Occultism and National Socialism

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Occultism and National-Socialism

By David Myatt

Both the true nature and the cosmic importance of National-Socialism,

and Adolf Hitler, have been, and still are, misunderstood. In recent
decades, many attempts have been made to identify, or explain, what
has been called "the Occult roots" of National-Socialism, just as many
people who profess to be Occultists have attempted to explain what
they have described as the "Occult nature" of National-Socialism. The
Occult is the modern term used to describe certain "hidden", "secret",
esoteric or mystical beliefs, practices, knowledge or arts. Included in
this term are Witchcraft, modern "paganism", Satanism and what has
become known as "magick".

The true nature of the National-Socialism of Adolf Hitler is that

National-Socialism, as outlined in the first chapter of this present
work, uniquely represents, and uniquely expresses in a modern way,
the organic wholeness of the cosmos and the individual which predated
the Christian, or Nazarene, division of it into conflicting opposites. This
division was abstract, dogmatic and in conflict with the reality which
exists in Nature, in the cosmos and in we ourselves, as evolving,
diverse human beings. The result of this fundamental division, and the
acceptance of Christianity among Aryan or European nations, was the
suppression for over a thousand years of our physical nature and our
unique Aryan ethos. This ethos has been described as both Dionysian
and Apollonian, and one of the most significant, important and hitherto
suppressed aspects of this natural and healthy ethos is our "Faustian",
or more correctly Luciferian, spirit - our aggressive, war-like,
conquering and inquisitive nature.

What has not been understood, except by a few, is that National-

Socialism restores what is natural: what is balanced or harmonious. It
does this for we ourselves, as individuals; for Nature, and for the
cosmos itself. Thus, for example, and in respect of the individual,
National-Socialism restores that healthy vitality - that physical
exuberance and acceptance of our physical nature - which Christianity
suppressed and distorted, to the detriment of our Aryan psyche and
our present European civilization. National-Socialism, in brief, restores
that essentially pagan joy in living which our pagan ancestors tried to
express through their natural and instinctive religions. Occultism at its
best, and most rational, is but a modern attempt to try and capture and
express, in the life of the individual, one of the "missing", suppressed
or lost elements of our own nature, just as it is, at its best, an attempt
to try and capture and express the essential numinosity, or spiritual
nature, of Nature herself and the cosmos. Hence part of its archetypal
appeal. In some ways, some aspects of Occultism, as Jung understood,
strive to represent our suppressed 'dark' side, our instinctive
unconscious, and there have been some attempts - one by Jung himself
- to understand National-Socialism as a modern re-birth of this
suppressed 'dark' or instinctive side: a re-birth, in Jung's words, of
Wotanism or Odinism.

The truth, however, is that National-Socialism represents the

wholeness itself - it does not represent just what has become described
as the 'dark', 'shadow', instinctive, or unconscious aspect of our Aryan
nature simply because this aspect does not, or rather should not, exist
by itself. There is only the wholeness, the organic unity, itself. In the
incorrect terms of the abstracted opposites of Christianity, National-
Socialism is both the light and the dark; in the incorrect terms of
modern psychology, National-Socialism is both our instinctive nature,
our unconscious, and our consciousness or reason. What is of supreme
importance is to understand that this division into opposites is
fundamentally wrong, against our nature as Aryans, and that therefore
any attempt to describe National-Socialism in terms of such opposites
is also wrong.

In fundamental terms, this means that any and all attempts to link
National-Socialism with Occultism, or with any aspect of Occultism,
modern or otherwise, are doomed, just as any and all attempts to
"explain" or "understand" National-Socialism is psychological terms
are also doomed. This is so because Occultism and psychology - like
Christianity itself and the Judaism from which Christianity derives - are
founded upon the fundamentally abstract and flawed notion of
opposing, or contradictory, opposites, and because, in the case of
Occultism, Occultism does not represent or express what actually
exists, in ourselves, in Nature and in the cosmos. In simple terms - and
as outlined in Chapter I of this present work - National-Socialism and
the Occult are incompatible, just as National-Socialism has rendered
the Occult, Christianity and even modern psychology, obsolete.

Quintessentially, National-Socialism is a modern, conscious and unique

expression of the organic wholeness of the order which is manifest in
we ourselves, as human beings; which is manifest in Nature, and which
is manifest in the cosmos itself. Consequently, only National-Socialism
can preserve, and enhance, this order - and maintain the balance, or
harmony, which is essential for us to live healthy, vital and evolving, or
civilized, lives.

I - National-Socialism and the Occult

National-Socialism and Occultism are fundamentally, and irretrievably,

incompatible and opposed to each other.

National-Socialism is fundamentally opposed to Occultism for two

reasons. Firstly, because National-Socialism is an expression of what is
civilized - that is, it represents the reason, order and noble enquiring
attitude which gives rise to and which maintains civilization.
Philosophically, the foundations of National-Socialism lie in the
civilization of ancient Greece, and particularly in the work of Aristotle
for whom the cosmos, and thus Nature, were an ordered, awesome and
wonderful creation which we, as human beings, could understand, or
apprehend, through Thought: through the power of reason.
Furthermore, the cosmos, and thus Nature, are understood as working
- as being manifest to us - in accord with certain ordered processes or
laws. What exists, obeys such natural laws, and all phenomena - all
that we as human beings can observe or know - can be explained in
terms of such processes or laws. Understanding arises from a
knowledge of these laws, with such laws having to be discovered, by
us, through observation and practical experimentation.

The second reason that National-Socialism and the Occult are opposed
is because what makes National-Socialism unique - and thus of
fundamental importance - is that National-Socialism is a unity, a
wholeness, a genuine expression of what exists, being both spiritual
and civilized. That is, National-Socialism does not champion or uphold
a lifeless materialism or a lifeless logic - rather, it champions and
upholds the ordered, living, vital essence of existence itself, composed
as this essence is of what is both spiritual, or numinous, and what is
ordered, rational and thus civilized. In simple terms, National-
Socialism and National-Socialism alone represents and upholds the
original, organic, unity which has been lost, and out of which all other
beliefs, creeds, philosophies or religions abstracted opposing
opposites, to the detriment of our understanding, our well-being, our
evolution and our very existence as human beings. This unity is
essential to a fulfilling human existence, and only from it can further
upward evolution occur.

In contrast, Occultism is based on a totally different Weltanschauung,

or "view of the world". Fundamentally, the basis of Occultism is firstly,
a specific belief or dogma, and secondly, the general belief that Nature,
and the cosmos, is somehow "mysterious", unknowable and/or
"magickal" - that is, subject to miracles or events which contradict the
natural order and which cannot be explained rationally. The specific, or
particular, belief or dogma underlying a particular Occult art is often,
however, derived from some phenomena or series of phenomena, or
some particular personal experience or experiences, with such
phenomena and such personal experiences often being illogically
extrapolated to form the basis of some cult, religion, sect or whatever.
Furthermore, a lot of Occultism is based on a belief in supernatural
powers. In contrast, National-Socialism accepts that there are no
mysterious, terrifying, supernatural entities or powers, or disembodied
spirits. It does not offer idle speculation about such things as
reincarnation, and a personal life after death, as it does not depend on
or accept the speculation, the belief, or the dogma of any other creed,
faith or religion. Instead, it affirms its own exclusive understanding of
life, death and the cosmos, based on the accumulated wisdom of
thousands of years of civilization. That is, National-Socialism is a
complete, self-contained, exclusive spiritual philosophy, or religion.
National-Socialism, with its wholeness, its unique combination of
spiritual understanding and reason, renders Occultism obsolete.

National-Socialism is a rational but numinous - or spiritual -

explanation of the true nature of the cosmos and our place in the
cosmos; it explains, for the first time, the nature of our humanity and
the nature of that living Being which is beyond us as individuals and
which is the source of our existence and our Destiny. In explaining
such things, National-Socialism does not destroy or undermine the
awe, the luminosity, the wonder, and the power of Nature and the
cosmos. Rather, such a rational understanding enhances that awe,
luminosity, wonder and power because it provides us with perspective,
with meaning - with an insight into our real relationship with those
things which are beyond us and which we depend upon for our
existence, our health and our Destiny.

In respect of unusual, or still unexplained phenomena, National-

Socialism expresses a balanced, or organic view. That is, it is open and
enquiring, believing that such phenomena can be or will be
explainable, in rational terms, given sufficient thought, and sufficient
data. Such phenomena may also give rise to new laws, and thus a new
understanding of the cosmos. What is important, is a noble, open and
enquiring attitude to such things.

In respect of underdeveloped "psychic" powers and abilities which we,

as human beings, may possess, National-Socialism is also balanced, or
organic - that is, open and enquiring. It asserts, however, that what is
of fundamental importance, insofar as individuals are concerned, is
personal character - the development of a noble attitude. If such
powers and abilities exist, then they can only be developed naturally
once such a foundation of noble character has been created in the
individual. For without such a foundation, such abilities and such
powers are unbalanced, and thus detrimental to that individual and
what is beyond that individual - the folk, civilization and the cosmos

It needs to be repeated that only the organic philosophy - or religion -

of National-Socialism expresses the essence of our existence, the
nature of the cosmos and what is necessary for us, as human beings, to
continue the glorious work of evolution by creating a new race of
higher, more civilized beings. Accordingly, all other philosophies,
religions or beliefs - including Occultism - are now irrelevant, obsolete
or detrimental to our existence and to the future evolution which is our
Destiny as human beings.

II - Paganism and National-Socialism

A genuine pagan is someone who believes there is a creative force in
Nature which produces, or is responsible for, and which changes, living
beings, including ourselves. Furthermore, a pagan also believes that
conventional religions, with their idea of an all-powerful deity or God,
are unnatural since Nature and its creative force cannot be
represented by a single, all-powerful, anthropomorphic deity.

Expressed another way, a genuine pagan is someone who respects

Nature, and her creations, and who accepts that what exists, in
Nature, has some order or purpose.

However, the term 'paganism' has over recent years been used -
incorrectly - by people who adhere to extreme 'Left-wing', or
Marxist-type, causes, as well as by those mis-guided Aryans who have
rejected those creations of our present civilization, science and reason.
Accordingly, the term 'pagan' has now become associated with various
'trendy' causes and various weird, beliefs. These types of people are
not genuine pagans.

Essentially, paganism means a certain attitude to life; that is, a

particular way of living. It does not mean, and does not necessarily
involve, worship of strange gods and goddesses or spirits; weird
rituals, or 'spells and conjurations'. Genuine ancient paganism was an
instinctive belief in a particular folk or community, in the Destiny or
importance of that folk, and what is necessary to ensure the well-being
and survival of that folk. In all genuine paganism there is an
understanding of or feeling for the particular land or place where the
folk dwells - that is, a regard and even reverence for 'ancestral land'.
The ancestors of the folk are regarded as being present in or re-born
into, this ancestral land. The well-being and survival of the folk depend
on respecting these ancestors, respecting the land itself without which
these ancestors would be 'homeless', and respecting the forces of
Nature which produce the land, give it its fertility, and which are more
powerful than any individual. Thus, a genuine pagan has a sense of the
organic nature, or wholeness, of their community or folk, and of how
this folk is balanced between their land and Nature herself. There is, in
short, a genuine sense of belonging.

Thus, there is in genuine ancient paganism an explanation of the place

of the individual in the general 'scheme of things', as well as an
explanation of the origins and importance of a particular folk or
community. Mostly, these explanations take the form of myths and

Paganism is thus a natural, instinctive, 'view of the world' or

Weltanschauung. It is also more natural, more productive of individual
well-being, and more correct, than conventional religions like
Christianity. Such religions are in many ways unnatural abstractions
which destroy the natural balance a folk attains with its ancestors, its
ancestral lands and its sense of Destiny. Such religions also elevate an
abstract, unhealthy, world-negating, anti-Nature spirituality above
physical well-being, as they replace the ideal of individual and folk
excellence by obedience and faith to some Church or some God. Such
religions also deny folk-destiny - affirming that all folk communities are
equal in the sight of God/Allah/Buddha and so on.

National-Socialism is basically a modern, conscious (as distinct from

instinctive) paganism. That is, it is a modern, conscious and rational
understanding of our place, as individuals, in the natural and cosmic
'scheme of things'. National-Socialism explains, and makes conscious
for the first time in history, the importance of Nature, and of all of her
creations, including, most importantly, race and individual character.

National-Socialism also reveals the ethos of the Aryan peoples of this

world - of who we, as Aryans are; what we must do to live healthy lives;
what our unique Destiny is, and how we can continue with and build
upon the achievements of our ancestors. National-Socialism expresses
how we are balanced between Nature and our folk - between Blood
and Soil.

The essential importance of National-Socialism is that it makes us

aware of such things as these in a practical way which enables us to
live healthy, fulfilling lives and move-on to become higher, more
civilized, beings, where it is to be understood that 'civilization' means
and implies a community of warriors who uphold noble warrior values
such as honour. National-Socialism is so revolutionary and so
important because it is a practical means to construct a balanced
pagan, warrior, society and so create a new race of higher beings - a
new type of person - thereby continuing the creative work of Nature.
National-Socialism is fundamentally anti-materialistic - it is in revolt
against all forms of selfish decadence, for these upset the balance of
Nature and ultimately undermine and destroy Nature and her
creations, including race and excellence of individual character.

National-Socialism reveals to us, as individuals, our unique place in the

cosmic scheme of things, and shows how we can use our lives as they
are meant to be used - to create something beyond ourselves. This
involves us in respecting the creations of Nature, and thus
championing our own unique race, our own unique racial culture and
our own unique racial Destiny.

Thus, National-Socialists champion natural, ordered, civilized values in

a world increasingly full of unnatural, disorded, uncivilized values.
National-Socialists champion Nature - and life itself - while the
enemies of National-Socialism champion death and chaos.

III - Cosmic Reich

What do you think was the esoteric current behind the Third Reich and
Hitler/the NSDAP? Did this derive from an ancient tradition, or was it of fairly
recent origin via Thule, for example?

Basically, and as I mentioned in my The Enlightenment of National-

Socialism, Adolf Hitler was a means whereby the cosmos restored the
balance that had been lost. By creating the National-Socialist
movement and by creating the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler gave us as
Aryans the means to achieve that balance without which our further
evolution, as Aryans, is impossible. In brief, he restored us to our
unique racial psyche. Furthermore, he revealed the Destiny of our
whole human species, and made that Destiny possible. That is, he
revealed the truths about race, racial ethos and culture, individual
excellence, and triumphing over adversity through using our will to
change ourselves for the better.

He did this naturally, not mystically. That is, he was in a profound way
supra-human and self-contained: the cosmos in evolution and being
made manifest in an individual. I do not mean this in a 'theological'
sense, but in a naturalistic way: he was what most of us have the
potential to become; a more highly evolved being. What existed,
esoterically or otherwise, before his emergence is now irrelevant - he
himself, and his movement, are the esoteric current of our times and of
the next Aeon. He relied on no previous esoteric current, and was not
part of any - he was and is the current. This was why esoteric groups,
including Thule, were banned in the Third Reich - they were not
necessary, were irrelevant or were detrimental to the energies
National-Socialism had unleashed and was using to re-shape us and
the cosmos. In some ways, Thule helped prepare the way for Adolf
Hitler - with his emergence, Thule was no longer necessary. The
various NS organizations, such as the SS, became the practical means
to achieve the transformations necessary. What has not even now been
understood, except by a very few, is that National-Socialism was and is
a practical alchemy which can achieve the goal that all genuine
'esoteric' groups seek to achieve: a new, higher, being. Moreover, and
importantly, National-Socialism seeks to and can make this goal real
for the majority, not just a select few.

I can only repeat that all esoteric groups which existed before Adolf
Hitler are either now irrelevant, or, if they still exist, are now
detrimental to future development: to the creation of higher beings.
The only significant and important esoteric groups which now exist are
those which, understanding the cosmic importance of Adolf Hitler,
covertly or otherwise prepare the way for, and encourage, the future
triumph of National-Socialism and 'esoteric Hitlerism'. Notice I did not
restrict myself to mentioning 'Aryan' esoteric groups, for ultimately
National-Socialism will enable our evolution as a whole species, as I
have briefly explained in my 'The Enlightenment of National-Socialism'.

Considering the archetypal scope of NS and Hitler, do you consider that the
persecution and hatred directed against these might actually be empowering
them psychically? And, in general, if persecution actually serves to empower its
target, could this not also be said for overt opposition to, for example,
Christianity and Zionism? If correct, how can this paradox be resolved?

Persecution and hatred only empower up to a point. The energies so

produced are limited, and beyond that point become destructive. What
is archetypal needs to be made real; the psychic model which exists in
people's psyche needs to be constructed in real life, 'in the world', and
this means numinous energy. In its birth-time, and for a while
afterwards, a new archetype can be empowered by persecution and
hatred - but to thrive, to grow, to affect a multitude, to become real, it
has to receive this numinous energy. This, however, arises naturally
from those 'touched' by the archetype, and whose lives and actions
further empower it. In a sense, it is a symbiotic relationship, a coming-
together of two types of being, an archetypal one, not bound by causal
space-time, and a 'human' being, living in causal space-time. The
archetype gives strength, balance and 'wholeness' to individuals - and
yet it itself becomes strengthened by this bond.

Few people really understand archetypes. They are living - they are
born, they flourish, and they die. They are not an 'intellectual
abstraction' for people to pretend to understand and try to use. Neither
are they mystical in the sense of being 'incomprehensible'.

After the banning of esoteric groups by the Third Reich, what occult influence
continued to impact upon the Third Reich, and did it have tangible
organizational form? Who were its principal exponents?

There was no occult influence - for Adolf Hitler and the National-
Socialist movement expressed all that was necessary, with the various
National-Socialist organizations giving tangible form to the
evolutionary energies which Adolf Hitler unleashed and controlled.
What needs to be understood is that all these various organizations
were necessary for the correct balance to be achieved and thus a
numinous society, or State, created. National-Socialist Germany was
more than just another State - it was the first time, in the history of our
evolution as a species, that a State-form was used in an evolutionary
way. Indeed, a new form was thereby created, and this form is so
revolutionary, so crucial for our future as a species and as 'thinking-
beings', that its importance cannot at this time be over-estimated.

There has been a tendency to try and identify the SS as the most
important 'esoteric-type' organization of the Reich - as some sort of
'mystical' organization which embodied the principles of National-
Socialism in a higher form. This tendency shows a basic
mis-understanding of National-Socialism, the SS itself, and in
particular what National-Socialist Germany was. The SS was a warrior
organization, with an Aryan warrior ethos, and as such exemplified
some of the highest Aryan ideals. It was also intended to be archetypal
- creating its own traditions, and bringing about, partly through the
test of combat, the development of higher beings. But other
organizations embodied other Aryan ideals, and all of them together
were necessary and vital for a healthy, balanced society to be achieved.
The SS was a vital and necessary part of the practical organic whole
that was National-Socialist Germany.

Were Hitler and others such as the mystically-inclined Hess and Himmler fully
conscious themselves of their Aeonic roles, and perhaps even of their fated

Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess certainly were aware of these things.
Hess himself wrote, in 57 yf, after the victorious allies had hanged
eleven Germans at Nuremberg: "What the death of these Eleven will
one day mean, but few today can suspect, much less can I write about.
We are standing on the threshold of a great new age. What we are all
going through are its birth-pangs. Everything seems negative - yet
despite it all, the time is coming when something new and great will be
How do you perceive the Third Reich and its defeat in Aeonic terms? Was it a
premature experiment for something that did not belong to this Aeon - or
perhaps the seeding for something centuries hence that was required to be
established in this century in order to work itself upon future centuries?

The Third Reich - or as I prefer to call it, the first National-Socialist

Reich - was a prelude to what might yet be. Its destruction, and the
immolation of Adolf Hitler, provide us with the inspiration we must
have to continue our upward development by creating a practical
means, such as a State, which enables us to achieve this evolutionary
development. Because of the work of Adolf Hitler and his German
followers, because of the destruction of this work by our racial
enemies, we have the weapons we must have in order to secure a
future for ourselves and our race. We also now have the tools to build a
new civilization greater than any existing hitherto. But this future and
this new and higher civilized are not inevitable because of these things
- they are not fated to be. Whether they will be, depends on us; on
whether we pick up those weapons and those tools, and on how we use

Adolf Hitler has left us a great legacy. We can either use that legacy,
and so achieve greatness; or we can ignore that legacy, and so choose
doom as a race. If we as a race reject this legacy, we deserve to perish.
We either survive, flourish and create new civilizations; or we endure
oppression, and gradually die out. Using this legacy, it is possible for
us, or our descendants, to win back our freedom, and so create another
National-Socialist Reich, within twenty to fifty years from now. If this is
not done - because we or our descendants prefer oppression and
self-indulgence - then this legacy can still be used by others some time
in the future to create a new Reich, provided of course there are still
pure Aryans around then. But unless we act soon, the one great
possibility which awaits - and which will secure civilization forever -
will be postponed and may never arise again. I refer of course to a
Galactic Empire. We are uniquely placed, given our Thorian technology
and our understanding, to begin the process which will ensure the
creation of this Empire. But if this is not done soon - if there is a long
period of Zionist oppression, an interregnum - then this will no longer
be feasible for many, many centuries; and may indeed never be feasible
again, even if sufficient Aryans survive. This will be so because during
this interregnum the Thorian ethos will decline and die, as will the
technology which exemplifies that ethos. It would probably be over a
millennia before the same level is reached again.

As a principal postwar philosopher of NS you seem to be the first to have given

a star-bound vision to NS. Your vision is of mankind's evolution toward 'Homo
Galactica' and a Galactic Empire. When and how did these concepts begin to
take shape? What were the formative influences on it, and were there any
philosophical or scientific precursors to you?

Ever since I was twelve or thirteen years of age I have known that our
ultimate Destiny lies in the exploration and conquest of Outer Space.
Since those years, the prospect has excited and intrigued me - as it
excites and intrigues many young people. It was this which led me to
study Physics and join a scientific society dedicated to encouraging
Space travel. Like millions of others, I sat for hours on end to watch
the live television broadcasts of the first human ever to walk on the
surface of the moon. But I was also aware, at that time, that only a
certain type of society could pursue and make real this ultimate
Destiny - that it needed a new type of person, and a society dedicated
to something more than self-gratification and materialism. What was
needed was a society composed of noble individuals who strove to
work together for the common good and who were ennobled by
pursuing idealistic goals such as exploration and conquest.

When I first learned of the existence of National-Socialist Germany, at

the age of fifteen, I knew intuitively that here was the type of society
that was needed - or at least a prototype for it. And it was this
knowledge, and my understanding of National-Socialism, which above
anything else inspired me to become active in politics and forsake my
dream of becoming a Physicist and finding some means to travel
between the stars. I wanted and yearned to create the only type of
society which could make this noble and glorious Destiny real. To me,
the exploration and conquest of Outer Space - the creation of a
Galactic Empire - is the ultimate practical expression of National-
Socialism. It is our unique Destiny as a race - and our opportunity to
achieve this is here, now, given our technology, our inventiveness, our

I hate the enemies of National-Socialism because I know that they are

stifling and trying to destroy the heroic noble spirit of exploration and
conquest which lives within our hearts and which alone raises us up
out of the squalid mire of barbarism and selfish materialism. These
enemies are trying - with their vapid materialism, their neurotic guilt,
their obsession with sex - to kill our dreams. They are trying to destroy
what makes us unique and human.

I have written and said what I have written and said about the Galactic
Empire and National-Socialism because I feel these things deep within
my own being. As to there being any philosophical or scientific
precursors to this, I do not know.

Since you also write of NS as being a philosophy of BALANCE - re-atuning the

individual and the folkish community to Nature - how can such a balance be
maintained in the pursuit of a Galactic Empire which would obviously require a
far more technological and scientific orientated society than at present?

National-Socialism is harmonious, and thus a philosophy of balance,

because it seeks to create a society, or a way of living, where the two
things necessary for both health and advancement exist together,
without conflict. Indeed, National-Socialism is so special, and so
important for us, because it alone expresses how this can be done. To
be fully healthy, as individuals, we need a harmonious, beautiful,
environment, a sense of belonging and a sense of purpose. These
things mean Blood and Soil - an awareness of our heritage, our place
'in the scheme of things'; an awareness of our duties and
responsibilities toward our folk-community and our race. Blood and
Soil also mean a sense of belonging: a homeland; somewhere special
for us, where we belong.

But to advance, to evolve, we need change, challenges, a spirit of

adventure. Otherwise there is stagnation and decay. Change means
growth, and technology. A society is organic and healthy if it preserves
what is best, and yet allows for growth, change and expansion. That is,
there is a controlled balance maintained between Blood and Soil and
Conquest and Exploration. What maintains this balance is a conscious
awareness - an understanding that both are necessary and vital for a
society to function properly and evolve naturally, in accordance with

National-Socialism accepts that individuals should fulfill the role which

is suited to their character, talents and abilities, and it aims to create
the type of society where individuals can make the best use of their
talents and abilities. That is, National-Socialism values personal
character, as it accepts that some people are suited to say, farming and
husbandry, while others are more suited to scientific work, or being a
warrior. What matters is that the work an individual does is respected;
that all types of work are seen as dignified and necessary for the good
of the whole society.

National-Socialism aims to harness and control growth and technology

for the good of the folk, as it aims to preserve what is essential for
individual health, what is essential for producing healthy children:
Blood and Soil. By creating a healthy environment - and thus healthy
children - by controlling and harnessing growth and technology, and by
using these to pursue an idealistic noble goal such as the creation of a
Galactic Empire, a real, conscious, balance can be created, for the first
time in our conscious evolution. Further, because National-Socialism is
a conscious expression of the wisdom of thousands of years of
civilization, its organizations and structures aim to produce individuals
of noble character, who can accept responsibility, who have judgement
and who are instinctively wise. It is these individuals who can ensure
such a balance is created and maintained.

Will there ever be a danger of stagnation and decay in the New Aeon as in all
previous Aeons and their civilizations, or will the Galactic scope of the New
Aeon give in an enduring (even eternal) quality that is unique to it?

Once the Galactic Empire becomes real, with colonization of other

star-systems, then a natural divergence will take place, and new,
unique, civilizations arise. Each world, each outpost, as it developes,
will go through cycles of change; some will evolve; some will decay
with new life emerging from such decay. Providing such stellar
seeding, such conquest of other-worlds, continues, so will this Aeon.
But there will probably come a time when even this forward movement
ceases, and decay and stagnation set in, with the structure of such an
Empire collapsing. Then other aeons [plural] will emerge, in different
places, and at different times.


The above is taken from Cosmic Reich published in 1997 by

Renaissance Press, PO Box 1627, Paraparaumu Beach, New Zealand.

Re-issued by Reichsfolk 2001

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