AnswerKey BIO311c Worksheet3 2006 Cells

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Cell and Mol Biol.

Course Guide Sathasivan, 2006


Cell Structure & Function, Biological Membranes and Origin of Life.


A. Multiple Choice Questions.

1. Proteins are sometimes modified by glycosylation (adding oligosaccharides) and sorted out in
a. chloroplast b. mitochondria c. amyloplasts
d. peroxisome e. golgi apparatus

2. Ribosomes are assembled in

a. nucleolus b. glyoxysomes c. smooth ER
d. rough ER e. mitochondria

3. Which of the following microscope has the best resolution to study living cells?
a. bright field light microscope b. transmission electron microscope
c. scanning electron microscope d. magnifying glass
e. dissection microscope

4. Steroid hormones are made in

a. ribosomes b. rough ER c. smooth ER
d. vacuole e. peroxysomes

5. Which structure in peanut seeds converts storage lipids into carbohydrates in growing seedlings?
a. chromosomes b. desmosomes c. plasmodesmata
d. vacuole e. glyoxysomes

6. Which of the following would be found in a bacterial cell wall that can be degraded by lysozyme?
a. NAM-NAG b. NAG alone c. cellulose
d. starch e. lignin

7. Which structure in plant cells facilitates intercellular transport?

a. peroxisomes b. desmosomes c. plasmodesmata
d. glyoxysomes e. tight junctions

8. Which of the following is capable of using stored carbohydrates to make ATP?

a. chloroplasts b. mitochondria c. leucoplasts
d. peroxisomes e. golgi apparatus

9. Which of the following is the correct sequence of plant cell wall layers, beginning with the
outside and progressing inward to the plasma membrane?
a. middle lamella, secondary wall, primary wall
b. middle lamella, primary wall, secondary wall
c. secondary wall, primary wall, middle lamella
d. primary wall, middle lamella, secondary wall
e. secondary wall, middle lamella, primary wall

10. Cells can be described as having a "cytoskeleton" of internal structures that contribute to
the shape, organization, and movement of the cell. All of the following are part of the
a. the cell wall. b. microtubules. c. microfilaments.
d. intermediate filaments. e. actin.

BIO 311c 1 Worksheet 3

Cell and Mol Biol. Course Guide Sathasivan, 2006

11. The atom / molecule that can easily go through a lipid part of the bilayer is
a. glucose b. Ca++ c. Na+ d. CO2 e.sucrose

12. The transport of molecules against the concentration gradient using energy is called
a. passive transport b. lateral transport c. active transport
d. symport e. uniport

13. A person visiting an emergency room is given distilled water instead of saline solution intravenaly.
What will happen to his red blood cells? They will
a. be stable b. shrivel c. swell and burst
d. be flaccid e. be turgid.

14. A plant growing in Canada will have more unsaturated lipids than a plant in central Africa,
a. greater the unsaturation, less will be the fluidity
b. greater the unsaturation, higher will be the melting temperature
c. lower the unsaturation, greater will be the fluidity
d. greater the unsaturation, greater will be the fluidity
e. Canadians like plants with high amounts of unsaturated fatty acids

15. An example of a protein that is an cotransport, symport and a secondary active transport is
a. H+ pump
b. Na+-K+pump
c H+- sucrose pump
d. glucose transporter
e. cystine transporter

16. Uptake of LDL-cholesterol from the blood stream is an example of

a. parasitosis b. phagocytocis
c. exocytosis d. pinocytosis
e. receptor mediated endocytosis

17. Some of the stomach cells transport chloride ions inside and transport of bicarbonate
ions outside the cells, which is done by same transport protein. Such transport
mechanism is called
a. antiport b. symport c. uniport
d. cotransport e. biport

18. The function of cholesterol molecules in a lipid bilayer is to

a. bind the membrane together b. disrupt transport of ions
c. attach to carbohydrates d. attach to glycoproteins
e. maintain the membrane fluidity

19. A ribozyme is a/an

a. organelle found in eukaryotic cells
b. part of ribosomal proteins
c. enzyme that synthesizes ribose
d. enzyme made of RNA
e. enzyme made of DNA

20. The earliest forms of bacteria appeared approximately ________billion years ago.
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d.4 e. 5

BIO 311c 2 Worksheet 3

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