Visualized Fibrous Adsorbent Prepared by The Microwave-Assisted Method For Both Detection and Removal of Heavy Metal Ions
Visualized Fibrous Adsorbent Prepared by The Microwave-Assisted Method For Both Detection and Removal of Heavy Metal Ions
Visualized Fibrous Adsorbent Prepared by The Microwave-Assisted Method For Both Detection and Removal of Heavy Metal Ions
With increasing generation of metals from technological
membrane doped with metal organic frameworks (MOFs) has
been utilized to remove heavy metals ions.17−19 Simulta-
activities, the problem of heavy metal ion wastewater discharge neously, apart from the development of removal methods,
has become extremely important.1−4 In addition, sudden heavy various detection techniques were investigated for sensing
metal pollution has exposed larger detriments than regular heavy metal ions; colorimetric detection has attracted
heavy metal pollution. In recent years, the occurrence of considerable attention due to its low cost and easy operation
sudden heavy metal pollution in China happened with enough for direct on-site and real-time visual analyses of heavy metal
regularity, such as illegally discharging a large amount of ions in water,20,21 whereas materials with both removal and
cadmium into the Longjiang River in Guangxi Province at detection abilities for heavy metal ions are less studied and
2012 which caused severe pollution and induced public panic remain at an initial research stage. Yan et al. (2016) developed
and sudden chromium pollution in the reservoir in Qujing City pyromellitic dianhydride-grafted cellulose nanofibrous mem-
of Yunnan Province in 2011.5,6 Due to the high uncertainty of branes for simultaneous visual detection and removal of Pb2+;
a sudden water pollution accident, the pollutants would spread this novel material exhibits a low detection limit and high
rapidly and cause extensive detriments.7 Thus, it is still a large adsorption capacity for Pb 2+ .22 Sapana et al. (2016)
challenge to develop new materials for heavy metals detection synthesized a new oxidized-cellulose-based material for
and removal from water. simultaneous detection and removal of Hg2+ from water.23
Many approaches have been adept to remove heavy metal The detection limit and adsorption capacity of this Schiff-base-
ions from water; 8−13 however, most of them reveal based sensor for Hg2+ totals 10 mg/L and 121.2 mg/g,
considerable disadvantages, including low removal efficiency, respectively. Although these materials could detect and adsorb
large energy consumption, and generation of toxic secondary metal ions from water, the synthesis routes were relatively
pollutants. Among these known methods, adsorption is taken
for one of the most convenient, economical, prompt, highly Received: September 20, 2018
adaptable, and competent for scavenging of heavy metal ions Revised: November 3, 2018
from wastewater.14−16 Recently, newly developed nanofibrous Published: November 13, 2018
tedious, complicated, and not suitable for sudden heavy metal Scheme 1. Synthesis Route of PAR-Immobilized PAN
pollution treatment. Thus, the development of such material Fibers via MW Irradiation
with both colorimetric and adsorption abilities as well as a
quick and simple preparation method induce significant
interest for treatment of heavy metal ion pollution in water.
Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fibers are suitable matrix materials
for preparation of adsorbents due to their ultralarge surface
area, low flow resistance, high thermal and mechanical stability,
and recyclability.24−28 Few studies in the literature have
investigated PAN-based heavy metal ion sensors.29,30 However,
the preparation route of modified PAN fibers is tedious and
time consuming, resulting in low efficiency and less effective
properties. These results are mainly due to the relatively low
grafting rate of functional groups and nonuniform modification
initiated by conventional heating. The microwave (MW)-
assisted method, as an alternative method, has been utilized in
surface modification instead of conventional heating due to the
former’s ability to ensure rapid and uniform heating in the grafting rate. Reaction conditions, including fiber weight (A),
chemical reactions. Compared with the conducting mechanism reaction time (B), temperature (C), and ratio of EDA/water (V:V),
of conventional heating, the MW-assisted method produces were optimized in three varying levels, as described in Table 1.
efficient internal heating by direct coupling of MW energy with
molecules, whereas heat is generated directly or volumetrically Table 1. Investigated Variables and Their Levels
through two main mechanisms: dipolar polarization and ionic
levels of reaction
conduction.31−33 Consequently, rapid heating, uniform mod- each weight of time temperature ethylenediamine/water
ification, and improved yield and performance of the prepared variable fiber (g) (min) (°C) (V:V)
materials are usually obtained by the MW-assisted method. 1 1 30 105 1:1
In this study, we describe 4-(2-pyridylazo)-resorcinol 2 2 40 110 2:1
(PAR)-immobilized PAN fibers, which were prepared through 3 3 50 115 3:1
the MW-assisted method, as a visualized adsorbent to removal
of heavy metal ions from water. With three reactive groups
including the heterocyclic nitrogen group, azo group, and o- Typically, PANF, EDA, and deionized water (DI) water were put into
a 250 mL three-necked flask and stirred for 5 min until
hydroxyl group, PAR can coordinate firmly with different metal
homogeneously mixed. MW parameters in the reactor were set up,
ions and give a visually detected color change.34,35 PAR- and the reaction was refluxed under continuous mechanical stirring.
incorporated PAN fibers are readily accostable in regard to After reaction, the fibers were separated from the solution by filtration
heavy metal ion detection in water and exhibit a high and rinsed with hot water repeatedly. The obtained fibers (PANMW-
adsorption amount. The preparation parameters were opti- EDA) were placed on a glass plate and dried overnight in a vacuum
mized by the orthogonal method, and the effect of solvent on oven at 60 °C.
PAR immobilization under the MW-assisted method was Step 2. Attachment of PAR onto PANMW-EDA Fibers. Initially,
studied. The modified fibers were carefully characterized, and PAR (0.5 g) was dissolved and sonicated for 10 min in a mixture of
colorimetric performance, with adsorption abilities as a ethylene glycol (40 mL) and DI water (10 mL). Then the above
mixture, PANMW-EDA fibers (1.0 g), and HCHO (10 mL) were
function of pH, time, and different initial concentrations
successively added into the reaction flask, and nitrogen was bubbled
toward heavy metal ions, was thoroughly investigated.
into the system to eliminate oxygen. The reaction was carried out in
the MW reactor with continuous mechanical stirring, and the output
EXPERIMENTAL SECTION power of the MW reactor was set at 200 W. Then the PAR-
Chemical Reagent. Ethylenediamine (EDA), ethyl alcohol immobilized fibers were filtered and rinsed at least 10 times repeatedly
(EtOH), ethylene glycol (EG), formaldehyde (HCHO), and 4-(2- with hot water. Subsequently, the fibers were extracted with water/
pyridylazo)-resorcinol (PAR) were obtained from Aladdin Chemical methanol (V:V = 1:1) solution in a Soxhelt apparatus for 12 h. Finally,
Reagent Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, P.R. China). Polyacrylonitrile fibers the fibers were vacuum dried overnight at 60 °C, and the obtained
(PANF) with a specific gravity of 1.18 g/cm3 were purchased from product was named PANMW-PAR.
Beijing Ronel Industry Material Co., Ltd. (Beijing, P.R. China). Metal The grafting percentage (GP) was calculated by gravimetry through
ions’ solution for adsorption tests were prepared by dissolving the following equation
Hg(Cl)2, CdCl2·2.5H2O, Ni(Cl)2, CaCl2, Mg(NO3)2, Al(NO3)3, m − m0
Pb(NO3)2, Cr(NO3)3, and Cu(NO3)2·3H2O in Milli-Q water and GP = 1 × 100%
m0 (1)
further acidized with 0.1% HNO3 (≥99.999% trace metals basis). All
of the other chemicals were of analytical grade (>99%). where, for Step 1, m0 refers to the weight of PAN fibers and m1
Synthesis of PAR Immobilized Dual-Functional Material. denotes the weight of PANMW-EDA fibers. For Step 2, m0 represents
Functionalization reactions were performed in a commercial MW the weight of PANMW-EDA fibers and m1 stands for the weight of
reactor (COOLPEX-E, Preekem Scientific Instruments Co., Ltd., PANMW-PAR fibers.
China) under a fixed temperature or fixed power. Figure S1 in the Characterization. The functional groups of PANF in different
Supporting Information (SI) illustrates the modules of the MW modification stages were observed with aPerkinElmer spectrum 100
reactor. Scheme 1 presents the schematic of the reaction route, and FT-IR spectrometer. UV−vis spectra were measured with a
the synthesis details are presented as follows. PerkinElmer Lambda 950 UV/vis/NIR spectrometer. Differential X-
Step 1. Amination of PAN Fiber. PAN fibers were first aminated by ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) curves were recorded using a
EDA prior to PAR immobilization, and design of a L9 (34) orthogonal Thermo Fisher ESCALAB 250Xi high-resolution XPS spectrometer
matrix was adopted to investigate the effects of reaction conditions on with an Al Kα X-ray source.
Colorimetric Detection of Heavy Metal Ions. First, 25 mL of factors is considered to be A3B3C3D2: fiber weight measures 3
different heavy metal ions solutions was added into a 50 mL g, reaction time totals 50 min, temperature reaches 115 °C,
colorimetric tube, and then the colorimetric detection tests were and ratio of EDA/water (V:V) is 2:1. On the other hand, the
performed by adding 10 mg of PANMW-PAR fibers into the solution.
Colorimetric assessment for PANMW-PAR fibers in various heavy value of R demonstrates the significance of the factor’s
metal ions solution were visualized qualitatively with the naked eye influence; a higher R value indicates a more significant impact.
and quantified with UV−vis spectrometry. The ratio of EDA/water (V:V) is the most influential factor,
Batch Adsorption Experiments of Heavy Metal Ions. followed by fiber weight, reaction time, and temperature. To
Typically, 10 mg of PANMW-PAR fibers was immersed into 50 mL test the optimized parameters, triplicate experiments were
of heavy metal ions solutions with concentrations ranging from 20 to conducted under A3B3C3D2, and an average of 43.67% GP was
200 mg/L. Then the bottle was placed on a SHA-C shaker by setting
obtained. To the best of our knowledge, faster synthesis time
the shaking speed at 100 rpm under mild temperature (25 °C).
Adsorption capacities of heavy metal ions were characterized by (50 min) and improved GP (43.67%) are thus far the best
testing metal ion concentration within aqueous solution before and amination results reported in the literature,38,39 confirming the
after adsorption using an inductively coupled plasma optical emission superior advantage of the MW-assisted method over conven-
spectrometer (ICP-OES). The amount of metal ions adsorbed by tional heating.
PANMW-PAR fibers at equilibrium was determined using the following Influences of Different Solvent on PAR Functionality.
equation Solvent type plays an important role in MW adsorption and
(Co − Ce) × V rapid heating, thereby further affecting functionality.32,40
qe = Under the MW-assisted method, the ability to convert
m (2)
electromagnetic energy into heat was measured using a loss
where qe is the saturated adsorption amount of PANMW-PAR fibers, factor named the dielectric loss tangent (tan δ). Different
Ce and C0 denote the concentrations of metal ions before and after
solvents are generally categorized into three types according to
adsorption, respectively, V indicates the volume of adsorption
solution, and m refers to the mass of PANMW-PAR fibers placed their high (tan δ > 0.5), medium (tan δ = 0.1−0.5), and low
into the solution. (tan δ < 0.1) absorbing properties.41 Water is the most
frequently used solvent for PANF modification but is defined
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION as a medium MW adsorber with tan δ = 0.123. Thus, the effect
Synthesis of PANMW-PAR Fibers under MW Irradi- of high-loss-factor solvents, such as ethylene glycol (1.350) and
ation. Orthogonal Experiment of the Amination Process. In ethanol (0.941), was used for immobilization of PAR onto
our previous research studies, the MW-assisted method has PANMW-EDA fibers with the MW-assisted method. As
been proven to be a highly efficient approach for surface depicted in Figure 1, the maximum grafting rate in ethylene
modification of PANF fibers.36,37 According to Scheme 1, the glycol solution reached 31.95%, whereas that for ethanol and
extent of amination significantly affects PAR modification. water totaled 28.5% and 33.8%, respectively. Although the
Thus, to optimize reaction conditions in terms of grafting rate, discrepancy of grafting rates for these three solvents is
nine experiments were performed according to the L9 (34) relatively small, reaction time in ethylene glycol dramatically
orthogonal matrix. Table 2 summarizes the corresponding GP, reduced to 0.3 h compared with 3 h in ethanol and 9 h in
Ki, kj, and R of each factor. Results showed that the range of water. Temperature increased from 24 to 160 °C in ethylene
GP varied from 7.449% to 39.05%. Higher values of kj glycol in 32 s. These findings can be explained by the role of
demonstrate that the corresponding levels have more ethylene glycol as a highly efficient MW adsorber and by
significant effect on GP. Therefore, the best level for the four instant heating. The rapid increase in temperature is assumed
1161 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b04760
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2019, 7, 1159−1168
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Research Article
change for Cr3+, Cd2+, and Zn2+. Notably, the light metal ions,
including Ca2+, Mg2+, and Al3+, presented no color change,
indicating the absence of interference of light metal ions in the
PANMW-PAR fibers. When the concentration of metal ions
decreased to 5 mg/L, a red-to-black color change was only
observed in the presence of Hg2+ solution (Figure S3(b)),
indicating the superior visual selectivity of PANMW-PAR fibers
for Hg2+ ion at low concentrations.
Furthermore, as presented in Figure 3, UV−vis spectra
results showed that PANMW-PAR fibers exhibited characteristic
Figure 4. Optical images of PANMW-PAR fibers for (a) Hg2+ as a function of pH value from 2 to 12 with a concentration at 10 mg/L and (b)
various metal ions at pH 3 with a concentration of 50 mg/L.
Figure 6. (a) Optical images, (b) UV−vis adsorption spectra, and (c) adsorption intensity at 520 nm of PANMW-PAR fibers after interacting with
various concentration of Hg2+. Note that the pH of the solution during the experiment is set without further adjustment.
Figure 7. (a) pHpzc determination of PANMW-EDA and PANMW-PAR fibers, and (b) effect of initial pH value on the adsorption of Hg2+, Cu2+,
Pb2+, and Ni2+ onto PANMW-PAR fibers.
Figure 8. Adsorption kinetics curves of Hg2+, Cu2+, Pb2+, and Ni2+ onto PANMW-PAR fibers at room temperature.
L/mg. Spectrometric detection limit (DL) of Hg2+ for respectively, which indicates the higher accessibility of Ni2+
visualized fibers was calculated according to the following and Pb2+ to form precipitates with increasing pH. Thus, the
equation49 adsorption amount decreased when the pH was higher than 5
Sb × k for Pb2+ and 6 for Ni2+ and Cu2+. The amount of Hg2+ ions in
DL = the solution varied with increasing pH. More specifically, at
m (3) low pH, Hg2+ ions acted as dominating species, thereby
where the value of k is 3, Sb represents the blank standard inducing a high electrostatic barrier effect and prohibiting
deviation, and m refers to the calibration slope of the graph. further affinity to the fiber. When solution pH increased
The calculated Sb totaled 0.0082% after in 5 continuous gradually, the neutral species, such as HgCl2, (HgCl2)2, and
testings, and the calculated DL reached 35 μg/L. Depite this Hg(OH)Cl, were presented primarily.53 These neutral species
concentration exceeding the maximum allowance concen- overcame the electrostatic barrier and increased adsorption.
tration of Hg2+ (2 μg/L) in drinking water permitted by the However, when solution pH continuously increased, Hg-
U.S. EPA,50 this functionalized fiber can still be used for (OH)3−, Hg2(OH)2, and Hg(OH)2 species were generated,54
visualized detection of Hg2+ in specific wastewater containing a resulting in the electrostatic repulsion from the slightly
high concentration of Hg2+; examples of such wastewaters negatively charged surface of PANMW-PAR fibers (pHpzc =
include electroplating effluent and suddenly Hg2+-polluted 5.6). The precipitate formed may also hinder adsorption at
water. In addition, reusability studies of PANMW-PAR fibers in elevated pH levels.54,55 Thus, the optimum pH conditions for
the SI confirmed the high reversibility of PANMW-PAR fibers Hg2+, Cu2+, Pb2+, and Ni2+ ions were set at pH values of 7, 6, 5,
for Hg2+ recognition. and 6, respectively, in further experiments.
Adsorption Performance Studies. Effect of pH. As Adsorption Kinetics. The adsorption behavior of PANMW-
shown in Figure 7a, the obtained pHpzc for PANMW-EDA fibers PAR fibers for heavy metal ion in terms of time is illustrated in
equaled 8.3, which is in accordance with the results of previous Figure 8, and three adsorption kinetic models were applied for
reports.51 The pHpzc value for PANMW-PAR fibers totaled 5.7, the interpretation of the process. The adsorption data were
and this result shows good agreement with that of PAR, which subjected to three commonly used kinetics models.32 Details of
is described as a dibasic acid with pKa1 and pKa2 values of 5.6 these three models are provided in the SI. Table S1
and 11.9, respectively.52 As shown in Figure 7b, the adsorption summarizes the parameters and the correlation coefficient
rate increased as the pH value for the four metal ions calculated based on a nonlinear approach. The nonlinear
increased, and the maximum adsorption amount was reached correlation coefficient R2 values of the pseudo-second-order
at pH = 7, 6, 5, and 6 for Hg2+, Cu2+, Pb2+, and Ni2+ ions, model were all higher than 0.99, whereas those values for the
respectively. This trend may be related to the adsorbent pseudo-first-order and Weber−Morris model had less agree-
property of the different species of metal ions. At low acid ment with adsorption. The qe values calculated from the
concentrations, competition between metal ions and acid was pseudo-second-order model for Hg2+ (151.51 mg/g), Cu2+
high, causing a significantly difficult large complex formation. (94.34 mg/g), Pb2+ (73.53 mg/g), and Ni2+ (66.67 mg/g) are
These repulsion effects became less effective when the pH the closest to the equilibrium capacities obtained from
value increased. Thus, the uptake amount of metal ions experiments. Accordingly, adsorption of the four heavy metal
increased. The pKsp value of metal hydroxides for Ni2+, Pb2+, ions onto PANMW-PAR fibers is mainly controlled by a
Cu2+, and Hg2+ ions measures 14.7, 14.93, 19.32, and 23.7, chemically reactive process. Figure S9 shows the possible
1164 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b04760
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ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Research Article
Figure 9. Adsorption isoterm curves of Hg2+, Cu2+, Pb2+, and Ni2+ onto PANMW-PAR fibers at room temperature.
Figure 10. XPS spectra of (a) wide scan of PANMW-PAR fibers before and after Hg2+, Cu2+, Pb2+, and Ni2+ adsorption, N 1s spectra of PANMW-
PAR fibers before (b) and after (c) Hg2+ adsorption, O 1s spectra of PANMW-PAR fibers before (d) and after (e) Hg2+ adsorption, and (f) detailed
analysis of Hg 4f.
complex structure of PAR with metal ions.56 The adsorption Adsorption Mechanism. The coordination effect between
rate, especially for the early stage, can be indicated by a factor PAR and metal ions is widely assumed to lead to the color
named H0 (k2q2e ),57 and the calculated initial adsorption rates change and thus allows the possibility of naked-eye detection.
H0 followed the order Hg2+ (9.56) > Cu2+ (4.07) > Pb2+ (2.89) One metal can form a complex with one, two, or three PAR
> Ni2+ (2.30) at fixed initial concentration, coinciding with the molecules. As shown in Figure 10a, after adsorption of Hg2+,
affinity order observed previously. the characteristic peaks of Hg 4f, Hg 4d3, and Hg 4d5
Adsorption Isotherms. Figure 9 shows the adsorption appeared in the spectrum, and the same results were observed
isotherms of different metal ions into PANMW-PAR fibers. Such after adsorption of Cu2+, Pb2+, and Ni2+ with the appearance of
behavior can be simulated by applying the well-established Cu 2p, Pb 4f, and Ni 2p peaks, respectively. Occurrence of
fundamental isotherm models, including Langmuir, Freundlich, these peaks confirmed the capture of metal ions onto PARMW-
and Temkin models.38 Details of these three models are PAR fibers. To further interpret the effects between PAR and
provided in the SI. Table S2 lists the corresponding parameters metal ions, XPS N 1s and O 1s core-level spectra were
analyzed, and Hg2+ was selected as an example. Compared with
of these three models. For all data, the Langmuir model was
N 1s spectra of PANMW-PAR fibers (Figure 10b), the peak at
followed, with the highest R2 value denoting a homogeneous
398.3 eV, which corresponds to −NN−,58 reduced after
adsorption, and the maximum adsorption capacities for Hg2+,
Hg2+ adsorption, and a new peak simultaneously appeared at
Cu2+, Pb2+, and Ni2+ were 181.2, 116.9, 77.07, and 70.33 mg/g, 400.5 eV (Figure 10c). XPS N 1s results suggest that a
respectively. Table S3 lists the metal ion adsorption capacities chemical interaction exists in the −NN and −C−N groups
of PANMW-PAR fibers and other fibrous adsorbents with of PANMW-PAR fibers for Hg2+ adsorption. XPS O 1s spectra
different functional groups. As shown in Table S3, the PANMW- of PARMW-PAR fibers in Figure 10d can be assigned to the two
PAR fibers exhibited a higher adsorption capacity than other peaks at 531.8 and 532.8 eV for the oxygen in the CO and
fibrous adsorbents, and with their unique colorimetric −OH groups, respectively. After adsorption of Hg2+, a new
detection ability, PANMW-PAR fibers can still be considered peak appeared at 534.2 eV, and the peak at 532.8 eV was
to show potential in dealing with practical heavy metal reduced due to adsorption, as illustrated in Figure 10e. Results
wastewater. Furthermore, as discussed in the SI, the PANMW- indicate that the hydroxyl groups on the surface of PARMW-
PAR fibers also exhibited good stability on readsorption PAR fibers may be involved in adsorption of Hg2+. As
efficiency for heavy metals in 10 cycles of reuse. displayed in Figure 10f, XPS Hg 4f spectra can be allocated
1165 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b04760
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2019, 7, 1159−1168
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Research Article
into two peaks in 101.5 and 104.8 eV, which are assigned to Peng Wang: 0000-0003-4465-6207
Hg 4f 7/2 and Hg 4f 5/2, respectively. These results suggest the Notes
participation of pyridine nitrogen atom, azo nitrogen, and
ortho-hydroxyl group in binding Hg2+, agreeing with previous The authors declare no competing financial interest.
reports in the literature.59,60
This work was supported by the National Natural Science
In this work, PANMW-PAR fibers were synthesized for Foundation of China (51678185 and 51779066), State Key
simultaneous detection and removal of heavy metal ions Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment
from water. MW irradiation was introduced for the synthesis of (Harbin Institute of Technology) (2017DX11), and Techno-
PANMW-PAR fibers instead of conventional heating. The logical Innovation Talent Special fund of Harbin, China
modification time was dramatically shortened, whereas the (2016RAQXJ175).
grating rate significantly increased. The type of solvent was
found to be important for rapid and highly efficient REFERENCES
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