Teaching Related Attitudes and Job Satisfaction of Criminology Instructor

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”Teaching-Related Attitudes and Job Satisfaction Level of

Criminology Instructors in the Higher Education Institution

in Northern Isabela Province for S.Y 2016-2017 as a basis

for course delivery enhancement”

Chapter I



Teaching is an art and the quality of teaching is

depends on the love, dedication and the devotion of the

teacher towards teaching profession. Teachers are expected

to be responsible for educating students, students bring

their outside experiences with them to school each day.

These experiences have shaped who they are and portray their


Teaching is one of most respectable profession and

plays a vital role in development of societies. The teachers

help students to acquire knowledge, information for their

development and to shoulder the responsibility of taking the

nation towards development, therefore the teachers are

considered as the pillars of the society.

The quality of any teaching programmed can’t not rise

above the quality of each teachers. A theory in education

acquires scientific character if it can established self-

correction processes and value itself at the light of its

own practices (H. Putnam, The primacy of practices).

Attitude towards the teaching profession is

considered to be an essential issue in understanding teacher

behavior, and feelings about teaching, their students and

the school environment. Basically, teacher's attitudes

towards their profession have an effect on their

performance, as well as on commitment to their roles and

responsibilities. Teachers develop negative attitudes and/or

leave the profession for different reasons. Basically,

teachers’ attitudes towards their profession have an effect

on their performance, as well as on their commitment to

their roles and responsibilities. (Issan, Al-Nabhani, Kazem,


The need of every teacher is independence, recognition,

security and new experience. Needs are important for

everyone, if the needs of teachers are not met, the unrest

and dissatisfaction among teachers is increased which is

very unhealthy for not only teachers but also for students.

The job is a vital component of life and also a main source

of income. The job of a teacher requires a major part of day

and is also a source of contribution in the society; hence

the satisfaction of job is necessary for a teacher as well

as overall wellbeing.

Job satisfaction can be influenced by a variety of

factors, for example, the quality of one’s relationship with

their supervisor, the quality of the physical environment in

which they work, the degree of fulfillment in their work,

etc. However, there is no strong acceptance among

researchers, consultants, etc., that increased job

satisfaction produces improved job performance. In fact,

improved job satisfaction can sometimes decrease job

performance (McNamara, [n.d]; War, 1998).

In Northern part of Isabela there are various

institution both private and government schools offering

Criminology course to includes Saint Ferdinand College

Ilagan, HGBaquiran College, Saint Ferdinand College Cabagan

Isabela State University Cabagan and Mallig Plains College.

The researcher is currently teaching at HGBaquiran

College Tumauini,Isabela as Criminology Instructor. It is

for this reason that the researcher is motivated to conduct

a study to assess the teaching-related attitudes of

Criminology instructors in the Higher Education Institution

in Northern Isabela Province and identify their job

satisfaction level which affects their teaching performance.

Conceptual Framework

Personal attitudes are dominant from day to day

activities. People live within the bounds of their personal

attitudes. If a person has positive teaching-related

attitudes, normally their attitudes reflect in their work


Input Process Output

1. Profile of the criminology 1. Assessing the profile of

instructors in terms of: the criminology
1.1 Age instructors in terms of:
1.2 Gender 1.1 Age
1.3 Civil Status 1.2 Gender
1.4 Educational 1.3 Civil Status
Attainment 1.4 Educational Attainment
1.5 Eligibility 1.5 Eligibility
1.6 Length of 1.6 Length of Service
Service 1.7 n0. Of relevant
1.7 n0. Of relevant 2. Assessing the extent to
which the respondents
training/seminar attended
manifest teaching related
2. Assessment of the two
respondents on the teaching attitudes in terms of: Related Attitudes of
related attitudes 2.1 Student Development
manifested by the teacher 2.2 Teaching Process the teacher-
respondent 2.3 Research
2.1 Student Development 2.4 Community Service respondents
2.2 Teaching Process 3. Comparing the assessment established.
2.3 Research of the two groups of
2.4 Community Service respondents on the
teaching –related
3. Job satisfaction level of attitudes manifested by
the respondents relative the teacher respondents.
to: 4. Comparing the teacher-
4.1 Benefits respondents teaching related
4.2 Career Development attitude when group according
4.3 Communication to their profile variables. Action
4.4 Corporate Culture 5. Assessing the Job Plan to address
4.5 Employee Relations satisfaction level of the
4.9 Management respondents in terms of: the areas on
4.10 Salary 4.1 Benefits
4.11 Resources 4.2 Career Development job
4.9Rewards /recognition 4.3 Communication
4.11 Team work 4.4 Corporate Culture
4.11 Training 4.5 Employee Relations level that need
4.12 Work/life 4.6 Management
5. Significant relationship 4.7 Salary improvement.
between the teaching attitudes 4.8 Resources
and the level job satisfaction 4.9Rewards /recognition
on the teacher respondents. 4.10 Team work
6. area/s of job satisfaction 4.11 Training
are the respondents not 4.12 Work/life
satisfied. 6. Correlating the teaching
7. Program intervention maybe related attitudes of the
proposed to address the teacher-respondents and their
identified area/s where the job satisfaction level
respondents are not satisfied. relative to above areas.
7. Identifying the areas on
job satisfaction level where
the respondents not satisfied.

Figure 1

Paradigm of the Study

This study was guided by the following inputs: the

Profile of the respondents was gathered together with their

Work Value Patterns

Statement of the Problem

This study is designed to assess the teaching related

attitudes and job satisfaction level criminology instructors

in the Higher Education Institution in Northern Isabela

Province for S.Y 2016-2017 as a basis for course delivery


Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following


1. What is the profile of the teacher respondents by school

and as a whole in terms of:

1.1. Age

1.2. Gender

1.3. Civil Status

1.4. Highest Educational Attainment;

1.5. Eligibility;

1.6. Length of Service;

1.7. Number of relevant trainings/seminar attended;

2. To what extent do the teacher-respondent manifest the

following teaching-related attitudes as assess by themselves

and their students by school in terms of:

2.1 Students Development

2.2 Teaching Process

2.3 Research

2.4 Community Service

3. Is there a significant difference between the assessments

of the two groups of respondents on the teaching-related

attitudes manifested by the teacher-respondent relative to

above areas?

4. Is there a significant difference between the teaching-

related attitudes of the respondents by school when group

according to profile variables?

5. What is the job satisfaction level of the teacher-

respondents by school as assessed by themselves?

5.1 Benefits;

5.2 Career Development;

5.3 Communication;

5.4 Corporate Culture;

5.5 Employee Relations;

5.6 Management;

5.7 Salary;
5.8 Resources;

5.9 Rewards / recognition;

5.10 Team work;

5.11 Training;

5.12 Work/life;

6. Is there a significant relationship between the teaching

attitudes and the level of job satisfaction of the teacher


7. In what area/s of job satisfaction are the respondents

not satisfied?

8. What program intervention maybe proposed to address the

identified area/s where the respondents are not satisfied?


This study will be guided by the following hypotheses:

1. There is no significant difference between the

assessments of the two groups of respondents on the

teaching-related attitudes manifested by the teacher-

respondent relative to above areas.

2. There is no significant difference between the

teaching-related attitudes of the respondents by school when

group according to profile variables.

3. There is no significant relationship between the

teaching attitudes and the level of job satisfaction of the

teacher respondents.

Significance of the Study

The study will be primarily conducted to assess the

teaching related attitudes and job satisfaction level of

criminology instructor as a basis for course delivery

enhancement in ISU Cabagan, HGBaquiran Colleges, Saint

Ferdinand College Cabagan, Saint Ferdinand College Ilagan

and Mallig Plain College. The data gathered and collected by

the researcher will be beneficial to the following:

Schools. The result of this study will contribute on

the development of programs for the instructor to come up


The Administrators. The results would provide inputs and/or

feedback to help them look at the respective program offerings

and to serve as tool for planning guide to have a meaningful and

effective Criminal Justice Education program.

The Faculty. The result of this study will contribute

on the development of the performance of the criminology

instructor and to enable them to be more consistent.

The Students. The outcomes may trigger the students to

value and appreciate their chosen criminology career path.

The Community. This study would enlighten the members of the

community on the contributions of the criminal justice education

in attaining peaceful and progressive nation.

The Researcher. The result of this study will be

satisfaction and fulfillment to the researcher, knowing that

he has contributed something to her endeavor.

The Future Researchers. The result of this study shall

serve as basis in conducting a parallel study where they can

include other variables that are not covered in this study.

Scope and Delimitations

This study is primarily focus on the assessment of

teaching related attitudes and job satisfaction level of

criminology instructor as a basis for course delivery and

enhancement. It was confined in the assessment along the

areas of student and instructors attitude, problems

encountered by the instructors, and the job satisfaction.

The respondents of this study are the criminology

instructor of the five (5) schools that offers Bachelor of

Science in Criminology in Tumauini, Cabagan, Ilagan and


Definition of Terms

For clarity and better understanding of the study, the

following terms/phrases were defined operationally and


Instructor - person who teaches criminology subject or

skill in a college or university in the province of Isabela.

Students- a person who attends a college or university

studying criminology course.

Job satisfaction.- measures vary in the extent to which

they measure feelings about the job or cognitions about the


Benefits - payment or gift made by school to the


Career Development - the lifelong process of managing

learning, work, leisure, and transitions in order to move toward

a personally determined and evolving preferred future.

Corporate Culture - refers to the beliefs and behaviors

that determine how company’s employees and management interact

and handle outside business transactions.

Employee Relations - refers to a company's efforts to

manage relationships between employers and employees. 

Management the process of dealing with or controlling

things or people.

Resources - stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and

other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in

order to function effectively.

Rewards - thing given in recognition of one's service,

effort, or achievement.

Recognition – the action or process of recognizing or

being recognized, in particular.

Team work - he combined action of a group of people,

especially when effective and efficient.

Training - the action of teaching a person or animal a

particular skill or type of behavior.

Work/life - a concept including the proper prioritization

between work and lifestyle.

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