Diffusion Mass Transfer-Lecture One-1
Diffusion Mass Transfer-Lecture One-1
Diffusion Mass Transfer-Lecture One-1
Mr L.B Moyo
[email protected]
Consultation : Friday -1000-1200
• Explain: Random Walk Movement for molecules and Fick's Law of
Molecular Diffusion
• Derive the Fick's Law Equation for Ideal Gas Mixture
• Explain Molecular Diffusion in a flowing fluid and understand the
general flow equation
• Understand Equimolar Counter-Diffusion Diffusion and Diffusion of
One Component in Another Stagnant (Non-diffusing) Component
• Derive the equation for Ideal Gas Mixture in which one component is
• Understand molecular diffusion in liquids and the equations
Molecular Diffusion
• Molecular diffusion or molecular transport can be defined as the
transfer or movement of individual molecules through a fluid by
means of random, individual movements of the molecules. The
molecules travel only in straight lines and in the process, may collide
with other molecules in their path. The molecules then change
direction (still in a straight line) after the collision. This is sometimes
referred to as a random-walk process
Illustration of molecular diffusion
• Now consider a container with a mixture of 2 components A and B at
constant pressure P and constant temperature T as shown in the
Figure below. A fictitious partition c-c separates the container into 2
sections. The LHS contains more molecules of component A than the
RHS, and the reverse is true for the B
Molecular Diffusion
• Next consider what happens when the partition c-c is removed. The
molecules will move around in all directions in a random manner. But
since most of the A-molecules are to the left of c-c, more of the A-
molecules will travel from the LHS to the RHS than in the opposite
• This is the molecular diffusion of A in the direction of decreasing
concentration (i.e. from the region of high concentration to the
region of low concentration). At the same time there is also a net
diffusion of B from the RHS to the LHS. This diffusion continues until
the concentrations of A and B is uniform throughout.
Ficks Law of Diffusion
• Fick's Law stated that for the diffusion of component-A in a binary
mixture of A and B:
• The concentration gradient dCA /dz is the driving force for diffusion. The (-) showed that CA
decreases as z increases.
JA = molecular diffusion flux (kg-mole/m2.s)
diffusivity @ diffusion coefficient of A in a mixture
of A and B (m2/s)
dcA/dz = concentration gradient (kg-mole.m-3/m)
Diffusion through bulk fluid
• Consider a bulk fluid of binary mixture A and B moving in the z-
direction as shown, with an average bulk fluid velocity V m/s, as
shown in the Figure below.
• Concentration of A at any point in the mixture is CA kg-mole/m3
• Movement of A is now due to 2 contributions
• Molecular diffusion JA = - DAB.(dcA/dz) (kg-mole/m2.s)
· Bulk movement of fluid CAV (kg-mole/m3. m/s)
• Total molar flux of A is : NA = JA + CAV
• Similarly for B: NB = JB + CBV
• Total molar flux of A and B: N = NA + NB
• Also, N = C V ; where C is the total molar concentration = CA + CB
Thus, by substituting for JA and V , we have for component-A: