American International University-Bangladesh: Title: Study of Different Flip-Flops
American International University-Bangladesh: Title: Study of Different Flip-Flops
American International University-Bangladesh: Title: Study of Different Flip-Flops
The basic building blocks of combinational logic circuits are gates. In particular, AND, OR,
and NOT gates (however, there are also, XOR, NAND, NOR, XNOR gates too).
The basic building blocks of sequential logic circuits are flip flops. Flip flops are devices that
use a clock. Each flip flop can store one bit. There are different types of flip-flop. D flip-flop,
T flip-flop, J-K flip-flop etc.
Basically, a flip flop has two/three inputs. One input is a control input. For a D flip flop, the
control input is labeled D. For a T flip flop, the control input is labelled T. For J-K flipflop
the control inputs are J and K.The other input is the clock.
The clock input is usually drawn with a triangular input. These flip-flops are positive edge-
triggered flip flops. This means that the flip flops can only change output values when the
clock is at a positive edge. There are also negative edge triggered flip flops, which change on
a negative edge. In this theory section, we consider only positive edge-triggered flip flops.
When the clock is not at a positive edge, then the output value is held. That is, it does not
A flip flop also has two outputs, Q and Q'. The output is really the bit that's stored. Thus, the
flip flop is always outputting the one bit of information.
But one might wonder "Doesn't it have two bits of information? Q and Q'?” If we have two
bits, we have four possible values. However, Q' is the negation of Q which means you only
have two possible outputs: Q = 0, Q' = 1 or Q = 1, Q' = 0. Since the second output is always
negated from the first, you don't get any additional storage. But what is the necessity of the
negated output? Actually, the design of flip-flop gives Q' basically for free, so that's why flip
flops have both the regular output and the negated output.
D Flip-Flop:
In a positive edge triggered D flip-flop, the output Q samples the input D and becomes Q = D
only at the positive edge of the clock and it does not change during the whole clock cycle
even if the input changes.
Sometimes flip flops often have two additional inputs called clear and preset. Conventionally
they are drawn at the top and bottom of the flip flop respectively. ‘Preset’ and ‘Clear’ can be
either active low or active high. If the preset is active, the output will be 1 no matter what are
the conditions of D or clock. But ‘clear’ is of two types. Asynchronous clear and synchronous
clear. If the asynchronous clear is activated, it causes Q to be automatically set to 0. It does
this, even if the clock has not reached a positive edge. That is, it sets Q to zero as fast as it
can. The asynchronous clear is often used to reset flip flops to some initial value. But for
synchronous clear, Q will be 0 if the clear is active when the clock is in a positive edge.
There are different ways to design a D flip-flop. In this lab sheet, only one way is shown.
Students will be familiar about other ways in their theory class.
Figure 1: Logic circuit a positive edge triggered D flip-flop without preset and clear
Figure 2: Graphical Symbol of a positive edge triggered D flip-flop without preset and clear
Figure 3: Logic circuit a positive edge triggered D flip-flop with preset (active low) and
asynchronous clear (active low) capability.
Figure 4: Graphical symbol of a positive edge triggered D flip-flop with preset (active low)
and asynchronous clear (active low) capability.
In a J-K flip-flop, there are two control input labeled as J and K and a clock input. It has two
outputs Q and Q’ as usual. In a positive edge triggered J-K flip-flop, output only changes at
the positive edge of the clock depending on the values of J and K. If J=1 and K=0, Q is set to
1. If J = 0, K=1 then Q is set to 0. If J = 0 and K = 0 then Q remains unchanged. If J = 1 and
K = 1 then Q changes from its former value, which we can say the output toggles.
J K Q(t+1)
0 0 Q(t)
0 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 ~ Q(t)
T Flip-Flop:
A T flip-flop has a control input labeled as T and a clock. The characteristic of a T flip-flop is
such that the output toggles at the positive edge of the clock if T is 1. But if T is 0, the output
remains unchanged even at the positive edge of the clock.
A T flip-flop can be designed easily by making J and K short of a J-K flip flop.
There are built-in ICs for D flip-flop and J-K flip-flop. IC-7474 contains 2 D flip-flops and
IC-7476 contains 2 J-K flip-flops. The pin configuration of IC-7474 and IC 7476 are given
Figure 9: IC-7474
Figure10: IC-7476
Never make the ‘Preset’ and ‘Clear’ both active at a time. Otherwise you may get erroneous
Experimental Procedure:
Implement the circuits shown in fugure1, figure 3, figure 5 and figure 7 on the trainer board
and observe the input-output characteristics. Use pulse switch as clock. Generate timing
diagrams from the implemented circuits.
Timing Diagram of a positive edge trigged D flip-flop without ‘Preset’ and ‘Clear’ capability:
Figure11: Timing Diagram of a positive edge triggered D Flip-Flop without preset and clear
capability. Output only samples the input when the clock has a positive edge and remains
unchanged for the next positive edge.
After performing this experiment students will be familiar with the design of positive edge
triggered D flip-flop with and without ‘Preset’ and ‘Clear’ capabilities, J-K flip-flop and T-
flip-flop. After the experiment, their job is to design negative edge triggered flip-flops and
draw the timing diagrams for them. They will also design and draw timing diagram for a D
flip-flop having active high ‘Preset’ and ‘Clear’ pin.