Front-to-Back Alignment Techniques in MEMS Fabrication
Front-to-Back Alignment Techniques in MEMS Fabrication
Front-to-Back Alignment Techniques in MEMS Fabrication
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Microelectronics/MEMS Fabrication: A Review
Prem Pal,1 Yong-Jun Kim,1 and Sudhir Chandra2 ∗
Yonsei Microsystems Laboratory, School of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
Centre for Applied Research in Electronics, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
The front-to-back alignment technique in photolithography process is often required for registering
mutually aligned patterns on both the sides of the wafer in the fabrication process of power devices
such as power transistors and various kinds of
Delivered bymicroelectromechanical
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devices such as RF MEMS components, mechanical sensors, bio/chemical sensors, microcalorime-
Prem Pal
ters, and microfluidic devices etc. This paper reviews the progress made in the front-to-back align-
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ment techniques in semiconductor processing for the realization of microstructures for MEMS and
Wed, 12 Mar
other microelectronics devices. Various techniques,2008which
are used in commercial front-to-back
mask aligners, are discussed in detail. Some other alternative methods, which use the conventional
contact/proximity single sided mask aligner for defining the mutually aligned patterns on both the
sides of the wafers, are also covered in this review. The principle and approach of various front-to-
back alignment techniques have been presented. The alignment accuracy and the source of errors
have been discussed. A list of the references which incorporate front-to-back alignment methods
for the development of MEMS/microelectronics devices such as, mechanical sensors, bio/chemical
sensors, microcalorimeters, RFMEMS components, microfluidic devices, power transistors is also
Keywords: MEMS, Lithography, Front-to-Back Alignment, Mask Aligner, Mechanical Jig and
Yong-Jun Kim received the Bachelor of Engineering in electrical engineering from Yonsei
University, Seoul, Korea, in 1987. He received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering
from Georgia Institute of Technology in 1997. His thesis work involved the application of
polymer/metal multilayers to MEMS. From 1996 to 2000, he was with Samsung Electronics
Co. as a senior engineer and project leader working on electronic packaging and various
MEMS devices. Since 2000, he joined the faculty of Yonsei University as a Professor in the
School of Mechanical Engineering. His current research includes general micromachining,
bio and environmental sensors, RF-MEMS, and flexible electronic packaging.
Sudhir Chandra obtained M.Sc. (Physics) from Agra University in 1970. He did his M.Tech.
in Solid State Physics in 1972, and Ph.D. in the area of Microelectronics Technology in 1980,
both from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IIT Delhi). He joined IIT Delhi as faculty in
1981 in Centre for Applied Research in Electronics (CARE). He contributed significantly in
setting up the Microelectronics Laboratory at IIT Delhi. He established various unit processes
and integrated the processes for MOS ICs. His research interests include SIMOX SOI tech-
nology, polycrystalline silicon TFTs, Laser Recrystallization of polysilicon, CVD/PECVD
processes, and Direct Wafer Bonding. Currently, he is working on various aspects of bulk
and surface micromachining technologies for MEMS, especially for RF applications.
(a) Lithography using
front-to-back alignment
technique and etching of oxide
A A′
B B′
Fig. 3. SEM photograph exhibiting the tilted view of seismic mass
(c) Re-oxidation, lithography and P + supported by four symmetric beams. Reprinted with permission from
Top view of the mask
diffusion for supporting arms (B-B′) [11], P. Pal and S. Chandra, Sens. Lett. 2, 226 (2004). © 2004, American
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Scientific Publishers.
Supporting arms
Prem Pal
This paper reviews the progress made in the front-to-
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back alignment techniques in semiconductor processing for
Wed, 12 Mar 2008 03:33:47
mass the realization of MEMS and microelectronics devices.
(d) Lithography on the back-side and
anisotropic etching 2. FRONT-TO-BACK ALIGNMENT USING
Three-dimensional (3-D)
view from the back-side
Front-to-back mask alignment techniques, which are com-
Silicon Silicon dioxide +
P Silicon monly used for the commercial production of mask
aligners, are described below:
Fig. 2. Process sequence for realizing the seismic mass for accelerom-
eter using bulk micromaching process. In this process, the front-to-back
alignment method is used at steps (a) and (d). Reprinted with permission 2.1. Infrared Mask Aligner
from [11], P. Pal and S. Chandra, Sens. Lett. 2, 226 (2004). © 2004,
American Scientific Publishers. Infrared mask aligner uses the infrared (IR) source to illu-
minate features on the back-side of the wafer so that these
shows the SEM photograph of recessed proof mass fabri- may be “viewed” from the front-side of the wafer, as silicon
cated using this process.11 Many examples can be found is somewhat transparent to IR radiation.40–42 The limitation
in the literature which use front-to-back alignment process of this IR mask aligner is that the wafer should not have any
for the realization of micro/nano devices based on MEMS IR-opaque layers (such as gold, aluminum metallization)
technology.2–38 on either side of the wafer in the alignment mark regions.
It is obvious that the mask aligner commonly used The region around the alignment marks should be trans-
in IC fabrication cannot be used for front-to-back align- parent to IR-radiation. Figure 4 shows the schematic rep-
ment in lithography process. Several companies, including resentation of front-to-back infrared mask aligner. Infrared
Suss MicroTech (Germany), EV Group (Austria), Canon
Inc. (Japan), OAI (California), Ultratech Inc. (California), Alignment marks on
the screen
ASML (Netherlands), provide mask aligners for aligning
the patterns on both sides of the wafer during lithography
process steps. These mask aligners are expensive in com- IR video system
U.V. light
Top Mask
Fig. 5. Schematic view of exposure system using double sided mask aligner. Reprinted with permission from [41], S. M. Sze, Semiconductor
Sensors (1994). © 1994, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York.
alignment technique is also used in silicon wafer bonding (a) Mask Computer screen
process for aligning the patterns on the two wafers.43
The typical alignment accuracy of infrared mask aligners
is reported to be within 5 m.
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2.2. Double Sided Mask Aligner Prem Pal
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The double sided mask aligner has two setsWed,
of alignment
12 Mar 2008 03:33:47 CCD
optics: one for the upper and the other for the lower side of
the wafer to perform the front-to-back alignment.40–42 In
this method, the two masks are first aligned to each other
and the mask assembly is securely fixed. The photoresist (b) Mask Computer screen
coated wafer is then inserted between the masks, and either Photoresist
the top or bottom mask is used for the mask-to-wafer align- coated
ment. The resist is exposed on both the sides of the wafer wafer
Alignment marks
Upper mask
Lower mask
coated wafer
Filter Alignment jig
Pattern on back-side
A A′ A A′
Alignment marks created by Projected
anisotropic etching Fiducial
Ridges, orthogonal to flat if present) against the right side ridge of the aligner.
the base of jig
Circular grooves
Mask plate While maintaining this alignment, the vacuum is applied to
hold the wafer in position. F1 and F2 are the corner points
Alignment marks
of the wafer flat. After this step, the mechanical mask plate
Through holes for
T1 T2 is placed on top of the wafer with its front-side facing up.
h1 h2
The mask plate is then pushed along the same direction
holding the mask For vacuum
plate with jig (Fig. 12(a)) so that it is aligned and held against the top and
during alignment
h4 h3 T4 T3 Jig or Fixture
right side ridges of the aligner. Maintaining this alignment,
the mask plate is secured in this position using the four
screws. In this position, the wafer is exposed by UV light.
During the UV exposure, only the “+” shaped alignment
Fig. 11. Photograph of the mechanical jig and metal sheet mask
marks are exposed as the rest of the wafer is covered by
used for front-to-back alignment. Reprinted with permission from [52], the sheet metal mask. After UV exposure on the front-side,
A Low Cost Front-to-Back Alignment System Using Precision Metal the mask and the wafer are removed from the fixture and
Sheet Mask and Mechanical Fixture Indian Patent Application No. filliped along the vertical axis so that the back-side of the
669/DEL/2003. © 2003; [53], Some Novel Processes and Techniques for wafer and the mask are now facing up. Accordingly, F1 and
MEMS Design, Fabrication and Characeterization, Ph.D. Thesis, Indian
Institute of Technology, Delhi, India (2004). © 2004. F2 positions of primary flat of the wafer are interchanged
as shown in Figure 12(b). The wafer and mask are again
is larger than that of the jig. This is the essential aligned and
require- by Ingenta
Delivered to: held in the same manner as was done for the
ment for alignment as explained in the next paragraph. The front-side alignment, but this time with respect to top and
Prem Pal
mask plate has four “+” shaped through holes asIPshown left-sides of the aligner ridges, as shown in Figure 12(b).
in Figure 11. The separation of these alignment Wed,marks 12 Mar The 03:33:47
is 2008 wafer is again exposed by UV light. After UV expo-
selected such that these fall close to the periphery of the sure on both the sides, the photoresist is developed and
silicon wafer. The top and bottom sides of the sheet metal post baked. Finally, to delineate the alignment marks on
mask are marked “F” and “B” to identify its front and back the two sides of the wafer, etching of silicon oxide is car-
sides respectively. ried out followed by photoresist stripping. Thus, the four
For transferring mutually aligned marks on the two sides “+” shaped alignment marks will be formed in the oxide
of the wafer, the both side photoresist coated wafer is layer on both the sides of the wafer which are mutually
positioned on the aligner with its front-side facing up aligned. For transferring the device patterns on the wafer,
and its primary flat towards the top ridge as shown in these marks work as reference for front-to-back alignment.
Figure 12(a). The wafer is gently pushed in the direction of This technique of front-to-back alignment requires sim-
the arrow as shown in Figure 12(a) so that its primary flat ple low-cost mechanical fixture and a metal sheet mask
rests against the top ridge and the periphery (or secondary for generation of alignment marks on both the sides of
the wafer. Once these marks are generated, any existing
Silicon wafer contact/proximity mask aligner can be used for transferring
F1 F2 F2 F1
the pattern on the two sides of the wafer. As discussed in
Jig or Fixture Section 3.1, in bulk micromachining process using (100)-
silicon wafer, the primary flat is used as reference to define
rectangular cavities of precise dimensions by anisotropic
etching and also for releasing suspended structures.9 It is
F Mask plate B
advantageous to use the proposed technique for front-to-
(a) (b) back alignment as this also uses wafer flat as reference to
Fig. 12. Alignment procedure to generate the front-to-back alignment generate the marks on both sides of the wafer by mechan-
marks on the wafer, (a) Front-side alignment: The wafer and metal sheet ical fixture and mask.
mask are aligned with respect to the top and the right side of wafer Alignment Accuracy: In this method of alignment, an
holder (jig) guides, (b) Back-side alignment: Mask and wafers are flipped accuracy upto 4–5 m is achieved. The misalignment of
about the vertical axis. The alignment is now done with respect to the
top and the left side of the wafer holder (jig) guides. The arrow marks
marks on the two sides of the wafer generated by this
are indicating the direction of gently pushing the wafer during alignment method has the following possible reasons:
process. The shaded area indicates the wafer location below the sheet
metal mask. F1 and F2 are the corner points on the wafer flat.Reprinted (1) The metal sheet mask or wafer (or both) are not per-
with permission from [52], A Low Cost Front-to-Back Alignment Sys- fectly aligned and locked along the ridges on the mechan-
tem Using Precision Metal Sheet Mask and Mechanical Fixture, Indian ical fixture.
Patent Application No. 669/DEL/2003. © 2003; [53], Some Novel Pro-
cesses and Techniques for MEMS Design, Fabrication and Characeteri-
(2) Limited surface finish of the sides of the ridges (and
zation, Ph.D. Thesis, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India (2004). sheet metal mask) against which the wafer and the mask
© 2004. are aligned and secured.
(3) Mechanical fixture’s ridges and the sides of sheet metal Reference frames
mask are not perfectly orthogonal.
Due to above mentioned reasons, the alignment accuracy
of the patterns on the two sides of the wafer may vary at (0,0)
different location of the wafer. X
1 2 3
Fig. 13. The back-side and the front-side masks with the pattern side
In this technique, front-to-back alignment is performed by up. During lithography process, the masks will be rotated by 180 about
slight modification in the mask design.54 This method uses the vertical axis, as shown. Reprinted with permission from [54], P. Pal
identical square-shaped patterns called “reference frame,” et al., Sens. Lett. 2, 78 (2004). © 2004, American Scientific Publishers.
having sides greater than the wafer diameter, are created
on both the mask plates which are to be usedDelivered wafer is then
for patternby Ingenta to: moved upward till either the periphery or the
transfer on the two sides of the wafer. The regular device secondary
Prem Pal flat of the wafer (if present), touches the upper
patterns are placed within this reference frame using the arm
IP : of the reference frame. F1 and F2 are the corner points
corners of the square as origin of coordinates. The detailed
Wed, of the
12 Mar 2008 03:33:47 wafer flat. The wafer is exposed in this aligned posi-
procedure of mask design and wafer to mask alignment is tion for the back-side mask. For the front-side alignment,
described below: the wafer is flipped along the horizontal axis as shown in
The technique is demonstrated using two mask pro- Figure 14 so that the front-side is now upwards. Accord-
cess with square shaped patterns. However, the technique ingly, F1 and F2 positions are interchanged. The wafer flat
is generic and can be used for more complex process is again aligned with right-side arm of the reference frame
sequence and with any kind of mask pattern. of the front-side mask. While maintaining this alignment,
Mask Design Methodology: For simplicity, a matrix of the wafer is now moved down till its periphery or the sec-
3×3 identical patterns has been considered for both the ondary flat (if present) touches the bottom side of the refer-
front and the back side masks. Two identical square shaped ence frame. The front-side alignment is now complete and
frames having inner side greater than the wafer diameter the wafer is exposed in this position. It can be easily under-
are formed on the masks which are to be aligned front-to- stood that the device patterns numbered 1 to 9 on either
back. The width of the frame-lines is not critical and can mask will overlap on the two sides of the wafers as shown
in Figure 15 and the alignment is achieved using reference
follow the design rules used in the process. These frames
frame and appropriate origin for the coordinates.
will be referred to as reference frames. The device related
This technique of front-to-back alignment requires sim-
structures are placed inside the frames. The origin of coor-
ple modifications in mask design and does not require any
dinates for the back-side mask is taken as left-hand top
inner corner of the frame and for the front-side mask, the
same is taken as the left-hand inner bottom corner. The lay-
out is illustrated in Figure 13. Accordingly, the coordinates 3 2 1
9 8 7
of the center of the square closest to the origin (marked F1 F2
1) are (X Y ) for the back-side mask. The center-to-center 6 5 4
6 5 4
spacing between neighboring squares is taken as A and B in 9 8 7
F2 F1
the x- and y-directions respectively. The coordinates of the 3 2 1
erence. Therefore, the techniques described in Sections 3.4
and 3.5 have an added advantage that the primary flat of the
wafer is being used as a reference for generation of front-
to-back alignment marks or aligning the patterns on both
the sides of the wafer.
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