TR - Housekeeping - NC Iii
TR - Housekeeping - NC Iii
TR - Housekeeping - NC Iii
Page No.
This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Tourism Sector
(Hotel and Restaurant) as shown in Annex A.
❑ Housekeeping Supervisor
❑ Public Area Supervisor
❑ Linen/Uniform Supervisor
❑ Laundry Supervisor
❑ Floor Supervisor
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to lead in the effective dissemination and
discussion of ideas, information, and issues in the
workplace. This includes preparation of written
communication materials.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Communicate 1.1 Relevant 1.1. Organization 1.1 Organizing information
information communication method requirements
about is selected based on for written and 1.2 Conveying intended
workplace workplace procedures electronic meaning
processes 1.2 Multiple operations communication 1.3 Participating in a
involving several methods variety of workplace
topics/areas are 1.2. Effective discussions
communicated following verbal 1.4 Complying with
enterprise requirements communication organization
1.3 Questioning is applied to methods requirements for the
gain extra information 1.3. Business use of written and
1.4 Relevant sources of writing electronic
information are identified 1.4. Workplace communication
in accordance with etiquette methods
workplace/ client 1.5 Effective business
requirements writing
1.5 Information is selected and 1.6 Effective clarifying and
organized following probing skills
enterprise procedures 1.7 Effective questioning
1.6 Verbal and written techniques (clarifying
reporting is undertaken and probing)
when required
1.7 Communication and
negotiation skills are
applied and maintained in
all relevant situations
2. Lead 2.1 Response to workplace 2.1 Organization 2.1 Organizing information
workplace issues are sought requirements for 2.2 Conveying intended
discussions following enterprise written and meaning
procedures electronic 2.3 Participating in variety
2.2 Response to workplace communication of workplace
issues are provided methods discussions
Housekeeping NC III Revision 01 Promulgated (10/15/2019) 3
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
2.3 Constructive contributions 2.2 Effective verbal 2.4 Complying with
are made to workplace communication organization
discussions on such methods requirements for the
issues as production, 2.3 Workplace use of written and
quality and safety etiquette electronic
2.4 Goals/ objectives and communication
action plans undertaken methods
in the workplace are 2.5 Effective clarifying and
communicated promptly probing skills
1. Methods of May include but not limited to:
communication 1.1. Non-verbal gestures
1.2. Verbal
1.3. Face-to-face
1.4. Two-way radio
1.5. Speaking to groups
1.6. Using telephone
1.7. Written
1.8. Internet
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Provide team 1.1 Work 1.1 Facilitation of Team 1.1 Communication
leadership requirements are work skills required
identified and 1.2 Company policies for leading
presented to team and procedures teams
members based on relating to work 1.2 Group facilitation
company policies performance skills
and procedures 1.3 Performance 1.3 Negotiating skills
1.2 Reasons for standards and 1.4 Setting
instructions and expectations performance
requirements are 1.4 Monitoring expectation
communicated to individual’s and
team members team’s
based on company performance vis a
policies and vis client’s and
procedures group’s
1.3 Team members’ expectations
and leaders’
concerns are
discussed and
dealt with based on
company practices
2. Assign 2.1. Responsibilities are 2.1 Work plan and 2.1 Communication
responsibilities allocated having procedures skills
regard to the skills, 2.2 Work requirements 2.2 Management
knowledge and and targets skills
aptitude required to 2.2 Individual and 2.3 Negotiating skills
undertake the group expectations 2.4 Evaluation skills
assigned task and assignments 2.5 Identifying team
based on company member’s
policies. 2.3 Ways to improve strengths and
2.2. Duties are group leadership rooms for
allocated having and membership improvement
regard to individual
domestic and
whenever possible
May include:
1. Work requirements
1.1. Client Profile
1.2. Assignment instructions
May include:
2. Team member’s
concerns 2.1. Roster/shift details
May include:
3. Monitor performance
3.1. Formal process
3.2. Informal process
May include:
4. Feedback
4.1. Formal process
4.2. Informal process
May include:
5. Performance issues
5.1. Work output
5.2. Work quality
5.3. Team participation
5.4. Compliance with workplace protocols
5.5. Safety
5.6. Customer service
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to solve problems in the workplace including
the application of problem solving techniques and to
determine and resolve the root cause/s of specific
problems in the workplace.
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Examine 1.1 Variances are 1.1 Competence 1.1 Using range of
specific examined from includes a analytical techniques
workplace normal operating thorough (e.g., planning,
challenges. parameters; and knowledge and attention,
product quality. understanding of simultaneous and
1.2 Extent, cause and the process, successive
nature of the normal operating processing of
specific problem parameters, and information) in
are defined product quality to examining specific
through recognize non- challenges in the
observation, standard situations. workplace.
investigation and 1.2 Competence to 1.2 Identifying extent
analytical include the ability and causes of
techniques. to apply and specific challenges in
1.3 Problems are explain, enough for the workplace.
clearly stated and the identification of
specified. fundamental
causes of specific
1.3 Relevant
equipment and
1.4 Enterprise goals,
targets and
1.5 Enterprise quality
OHS and
1.6 Enterprise
systems and data
1.7 Industry codes and
1. Parameters May include:
1.1 Processes
1.2 Procedures
1.3 Systems
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Develop an 1.1 Individual 1.1 Understanding 1.1 Applying cross-
individual’s differences with cultural diversity in cultural
cultural clients, customers the workplace communication
awareness and fellow workers 1.2 Norms of behavior skills (i.e. different
and are recognized for interacting and business customs,
sensitivity and respected in dialogue with beliefs,
accordance with specific groups communication
enterprise policies (e. g., Muslims and strategies)
and core values. other non- 1.2 Showing affective
1.2 Differences are Christians, non- skills – establishing
responded to in a Catholics, rapport and
sensitive and tribes/ethnic groups, empathy,
considerate foreigners) understanding, etc.
manner 1.3 Different methods of 1.3 Demonstrating
1.3 Diversity is verbal and non- openness and
accommodated verbal flexibility in
using appropriate communication in a communication
verbal and non- multicultural setting 1.4 Recognizing
verbal diverse groups in
communication. the workplace and
community as
defined by
divergent culture,
religion, traditions
and practices
1. Diversity This refers to diversity in both the workplace and the
community and may include divergence in :
1.1 Religion
1.2 Ethnicity, race or nationality
1.3 Culture
1.4 Gender, age or personality
1.5 Educational background
2. Diversity-related conflicts May include conflicts that result from:
2.1 Discriminatory behaviors
2.2 Differences of cultural practices
2.3 Differences of belief and value systems
2.4 Gender-based violence
2.5 Workplace bullying
2.6 Corporate jealousy
2.7 Language barriers
2.8 Individuals being differently-abled persons
2.9 Ageism (negative attitude and behavior
towards old people)
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to assess general obstacles in the application
of learning and innovation in the organization and to
propose practical methods of such in addressing
organizational challenges.
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Assess work 1.1. Reasons for 1.1 Seven habits of 1.1 Demonstrating
procedures, innovation are highly effective collaboration and
processes and incorporated people. networking skills.
systems in to work 1.2 Character 1.2 Applying basic
terms of procedures. strengths that research and
innovative 1.2. Models of foster innovation evaluation skills
practices innovation are and learning 1.3 Generating insights
researched. (Christopher on how to improve
1.3. Gaps or barriers Peterson and organizational
to innovation in Martin Seligman, procedures,
one’s work area 2004) processes and
are analyzed. 1.3 Five minds of the systems through
1.4. Staff who can future concepts innovation.
support and foster (Gardner, 2007).
innovation in the 1.4 Adaptation
work procedure concepts in
are identified. neuroscience
(Merzenich, 2013).
1.5 Transtheoretical
model of behavior
DiClemente, &
Norcross, 1992).
1. Reasons May include:
1.1 Strengths and weaknesses of the current systems,
processes and procedures.
1.2 Opportunities and threats of the current systems,
processes and procedures.
2. Models of innovation May include:
2.1 Seven habits of highly effective people.
2.2 Five minds of the future concepts (Gardner, 2007).
2.3 Neuroplasticity and adaptation strategies.
3. Gaps or barriers May include:
3.1 Machine
3.2 Manpower
3.3 Methods
3.4 Money
4. Critical Inquiry May include:
4.1 Preparation.
4.2 Discussion.
4.3 Clarification of goals.
4.4 Negotiate towards a Win-Win outcome.
4.5 Agreement.
4.6 Implementation of a course of action.
4.7 Effective verbal communication. See our pages:
Verbal Communication and Effective Speaking.
4.8 Listening.
4.9 Reducing misunderstandings is a key part of effective
4.10 Rapport Building.
4.11 Problem Solving.
4.12 Decision Making.
4.13 Assertiveness.
4.14 Dealing with Difficult Situations.
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to use technical information systems, apply
information technology (IT) systems and edit, format
& check information.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Use technical 1.1. Information are 1.1. Application in 1.1. Collating
information collated and collating information
organized into a information 1.2. Operating
suitable form for 1.2. Procedures for appropriate and
reference and use inputting, valid procedures
1.2. Stored maintaining and for inputting,
information are archiving maintaining and
classified so that information archiving
it can be quickly 1.3. Guidance to information
identified and people who need 1.3. Advising and
retrieved when to find and use offering guidance
needed information to people who
1.3. Guidance are 1.4. Organize need to find and
advised and information use information
offered to people 1.5. classify stored 1.4. Organizing
who need to find information for information into a
and use identification and suitable form for
information retrieval reference and use
1.6. Operate the 1.5. Classifying stored
technical information for
information system identification and
by using agreed retrieval
procedures 1.6. Operating the
system by using
1. Information May include:
1.1. Property
1.2. Organizational
1.3. Technical reference
2. Technical information May include:
2.1. paper based
2.2. electronic
3. Software May include:
3.1. spreadsheets
3.2. databases
3.3. word processing
3.4. presentation
4. Sources May include:
4.1. other IT systems
4.2. manually created
4.3. within own organization
4.4. outside own organization
4.5. geographically remote
5. Customers May include:
5.1. colleagues
5.2. company and project management
5.3. clients
6. Security measures May include:
6.1. access rights to input;
6.2. passwords;
6.3. access rights to outputs;
6.4. data consistency and back-up;
6.5. recovery plans
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to interpret Occupational Safety and Health
practices, set OSH work targets, and evaluate
effectiveness of Occupational Safety and Health
work instructions
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Interpret 1.1 OSH work practices 1.1. OSH work 1.1. Communication
Occupational issues are identified practices issues skills
Safety and relevant to work 1.2. OSH work 1.2. Interpersonal
Health practices requirements standards skills
1.2 OSH work standards and 1.3. General OSH 1.3. Critical thinking
procedures are principles and skills
determined based on legislations 1.4. Observation
applicability to nature of 1.4. Company/ skills
work workplace policies/
1.3 Gaps in work practices guidelines
are identified related to 1.5. Standards and
relevant OSH work safety
standards requirements of
work process and
2. Set OSH work 2.1 Relevant work 2.1. OSH work targets 2.1. Communication
targets information are gathered 2.2. OSH Indicators skills
necessary to determine 2.3. OSH work 2.2. Collaborating
OSH work targets instructions skills
2.2 OSH Indicators based 2.4. Safety and health 2.3. Critical thinking
on gathered information requirements of skills
are agreed upon to tasks 2.4. Observation
measure effectiveness of 2.5. Workplace skills
workplace OSH policies guidelines on
and procedures providing
2.3 Agreed OSH indicators feedback on OSH
are endorsed for and security
approval from concerns
appropriate personnel 2.6. OSH regulations
2.4 OSH work instructions Hazard control
are received in procedures
accordance with 2.7. OSH trainings
workplace policies and relevant to work
1. OSH Work May include:
Practices Issues 1.1 Workers’ experience/observance on presence of work
1.2 Unsafe/unhealthy administrative arrangements (prolonged
work hours, no break-time, constant overtime, scheduling
of tasks)
1.3 Reasons for compliance/non-compliance to use of PPEs or
other OSH procedures/policies/ guidelines
2. OSH Indicators May include:
2.1 Increased of incidents of accidents, injuries
2.2 Increased occurrence of sickness or health
2.3 Common complaints of workers’ related to OSH
2.4 High absenteeism for work-related reasons
3. OSH Work May include:
Instructions 3.1 Preventive and control measures, and targets
3.2 Eliminate the hazard (i.e., get rid of the dangerous
3.3 Isolate the hazard (i.e. keep the machine in a closed room
and operate it remotely; barricade an unsafe area off)
3.4 Substitute the hazard with a safer alternative (i.e., replace
the machine with a safer one)
3.5 Use administrative controls to reduce the risk (i.e. give
trainings on how to use equipment safely; OSH-related
topics, issue warning signages, rotation/shifting work
3.6 Use engineering controls to reduce the risk (i.e. use safety
guards to machine)
3.7 Use personal protective equipment
3.8 Safety, Health and Work Environment Evaluation
3.9 Periodic and/or special medical examinations of workers
4. OSH metrics May include:
4.1 Statistics on incidence of accidence and injuries
4.2 Morbidity (Type and Number of Sickness)
4.3 Mortality (Cause and Number of Deaths)
4.4 Accident Rate
4. Context for Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the work place or
in a simulated work place setting
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude to
interpret environmental Issues, establish targets to
evaluate environmental practices and evaluate
effectiveness of environmental practices
ELEMENTS Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Interpret 1.1 Environmental work 1.1 Environmental 1.1. Analyzing
environmental practices issues are Issues Environmental
practices, identified relevant to work
1.2 Environmental Issues and
policies and requirements Work Concerns
procedures 1.2 Environmental Standards Procedures 1.2. Critical thinking
and Procedures nature 1.3 Environmental 1.3. Problem Solving
of work are determined Laws 1.4. Observation Skills
based on Applicability to 1.4 Environmental
nature of work Hazardous and
1.3 Gaps in work practices Non-Hazardous
related to Environmental Materials
Standards and 1.5 Environmental
Procedures are identified required
registration or
2. Establish 2.1. Environmental 2.1. Investigative
2.1. Relevant information are
targets to Indicators Skills
gathered necessary to
evaluate 2.2. Relevant 2.2. Critical thinking
determine environmental
environmental Environment 2.3. Problem Solving
work targets
practices Personnel or 2.4. Observation Skills
2.2. Environmental Indicators expert
based on gathered 2.3. Relevant
information are set to Environmental
measure environmental work Trainings and
targets Seminars
2.3. Indicators are verified with
appropriate personnel
1. Environmental Practices May include:
Issues 1.1 Water Quality
1.2 National and Local Government Issues
1.3 Safety
1.4 Endangered Species
1.5 Noise
1.6 Air Quality
1.7 Historic
1.8 Waste
1.9 Cultural
2. Environmental Indicators May include:
2.1 Noise level
2.2 Lighting (Lumens)
2.3 Air Quality - Toxicity
2.4 Thermal Comfort
2.5 Vibration
2.6 Radiation
2.7 Quantity of the Resources
2.8 Volume
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Develop and 1.1 Appropriate business 1.1 Business 1.1 Basic
maintain micro- strategies are models and bookkeeping/
small-medium determined and set for strategies accounting
enterprise the enterprise based on 1.2 Types and skills
(MSMEs) skills current and emerging categories of 1.2 Communication
in the business environment. businesses skills
organization 1.2 Business operations 1.3 Business 1.3 Building
are monitored and operation relations with
controlled following 1.4 Basic customer and
established procedures. Bookkeeping employees
1.3 Quality assurance 1.5 Business 1.4 Building
measures are internal controls competitive
implemented consistently. 1.6 Basic quality advantage of
1.4 Good relations are control and the enterprise
maintained with assurance
staff/workers. concepts
1.5 Policies and procedures 1.7 Government
on occupational safety and regulatory
and health and processes
environmental concerns
are constantly observed.
2. Establish and 2.1 Good customer relations 2.1 Public relations 2.1 Building
maintain client- are maintained concepts customer
base/market 2.2 New customers and 2.2 Basic product relations
markets are identified, promotion 2.2 Individual
explored and reached out strategies marketing skills
to. 2.3 Basic market 2.3 Using basic
2.3 Promotions/Incentives and feasibility advertising
are offered to loyal studies (posters/
customers 2.4 Basic business tarpaulins,
2.4 Additional products and ethics flyers, social
services are evaluated media, etc.)
and tried where feasible.
2.5 Promotional/advertising
initiatives are carried out
where necessary and
1. Business strategies May include:
1.1. Developing/Maintaining niche market
1.2. Use of organic/healthy ingredients
1.3. Environment-friendly and sustainable practices
1.4. Offering both affordable and high-quality products
and services
1.5. Promotion and marketing strategies (e. g., on-line
2. Business operations May include:
2.1 Purchasing
2.2 Accounting/Administrative work
2.3 Production/Operations/Sales
3. Internal controls May include:
3.1 Accounting systems
3.2 Financial statements/reports
3.3 Cash management
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to
receive and resolve customer complaints in a range of
settings within the hospitality industry workplace context.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Identify and 1.1 Verbal complaint, 1.1 Communication 1.1 Questioning and
analyse the using active listening techniques communication
complaint and empathy 1.2 Anger management skills
techniques is received techniques and 1.2 Research skills
and accurately conflict resolution 1.3 Analytical skills
recorded techniques 1.4 Identifying
1.2 The exact nature of 1.3 Customer relevant
the customer complaints information
complaint are 1.4 Records and 1.5 Compilation and
identified through documentation classification of
appropriate 1.5 Enterprise’s policies information and
communication and procedures data
techniques 1.6 Networking skills
1.3 Register or complaint 1.7 Handling
file/s in accordance complaints
with the requirements
of the enterprise
information system
are maintained
2. Respond to 2.1 Complaints in 4.1 Communication 2.1 Questioning and
complaints accordance with techniques communication
organizational 4.2 Anger management skills
standards, policies techniques and 2.2 Analytical skills
and procedures are conflict resolution 2.3 Identifying
processed techniques relevant
2.2 Documentation in 4.3 Customer information
relation to complaints complaints 2.4 Compilation and
is obtained and 4.4 Records and classification of
reviewed documentation information and
2.3 Register of 4.5 Enterprise’s policies data
complaints/disputes and procedures 2.5 Networking
are updated skills
2.6 Processing
3. Determine and 3.1 Options to resolve the 3.1 Communication 3.1 Questioning and
agree upon complaint within techniques communication
appropriate enterprise policy, 3.2 Anger management skills
action to resolve procedures and techniques and 3.2 Analytical skills
complaint guidelines are conflict resolution 3.3 Ability to
identified and reviewed techniques to research
resolve customer industry
Housekeeping NC III Revision 01 Promulgated (10/15/2019) 43
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
3.2 Action to resolve the complaints information
complaint with the 3.3 Communicate sources
customer is agreed effectively with all 3.4 Identifying
and confirmed. relevant people relevant
3.3 A commitment to the throughout the information
customer to resolve complaint resolution 3.5 Compilation and
the complaint is process classification of
demonstrated 3.4 Written complaints information and
3.4 Customer is 3.5 Workplace records data
informed on the and documentation. 3.6 Networking skills
outcome of 3.6 Enterprise’s policies 3.7 Resolving
investigation of and procedures in complaint
complaint investigation regard to receiving
and resolving
customer complaints
4. Refer complaints 4.1 Complaints that 4.3 Communication 4.1 Questioning and
require referral to techniques communication
other personnel or 4.4 Anger management skills
external bodies are techniques and 4.2 Analytical skills
identified conflict resolution 4.3 Ability to
4.2 Complaint to techniques to research
appropriate resolve customer industry
personnel for follow- complaints information
up in accordance with 4.5 Communicate sources
individual level of effectively with all 4.4 Identifying
responsibility are relevant people relevant
referred throughout the information
4.3 All necessary complaint resolution 4.5 Compilation and
documentation process classification of
including investigation 4.6 Written complaints information and
reports to appropriate 4.7 Workplace records data
personnel are and documentation. 4.6 Networking skills
forwarded 4.8 Enterprise’s policies
4.4 Complaints which and procedures in
cannot be resolved to regard to receiving
an appropriate person and resolving
are referred customer complaints
1. Complaint May include:
1.1 Any expression of dissatisfaction with food and
beverage products or food service by a customer
1.2 Written complaints, e.g. Letter, email, complaint
and/or feedback form
1.3 Verbal, face-to-face, complaints
1.4 Verbal complaints over the telephone
2. Appropriate May include:
communication techniques 2.1 The use of active listening
2.2 The use of both open and closed questions
2.3 Speaking clearly and concisely
2.4 Using appropriate language and tone of voice
2.5 Giving customers full attention
2.6 Maintaining eye contact in face-to face interactions
2.7 Appropriate non-verbal communication in face-to-
face interactions, e.g. Body language, attention and
personal presentation
2.8 and should include:
2.9 Conflict resolution techniques
2.10 Anger management techniques
2.11 Observation of personal safety
3. Organizational standards, May include:
policies and procedures 3.1 Complaints procedures
3.2 Organisational standard report forms
3.3 Job descriptions
3.4 Code of ethics
3.5 Quality systems, standards and guidelines
3.6 Insurance/liabilities policies
4. Documentation May include:
4.1 Letters of complaint
4.2 Customer feedback forms outlining complaints, such
as paper-based customer satisfaction
questionnaires, internet-based customer satisfaction
4.3 Complaint emails
5. Options May include:
5.1 Options that satisfy the customer
5.2 Options that partially satisfy the customer
5.3 Options that do not satisfy the customer.
5.4 and should include:
5.5 Options that reflect enterprise policy, procedures and
6. Inform customer of May include:
outcome 6.1 Providing documentation and/or evidence that
supports customer complaint
6.2 Providing documentation and/or evidence that does
not support customer complaint.
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required
to work cooperatively in a general administration
environment in a range of settings within the labor
divisions of the hospitality industry.
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Develop 1.1 Relationships with 1.1 Principles of 1.1 Questioning
effective team team members and effective and
relationships promote benefits of communication skills communication
cooperative work 1.2 Feedback skills
consistent with techniques and 1.2 Research skills
organizational goals team building 1.3 Analytical skills
and objectives are techniques to build 1.4 Ability to
developed and and maintain research
maintained interpersonal industry
1.2 Responsibilities and relationships within information
assignments in a a designated work sources
positive manner to group or team 1.5 Identifying
promote effective 1.3 Communicate relevant
relationships within effectively with a information
the work group are range of people 1.6 Compilation
undertaken relevant to position and
1.3 Courteous and and role classification of
appropriate 1.4 Customer relations information
communication with 1.5 Enterprise’s policies and data
others in a manner, and procedures in 1.7 Networking
which reflects resolving complaints skills
sensitivity to and conflict
individual social and
cultural differences
in accordance with
requirements, are
1.4 Communication
techniques to relay
information in a clear
and concise manner
are used
1.5 Language and tone
appropriate to a
particular audience,
purpose and
situation, taking into
account the relevant
1. Team members May Include:
1.1 Specific groups of employees assigned to complete
designated tasks, or to work together
1.2 The organization as a whole
1.3 Individual branches
1.4 Individual work sections
2. Organizational May Include:
goals and 2.1 Reporting deadlines
objectives 2.2 Budgetary targets
2.3 Team participation
2.4 Team and individual learning goals
2.5 Professional development
3. Responsibility May Include:
3.1 Obeying lawful orders
3.2 Confidentiality and privacy requirements
3.3 Safety and care with respect to occupational safety and
health requirements
3.4 Terms and conditions of own employment
3.5 Responsibility of providing a safe environment, free from
discrimination and sexual harassment
4. Appropriate May Include:
communication 4.1 Using active listening
4.2 Using both open and closed questions
4.3 Speaking clearly and concisely
4.4 Using appropriate language and tone of voice
4.5 Being attentive
4.6 Maintaining eye contact in face-to face interactions
4.7 Using appropriate non-verbal communication in face-to-face
interactions, e.g. Body language, attention and personal
5. Social and cultural May Include:
differences 5.1 Language
5.2 Traditional practices and observations
5.3 Beliefs, values, practices
5.4 Food, diet
5.5 Dress
5.6 Religious and spiritual observances
5.7 Social conventions
5.8 Cultural stereotypes
5.9 Conventions of gender/sexuality
6. Organizational May Include:
requirements 6.1 Legal and organizational policy and procedures, including
personnel practices and guidelines
6.2 Organizational goals, objectives, plans, systems and
6.3 Legislation relevant to the operation, incident and/or
6.4 Employer and employee rights and responsibilities
6.5 Business and performance plans
Housekeeping NC III Revision 01 Promulgated (10/15/2019) 51
6.6 Policies and procedures relating to own role, responsibility
and delegation
6.7 Quality and continuous improvement processes and
6.8 Client service standards
6.9 Defined resource parameters
7. Language and tone May Include:
7.1 Using simple, concise language that can be easily
understood by the audience
7.2 Using appropriate tone, i.e. not patronizing, not too loud, not
too soft, not yelling, not angry
8. Conflict May Include:
8.1 Group conflict
8.2 Conflict with individuals
8.3 Conflict with co-workers
9. Appropriate May Include:
persons 9.1 Supervisors, managers
9.2 Colleagues
9.3 Human resource personnel
9.4 Members of the public
9.5 Clients
10. Workplace May Include:
documentation 10.1 Letters
10.2 Memos
10.3 Faxes
10.4 Emails
10.5 Invoices and purchase orders
10.6 Policies and procedures
11. Cultural May Include:
differences 11.1 Forms of address
11.2 Levels of formality, or informality
11.3 Non-verbal behavior
11.4 Work ethics
11.5 Personal grooming
11.6 Family obligations
11.7 Recognized holidays
11.8 Special needs
11.9 Preferences for personal interactions
12. Internal customer May Include:
12.1 Colleagues working in another department
12.2 Team members
12.3 Supervisor or managers
13. External customer May Include:
13.1 Suppliers
13.2 People who buy the goods and services the enterprise sells
14. Organization May Include:
standards, 14.1 Complaints procedures
policies and 14.2 Organizational standard report forms
14.3 Job descriptions
14.4 Code of ethics
14.5 Quality systems, standards and guidelines
Housekeeping NC III Revision 01 Promulgated (10/15/2019) 52
15. Professional May Include:
development 15.1 Coaching, mentoring and/or supervision
opportunities 15.2 Formal and/or informal learning programs
15.3 Internal and/or external training provision
15.4 Work experience and exchange opportunities
15.5 Personal study
15.6 Career planning and development
15.7 Performance appraisals
15.8 Workplace skills assessment
15.9 Quality assurance assessments and recommendations
16. Formal feedback May Include:
16.1 360-degree assessment
16.2 Customer satisfaction surveys/forms
16.3 Team evaluations
16.4 Performance reviews/appraisals
16.5 Workplace assessment
17. Informal feedback May Include:
17.1 Critical incident reviews
17.2 Impromptu questioning of customers to obtain view of
products and/or service provided
17.3 Chance discussions with customers
17.4 Coaching and mentoring
17.5 Seeking the opinions of others
17.6 Comments from supervisors, colleagues or clients
17.7 Personal, reflective behavior strategies
18. Non- May Include:
discriminatory 18.1 Language in relation to race and ethnicity
attitudes and 18.2 Not making assumptions about physical or intellectual
18.3 The use of non-discriminatory language in relation to the
portrayal of people with disabilities
18.4 Using and gender inclusive language
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the skills and knowledge
required to maintain a quality customer/guest
service within the hotel and travel industries.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Identify customer/ 1.1 Options to improve 1.1 Principles of 1.1 Questioning and
guest service levels are effective communication
requirements identified communication skills skills
1.2 Needs of customers 1.2 Business 1.2 Research skills
and/or guests are environment in 1.3 Analytical skills
researched and which the hotel and 1.4 Ability to
assessed travel industry research
1.3 Deficiencies in operates, including industry
service delivery are major current information
identified by customer relations sources
conducting data and management 1.5 Identifying
analysis issues as relevant
appropriate to the information
industry sector 1.6 Compilation and
1.3 Principles of classification of
customer service information and
1.4 Organization's data
business structure, 1.7 Networking skills
products and
services and
organization's policy
and procedures for
customer service,
including handling
customer complaints
1.5 Product and service
standards and best
practice models
1.6 Common problems
relating to customer
1.7 Consultation
methods, techniques
and protocols
1.8 Research and or
evidence and
feedback gathering
1. Service levels May include:
1.1 Service quality
1.2 Customer satisfaction
1.3 Staff attitude
1.4 Appearance of venue, staff, etc.
1.5 Atmosphere of venue
1.6 Responsiveness of staff to customer requests
1.7 Delivery times
1.8 Prices or costs
1.9 Product or service availability
1.10 Courtesy and politeness
2. Appropriate professional May include:
development 2.1 Mentoring
2.2 Coaching
2.3 Training
2.4 Peer support
3. Evaluate and report on May include:
customer service 4.1 Service quality evaluations
4.2 Customer satisfaction evaluations
4.3 Industry benchmarking
4. Designated groups or May include:
individuals 5.1 Managers
5.2 Supervisors
5.3 Marketing personnel
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, behavior and
motivations required to develop staff rosters. This role
may be carried out by operational supervisors and
Bold and italicized KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
terms are elaborated in
Range of Variables
1. Develop and 1.1 Rosters are 1.1 Effective 1.1 Communicatio
implement staff developed in communication ns skills
rosters accordance with 1.2 Role of rosters and 1.2 Developing
company their importance in rosters
agreements and controlling staff 1.3 Organizing
wage budgets. costs information
1.2 Operational efficiency 1.3 Factors to be 1.4 Preparing staff
and customer service considered when rosters
levels are maximized developing rosters
while wage costs are 1.4 Formats for the
minimized in roster presentation of staff
development. rosters and details
1.3 Duties are combined to be included
where appropriate to 1.5 Area of operation for
ensure effective use which roster is being
of staff. developed
1.4 The available skills 1.6 Company standards
base is utilized 1.7 Customer Service
appropriately to roster
the most effective mix
of staff and to meet
different operational
1.5 Rosters are
presented in required
formats to ensure
clarity of information
in accordance with
company standards.
1.6 Rosters are
communicated to
colleagues within
designated timelines.
1. Rosters May include:
1.1 An individual department
1.2 A whole establishment
1.3 A specific project
2. Company agreements May include:
2.1 Number of hours worked in a given shift
2.2 Overall number of hours allocated to different staff
2.3 Breaks between shifts
2.4 Nature of duties allocated
2.5 Use of permanent or casual staff
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, behavior and
motivations required to control and order stock in a
range of hospitality establishments. This role is
generally carried out by supervisors and team leaders.
Bold and italicized KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
terms are elaborated in
Range of Variables
1. Maintain stock 1.1 Stock levels are 1.1 Stock level 1.1 Collect, organize
levels and monitored and maintenance and analyze
records maintained techniques information
according to 1.2 Typical stocktaking 1.2 Plan and
company procedures as organize
requirements appropriate to the activities
1.2 Stock security is industry sector 1.3 Monitoring stock
monitored and 1.3 Stock recording performance
systems are systems
adjusted as required 1.4 Stock security
1.3 Stock reorder cycles systems
are monitored and 1.5 Types of stock
adjusted as control
required. documentation and
1.4 Colleagues are systems that may be
informed of their applied in the
individual hospitality industry
responsibilities in 1.6 Reasons for stock
regard to the loss and damage
reordering of stock. 1.7 Company
1.5 Records of stock procedures
storage and
movement are
maintained in
accordance with
1.6 Stock performance
is monitored and
items are identified
and reported in
accordance with
1. Stock May include:
1.1 Food
1.2 Beverages
1.3 Equipment such as maintenance and cleaning
equipment, office equipment
1.4 Linen
1.5 Stationery
1.6 Brochures and promotional materials
1.7 Cleaning supplies and chemicals
1.8 Vouchers and tickets
1.9 Souvenir products
2. Stock losses May include:
2.1 Lack of rotation leading to product deterioration
2.2 Inappropriate storage conditions
2.3 Access by pests or vermin
2.4 Theft
2.5 Overstocking
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with skills and knowledge required to
prepare and deliver in-house training sessions in a
range of settings within the hospitality industry
workplace context.
Bold and italicized terms REQUIRED REQUIRED
are elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables
1. Determine 1.1 Current competencies of 1.1 Active listening 1.1 Questioning
training learners are identified techniques and
requirements 1.2 Required competencies 1.2 Record keeping communication
for learners are identified 1.3 Assessment process skills
1.3 The training gap for 1.4 Enterprise’s policies 1.2 Research skills
learners are described and procedures 1.3 Analytical skills
1.4 The identified training gap 1.5 Appropriate 1.4 Ability to
with relevant personnel performance research
are confirmed assessment industry
1.5 Support available for information
training provision are sources
determined 1.5 Identifying
1.6 Recommendations for relevant
training are presented information
1.6 Compilation
classification of
information and
1.7 Networking
2. Prepare 2.1 Session outlines for 2.1 Active listening 2.1 Questioning
training plan approved training are techniques and
developed 2.2 Record keeping communication
2.2 Training content are 2.3 Assessment process skills
developed 2.4 Enterprise’s policies 2.2 Research skills
2.3 Training resources and and procedures 2.3 Analytical skills
materials are developed 2.5 Appropriate 2.4 Ability to
2.4 Individual training performance research
sessions are developed assessment industry
2.5 Training requirements are information
organized sources
2.5 Identifying
2.6 Compilation
classification of
information and
2.7 Networking
1. Current competencies of May include:
learners 1.1 Observing workers’ practices
1.2 Undertaking peer reviews
1.3 Administering self-evaluation and analysis forms to
1.4 Reviewing data contained in workplace staff
performance systems/databases
1.5 Reviewing application forms and resumes
1.6 Seeking input from managers, supervisors and co-
1.7 Obtaining feedback from customers
1.8 Checking currency of qualifications, certificates and
1.9 Identifying individual learner preferences for training
1.10 Assessing the level of literacy and numeracy amongst
the target group
2. Required competencies May include:
2.1 Reviewing relevant training programs
2.2 Verifying plans for the business
2.3 Reviewing relevant policies and procedures
2.4 Reviewing existing job analysis sheets and similar
2.5 Describing performance standards
2.6 Specifying product and service criteria
2.7 Describing the workplace context, including the
conditions under which tasks are to be completed
3. Training gap May include:
3.1 Specifying the difference between organizational
expectations of staff/learner performance and the
actual level of workplace performance for each
3.2 Confirming identified training gaps with individual
4. Relevant personnel May include:
4.1 Supervisors, managers and owners
4.2 Industry peak bodies
4.3 Subject specialists
4.4 Head office
4.5 Union representatives
4.6 Human resources department
4.7 Staff/learners
4.8 Trainers and assessors
4.9 External consultants
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to plan, conduct and evaluate a staff
performance assessment within an organization that
utilizes formal staff appraisals in a range of settings
within the labor divisions of the hospitality industry.
ELEMENT Bold and italicized terms KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
are elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Plan a staff 1.1 The context for staff 1.1 Active listening 1.1 Questioning and
performance performance techniques communication
assessment assessment for the 1.2 Record keeping skills
business is defined 1.3 Assessment 1.2 Research skills
1.2 Staff performance process 1.3 Analytical skills
assessment options 1.4 Enterprise’s 1.4 Ability to
available to the policies and research
organization is procedures industry
differentiated 1.5 Appropriate information
1.3 Staff performance performance sources
assessment information assessment 1.5 Identifying
amongst staff who will be relevant
assessed is shared information
1.4 The initial focus of the 1.6 Compilation and
staff performance classification of
assessment for each information and
staff member is data
determined 1.7 Networking skills
1.5 Documents to record
identified staff
assessment statistics
and performance data is
1.6 Action plan to guide the
conduct of staff
performance assessment
is designed
2. Conduct a staff 2.1 Workplace-based 2.1 Active listening 2.1 Questioning and
performance evidence of staff techniques communication
assessment performance is gathered 2.2 Record keeping skills
2.2 Employee performance 2.3 Assessment 2.2 Research skills
data is interpreted process 2.3 Analytical skills
2.4 Enterprise’s 2.4 Ability to
policies and research
procedures industry
2.5 Appropriate information
performance sources
1. Context for staff performance May include:
assessment 1.1 aligning individual staff performance with
organizational and/or departmental goals and
objectives as stated in the business and other
relevant operational plans
1.2 optimizing individual staff potential
1.3 identifying workplace performance goals for
individual staff
1.4 cross-referencing individual staff performance
against general workplace needs, including
requirements of rosters, levels of trade,
idiosyncratic workplace requirements
1.5 integrating requirements of individual staff
performance with internal staff training
2. Staff performance May include:
assessment options 2.1 criterion referenced measurement
2.2 self-assessment
2.3 peer assessment
2.4 manager/owner observation
2.5 statistical analysis
2.6 rating scale methods
2.7 ranking or comparison methods
2.8 commercially available proprietary systems.
3. Staff performance May include:
assessment information 3.1 mentioning organization-wide staff performance
assessment at all interviews conducted for new
3.2 including mention of staff performance
assessment in regular staff activities, including
internal training, briefings, meetings, etc
3.3 explaining that the staff performance
assessment process applies to all employees
within the business, including supervisors,
managers, etc
3.4 explaining that the staff performance
assessment process is on-going and cyclical in
3.5 talking to individual staff, including one-on-one
basis to:
a. determine the focus of the staff performance
assessment for the up-coming period
b. explaining the support available for staff
c. re-assuring staff that jobs are not threatened
by the staff performance assessment
d. confirm that all staff, including management,
are subject to staff performance assessment
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to conduct the monitoring, supervision and
assessment of assigned housekeeping tasks.
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Monitor 1.1 Use of Personal 1.1 Workplace 1.1 Identifying and
housekeeping Protective procedures for correcting unsafe
requirement Equipment (PPE) is housekeeping work procedures
procedures and monitored in 1.2 Documentation or conditions
resources compliance with necessary for 1.2 Documentation
Occupational Safety compliance with skills
and Health current regulatory 1.3 Reporting and
Standards guidelines rectifying the non-
1.2 External 1.3 Documentation and compliance to the
regulations are identification of regulations
complied with risks management 1.4 Analytical and
according to industry 1.4 Tools and Evaluative skills
standards equipment usage 1.5 Applying HACCP
1.3 Tools, equipment and maintenance 1.6 Effective
and supplies are 1.5 Basic Occupational Communication
controlled according Safety and Health 1.7 Applying BOSH
to housekeeping (BOSH) 1.8 Applying green
procedures 1.6 Green Practices practices
1.4 Accidents, injuries,
and unsafe work
conditions are
responded in
accordance with
1.5 Incidents reports are
stored and
3. Assess and 3.1 Risk assessment 3.1 Workflow and 3.1 Inspection with
evaluate activities are special cleaning attention to details
assigned tasks scheduled and projects 3.2 Documentation
applied based on 3.2 Workplace skills
industry standards procedures and 3.3 Monitoring skills
3.2 Safe workplace is policies for carrying 3.4 Analytical and
ensured to protect the out housekeeping evaluative skills
workers’ safety tasks in the 3.5 Applying HACCP
3.3 Effectiveness of the workplace
3.6 Applying BOSH
systems are reviewed 3.3 Servicing 3.7 Applying green
and assessed procedures for
according to housekeeping
workplace standards equipment
3.4 Necessary 3.4 Basic Occupational
improvements are Safety and Health
implemented (BOSH)
3.5 Compliance with 3.5 Hazard Analysis
legislations and Critical Control
internal requirements Point (HACCP)
are maintained 3.6 Green Practices
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to supervise a range of general
housekeeping services to guests. It includes
regulatory requirements, plans and standard
operating procedures and the current practices in the
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Monitor 1.1 Team’s understanding 1.1 Standards operational 1.1 Effective
housekeeping of regulatory policies and communication
team requirements, procedures skills
including health and 1.2 Updates on internal 1.2 Analytical and
safety are assured systems and evaluative skills
1.2 Housekeeping processes 1.3 Applying HACCP
standard operational 1.3 Basic Occupational 1.4 Applying BOSH
procedures (SOPs) Safety and Health 1.5 Applying green
are followed (BOSH) practices
1.3 Waste management 1.4 Hazard Analysis
and disposal are Critical Control Point
implemented (HACCP)
according to 1.5 Green practices
workplace standards
1.4 Use of Personal
Protective Equipment
(PPE) is monitored
2. Update current 2.1 Trends and practices 2.1 Current practices in 2.1 Information
practices in in the housekeeping housekeeping technology skills
housekeeping industry are observed 2.2 Basic Occupational 2.2 Applying HACCP
2.2 Occupational safety Safety and Health 2.3 Applying BOSH
and health practices (BOSH) 2.4 Applying green
are implemented in 2.3 Hazard Analysis practices
the workplace Critical Control Point
2.3 Sources of (HACCP)
information on 2.4 Green practices
issues affecting the
hospitality industry
are obtained
2.4 Updated industry
knowledge and
information to daily
operation are applied
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to implement lost and found procedures in an
accommodation facility. It includes the monitoring of
safekeeping of unclaimed and the release of claimed,
unclaimed lost and found items.
elaborated in the Range of
1. Monitor lost 1.1 Lost and found facility 1.1 Standards operational 1.1 Effective
and found are checked policies and communication
facility 1.2 In-house lost and found procedures skills
policies and procedures 1.2 HACCP 1.2 Analytical and
are implemented 1.3 Disposition of lost and evaluative skills
1.3 Storage area of lost found items 1.3 Applying policies
and found items are 1.4 Inventory of Lost and and procedures
regularly inspected Found Items 1.4 Applying legal
1.4 Legal requirements 1.5 Updates on systems requirements
that apply to lost and and processes 1.5 Applying HACCP
found facilities are 1.6 Green Practices
2. Deal with 2.1 Valuable, non-valuable 2.1 Standards operational 2.1 Communication
lost and and perishable items policies and skills including
found items are checked and procedures receiving
monitored for appropriate 2.2 General knowledge feedback and
action about OHS reporting,
2.2 Recorded lost and found 2.3 Updates on systems maintaining
items are monitored as to and processes effective
safety and necessary relationships and
action. conflict
2.3 Inventory of lost and management
found items are 2.2 Reporting skills to
periodically checked. process
2.3 Coordination skills
3. Deal with 3.1 Queries as to legal 3.1 Standards operational 3.1 Program
claims for ownership of the lost and policies and designing skills
lost and found items are procedures 3.2 Planning and
found items facilitated. 3.2 Communicating lost consultative
3.2 Proper verification of items processes in
ownership of property 3.3 General knowledge program
being claimed is about OHS development
supervised. 3.4 Updates on systems 3.3 Communication
3.3 Identification cards and processes skills including
presented are validated. receiving
3.4 Authorization of the feedback and
representative to claim reporting,
the lost and found items maintaining
is checked. effective
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, behavior and
motivations required to supervise laundry of linen,
uniform and guest clothes.
elaborated in the Range of
1. Manage the 1.1 Documentation of 1.1 BOSH and HACCP 1.1 Applying BOSH /
role and laundered items are 1.2 Equipment use in HACCP
responsibilities monitored and laundry 1.2 Check
of a laundry controlled 1.3 Calibration of laundry accompanying
services 1.2 Laundry staff tools and equipment documentation
assignment are 1.4 Cleaning agents and 1.3 Determining staff
performed chemicals potential for
1.3 Costing of laundry 1.5 Documentations laundry
services is checked and according to assignment
monitored enterprise standard 1.4 Evaluating laundry
1.4 Laundry tools, 1.6 In-house laundry costing
equipment and items of establishment 1.5 Evaluation of
supplies are checked 1.7 Guest clothes equipment working
and monitored as to the 1.8 Staff roles condition
required par stock 1.9 Laundry Costing
1.5 The use of Personal
1.10 Laundry services
Protective Equipment
1.11 Green practices
(PPE) is ensured in
compliance with
Occupational Safety
and Health Standards
2. Monitor laundry 2.1 Receiving and 2.1 BOSH and HACCP 2.1 Applying BOSH /
procedures checking of picked-up 2.2 Laundry Forms HACCP
guest clothes are 2.3 In-house linens and 2.2 Demonstrated
supervised in uniforms ability to
accordance with 2.4 Establishment supervise laundry
enterprise laundry procedures procedures
requirements 2.5 Laundry tools, 2.3 Use of specific
2.2 Received used in- equipment and laundry tools,
house items are chemicals equipment and
evaluated 2.6 Type of stains and chemicals
2.3 Segregation of guest appropriate treatment
clothes and linens are 2.7 Green practices 2.4 Spot check of
insured stains
2.4 Application of
appropriate procedure
for specific guest
clothes and linens are
2.5 Appropriate formula
Housekeeping NC III Revision 01 Promulgated (10/15/2019) 99
elaborated in the Range of
2.6 application for washing
clothes and linen are
2.7 Laundered items with
unremoved stains are
monitored for
appropriate treatment
2.8 Worn out or damaged
linen condemnation are
2.9 Staff use of laundry
tools, equipment and
supplies are monitored
particularly for safety
and maintenance
2.10 Removal of lint on
guest clothes are
Delivered linen from
outsource laundry are
3. Supervise the 3.1 Costing of laundered 3.1 BOSH and HACCP 3.1 Applying BOSH /
costing, guest clothes are 3.2 Establishment HACCP
packaging and verified standard costing and 3.2 Applying
delivery of 3.2 Packaging of laundered packaging mathematical skill
laundered items are monitored 3.3 Guest clothes delivery for costing
items 3.3 On time delivery of procedures 3.3 Checking
laundered items are 3.4 Green practices establishment
ensured standard for
3.4 Monitoring
schedule for
laundry delivery
4. Supervise 4.1 Post-cleaning laundry 4.1 BOSH and HACCP 4.1 Applying BOSH /
laundry facility activities are monitored 4.2 Tools and equipment HACCP
maintenance 4.2 Laundry tools and manuals 4.2 Interpreting tools
equipment are checked 4.3 Calibration of laundry and equipment
as to cleanliness, facility manuals
working condition of 4.4 Green practices 4.3 Applying skill for
equipment and storage “attention to
4.3 Dry cleaning procedure details”
is checked as to use of 4.4 Filing internal
chemical laundry report
4.3 Daily internal laundry
reports are evaluated
1. Laundry tools, equipment and May include:
supplies Tools:
1.1 Basin
1.2 Pail
1.3 Buckets
1.4 Laundry brush (soft and hard)
1.5 Laundry gloves
1.6 Sorting Baskets/laundry Baskets
1.8 Washing machine
1.9 Drying cleaning machine
1.10 Steam presser
1.11 Flat iron
1.12 Ironing board
1.13 Sorting shelves
1.14 Extraction equipment
1.15 Fabric softener
1.16 Liquid laundry detergent
1.17 Stain remover
1.18 Bleaching detergent
These standards are set to provide technical and vocational education and
training (TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to consider
when designing training programs for HOUSEKEEPING NC III.
Delivery of knowledge requirements for the basic, common and core units
of competency specifically in the areas of mathematics, science/technology,
communication/language and other academic subjects shall be contextualized.
To this end, TVET providers shall develop a Contextual Learning Matrix (CLM) to
accompany their curricula.
264 Hours
Course Description:
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills, and attitudes in
accordance with industry standards. This covers competencies that a person
must achieve in performing tasks such as supervising room cleaning and
maintenance requirement, housekeeping services to guests, laundry guests’
clothes and lines as well as implementing lost and found procedures.
2.2 Assign • Read web pages on performance • Individual Work • Role Play
responsibilities management • Case Study • Written Test
• Case study on allocating roles and 1 Hour
responsibilities based on competencies
of current staff
3.4 Implement • Identify extent and causes of specific • Group • Case Formulation 1 Hour
action challenges in the workplace discussion • Life Narrative
plans and • Use of range of analytical problem- • Lecture Inquiry (Interview)
communicate solving techniques • Demonstration • Standardized test
results • Formulate clear-cut findings on the • Role playing
nature of each identified workplace
• Discus strategies on devising,
communicating, implementing and
evaluating strategies and techniques in
addressing specific workplace
4. Work in a 4.1 Develop an • Show understanding of cultural • Small Group • Demonstration or 1 Hour
diverse individual’s diversity in the workplace Discussion simulation with oral
environment cultural • Recognize norms of behavior for • Interactive questioning
awareness interacting and dialogue with specific Lecture • Group discussions
and sensitivity groups (e. g., Muslims and other non- and interactive
4.2 Work • Explain the value of diversity in the • Small Group • Demonstration or 1 Hour
effectively in economy and society in terms of Discussion simulation with oral
an Workforce development • Interactive questioning
environment • Discuss the importance of Lecture • Group discussions
that inclusiveness in a diverse environment • Brainstorming and interactive
acknowledge • Discuss the importance of shared • Demonstration activities
s and values vision and understanding of and • Role-playing • Case studies/
cultural commitment to team, departmental, problems involving
diversity and organizational goals and workplace diversity
objectives issues
• Identify and exhibit strategies for • Written
customer service excellence examination
• Demonstrate cross-cultural • Role Playing
communication skills and active
• Recognize diverse groups in the
5. Propose 5.1 Assess work • Show mastery of the following practical • Interactive • Psychological and 1 Hour
methods of procedures, concepts (e.g., 7 habits of highly Lecture behavioral
applying processes and effective people, character strengths • Appreciative Interviews
learning and systems in that foster learning and innovation, five Inquiry • Performance
innovation in terms of minds of the future, adaptation • Demonstration Evaluation
the innovative concepts and transtheoretical model of • Group work • Life Narrative
organization practices behavior change) Inquiry
• Demonstrate collaboration and • Review of
networking skills portfolios of
• Show basic skills in research evidence and third-
• Generate practical insights on how to party workplace
improve organizational procedures, reports of on-the-
processes and systems job performance.
7.2 Set OSH work • Discussion in actions plans that are • Lecture • Written Exam 1 Hour
targets necessary in achieving the OSH target • Group • Demonstration
Discussion • Observation
• Interviews /
7.3 Evaluate • Practice evaluating safety data • Lecture • Written Exam 1.5 Hours
effectiveness (Historical or Simulated) • Group • Demonstration
of Discussion • Observation
Occupational • Interviews /
Safety and Questioning
Health work
9.2 Establish and • Role play on customer and employee • Role Play • Case problem 2 Hours
maintain client- relations • Lecture • Written Test
base/market • Discussion on Basic product Discussion
promotion strategies • Case study
• Preparation of Basic Feasibility study
• Case studies on Basic Business
• Prepare basic advertising materials
9.3 Apply • Discussion on: • Role Play • Written Test 1 Hour
budgeting and - Basic cost-benefit analysis • Lecture • Case problem
financial - Basic financial management Discussion
management - Basic financial accounting • Group work
skills - Business internal controls
2.2 Participate in • Identify individual responsibilities within the • Discussion • Observation 4 Hours
team workgroup in accordance with organisational • Demonstration • Demonstration
assignments requirements • Lecture • Written
• How to recognize and accommodate cultural • Group examination
differences within the team discussion • Interview
• Simulation
2.3 Contribute to • Identify the internal and external customer • Discussion • Observation 4 Hours
team needs and expectations • Demonstration • Demonstration
development • Explain how to seek formal feedback and • Lecture • Written
informal feedback on individual and team • Group examination
performance regularly from colleagues and discussion • Interview
supervisors • Simulation
• Identify the non-discriminatory attitudes and
language when interacting with customers,
staff and management
3. Maintain quality 3.1 Identify • Identify options to improve service • Discussion • Observation 4 Hours
customer/guest customer/ • Explain how to assess needs of customers/or • Demonstration • Demonstration
service guest guests • Lecture • Written
requirements • Identify and conduct data analysis on • Group examination
deficiencies in service delivery discussion • Interview
• Simulation
5.4 Follow-up • Explain how to monitor delivery process and • Discussion • Observation 4 Hours
orders ensure continuity of supply • Demonstration • Demonstration
• Identify routine supply problems • Lecture • Written
• Explain how to distribute stock to agreed • Group examination
locations. discussion • Interview
• Simulation
5.5 Organize and • Explain how to organize stocks • Discussion • Observation 4 hours
administer • Identify the stocktaking responsibilities • Demonstration • Demonstration
stocks • Demonstrate how to produce accurate stock • Lecture • Written
reports • Group examination
discussion • Interview
• Simulation
6.2 Prepare • Explain how to develop session outlines, • Discussion • Observation 4 Hours
training plan training content, training resources and • Demonstration • Demonstration
materials and individual training session • Lecture • Written
• Group examination
discussion • Interview
• Simulation
6.3 Deliver • Explain the training and assessment • Discussion • Observation 4 Hours
training activities involved in the training session • Demonstration • Demonstration
sessions • Identify steps in preparing training venue for • Lecture • Written
the training session • Group examination
• Identify safety of learners during training discussion • Interview
delivery and practice • Simulation
7. Plan, conduct 7.1 Plan a staff • Identify context for staff performance • Discussion • Observation 4 Hours
and evaluate performance assessment • Demonstration • Demonstration
staff assessment • Determine the initial focus of the staff • Lecture • Written
performance performance assessment for each staff • Group examination
assessment member discussion • Interview
• Prepare Documents to record identified staff • Simulation
performance assessment statistics and
performance data
• Design action plan to guide the conduct of
staff performance assessment
1.2 Monitor cleanliness and safety in • Monitor cleanliness and tidiness of the • Individual • Written Report
the workplace workplace learning • Oral
• Identify housekeeping issues • Group Questioning
4 hours
• Maintain and store housekeeping Discussion • Demonstration
equipment and supplies • Case Study
• Maintain stored records • Role playing
1.3 Assess and evaluate assigned • Schedule and apply risk assessment • Individual • Written Report
tasks activities learning • Oral
• Review and assess the effectiveness • Group Questioning
of the systems Discussion • Demonstration
6 hours
• Recognize compliance with • Case Study
legislations and internal requirements • Role playing
• Plan for adjustments and
2. Supervise 2.1 Monitor housekeeping team • Recognize regulatory requirements • Individual • Written 4 hours
housekeeping including Health & Safety learning examination
services to • Follow housekeeping standard • Lecture/ • Oral
guests operational procedures Discussion Demonstration
• Implement waste management and • Presentation • Questioning
disposal • Role playing • Case Study
• Monitor application of HACCP and
1. The delivery of training shall adhere to the design of the curriculum. Delivery
shall be guided by the principles of competency-based TVET.
Trainees or students who wish to enter this training should possess the following
4.1.3 Holders of valid National Certificate (NC) under Housekeeping NC III will
have to undergo assessment to the amended TR for Housekeeping
Provide housekeeping Clean and prepare rooms Laundry linen and guest Clean public areas,
27. Laundry Articles of clothing, linens, etc., that have been or are to be
28. Learning Resource This area is providing the trainee with the knowledge
Center requirements in the various modules responding to the
competencies. The area has an array of learning materials
in print or soft-copies from a multimedia environment.
29. Linens Refers to all items that includes bed linen, food service linen
and such other hotel clothing materials for laundry
30. Lint Loose fibres from the laundered linen that are to be removed
through processing
37. Practical work area This area is where the trainee acquires the skills and
knowledge components of the competencies prescribed by
the standard.
38. SOP Standard Operating Procedure
39. Suite room Hotel accommodation with two rooms: receiving and
40. Housekeeping A transport equipment used to move housekeeping supplies
trolley and linens from room to room
41. Turndown service Is the evening service to prepare the room for guest sleep
that includes tidying the room, dimming the light and fixing
the bed linen
42. Twin room Two beds in a room
43. UHF Ultra-high frequency
Revision Document
Qualification Title Resolution No./ Circular/
No. Types*
Date Implementing
00 Document Created Housekeeping 2007-41 / N/A
NC III 11/22/2007
01 Document Amended Housekeeping 2019-56/
NC III 1015/2019
Legend: *Description Types
- Document Created
- Document Amended
RL F. Garcia
Pan Pacific
Marianne C. Tirona