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Noritake Display 7k A-Apn200 E21

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GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.


Vacuum Fluorescent Display Module

[GU-7000 series module]

Application Note

APN200 R2.1 August 19, 2016

is the registered trademark of the NORITAKE Vacuum

Fluorescent Display (VFD). VFD is the display device of lighting
blue-green, easy to read and self-luminous. It features high visibility, a
wide operating temperature range, etc, compared with other display
devices such as liquid crystal (LCD) and LED. GU-7000 series is a VFD
module which can enable a character display using the graphic type
VFD ‘dot matrix’. Moreover, they are designed to be used as a functional
enhancement version of CU-U series by being similar to the general
character type LCD modules. This document is prepared for technical
support data when using a GU-7000 series display module.

September 3rd, 2012 Copyrights reserved.

GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

Table of contents
Vacuum Fluorescent Display Module .............................................................................. - 1 -
[GU-7000 series module] .................................................................................................. - 1 -
1 Scope ....................................................................................................................... - 5 -
1.1 Character size ...................................................................................................................... - 5 -
1.2 GU-7000B series .................................................................................................................. - 5 -
2 VFD module lineup ................................................................................................ - 6 -
2.1 Item number ........................................................................................................................ - 6 -
2.2 Distribution diagram for standard series .......................................................................... - 7 -
3 Applicable item numbers: GU-7000 series as of June. 2012............................... - 8 -
4 Hardware ................................................................................................................ - 9 -
4.1 Block diagram ...................................................................................................................... - 9 -
4.1.1 Block diagram (GU-7000) ............................................................................................ - 9 -
4.1.2 Block diagram (GU-7901) ............................................................................................ - 9 -
4.1.3 Block diagram (GU7032) ........................................................................................... - 10 -
4.1.4 Block diagram (GU-7003) .......................................................................................... - 10 -
4.1.5 Block diagram (GU-7900) .......................................................................................... - 11 -
4.1.6 Block diagram (GU-7903) .......................................................................................... - 11 -
4.1.7 Block diagram (GU-7040) .......................................................................................... - 12 -
4.2 Connecter ........................................................................................................................... - 12 -
4.3 .................................................................................................................................................. - 12 -
4.3.1 GU-7xx0 ...................................................................................................................... - 12 -
4.3.1 GU-7901 ...................................................................................................................... - 12 -
4.3.2 GU-7xx3 ...................................................................................................................... - 12 -
4.4 Host interface .................................................................................................................... - 13 -
4.5 I/O part equivalent circuit ................................................................................................ - 14 -
4.5.1 RS-232C level input equivalent circuit..................................................................... - 14 -
4.5.2 RS-232C level output equivalent circuit .................................................................. - 14 -
4.5.3 C-MOS level input equivalent circuit ....................................................................... - 14 -
4.5.4 C-MOS level output equivalent circuit ..................................................................... - 14 -
4.5.5 Parallel interface input equivalent circuit example (GU140X16G-7000) .............. - 15 -
4.6 Examples of host interface connection ............................................................................. - 16 -
4.6.1 Example of RS-232C serial connection to PC........................................................... - 16 -
4.6.2 Example 1 of embedded CPU connection by RS-232C ............................................ - 16 -
4.6.3 Example 2 of embedded CPU connection by RS-232C ............................................ - 17 -
4.6.4 Example 1 of Parallel input connection.................................................................... - 17 -
4.6.5 Example 2 of Parallel for output BUSY signal connection ..................................... - 18 -

GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

4.6.6 Example 3 of Parallel using RESET signal.............................................................. - 18 -

4.6.7 Example of embedded CPU connection by Asynchronous C-MOS serial............... - 19 -
4.6.8 Example of embedded CPU connection by Synchronous C-MOS ........................... - 19 -
4.6.9 Output of BUSY signal and additional input of hardware reset ............................ - 19 -
4.6.10 Example of connection to PC by Asynchronous C-MOS serial ............................... - 20 -
5 Software ................................................................................................................ - 21 -
5.1 Default setting and input Protocol ................................................................................... - 21 -
5.2 Display memory (RAM)..................................................................................................... - 21 -
5.3 Proportional font ............................................................................................................... - 21 -
5.4 Embedded font tables (7xxxB are the same as 7xxx) ..................................................... - 22 -
5.5 Font table ........................................................................................................................... - 23 -
5.5.1 5x7dot ANK (1byte character) ................................................................................... - 23 -
5.5.2 International font set ................................................................................................. - 24 -
5.5.3 16x16dot JIS, Simplified Traditional Chinese, Korean (GU-79xx only) ................ - 25 -
5.6 Command tables ................................................................................................................ - 27 -
5.6.1 Common command table1 for GU-7xxx series ......................................................... - 27 -
5.6.2 Common command table2 Expand command sequences for GU-7xxxx ................ - 27 -
5.6.3 Command table3 Expand command sequence to control FROM for GU-79xxx .... - 30 -
5.6.4 Command table4 Expand command sequence of 2 bytes character for GU-79xx . - 30 -
5.6.5 Command table5 Additional command sequences for GU-7xxxB Display by dot . - 30 -
5.7 Moving cursor and display mode ...................................................................................... - 32 -
5.8 Program examples of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 on Windows PC ............................ - 33 -
5.8.1 Connect to serial port by Visual C# 2010 ............................................................... - 33 -
5.9 Program examples ............................................................................................................. - 35 -
5.9.1 Clear display ............................................................................................................... - 35 -
5.9.2 Moving Cursor ............................................................................................................ - 35 -
5.9.3 Magnified font ............................................................................................................ - 36 -
5.9.4 Proportional ASCII..................................................................................................... - 36 -
5.9.5 Set display 2-byte font (for 7900 only) ...................................................................... - 37 -
5.9.6 Using Shift-JIS code character display .................................................................... - 37 -
5.9.7 Graphic display .......................................................................................................... - 38 -
5.9.8 Graphic display example ........................................................................................... - 38 -
5.9.9 Graphic scroll ............................................................................................................. - 40 -
5.9.10 Graphic scroll example .............................................................................................. - 40 -
5.9.11 Display hidden area ................................................................................................... - 40 -
5.9.12 Character scroll .......................................................................................................... - 41 -
5.9.13 Character scroll example ........................................................................................... - 42 -
5.9.14 Subdivision of a screen in the user window.............................................................. - 42 -
5.9.15 User window example ................................................................................................ - 43 -

GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

5.10 Parallel interface program examples ............................................................................... - 43 -

6 Troubleshooting Tips............................................................................................ - 44 -
6.1 BUSY signal ....................................................................................................................... - 44 -
6.2 Reset ................................................................................................................................... - 44 -
6.3 Why is not it displayed at all? Self test mode ................................................................. - 45 -
6.4 How to set test mode ......................................................................................................... - 45 -
6.4.1 GU112X16G-7000, -7003, -7900, -7000B, -7003B, -7900B ...................................... - 46 -
6.4.2 GU128X32D-7000, -7003, -7900, -7000B, -7003B, -7900B ...................................... - 46 -
6.4.3 GU128X32D-7050, -7950 ........................................................................................... - 46 -
6.4.4 GU128X32D-7901 ...................................................................................................... - 46 -
6.4.5 GU128X64D-7000, -7003, -7900 ................................................................................ - 47 -
6.4.6 GU128X64F-7000, -7003, -7900, -7900BX................................................................ - 47 -
6.4.7 GU128X128D-7203 .................................................................................................... - 47 -
6.4.8 GU140X16G-7040A .................................................................................................... - 47 -
6.4.9 GU140X16G-7000, -7003, -7900, -7903, -7042, 7000B, -7003B, -7900B ................ - 47 -
6.4.10 GU140X16J-7000, -7003, -7000B, -7003B, -7900B .................................................. - 48 -
6.4.11 GU140X32F-7000, -7003, -7900, -7903, -7032, -7000B, -7003B, -7900B ............... - 48 -
6.4.12 GU140X32F-7050, -7053, -7950 ................................................................................ - 48 -
6.4.13 GU144X16D-7053B .................................................................................................... - 48 -
6.4.14 GU160X32D-7050, -7950 ........................................................................................... - 49 -
6.4.15 GU160X80E-7900B .................................................................................................... - 49 -
6.4.16 GU256X64C-7000, -7003, -7900 ................................................................................ - 49 -
6.4.17 GU256X64D-7000, -7900 ........................................................................................... - 50 -
6.4.18 GU280X16G-7000, -7003 ........................................................................................... - 50 -
7 Support TOOL ...................................................................................................... - 51 -
7.1 GUD10K [Tutorial] ............................................................................................................ - 51 -
7.2 C library 7000sample_v10.zip .......................................................................................... - 51 -
7.3 Sub routine list .................................................................................................................. - 51 -
7.4 Visual Basic 2008 sample code ......................................................................................... - 51 -
8 Environment ......................................................................................................... - 52 -
8.1 RoHS Compliance .............................................................................................................. - 52 -
9 Safety standard .................................................................................................... - 52 -
10 Disclaimers and limitations ................................................................................ - 52 -
11 Contact us ............................................................................................................. - 52 -

GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

1 Scope
GU-7000 series VFD module is a series of subsystem of display which consists of vacuum
fluorescent display with high readability and reliability, a set of power converter, a controller
and flash memory. The display module can be controlled by a host machine sending commands.
CJK font models are also available.
Several items have PWB size compatibility with a character LCD and CU-U series modules.
Please refer to Photo.1 as an example.

PHOTO.1 GU140X16G-7000

GU-7000 series has character display function with embedded firmware, so it can be used as a
character module.

1.1 Character size

VFD is a light emitting display which uses phosphor, it has higher readability than LCD which
must use reflections and penetrates light. With VFDs, users are able to read characters from
longer distances when using the same character size display. Some VFDs have even smaller
font size while utilizing the same reading distance of an LCD. Please see our demonstrations
and samples.

1.2 GU-7000B series

GU-7000B series is a model to replace GU-7000. GU-7000B series has some additional command
with later version of built in controller. Command set is up word compatible.
However, please test before starting to use GU-7000B, because there are some differences of
response timing.
GU-7000/7003/7900 GU-7000B/7003B/7900B
Serial input buffer size 12 bytes 60 bytes
Display address set by dot Nothing Available
Reference:[5.6.5 Command table5
Additional command sequence for
GU-7xxxB Display by dot]

GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

2 VFD module lineup

2.1 Item number
Outline of specification by item number
Example: GU128X32D-7003
GU : Graphic display
128X32 : 128 x 32 dots
D : Dot size height 0.4~0.49mm / dot
-7003 :7000 series
Indicate interface and embedded font.
7x3x=3.3V power requirement
70xx=8 bit (1 byte) character only
72xx=8 bit character code with more function
79xx=8 Bit & 16 Bit character code available
(Japanese, Chinese, Korean font)
7xx0=RS232C & parallel interface
7xx1= USB interface
7xx2=C-MOS serial& parallel interface
7xx3=C-MOS serial interface
77xx= Custom item
Example: GU128X32D-7003B
B at the end indicates means upper version.

Same series items use the same commands and major features. This table shows general
information. Please refer to each specification for details.

GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

2.2 Distribution diagram for standard series

For displays other than GU-7000, please refer to applicable application notes and specifications.

Noritake Itron VFD module

┣ Custom module
┣ Standard module
┗ Standard GU series
┃ Graphic display series
┣ GU-300 series, GU9300 series

┣ GU-800 series
┃ ┣ GU-800, GU-800B
┃ ┃ Graphic mode only
┃ ┗ GU-820A, GU-820B
┃ Embedded Japanese font
┣ GU-7000 series Outline compatibility with LCD
┃ ┣ GU-7000
┃ ┃ Small size graphic and character display module
┃ ┣ GU-7032
┃ ┃ 3.3V input voltage version
┃ ┣ GU-7900
┃ ┃ GU-70000 with embedded Japanese, Chinese and Korean font
┃ ┣ GU-7000B
┃ ┃ Replacement for 7000
┃ ┣ GU-7900B
┃ ┃ Replacement for 7900
┃ ┗ GU-7900BX
┃ High brightness version of 7900B
┗ GU-3000 series
┣ GU-3100
┃ Graphic and character display module
┃ Embedded 16x16 & 32x32 dot Japanese font
┃ Stand-alone control by macro function and embedded FROM
┣ GU-3900
┃ Graphic and character display module
┃ Embedded Japanese, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Korean
┃ font
┃ Stand-alone control by macro function and embedded FROM
┗ GU-3900B
Graphic and character display module
Upper compatible of GU-3100 and GU-3900

GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

3 Applicable item numbers: GU-7000 series as of June. 2012

This application note is applicable for the following item numbers.
Other standard items which are not listed on this list are the same or have similar basic functions.

GU112X16G-7000, GU112X16G-7000B, GU112X16G-7003, GU112X16G-7003B

GU112X16G-7900 GU112X16G-7900B
GU128X32D-7000, GU128X32D-7000B, GU128X32D-7003, GU128X32D-7003B
GU128X32D-7900, GU128X32D-7900B, GU128X32D-7050, GU128X32D-7950
GU128X64D-7000, GU128X64D-7003, GU128X64D-7900
GU128X64F-7000, GU128X64F-7003, GU128X64F-7900
GU140X16G-7000, GU140X16G-7000B, GU140X16G-7003, GU140X16G-7003B
GU140X16G-7040A, GU140X16G-7900, GU140X16G-7900B, GU140X16G-7903
GU140X16J-7000, GU140X16J-7000B, GU140X16J-7003, GU140X16J-7003B
GU140X32F-7000, GU140X32F-7000B, GU140X32F-7003, GU140X32F-7003B
GU140X32F-7900, GU140X32F-7900B, GU140X32F-7903
GU140X32F-7050, GU140X32F-7053, GU140X32F-7950
GU256X64C-7000, GU256X64C-7003, GU256X64C-7900
GU256X64D-7000, GU256X64D-7900
GU280X16G-7000, GU280X16G-7003

Please check our site for the latest product list or contact our sales office.
http:/www.noritake-itron.jp/eng/ (English)
http:/www.noritake-itron.jp/ (Japanese)

GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

4 Hardware
4.1 Block diagram
This module consists of input-output circuit, CPU (control circuit), power supply circuit, and a
vacuum fluorescent display tube.

4.1.1 Block diagram (GU-7000)

Receiver CPU VFD

RAM High voltage driver

Host Controller

Display area

5V power

Power supply circuit



4.1.2 Block diagram (GU-7901) USB interface only

Host controller

connector RAM High voltage

circuit Display area

5V power


Power supply circuit

GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

4.1.3 Block diagram (GU7032)


Host controller


High voltage driver

Display area

3.3V power

Power supply circuit


Attention: 3.3V

4.1.4 Block diagram (GU-7003)


Host controller

RAM High voltage driver

Display area
5V power

Power supply


- 10 -
GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

4.1.5 Block diagram (GU-7900)

Reciever CPU VFD


Host controller

High voltage driver

Display area



2byte character
5V power

Power supply circuit


4.1.6 Block diagram (GU-7903)

Buffer CPU VFD


Host controller

High voltage driver

Display area

2byte character FROM

5V power

Power supply circuit


- 11 -
GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

4.1.7 Block diagram (GU-7040)

Serial Receiver CPU VFD

RAM High voltage driver

Host controller

Display area

LED back light
5V power


Power supply circuit

Color Back light unit

4.2 Connecter
4.3.1 GU-7xx0
GU-7000 series do not mounted interface connecters on PWB
Please solder a connecter before using.
Please note that GU-7xxx series in not suitable for re-flow soldering.

4.3.1 GU-7901
GU128X32D-7901 includes a USB Mini-B connector and can be connected to a PC
directly with the commercial USB cable.

4.3.2 GU-7xx3
GU-7xx3 series do not mounted interface connecters on PWB
Please solder a connecter before using.
Please note that GU-7xxx series in not suitable for re-flow soldering.

- 12 -
GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

4.4 Host interface

The last digit of the part number indicates the interface specification.

0: RS-232C level asynchronous serial input & 8 bit parallel

1: USB
2: C-MOS level synchronous or asynchronous serial input & 8bit parallel
3: C-MOS level synchronous or asynchronous serial input

“0” or “3” of last number are standard.

Please select based on a type of host interface.

Regarding USB type:

Applicable item: GU-7xx1

GU128X32D-7901 is a USB interface type. "COMEMO" employs GU128X32D-7901 with

a small enclosure. (Currently available in Japan only)

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GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

4.5 I/O part equivalent circuit

4.5.1 RS-232C level input equivalent circuit

Internal circuit

4.5.2 RS-232C level output equivalent circuit

Internal circuit

PNP Transistor open corrector output is

pulled down to GND level.

4.5.3 C-MOS level input equivalent circuit

Connecter Internal circuit

4.5.4 C-MOS level output equivalent circuit

Connecter Internal circuit

- 14 -
GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

4.5.5 Parallel interface input equivalent circuit example (GU140X16G-7000)

Handling of unused terminals:

Since reset signal is internally pulled up as shown in the equivalent circuit, you may keep
input open. However, since it may malfunction in the noise induced to wiring, please
avoid running unconnected wiring.

- 15 -
GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

4.6 Examples of host interface connection

In order to use scrolling, waiting and other commands effectively, please use hardware
handshake with a BUSY signal. (As noted in the specification)

Note: Interface examples are references only. Please validate the circuit design to meet
the host circuit’s specification.

4.6.1 Example of RS-232C serial connection to PC

Applicable model: GU-7xx0

PC connecter

Power supply

4.6.2 Example 1 of embedded CPU connection by RS-232C

Applicable model: GU-7xx0

Please use a regular input port, when hardware handshake port is not available. And
program to check /CTS signal before sending data.

- 16 -
GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

4.6.3 Example 2 of embedded CPU connection by RS-232C

Applicable with GU-7xx0

4.6.4 Example 1 of Parallel input connection

Applicable with GU-7xx0

Notes: About R1, in cases of over or under shooting on the /WR signal, adding R1 (50 to 200 ohms)
might reduce the risk of malfunctioning.

- 17 -
GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

4.6.5 Example 2 of Parallel for output BUSY signal connection

Applicable with GU-7xx0

Notes: About R1, in cases of over or under shooting on the /WR signal, adding R1 (50 to
200 ohms) might reduce the risk of malfunctioning.
Program code example is available at "5.10".

4.6.6 Example 3 of Parallel using RESET signal

Applicable with GU-7xx0

Notes: About R1. in cases of over or under shooting on the /WR signal, adding R1 (50 to
200 ohms) might be reduce the risk of malfunctioning.

- 18 -
GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

4.6.7 Example of embedded CPU connection by Asynchronous C-MOS serial

Applicable with GU-7xx3

4.6.8 Example of embedded CPU connection by Synchronous C-MOS

Applicable with GU-7xx3

4.6.9 Output of BUSY signal and additional input of hardware reset

Applicable with GU-7xxx

Connecting the JBR jumper set the parallel connector No.3 pin as “BUSY OUT” or

- 19 -
GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

4.6.10 Example of connection to PC by Asynchronous C-MOS serial

Applicable with GU-7xx3

- 20 -
GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

5 Software
5.1 Default setting and input Protocol
A communication protocol is non-procedural with hardware handshake. The display
module can use a basic function with default settings by the internal power on reset
without any special initialize command.
A few seconds after turning the module on, try to send a character code to the display. The
display accepts popular ASCII codes. Commands for using various functions use the
extended sequence which starts in ESC code. Please perform the write control by
hardware handshake at write timing.

In order to understand commands and functions of the GU-7000 series, please try
"GUD-10K" as the development support tool. Since GUD-10K has a tutorial navigator,
user can experiment major functions. GUD-10K software is available at our home page in
Japan, or contact local sales office.

5.2 Display memory (RAM)

Written data and commands are translated into graphic images, and stored in the graphic
RAM. Since the size of graphic RAM is larger than the size of display area, then a part of
the RAM data appear on screen. In other words, graphic RAM is divided into the display
area and hidden area.


The hidden area can be used as working area to prepare images, and help display
functions such as picture scrolling.

5.3 Proportional font

Fixed character width 1 Fixed character width 2
The proportional font command is a
function to narrow a character pitch.
You can increase the average
number of characters that can be
displayed within the same area.
Proportional character width 1 Proportional character width 2

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GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

5.4 Embedded font tables (7xxxB are the same as 7xxx)

Item number Embedded font
GU112X16G-7000 5x7dot ANK & International
GU112X16G-7003 5x7dot ANK & International
GU112X16G-7900 5x7dot ANK & International, 16x16dot Japanese, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Korean
GU128X32D-7000 5x7dot ANK & International
GU128X32D-7003 5x7dot ANK & International
GU128X32D-7900 5x7dot ANK & International, 16x16dot Japanese, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Korean
GU128X32D-7901 5x7dot ANK & International, 16x16dot Japanese, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Korean
GU128X32D-7050 5x7dot ANK & International
GU128X32D-7950 5x7dot ANK & International, 16x16dot Japanese, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Korean
GU128X64D-7000 5x7dot ANK & International
GU128X64D-7003 5x7dot ANK & International
GU128X64D-7900 5x7dot ANK & International, 16x16dot Japanese, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Korean
GU128X64F-7000 5x7dot ANK & International
GU128X64F-7003 5x7dot ANK & International
GU128X64F-7900 5x7dot ANK & International, 16x16dot Japanese, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Korean
GU128X128D-7203 6x8, 8x16, 12x24, 16x32dot ANK & International
GU140X16G-7040A 5x7dot ANK & International
GU140X16G-7000 5x7dot ANK & International
GU140X16G-7003 5x7dot ANK & International
GU140X16G-7900 5x7dot ANK & International, 16x16dot Japanese, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Korean
GU140X16G-7903 5x7dot ANK & International, 16x16dot Japanese, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Korean
GU140X16J-7000 5x7dot ANK & International
GU140X16J-7003 5x7dot ANK & International
GU140X16J-7900B 5x7dot ANK & International, 16x16dot Japanese, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Korean
GU140X32F-7000 5x7dot ANK & International
GU140X32F-7003 5x7dot ANK & International
GU140X32F-7900 5x7dot ANK & International, 16x16dot Japanese, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Korean
GU140X32F-7903 5x7dot ANK & International, 16x16dot Japanese, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Korean
GU140X32F-7032 5x7dot ANK & International
GU140X32F-7050 5x7dot ANK & International
GU140X32F-7053 5x7dot ANK & International
GU140X32F-7950 5x7dot ANK & International, 16x16dot Japanese, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Korean
GU256X64C-7000 5x7dot ANK & International
GU256X64C-7003 5x7dot ANK & International
GU256X64C-7900 5x7dot ANK & International, 16x16dot Japanese, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Korean
GU256X64D-7000 5x7dot ANK & International
GU256X64D-7900 5x7dot ANK & International, 16x16dot Japanese, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Korean
GU280X16G-7000 5x7dot ANK & International
GU280X16G-7003 5x7dot ANK & International

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GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

5.5 Font table

A concept is shown here. Please refer to the specifications for entire font data.

5.5.1 5x7dot ANK (1byte character)


_5H Common Font area Extend Font area

_7H ASCII Select by ESC t n


Single-byte characters are divided into three groups.

00Hex~1FHex: Functions have been assigned. For example, when 0DHex (CR) is
written in, the cursor position will move to the left end of a screen.
20Hex~7FHex: Alphanumeric character font area of ASCII conformity.
80Hex~FFHex: Extended font area, one font table out of 10 can be chosen by writing a
“ESC t n” command. “ESC t n” command does not affect to characters
which written before the command.
n Character set

0 PC437(USA: Standard Europe)

1 Katakana

2 PC850(Multilingual)

3 PC860(Portuguese)

4 PC863(Canadian-French)

5 PC865(Nordic)

16 WPC1252

17 PC866(Cyrillic #2)

18 PC852(Latin 2)

19 PC858

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GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

5.5.2 International font set

International font set command replace some fonts with designated fonts in basic
font area (20Hex~7FHex). For example, a command, “ESC R n=08h (Japan)”
replace “ \ “ with “ ¥ “.

Command code is “ESC R n”

n Language
1 France
2 Germany
3 England
4 Denmark 1
5 Sweden
6 Italy
7 Spain1
8 Japan
9 Norway
10(0AH) Denmark2
11(0BH) Spain2
12(0CH) Latin America
13(0DH) Korea

Characters written before this command are not affected.

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GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

5.5.3 16x16dot JIS, Simplified Traditional Chinese, Korean (GU-79xx only)

(2byte character)
GU-79xx model has 16x16 dot bitmap font.
These characters have 2 byte code, please send character codes after the following
command. Because displayed characters are not changed by this command, you can
display several languages at same time.

Example display 2byte characters

Example of Japanese
1FH, 28H, 67H, 01H, 02H ‘ 8x16 dot font size select
1FH, 28H, 67H, 02H, 01H ‘ set 2byte character mode
1FH, 28H, 67H, 0FH, 00H ‘ Japanese
88H, A2H ‘ Displaying “阿”

Example of Korean
1FH, 28H, 67H, 01H, 02H ‘ 8x16 dot font size select
1FH, 28H, 67H, 02H, 01H ‘ set 2byte character mode
1FH, 28H, 67H, 0FH, 01H ‘ Korean
B0H, A1H ‘ Displaying “가”

Example of Simplified Chinese

1FH, 28H, 67H, 01H, 02H ‘ 8x16 dot font size select
1FH, 28H, 67H, 02H, 01H set 2byte character mode
1FH, 28H, 67H, 0FH, 02H ‘ Simplified Chinese
B0h, A1H ‘ Displaying “啊”

Example of Traditional Chinese

1FH, 28H, 67H, 01H, 02H ‘ 8x16 dot font size select
1FH, 28H, 67H, 02H, 01H ‘ set 2byte character mode
1FH, 28H, 67H, 0FH, 03H ‘ Traditional Chinese
A4h, 41H ‘ Displaying “乙”

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The code ranges of each language are as follows;

Font Standard 2byte code area

Japanese JIS Kanji JISX208(Shift-JIS) 8140H~9FF0H, E040~EFFCH
Korean Hangul KSX5601-87 A1A1H~FEFEH
Simplified Chinese GB2312-80 A1A1H~FEFEH
Traditional Chinese Big-5 A140H~FEFEH

Example of JIS font Example of Korean font

Example of Simplified Chinese font Example of Traditional Chinese font

Please refer to the specifications for the complete font tables.

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5.6 Command tables

5.6.1 Common command table1 for GU-7xxx series

Name Code Function

BS 08h Cursor moves to the left by one character.
HT 09h Cursor moves to the right by one character.
LF 0Ah Cursor moves to next lower line.
HOM 0Bh Cursor moves to home position (top left).
CR 0Dh Cursor moves to left end of current line.
CLR 0Ch Display screen is cleared and cursor moves to home position.
ESC 1Bh,, Start extended command sequence.
US 1Fh Start extended command sequence.

5.6.2 Common command table2 Expand command sequences for GU-7xxxx

Name Code Function

Initialize 1Bh 40h Settings return to default values.

Jumper settings are not re-loaded.

Cursor set 1Fh 24h xL xH Cursor moves to the specified (X, Y) position on
yL yH Display Memory.

Cursor display 1Fh 43h n Cursor display setting.

n = 00h: Cursor display OFF (Default)
n = 01h: Cursor display ON

Font Width 1Fh 28h 67h Set font width for 1byte characters.
03h w w = 00h: 1 dot space on right side
w = 01h: 1 dot space on right side and left side
w = 02h: 1 dot space on right side
w = 03h: 1 dot space on right side and left side

Font Magnification 1Fh 28h 67h Set character magnification ‘x’ times to the right
40h x y and ‘y’ times downward.

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GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

Download character 1Bh 26h a C1 C2 A maximum of 16 download characters can be

definition [data] defined. To display downloaded characters,
Download character ON command is required. If
a currently-displayed download character is
re-defined, there is no effect on the
currently-displayed character. It is effective only
for newly entered characters.
Download character delete 1Bh 3Fh a c Delete defined download character.
Download character 1Bh 25h n Enable or disable display of download
ON/OFF characters. Changing this setting only affects
subsequent data. Contents already displayed
are not affected.
n = 01h: Enable (ON)
n = 00h: Disable (OFF)
International font set 1B 52h n Character code of parts of 20h~7Fh is replaced
for each country. Characters already displayed
are not affected.
Character table type 1Bh 74h n Character code of 80h~FFh is replaced for each
font tables. Characters already displayed are
not affected.
Over-write mode 1Fh 01h Display mode set to Over-write mode.
Vertical scroll mode 1Fh 02h Display mode set to Vertical scroll mode.
Horizontal scroll mode 1Fh 03h Display mode set to Horizontal scroll mode.
Horizontal scroll speed 1Fh 73h n Set speed for Horizontal scroll mode.
It takes (T * (n-1)) msec to move one dot.
n=0 : Fastest, n=1 : T/2 msec. T is approximately
10~20 msec and changes with item numbers.
Reverse display 1Fh 72h n Reverse display ON/OFF for character and
image display. Changing this setting only affects
subsequent data. Content already displayed is
not affected.
Write mixture display 1Fh 77h n Newly-written characters and images are
mode combined with current display contents in
Display Memory.
n = 00h: Over write (Default)
n = 01h: OR display write
n = 02h: AND display write
n = 03h: EX-OR display write

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Brightness level setting 1Fh 58h n Set display brightness level.

Brightness: n/8, n=1~8, n=8: 100%
Wait 1Fh 28h 61h Waits for the specified time.
01h t (Command and data processing is stopped)
Wait time = t × approximately 0.5s, n=0~255
Scroll display action 1Fh 28h 61h Shift the display screen.
10h wL wH cL It becomes a scroll action by setting up two or
cH s n more shifts.
Blink 1Fh 28h 61h 11h Blink display action. Blink pattern specified by
p t1 t2 c ‘p’.
Screen saver 1Fh 28h 61h Control Power ON or OFF, and Start Screen
40h p saver mode. This Screen saver mode setting is
cancelled when next data is written.
p = 00h: Display power OFF (Power save mode)
p = 01h: Display power ON
p = 02h: All dot OFF
p = 03h: All dot ON
p = 04h: Repeat blink display with normal and
Reverse display
User Window define / 1Fh 28h 77h n a Define or cancel User-Window. Display contents
cancel b [Window are not changed by this command.
Window select 1Fh 28h 77h A current window is chosen from one of the user
01h a windows and base window.
a=0 : Base window(all area)
a=1 to 4 : User window 1 to 4
Window select shortcut 10h or 11h Contracted form of current window select, using
or 12h or 13h just 1byte.
or 14h
Write screen mode select 1Fh 28h 77h n a Set base window area mode.
a=0 : Set display area as base window.
a=1 : Set all RAM area as base window.
A cursor moves in the range of a base window.

Real-time bit image 1Fh 28h 66h 11h Display the bit image data at the cursor position
display xL xH yL yH g in real-time.

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5.6.3 Command table3 Expand command sequence to control FROM for GU-79xxx

Caution1: Please minimize the use of this command, due to the write/erase life time of FROM.
Caution2: Never turn OFF the power supply in rewrite mode, because data and firmware stored in
F-ROM could be damaged.
Caution3: Do not use FROM rewrite command [R k n d(1) … d(32768)] and FROM erase command
[C k n], these are for factory use only.
Name Code Function
Memory re-write mode 1Ch 7Ch 4Dh Shift to “Memory re-write mode” from “Normal
D0h d1…d6 mode”.

FROM bit image 42h k n Define user bit image to the FROM. This
definition d1…d32768 command is only valid in Memory re-write
FROM SUM compare 53h k d1…d4 Compare SUM of FROM re-write data (FROM
dm bit image definition data) with d1 – d4. If SUM
is not equal to d1 – d4, an error message
appears on the display screen, and BUSY signal
at writing data is kept BUSY for 2 sec.
Memory re-write mode 45h k End Memory re-write mode and return to
END normal mode with Initialize Display command.

5.6.4 Command table4 Expand command sequence of 2 bytes character for GU-79xx
Name Code Function
Font size select 1Fh 28h 67h Sets the font size for 1-byte characters.
01h m m = 1h : 5x7dot
2h : 8x16dot
2-byte character 1Fh 28h 67h Sets 2-byte character ON/OFF.
02h m m = 0h : OFF
1h : ON

2-byte character type 1Fh 28h 67h Sets 2-byte character type.
0Fh m m = 0h : Japanese
1h : Korean
2h : Simplified Chinese
3h : Traditional Chinese
Downloaded bit image 1Fh 28h 66h Display the defined FROM bit image at cursor
display 10h m aL aH aE position.
ySL ySH xL xH
yL yH g
5.6.5 Command table5 Additional command sequences for GU-7xxxB Display by dot
(Additional commands for GU-7000B, 7900B series, not for GU-7000, 7900)

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The GU-7000B series can specify address by dot (pixel) although the GU-7000 series
specifies the vertical address by 8 dot unit.

Name Code Function

Dot unit downloaded bit 1Fh 28h 64h GU-7000B: Display the bit image defined in
image display 20h xPL xPH Display Memory at the specified (x,y) position.
yPL yPH m aL Display position, display size, and image data
aH aE ySL ySH offset are specified in unit of 1 dot.
xOL xOH yOL GU-7900B: Display the bit image defined in
yOH xL xH FROM or Display memory at the specified (x,y)
position. Display position, display size, and
image data offset are specified in unit of 1 dot.

Dot unit real-time bit 1Fh 28h 64h Display the bit image data at the specified (x,y)
image display 21h xPL xPH position in real-time manner.
yPL yPH xL xH Display position and display size are specified in
yL yH g units of 1 dot.

Dot unit character display 1Fh 28h 64h Display the specified text characters at the
30h xPL xPH specified (x,y) position.
yPL yPH m Display position is specified in units of 1 dot.
bLen For display position xP=FFFFh, write position
d(1)…’d(bLen) continues from previous writes done using this
Character magnification and bold settings are
not used.

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5.7 Moving cursor and display mode

This section describes the display mode of extended sequence commands.
Display mode specifies how to move a cursor at end of the line..

Over-write mode 1Fh 01h Over-writes, or replaces, existing data.

Vertical scroll mode 1Fh 02h Scrolls cursor up 1 line
Horizontal scroll mode 1Fh 03h Scrolls cursor horizontally 1 space

When a character is written, the character is displayed at the cursor position, and the cursor
moves forward one character. For example, a motion of a cursor when written as "ABC" is as
Before written in After written in

123 Cursor 123


Display mode command affects next write-in operation.

Operation in each mode when written as "DEFGH" is as follows;

Overwrite mode: Return to the upper left
and “FGH” is over-written on “123”.

Vertical scroll mode: Scroll up entire

screen to make lowest line empty,
then “FGH” is written to the bottom

Horizontal scroll mode: Scroll the line to the left.

Scrolling speed can be specified in another 123
command. Scrolling will occur on any line.


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5.8 Program examples of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 on Windows PC

5.8.1 Connect to serial port by Visual C# 2010
This is a sample program to display characters on GU-7000 series modules.
This sample can be run in C#2010 Express Edition.

First, install the C # 2010 from the site, Microsoft Corp.

“New project” > double click on “Windows form application” to make a new application.
Double-click “Serial Port” in the tool box.
Double-click “Button” in the tool box.
There is a button in the upper left corner
of the window of "Form1.cs". Move its
button in the center.
The right hand figure is a screen image.

When you double-click Form1 dialog beside

button1, it comes to be able to enter the
definition of “Form1_Load”. Then add
serial port settings as follows.
Change COM3 to a suitable serial port
number according to the system you want
to use. Visual studio generates gray
colored lines already.

------ Start of list -----------

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.serialPort1.PortName = "COM3";
this.serialPort1.BaudRate = 38400;
this.serialPort1.DataBits = 8;
this.serialPort1.StopBits = System.IO.Ports.StopBits.One;
this.serialPort1.Parity = System.IO.Ports.Parity.None;
this.serialPort1.DiscardNull = false;
this.serialPort1.Handshake = System.IO.Ports.Handshake.RequestToSend;
if (this.serialPort1.IsOpen) { this.serialPort1.Close(); }

------ End of list -----------

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Click the [design] tab of “Form1.cs” so that it returns to the design screen.
When Button1 is double-clicked, the processing input of button1_click will be added. After that,
type the program code in as follows;

------ Start of list -----------

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.serialPort1.IsOpen)
this.serialPort1.Write("Hello World");

------ End of list -----------

The whole program becomes like as follows;

------ Start of list -----------

LIST C# sample program
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
{ Check Reference *
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.serialPort1.PortName = "COM3"; //Change port name according to the system
this.serialPort1.BaudRate = 38400;
this.serialPort1.DataBits = 8;
this.serialPort1.StopBits = System.IO.Ports.StopBits.One;
this.serialPort1.Parity = System.IO.Ports.Parity.None;
this.serialPort1.DiscardNull = false;
this.serialPort1.Handshake = System.IO.Ports.Handshake.RequestToSend;
if (this.serialPort1.IsOpen) { this.serialPort1.Close(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

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if (this.serialPort1.IsOpen)
this.serialPort1.Write("Hello World");
----- End of list -----------

*: Please change COM3 to the port name of use.

this.serialPort1.PortName = "COM3";

Press the F5 key when an input finishes. After a while, compiling will finish. Form1 window
should be opened, then click “Button1”. “Hello World” should be displayed on the VFD module."

5.9 Program examples

The previous example explained how to display "Hello World" using C #.

This next example will show the various functions written in C #.

5.9.1 Clear display

private void ClearScreen()
byte[] bb = new byte[1];
bb[0] =(byte) 0x0c;

if (this.serialPort1.IsOpen) {
this.serialPort1.Write(bb, 0, 1);
this.serialPort1.Close(); }

5.9.2 Moving Cursor

A cursor moves to (int X, int Y). Please note that Y is in bytes.

/* Move Cursot to (X, Y). Y is in Byte. */

private void moveCursor(int X, int Y)

byte[] bb = new byte[6];

bb[0] = (byte)0x1f;
bb[1] = (byte)0x24;
bb[2] = (byte)(X % 0x100);
bb[3] = (byte)(X / 0x100);
bb[4] = (byte)(Y % 0x100);
bb[5] = (byte)(Y / 0x100);

if (this.serialPort1.IsOpen)

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this.serialPort1.Write(bb, 0, 6);

5.9.3 Magnified font

Magnified font is a function to enlarge a character to vertical and horizontal directions.

/* @Font Magnified */
private void fontMagnified(int X, int Y)
byte[] bb = new byte[6];

bb[0] = (byte)0x1f;
bb[1] = (byte)0x28;
bb[2] = (byte)0x67;
bb[3] = (byte)0x40;
bb[4] = (byte)X;
bb[5] = (byte)Y;

if (this.serialPort1.IsOpen)
this.serialPort1.Write(bb, 0, 6);

5.9.4 Proportional ASCII

Change the character spacing. Using with a proportional font, the number of average characters
which can be displayed will increase.

/* Set Font Size **

** w=0: Fixed Font Size with 1 dot space
** w=1: Fixed Font Size with 2 dot space
** w=2: Proportional Font Size with 1 dot space
** w=3: Proportional Font Size with 2 dot space
private void FontWidth(int w)
byte[] bb = new byte[5];

bb[0] = (byte)0x1f;
bb[1] = (byte)0x28;
bb[2] = (byte)0x67;
bb[3] = (byte)0x03;
bb[4] = (byte)(w % 0x100);

if (this.serialPort1.IsOpen)
this.serialPort1.Write(bb, 0, 5);

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5.9.5 Set display 2-byte font (for 7900 only)

Set up CJK (Chinese-Japanese-Korean) font.
/* Setup Kanji (2 byte font in Japanese)
** Set up Kanji Display mode.
** cjk=0:Japanese,
** 1:Korean,
** 2:Simplified Chinese
** 3:Traditional Chinese

private void CJK_setup( int cjk)


byte[] bb = new byte[15];

bb[0] = (byte)0x1f;
bb[1] = (byte)0x28;
bb[2] = (byte)0x67;
bb[3] = (byte)0x01;
bb[4] = (byte)0x02;
bb[5] = (byte)0x1f;
bb[6] = (byte)0x28;
bb[7] = (byte)0x67;
bb[8] = (byte)0x02;
bb[9] = (byte)0x01;
bb[10] = (byte)0x1f;
bb[11] = (byte)0x28;
bb[12] = (byte)0x67;
bb[13] = (byte)0x0f;
bb[14] = (byte)cjk;

if (this.serialPort1.IsOpen)
this.serialPort1.Write(bb, 0, 15);

5.9.6 Using Shift-JIS code character display

Write character code for display module is Shift-JIS in Japanese. Since the internal code in C# is
Unicode, it is necessary to write by encoded characters to Shift-JIS. The example to display at the
click of “button2” by Japanese in C# is as follows;

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

const int JIS = 0;
CJK_setup(JIS); /*Setup JIS Kanji*/

string str = "日本語表示します";

Encoding sjisEnc = Encoding.GetEncoding("Shift_JIS");
int NumberOfBytes = sjisEnc.GetByteCount(str);
byte[] bytes = sjisEnc.GetBytes(str);

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if (this.serialPort1.IsOpen)

5.9.7 Graphic display

The bitmapped image converted into byte strings is written in VFD module. The image is
displayed immediately at the display area. When you write an image to a hidden area, the image
appears on the screen by the scroll display command.

/* Realtime Bitimage Display

* image: bitmap image
* X : Horizontal size in Bit
* Y : Vertial size in Byte (8Bit)
private void DrawBitmap(byte[] image, int X, int Y )
byte[] bb = new byte[9];

bb[0] = (byte)0x1f;
bb[1] = (byte)0x28;
bb[2] = (byte)0x66;
bb[3] = (byte)0x11;
bb[4] = (byte)(X % 256);
bb[5] = (byte)(X / 256);
bb[6] = (byte)(Y % 256);
bb[7] = (byte)(Y / 256);
bb[8] = (byte)0x01;

if (this.serialPort1.IsOpen)
this.serialPort1.Write(bb, 0, 9);
if (this.serialPort1.IsOpen)
this.serialPort1.Write(image, 0, X * Y);

5.9.8 Graphic display example

The following is a sample program that opens the graphic file and calls “DrawBitmap()”. This
program is added “Button5” and run as a click event. Please note that you cannot display which is
larger than display are size. Moreover, when the vertical resolution of the bitmap image is not a
multiple of 8, its remainder part is not displayed.

private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

int i, j;
byte b2;

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OpenFileDialog openDia = new OpenFileDialog();

if (openDia.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(openDia.FileName);

// @Show Bitmap on window

pictureBox1.Image = bmp;

// Transform Bitmap file into byte array

Byte[] bb = new Byte[bmp.Width * (bmp.Height/8)];

for (i = 0; i < bmp.Width; i++)

for (j = 0; j < (bmp.Height / 8); j++)
b2 = 0;
if (bmp.GetPixel(i, j * 8).G < 128) { b2 = 1; } b2 += b2;
if (bmp.GetPixel(i, j * 8 + 1).G < 128) { b2++; } b2 += b2;
if (bmp.GetPixel(i, j * 8 + 2).G < 128) { b2++; } b2 += b2;
if (bmp.GetPixel(i, j * 8 + 3).G < 128) { b2++; } b2 += b2;
if (bmp.GetPixel(i, j * 8 + 4).G < 128) { b2++; } b2 += b2;
if (bmp.GetPixel(i, j * 8 + 5).G < 128) { b2++; } b2 += b2;
if (bmp.GetPixel(i, j * 8 + 6).G < 128) { b2++; } b2 += b2;
if (bmp.GetPixel(i, j * 8 + 7).G < 128) { b2++; }

bb[i * (bmp.Height / 8) + j] = b2;


// Move Cursor to Home

moveCursor(0, 0);

// Call Realtime bitmap display

DrawBitmap(bb, bmp.Width, bmp.Height / 8);


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5.9.9 Graphic scroll

The display module performs the scroll of the screen by moving data in Display RAM.

* Graphics Hrizontal scroll
private void GraphicsHrizontalScroll(int skip, int number, int speed)

byte[] bb = new byte[9];

bb[0] = (byte)0x1f;
bb[1] = (byte)0x28;
bb[2] = (byte)0x61;
bb[3] = (byte)0x10;

bb[4] = (byte)(skip % 256);

bb[5] = (byte)(skip / 256);
bb[6] = (byte)(number % 256);
bb[7] = (byte)(number / 256);
bb[8] = (byte)speed;

if (this.serialPort1.IsOpen)
this.serialPort1.Write(bb, 0, 9);

5.9.10 Graphic scroll example

The following is a sample program that is added and run as a click event of “button6”.
Please rewrite the X and Y size to accommodate your display module.

private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

const int Xsize = 256; /* Horizontal screen size of display*/
const int Ysize = 64; /* Vertical screen size of display*/
const int speed = 1;

* Scroll entire display

GraphicsHrizontalScroll(Ysize / 8, Xsize, speed);

5.9.11 Display hidden area

The hidden area of RAM appears on the display area using with the scroll command "5.9.9."

The following example is of a calling program implemented as a click event for “Button7”. Rewrite
the X and Y size to accommodate your display module.

private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


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const int Xsize = 256; /* Horizontal screen size of display*/

const int Ysize = 64; /* Vertical screen size of display*/
const int speed = 1;

* Show hidden area

GraphicsHrizontalScroll(Ysize/8 * Xsize, 1, speed);

5.9.12 Character scroll

Character scrolling is performed when the character is written.
The horizontal scrolling is performed under the following conditions:

Condition 1: After setting the horizontal scroll mode,

Condition 2: when the cursor reaches the right side of the screen,
Condition 3: This display will initiate a scroll action by one character at next character

The scroll speed also needs to be set.

* Horizontal Scroll Mode
private void HorizontalScrollMD3()
byte[] bb = new byte[2];

bb[0] = (byte)0x1f;
bb[1] = (byte)0x03;

if (this.serialPort1.IsOpen)
this.serialPort1.Write(bb, 0, 2);

* Horizontal Scroll Speed
private void HorizontalScrollSpeed(int speed)
byte[i] bb = new byte[3];

bb[0] = (byte)0x1f;
bb[1] = (byte)0x73;
bb[2] = (byte)(speed % 32);

if (this.serialPort1.IsOpen)
this.serialPort1.Write(bb, 0, 3);

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5.9.13 Character scroll example

Example illustrates a use of this command. It is a function as a click event of “button8”.

private void button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

const int speed = 2;


if (this.serialPort1.IsOpen)
this.serialPort1.Write("Horizontal Scroll Mode Test..............................");

5.9.14 Subdivision of a screen in the user window.

A user window can be separated into four sections and commands are performed within the user
window. You use User window setting, delete, and select command.

User window define

private void DefineUserWindow(int a, int X, int Y, int W, int H)
byte[] bb = new byte[14];

bb[0] = (byte)0x1f;
bb[1] = (byte)0x28;
bb[2] = (byte)0x77;
bb[3] = (byte)0x02;
bb[4] = (byte)a;
bb[5] = (byte)1;
bb[6] = (byte)(X % 256);
bb[7] = (byte)(X / 256);
bb[8] = (byte)(Y % 256);
bb[9] = (byte)(Y / 256);
bb[10] = (byte)(W % 256);
bb[11] = (byte)(W / 256);
bb[12] = (byte)(H % 256);
bb[13] = (byte)(H / 256);

if (this.serialPort1.IsOpen)
this.serialPort1.Write(bb, 0, 14);
User Window delete
private void CancelUserWindow(int a)
byte[] bb = new byte[6];

bb[0] = (byte)0x1f;
bb[1] = (byte)0x28;
bb[2] = (byte)0x77;
bb[3] = (byte)0x02;
bb[4] = (byte)a;

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bb[5] = (byte)0;

if (this.serialPort1.IsOpen)
this.serialPort1.Write(bb, 0, 6);
User window select
private void SelectCurrentUserWindow(int a)
byte[] bb = new byte[5];

bb[0] = (byte)0x1f;
bb[1] = (byte)0x28;
bb[2] = (byte)0x77;
bb[3] = (byte)0x01;
bb[4] = (byte)a;

if (this.serialPort1.IsOpen)
this.serialPort1.Write(bb, 0, 5);
5.9.15 User window example
The following is a sample program that assign to a click event of “Button9”.
A 50x16 pixels user window is set to the upper left corner of the screen, and it is displayed there as
"Window". When character scrolling and a graphic display are performed without a break, its
data is written in this user window.
private void button9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
const int UserWindow1 = 1;

DefineUserWindow(UserWindow1, 0, 0, 50, 2);


if (this.serialPort1.IsOpen)
Use the “SelectCurrentUserWindow(0); function” when you stop using the User window.

5.10Parallel interface program examples

The following is a sample program that writes 1 byte for use with 8Bit parallel interface
of embedded MPU. Add a wait time if necessary.
This circuit assumes the case of "4.5.5 Example 2 of Parallel for output BUSY signal

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GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

--------- Program example of Data input ------------------

Void GU7000_out( char data) Please take a
{ wait time when a
do {} while ( BUSY == 1); /* Wait for ready */ host is too high
/* wait 1.5uSec, if necessary */ speed.
DataLines = data; /* Output data */

Please take a
WR = 0; /* set WR Low */
wait time when a
/* wait 100nS, if necessary*/
host is too high
WR = 1; /* set WR High */
6 Troubleshooting Tips
6.1 BUSY signal
BUSY for parallel interface is different than SBUSY for serial interface.
Use short between C and B pin of JRB jumper when you use a BUSY signal for parallel.
Default setting is no connection made at factory.

6.2 Reset
The display controller cannot accept data or commands during the internal power up
initialization. During this initialization, BUSY output is set to “BUSY”, then do not write data
or commands during this period.

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GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

6.3 Why is not it displayed at all? Self test mode

GU-7000 series does not require initialization to start to show some characters. If the display
does not turn on at all, isolate the cause of failure such as wrong circuit drive or a display
module failure. As a solution, GU-7000 series has a self-diagnostic function to displays a test
pattern automatically at turning on.
Please refer to "6.4 How to set test mode" for each item numbers.

Test mode set

Power off

Set test mode

Power on A

No displayed

Internal circuit is normal. Not a character

Exit from test mode, Check voltage
check interface.
Power supply OK Power supply NG

Change or fix power supply.

Possibility of a

6.4 How to set test mode

Starting the self test mode varies for each item. Set the test mode by connecting the center pin of
the 3-pin connector to GND. Set other models without a 3pin connecter by using the short of
Jumper J-T or DIP-SW.
Items are not to scale

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GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

6.4.1 GU112X16G-7000, -7003, -7900, -7000B, -7003B, -7900B

Short 2-3 pin

6.4.2 GU128X32D-7000, -7003, -7900, -7000B, -7003B, -7900B

Short JT

6.4.3 GU128X32D-7050, -7950

Short 2-3 pin

6.4.4 GU128X32D-7901


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GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

6.4.5 GU128X64D-7000, -7003, -7900

Short 2-3 pin

6.4.6 GU128X64F-7000, -7003, -7900, -7900BX

Short 2-3 pin

6.4.7 GU128X128D-7203

Short 2-3 pin

6.4.8 GU140X16G-7040A

Short 2-3 pin

6.4.9 GU140X16G-7000, -7003, -7900, -7903, -7042, 7000B, -7003B, -7900B

Short 2-3 pin

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GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

6.4.10 GU140X16J-7000, -7003, -7000B, -7003B, -7900B

Short 2-3 pin

6.4.11 GU140X32F-7000, -7003, -7900, -7903, -7032, -7000B, -7003B, -7900B

Short 2-3 pin

6.4.12 GU140X32F-7050, -7053, -7950

Short 2-3 pin

6.4.13 GU144X16D-7053B

Connect Pad T to

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GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

6.4.14 GU160X32D-7050, -7950

Short JT
The test mode will start with one or the other.

Short 2-3 pin

6.4.15 GU160X80E-7900B
The test mode will start with one or the other.

Short 2-3 pin

Connect Pad JT to GND

6.4.16 GU256X64C-7000, -7003, -7900

Short 2-3 pin

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GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

6.4.17 GU256X64D-7000, -7900

Short 2-3 pin

6.4.18 GU280X16G-7000, -7003

Short 2-3 pin

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GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

7 Support TOOL
We can offer support tool for you, please contact from our website.

Homepage (Japanese):



7.1 GUD10K [Tutorial]

Platform: Windows PC
・ GUD10K is tutorial Software that offers guidance in creating, programming,
sequencing and displaying messages with the Noritake GU-7000 Series.
・ This tool offers a list of command sequences to perform complex operations
with the display screen.

7.2 C library 7000sample_v10.zip

Platform: H8/325 , Renesas Technology Corporation
Command library of subroutines to use GU-7000 series smoothly.

7.3 Sub routine list

Platform: C language
Ann example of the function definitions which use the 7000 series functions.
This is easy to use if you understand command names and routine names.

7.4 Visual Basic 2008 sample code

A Form application of Visual Basic. Also can be used as a form for software development.

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GU7000 Application note APN200 R2.1

8 Environment
We are committed to the understanding of environmentally hazardous substances established
by the Green Procurement Guideline.
We have also certification of ISO14000 and are keeping striving for the correspondence to an
environmental issue.

8.1 RoHS Compliance

All standard module products including GU-7000 series are compatible with the RoHS
GU-7000 series is exempt from lead-containing component RoHS as follows:
・ Lead oxide in glass used in Vacuum Fluorescent display.
・ Lead oxide contained in the ceramic and glass in electronic components.
・ Lead in high melting point solder components used to connect the internal semiconductor

9 Safety standard
Printed circuit board materials are certified UL :94-V0 flame retardant grade.
The UL certification number is indicated on the printed circuit board.

10 Disclaimers and limitations

The contents provided in this document are carefully created and managed by our
Company, but we cannot guarantee to use these contents on all platforms. If you have
any problems or questions, please consult us.
Noritake sample codes are only for the use of Noritake products. Please carry out
operating verification for final products such as application software on your
responsibility. Support tools provided in a form of the installer may contain programs
that are used under license. These must not be reproduced, modified, or integrated, etc.
as reverse engineered, reverse compiled, or reverse assembled.

11 Contact us
If you have any questions or requests, please consult our sales office or customer
support desk ([email protected])
End of document

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