, an error code will be output in the • Loose plug contacts
displayof the combination timer. If the heater has a control • Poor crimp contacts on plugs
element, the ON control light will flash. In addition, the • Corroded cables and fuses
heater can be checked using a personal computer (see • Corroded battery terminals
PC heater diagnostic operating manual).
If you wish to check individual components, the electrical
CAUTION plug connectors on the control unit must be disconnected.
Troubleshooting work demands precise knowledge of the
structure and theory of operation of the various Conduct a function test in the vehicle after rectifying each
components and must be carried out by trained personnel fault.
If in doubt, refer to sections 2 and 3 for a description of 5.2 General error symptoms
how the functions interact.
The following table (Fig. 501) lists the possible error
NOTE symptoms.
For ADR mode only:
After an ADR shut-down or an operating voltage has been
applied by switching the main vehicle switch and control
element to “ON”, the control unit will be set to the “Fault
lock-out” position. Before it can be restarted, the control
element must be set to “OFF” or the Immediate heat
button pressed on the combination timer.
Heater cuts out automatically No combustion after start Switch heater off and then on again
and restart
ON indicator flashes
Flame extinguishes during operation Switch heater off and then on again
ON indicator flashes
Heater produces black smoke Combustion air and/or exhaust system Check that the combustion air and
blocked exhaust systems are clear
5 Troubleshooting Air Top 2000 ST
5.3 Error symptoms during function error symptom heading, in an emergency you can contact
our technicians on our service hotline
The following table (Fig. 502) lists the possible error (see last page).
symptoms in the order in which they may occur during
operation. NOTE
Every fault is indicated by the flashing LED on the control
In the event of a fault, the error is to be located using this element after the slow down time has finished. If the other
table and rectified. It is important that the error symptom components are OK, a defective control unit may be the
is correctly identified. cause of all the faults.
If the error symptom is not included in this table or the fault There are statuses that are the same as errors.
is not found under the specific
No start but LED is lit Immediate The heater goes straight to control pause when it is
switched on, whereby the control pause speed is 0
rpm for a boat heater.
Air Top 2000 ST 5 Troubleshooting
F 01 No start 02 Even after the restart, no flame has Check fuel supply
formed (tank empty, lines blocked)
Clean burner insert,
82 No start in test Petrol:
Replace flame sensor
Replace overheating sensor / control
F 02 Flame failure 03 The flame has gone out during Check fuel supply
operation and has not reformed after a (tank empty, lines blocked)
restart attempt Clean burner insert,
83 The flame has gone out during a Petrol:
heating cycle more than FAZ times Replace flame sensor
(EEPROM) Diesel:
Replace overheating sensor / control
5 Troubleshooting Air Top 2000 ST
F 04 Premature flame 05 A flame was detected before Diesel: Replace overheating sensor /
recognition combustion had started control unit
Petrol: Replace flame sensor
F 07 Metering pump 88 Break or short circuit to +Ub Check cables / replace metering pump
interrupt or short
circuit 08 Short circuit to earth Check cables / replace metering pump
F 08 Drive unit 89 Break or short circuit to +Ub Replace drive unit (combustion and hot
(combustion and hot air blower)
air blower) break or
short circuit 09 The switched drive unit cable Eliminate the cause of the blockage /
(combustion and hot air blower) has a difficulty in movement
short circuit to earth or the drive unit is Replace drive unit (combustion and hot
overloaded air blower)
Air Top 2000 ST 5 Troubleshooting
F 10 Overheating 06 The overheating fault lock-out has Find and remove the cause of the
tripped (heater overheated) overheating
F 12 Heater fault lock-out 07 The heater fault lock-out has been Remove the fuse and then refit it
The following error has occurred several
Fault counter more than
3 times
Incorrect start counter more than
9 times
Overheating counter more than
3 times
F 15 Nominal sensor 9B Nominal value potentiometer circuit Check cables / replace control element
break break or short circuit to +Ub
5 Troubleshooting Air Top 2000 ST
Air Top 2000 ST 6 Function tests
6.2 Settings The resistance test must be carried out with an ohmmeter
suitable for small resistance values.
6.2.1 Setting the CO2 content A resistance test with a simple digital multimeter is too
inaccurate to find the precise values. A new glow plug can
The CO2 content in the emissions is set using the be measured to act as a reference.
adjustment knob on the control element. At a constant
blower speed the volume of fuel is controlled by changing The glow plug should have the following values in the test:
the metering pump cycle.
Glow plug: 12 V (red) 24 V (green)
CAUTION Resistance
The CO2 measuring instruments must be calibrated. at 25 °C: 0.263 ... 0.323 Ohm 1.125 ...1.375 Ohm
The heater must be switched off. Test current: < 5 mA < 5 mA
Petrol unit:
4. The CO2 content may only be measured when the
unit is at operating temperature. The unit must be run
for at least 8 minutes for this purpose. After this the
CO2 content is to be set to 6.1 - 6.2 % v/v in low-fire
mode (1 kW). In high-fire mode, the CO2 content
should be 9.9 +/- 0.4 % v/v after the setting has been
5. If the CO2value is within this range,disconnect the
CO2 line from minus. This saves the setting.
6 Function tests Air Top 2000 ST
Temperature in °C
Air Top 2000 ST 6 Function tests
Air Top 2000 ST 7 Circuit diagrams
7 Circuit diagrams The circuit diagrams (Fig. 702 to 706) show the possible
circuits for 12 and 24 V with
7 Circuit diagrams Air Top 2000 ST
30 30
15 15 X1
0,5mm² sw/rt
4 2
F1 S6 5
1 2 X11 F2
1 14 15 7 5 6 2
S1 X9 1
3 13 A2
0,5mm² rt 4
4 12 7
0,5mm² sw 3 86 87 87a
H1 16 3 K
1 10
0,5mm² bl
85 30
2 0,5mm² ws
11 X8
2 X6
1 2 3 1 2 2 1 9 8 2 1 1 2 0 3 1
1 2 X9
0,5mm² ws/r t
brbr ge X2 ge br X5 br X6 X4 bl X3 bl
0,5mm² ws/sw
12V rt 4 1
24V gn X1 M 0,5mm²
M1 ge
E B1 B3
A1 M M3 3 2
2 1 1 2
1 2
2 1
S4 X11
6 J
2 1
1 Diagnostic K cable
Cable cross-sections Cable colours
2 W bus
bl Blue
< 7.5 m 7.5 15 m
3 Input pin (pin 16/plug X6), cable colour on wiring harness: white/red): br Brown
“Ventilation” (fan speed depends on the position of the control element) 0.75 mm 2 1.0 mm 2
0.75 mm2 1.0 mm 2 ge Yellow
4 CO2 setting 1.0 mm 2 1.5 mm 2 gn Green
1.5 mm 2 2.5 mm 2 gr Grey
5 Fuse installed in vehicle
2.5 mm 2 4.0 mm 2 or Orange
6 If you use an external temperature sensor (B4), the resistor (R1) 4.0 mm 2 6.0 mm 2 rt Red
is replaced by the temperature sensor (B4). Standard cable sw Black
vi Violet
7 Connection for ADR vehicles only
ws White
Fig. 702 System circuit diagram 12V/24V with control element and vehicle blower
Air Top 2000 ST 7 Circuit diagrams
30 30 X1
15 15
58 58
1 6 0,5mm² sw/rt
5 3 X2/X3/X4/X5
F1 S6 7
F2 1 2 X11 F3
X6 1
1 10 11
1 14 15 7 5 6
A2 86 87 87a
2 0,5mm² 13 4
rt K
H4 0,5mm² 12 3 9 85 30
H5 H3 8 sw
16 4 X8
0,5mm² 10
6 bl
0,5mm² ws 11
P J 0 3 2
9 2 X6 1 2 1
12 7 4 B2
X12 3
1 2 1 2 2 1 9 8 2 1 1 2 1 2
0,5mm² ws/r t
br br ge X2 ge br X5 br X6 X4 bl X3 bl M M3
0,5mm² ws/sw
12V rt
24V gn J J
M1 E B1 B3
A1 1 2
S7 X8 2 1
X10 2 1
R1 X12
2 1
S5 S4
8 J
Y1 3
B4 6
31 12
Fig. 703 System circuit diagram 12V/24V with combination timer and vehicle blower
7 Circuit diagrams Air Top 2000 ST
30 30 X1
15 15
58 58
1 7
88 88a
S8 5 3 X2/X3/X4/X5
F1 S6
F2 86 1 2 X11
V1 V2 0,5mm² ge/rt 2
2 1
1 10 11 X6
1 15 14 7 5 6
2 0,5mm² rt 13 A2
H4 8
H5 0,5mm² sw 12 3
H3 8
16 4 X8
6 0,5mm² bl
0,5mm² ws 11
P ϑ 2
9 2 X6 1
12 7 4 B2
1 2 3 1 2 2 1 9 8 2 1 1 2 1 2
0,5mm² ws/r t
br br ge X2 ge br X5 br X6 X4 bl X3 bl
0,5mm² ws/sw
12V rt
24V gn ϑ ϑ
M1 E B1 B3 1 2
S7 X8 2 1
X10 2 1
R1 X12
X8 2 1
S5 S4
Y1 3
B4 6
31 12
Fig. 704 System circuit diagram 12V/24V with combination timer and electrical battery isolation switch
Air Top 2000 ST 7 Circuit diagrams
30 30
15 15 X1
D+/61 D+/61
0,5mm² gr
4 2
F1 S6
1 2 X11
S3 X2/X3/X4/X5
5 1
X6 7
1 4 14 15 7 5 6 2
S1 X9 1
3 13 A2
0,5mm² rt
4 12 3 5
0,5mm² sw 0,5mm² vi
H1 16 3
1 10
0,5mm² bl
2 0,5mm² ws
11 X8
2 X6
1 2 3 1 2 2 1 9 8 2 1 1 2 1
0,5mm² ws/r t
brbr ge X2 ge br X5 br X6 X4 bl X3 bl
0,5mm² ws/sw
12V rt
4 1
24V gn M sw/bl
M1 E B1 B3
A1 0,5mm² 3 2
2 1 1 2
R1 Y2
1 2
X8 2 1
S4 X11
S2 6
2 1
1 Diagnostic K cable
Cable cross-sections Cable colours
2 W bus
< 7.5 m 7.5 15 m bl Blue
3 Input pin (pin 16/plug X6), cable colour on wiring harness: white/red): br Brown
0.75 mm 2 1.0 mm 2
“Ventilation” (fan speed depends on the position of the control element) Yellow
0.75 mm2 1.0 mm 2 ge
4 CO2 setting 1.0 mm 2 1.5 mm 2 gn Green
1.5 mm 2 2.5 mm 2 gr Grey
5 NOTE 2.5 mm 2 4.0 mm 2 or Orange
Grey and violet cables required for ADR function 4.0 mm 2 6.0 mm 2 rt Red
Standard cable
6 If you use an external temperature sensor (B4), the resistor (R1) sw Black
is replaced by the temperature sensor (B4). vi Violet
7 Holding signal for electrical battery isolation switch ws White
The holding input (if there is one) for the isolation switch (S2) must be connected to
the control unit in PIN 15/plug X6.
Fig. 705 System circuit diagram (diesel) 24V ADR mode with control element
7 Circuit diagrams Air Top 2000 ST
30 30
15 15
D+/61 D+/61
0,5mm² gr
4 2
F1 S6
1 2 X11
5 1
X6 7
1 4 14 15 7 5 6 2
S1 X9 1
3 13 A2
0,5mm² rt
4 12 3 5
0,5mm² sw 0,5mm² vi
H1 16 3
1 10
0,5mm² bl
2 0,5mm² ws
11 X8
2 X6
1 2 3 1 2 2 1 9 8 2 1 1 2 1
0,5mm² ws/r t
brbr ge X2 ge br X5 br X6 X4 bl X3 bl
0,5mm² ws/sw
12V rt
24V gn 4 1
M1 E B1 B3
A1 3 2
sw X10
2 1 1 2
1 2
X8 2 1
S4 X11
S2 6
2 1
1 Diagnostic K cable
Cable cross-sections Cable colours
2 W bus
< 7.5 m 7.5 15 m bl Blue
3 Input pin (pin 16/plug X6), cable colour on wiring harness: white/red): br Brown
0.75 mm 2 1.0 mm 2
“Ventilation” (fan speed depends on the position of the control element) Yellow
0.75 mm2 1.0 mm 2 ge
4 CO2 setting 1.0 mm 2 1.5 mm 2 gn Green
1.5 mm 2 2.5 mm 2 gr Grey
5 NOTE 2.5 mm 2 4.0 mm 2 or Orange
Grey and violet cables required for ADR function
4.0 mm 2 6.0 mm 2 rt Red
Standard cable
6 If you use an external temperature sensor (B4), the resistor (R1) sw Black
is replaced by the temperature sensor (B4). vi Violet
7 Holding signal for electrical battery isolation switch ws White
The holding input (if there is one) for the isolation switch (S2) must be connected to
the control unit in PIN 15/plug X6.
Fig. 706 System circuit diagram (diesel) 24V ADR mode without auxiliary drive unit with control element
Air Top 2000 ST 7 Circuit diagrams
7 Circuit diagrams Air Top 2000 ST
Air Top 2000 ST 8 Servicing work
8.1 General • Check the hot air inlet and outlet for dirt and foreign
bodies. (Dirty or blocked hot air lines may cause
This section describes the servicing work that can be overheating.)
carried out on the heater when it is installed. • Clean the exterior of the heater (avoid the ingress of
• Check the electrical connections for contact corrosion
and to ensure that they are secure.
8.2 Work on the heater
• Check the exhaust and combustion air lines for signs
of damage and to ensure that they are clear.
Disconnect the main power cable from the vehicle’s • Replace the fuel filter if there is one.
battery before carrying out any work on the heater. The • Check the fuel line and filter for leaks.
main battery power must not be disconnected whilst the
heater is operating or slowing down as a result of the risk
of the heater overheating and the overheating guard thus 8.6 Visual inspections and installation
being tripped. If you wish to carry out extensive repair instructions
work on the heater, it may be a good idea to remove it
completely. 8.6.1 Hot air system
8.5 Servicing work The internal diameter of the main section of the hot air line
should be 60 mm.
NOTE When using narrower lines, the permissible pressure drop
The heater should be operated for approximately 10 is exceeded more quickly.
minutes every 4 weeks to prevent mechanical parts The hot air hose must be secured at its connection points.
The heater can be used on the air inlet and outlet side if it
The heater requires no servicing. However, it should be is used in an air circulation system with grates. Do not
checked at regular intervals, at the latest at start of the short circuit the flow of hot air.
heating period (the time after which the heater will be used
due to adverse weather conditions) by Webasto-trained
8 Servicing work Air Top 2000 ST
If a filter is used for the hot air, it must have the following The fuel extractor should not be located near the engine,
properties: as gas bubbles may form in the lines on account of heat
• The air flow must not carry any inflammable and/or radiated from the engine. This may cause problems
harmful fibres or particles into the heater or the interior during combustion.
of the vehicle.
• The filter material must be able to withstand Vehicles with injection engines
temperatures of at least 60 °C. When installing the heater in a vehicle with fuel injection
• The filter must be resistant to all the substances that systems, it is important to establish whether the fuel pump
may be drawn in with the hot air (for example is located inside or outside the tank.
moisture, salt, fuel vapours, etc.).
• The resistance of the filter must be taken into If the fuel pump is located inside the tank, fuel can only be
consideration when designing the hot air system. extracted from the return line using the Webasto fuel
extractor (for example ID no. 470 910), in which case it
must be ensured that the return line continues almost to
8.6.2 Fuel supply the bottom of the tank. If this is not the case, Webasto fuel
extractor (see Fig. 802, 803 or 804) may be used.
The fuel is taken from the vehicle fuel tank or from a
separate fuel tank. The values for the maximum pressure If the fuel pump is installed outside the tank, the fuel
at the fuel extraction point are shown in Fig. 801. connection may also be made between the tank and the
fuel pump, again using only the Webasto fuel extractor
(for example ID no. 470 910).
Permissible fuel inflow At max. pressure (bar) in
height H (m) fuel line
0.00 0.20
1.00 0.11
2.00 0.03
Maximum fuel intake At max. negative pres-
height S (m) sure (bar) in fuel tank
0.00 -0.10
0.50 -0.06
1.00 -0.02
Air Top 2000 ST 8 Servicing work
Plastic tank
Sealing ring
l1 + l2 ≤ 10 m
l1 ≤ 1.2 m Fig. 803 Fuel extractor from the plastic tank
l2 ≤ 8.8 m (extraction through tank drain screw)
Tank connector
Fig. 801 Fuel supply
Sealing ring
Hole pattern
Tank fitting
> 25 mm
Only use a tank extractor with metal fuel tanks.
8 Servicing work Air Top 2000 ST
0 - 90°
Air Top 2000 ST 8 Servicing work
8.6.5 Combustion air supply Length of the combustion air inlet and exhaust lines:
With silencer: max. 2.0 m
Under no circumstances may the combustion air be taken Without silencer: max. 5.0 m
from areas occupied by people. The combustion air intake Both lines are to be installed falling away from the heater.
opening must not point in the direction of travel. It must be If this is not possible, a condensate drain hole with a
located so that it cannot become clogged with dirt. diameter of 4 mm must be made at its lowest point or a
connection element with a condensate drain used.
The combustion air must be extracted using a combustion Internal diameter of the lines:
air line from a position that is as cool as possible and Combustion air line: 22 mm
protected from splashing water for petrol heaters. Exhaust line: 22 mm
If dirty combustion air is expected, a combustion air filter An attachment is required no further than 150 mm from
may be fitted (only Air Top 2000 ST D). If the intake hose the end of the exhaust pipe to ensure that the angle of
length is < 0.6 m, an intake silencer must be used. 90° ± 10° is achieved.
Fig. 808 Exhaust silencer Fig. 809 Exhaust pipe mouth, installation position
8 Servicing work Air Top 2000 ST Heater connection, control element The wiring harness is prepared for connection to the
control element (adjuster).
The electrical connection is to be made as shown in the Simply pull on connector housing to disconnect the
appropriate circuit diagram (see section 7). connector (Fig. 813).
Before using the heater for the first time fit the cover to
prevent the illegal escape of hot air (heater overheating).
The wiring harness can be fed out of the left or right side Fibre optic cable
of the heater.
F = 10A 24V
F = 15A 12V
Air Top 2000 ST 8 Servicing work
1 Control element
2 Heater
3 Metering pump and damper
4 Fuel filter (accessory)
5 Tank connector
6 Exhaust silencer
7 Fuse
8 Servicing work Air Top 2000 ST
CAUTION After you have installed the heater, bleed the fuel supply
When the heater is installed it must not be dismantled. system carefully.
1. Disconnect the battery. Conduct a trial of the heater to check all the connections
2. Pull the cover off the top shell as described in for leaks and to ensure that they are secure. If the heater
3. Disconnect the wiring harness plug from the control suffers a fault during operation, the fault must be located
unit. and remedied.
4. Disconnect the cable to the metering pump at the
disconnection point.
5. If necessary disconnect the hot air hose or hoses.
6. Disconnect the connection for the combustion air inlet
on the heater.
7. Disconnect the connections for the combustion air
inlet and exhaust outlet on the heater.
8. Remove four nuts and locking washers from the
9. Remove the heater and discard the seal on the
exhaust outlet. Installation
Air Top 2000 ST 9 Repair
9.1 General The heater can control the required temperature perfectly
if its temperature sensor is exposed to the airtemperature
This section describes the repair work that may be carried of the main area of the vehicle. In certain circumstances,
out on the Air Top 2000 ST heater after it has been this is not always possible using the temperature sensor
removed from the vehicle. Any further dismantling will integrated in the control unit due to the installation
invalidate the warranty. Only use the spare parts from the circumstances (addition of fresh air). In this case perfect
appropriate spare parts kits for assembling the heater. temperature control can be ensured using an external
temperature sensor fitted in the appropriate area.
9.1.1 Work on stripped-down components
CAUTION 1. Select a suitable position for an external temperature
All sealing elements between the stripped-down sensor.
components and the seal on the exhaust outlet must
always be discarded and replaced. NOTE
• The temperature sensor should not be in the direct Cleaning line of hot air and not close to heat sources (for
example the vehicle’s own heating system).
• Clean all stripped-down components with benzene • The sensor is to be installed at medium height in the
and then dry them with compressed air. vehicle cabin on surfaces that are as vertical as
• Remove all seal residue on the components carefully possible.
using a suitable tool. • The installation site should not be exposed to direct
sunlight. Visual inspection • Do not install the temperature sensor behind curtains
or the like.
• Check all components for damage (cracks,
deformation, wear, etc.) and fit new ones if necessary. 2. Install the external temperature sensor and route the
• Inspect the plugs and cables for corrosion, loose cable to the control element.
contacts, crimping faults, etc. and repair them if 3. Cut off the terminating resistor connection at the
necessary. wiring harness.
• Check plug strips for signs of corrosion and contacts 4. Crimp on the plug X8 for the external temperature
to ensure they are secure. Repair them if necessary. sensor at the end of the cable.
5. Connect the plug of the external temperature sensor
at plug X8 of the wiring harness.
9.1.2 Carrying out modifications 6. Conduct a trial and check the control properties.
The constant development of our heaters is aimed Plug X8 for external
at optimising them so as to prevent failures and temperature sensor
Generally it is possible to modify heaters that are already
in use. We can supply the appropriate modification kits for
this purpose.
Terminating resistor
9 Repair Air Top 2000 ST
Air Top 2000 ST 9 Repair
Positioning of insulators
of corner rib
9 Repair Air Top 2000 ST
9.2.3 Change the control unit 9.2.4 Change the overheating sensor
1. Remove the heater (see 1. Remove the heater (see
2. Remove the casing parts (see 9.2.1). 2. Remove the casing parts (see 9.2.1).
3. Open the catches on the hot air blower. 3. Remove the insulators (9, Fig. 902).
4. Pull the hot air blower (1, Fig. 902) off the motor shaft 4. Disconnect the plug connector X5 on the control unit (3).
by hand.
5. Disconnect the plug connectors on the control unit (3). CAUTION
6. Remove screws (2) and the control unit (3). Do not pull the cables.
7. Complete the work on stripped-down components
(see 9.1.1). 5. Lever the overheating sensor (8) out of the ribs of the
heat exchanger (7) using a suitable tool (see detail A).
NOTE 6. Remove the overheating sensor (8).
Do not carry out any repair work to the control unit. Installation Installation
1. Measure the resistance of the overheating sensor
1. Place the control unit (3, Fig. 902) in the installation (8, Fig. 902) (see 6.3.3).
position and attach with screws (2). 2. Position the overheating sensor (8, Fig. 902) on the
2. Tighten the screws to 0.7 ±0.07 Nm. heat exchanger (7) and press it into place by hand.
3. Slide the hot air blower (1) onto the motor shaft until
the detent on both sides is heard to engage in the IMPORTANT
shaft groove at the stop. There must not be an electrical connection between
4. Connect the plug connectors at the sockets of the the sensor cables and the sheet metal holder.
control unit (3) as shown in Fig. 701.
5. Position the casing parts (see 9.2.2). 3. Ensure that the overheating sensor is correctly
6. Install the heater (see positioned in the heat exchanger (7).
7. Check the CO2 setting and adjust it if necessary 4. Connect the plug connector X5 at the control unit (3).
(see 6.2). Check that the cables are routed in parallel between
8. Check that the hot air blower moves easily with your the ribs on the heat exchanger.
hand. Check for any noise when you switch it on later. 5. Push the insulators (9) on to the heat exchanger.
The sensor magnets on the hot air blower must be 6. Position the casing parts (see 9.2.2).
clear of ferrous chips, etc. 7. Install the heater (see
Air Top 2000 ST 9 Repair
9.2.5 Change the combustion air fan 9.2.6 Change the flame sensor
(only petrol heater) Removal Removal
1. Remove the heater (see
2. Remove the casing parts (see 9.2.1). 1. Remove the heater (see
3. Remove the control unit (see 2. Remove the casing parts (see 9.2.1).
3. Remove the control unit (see
NOTE 4. Remove the combustion air fan (see
A total of 9 screw heads are visible on the combustion air 5. Remove two screws (2, Fig. 903) and take off the air
fan (5, Fig. 902). Of these the 5 outer screws are used to baffle (3).
attach the combustion air fan to the heat exchanger (7). 6. Press the cable grommet (11) on the flame sensor
Only these screws should be removed. connecting cable inwards out of the heat exchanger (9).
7. Carefully bend up the securing strap (4) and pull out
4. Remove the screws (4). the flame sensor (1) from the burner insert.
5. Remove the combustion air fan (5) from the heat 8. Remove flame sensor
exchanger (7), remove the seal (6) and dispose of it 9. Complete the work on stripped-down components
separately. (see 9.1.1).
6. Complete the work on stripped-down components
(see 9.1.1). Installation
9 Repair Air Top 2000 ST
Detail A
Fig. 902 Change the control unit, combustion air fan and overheating sensor
Air Top 2000 ST 9 Repair Removal 1. Fit a new seal (12, Fig. 903) into the heat exchanger
(9) and bring the combustion pipe (13) into the
1. Remove the heater (see assembly position.
2. Remove the casing parts (see 9.2.1). 2. Check that the starting air hole in the burner insert (5)
3. Remove the control unit (see is free.
4. Remove the combustion air fan (see If necessary, clean with a wire, approx. 4 mm Ø
5. Press the cable grommet (10, Fig. 903) inwards out of (see Fig. 904).
the heat exchanger (9).
6. Remove four screws (2) and take off the air baffle (3). CAUTION
When installing the glow plug, make sure that the contacts
NOTE point to the heat exchanger. Otherwise there is a risk of
Check that the burner insert (5) is detached from the short-circuiting.
combustion pipe (13).
3. Introduce the glow plug (6) in the burner insert (5) and
7. Carefully remove the burner insert (5) by tilting. position the protective sheath in the slit of the burner
The glow plug should be removed with extreme care and CAUTION
must not be twisted under any circumstances (risk of In the following procedure make sure that the glow plug is
breakage). After lengthy operation of the burner the glow placed in the burner insert up to the stop.
plug may be fixed in place by fuel deposits. In this case
apply penetrating oil and allow to work until the glow plug 4. Secure the glow plug (6) with the screw (7). Tighten
can be removed. the screw (7) to 0.5 Nm.
5. Introduce the burner insert (5) in the heat exchanger
8. Release the screw(7), pull out the glow plug (6) from (9) . Make sure that the cable of the flame sensor (1)
the burner insert and remove. (only present with petrol heater) is positioned under
9. Remove the combustion pipe (13) and seal (12) from the fuel line.
the heat exchanger (9) and dispose of the seal 6. Guide the plug of the glow plug and the flame sensor
separately. through the holes and press the cable grommets (10)
10. Complete the work on stripped-down components into the heat exchanger.
(see 9.1.1).
In the following procedure make sure that the grommet (8)
seals off tight with the heat exchanger (9).
7. Secure the burner insert (5) and the air baffle (3) with
screws (2). Tighten the screws (2) to 6 ± 0.6 Nm .
8. Install the combustion air fan (see
9. Fit the control unit (see
10. Position the casing parts (see 9.2.2).
11. Install the heater (see
9 Repair Air Top 2000 ST
2 9
Fig. 903 Change the glow plug, flame sensor, combustion insert and the heat exchanger
Air Top 2000 ST 9 Repair
In the following procedure make sure that the fuel In the following procedure make sure that the fuel
connection is not bent. connection is not bent.
8. Remove the burner insert (5, Fig. 903). 4. Introduce the burner insert (5) in the heat exchanger
9. Remove the combustion pipe (13) and seal (12) from (9). Make sure that the cable of the flame sensor is
the heat exchanger (9) and dispose of the seal (12) positioned under the fuel line.
separately. 5. Secure the burner insert (5) and the air baffle (3) with
10. Complete the work on stripped-down components screws (2).
(see 9.1.1). 6. Tighten the screws (2) to 6 ± 0.6 Nm .
7. Install the combustion air fan (see
8. Fit the control unit (see
9. Fit the overheating sensor (see
10. Fit the insulators (11).
11. Position the casing parts (see 9.2.2).
12. Install the heater (see
9 Repair Air Top 2000 ST
Air Top 2000 ST 10 Packing / Storage / Shipment
10 Packaging/Storage/Shipping
10.1 General
Shipment address:
Webasto AG
Abt. QGN
Speicherstraße 3/4
D-17033 Neubrandenburg
10 Packing / Storage / Shipment Air Top 2000 ST