CT 2m Question Bank
CT 2m Question Bank
CT 2m Question Bank
Regulation – 2017
Prepared by
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12. Draw the AM modulated wave for over, under & 100% BTL 2 Understanding
If incoming frequency is f1 and translated carrier frequency is BTL 3 Applying
f2, apply and find the local oscillator frequency.
14. Compare AM with DSB-SC and SSB-SC. BTL 4 Analyzing
15. Distinguish between high level and low level modulation? BTL 4 Analyzing
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Can you formulate the theory for modulation index of an AM BTL 6 Creating
signal and write its classification.
Q. No. Questions BT Level Competence
BTL 1 Remembering
Describe the concepts of AM modulation and derive the
equation of an AM wave. Draw the phasor diagram,
spectrum and modulated AM wave for various degrees of
modulation index. (13)
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How do you examine ring modulator for the generation of BTL 4 Analyzing
DSB-SC signal? (13)
Classify the methods and describe demodulation of DSBSC BTL 4 Analyzing
by Costas loop and Coherent detection. (13)
Analyse the significance of SSB-SC and elaborate in detail
11. about filter method of suppression of unwanted sidebands. BTL 4 Analyzing
i) Assesss the generation of SSBSC signal using phase shift
method. (7) BTL 5 Evaluating
ii) How would you generate SSB using Weavers method?
Illustrate with a neat block diagram. (6)
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16. Outline the concepts of lock in range and dynamic range BTL 2 Understanding
of PLL.
17. Show that Armstrong method is superior to reactance BTL 3 Applying
18. Summarize the merits and demerits of balanced slope BTL 3 Applying
19. Apply the concepts for detecting FM signals. BTL 3 Applying
1. Obtain the expression for the single tone frequency BTL 1 Remembering
modulated signal and hence prove that is the constant
envelope modulation requiring infinite bandwidth. (13)
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14. (i) Interpret the operation of round Travis detector. (7) BTL 2 Understanding
(ii)Show operation of PLL as a FM demodulator. (6)
1. A 20 MHZ if frequency modulated by a sinusoidal signal BTL 5 Evaluating
such that the maximum frequency deviation is 100 KHZ.
Determine the modulation index and appropriate
bandwidth of the FM signal for the following modulating
signal frequencies: 1 KHZ, 100 KHZ, 500 KHZ. (15)
2. (i) An angle modulated wave is described by the equation BTL 5 Evaluating
V(t)=10 cos(2*106*pi*t+10cos2000*pi*t). Determine
power of the modulation signal, maximum frequency,
bandwidth. (8)
(ii)How will you classify FM based on modulation index
value and explain? (7)
3. Explain in detail any two methods of FM Discriminator. BTL 6 Creating
4. (i) Construct a double tuned discriminator with detailed BTL 6 Creating
diagram and explain. (8)
(ii)Develop double frequency conversion FM super
heterodyne receiver and explain. (7)
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10. Give the conditions to be satisfied for wide sense BTL 2 Understanding
11. Illustrate Einstein-Wiener –Khintchine relation. BTL 3 Applying
12. Show the input output relation for a power spectral BTL 3 Applying
density and cross spectral density.
13. Demonstrate when random process is called as BTL 3 Applying
14. Classify random process? Give one example for each. BTL 4 Analyzing
15. Point out the properties of Gaussian process. BTL 4 Analyzing
16. Infer the crosscorrelation of random processes of X(t) BTL 4 Analyzing
and Y(t)?
17. Summarise an expression for noise equivalent BTL 5 Evaluating
18. Evaluate when a random process is called as stationary, BTL 5 Evaluating
deterministic and ergodic.
19. Elaborate when do we say random processes X(t) as BTL 6 Creating
white process?
20. Formulate the power spectral density of X(t). BTL 6 Creating
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2. i)Let X(t) and Y(t) be both zero-mean and WSS BTL 6 Creating
random processes. Consider the random process z(t) =
X(t) + Y(t). Determine the auto correlation and power
spectrum of z(t) if X(t) and Y(t) are jointly WSS. (8)
ii) PDF of a random variable ‘X’ is given by 𝑓𝑋 (𝑥) =
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14. (i) Explain the terms noise figure, noise factor and noise
temperature. (7)
BTL 1 Remembering
(ii) How sine wave pulse noise is represented. Obtain the
joint PDF of such noise component. (6)
1. Deduce the expression for figure of merit of DSB-SC BTL 5 Evaluating
receiver using coherent detection. (15)
2. Propose the Power Spectral Density of in-phase and
quadrature phase noise of narrow band noise. Find the BTL 6 Creating
PDF of sine wave pulse noise. (15)
3. Evaluate the figure of merit of FM, compare with AM BTL 5 Evaluating
and conclude on which has better figure of merit. (15)
4. Consider two amplifiers connected in cascade, one
amplifier having power gain G1 & noise factor F1 and
other amplifier with G2 and F2 respectively. Obtain Friss BTL 6 Creating
formula and calculate the total noise figure if G1 = 10dB,
F1 = 2dB and F2 = 3dB. (15)
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BT Domain
Q. No Questions
List the advantages and disadvantage of digital BTL 1 Remembering
communication system.
2. Define Band pass sampling. BTL 1 Remembering
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