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MineSight - Part2 - Surface Creation and Edit

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115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000

Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mintec.com


Part 2
Surface Creation and Edit
Subjects Covered
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mintec.com

1. Importing data into MineSight

2. Creation of surfaces from Polygons
3. The Object Contents Browser (OCB)
4. Surface Intersection Tool
5. Virtual Elements
6. The Drape Tool
7. Exercises

1. Importing data into MineSight
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
Tel:+61 files
8 9436into
0700 MineSight is0777
Fax:+61 8 9436 done through
E-mail: the Data Manager,
[email protected] using the
Web: www.mintec.com

right-click menu Import function, at the Folder level. There are a wide variety of
data formats in use for the transfer of data within MineSight and between
MineSight and other software and/or hardware devices, such as data
collection systems (Total Station, etc.). The formats able to be imported are
listed below. For a comprehensive rundown on their format and use refer to
• 3D Points (ASCII) file
• DXF file
the F1 MineSight Help. • GSI file
• VBM file
• VBM file (ASCII) file
• Survey (ASCII) file
• Survey (ASCII, CSV) file
• Survey (Free Form)
• Survey to AGDM (Free Form)
• Variograms (ASCII) file
• DTM file
• 3D triangle file
• Shell file
• HMF overlay
• Gemcom Surface
• Vulcan Surface
• MineSight 3-D Folder
• MineSight 3-D Object
• Survey Code file
• Shapefile To Geometry
• Shapefile To AGDM 3
Importing Topography
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
Import the
Tel:+61 topo.dxf
8 9436 file8 9436 0777 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mintec.com
0700 Fax:+61

Select the Topo folder, right-click and select Import. Select

the topo.dxf file. Highlight both of the elements and click
Load Selected Layers
Create a new geometry object in the
Topo folder and name it 02 Topo
Surface and make it the edit object.

Select all the topo contours, Surface >

Triangulate Surface > with Selection
in Plan.

Save the surface and open its Object

Properties and display as Faces only.

2. Create Surfaces from Polygons
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
Triangulating is a0700
Tel:+61 8 9436 method
Fax:+61of creating
8 9436 surfaces
0777 E-mail: by joining points
[email protected] or polyline nodes
Web: www.mintec.com

into faces. The method used in MS3D makes use of the Delauney triangulation
technique, which attempts to create triangles as close to equilateral as possible.
• We will outline the various methods
and their subtleties by which you can
create surfaces from either point or
polyline data.

• The objects you wish to create

surfaces from must first be selected
and placed in edit mode.

Triangulate surface with Dialogue

• Provides access to all of the triangulation

• Surfaces can be previewed with the preview

button prior to being written to an edit object
General Tab - Mode
• Triangulate in Plan - Triangulates selected data with
a horizontal reference plane - recommended for
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: triangulation of points or Web:
[email protected] a combination of points and
polylines. (General)

• Triangulate with Edit Grid - Triangulates selected

data with a reference plane that is in the orientation
of the current Edit Grid. Useful for triangulating
data that has an non-horizontal orientation (e.g.
contouring data on a cross section)

• Triangulate with Selection - Triangulates selected

data using the plane of one of the polylines as the
reference plane - recommended for triangulation
of polylines of similar orientation. If the polylines
have varying orientations, Triangulate in Plan, or
Triangulate with Edit Grid should be used instead.

• Triangulate with Polygon(s) - Triangulates a

surface inside a closed polygon. Multiple polygons
can be used with the Entire Selection option, or
specific polygons within the selection can be chosen
from the viewer using the polygon icon. Each
polygon will be triangulated separately into a
separate surface.
3. The OCB (Object Content Browser)
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
are two main
8 9436 0700 functions for0777
Fax:+61 8 9436 theE-mail:
OCB; 1) browsing the contents
[email protected] of Geometry
Web: www.mintec.com

Objects, and 2) selecting Geometry Objects (or elements within geometry objects)
for editing. To select an object for browsing, first click on the object selection icon

• The objects contained in the Geometry

Object will be displayed in the Object
Contents window. It’s individual elements
are broken down in the Geometry
Contents window to allow selection of
individual elements.
• The contents of the object can be filtered
with the following icons (points, polylines
surfaces and labels)

The Object Contents Browser (OCB) allows you to select data for editing from a
dialog, either with or without loading it to the viewer. This can simplify selecting
data for editing and can result in significant reductions in memory overhead,
resulting in improved performance. 7
4. Surface Intersection Tool
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
The Intersect Surfaces
Tel:+61 8 9436 tool8 9436
0700 Fax:+61 has 0777
a comprehensive set of options
E-mail: [email protected] for generating new
Web: www.mintec.com

surfaces from the intersection of two existing surfaces. The results from the
intersection will be placed in the current Edit Object.
Intersection tab
• The tool requires the definition of a Primary surface
group and a Secondary surface group, and this
definition controls the relationship of the resulting
intersected surface when the desired function is
NOTE: Surfaces and solids used in intersections should
first be validated using the Duplicate Faces, Openings
and Self-Intersecting functions. If errors exist, they
should be fixed before continuing.
• Multiple surfaces can be also selected in the
Primary and/or Secondary groups from either the
viewer using the blue surface icon or from the
Object Contents Browser using the OCB icon.
• Once the intersect options are selected the results
can be previewed prior to saving
The results from the Intersect Surfaces tool can be Merged Surfaces, Primary
Surfaces, Secondary Surfaces, Solids, or Polylines. Each of these result types
can have a variety of specific
115 Newcastleresults
Street / depending on the
PO Box 8028, Perth BC WAorientation
6000 of the surfaces
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mintec.com
and which one is defined as Primary or Secondary. The options for each are
defined below:

Merged Surfaces
• Creates one new surface based on the two
input surfaces with eight possible variations
Primary / Secondary Surfaces
• These options each generate six different
possible surfaces
• Generates solids from the intersection of two
surfaces; either a Cut Surface or a Fill
Surface can be created. A vertical surface
between the two surfaces is generated if the
surfaces do not completely intersect.
• Generates polylines at the junction of the
defined Primary and Secondary surfaces. 9
5. Virtual Elements
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
Virtual Elements
Tel:+61 are
8 9436 0700 an editing
Fax:+61 aidE-mail:
8 9436 0777 that [email protected]
allows you to positionWeb: temporary markers

and highlights in the Viewer. Virtual Elements can be used to help in the
visualization and editing of data. You can also Copy the markers into an Edit
Virtual Elements are also created by:

• The Volume, Block partials and Reserves Calculator

• The Surface operation, Surface > Duplicate Faces > Check, Openings >
Check, or Self-Intersecting Faces > Check
• The Triangulator - to indicate crossing breaklines
• Intersect Solids - to indicate openings and/or self-intersecting triangles
• The marker operations are accessed through Tools > Virtual Elements
from the main menu. Virtual Elements are also used by some edit
operations to highlight errors that occurred during an operation.

Use the Clear Virtual Elements icon to delete the highlights from the
viewer if they are no longer required

6. The Drape Tool
Use theTel:+61
Drape Tool
8 9436 to115
Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
Fax:+61 8 any number
9436 0777 E-mail:of polylines or polygons,
[email protected] labels, or
Web: www.mintec.com
markers to a surface. Three pieces of information must be supplied: the direction to
drape the objects, which objects to drape and what surface to drape the objects to.
Setup tab
• Either use the azimuth and dip input fields to
set the drape direction, or select "Normal to
Edit Grid" for the drape direction to be at 90º
from the edit grid.

Select Elements to Drape

• Click on the "Select" button, then choose the
individual elements you want draped from
the currently selected objects. To drape all of
the currently selected objects, select the
"Drape entire selection" option.

Drape To
• Select either surface, level or edit grid onto
which to drape the elements.
The Drape Tool cont.
Options tab
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mintec.com
• Project both along and against the direction
specified if selected.

• Move original objects as opposed to creating a

draped copy.

• Offset the results a specific distance from the

surface. A negative shift will place the result
between the original selected elements and the
surface whilst a positive shift places the result
on the opposite side of the surface from the
originally selected elements.

• By default, draping polyline(s)/polygon(s) to a

surface creates extra nodes at the intersection
with that surface. Selecting this option drapes
only the elements original nodes.

• By default, the draped results are stored in the

current edit object. This option stores the
results as part the original source object.
7. Exercises
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mintec.com

1. Importing data from .CSV format

2. Polygon Validation
3. Create Surfaces from Polygons
4. Surface Edit
5. Validating Surfaces
6. The Drape Tool
7. Element edit – move / rotate / scale
8. Contour surface (Polyline > Contour Surface)
9. Isopachs (Polyline > Thickness Contours)

1. Importing data from .CSV format
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
• The following
Tel:+61 data
8 9436 0700 was8recorded
Fax:+61 [email protected]
9436 0777 E-mail: Haul pack in-cab Web:monitoring systems.

This import will display the haul Run number and Truck Speed data for
each recorded point

Importing the data
1.1. Right click on any folder ofStreet
115 Newcastle the Data
/ PO BoxManager > BC
8028, Perth Import
WA 6000> Survey (Free
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mintec.com

1.2. Browse to and select the .csv file RUNALL.csv > Open

1.3. Populate the Free Form Survey dialog with the fields to import. Use the +
sign to add fields (- to remove) and select the field type from the Field
Definition dialog and click
115 Newcastle Ok/ once
Street PO Box field
8028, is selected.
Perth BC WA 6000
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mintec.com

1.4. The trick is to do the import process twice: 1st do it as polylines (all
options should be blank!), and the second time (choose another file
location for the import Street
115 Newcastle otherwise
/ PO Boxyou
8028, will overwrite
Perth BC WA 6000 the previous
import) check both the Save Point Id’s and Split Polylines every 1
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mintec.com

point options so you can display the point labels.

1.5. A separate Geometry Object should have been created for each Run for
both Polyline and Point Data. Merge the two files by copying the polylines
from Run 1 into
115the Run Street
Newcastle 1 points
/ PO Geometry Object.
Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mintec.com

1.6. Go to the Node Labels tab and display the Object and Element names

2. Polygon validation
Prior to creating surfaces or linking
115 Newcastle Streetpolygons
/ PO Box 8028,thePerth
polygons should first be validated
BC WA 6000
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mintec.com
by a series of checks. The first check uses the Query Tool to query each of the
polygons to ensure that they have a surface area which would in turn indicate that
they are indeed closed polygons and not just polylines. The next two checks can
be found under the Polyline > Redefine menu. With a polygon open, try the
Validation Checks

1. Query Tool
2. Polyline > Redefine > Endpoint/s
3. Polyline > Redefine > Direction

3. Create Surfaces from Polygons
Create surfaces using the two following
115 Newcastle methods.
Street / PO Box You
8028, Perth will6000
BC WA need to have a
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mintec.com
polygon(s) open to do so.

1. Use the Linker Tool


2. Surface > Triangulate Surface > Inside

Polyline Boundary

4. Surface Edit
Two methods of quick effectiveStreet
115 Newcastle editing
/ POsurfaces or solids
Box 8028, Perth BC WA are
6000 Point > Delete and
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mintec.com
Surface > Delete Face. With a surface open try the following. Remember you can
right-click to end the function and use the Undo Change icon to undo the edit.

1. Point > Delete – Removes

the point and all faces
associated with the point to
be removed

2. Surface > Delete Face –

Removes triangulated face
only regardless of adjoining

5. Validating Surfaces
Under the Surface 115 drop-down menu/ PO
Newcastle Street tryBox
Perth BCfunctions,
WA 6000 they can be used
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mintec.com
for both surfaces and solids. If Duplicates, Openings or Self-Intersecting Faces are
found they will be highlighted by yellow Utility Markers.

1. Surface > Duplicate Faces -

checks for duplicate faces in the
same object. Options;
• Check
• Delete
2. Surface > Openings – checks
for openings. Options;
• Check
• Patch – use the Define
maximum area to patch
option to patch multiple
areas of a similar size
3. Surface > Self-Intersecting
Faces – checks for S.I.F. in
objects. Options;
• Check
• Split 22
6. The Drape Tool
Open some polylines 115or polygons
Newcastle and
Street / POaBox
surface which
8028, Perth to 6000
BC WA drape them too. Select
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mintec.com
the elements to drape (they should be highlighted red) and open the Drape Tool
under Tools > Drape Tool. Drape all or selected polygons or polylines to either
surface or level. Use the various options under the Options tab to achieve different

7. Element – Edit function
Element edit functions apply toStreet
115 Newcastle all points,
/ PO Boxpolylines,
8028, Perth polygons,
BC WA 6000 surfaces and solids.
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mintec.com
Open some Geometry objects and use the options Element > Move, Rotate,
Scale, Delete or Copy to achieve different results. The Move function can be used
in conjunction with the Point Editor to provide more precise movements.
Move Rotate


8. Contour Surface
1. Create a new Geometry Object called Contours.
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
Place it in Edit mode.
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mintec.com

2. Create a Material called Contours – under the

Polylines tab set the Line Style (colour and
thickness), under the Labels tab the Label Size,
and under the Line Labels tab set the Line Label
Attributes (use the z value) and any other
desired attributes

3. Set the new geometry objects Material Type to
the new Contours Material
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mintec.com

4. Select Polyline > Contour Surface from the

dropdown menu

5. In the dialogue select the surface you would

like to Contour.

6. Set the Index Increment option to 50m with an

Increment of 10m. Using this option creates
indexed contours that are already assigned
specific attributes from the Index Contour
Material type (this is created by default).

7. Preview > Apply

115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mintec.com

9. Isopachs – Thickness Contours
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
1. When creating the isopachs, under the Naming
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mintec.com

tab make sure the Material name is the same

as contour name option is checked.

2. This will create Materials based on the isopach

thickness values in the Materials folder

3. Browse to the materials folder, right click on all

of the Materials created and select Properties.
This will open up their
Object Properties.

4. This will open up their

Object Properties

5. Select Set Colour by

Range and set the
Colour Range

6. Ok > Ok
7. Under the Line Labels tab check
115 Newcastle Street / PO Box 8028, Perth BC WA 6000
one of the Attribute check boxes
Tel:+61 8 9436 0700 Fax:+61 8 9436 0777 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.mintec.com

and assign Element Name as the

label to display. The Line Label
Style options govern how the labels
are displayed relative to the


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