Green Industry Thailand Manual
Green Industry Thailand Manual
Green Industry Thailand Manual
Green Industry
Promotion and Development
8. References 58
1.1 Scope
This green industry manual will be used as guideline for industry entrepreneurs of all sizes, all types and all
areas for the application of the green industry accreditation of the Ministry of Industry. The manual covers defini-
tions, principles, practice-based guidelines for green industry development and procedures for obtaining each level
of green industry accreditation of the Ministry of Industry.
1.2 Definition
Green Industry Industry which commits to environmentally-friendly entrepreneurship by focusing
on development and continuous improvement in production process and environ-
mental management
Organization Industrial organizations which apply for the green industry accreditation from the
Ministry of Industry
Green Commitment Commitment demonstrated by policy, goals and action plans to reduce environ-
mental impacts, and assuring effective organizational internal communication
Green Activity Activities in compliance with policy, goals and plans which have been set to reduce
concretely environmental impacts as commitment states
Green System Systematic environmental management including follow-up, assessment and revi-
sion aimed to continuous development as well as receiving a widely-recognized
award on environment and accreditations of various types of environments
Green Culture Cooperation of employees in all level organization to implement friendly environ-
ment in all aspects of business operation until it becomes a part of organization
Green Network Demonstration of network extension throughout green demand chains by support-
ing business partners and allies entering into accredited green industry process
Environmental Culture Environmental awareness creation, attitude to people in the organization, collective
behavior sharing, value building, environmental operations and promoting under-
standing to people inside the organization and concerned people. Practice guidelines
setting to enhance awareness in order to sustain environment which will become an
organization culture. Measurement setting for evaluating the organizational culture
on environmental aspects which will be beneficial for continuous improvement
Environmental Ethics Behavior characteristics for natural and environmental best practice. The envi-
ronmental truth will be taken into account: reasonable uses of natural resources
in parallel with sustainable development
First Tier Industrial organizations which are direct producers of raw materials to the
applicants for green industry accreditation and are classified, according to Act
B.E. 2535 or Organizations under Mining Act B.E. 2510, as Type 1 or Type 2 or
Type 3 factory
Type 1 Factory Small factory (20 horsepower capacity or 20 workers maximum) with no pollution
problem, which can conduct a business without authorization request, except
small factories which cause pollution problem (as stated in the declaration of the
Factory Act BE. 2535)
Type 2 Factory Medium factory (50 horsepower capacity or 50 workers maximum) with no
pollution problem or with some slight problems which can easily be improved,
can conduct a business without authorization request, but needs to inform the
concerned public sector before operation and pay the annual fees (as stated in the
declaration of the Factory Act BE. 2535)
Type 3 Factory Factory with more than 50 horsepower capacity and more than 50 workers which
might cause pollution problems and accidents needed for close monitoring.
Entrepreneurs must request an authorization before settlement (as stated in the
declaration of the Factory Act BE. 2535)
Committee of Green The committee appointed by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Industry,
Industry Accreditation who is responsible for outlining concepts, plans, guidelines and budget frame
for green industry development and operation, project integration and activity
operation involved in green industry development of different sectors of Ministry
of the Industry, criteria and conditions of criterions and benefits for entrepreneurs
who participate in the project, and following up projects’ evaluation, appointing
sub-committees or committees for supporting the project operations as well as
other activities assigned
Sub-Committee of Green The sub-committee appointed by the Committee of green industry development and
Industry Accreditation operation, who is responsible for setting up criteria, conditions to assess levels of
the green industry and prepare a manual and documents on procedures, selection,
assessment according to criteria and conditions set and consider the green industry
logo accreditation as well as other activities assigned. In the present document,
the term “Sub-committee” will be used
Sustainable The development that meets the need of the present generation without compro-
Development mising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
Continuous Improvement Improvement resulting from continuous efforts and its former standards including
daily work improvement
Green Economy Economy system which will improve quality of life and decrease inequality in a
long term. The next generation of people will not face natural resource degradation
and environmental problems
Certified Organization Organization which was accredited and assessed whether it is in compliance with
the green industry regulations of level application
Level 1 Green Commitment : Commitment demonstrated by policy, goals and action plans to
reduce environmental impacts, and effective organizational internal communication
Level 2 Green Activity: Activities in compliance with policy, goals and plans which have
been set to reduce substantially environmental impacts as commitment states
Dr. Witoon Simachokdee gave a definition ignore and do not understand that environmental
and shared his experience and his ideas on green issues need investment. Another example, when
industry operations and gave example of an I went to visit the industrial settlement Bayer in
organization which had been improved until it Leverkusen, Germany, white smoke was emitted
could live happily with community. A factory from the factory’s chimney and the factory is
in the Southern part, for instance, which was surrounded by high-rise apartments. However, they
regularly complained. 20 years later, this factory can live together. The guide said that “we depend
was awarded best environment. This case was on each other”, which is mutual reliance. People
surprising: how it could be changed until society in the neighborhood go to work in the factory.
and community accepted it to be a part of them The important thing is city, people and industry
and do activities together ? It can be a case model can live in harmony. It is the same principle as
because there are many factories in Thailand which eco-industry that Thailand is trying to put forward.
Advantages that green industry entrepre- 5) Natural Resource and Energy use reduc-
neurs will obtain are tion, cost saving in business operations, competi-
1) Impact Reduction on environment and tion opportunities
community, less complaints about impacts from 6) Marketing opportunities in focusing on
industrial entrepreneurs, risk reduction of being “green” products and production process which are
responsible for the impacts in the future being accepted and needed by consumers around
2) Building a good image and receiving a the world
good attitude for being environmentally friendly 7) Add value in national economy which
industry. It will develop a better understanding will not affect society, community and environ-
and mutual recognition between the industry and ment
its neighboring people.
3) Surrounding people will obtain justice Moreover, entrepreneurs who have been
and have a better quality of life from economy certified can request advantages from Ministry of
and society development which results from the Industry as follows
green industry
4) Increasing job creation and employabil-
ity related to environment, fairness in job hiring.
Workers will work safely and happily in a good
Annual Fee Waiving for 1) Waste ad residue will be used to produce Department of I
5 years biogas as alternative energy ndustrial Works
2) Waste Air from the production process
will be reused. SMEs Babk
Application Registration
Document Review
Not approved
Call for Correction
Level 1 to 3
Provincial Industrial Officer or Central
Office is authorized to certify the Green Issue Certificate
Industry by considering application
form and submitted document.
Level 4 to 5
The Green Industry’s certifying
sub-committed is authorized to certify
the Green Industry thru document and Publication
on-site assessment
• Accreditation Consideration
Level 1 to 3 (Assigned organizations) Applicant: must submit a certifying document or
Provincial Industry Office/ Green Industry activity certificate as below
Promotion and Development Office are the (1) In case that the certifying document or
assessors who consider qualifications from certificate mentioning the expiry date, it must be
documents and the application form still valid on the day of application submission
(2) In case that the certifying document or
** Green Industry Promotion and Develop- certificate without the expiry date, a document/
ment Office issues accreditation certification and evidence to show that the organization is still
processes as follow carrying on environment operations must be pro-
(1) Issue green industry certifications vided
according to the levels obtained
(2) Propose to the Permanent Secretary to 2. In case that applicants do not get accredited
consider the approval for projects/activities which were granted for
(3) Register accredited organizations in level 2 by the sub-committee of green industry
the list accreditation
(4) Send the certificate to accredited
organizations and a copy to the assigned Applicant: must submit documents as below
(1) Documents of environment policy
announcement and evidence showing
Documents that applicants must submit in communication on environment policy such as
order to obtain accreditation level 1 meeting minutes, photos, board announcement
or others
1. Documents of environment policy (2) Environment plans which are related to
announcement environment policy as stated in (1)
2. Evidence showing communication on (3) Document, evidence, outcomes of
environment policy such as meeting minutes, operation of at least an activity/project
photos, board announcement or others
Documents that applicants must submit for
Documents that applicants must submit in green industry accreditation application
order to obtain accreditation level 2 level 2
1. In case that applicants get accredited for Certifying document or activity certificate
projects/activities which were granted accreditation showing that the Sub-committee of green industry
of level 2 by the sub-committee of green industry accreditation granted level 3:
accreditation (1) In case that the certifying document or
certificate mentioning the expiry date, it must be
still valid on the day of application submission
(2) In case that the certifying document or
certificate without the expiry date or the date is
already expired, a document/evidence to show that
the organization is still carrying on environment
operations must be provided
Documents that applicants must submit for Documents that applicants must submit for
green industry accreditation application green industry accreditation application
level 4 level 5
1. Green industry level 3 certificate or 1. In case that the organization get accredited
certifying document or project/activity certificate level 4, the following documents must be submitted
showing that the Sub-committee of green industry (1) Certifying document of green industry
accreditation granted level 3 level 4
2. Report on operations related to organiza- (2) Report on promotion, creation and
tional behavior for environment building interrelation of environmental activity with
3. Report on environment operations, which stakeholders and summary report of outcomes for
is communicated to public diffusion
2. In case that the organization do not get
accredited level 4, the following documents must
be submitted
(1) Certifying document of green industry
level 3 or certifying document or project/activity
certificate showing that the Sub-committee of
green industry accreditation granted level 3
(2) Report on operations related to orga-
nizational behavior for environment building
(3) Report on environment operations,
which is communicated to public
Marks Project /Activity title which was accredited for level 1, level 2 and level 3
can be checked on
* Accreditation consideration
For Level 4 and level 5, the sub-committee of green industry accreditation is
the accreditation assessor.
The Assessment will be conducted on site
** Central Administration of Provincial Industry Office is the organization
which issues certification and processes as follow:
(1) Issue green industry certifications according to the levels obtained
(2) Propose to the Permanent Secretary to consider the approval
(3) Register accredited organizations in the list
(4) Send the certificate to accredited organizations and a copy to the assigned
Level 4 Green Culture means organization which has cooperation of employee in all
level organization to implement friendly environment in all aspects of business
operation until it becomes a part of organization culture
2) When the Ministry of Industry receive Accredited persons must follow these
the application form, the process will be document following conditions
verification/assessment for obtaining green 1) Accredited persons must preserve
industry accreditation as follow activity/system which was certified according to
2.1) Consider application form and details green industry criteria of each level for the entire
of the applicant. If there are some details to be duration of accreditation
improved, the applicant will be notified by written 2) Accredited persons can refer to level
statement. obtained only
2.2) In case of accreditation application of 3) If accredited persons modify significantly
green industry level1 to level 3, officers working activity or system, the Ministry of Industry must
in the central administration of the sector or officers be informed
working in local office 4) If accredited persons transfer business
will be assigned to process document or place, accreditation certificate will be
verification according to the criteria of green automatically expired. Accredited persons must
industry, level 1 or level 2 or level 3 as per inform the Ministry of Industry to request anew for
request and will summarize results of document accreditation assessment and sub-committee’s ap-
verification to head of the central administration of proval and cancellation of the former accreditation
the sector or head of local office who is assigned certificate.
to approve the accreditation 5) Certification or logo must not be misused
2.3) In case of the accreditation application which will cause misunderstanding.
of green industry, level 4 or level 5, a committee 6) Accredited persons must stop the adver-
will be appointed to process accreditation assess- tisement by printing media related to accreditation
ment of green industry level 4 or level 5 as per when it was repealed or cancelled for any reason.
request, and summarize the result of the assessment 7) Accredited persons must clearly identify
to sub-committee for approval to customers that certificate or accreditation
granted does not include approval from the
1. Green industry accreditation logo belongs 5. The green industry accreditation logo
to the Ministry of Industry. The form, the must be used only with products or services related
proportion must be as stated below. The logo must to accredited activities. If there are other products
be in an appropriate size and must be in green only. or services included, it should be mentioned that
2. Only accredited persons can show the accreditation does not cover these products.
green industry accreditation logo. 6. The green industry accreditation logo on
3. The green industry accreditation logo must products or packages must not lead to miscommu-
be shown with level and number of accreditation nication that it is for accrediting products.
which are clearly readable. The logo and the text
must be in green.
4. The green industry accreditation logo
can be used only for advertisement and sales
1.Green Industry Manual 4th Edition (in Thai) , May 2556
2.ISO 14001:2004: Environmental Management Systems - Requirements with Guidance for Use.
Geneva: ISO, 2004.
3. ISO 26000 : 2010 Guidance On Social Responsibility. Geneva: ISO, 2010.