Comparative Analysis and Design of Solid Deck Slab of Minor Bridge by Effective Width Method and Finite Element Method IJERTCONV4IS30021
Comparative Analysis and Design of Solid Deck Slab of Minor Bridge by Effective Width Method and Finite Element Method IJERTCONV4IS30021
Comparative Analysis and Design of Solid Deck Slab of Minor Bridge by Effective Width Method and Finite Element Method IJERTCONV4IS30021
ISSN: 2278-0181
IC-QUEST - 2016 Conference Proceedings
Abstract—As we know bridge is a structure which is can provide steel beams to provide flexibility and strength to
important to facilitate a communication route for carrying road the concrete deck. In Reinforced concrete deck we can
traffic or other moving loads. There are various types of bridges provide a thick layer of concrete for making roadway and
but the most simplest type of bridge is single-span beam or slab solid steel sheet laid beneath the weight as well as we can
which is supported on its end. Various methods can be used for
provide a steel bars to sustained the tensile and compressive
analyzing and designing the superstructure of bridge which is
deck. In this project the comparative analysis is make for forced on it.
different span with different load condition for analysis and
design of deck slab.
A bridge is a structure which is built to provide a
passage over an obstacle such as river, valley, or road, etc. In
a past the first bridge made by humans was wooden bridge in
which the span of cut wooden logs or planks and eventually
stones, using for a simple support. The first bridge made in
1840 by using trusses with wrought iron as tension vertical
and timber planks for all other members.
There are six basic modern bridge formed : beam,
truss, arch, cantilever and the cable-stay and suspension . The
horizontal beam which is supported on its end is called as
beam bridge. The bridge having an arch-shaped and Fig 1: Minor deck Bridge
supported on the both ends is introduced as an arch bridge.
Just like that another type is depend on suspension cables,
therefore that called as suspension bridge. The bridges are II. LIERATURE REVIEW
classified on the basis of how their forces of tension,
compression, bending, torsion or shear are distributed. For the proper functioning of our project I have
As we know the bridge is very important factor of undergone various national and international papers
our daily transportation need. Our society has always depends published. The summary of some important papers gone
on transportation to survive. When man walk on earth first he through are as below.
relied on himself for transportation. After some time he relied Singh Shailendra[1] he has done a study on
that he can used the wild animal for transportation purpose, simply supported and continuous R.C.C. slab he was
and finally after some long time he created machine to take compare the behavior of continuous bridge with simply
him places he could not reach on his own or with the animals. supported bridges. To study the comparison with simply
The minor deck bridge is one of the types of bridge. The supported bridges, the bending moments developed in
bridge which having its length up to 60m is generally called continuous bridges are considerably less and consequently
as minor bridge. The deck bridge can be made of concrete, small sections can be adopted resulting in economy of steel
wooden planks which in turn may be curved with asphalt or and concrete. He used the effective width method of IRC for
other pavement. The deck of bridge of two types first it may design and analysis consideration, he also used FEM method
be integral part of bridge structure or second it based on I- by STAAD-PRO, etc. At the end result show the provision of
section or steel girders. The deck of bridge is depends on the continuous spans of single span causes considerable
material used for their construction or the material of deck is reduction in dead load, live load and design moments.
fitted in which matter. On the basis of material used some Hemalatha A.[2] she has to be done a study on
deck are classified as concrete deck, wooden deck, reinforced bridge decks with different loadings using Finite Element
concrete deck, girder deck, etc.As we know concrete is a Method. In her project she used a different standard loading
material that will break under overburdening pressure. So we which are act on reinforced concrete bridge decks. They
investigated aspect ratio (span/width). They analyzed on two Bearing and Joints
lane slab bridge of span 5m to 9.5m and two lane T-beam Utilities
decks of span 7.5m to 20m. They used IRC Class A Loading IRC-6-2010 Standard Specification and code of practice for
and 70R Loading for calculating deflection, longitudinal road bridge (Section : II ) Loads and Stresses.
bending moments, transverse moments, shear force, and Types of loads
torsional moments. They used Finite Element Method, T- Classification of IRC class loading
beam bridge decks, and concrete deck slab.
R Shreedar[3] has to be done a study on T-beam
bridge deck which are constructed with girders. They
analyzed the T-beam deck slab with Finite Element Method ,
they applied a IRC loading on that section. They compared
result of 3-D model with one dimensional model and they get
a result as a Finite Element Method result are lesser than one
dimensional model result. They used IRC loading of Class A,
Class AA Loading and 70R Loading. IRC-21-2000 Standard Specification and code of practice
Indrajit Barua[4] has to be done a study on deck for road bridge ( Section : III ) Cement concrete ( plain and
slab of R.C.C. bridges. The design of R.C.C. deck slab for reinforced )
road bridges in India is dictated by consideration of load Materials
bearing, even though the failure mode of such slabs under General design requirement
concentrated or wheel loads is due to punching shear. So they
present some facts about shear in concrete deck slab and
urges the revision of the IRC code to prescribe design for
punching shear so that large saving in reinforcement needed
for deck slabs may be effective.
Wije Ariyaratne[5] he has done a study on simple
methods for reinforced concrete slab bridges. The main
purpose of his study is to developed a quick and a simple
method to determine the rating of the reinforced concrete slab
bridges. In his paper he discusses three different assessment IRC- 112-2011 Code of practice for Concrete Road
methods used for a typical concrete slab bridge. The results Bridges.
obtained from these methods are compared with the rating Basic design
obtained from the proof load testing of this bridge. Material properties and their design values
Tarek Hassan[6] has to be done a study on analysis IRC-6-2014 Code Standard Specification and code of
of minor deck bridge by using a glass fiber reinforced practice for road bridge (Section : II ) Loads and Stresses.
polymer and carbon fiber reinforced polymer as alternative 1) Types of loads
solution for increased life of deck. They make a testing on 2) Classification of IRC class loading
two full-scale models of a concrete bridge deck slab. In result
they found that the failure of loads of full-scale bridge deck
slab are more than seven times the service loads specified by
AASHO code (1996).
In a past days the bridges are design by using working EFFECTIVE WIDTH METHOD
state methods. But now a days according to government of
India the bridge should be design on the basis of limit state For analyzing the Concrete solid deck slab we can used the
method. For analysis purpose of bridge deck the Effective effective width method in which the bending moment per unit
Width Method of IRC 112:2011 Iis used and Finite Element width of slab caused by concentrated loads on solid slabs
Method is used which is software basis. spanning in one directions or on cantilever slabs, may also be
If we use IRC method for design of minor deck calculated by assessing the width of slab that may be taken as
bridge we have to make two models first of plate elements effective in resisting the bending moment due to the
and second one is beam element. If we go for software basis concentrated loads. The effective width may be calculated by
we have to make a 3-D modeling. For plate element we have formula.
to make grid frame and for beam element 3-nodel and 4-
nodel element.
Some important points which are taken by IRC bef = The effective width of slab
code are as below: Lo = The effective span
IRC -5-1998 Standard Specification and code of practice for a = The distance of the concrete of gravity of the
road bridge (Section : I ) General features of design. concentrated load from near support
Information about bridge superstructure b 1= The breadth of concentration area of the load
Bridge Aesthetics
α = Constant having the following value depending upon 3 10M 24.33tm/m 70R WHEEL 16.07tm/ m
the b/L0 ratio width LOADING width
70R BOGGIE 13.104tm/ m
b = width of slab LOADING width
CLASS A 10.254tm/m
IV. CONCLUSION 70R TRACK 8.3tm/m width
The conclusion obtained from my research are the 4 6M 5.28tm/m 70R WHEEL 7.35tm/m
width LOADING width
Effective Width Method specified in IRC is time consuming 70R BOGGIE 8.04tm/m
method as for each wheel we have to calculate area and for LOADING width
longer vehicle with number of axles it is more lengthy job, so CLASS A 6.77tm/m
it is better to go for alternate method which will provide the LOADING width
similar results with less efforts and time. From the all above
papers we can understand that the Finite Element Methods
are suitable for a long span design of a bridge. It gives a
quick result as compared to analytical methods. The result [1] Singh Shailendra[1], Jain Utkarsh[2], Nimoriya Manish Kumar[3], Faraz
obtained as as below. Md. Islamuddin[4], A Comparative study of simply supported and
TABLE NO:1 continuous R.C.C. slab bridge .International Journal of Engineering
BENDING MOMENT CALCULATION FOR DIFFERENT SPAN Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 3, ISSN 2091-2730.
[2] Hemalatha A[1], Ashwin K. N.[2], Dattatreya J. K.3], S. V. Dinesh[4],
SR.NO SPAN DEAD I.R.C.LOADING LIVE LOAD Analysis of RC Bridge decks for selected National and International
LOAD (B.M.) standard loading using Finite Element Method. International Journal
(B.M.) of Engineering Research and Technology.
70R TRACK 16.305tm/m [3] R Shreedar[1], Spurti Mamadapur[2], Analysis of T-beam Bridge using
LOADING width Finite Element Method. International Journal of Engineering and
1. 8M 23.63tm/m 70R WHEEL 16.07tm/m Innovative Technology.
width LOADING width [4] Indrajit Barua[1], Dr. S. Datta Roy[2], Design consideration for deck
70R BOGGIE 13.104tm/m slabs in RCC Bridge.
LOADING width [5] IRC -5-1998 Standard Specification and code of practice for road
CLASS A 10.25tm/m bridge (Section : I ) General features of design.
LOADING width [6] IRC-6-2010 Standard Specification and code of practice for road bridge
70R TRACK 16.305tm/m (Section : II ) Loads and Stresses.
LOADING width [7] IRC-21-2000 Standard Specification and code of practice for road
bridge ( Section : III ) Cement concrete ( plain and reinforced )
2. 7M 8.42tm/m 70R WHEEL 9.00tm/m
[8] IRC- 112-2011 Code of practice for Concrete Road Bridges.
width LOADING width
[9] IRC-6-2014 Code Standard Specification and code of practice for road
70R BOGGIE 14.792tm/m
bridge (Section : II ) Loads and Stresses.
[10] Wije Ariyaratne[1], Parvez Shah[2], Vijay Kodakalla[3], “A Simple
CLASS A 10.25tm/m
Method For Rating of Reinforced Concrete Slab Bridges”.
[11] Tarek Hassan[1], Amr Abdelrahman[2], Gamil Tadros[3], Sami Rizkalla[4],
70R TRACK 16.305tm/m “Design Guidelines for