Anti-Drone System With Multiple Surveillance Technologies: Architecture, Implementation, and Challenges
Anti-Drone System With Multiple Surveillance Technologies: Architecture, Implementation, and Challenges
Anti-Drone System With Multiple Surveillance Technologies: Architecture, Implementation, and Challenges
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In recent years, drones have undergone tremendous development. Due to the low price and ease of
use, drones have been widely utilized in many application scenarios, which potentially pose great threats
to public security and personal privacy. To mitigate these threats, it is necessary to deploy an anti-drone
system in the sensitive area to detect, localize and defend against the intruding drones. In this article, we
provide a comprehensive overview of the technologies utilized for drone surveillance and the existing
anti-drone systems. Then, we develop an anti-drone system in Zhejiang University, named ADS-ZJU,
which combines multiple passive surveillance technologies to realize drone detection, localization and
radio frequency jamming. Furthermore, we discuss the challenges and open research issues in such a
Drones, i.e., small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), are experiencing explosive growth nowa-
days and they have been widely used in many areas, e.g., aerial photography, traffic monitoring,
This work was supported in part by NSFC under grant No. 61772467 and No. U1401253, and the Fundamental Research
Funds for the Central Universities (2017XZZX009-01). (Corresponding author: Zhiguo Shi)
Xiufang Shi, Weige Xie, Chao Liang and Jiming Chen are with State Key Lab. of Industrial Control Technolo-
gy, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China (Email: [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]).
Chaoqun Yang and Zhiguo Shi are with College of Information Science and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou, 310027, China (Email: {chaoqunyang, shizg}
disaster monitoring, etc. They have attracted many research interests with regard to path planning,
secure communication, attack detection, and so on [1]–[4].
Nevertheless, the prevalent use of drones poses great threats to public security and personal
privacy. For example, an attacker might strap explosives or other dangerous materials to a
drone to carry out an attack; criminals can use drones to smuggle illicit materials across the
border; an operator can control a drone carrying a high-fidelity camera to fly over walls and spy
inhabitants’ private information. The increasing frequency of incidents caused by drones makes
it necessary to regulate drone air traffic. A few drone manufactures, e.g., DJI, have embedded
geofencing software into their drones to prevent them from flying over security-sensitive areas,
e.g., government buildings, airports, etc. However, it is unrealistic for geofencing to cover every
place and every drone. Therefore, it is of great significance to deploy an anti-drone system in
a geofencing-free but security-sensitive area. Such an anti-drone system is able to detect the
drone at the time it flies into the sensitive area, and estimate its location for drone defence, e.g.,
jamming, hunting or control of the detected drone.
However, due to the drones’ small size and low flying speed at low altitude, drone surveil-
lance is a challenging task and many technologies, e.g., radar surveillance, audio surveillance,
video surveillance, radio frequency (RF) surveillance, have potential for drone detection and
localization. Each technology has its strengths and weaknesses. A few anti-drone systems have
been developed based on one or several of these technologies. Performances of these systems
rely on the utilized technologies, while their application scenarios also vary with the utilized
technologies. Moreover, not all the existing systems can simultaneously realize drone detection,
localization, and defence.
In this article, we will comprehensively review a few of the most widely used technologies
in drone surveillance and some existing anti-drone systems. Then we build up an anti-drone
system by fusing multiple surveillance technologies to conduct drone detection, localization and
RF jamming. Furthermore, challenges and open research issues are discussed.
A. Surveillance Technologies
1) Radar: Radar is a useful tool for detecting and tracking of large aircraft, whereas it
faces severe challenges in detecting and tracking drones, since drones have a low radar cross
section and usually fly with low speed at low altitude. Even so, radar surveillance is promising
in detecting and tracking drones. It has been verified that, by analyzing the micro-Doppler
signatures obtained by multistatic radar, the clutter/target discrimination can be improved, which
enables drone detection and tracking with high accuracy [5]. Moreover, a series of experiments
with DJI Phantom 2 showed that the detection range of radar hardly exceeds 3000 meters [6].
It should be noted that radar is one kind of active sensor which operates all day and night with
high electromagnetic energy. Therefore, it might be inappropriate or even forbidden to deploy
high-power radars in crowded urban areas.
2) Audio: During the flight of drones, the sounds generated by the motors and fast rotating
propellers can be utilized in detection, classification, and localization of drones by a system
equipped with acoustic sensors. The acoustic signatures of drones can be obtained via analysis
in both time and frequency domains. To get the location of the detected drone, the direction of
arrival (DOA) of the acoustic signals can be estimated using array signal processing algorithms,
e.g., MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) and beamforming. Audio surveillance systems are
of low cost of implementation. However, audio surveillance is sensitive to ambient noise and
suffers from a limited detection range, which depends on the drone type and testing environment.
For instance, Christnacher et al. developed a network of tetrahedron acoustic arrays, whose
largest detection ranges for different drones were: 150m for a customized drone, 150m for an
RC-Blade350 QX UAV, more than 250m (up to 300m) for DJI Phantom 2 [7].
3) Video: Drone detection based on video images is essentially an object detection problem
in the area of computer vision and pattern recognition. An object can be detected based on its
appearance features [8], i.e., colours, contour lines, geometric forms or edges, etc., or/and its
motion features across consecutive frames [9]. Appearance feature-based methods have great
difficulty in distinguishing drones from other similar small objects, e.g., birds, in cluttered back-
grounds without motion information. By comparing consecutive images, position and moving
direction of a moving object can be determined by motion-based methods, which are also utilized
for object tracking. It was suggested to distinguish a drone from birds by looking at the flight
patterns, since a bird will fly in a more random pattern than a drone will. However, such method
might fail when the bird is gliding. For drone detection, it is promising to combine both motion
features and appearance features, which would enable the detection with higher accuracy. On
the other hand, even though object detection and tracking based on video images have been
well investigated, they still suffer from many issues, e.g., occlusions, which also exist in drone
detection and tracking.
4) RF: The existing drones in the market or customized drones usually communicate with
their controllers at some specific frequency bands, e.g. 2.400-2.483GHz and 5.725-5.825GHz for
DJI Phantom 4. However, in a practical environment, the existence of many other RF signals, e.g.,
WiFi, which share the same frequency band with the drones, makes RF-based drone detection
challenging. One simple way is to monitor a wide range of RF, e.g., 1MHz-6.8GHz in [10], and
take any transmitter of unknown RF signals as a drone. This method will induce a high probability
of false alarms, since an unknown RF transmitter is not necessarily a drone. Identifying the media
access control (MAC) address of a drone is also a feasible method [11]. However, this method is
only capable of detecting drones with open MAC addresses. As there is an ever-increasing variety
of drones, it gets more difficult to build and update a comprehensive database of drones’ MAC
addresses. Moreover, to avoid being detected, a drone’s MAC address can be easily spoofed. It
is promising to extract the spectrum feature of the RF signals, which can be taken as the RF
signature of a drone and is distinguishable even in urban environments [12]. With regard to drone
localization based on RF signals, localization methods based on received signal strength (RSS)
and DOA measurements are applicable; yet as is well known, it is necessary to take multipath
and non-line-of-sight propagation into consideration.
Table I summarises the above-listed surveillance technologies. It should be noted that the
detection ranges are obtained from the literature work and existing systems, and they might
vary with the type of drones, the surveillance environments, the hardware parameters and the
corresponding algorithms.
B. Anti-Drone Systems
In the literature, there are already several commercial/military anti-drone systems. Orelia
Drone-Detector1 is an audio-based detector, and is able to detect both fixed-wing and rotary-
wing drones. Its detection range can reach 100m when the background noise is less than 40dB.
Another system, DroneDetector2 , which was developed by Dronelabs, utilizes audio and RF
1 [Accessed on Jul. 18, 2017]
2 [Accessed on Jul. 18, 2017]
surveillance for drone detection and its detection range is reported to be 1km. Dedrone3 has
several products including DroneTracker, RF sensor and Drone Jammer, etc. DroneTracker
combines microphones, optical cameras and WiFi sensors, and it can detect a drone within 500m.
RF sensor can detect all drones connected through RF and WiFi within 1km. Drone Jammer
transmits RF signals at multiple frequency bands via omni-directional antennas to disrupt the
drone communication. ARDRONIS4 , which was developed by Rohde&Schwarz, is based on
RF surveillance. For the drones using Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) and Direct
Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) transmission systems, ARDRONIS builds an RF library for
drone detection. The detection range of ARDRONIS can be up to 1km-2km, which depends
on RF transmission power, radio condition and antenna gain. Apart from drone detection,
ARDRONIS can realize localization of both the drone and its operator via direction finding.
DroneShield5 provides an integrated detection and defence solution. It utilizes radar, audio, video
and RF surveillance for drone detection with nominal detection ranges being: 1.5km for radar,
200m for audio, 600m for video and 1km for RF. Regarding drone defence, DroneShield also uses
RF jamming to cease the video transmission from the drone back to its operator. The nominal
3 [Accessed on Jul. 18, 2017]
4 overview 230808.html [Accessed
on Jul. 18, 2017]
5 [Accessed on Jul. 18, 2017]
maximum jamming distance is 2km. Falcon Shield6 utilizes three surveillance technologies, i.e.,
radar, video and RF, and can realize drone detection, localization and defence. However, the
maximum effective range is unclear. AUDS7 combines radar and video surveillance. With radar,
AUDS can detect a drone with a distance up to 3.6km. With RF inhibition, AUDS can defeat
drone communication at multiple frequency bands, e.g., 433MHz, 915MHz, 2.4GHz, 5.8GHz
and GNSS bands.
Table II summarizes the utilized surveillance technologies and realized functions of each
system. We can see that most of these systems take more than one surveillance technologies,
since multiple surveillance technologies can provide much more information for drone detection
and localization. With regard to the realized functions, all of them can realize drone detection;
some of them can realize both detection and localization; only two of them, i.e., Falcon Shield
and AUDS, can simultaneously realize detection, localization and defence. Both Falcon Shield
and AUDS have taken advantage of radar surveillance, which however is unsuitable to deploy
in urban areas for all day and night monitoring.
Motivated by the above observations, our objective is to develop a system which is suitable
to deploy in urban areas and can timely detect, localize and defend against the intruding drones.
6 [Accessed on Jul. 18, 2017]
7 [Accessed on Jul. 18, 2017]
Real-time Display
Acoustic Arrays
Drone Steering- RF
Optical Cameras Feature Detector
Localization engine Jamming
RF sensors
In this section we develop an anti-drone system, called ADS-ZJU, which combines three
surveillance technologies, i.e., audio, video and RF. Fig. 1 shows the architecture of ADS-
ZJU, which consists of four parts: heterogenous sensing unit, central processing unit, automatic
jamming unit and real-time display unit. In the following, we will introduce each part in detail
and take surveillance of DJI Phantom 4 as an example to show how each part works.
In the heterogenous sensing unit, as shown in Fig. 2(a)(b)(c), three kinds of sensors are adopted
to capture the information for drone detection and localization: (a) The utilized acoustic sensor
is Type CHZ-213 1/2-inch free-field microphone with Type YG-201 preamplifier. We build up
L-shape acoustic arrays with four acoustic sensors uniformly installed along each side; (b) The
utilized optical camera is HIKVISION DS-2DF7330IW Network PTZ camera, which supports
360 degree horizontal rotation, -2∼90 degree vertical rotation. It can achieve both automatic and
manual focusing; (c) The utilized RF sensor is USRP-2955, one kind of software defined radio,
which has 4 independently tunable RX channels and can receive RF signals between 10MHz
and 6GHz. Acoustic signals, video images and RF signals will be collected via these sensors
and sent to the central processing unit. For the sake of experimental evaluation, ADS-ZJU is
deployed on the rooftop of the Information Science & Electronic Engineering (ISEE) building
at Zhejiang University. Fig. 2(e) shows the system deployment and sensor locations.
Fig. 2. Key hardware and deployment of ADS-ZJU: a) acoustic array; b) optical camera; c) RF sensor; d) RF jamming unit;
e) system deployment and sensor locations.
The central processing unit is the key part of ADS-ZJU, it conducts drone feature extraction,
drone detection and drone localization.
1) Drone feature extraction: Drone feature extraction is essential for drone detection. By
taking DJI Phantom 4 as an example, we analyze the drone’s features based on the received
acoustic signals, video images and RF signals.
Fig. 3. Drone (DJI Phantom 4) features extracted from different signals: a) acoustic feature; b) image feature; c) RF feature.
• Acoustic feature: The spectrum feature of the received acoustic signals is extracted via
Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT). Fig. 3(a) shows the STFT result of the acoustic
signals generated by a flying DJI Phantom 4. In this figure, different colors represent the
strengths of acoustic signals at different frequencies. The unit of the strength values is dB.
We can see that the acoustic signals generated by DJI Phantom 4 are harmonic signals
with fundamental frequency at about 180Hz. Strengths of the harmonics are different from
each other yet their distribution is quite stable. Therefore, we take the distribution of the
harmonics’ strengths as the drone’s acoustic feature. The feature vector is computed as
e1 en
n ,··· , n
P ], where e1 , · · · , en are the strengths of the acoustic signals at the fundamen-
ei ei
i=1 i=1
tal frequency and harmonics. For example, in Fig. 3(a), for the acoustic signals sampled at
10s, the fundamental frequency and harmonics are 180Hz, 360Hz, 540Hz, 720Hz, etc. Then
e1 , · · · , en are respectively the signal strengths, i.e., color values, at (10, 180), (10, 360),
(10, 540), (10, 720), etc.
• Image feature: We take Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG), one of the most effective
appearance feature descriptors in object detection [13], to describe the image feature of
drones. Since a drone only occupies a small part of an image, the HOG feature of an image
window is utilized in describing the feature of a drone. As shown in Fig. 3(b), the red
rectangle denotes an image window, which is divided into a number of cells and all the
cells form a number of overlapping blocks. The basic procedure of HOG extraction is a
standard one, which includes three steps: (a) The gradient of each pixel in the image window
is computed by convolving it with the filter kernel [−1, 0, 1] in the horizontal direction and
its transpose in the vertical direction; (b) Based on the computed oriented gradients, a
histogram for each cell is created by a weighted voting from each pixel within this cell for
an oriented-based histogram channel; (c) For the invariance to illumination and shadowing,
the histograms of all the cells in each block are grouped together and further normalized
into an HOG descriptor. The HOG descriptor for the image window is the concatenated
vector of all the blocks’ HOG descriptors. For more technical details, the readers can refer
to [13].
• RF feature: Preliminarily, we use a basic spectrum analyzer to analyze the feature of
communication between DJI Phantom 4 and its controller. We find that when the drone
communicates with its controller in the frequency band of 2.4-2.48GHz, the frequency band
is divided into 8 communication channels with bandwidth being 10MHz. In Fig. 3(c), the
blue line shows that the drone is communicating with its controller at channel 2.44-2.45GHz
and the yellow line indicates that the communication channel between DJI Phantom 4 and
its controller varies among these eight channels. Considering that the bandwidth of WiFi’s
communication channel is 20MHz or 40MHz, which is larger than that of the drone, the
spectrum of the drone’s RF signal is different to that of the WiFi signal. Therefore, the
distribution of the received RF signals’ strengths at different communication channels can
be utilized to describe the RF feature of the drone. By setting each channel’s bandwidth
as 10MHz, we let four of one RF sensor’s receiving channels cover the frequency band of
2.4-2.44GHz and four of the other RF sensor’s receiving channels cover the frequency band
of 2.44-2.48GHz. Then the RSS values of 8 channels in the frequency band of 2.4-2.48GHz
can be obtained and denoted by r1 , · · · , r8 . The normalized RSS distribution is taken as the
r1 r8
RF feature vector, i.e., [ P
8 ,··· , 8
ri ri
i=1 i=1
2) Drone detection: The linear support vector machine (SVM) is utilized in drone detection.
Before online detection, we will firstly conduct off-line training to obtain drone classifiers, which
can separate the drone’s feature vectors from other objects’ feature vectors. We collect a large
amount of acoustic signals, video images and RF signals from both the drone and other objects
in the background environment, and extract the corresponding feature vectors. For audio, video
and RF detection, we respectively train three SVM classifiers under supervised learning. Then
in the online detection phase, the received acoustic signals, video images and RF signals will be
respectively classified via the corresponding classifier. It should be noted that, in video detection,
we are dealing with a whole image frame. We use a sliding image window to scan this image
frame, and identify if there exists an image window whose feature vector is matched with a
drone. This process is time consuming. Therefore, to avoid such processing in every frame, we
first detect if a moving object appears via inter-frame difference method, i.e., comparing each
pixel’s gray value between two consecutive frames, which is fast and simple, then we utilize the
trained SVM to identify if the moving object is a drone.
Audio detection, video detection and RF detection are conducted in parallel. We consider
that missed detection of the intruding drone will bring more security threats than false alarm.
Therefore, we use logical “or” operation to fuse the results of the above three detectors and
obtain the final decision.
3) Drone localization: In case a drone is detected, location-related information will be ex-
tracted from the received acoustic signals, video images and RF signals for drone localization.
From the acoustic signals, DOA measurements relative to the L-shape acoustic arrays can be
estimated via the MUSIC algorithm, which is one of the most widely used DOA estimation
algorithms and whose technical details can be found in [14]. From the RF signals, both RSS and
DOA measurements relative to the RF sensors can be obtained. From the video images, though
it is difficult to precisely estimate the geometrical relationship between the detected drone and
the camera, we can determine that the drone flies in a specific geographical area within the
scope of camera view, which can be regarded as additional information for drone localization.
The location of the detected drone can be estimated via existing localization algorithms [15]
based on hybrid measurements including DOA and RSS under the constraints of the specific
geographical area coming from video images.
In ADS-ZJU, we take advantage of RF jamming to defend against the drones which fly into
the sensitive area. As shown in Fig. 2(d), the automatic jamming unit mainly consists of four
parts: 1) two steering-engines, one can achieve 360 degree horizontal rotation and the other one
can achieve 180 degree vertical rotation; 2) steering-engine controller; 3) a planar directional
antenna, whose antenna gain is 14dBi; 4) an RF signal generator, which can generate RF signals
at frequency 2.4-2.5GHz. When the automatic jamming unit receives the estimated location of
the detected drone, it will compute a three dimensional azimuth angle of the drone relative to
the panel antenna. Based on this azimuth angle, the steering-engines will be controlled by a PID
controller and drive the panel antenna to the direction of the detected drone. Then the panel
antenna will transmit RF signals and interfere the communication between the drone and its
controller, which will make the drone out of the ground controller’s control. It is worth noting
that, the automatic jamming unit only transmits RF signals when it is necessary to defend against
the intruding drones, since arbitrarily transmitting RF signals is dangerous and forbidden in our
Real-time display unit is a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), which consists of four 46-inch
subscreens. We can select 1-4 scenes to display the drone surveillance results. As shown in a
demo 8 , we can see multiple results from this displayer, including DOA estimates of the acoustic
signals, the real-time trajectory of the detected drone, the detection results obtained by video
surveillance, the automatic jamming unit which moves towards the detected drone, and so on.
E. Performance evaluation
To test the performance of ADS-ZJU, we have conducted field experiments in our campus with
DJI Phantom 4. We first let the drone fly at different distances and conduct 10,000 detections at
each distance to see the corresponding detection probabilities, which are computed as PD = NP
where NP denotes the number of conducted detections at each distance and ND denotes the
number of accurate detections where the flying drone is successfully detected. Then, we conduct
10,000 detections when there is no drone in the environment and see the false alarm probabilities,
which are computed as PF A = NN
, where NN denotes the number of conducted detections
when there is no drone in the environment and NF A denotes the number of false alarms. In our
experiments, both NP and NN equal to 10,000.
Table III shows the experimental results about the detection performance of ADS-ZJU. This
table shows that ADS-ZJU can timely detect the intruding DJI Phantom 4 within 100m in a
8$&$ [Accessed on Sep. 9, 2017]
campus environment. The detection probability of audio surveillance decreases quickly with the
increase of drone-sensor distance due to the impact of background noise; the detection probability
of video surveillance stays above 95% within 100m since no occlusion occurred during the
experiments; the detection probability of RF surveillance decreases with the increase of drone-
sensor distance at a slower rate than that of audio surveillance. By fusing three surveillance
technologies, the detection probability becomes higher, while the false alarm probability is also
Apart from DJI Phantom 4, we also tested DJI Phantom 3 and Mavic Pro. Both of them
illustrate similar results to that of DJI Phantom 4. The detection result of DJI Phantom 3 and
Mavic Pro using video surveillance is shown in a demo 9 .
Although we have realized basic functions for drone surveillance in our anti-drone system,
new challenges have been raised and there are still some open research issues to be addressed:
• Heterogenous information fusion: The result of drone detection should be more than a simple
combination of the results separatively obtained by audio, video and RF surveillance, which
will induce great information loss. It is of great significance to develop reliable techniques
for the fusion of audio, video and RF information, from the aspect of feature fusion and
decision fusion.
• Energy efficient sensor coordination: Multiple surveillance technologies sometimes bring
redundant information. It is unnecessary to let all the heterogenous sensors work all the
9 [Accessed on Sep. 9, 2017]
time and everywhere, which will induce high energy consumption, high communication and
computational load. Dynamical sensor coordination in an anti-drone system has potential
for energy savings.
• Signature database build-up: Nowadays, an ever-increasing variety of drones are developed
by commercial companies and hobbyists. The features of drones might be different from
each other. The aforementioned drone signatures are not enough for detecting more kinds
of drones. More signatures and feature extraction methods are required to build up an
increasing database of drone signatures.
• Multiple drones detection and localization: Most of the existing anti-drone systems tackle
one drone. When multiple drones appear in the area of interest, one key problem is data as-
sociation, i.e., how to associate the data from heterogeneous sensors with the corresponding
drones. Both clutters and similar drones in the environment will bring challenges to data
association, and then affect drone detection and localization.
• Power control of RF jamming: The automatic jamming unit transmits RF signals to interfere
with the communication between the detected drone and its controller, which however may
also interfere with the ambient wireless communications. It remains to be addressed how
to control the transmission power of the RF jamming signals so that the detected drone can
be effectively defended without interfering with the ambient wireless communications.
In this article, we gave a comprehensive review of four of the most widely used surveillance
technologies in drone detection and localization, and also summarized existing anti-drone sys-
tems. Then we developed an anti-drone system, called ADS-ZJU, which combines three passive
surveillance technologies. Experimental results show that our system can detect and localize the
intruding drone in a campus environment. RF jamming to the detected drone is also available if
necessary. Furthermore, we discussed the challenges and open research issues in such a system.
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XIUFANG SHI [M] ([email protected]) received her B.Sc degree in automation from East China University of Science and
Technology in 2011, and Ph.D. degree in Control Science and Engineering from Zhejiang University in 2016. Currently, she
is a Postdoctoral Researcher in College of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University. Her major research interests
include wireless localization, target tracking, wireless sensor network and statistical signal processing.
CHAOQUN YANG ([email protected]) received his B.Sc. degree in ocean technology from Xiamen University, Xiamen,
China, in 2015. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the Department of Information Science and Electronic Engineering,
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. His current research interests include multi-target tracking, data fusion and anti-UAV
WEIGE XIE ([email protected]) received his B.Sc degree in automation from North China Electric Power University in
2015 and now is a Ph.D candidate in Control Science and Engineering of Zhejiang University. His major research interests
include computer vision and machine learning.
CHAO LIANG ([email protected]) received his B.Sc degree in automation from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2015.
Currently, he is a master degree candidate. Research in College of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University.
His major research interests include unmanned aerial vehicle system, anti UAV.
ZHIGUO SHI [SM] ([email protected]) received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electronic engineering from Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou, China, in 2001 and 2006, respectively. Since 2006, he has been a Faculty Member with the Department of Information
and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University, where he is currently a Full Professor. From 2011 to 2013, he was visiting
the Broadband Communications Research Group, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada. His current research interests
include networked signal and data processing.
JIMING CHEN [SM] ([email protected]) received B.Sc degree and Ph.D degree both in Control Science and Engineering
from Zhejiang University in 2000 and 2005, respectively. Currently, he is a full professor with College of control science and
engineering, and vice director of the State Key laboratory of Industrial Control Technology and Institute of Industrial Process
Control at Zhejiang University, China. His research interests include cyber security, sensor networks, smartgrid, networked
Real-time Display
Acoustic Arrays
Drone Steering- RF
Optical Cameras Feature Detector
Localization engine Jamming
RF sensors
Fig. 5. Key hardware and deployment of ADS-ZJU: a) acoustic array; b) optical camera; c) RF sensor; d) RF jamming unit;
e) system deployment and sensor locations.
Fig. 6. Drone (DJI Phantom 4) features extracted from different signals: a) acoustic feature; b) image feature; c) RF feature.