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a,r"9l CONSIGNMENT NOTE PsN:ff {'l94lgz

Driver Copy
Consignment No,
c, Limited
rtf; rY
Darcl Logistics I Branch:
( \no{n ds Darct k4istlcs Limited) I
Registered Cffice:
Jtr"*"J.;r 7n
Plot No. 55P tnsiiturionat Area,
Secior zr4. Gurugram-l22003 I Haryana)
1*J /
Pho^e - 9O1b?O2121,25-26, I
cIN No. : U60222HR.|986PLC068818 Phone No : 70824201OO
Cuslomer Supporl : Ematr .cuslomer.servEe@cida( PAN
Cmmon Canier Lic.nse No, : 726/5T4/03/20,| A iafid rri,m 27.3.2018 to 26.3.2028,
lssued bv {S.T.A-) Chandiqarh qnder Carriaqe by Road /\ct 2007 and Rul.E 20t1.
Work Order Deta ils
W0 No.: qate:
Loadins station tti:i OR Distance ( Kms) Vehicle No.
I j'[,I I lJt-rl A{tffp1
pelivery statior f Uf *t.ln y* Tra nsit Days Load Type
Consignor Details' Consignee Details @2

Name : p lt Tile ,t t,tf tfi ftrS {1 -Ei

Name , ,C:. i ., .
I kf ush',ztlt*, ba Address: l.\l^ryJ, i jA{,".lr$ !r1*', },'.1 lod
!-t;: .r t
f1' (tf , t 11 I J ',fi !.y't it " L. L ti1,t rtt j1il

GSTIN csrrr.r :a.[ Vr tl N t ! ? t,l /,'l l j l.t,r ..t , f*A €-

Said to Contain i.
y1tl, 7t -y1 / pdistrt in r.rr
Product I No of Pkg Packing Value of Goods Rs. Net Weight
ils rlIrr.*! ',teI\

2{, i i7!1,{t: 22' I lS' :' .' Gross Weight :

tj A7n fipt*+9 * El Minimum Gu a ra ntee Weiqht
i"t 1,i l'.JiiYr Freig ht Charge Amount
Freight :

li- *llfdPll l-ocietics Ltd.

Received goods,as per details above '4 -\ r- r O .lb,'.*,t, (
for carriage !,.ti*lk'lfi e-Gof,-oron:-!)GK&J e5rdJ 69$ftelrvLEDGEMENT

Party Document Oet ::tY_\ ,onllca$on ,
E-Way Bill No:-/ST Form
Invoice No" I .ll + t l.*
rr:.t r,F" I t f t !.' t - l
' "., .,p..',,r
lh: so-T?ilyNos., E-way ,1 E Io PaY d P"la
c.s.T.&TIN B o., GSr No., S.r.Form & rurraoaress oi-oniisnoii
GST to be paid to covernment by*1
Transit Insurance By
Loading Detention Detail,
Il Carrier C Customer
Ll Consignor n Consignee Reoortina DatelTime:" ' / .; ;-f Name of Insurance Company
E GTA fl Exempt*2 Date/rime:' , ,; ,.i, ;-n
Reason for Detention: Policy No,
hdldElouqJ]g3Te,o{.1m1J? Policy Date :
Signature of Consig no r nep Not Responsible for Breakage/Leakage
Any Other Remarks
Consignor Details oErteL c| (see rerms Loading Supervisor Details

(s€e rerms overlear)

$.5ig|[email protected]{-{ er t> t'r *"*"nt'',t"t:''

Na m e

\ < \-s 4.1 -r I<-- < l /

LTheGrrierwillnotreceiveoracceplforCrriage,gold.sver,tewellery, precrous
any teason whatsoever.
stones, secunbes, valuable docunents and other types of precious and/or 9, The Grrier wili not be responsible for loss or damage to or destructron of
valuable goods and the staff or agents of carrier arenot authorized to recei\,€ or any goods aising out of or resuhng from force majeure corditiun includinq
acceptany such Eoodsfor carriage. If any such goods are accepted and/or but not limited to act(s) of God, act(s) of war hostilitjes an,. war operations
booked forcaffiage. inadvertendy or otherwise, the carrier will be under no (whether war be declared or not), an act of public or siate.eiremies, arrests,
responsibrlty whatsoeve. in .espect thereoi restrains or detainments strikes (legal & Otherwise), nots & civil commotion.
2. The Canier tl./ill not accept any goods of an infamrnable/ exploEiv€/ dangerous/ any unexpected and/or unavoidable emercencies, tire act(s) of thieve6,
damaging nafure unless permitt€d by Government and unless properly and securely robberc & dacoits, fire/ heat, rain, floods, earthquake, ordinary breakage,
packed in accordance with exi5ting regulations/norms, if any. Prior to booking leakage, insumciendy of packing, inadequacy of make or any accident
of such goods,theconsignorshallqive noticetothe carrierand shall make declaration however arising,
as to the nature and character of such goods otherwise goods may be landed at any 10, All claims for compensation in respect of loss/damage to or destruction of goods
place en{oute or be destroyed/rendered innocuous or be dealt with as carried by the carrier should be submitted to the canier, within 15 days from the
the Grrier may think fit and the Consignor of such goods shall be liable lo the date of booking, along with oriqinal invoice and consignee's mpy. Such claims
canierfor al{ loss/ damage/ destruction or expenses, directly or would be settled at Delhi ssbject to the carrier rulet regulaiions and conditions
indirectly, arising out of or resulting from terms of the bookinqf and caniaqe of ofrarnage.
gocds. 11. We do never aliow consigno(s), consignee(s) or their representative(s), f any,
3. Perishable and/or fragile qoods, hazardous and/or extra hazardous goods/liquds along with our transporlation vehicle but we r.ay consider and allow, on request
and allgoods liableto breakage and/or leakage will be accepted for carriage only at onlyin specialcase, a caretaker, eitheroftheConsigno(s) or Consignee(s) to travel
the risk of o\4ners and/or Consigno(s) and/or Consignee(s). in the vehicle but M/s. C) Darcl Logistics Umited Or its agen(s) or iE bonafide
4. The carrier resefles to itself the right. without assigning any reasons whaboever. employee(s) shall not be responsible for any damage/lossto and/or destruction of
todeviatefrom any usualorcustomary route(s)and carygoodsbyanyother route(s) if person and property including belonging such as caretaker arising out of any
deemed fit by it. accident or otherwise in the course of and at the termination of transit.
5, In respect ofgoods which have been covered by insurance from the ca rrier's insurer, 12, The officers, employees or agents of the cafiier are not authorized to
the insurance ceases immediately on delivery ofthe goods into the final warehouse alter/override/deduce/dilute the effuct of or to negate or to commit/omit any act
and/or store at the destination/station named herein or at the expiry of 10 hours contary to any of the above conditions.
from the time of arrival of the conveyance at the deslination whichever 13. The Carrier shall have the right to withhold and detain the goods at the risk of the
shall occur first. Thereafter, the goods remain entirely at dre risk of owners and Consigno(s) and/or Consignee(s) jointly and severally until the ft'eight & other
neither the Cinier nor rts rnsure(s) shall be respons ble or lidbre lor loss or damage
chargesthereon are paid to the Carriei
to and/ordedruction of such goods.
14. All above conditions are subject to contracts/agreements entered with
Consignor/Consiqnee as the case may be.
6. Demunage willbe charqed @ 1Rs. per kg/day il deliver.y of goods is not taken by the
consignee(s) after expiry of 4 days from date of arrival 6f goods at destination.
15. All types of disputes arising out of this Consignment shall be
7. If delivery of goods is not taken by the consignee(s) within 3 montfs from the entertained and kied only byappropriate Courts atGurugram.
sto itself the right
Ume of their arrival at final destination tne carier resen to 16. It is obligatory on the part of the Consignor, Consignee to declare their
sellgoods at current market priceand to realize from the sale proceeds any amount CGST/SGST/IGST/UTGST Registration Number and their Registration Number
should have accrued by way of fteight and/or
due and/or any amount which under CGST/SGST/IGST/UTGST & Custom Act, including PAN No. issued by
demurrage a nd/o r any other amount on acco u nt of any Govt. of India. Ifany consignment are detained for want of these information
charges/exp€nditure Incurred, Consignor/Consignee will be solely liable for all consequences whatsoever
8, The carrier will oot, Lrnder any circumstances. be responsible oi iiable foi io5s ;' fi Fancially or orhe.rvise.
damage to or destruction of goods booked and canied at owner risk or For any 17. [n any matters relafing to CGST/SGST/IGST/UTGSI the responsibility restssolely
claim for compensation io respect of such lost damage or destruchon and the with the Consignor/Consignee and the Transport OpeEior shall in no way be
Carier reserves to itself the right to repudiate any such claim without assigninq liable, accountable or penalized for the same.

All the above terms & condltions from Sr. Nos. 1 to 17 have been read over / explained to and the Consigno(s) and/or his agent(s).

Delivery Acknowledgment to be provided on below given space.

qra srk d v€f< ff ftd Tr$ TeilT q< 6 tl
c, 5"1,,"t

Dafgl CT Dgrg"l cr
C' Dprg.! ct Qarct ci

c, Qarg"t ct C Darcl ci
'Darcl c, Darcl cl #*r*f *F consignee's Stamp & sig natu re
Exide lndus
ustried Limited
Survey N o. 246.C h ich u ra ka napal I i,Sevagdn a pal I i Panchayath,

HOSR Truck No : UP32LN2477

21732 Trans code : 3000116069


COMM GATE Tare Weight : 11090.00

Gate Entry Time :

25-01-2021 22:47,48



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