Wind Load Calculation +combination

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 Wind load on purlin :-

Vb (Basic Wind Speed) 44m/s [For Surat, Appendix A, Cl.

6.2,Page 51,IS: 875(Part:3)-2015,]
K1 (Risk Coefficient factor for 1.0 [For Industrial Building,Table
Different Classes of structure) 1,Page 7, IS: 875(Part:3)-2015]
K2 (Terrain, height and Structure 0.91 [For Class A, Terrain category 2
size factor) Cl. 5.3.2, Page 8, IS: 875(Part 3)-2015]
K3 (Topography Factor) 1.00 [For Topography˂ 3°
Table 2, Page 12, IS: 875(Part 3)-2015]
K4 (Importance factor of cyclonic 1.15 [For Industrial Building, cl.6.3.4,
region) Page 9, IS: 875(Part 3)-2015]

• Design wind speed :

Vz= Vb K1 K2 K3 K4
= 44×1×0.91×1×1.15
= 46.046 m/sec

• Design wind pressure :

Pz = 0.6×Vz2
= 0.6×46.0462
= 1272.14 N/m2

Kd(wind directionality factor) 0.9 ( CL 7.2.1, page 9)

Pd = Ka(area averaging factor) 1 (CL 7.2.2 ,page 10)
Kd For Tributary area
Ka =Slope dimensions ×Spacing
Kc Truss
Pz = 1.65 m×5 m
= 8.25 m2 < 10 m2
Kc(combination factor) 0.9 ( CL ,page 11)
= 0.9 ×1 ×0.9× 1272.14
= 1030.433 N/m2

 Force at each nodal point is given by:

= 5.5
= 0.343 < 0.5 (CL

• Cpi = ± 0.5 (Internal pressure coefficient for medium

permeability, CL, page -11)
• External pressure coefficient Cpe for walls [Table 5, Page
13, cl., IS: 875(Part 3)-2015]

Angle 0o 90o
10 -1.2 -0.4 -0.8 -0.6
20o -0.4 -0.4 -0.7 -0.6
11.99o -1.04 -0.4 -0.78 -0.6
• Area (A) = Spacing of Purlin × Span of Purlin (per meter)
= 1.65 ×1
= 1.65 m2

• F = (Cpe ± Cpi)*A*Pz
= (-1.04 -0.5)*1.65*1030.433
= -2.618 KN/m

 Load combination :-
1) D.L + L.L :-

 Wx = 1.515*cos(11.99)
= 1.48 KN/m

 Wy =1.515*sin(11.99)
= 0.314 KN/m

Wx∗l 2∗1.5 1.48∗52∗1.5

 Mx = 10
= 10
= 5.57 KN m

Wx∗l 2∗1.5 0.314∗52∗1.5

 My = 10
= 10
= 1.181KN m

Wx∗l∗1.5 1.48∗5∗1.5
 SFx = 2 = 2 = 5.57 KN

Wy∗l∗1.5 0.314∗5∗1.5
 SFy = 2 = 2 = 1.181 KN

2) D.L + W.L :-
 Wx = -2.618 + 0.369*cos(11.99)
= -2.257 KN/m

 Wy = 0.369*sin(11.99)
= 0.076 KN/m

Wx∗l 2∗1.5 −2.257∗52∗1.5

 Mx = 10
= 10
= -8.46 KN m

Wy∗l 2∗1.5 0.076∗5 2∗1.5

 My = 10
= 10
= 0.286 KN m

Wx∗l∗1.5 −2.257∗5∗1.5
 SFx = 2 = 2 = -8.46 KN

Wy∗l∗1.5 0.076∗5∗1.5
 SFy = 2 = 2 = 0.286 KN
 Section properties:-

h = 125 mm
bf = 65 mm
tf = 8.1 mm
tw = 5.0 mm
A = 1619 mm2
Ixx = 416.4× 104 mm4
Iyy = 59.9 × 104 mm4
rxx = 9.5 mm
Zex= 66.6 × 103 mm3
Zey= 66.6 × 103
g = 35 mm
Zpx =77.150 × 103 mm3
Zpx =77.150 × 103 mm3
Zpy =28.864× 103 mm3

 Section Classification :-

bf 65
• tf = 8.1 = 8.02 < 9.4ξ

d (125−2 ( 8.1+ 9.5 ))

• tw = 5 = 17.96 < 84ξ

• This section is plastic


Mx∗ϓmo My∗ϓmo∗2.5∗d
• For purlin Zp required = Fy

8.46∗106∗1.1 1.181∗106∗1.1∗2.5∗125
= 250

= 62.206 ×103 mm < 77.150 × 103 mm (OK)

 Shear Check :-
1) D.L +L.L

• About – x axis :-

Vd = ϓmo∗√ 3

= 1.1∗1000∗√3

= 82.00 KN > 5.57KN (OK)

• 0.6 Vd = 0.6×82.00 = 49.2 KN > 5.57 (OK)

• About – y axis :-

Vd = ϓmo∗√ 3

= 1.1∗1000∗√ 3

= 138.33 KN > 1.18 KN (OK)

• 0.6 Vd = 0.6×138.33 = 82.99 KN > 1.181 (OK)

 Bending Moment :-

• About – x axis

βb∗Zpx∗Fy 1.2∗Zex∗Fy
Mdx = ϓ mo
ϓ mo

1∗77.150∗103∗250 1.2∗66.6∗103∗250
= <
1.1 1.1

= 17.53 KN m < 18.16 KN m (OK)

• About – y axis

βb∗Zpy∗Fy 1.2∗Zey∗Fy
Mdy = ϓ mo
ϓ mo

1∗28.864∗103∗250 1.2∗13.1∗103∗250
= <
1.1 1.1

= 6.56 KN m < 4.65 KN m (Not OK)

• Mdy = 4.65 KN m

 Check Of Biaxial :-

N Mx My
• + + ≤1
Nd Mdx Mdy

5.57 1.181
+ ≤1
17.53 4.65

0.5802 ≤1
 Check for deflection :-

• About – X axis

• δ = W*L4
2∗105∗416.4∗10 4∗384

= 2.91 mm

• Brittle cladding

L 5000
• 180
= 180

= 27.77 mm

2.91 mm < 27 .77 mm (OK)

 Shear Check :-
2) D.L + W.L

• About – x axis :-

Vd = ϓmo∗√ 3

= 1.1∗1000∗√3

= 82.00 KN > 8.46 KN (OK)

• 0.6 Vd = 0.6×82.00 = 49.2 KN > 8.46 KN(OK)

• About – y axis :-

Vd = ϓmo∗√ 3

= 1.1∗1000∗√ 3

= 138.33 KN > 0.286 KN (OK)

• 0.6 Vd = 0.6×138.33 = 82.99 KN > 1.181 (OK)

 Check Of Biaxial :-

N Mx My
• + + ≤1
Nd Mdx Mdy

8.46 0.286
+ ≤1
17.53 4.65

0. 5401≤ 1

 Check for deflection :-

• About – X axis

• δ = W*L4
5000 4∗2.257
2∗105∗416.4∗10 4∗384

= 4.41 mm
• Brittle cladding

L 5000
• 180
= 180

= 27.77 mm

4.41 mm < 27 .77 mm (OK)

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