Lesson Plan For Grade 4
Lesson Plan For Grade 4
Lesson Plan For Grade 4
Date: ____________
Tell the use of electricity in the home and community
Values: Conserving electricity; Self-discipline; Cooperation
Uses of Electricity
A. Science Concept/Idea:
Electricity has many uses in the home and community.
It will help you wash clothes, iron clothes, makes you cool, cook your food and many others.
B. Science Processes:
Observing, inferring, communicating
C. Materials:
Electric fan, IV set, radio, pictures showing some uses of electricity
Science & Health pp. 138-140 Module in Science and Health V
A. Preparatory Activities:
What are electromagnets? What are the uses of electromagnets?
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
What is electricity? Do you know some uses of electricity?
2. Presentation:
The pupils will be given pictures. Out of the pictures they will formulate sentences or
concepts about the uses of electricity.
Group A
At home
Group B
In the community
3. Activity Proper:
Uses of electricity
4. Concept Formation:
The leader will report on the uses of electricity at home and community.
How does electricity work in industries? In transportation? In communication? In
5. Application:
In what way is electricity is useful at home and in the community?
What are the uses of electricity?
a. at home? b. in the community?
What are the uses of electricity in your home? In your community?
Infer that simple machines make work easier and faster
Values: Be attentive in Class discussions. Working harmoniously and cooperatively in group
Simple machines
A. Science Concept/Idea:
Machines are part of our daily lives. Whatever we do, be it work or play, there is almost
always a machine involved. Machines make our work easier and faster.
B. Science Processes:
Inferring, identifying, generalizing
C. Materials:
Claw hammer, nail, block of wood, drill, screw driver, screw, drill bit
Module in Science and Health V; Manual of Activities and Enhancement and Experiments p. 73
Into the Future: Science & Health V, pp. 173
A. Preparatory Activities:
What should you do to conserve electricity?
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
What do you use when you sew? When you cut firewood? When you slice a fruit?
2. Presentation:
The pupils will prepare their materials given by the teacher. They will work in 3 groups.
C. Activity Proper:
Activity 1, page 73
D. Concept Formation:
1. Is it easy to drive a nail or a screw through a wooden block with your bare hand?
2. Is it easier to do the same job using a hammer or a screw driver?
3. Is it easier to hammer appointed nail or flattened nail through a wooden block?
E. Generalization:
What can machines do?
F. Application:
What other tools or materials do you use when you work in the garden? In the kitchen? In the
shop? In the room?
What can machines do?
Bring examples of simple machines.
Date: ____________
Identify the kinds of simple machines
A. Science Concept/Idea:
There are different kinds of simple machines. They are lever, pulley, inclined plane, wedge,
screw, wheel and axle
B. Science Processes:
Identifying, observing, inferring
C. Materials:
Samples of simple machine like wheel barrow, shovel, bottle opener, scissor, tong
Into the Future: Science & Health V, pp. 174-189
A. Preparatory Activities:
What are the importance of simple machines in our lives? Give some examples.
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Name the simple machine that you see in front.
Can you identify the kinds of simple machines out of these examples?
2. Presentation:
The pupils will be grouped into 4 and they will work on the activity given by the teacher.
How do you group these simples machines?
C. Concept Formation:
To what kind of simple machines do the following belong?
1. scissors 3. hand drill
2. shovel 4. seesaw
3. door knob
D. Generalization:
What are the different kinds of simple machines?
D. Application:
How do you take good care of the simple machines at home?
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is a rigid bar that is free to rotate about its axis.
a. lever c. inclined plane
b. screw d. wedge
2. It is a grooved wheel with a rope around it. It is used to raise objects and/or change the direction
of the force.
a. wedge c. screw
b. inclined plane d. pulley