Edited by: Vasisht Venkatesh, Adam L. Pilchak, John E. Allison, Sreeramamurthy Ankem, Rodney Boyer, Julie Christodoulou,
Hamish L. Fraser, M. Ashraf Imam, Yoji Kosaka, Henry J. Rack, Amit Chatterjee, and Andy Woodfield
TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), 2016
Abstract A process like radial forging therefore has to accommodate for the
proper deforming characteristic in addition to the geometrical
The use of titanium alloys is significant in industry. This places a aspect of forging.
greater emphasis on the processing of these alloys to obtain We will categorize, in the following, the forging into primary
certain metallurgical and functional characteristics. To this end, forging, intermediate billet forging and specific final forging
Radial Forging technology is well suited to support these applications, like for turbine blades and hip joints. Finally, we will
processing requirements. Because of the unique capabilities of the investigate the GFM radial forging applicability for powder
Radial Forging machine, forming of contoured components can be metallurgical titanium alloys.
accomplished for the requirements of many industries including
aerospace, energy generation and medical. Radial forging is a
highly productive and versatile technology for the processing of Primary Forging
titanium alloys and can be an integral part in the processing of
components that utilize titanium alloys. The primary forging is considered to be the first forming step in a
production sequence. In the case of long products it starts with the
The focus in this paper is the application opportunities and ingot and the product is a billet.
optimization tools available with GFM Radial forging for primary The well-established process route starts with homogenization and
titanium and titanium alloys forging as well as preform forging. forging on open-die presses in various passes and reheats. The
final shape and forging is done frequently on radial forging
machines (see fig. 1a) as it is a more economical product. The
Introduction surface finish and straightness of the GFM product is superior to
the forged bar from a forging press [5].
Radial forging is a well-known incremental forming process [1,2].
Radial forging is often referred to as, and confused with, rotary As the required forging forces are about 40% less for 4 hammer
forging. The term rotary forging is used due to the fact that in radial forging compared to the open-die press forging, there is the
many operations the work piece is rotated during the forging potential to direct forging on a GFM radial forging machine. The
operation. The term, radial forging, appears to be widely used in benefit of these machines is that they introduce uniform work into
Europe to describe the process while both radial and rotary the product and require fewer (if any) reheats. GFM radial forging
forging are commonly used in the United States to describe the of titanium alloys has the benefit of being economical and is a
Process [3]. process that is relatively easy to control, and which yields a
product that has more uniform hot work [4]. This is beneficial
The main advantages of its forming nature are: when developing the desired microstructure in forgings made
x It works the material from all sides (prevents spreading) from the billet. The advanced GFM forging machine has even the
x It requires only small forming forces due to its inherent capability to select (at least in certain steps) the ram speed
incremental characteristics characteristic and therefore it is possible to select a proper strain
rate range.
x It is an open-die process (i.e. the tool set covers a broad
A process route of such a process is indicated in fig. 1b. Figure 2
range of sizes) shows a typical configuration of this GFM radial forging machine.
x It has good controllability (i.e. strain, strain rate and
temperature control) Provided that the GFM radial forging machine has sufficient size
x It is a precise and fast process and forge capability and that no upsetting is required, it is
therefore possible to cancel the open-die forging process step.
There are typically two different targets with radial forging: one is
to create the correct geometry and the other is to execute the
proper forming of the specific material to meet the product
specifications. In the following, we will explore where the GFM
radial forging technology is useful and used in the titanium world.
Process route according to Figure 1b reveals the following Titanium alloys have relatively poor thermal conductivity and
advantages: relatively high flow stresses at all working temperatures.
x No need for the open-die press / capability At high rates of deformation, the thermal conductivity is too low
x higher homogeneity of deformation to allow dissipation of the heat generated during working.
Consequently, titanium alloys may exhibit adiabatic heating
x Notable less number of reheats (and hence reduced
during working. Adiabatic heating can lead to localized flow
hydrogen pick-up). Automatic reheating during forging softening in shear bands. But if the adiabatic heating is well
(in-line reheating) might completely eliminate any controlled it can extend the working time and deformation extent
traditional furnace reheats between reheats.
x Less surface cracks due to shorter process and contact
times (less temperature losses and less chilling) There are material specific constraints and restrictions for which
the forger must account for. The most important ones are shown
x Less length restrictions (better temperature control due in Table 1. There you will find also the consequential forging
to fast GFM process) and integrated in-line induction faults if they are not observed.
system (see figure 3) Process maps have been elaborated [9] showing the combined
restrictions of strain rate and temperature. Together, with
minimum requirements of strain for proper microstructural
evolution, they provide the constraints or guidelines for the forger
regarding the details of forging parameter selection.
Turbine Blades
Titanium blades have had a long and successful application as
aircraft gas turbine blading, particularly in fan blades. For many
decades, GFM forging machines are used for fast and precise
preform forging of these blades [4]. Depending on the selected
forging and heat treatment several different microstructures /
properties are adjustable (e.g. relatively coarse elongated alpha
grain structure, lamellar, equiaxed or bimodal microstructure) [6],
although the focus on this application centers on the geometric
Next to stainless steel and CoCr-based alloys CP-titanium and Figure 7. Hot forged airframe strut
titanium alloys, e.g. Ti-6Al-4V are used heavily nowadays due to
their favorable properties. Gas analysis and microstructure also confirmed that the short
period of higher temperature (induction heating, fast forging)
The main task for preforming of hip joints is very similar to the exposure did not harm the material.
turbine blades, although there are some specific issues to manage
in the case of hip joint preforming.
For hip joint preforming, typically the bar blank is heated by Forging Application Example: Forging of PM Titanium Alloys
induction. Due to the low thermal conductivity a well-designed
system is a prerequisite for forging this product without any SINTEF Raufoss Manufacturing AS is developing, for one of
surface faults. To minimize chilling of surface, the tools are their customers, an advanced process for wire making.
preheated. The GFM forging machine is now used worldwide for
this application and has replaced all alternative preforming
processes at most of the leading hip joint suppliers in the last
decade due the following advantages:
x Fully automatically and reliable process
x Fast and robust process
x Minimum set-up time for change-over to other
x Easy program generation for new geometry (due to
GFM software for CNC-program creation)
x No need for lubricant/coating
x No need for machining after forging (some customers
even close-die forge afterwards successfully in the same
Figure 8. Forging of PM Titanium