The Ethical Challenges of Globalization: Peter Osimiri

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Covenant University Journal of Politics and International Affairs (CUJPIA) Vol. 3 No. 1, June 2015.

The Ethical Challenges of Globalization

Peter Osimiri
Department of Philosophy
University of Lagos
Abstract: Globalization has transformed the world from a collection of discrete
communities interacting occasionally to an overlapping community of fate. Thus
culturally, politically and economically, communities across the world now operate in
what is essentially a shared space albeit divided into artificial political condominiums
called nation-states. This artificial division, notwithstanding, the intensification of
transnational relations occasioned by globalizing forces and processes has opened up
novel forms of social bonds and responsibilities. As nations, peoples and communities
across the globe become economically, socially and politically connected, the
distinction between the global and the local becomes increasingly blurred and events
and actions in one locale carries with it the potential to generate transnational and trans-
generational consequences. It is precisely because in a globalized world, events and
actions are capable of giving rise to transnational consequences, that moral reflection
about our responsibilities and obligations has become an imperative.
Taking the above observations as a point of departure, this paper seeks to highlight
some of the plethora of normative issues and question which are becoming increasingly
significant in the age of globalization. These, interestingly, includes the character of
globalization itself. Critics have argued that the currently unfolding neoliberal
globalization concentrates wealth in the hands of a few while it leaves the majority in
the condition of poverty. Other questions relate to the environment, cultural
imperialism, human rights, global poverty, the rise of powerful transnational
corporations etc.*
Introduction political enclaves known as nation-
That globalization has transformed states. The demarcation of the world
the world from a collection of into territorially bounded
discrete communities interacting communities, however, is gradually
occasionally to an overlapping coming under strain as the
community of fate is clearly intensification of transnational
indicated by the fact that the world is relations occasioned by globalizing
increasingly integrating along the forces and processes opens up new
cultural, political and economic forms of solidarities and
spheres. Consequently, communities responsibilities. With the increasing
across the world in reality now realization that our seemingly
coexist in a single, shared space innocuous actions could potentially
albeit demarcated into artificial generate transnational and trans-

Covenant University Journal of Politics and International Affairs (CUJPIA) Vol. 3 No. 1, June 2015.

generational consequences, it has analysis of the idea of (transnational)

become imperative that we begin to harm as general conceptual
reflect on our moral responsibilities framework for understanding the
and obligations in the globalizing ethical issues to which globalization
world. has given rise. The third and final
Interestingly about four decades ago, segment examines some of the
Hans Jonas (1974) argued that rapid ethical Implications of Globalization.
technological advancement has Definitions
transformed the effect of nature of Globalization is arguably the most
human action from one that is prominent buzzword in
confined to a bounded spatio- contemporary times. Nowadays, it is
temporal horizon to one that extends so commonplace for persons within
into a boundless spatio-temporal the academia, government and
frame. Based on this observation corporations to employ the term
Jonas concludes that the transformed globalization uncritically. Given its
nature of human action cannot be popularity, globalization is a much
adequately regulated by traditional deployed but loosely defined
ethics. He therefore advocated the concept. To some globalization is the
need to develop a new ethic of “latest stage of imperialism”
responsibility that will govern human (Sivanandan, 1999, p .5); to others,
action in the technological age. globalization is the spread of western
Incidentally, the increasing modernity” (see Scholte, 2005, p.16).
integration of communities into a Globalization no doubt, is the
single global village has had the ultimate essentially contested
same transformative effect on human concept. That this is the case could
actions as the expansion of be gleaned from the fact that
technology. Thus Jonas call for a globalization is at once employed to
new ethic has become even more describe a phenomenon, a process
urgent today. and a philosophy (Khan, 2003).
While it is not the intention of this Globalization also has a multiplicity
chapter to construct a new ethic, it of dimensions, namely the political,
will explore and clarify some of the the economic and the cultural.
novel moral questions that have been Beyond this, as a concept,
thrown up by the currently unfolding globalization is not only prone to the
set of processes known as “twin problems of rhetorical
globalization. To facilitate a overload and analytical
systematic approach to the incoherence”, it is also an idea that is
developing discourse, this chapter is susceptible to being loaded with a lot
organized into three major segments. of “moral and political garbage”
The first segment clarifies the (Holton 2005). This explains why
concepts of “globalization” and Blieker (2004) declares that
“ethics”. The second provides an “globalization is an omnipresent and

Covenant University Journal of Politics and International Affairs (CUJPIA) Vol. 3 No. 1, June 2015.

unruly phenomenon; whose definitions. The common theme that

manifestations are diverse as its runs through the definitions is the
interpretations are contestable”(p. emphasis on the trans nationalization
127). of the connections taking place in the
In spite of the complexity of the world today. This leads us to
concept of globalization, we must Scholte‟s conceptualization of
arrive at a working definition. For globalization. In her view,
our purposes in this presentation, we globalization is synonymous with
shall adopt Scholte‟s deterritorialization. Thus she defines
conceptualization of the idea. It may globalization “as the reconfiguration
be helpful, however, to examine a of social geography marked by the
few of the attempts to define rise of supraterritorial spaces” (2009,
globalization in order to put p.9). Held et al (1999, p.16) capture
Scholte‟s conception of globalization this reading of globalization when
in perspective. Political Scientist they referred to it as a “process (or
David Mittelman (1996) defines set processes) which embodies a
globalization as the compression of transformation in the spatial
space and time. By this, he meant organization of social relations and
that the technologies of globalization transactions. Conceived as the rise of
have reduced the significance of the supraterritorial spaces, globalization
distance barrier and the salience of spotlights the increasing trans-border
time in cross-border interactions. In a or transnational relations, which are
closely related definition, sociologist taking place in the contemporary
Roland Robertson (1992, p.8) refers world. The point of this perspective
to globalization as “the compression is that globalization is restructuring
of the world and the intensification our social space or geography from
of the consciousness of the world as one that is predominantly territorial
a whole”. Another sociologist to one that is increasingly
Anthony Giddens (1990, p.3) defines “transnational”. In other worlds,
globalization as intensification of whereas people normally have most
worldwide relationships which link of their interactions and affiliations
distant localities in such a way that in the past with others who share the
local happenings are shaped by same territorial space (e.g. the
events occurring many miles away village, town and nation), there is
and vice versa. massive burgeoning of interactions
and affiliations across this territories.
One interesting thing about the
What emerges clearly from the
definitions presented above is that
foregoing analyses is that
they do not place any particular
globalization has brought about the
emphasis on political, economic and
intensification of global relations.
the cultural dimensions of the
phenomenon, even though these Compared to globalization, ethics is
different aspects are implicit in the a fairly straight forward concept.

Covenant University Journal of Politics and International Affairs (CUJPIA) Vol. 3 No. 1, June 2015.

Therefore, its meaning is easier to purview of a young and growing

explicate. “Strictly speaking ethics is discipline that may be described as
the investigation into how we ought global ethics. Global ethics
to live” (Birsch, 2002, p.1). according to Kimberly Hutchings
According to Luper (2002, p.15) (2010, p.1) is a field of theoretical
ethics elucidates the nature of the inquiry that addresses ethical
good person and the good life in questions and problems arising out
general. It specifies the nature our of global interconnections and
obligations and enables to identify interdependence of the world’s
the right course of action. In short population. Implicit in Hutchings‟
ethics is a “wide ranging study of definition is the idea that
right and wrong, as well as the good interconnections between
and the bad in so far as these pertain populations give rise to ethical
to conduct and character”(Ibid, question and problems. This
p.15). In the strict sense, ethics is an observation leads to two useful ideas
academic study. In the loose sense, that could inform a conceptual
however, we interchange ethics and framework that seeks to explain how
morality in discussions that describes globalization creates “shrinking
the good and the bad, the right and distances and expanding obligations”
the wrong. Thus in the popular (Nicole Hassoun, 2012). These are
parlance, we label an action as the notions of expanding
“unethical” when we think it is transnational relations and the rise
morally wrong or “ethical” when we of transnational harms.
think otherwise. For the most part of Globalization as we adumbrated
this presentation, we employ the earlier is diminishing geographical
term ethics in the loose sense. Unless barriers to social relation and
otherwise specified, references to reconfiguring the interactions from
“ethical issues” raised by one that largely territorially bounded
globalization roughly translate to to one that is increasingly trans-
“moral issues”. territorial. Simply put, globalization
Conceptual Framework is deepening and broadening
Having clarified the key concepts interactions across national borders.
that will punctuate every point in this By collapsing the space of
discourse, it will be expedient to interaction into a global village,
outline a general conceptual globalization literally shrinks the
framework that underpins and distance between us and others, even
provides a basis for comprehending where the „others‟ in question are
the connections between thousands of miles away and reside
globalization and ethics. Before we in countries others than ours.
proceed to that task, however, it is Giddens(1990: 64) refer to this
necessary to point out that the phenomenon when he describes
discourse here falls within the globalization as a stretching process

Covenant University Journal of Politics and International Affairs (CUJPIA) Vol. 3 No. 1, June 2015.

that makes possible modes of and consequently expands the scope

connections, which transforms of our obligation. To illustrate this
different social contexts or regions point, imagine that Robinson Crusoe
across the earth into a single is the one person on planet earth. It is
networked system. Now, as clear that he associates with no
globalization collapses the world into others and therefore cannot harm
a single space, it creates greater anyone*. But let us suppose that a
interaction across national borders. small village moved from mars to
Thus we associate globalization with planet earth, if interacts with them,
the expansion of transnational the interaction put a moral demand
relations. on him to consider, or refrain from
Having explained how globalization violating, the interest of this small
leads to the burgeoning of population. Let us further suppose
transnational relations, we can now that for some reasons, the village
examine the idea of the rise of multiplied into nations and populated
transnational harm. “Harm” as a the entire surface of the earth as is
concept is fundamental to ethics. the case in today‟s world. The scope
Defined variously as “damage or loss of his obligation literally expands to
caused by a person on an event” or the entire planet, if his actions are
“the violation of core interest in capable of consequences that are
physical and mental wellbeing,” transnational in scope.
harm defines the core of our The point of the above illustration is
obligation to the “other” (OED, that globalization expands our
2000; Shapcott, 2008). Put obligations beyond our national
differently, given that unjustifiable borders because the shrinking of
harm is considered as moral evil, distances meant that our actions
there is general consensus that we could potentially have consequences
have a negative ethical duty not to for populations outside our
harm others. As Cicero (n.d) puts it, immediate political borders. In short,
the first demand of justice is that we globalization has extended our
“do no harm to another unless primary moral obligation to refrain
provoked by injury”. Interestingly, from harming others in our
harm is a spatially situated immediate environment to the global
phenomenon, i.e., if my actions harm arena. In the age of globalization, we
people who are my compatriot, the now have duty to ask ourselves
harm will be labeled as domestic whether our actions will harm, not
harm, but when the same action only our conationals, but also distant
harm people outside my country, it foreigners. The upshot of this
becomes transnational harm. By observation is that globalization
expanding the transnational expands our moral obligation by
interactions, globalization increases encouraging us to adopt a planetary
the possibility of transnational harm or cosmopolitan vision. To borrow a

Covenant University Journal of Politics and International Affairs (CUJPIA) Vol. 3 No. 1, June 2015.

phrase from Loraine Elliot (2005, world to be a fragmented space

p.493), globalization creates a where some people benefit at the
“cosmopolitan community of expense of others (Ibid, p.33.). It is
reciprocal rights and duties”. for this reason that critics have
Ethical issues in Globalization described globalisation as a process
From the foregoing analysis, it has driven by advanced capitalist
been demonstrated that the countries to perpetuate their political
intensification of the interconnection and economic hegemony. In the
between persons and societies words of the Ali
around the world has created the …globalization is seen as the
possibility that our actions could aim of a new world order
generate transnational or trans- promoted by means of an
border consequences. Some of these identifiable geo-political,
consequences in question raise some imperial strategy which
fundamental moral questions about corresponds to a global design to
cement the position of dominant
human relations in contemporary countries and to increase the
society. In this segment, we will affluence and promote the
enumerate and discuss in some detail interests of the privileged
a list of selected normative or ethical minority of the world‟s
issues arising out of global population, relegating the rest to
interconnections and a structurally dependent and
interdependence of the world‟s subordinate situation. (2005,
population. We begin with the debate p.13)
over the nature and character the To the extent that economic
globalizing processes unfolding globalization or the spread of the
before our very eyes. laissez-faire capitalism deepen the
The first normative question elicited inequalities within and between
by globalization concerns the nations, it is morally condemnable
character of globalization itself. from both the consequentialist and
Critics have argued that the currently deontological perspectives. From the
unfolding neoliberal globalization consequentialist perspective, the
concentrates wealth in the hands of a ethical argument against
few, while it leaves the majority in globalisation is that it fails to
the condition of poverty (Colado, maximize happiness for the greatest
2006). Although supporters of number of people. (See Singer,
globalization paint a rosy picture of a 2000). From a deontological point of
globalised world characterized by the view, globalization will be
spread of liberal democracy, peace condemned on the account that
and prosperity, globalization has exploited populations are treated as
actually resulted in radical “means to an end” and not as “end in
inequality, a deepening of exclusions themselves”(see Kant, 1948) Given
“caused by inequalities that show the this moral shortcoming of

Covenant University Journal of Politics and International Affairs (CUJPIA) Vol. 3 No. 1, June 2015.

globalization, critics of the presently forestall a global ecological collapse,

existing globalization has advocated a prospect that threatens humanity
for a different form of globalization, with the specter of annihilation. It is
employing terms such “alternative now common knowledge among
globalization”, “civilizing environmentally literate persons that
globalization”, “globalization from today the world is confronted by a
below” etc. ( Sandbrook, 2003; host of environmental problems that
Sousa Santos and Garavita, 2005). carry with them potential planetary
The World Commission on the consequences. These include
Social Dimension of Globalization, anthropogenic greenhouse effect that
for instance, advocates a fairer is allegedly producing global climate
globalization that would create change, popularly known as „global
opportunities for all. warming‟. Then there is the
We, the members of the World challenge of ozone layer depletion,
Commission…. have come to which increasingly destroys the
agreement on a common goal: a protective blanket that shields the
fair globalization which creates world‟s population from dangerous
opportunities for all. We wish ultra violet rays being emitted from
to make globalization a means the sun. The global biosphere is also
to expand human well-being experiencing a rapid reduction in the
and freedom, and to bring diversity of ecosystems, in the
democracy and development to
number of species of life, and in the
local communities where
people live. Our aim is to build variety of genes that circulate within
a consensus for common action individual species (Scholte, 2005,
to realize this vision, and to p.72). Exacerbating the sundry
foster a process of sustained global environmental problems
engagement to this end by the enumerated above is the explosive
actors themselves, including population growth which threatens to
States, international exceed the earth‟s carrying capacity
organizations, business, labour and bust the biosphere (Mcleish,
and civil society. (TWCG, 2010).
2004, p.2)
Combined, these environmental
Beyond the Commission and a problems practically illustrate the
community of scholars calling for a idea of transnational harm and the
more egalitarian globalization, there interdependent condition of human
is a network of global justice existence in the 21st century.
movement across the world engaged Industrial capitalism, which has been
in active struggle for a globalization taken to his apogee in the advanced
with human face. countries, for instance, is primarily
The second prominent normative responsible for the destruction of the
challenge arising out of globalization ozone layer and the rise of global
is the problem of managing the warming, two major environmental
global environment in order to
Covenant University Journal of Politics and International Affairs (CUJPIA) Vol. 3 No. 1, June 2015.

threats that faces the world today. Hardin when individuals have free
While industrial activity is mostly access to some desirable resource,
confined to the West and more each will seek to maximize his or her
recently, to some part of Asia, the take of the resource thereby
entire world stands to suffer the precipitating its depletion, which
effects of climate change. Thus while consequently, makes everybody
the advanced capitalist countries worse off. This is the dynamic at
enjoys the benefits of work at the global level. If the global
industrialization, the rest of the atmosphere is considered as some
world is forced to share in the kind of sink in which industrial
negative consequences or pollution can be stored away, the fact
externalities thrown up by industrial that all nations have free access to
activity. Another approach to the global atmosphere creates a
understanding this glaring inequity in negative incentive to dump as much
the expropriation of the earth pollution as possible in the sink.
resources is to focus on the concept This recklessness ultimately
of “ecological footprints degrades the global atmosphere,
According to Mathis Wackernagel, leaving all nations worse off. To
„Ecological footprint analysis is an short-circuit this dynamic, Hardin
accounting tool that enables us to suggests that the use of the global
estimate the resource consumption commons or environment must be
and waste assimilation requirements regulated by coercion (Ibid, p.1243).
of a defined human population or Obviously the regulation of the
economy in terms of a corresponding global commons must be based on
productive land area‟ (Wackernagel sound moral principles. Thus global
and Rees, 1996, p. 9). A measure of environmental considerations create
the ecological footprint of the US, the need for global environmental
for instance, indicates her ethics which is an aspect of global
disproportionate use of the world‟s ethics.
environmental resources. Estimates Central to the increasing integration
show that that the US with less than of the world community into a single
5 % of the global population, interlinked community is economic
consumes about a quarter of the globalization, i.e., the widening and
world's fossil fuel resources and 27 deepening of international flows of
% of the world‟s natural gas. (See trade, capital, and technology within Clearly, the a single integrated market (Petras,
reason for differential ecological 2001) Following the collapse of
footprints is explained by a dynamic Soviet socialism and the consequent
described so vividly by Garrett triumph of capitalism, the
Hardin(1968) in an influential International financial institutions
Science essay entitled “the Tragedy (IFIs) such as the World Bank and
of the Commons”. According to the International Monetary Fund

Covenant University Journal of Politics and International Affairs (CUJPIA) Vol. 3 No. 1, June 2015.

(IMF) through neoliberal policies of the same government. It is for this

liberalization, deregulation and reason that Woods and Narlikar
privatization have forcibly imposed speaks of “the new intrusiveness of
the laissez-faire capitalist mode of international economic
economic organization on societies organizations”. According to the
in different parts of the globe, duo:
especially in Sub-Saharan-Africa, International economic
Latin America and post-communist organizations now address issues
Eastern Europe. Interestingly, the which were previously dealt with
forcible spread of capitalist ethos, at the level of national
what Stephen Gill (2008, p. 124) governments… decisions and
describes as the emergence of policies taken at the international
“market civilization” has brought to level are increasingly affecting
the front burner the question of groups and people within states.
Where previously, these people
democratic deficits in global
could hold their national
economic management. The governments to account for
democratic deficit referred to here is policies, they must now look to
generated by the fact that in the international institutions where
sphere of economic management, the decisions are being made.
states are increasingly losing their The question therefore arises: to
sovereignty as the International whom are these institutions
Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, accountable and are they
and World Trade Organization accountable to those to whom
(WTO) takes over their traditional they directly affect? (2001,
functions. For instance, the World p.561)
Bank and the IMF often prescribes Obviously, this lack of
unpopular neoliberal policies such as accountability to the people directly
currency devaluation, subsidy affected by the policies of the IFIs
removal and the privatization of and the tendency to impose
strategic public enterprise as unbearable conditions on indebted
conditionality for providing loans to governments is a fundamental moral
financially distressed states. The defect in the operation of IFIs.
unfortunate implication of this is that Therefore, a number of influential
elected indigenous leaders cede their political theorists have called for the
prerogative over economic democratization of global
management to unelected officials of governance (Held, 1995; Kuper,
international organizations. Thus, the 2004; Archibugi, 2008). Held, who
insistence on political conditionality has over the years argued for the
which demands liberalization, institutionalization of global
accountability and transparency from democracy has advocated for more
indebted nations, the IFIs accountable and transparent
tyrannically imposes their policies on international institutions that are
subject to public scrutiny and the

Covenant University Journal of Politics and International Affairs (CUJPIA) Vol. 3 No. 1, June 2015.

supervision of regional and global society. This is precisely the

democratic fora (See Held, 2003). argument of Charles Jones:
Calls for a Global Ethic The supposed deep diversity of
From the discussion in the moral views around the world is
immediately preceding section, it is put into question if we
clear that there are quite a number of distinguish between specific
rules followed by particular
ethical questions and problems societies and general principles
arising from global interdependence of which those rules are the
and interconnection. To manage manifestations. There may be
these ethical problems, some different ways of protecting the
scholars have suggested that the time very same values depending on
has come for the world to develop a the conditions specific to any
global ethic, i.e., a set of universally given culture. Hence, cultural
accepted principles that could differences at the level of
provide the basis for regulating specific rules could be explained
global interactions. According to by differences of context of
belief rather than differences in
Gephardt (2011) the global ethic
exclusive judgments (1999,
perspective assumes that a set of p.174).
shared ethical values and standards is
indispensable for the cohesion of A second, related, argument against
society and for global peace and ethical relativism has been raised by
justice. There is of course some Simon Caney(2000). Caney
merit in idea; a shared set of ethical specifically demonstrates that the
values will make for peace and move from ethical disagreement
harmony at the global level. The across cultures does not necessarily
philosophical challenge however as or logically entail ethical relativism.
critics have pointed out, is that in our According to him, the fact that
culturally diverse world, it people disagree with each other does
impossible to identify or articulate not imply that there are no better
normative principles that will be answers and that ethical relativism is
persuasive across cultures (Walzer, correct. One possibility that ethical
2006). relativists do not take into
consideration is that some, or
While cultural diversity is fact that perhaps all the participants in a
accurately describes the globalizing moral dispute, have mistaken moral
world, it may be argued that a beliefs. In Caney‟s views, unless we
variation of moral principles across think that participants in a moral
communities does not necessarily dispute are infallible, the ethical
establish the thesis of ethical relativist must grant “that one
relativism because in spite of these possible explanation of a deep
moral variations across communities, disagreement is not that there are no
it is still possible that basic and universal values but that people are
fundamental values hold for every

Covenant University Journal of Politics and International Affairs (CUJPIA) Vol. 3 No. 1, June 2015.

human, after all, and are capable of trans-boundary environment

making mistakes (Ibid, p.530). problems which threatens to destroy
The implication of Jones‟ and the earth biological support systems;
Caney‟s observations is that global the democratic deficits that
cultural complexity or diversity does characterize global economic
not present an insuperable barrier to management, etc. Beyond these
the construction of global ethics. In issues, this chapter also took up the
fact the more positive claim can be debate over the possibility of
made that the societies and religions developing universally acceptable
across the world exhibit a principles, i.e., global ethics for
sufficiently robust commonality managing transnational interactions.
which can be a basis for constructing It concludes that in spite of the
global ethics through the process of ethical relativists‟ charge that
dialogue of cultures (Kung, 1998; cultural diversity will prevent the
Shapcott, 2004; Graness, 2002). formulation of global moral codes, it
Conclusion is possible to construct a genuine
This central aim of this chapter is to global ethic through the process of
elucidate the connection between intercultural dialogue. What is
ongoing integration of the world‟s instructive as kymlicka (2007) notes
community into a single space and is that the dialogue in question is
the nature of our ethical obligations. already afoot.
From this perspective, it has been Notes
demonstrated that intensification of *It is nigh impossible to provide a
transnational relations and cross- comprehensive analysis of all the
border interactions has expanded our possible normative issues thrown up
capacities to affect “distant others” by globalization within the confines
for good or ill. Given that the of a single paper. Thus, the attempt
potential reach of the consequences here is to highlight some of the
our action in the contemporary world issues. This is by no means a
is global, it argues that our ethical definitively exhaustive treatment. I
obligations are now equally global. suppose that such a project will
To illustrate how extensive our require a book-length essay.
ethical responsibilities have become *A potential objection to my
in today‟s world, the chapter assertion here is the argument that
proceeds with a discussion of the even if Crusoe could harm no one
major ethical challenges that have since he is the sole resident on the
arisen out of the process of earth, his actions may harm the
Globalization. Specifically, it future generation. A simple response
examined how the character of the to this objection is that my objective
presently existing globalization have in making the “Crusoe illustration” is
become a subject of moral better served, if we assume
evaluation; the problem of managing

Covenant University Journal of Politics and International Affairs (CUJPIA) Vol. 3 No. 1, June 2015.

hypothetically that there is no future generation.

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