Saint Louis College of Bulanao: Ict Application With Ms Powerpoint and Excel
Saint Louis College of Bulanao: Ict Application With Ms Powerpoint and Excel
Saint Louis College of Bulanao: Ict Application With Ms Powerpoint and Excel
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: This is an 85 - item examination which will gauge your understanding and learning in the
concepts and lessons given during the preliminary period in this course. It is divided into five parts according to how you
should answer the items. Follow the instructions given in each part. Write your answer on the space provided.
I. Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer that corresponds to your answer.
Strictly no erasures. Erasures mean wrong.
II. Change the underlined word/s to make each of the following statements correct. If you think that the
statement is correct, write X. Write your answer on the space provided on the answer sheet. (2pts. Each)
III. Define the following terminologies and give its function. (3 pts. each)
1. Printer
2. Mouse
3. Modem
4. Cd/DVD
5. Monitor
6. System Unit
7. Speaker/s
8. Keyboard
1. Identify all the advantages of computer system and explain using example. (18 pts)