Free Ebook #4: All About The Zapper

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Free E-Book #4

All about the zapper

The Zapper is a square wave signal generator. The output electrodes allow a small
amount of electric current to pass through the body. The current in turn disables or
kills parasites, viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens in the blood. The process is
termed blood electrification.
The frequency of the square wave signal supplied to the electrodes can be fixed or
adjustable. Various people have concluded that some frequencies work better than
others. I made the one shown here and this is the one my wife and I use.

This one is designed to a 15 volt signal at 33,000 hertz. But, a wide range of
frequencies are being used. Other factors to consider are the body contact method,
and body current. Here is a chart to give you an idea of the specifications being
used. Names including Georges Lakhovsky, Nikola Tesla, Wilhelm Reich, Bob
Beck, Royal Raymond Rife, Hulda Regehr Clark, Dan Croft, and even Albert Einstein
have all been linked with the history of the modern version of the “zapper”.
Here are just of a few website links that will provide valuable information about the
Besides a multitude of information on the web about the zapper, books like
Georges LAKHOVSKY’s. THE. SECRET. OF. LIFE (Circa 1924) which provides
background research about his coil, Hulda Regehr Clark’s The Cure and
Prevention of All Cancers (2007), The Cure for All Diseases, & The Cure for HIV and
AIDS (1995) and a countless number of other books provide a plethora of insight.
Here are just two of the many schematic diagrams for Zappers.

The listed component values for the circuit below yealds a frequency of almost 35khz. By using
a .005 uF capacitor for C2 the frequency is around 32.8khz. In either case, the frequency isn’t
that important, as long as it is around 33khz. There are various opinions regarding the supply
voltage, but a single 9 volt battery should be sufficient. The MC1455 can be replaced with an
LM555 or NE555 or a number of other 555 timer ICs.
Due to the small amount of current involved you don’t feel it as it flows through you.
But rest assured, it is doing it’s job. By using a milliammeter the current flow can be
measured and with an oscilliscope the square wave can be seen. Some of the units
have a built in meter or display to show that the signal is present. Others just have a
Light Emmiting Diode as an indicator.

Instructions are supplied in some form or another for the intended use of the type of
zapper you buy.
Also included is a disclaimer which you should read. There are no guarantees and
these devices are for experimental use only, although there are usually a significant
number of testimonials. Since they are electrical devices, they should not be used
by someone with a pace maker.
A typical session for the application of the hand-held zapper is as follows:
1. Wrap paper towels around the electrodes.
2. Wet them and your hands.
3. Keeping the electrodes separated, turn on the zapper (allowing the
electrodes to touch will short out the zapper)
4. Hold the electrodes tightly, one in each hand for seven minutes.
5. Turn off the zapper and wait twenty minutes.
6. Repeat the process until you have completed three seven-minute
Look over the websites and read the testimonials. Make up your own mind on
weather or not they will work for you. They have for me.
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