Green Industry Thailand Manual

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The Guideline for

Green Industry
Promotion and Development

Green Industry Manual

Green Industry Project

Green Industry Promotion and Development Office
Office of the permanent Secretary for Ministry of Industry
Tel.0 2202 3249 / Fax. 0 2202 3199

1st Edition (in Thai) 2011: 1,000 Copies

2nd Edition (in Thai) 2011: 1,000 Copies
3rd Edition (in Thai) 2012: 5,000 Copies
4th Edition (in Thai) 2013: 6,000 Copies
5th Edition 2013: 1,000 Copies
ISBN: 978-616-265-037-6
Printed by Office of the Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Industry
Rama VI Rd., Ratchathewi District
Bangkok 10400, THAILAND


Message from the
Permanent Secretary of
the Ministry of Industry

S o far our country has faced changes of society,

economy, environment and natural disaster.
These changes will dramatically affect the economy
and our lives in the near future. Furthermore, we
will still have to confront the global, regional and
national changes which will have the effects on the
country development. For example, such changes
are economic and financial crisis and the commit-
ment to ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)
in 2015. Hence, the government has prepared the
economic system to be ready to adapt itself to the
effects of these changes. Also, the government has
created the business opportunities by improving
people, increasing knowledge-based, technology,
innovation and creativity based on the concept of
environmentally-friendly manufacturing indus-
tries. Moreover, the government has adopted His
Majesty the King’s idea of “Sufficiency Economy”
in order to continually develop the country forward settlements all over the country. This project is
sustainability. regarded as our pride to celebrate His Majesty the
King’s 84th Birthday in 2011.
The goal of environmentally-friendly
production is to cause Thailand become a It is such a pleasure that the Green Industry
low-carbon society, create appropriate rules to project has received a great deal of cooperation
make the balance between industrial development from all parts. This has made the project grow
and environmental sustaining, and promote the as planned. It can be seen as a good sign of the
“Polluter Pays Principle” and the idea of “Payment country. The Ministry of Industry would like to
for Ecosystem Services” in a concrete way. In thank all partners on this occasion and hopes that
addition, the Ministry of Industry as the main all organizations which have received the Green
department of industry development has strategi- Industry license will continue to move up to the
cally planned to support the development of the next steps. We also would like to persuade anyone
industry and the sustainable development. The who haven’t applied for the Green Industry to take
Ministry of Industry launched the project of “Green part in this project so that Thailand can achieve
Industry” in 2011 so as to encourage the indus- the development equilibrium and have the bright
tries in the Country to be more environmentally- future.
friendly, and more responsible to the society. This
is according to the fact that we need the society to
stay happily together with the industry while the
sustainable development could be achieved.

The Ministry of Industry requires that

(Dr. Witoon Simachokedee )
the Green Industry project be the integration of
environmental activities of all departments in the
Ministry of Industry, the related institutes, the
provincial Industrial offices, and the industrial



C oncepts on green industry were arisen from

importance given on staying happily together.
In the current situation, environment was severely
This guideline manual for entrepreneurs’
green industry development is a part of green
industry accreditation activity. It is a sample of
affected by industrial growth. Hence, it is time guidelines for entrepreneurs in green industry
to further more develop, improve and create development of the organization, who commit
awareness to the industrial sector on effects to environmentally-friendly business operations
on environment in order that environment and for sustainable development aimed at continuous
industry can stay together sustainably. improvement and social and environmental envi-
ronment, both inside and outside the organization
The Ministry of Industry has set up the throughout the supply chain.
green industry project to put forward and promote
the industrial sector to conduct environmentally- The objective of the guideline manual for
friendly operations. This will help to make a good entrepreneurs’ green industry development is to
and reliable image of the industrial sector and gain be used as a guideline by entrepreneurs who wish
people’s trust and build green economy which will to develop the organization into green industry
increase green GDP. for study and understanding the organization
development in order to comply productively and
efficiently with green industry criteria until obtain-
ing green industry accreditation from the Ministry
of Industry.

Office of Green Industry

Promotion and Development

Office of the Permanent Secretary


Table of Contents

1. Practice-based Application for the Green Industry Development

1.1 Scope 5
1.2 Definition 5

2. Origin of the Green Industry Project

2.1 Origin 7
2.2 Concept and Green Industry Operation Framework 9
2.3 Organizations Joining the Project 11
2.4 Advantages 12

3. Regulations of Green Industry

Level 1 Green Commitment 14
Level 2 Green Activity 15
Level 3 Green System 15
Level 4 Green Culture 16
Level 5 Green Network 17

4. Practice Guidelines for Green Industry Criteria 18

5. Process of Green Industry Accreditation Grant 36
6. Criteria and Conditions of Green Industry Accreditation 39
7. Appendix
7.1 Samples of the Green Industry Form and Certificates 44
7.2 Demonstration Ways of Green Industry Accreditation Logo 50
7.3 Industrial Sector Improvement following the 11th National Economic and 51
Social Development Plan
7.4 Industrial Standard Following Sufficiency Economy in Industrial Sector 53
(TIS 9999 No.1-2556)

8. References 58


Practice-based Application
for the Green Industry

1.1 Scope
This green industry manual will be used as guideline for industry entrepreneurs of all sizes, all types and all
areas for the application of the green industry accreditation of the Ministry of Industry. The manual covers defini-
tions, principles, practice-based guidelines for green industry development and procedures for obtaining each level
of green industry accreditation of the Ministry of Industry.

1.2 Definition
Green Industry Industry which commits to environmentally-friendly entrepreneurship by focusing
on development and continuous improvement in production process and environ-
mental management

Organization Industrial organizations which apply for the green industry accreditation from the
Ministry of Industry

Green Commitment Commitment demonstrated by policy, goals and action plans to reduce environ-
mental impacts, and assuring effective organizational internal communication

Green Activity Activities in compliance with policy, goals and plans which have been set to reduce
concretely environmental impacts as commitment states

Green System Systematic environmental management including follow-up, assessment and revi-
sion aimed to continuous development as well as receiving a widely-recognized
award on environment and accreditations of various types of environments

Green Culture Cooperation of employees in all level organization to implement friendly environ-
ment in all aspects of business operation until it becomes a part of organization

Green Network Demonstration of network extension throughout green demand chains by support-
ing business partners and allies entering into accredited green industry process

Environmental Culture Environmental awareness creation, attitude to people in the organization, collective
behavior sharing, value building, environmental operations and promoting under-
standing to people inside the organization and concerned people. Practice guidelines
setting to enhance awareness in order to sustain environment which will become an
organization culture. Measurement setting for evaluating the organizational culture
on environmental aspects which will be beneficial for continuous improvement

Environmental Ethics Behavior characteristics for natural and environmental best practice. The envi-
ronmental truth will be taken into account: reasonable uses of natural resources
in parallel with sustainable development


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development

First Tier Industrial organizations which are direct producers of raw materials to the
applicants for green industry accreditation and are classified, according to Act
B.E. 2535 or Organizations under Mining Act B.E. 2510, as Type 1 or Type 2 or
Type 3 factory

Type 1 Factory Small factory (20 horsepower capacity or 20 workers maximum) with no pollution
problem, which can conduct a business without authorization request, except
small factories which cause pollution problem (as stated in the declaration of the
Factory Act BE. 2535)

Type 2 Factory Medium factory (50 horsepower capacity or 50 workers maximum) with no
pollution problem or with some slight problems which can easily be improved,
can conduct a business without authorization request, but needs to inform the
concerned public sector before operation and pay the annual fees (as stated in the
declaration of the Factory Act BE. 2535)

Type 3 Factory Factory with more than 50 horsepower capacity and more than 50 workers which
might cause pollution problems and accidents needed for close monitoring.
Entrepreneurs must request an authorization before settlement (as stated in the
declaration of the Factory Act BE. 2535)

Committee of Green The committee appointed by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Industry,
Industry Accreditation who is responsible for outlining concepts, plans, guidelines and budget frame
for green industry development and operation, project integration and activity
operation involved in green industry development of different sectors of Ministry
of the Industry, criteria and conditions of criterions and benefits for entrepreneurs
who participate in the project, and following up projects’ evaluation, appointing
sub-committees or committees for supporting the project operations as well as
other activities assigned

Sub-Committee of Green The sub-committee appointed by the Committee of green industry development and
Industry Accreditation operation, who is responsible for setting up criteria, conditions to assess levels of
the green industry and prepare a manual and documents on procedures, selection,
assessment according to criteria and conditions set and consider the green industry
logo accreditation as well as other activities assigned. In the present document,
the term “Sub-committee” will be used

Sustainable The development that meets the need of the present generation without compro-
Development mising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

Continuous Improvement Improvement resulting from continuous efforts and its former standards including
daily work improvement

Green Economy Economy system which will improve quality of life and decrease inequality in a
long term. The next generation of people will not face natural resource degradation
and environmental problems

Certified Organization Organization which was accredited and assessed whether it is in compliance with
the green industry regulations of level application


Origin of the
Green Industry

2.1 Origin The green industry driving force of the

Ministry of Industry is based on industrial orga-
Thailand commits to Sustainable Develop- nizations’ willingness to conduct a community-
ment as promised in Johannesburg Declaration friendly and environmentally-friendly business for
on Sustainable Development-JDSD in 2002 and sustainable development. This operation consists
Manila Declaration in 2009. The Ministry of Indus- of 5 levels, starting from easy to difficult levels. In
try, which is the main sector to develop Thailand’s the past, UNIDO commenced to use the policy to
economy, set up industry development strategies support the green industry in 2009 and developed
for environment and society and will proactively the framework of public-private partnership in
take action in enhancing and promoting industry 2011. However, the guidelines for green industry
growth and sustainability. development of UNIDO were abstract and lacked
Thailand’s green Industry project originated development steps to become green industry. The
from Dr. Witoon Simachokdee’s initiative after he industrial organizations did not know how to start
had attended the Green Industry Seminar of United and it was finally ignored.
Nations Industrial Development Organization- In Mid-Year 2010, Dr. Witoon Simachok-
UNIDO which was created at request of the Meet- dee, permanent secretary, had a meeting with the
ing of United Nations General Assembly. At that support team to find out more concrete ways of
time, the Green Industry Project was still abstract. green industry promotion and development. To-
In order to implement concretely in the industrial tal Quality Management -TQM, combined with
sector, the Permanent Secretary assigned the Sup- balance principles of triple bottom line of Social,
port Team to carry out these 2 points as follows: Economic and Environmental issues, became the
1) Propose guidelines and work out con- principles of the green industry on these 2 funda-
cretely the green industry project in order that it mental bases:
can be carried out systematically under 2 main
concepts: continuous improvement and sustainable 1) Continuous Improvement
development 2) Sustainable Development
2) Integration of all environmental projects
from all sectors of Ministry of Industry under a big
shadow of the green industry project

Concept on Green Industry, of which

practice guidelines for accreditation
application is presented in this manual, was
the outcomes of the Support Team, Ministry
of Industry’s government officers. It is a
real work of Thai people. Presented and
recognized in the foreign country meeting,
this work is a pride of the country. Dr. Witoon Simachokdee,
Permanent Secretary of the
Ministry Of Industry


At the end of the Year 2010, the Ministry of of His Majesty the King’s 7th Cycle Birthday
Industry started operating the project seriously by Anniversary in 2011. The Ministry of Industry,
signing MOU with sectors of the Ministry of Indus- joining forces with all sectors of the Ministry and
try. This is to promote Thailand’s industrial sectors the partners especially provincial industry offices
to be society-friendly and environment-friendly, and the industrial settlements over the country,
which will build a good image, trust and credit- supports industrial organizations to conduct an
ability. It is a start of green economy development environmentally-friendly business and develop
which will increase Green GDP of the country. It themselves to be 5-level green industry as follows:
is also for celebrating the Auspicious Occasion

Level 1 Green Commitment : Commitment demonstrated by policy, goals and action plans to
reduce environmental impacts, and effective organizational internal communication

Level 2 Green Activity: Activities in compliance with policy, goals and plans which have
been set to reduce substantially environmental impacts as commitment states

Level 3 Green System: Systematic environmental management including follow-up, assess-

ment and revision aimed to continuous development as well as receiving a widely-
recognized award on environment and accreditations on a variety of environments

Level 4 Green Culture: Cooperation of employee in all level organization to implement

friendly environment in all aspects of business operation until it becomes a part of
organization culture

Level 5 Green Network: Demonstration of network extension throughout green demand

chains by promotion business partners and allies entering into accredited green
industry process


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development

2.2 Concept and Green Industry

Operation Framework
Promoting and driving the production sec- using 3Rs principles and clean technology, green
tor to green industry for sustainable and balanced productivity, eco design, green label or eco-label,
development is the core of the projects of the life cycle analysis, pollution reduction and reduced
Ministry of Industry who wants to see economy greenhouse gas emission for example. These proj-
growth of the industrial sector comply with po- ects are only parts of proactive work on environ-
tential and ecosystem feasibility including society ment preservation of Ministry of Industry in which
wellness such as energy conservation in produc- entrepreneurs can take part to develop business
tion process, efficient utilization of resources by operation to be more environmental friendly.

“Green Industry for me is the industry

which commits to environmentally-friendly
entrepreneurship by focusing on development
and continuous improvement, and practice
business with responsibility towards society
inside and outside organization as well as
supply chain for sustainable development
Green Industry is based on 2 principles
1) Continuous improvement Dr. Witoon Simachokdee,
2) Sustainable development” Permanent Secretary of the
Ministry Of Industry

Dr. Witoon Simachokdee gave a definition ignore and do not understand that environmental
and shared his experience and his ideas on green issues need investment. Another example, when
industry operations and gave example of an I went to visit the industrial settlement Bayer in
organization which had been improved until it Leverkusen, Germany, white smoke was emitted
could live happily with community. A factory from the factory’s chimney and the factory is
in the Southern part, for instance, which was surrounded by high-rise apartments. However, they
regularly complained. 20 years later, this factory can live together. The guide said that “we depend
was awarded best environment. This case was on each other”, which is mutual reliance. People
surprising: how it could be changed until society in the neighborhood go to work in the factory.
and community accepted it to be a part of them The important thing is city, people and industry
and do activities together ? It can be a case model can live in harmony. It is the same principle as
because there are many factories in Thailand which eco-industry that Thailand is trying to put forward.


These examples show that time should be accorded and Environment, included green industry to the
to people. In order to get more people to join the National Plan for Environment 2012-2016. The
green industry, campaign must be launched for principles of the green industry aim at sustainable
better understanding that practicing green industry development. Sustainability cannot be possible if
is not difficult. society and community deny it and it will not last
Therefore, for the green industry operation, without profit. Former business indicators are:
firstly, a large number of people must be invited to cost, quality, service and rapidity. There is no
join the project. Secondly, opportunities must be businessman who will not think of cost reduction
provided to improve the environment continuously. and profit increase. However, business will not last
The problem is how to promote the idea that the long without 2 significant indicators: innovation/
green industry will lead to sustainability. creativity and corporate social responsibility:
A third party always influences our life, for CSR. Innovation is important as new products are
example, no one forces us to study Master Degree, launched all the time so that we have to improve
but when we see everyone equipped with a Master our products in order to compete with them. CSR
Degree, we would like to do the same. This is the is necessary because, if we are not accepted by
same as Green Industry. If industrial factories are society, our business will not last long.
labeled green industry, we would like to become The two main missions of the Ministry of
a green industry as others. Industry are monitoring and development. These
Steps of being a green industry are from missions are in need of brainstorming ideas in
level 1 (Green Commitment): people will be invited finding ways for sustainable development of the
to do a good practice and commit to green industry. green industry, directions and guidelines to drive
The second level is Green Activity: factories must the green industry to comply with government
do as promised. Level 3 (Green System) must policy in environmental-friendly industry,
put an effort in order to get accredited. Level 4 social responsibility and pleasant & sustainable
(Green Culture) is green culture habits: everything community living. If the Ministry of Industry,
which is well-organized will become a habit and a acting as organization in charge of industrial
culture. People who lack discipline will live with manufacturers, can enable them to operate under
us with difficulty so that they need to improve these principles, there will be less protest against
their behavior to be well-organized like us. industrial manufacturers. The Ministry will then
Green industry will finally remove misconducts. gain more time to develop other projects such as
However, it requires time for behavior change. promoting the industry’s growth etc. But if the
The last level (Green Network): we cannot be a green industry can not be put forward or not well
green industry alone. People around us must be enough, the Ministry will work with difficulty.
green as well. How can the industry become environmental-
The green industry interested some public. friendly, take social responsibility and live with
Some organizations recognized its value: for community and society? They are the standard
example, a factory requested a green industry mark features of the green industry.
to label its products. We decided to grant it. Some
public sectors such as Ministry of Natural Resource


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development

1) The environmental-friendly industry

can be possible by technology improvement,
2.3 Organizations
technology application, resource saving and
resource efficiency. The industry of the future
Joining the Project
must be a low carbon society which might be Many organizations which have collaborated
settled in an eco-industry area. It may be, thus, in the green industry operation are Department
difficult to build up individual or independent of Industrial Works, Department of Industrial
plants. Therefore, the Ministry of Industry must Promotion, Department of Primary Industries
develop industrial settlement or eco-industry areas and Mines, Thai Industrial Standards Institute,
to serve it. Management System Certification Institute,
2) Social Responsibility Practice – many Industrial Estate Authority
sectors of the Ministry of Industry have set up
social responsibility projects, for instance the CSR- 1) Department of Industrial Works
DIW Project of Department of Industrial Works, (DIW)
the CSR-DPIM Project and the Green Mining The examples of the projects, which are
Project etc., under the idea of industry’s awareness related to green industry Development and can
and people’s understanding which will be linked be equivalent to projects of the green industry,
to community living. are the CSR-DIW project and the EMS for SMEs
3) Community Living – the industry must project. These two projects at level 2 can be
love its community and local people and then equivalent to Green Industry, level 3. Moreover,
they will love the industry. The industry must be other projects such as the clean technology project,
accessible to local people and ensure effective the water reduction study project for big water
communication between them, as an example of consumer industries, the ES for SE project, the
the projects of the Ministry of Industry, which energy management project, the Eco Industrial
aim to develop good governance system, enable Complex project, the EMS for SMEs project can
industry and its community to access information be equivalent to green industry, level 2.
and establish mutual understanding and affection
in order that local people can trust the industry. 2) Department of Primary Industries
Green industry development requires collaboration and Mines
from 3 sectors: public sector, industrial sector and The examples of the projects, which are
people sector. related to green industry Development and can
be equivalent to projects of the green industry,
are the CSR-DPIM project and the Green Min-
ing project. Both of them are equivalent to green
industry, level 3.

3) Department of Industry Promotion

The examples of the projects, which are
related to green industry Development and can be
equivalent to projects of the green industry, are the
total energy management project for increasing
energy use efficiency in industry, the Lean
Manufacturing project, the wastewater treatment
technology aid project. All of these projects are
equivalent to green industry, level 2.


4) Thai Industrial Standards Institute - Driving green industry into the action plan
Some projects support green industry for which all organizations are responsible
development such as the training and environment - Promoting more green industry through
management ISO 14001 environmental system advertisement, public relations, events etc.
setting project and the training and ISO 50001 - Promoting advantages that factories will
energy management project. obtain from being a green industry at each level
- Organizing a talk to share experience
5) Management System Certification to others factories on « how to become a green
Institute industry » by the factories that have been certified
The projects are being operated. The at each level
examples of the projects which are related to green - Supporting factories which have been
industry Development and can be equivalent to certified “green industry” to keep improving in
projects of the green industry are the operations order to reach a higher level, including building
following the policy on standards which might green industry network. For supporting factories’
be equivalent to green industry, level 1, the improvement, there are many projects of Ministry
greenhouse gas emission reduction project which of Industry which can support development of
may be equivalent to green industry, level 2, the each level.
ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 accreditation grant
which may be equivalent to green industry,
level 3, the ISO 28000 CSR project which may 2.4 Advantages
be equivalent to level 4. Moreover, the Institute Currently, trend in resource, energy and
set up Sustainable Excellent Award standard and environment preservation is well responded by
the Sufficiency Economy standard which concerns all sectors around the world. It is because energy
economy, society and environment. source, petrol and gas, dropped more rapidly
than expected, including fear of natural disasters
6) Industrial Estate Authority of which a part results from greenhouse gas
Some projects related to green industry emission from the industrial sector. Furthermore,
development can be equivalent to levels of deterioration in soil and water quality which are
green industry. The community participation in food sources for men and plants causes a food
monitoring factories in industrial estate project shortage problem for men and affects living
(White Flag Green Star), for instance, can be things in the ecological system. Therefore, the
equivalent to green industry, level 2. Beside, the industrial sector has received negative feedbacks
ecology industrial estate project which works from society, community and neighboring people
together with Department of Industrial Works can as they think that industrial estates are pollution
be equivalent to green industry, level 2. and problem areas. The industrial sector must be
Projects which each organization mentioned adapted to environmental friendly process. This
as example are only a part of projects which is the only way to be able to live with community
concern green industry development. Further and environment sustainability.
information on each project can be searched on
the green industry website or contact directly the
organization. Concepts on industry development
can be summarized into main points as follows:


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development

Advantages that green industry entrepre- 5) Natural Resource and Energy use reduc-
neurs will obtain are tion, cost saving in business operations, competi-
1) Impact Reduction on environment and tion opportunities
community, less complaints about impacts from 6) Marketing opportunities in focusing on
industrial entrepreneurs, risk reduction of being “green” products and production process which are
responsible for the impacts in the future being accepted and needed by consumers around
2) Building a good image and receiving a the world
good attitude for being environmentally friendly 7) Add value in national economy which
industry. It will develop a better understanding will not affect society, community and environ-
and mutual recognition between the industry and ment
its neighboring people.
3) Surrounding people will obtain justice Moreover, entrepreneurs who have been
and have a better quality of life from economy certified can request advantages from Ministry of
and society development which results from the Industry as follows
green industry
4) Increasing job creation and employabil-
ity related to environment, fairness in job hiring.
Workers will work safely and happily in a good

Benetits Conditions Organization

Annual Fee Waive for 1) Environment system or ISO 14001 Department of

5 years accreditation obtained Industrial Works
2) Occupational health and safety Office of Permanent
management system standard Secretary

Annual Fee Waiving for 1) Waste ad residue will be used to produce Department of I
5 years biogas as alternative energy ndustrial Works
2) Waste Air from the production process
will be reused. SMEs Babk

Green Productivity Loan Must be a SMEs entrepreneur Department of

Industrial Works
Indulgent Verification Reduced frequency of monitoring of Office of Permanent
factories which have been certified “green Secretary
industry at above level 3”

Award, Recognition Green Industry Mark announcement on Office of Permanent Secretary


Regulations of Green Industry:
5-level Development of Green
Industry (5 steps)

Criteria of Green Industry Level 1: Green Commitment

1. Organization must define environmental policy covering all commitment that related to
(A) Impact Reduction on environment or Prevention Pollution or
(B) Sustainable Resource Use or
(C) Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation or
(D) Protection and Restoration of the Natural Environment

2. Organization must communicate environmental policy to all personnel for acknowledgement


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development

Criteria of Green Industry Criteria of Green Industry

Level 2: Green Activity Level 3: Green System
1. Organization must define environmental 1. Environmental Policy
policy covering all commitment that related to at
Top management of organization must de-
least one of environmental activities below:
fine environment policy covering commitment to
(A) Impact Reduction on environment or
implement in order to
Prevention Pollution or
(A) Reduction environmental impact or
(B) Sustainable Resource Use or
prevention of pollution or
(C) Climate Change Mitigation and Adapta-
(B) Sustainable resource utilization
tion or
(C) Reduction impact of climate change
(D) Protection and Restoration of the Natu-
mitigation and adaptation or
ral Environment and communication environmen-
(D) Protection and restoration of natural en-
tal policy to all personnel for acknowledgement
vironment and communication the environmental
policy to all personnel in organization or working
2. Preparation environmental plan to reduce
on behalf of organization for acknowledgement
environmental impact or prevention of pollution
or sustainable and efficient resource utilization or
2. Planning
to reduce impact of climate change mitigation and
adaptation and protection and restoration of natural (1) Organization must indicate environ-
environment, the environmental plan must consist mental issues caused by activity, product and
of objective, target, procedure, responsible person organization management and consider the envi-
and completed time frame ronmental issues that affected significantly impact
to environment
3. Organization must implement environ- (2) Organization must indicate and follow
ment plan for achievement provisions of law and all other provisions con-
cerned environment which is related to environ-
mental issues
(3) Organization must define environmental
objective and target which is consistent to policy,
law and significantly environmental issues
(4) Organization must prepare environmen-
tal plan to achieve the set objective and target,the
action plan should consist of responsible descrip-
tion in all level and related organizations as well
as procedures and completed time frame
(5) Organization must implement environ-
mental action plan by distributing and suggesting
the environmental action plan to related personnel
for recognition and comprehension to implement
according to defined plan


(6) Organization must follow up implemen- (3) Organization must provide process of
tation of defined environmental plan implementation to cope with existed environmen-
(7) Organization must conduct revision of tal defects or may be occurred by implementing
environmental objective, target and plan periodi- preventive and corrective actions
cally (4) Organization must indicate, storage,
prevent and specify duration of keeping record that
3. Implementation related to environmental implementation
(5) Organization must conduct internal
(1) Organization must provide sufficient
evaluation of environmental management which is
resource for environmental management
defined periodically to ensure that the environmen-
(2) Organization must conduct training to
tal management system is implemented efficiently
create awareness for personnel in organization or
and conformed to related requirements
working on behalf of organization on environmental
issues and environmental impact
5. Revision and system maintaining
(3) Organization must define communica-
tion channel and method to distribute environ- Top management of organization must
mental information both for internal and external review environmental management system of
personnel of organization organization to ensure that it is conformed to
(4) Organization must provide process of related provisions of law and the environmental
implementation in order to control document which management system which is appropriately and
is defined by environmental management system continuously effectiveness
(5) Organization must provide process of
implementation in order to reduce environmental Criteria of Green Industry
impact, to reduce impact of climate change mitiga-
tion and adaptation and efficient and sustainable Level 4: Green Culture
resource utilization 1. Organization must have environmental
(6) Organization must provide process of management system as mentioned in Level 3 all
implementation to support emergent or unexpected provisions
situation that affected to environment and com- 2. Organization must create organization
munity culture in environment and implement it effectively
by covering criteria of standard of corporate social
4. Follow up and evaluation responsibility ISO 26000 as follow
(1) Organization must provide process of 2.1 Organization is responsible for its impact
implementation for follow up/monitor environ- to environment by:
ment quality and parameters used for following up 1. Impact of decision making and implemen-
and monitoring, must be verified and maintained tation of organization to social and environment,
appropriately especially significantly negative impact
(2) Organization must provide process of 2. Implement preventive action for uninten-
implementation to evaluate consistency between tionally negative impact to avoid recurrence
environmental management system and provisions
of law during defined time frame


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development

2.2 Organization must have transparency in Criteria of Green Industry

decision making and implementing that affected to
environment, organization must reveal it clearly, Level 5: Green Network
correctly and completely by 1. Organization must provide environmen-
1. Affected persons from organization’s tal management system and create organization
implementation can access directly to information culture with respect to Green Industry criteria of
source which is easy to understand Level 4 in all aspects
2. Updated information for appropriate time, 2. Organization must implement promotion,
being fact, clear and reliable, related persons can creation and interrelation of environmental activity
evaluate precisely with stakeholder throughout supply chain, com-
2.3 Organization must provide promotion munity and consumer with substantial achievement
for ethical implementation in environment seri- and to develop continuously and sustainably by:
ously by 1. To promote supply chain that leading
1. Announcement to define environmental to Green Industry and implement effectively by
value and criteria of organization clearly operating throughout supply chain and to develop
2. Implement with respect to management continuously and sustainably
structure that supported Ethical operation in envi- 2. To promote community participa-
ronment in organization tion, community development and cooperate
3. Provide supervised and controlled mecha- with community in encouraging awareness and
nisms to follow up, promote and enforce for ethical promote earning, good understanding in sustain-
implantation in environment able consumption by emphasis and attention to
4. Encourage and promote ethical implanta- environment
tion in environment 3. To provide learning and awareness of
5. Prevent and improve conflict of interest consumer in sustainable consumption
in organization that may lead to non ethical imple- 3. Organization must prepare implementa-
mentation in environment tion report which is related to promotion, creation
6. Preparation report of ethical implementa- and interrelation of environmental activity with
tion in environment stakeholder and achievement report for distribu-
2.4 Organization must respect, consider and tion.
respond to stakeholder’s interest in environment
2.5 Organization must follow to environ-
mental laws and provisions
2.6 Organization must respect international
environment implementation n case of law or law
enforcement is not sufficient to protect environ-
ment and the organization must impel to respect
international implementation
2.7 Organization must respect human
rights in term of good environmental condition
and recognize the importance of environment and
international human rights

3. Organization must prepare environmental

implementing report which is communicated to
the public


Practice Guidelines for
Green Industry Criteria

1) Practice Guidelines for Green Industry Level 1:

Green Commitment
Criteria of Green Industry Level 1
1. Organization must define environmental policy covering all commitment related to

(A) Impact Reduction on environment or Prevention Pollution or

(B) Sustainable Resource Use or
(C) Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation or
(D) Protection and Restoration of the Natural Environment

2. Organization must communicate environmental policy to all personnel for acknowledgement

Practice Guidelines for Entrepreneurs

• The policy on environment is top man- • Top Management must define policy on
agement’s official declaration of commitment. Top environment and prepare a written version and sign
management must be sure that the policy environ- in environment policy declaration. For establishing
ment which was issued environment policy, it should emphasize directions
- will be suitable for type, size, impacts of environment impact reduction environment im-
on environment of product activity and services pact protection, sustainable utilization of natural
- will aim at continuous improvement resources climate change mitigation and natural
and protects environment resource protection and restoration
- will comply with law and other regula- • Top management must indicate follow-
tions related to environmental issues up methods in order that everyone working for
- will be in the framework and review the organization understands and can implement
objectives and goals about environment effectively
- will be written, implement and conserve • Organization must inform and com-
- will be informed to all employees in municate policy on environment to public and
the organization or people who work on behalf of neighboring community to show commitment to
the organization environment by using one of appropriate commu-
- can be communicated to public nication tools


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development

2) Practice Guidelines for Green Industry Level 2:

Green Commitment
Criteria of Green Industry Level 1
1. Organization must define environmental policy covering all commitment related to
(A) Impact Reduction on environment or Prevention Pollution or
(B) Sustainable Resource Use or
(C) Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation or
(D) Protection and Restoration of the Natural Environment

Practice Guidelines for Entrepreneurs

• The policy on environment is top • Top Management must define policy on
management’s official declaration of commitment. environment and prepare a written version and sign
Top management must be sure that the policy in environment policy declaration. For establishing
environment which was issued environment policy, it should emphasize directions
- will be suitable for type, size, impacts of environment impact reduction environment
on environment of product activity and services impact protection, sustainable utilization of natural
- will aim at continuous improvement resources climate change mitigation and natural
and protects environment resource protection and restoration
- will comply with law and other regula- • Top management must indicate follow-up
tions related to environmental issues methods in order that everyone working for the
- will be in the framework and review organization understands and can implement
objectives and goals about environment effectively
- will be written, implement and conserve • Organization must inform and com-
- will be informed to all employees in municate policy on environment to public and
the organization or people who work on behalf of neighboring community to show commitment to
the organization environment by using one of appropriate commu-
- can be communicated to public nication tools


Criteria of Green Industry Level 2 (Next)
2. Preparation environmental plan to reduce environmental impact or prevention of pollution
or sustainable and efficient resource utilization or to reduce impact of climate change mitigation and
adaptation and protection and restoration of natural environment, the environmental plan must consist
of objective, target, procedure, responsible person and completed time frame
3. Organization must implement environment plan for achievement

Practice Guidelines for Entrepreneurs

• Organization should review activities in - Indicate completed time frame and
the organization to know which activities affect time frame for each step of operations
environment. Priority order must be considered, - Appoint a responsible person for the
based on the most significant impact on environ- overall plan and responsible persons of each step
ment of operations
• One of activities which have significant - Prepare necessary natural resources
impacts will be chosen to set objectives and goals e.g. equipments, personnel, expenses
in order to reduce impacts on environment - Propose the plan to Authority
• Organization must set up operation plans • Organization must put the plan into prac-
on environmental issues by tice for effective outcomes, and specify monitoring
- Collecting details and data related to system and record system for the outcomes of the
what will affect objectives and goals e.g. problem environment plans
causes, concerned organizations for plan develop- • Top Management should review and
ment improve environment policies according to cir-
- Specify the operations in order to cumstance changes
achieve the objectives and the goals


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development

3) Practice Guidelines for Green Industry Level 3: Green System

Criteria of Green Industry Level 3
1. Environmental Policy
Top management of organization must define environment policy covering commitment to
implement in order to
(A) Reduction environmental impact or prevention of pollution or
(B) Sustainable resource utilization
(C) Reduction impact of climate change mitigation and adaptation or
(D) Protection and restoration of natural environment and communication the environmental
policy to all personnel in organization or working on behalf of organization for acknowledgement

Practice Guidelines for Entrepreneurs

• Organization should review activities - Indicate completed time frame and
in the organization to know which activities time frame for each step of operations
affect environment. Priority order must be con- - Appoint a responsible person for the
sidered, based on the most significant impact on overall plan and responsible persons of each step
environment of operations
• One of activities which have significant - Prepare necessary natural resources
impacts will be chosen to set objectives and goals e.g. equipments, personnel, expenses
in order to reduce impacts on environment - Propose the plan to Authority
• Organization must set up operation plans • Organization must put the plan into
on environmental issues by practice for effective outcomes, and specify
- Collecting details and data related monitoring system and record system for the
to what will affect objectives and goals e.g. outcomes of the environment plans
problem causes, concerned organizations for plan • Top Management should review and
development improve environment policies according to
- Specify the operations in order to circumstance changes
achieve the objectives and the goals


Criteria of Green Industry Level 3 (Next)
2. Planning
(1) Organization must indicate environmental issues caused by activity, product and organization
management and consider the environmental issues that affected significantly impact to environment
(2) Organization must indicate and follow provisions of law and all other provisions concerned
environment which is related to environmental issues
(3) Organization must define environmental objective and target which is consistent to policy,
law and significantly environmental issues
(4) Organization must prepare environmental plan to achieve the set objective and target, the
action plan should consist of responsible description in all level and related organizations as well as
procedures and completed time frame
(5) Organization must implement environmental action plan by distributing and suggesting
the environmental action plan to related personnel for recognition and comprehension to implement
according to defined plan
(6) Organization must follow up implementation of defined environmental plan
(7) Organization must conduct revision of environmental objective, target and plan periodically


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development

Practice Guidelines for Entrepreneurs • Organization must set up the environment

• Organization must plan environmental plan in order to achieve objectives and goals by
management system to be used as guidelines - Collecting details and data related
for systematic and effective environmental to what will affect objectives and goals e.g.
management to solve pollution problems and problem causes, concerned organizations for plan
protect environment. It should focus on principles development
of prevention, rather than symptoms - Specify the operations in order to
• Organization must set up steps of achieve the objectives and the goals
operations to indicate environmental issues - Indicate completed time frame and time
resulting from product activity and services under frame for each step of operations
the scope of environment management. The points - Appoint a responsible person for the
which have significant impacts must be found out overall plan and responsible persons of each step
• Organization must set up steps of of operations
operations and follow up. For the understanding - Prepare necessary natural resources e.g.
of law and other regulations, registration of law equipments, personnel, expenses
and related regulations should be communicated - Propose the plan to Authority
to concerned organization, including updated
regulations or changes on environmental issues of • Organization must put the environment
the organization plans into practice for effective outcomes and
• Organization must set up objectives should inform and explain to concerned people
and goals in compliance with policy, law and for mutual understanding in order to carry out the
significant environmental issues. They must be operations as planned
written. Objectives should be clearly specified. • Organization must specify the follow-up
Goals should be the overall goal and subgoals system and the system to record the results of
should be set for each organization concerned. The environment operations and indicate the progress
goals must consist of the compenents which are report timeframe and summarize the progress of
- Specific operations in comparison with the plan
- Measurable • Top Management should review and
- Achievable improve objectives, goals, environment plans to
- Relevant be suitable with circumstance changes such as
- Time - When the operation results are not as
planned e.g. delay, outcomes are not as planned, no
progress, causes must be analyzed and measures to
solve problems will be set up to revise and improve
action plans.
- For the plan in the future, if product
activity or new services are developed or changed,
environment plans will be revised according to
circumstance changes.


Criteria of Green Industry Level 3 (Next)
3. Implementation
(1) Organization must provide sufficient resource for environmental management
(2) Organization must conduct training to create awareness for personnel in organization or
working on behalf of organization on environmental issues and environmental impact
(3) Organization must define communication channel and method to distribute environmental
information both for internal and external personnel of organization
(4) Organization must provide process of implementation in order to control document which
is defined by environmental management system
(5) Organization must provide process of implementation in order to reduce environmental
impact, to reduce impact of climate change mitigation and adaptation and efficient and sustainable
resource utilization
(6) Organization must provide process of implementation to support emergent or unexpected
situation that affected to environment and community

Practice Guidelines for Entrepreneurs

• Organization must apportion sufficient • Organization must provide operation
resource for management of each environment process to control document by covering document
aspect. To indicate the need of necessary resource approval before use, status of documentation
for environment management system, - Land showing, document distribution to concerned
Structure such as building, place, public utility, people for work, out-of-date documentation
equipment, communication system use protection and appropriate explanation if
- Information System documentation needs to be kept
- Single Skill Training • Organization must provide operation
- Technology process to implement environmental issues to
- Finance, Personnel, Other appropriate monitor operations and avoid mistakes, set up
resources for operation must be considered. operation criteria in operation process, including
• Organization must indicate the need communication to sellers and service providers in
in training related to environment issues and case of product or service purchase from an outside
environment management system as well as organization
training workshop to create awareness to personnel • Organization must provide operation
in organization or working on behalf of the process for indicators of emergent situations or
organization and store related record severe accidents from activities or organizations
• Organization must provide operation which will have impact on environment, and must
steps for communication by specifying information have ways of readiness preparation for protection
that need to be communicated, target group for and mitigation, reducing impact on environment
communication, communication channels, ways from those emergent situations or severe accidents,
of communication and communication assessment organize trainings and repetition to test regularly
efficiency of operation process, revise and improve
operation steps, especially after emergent situations
or accidents occur


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development

Criteria of Green Industry Level 3 (Next)

4. Follow up and evaluation
(1) Organization must provide process of implementation for follow up/monitor environ-
ment quality and parameters used for following up and monitoring, must be verified and maintained
(2) Organization must provide process of implementation to evaluate consistency between
environmental management system and provisions of law during defined time frame
(3) Organization must provide process of implementation to cope with existed environmen-
tal defects or may be occurred by implementing preventive and corrective actions
(4) Organization must indicate, storage, prevent and specify duration of keeping record that
related to environmental implementation
(5) Organization must conduct internal evaluation of environmental management which is
defined periodically to ensure that the environmental management system is implemented efficiently
and conformed to related requirements

Practice Guidelines for Entrepreneurs

• Organization must provide process of • Organization must provide process of
implementation for follow up and assessment of implementation for indication, storage, prevention
operation values which have significant impact and use, and specify duration of keeping record and
on environment, storage data of monitor and destruction record which must be easily read, well
measurement, including equipments for monitor indicated with feedback possibility
and measurement tools which must be verified, • Organization must provide process of
maintained and recorded implementation for internal evaluation to ensure
• Organization must provide process which that the environmental management system is
indicates frequency and methods in evaluating conformed to environment management plans,
consistency between environmental management implement and keep appropriately the plans, which
system and provisions of law and other related consist of the main process: internal evaluation
regulations, evaluate consistency between environ- auditor invitation, internal evaluation plans, internal
mental management system and provisions of law evaluation process, report of internal evaluation
and other related regulations according to defined result, improvement and correction follow-up and
time frame and methods, record evaluation and conclusion for revision by management team
report evaluation result to concerned people
• Organization must provide process of
implementation to cope with existed environmental
defects or may be occurred by implementing
preventive and corrective actions, which cover
communication process of preventive and
corrective actions, basic operations for defects,
cause search and preventive process to avoid
recurrence, revision and improvement, operation
result record


Criteria of Green Industry Level 3 (Next)
5. Revision and system maintaining
Top management of organization must review environmental management system of organiza-
tion to ensure that it is conformed to related provisions of law and the environmental management
system which is appropriately and continuously effectiveness

Practice Guidelines for Entrepreneurs

• Top management of organization must review environmental management system during defined
time frame to ensure that the system is appropriate, sufficient and efficient
• Evaluate opportunity for improvement and necessity of environment management changes,
environment policy and goals on environment
• Revision record storage

4) Practice Guidelines for Green Industry Level 4: Green Culture

Criteria of Green Industry Level 4
1. Organization must have environmental management system as mentioned in Level 3 all

Practice Guidelines for entrepreneurs

• Organization must set up environment management system of the ISO 14001 standard or


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development

Criteria of Green Industry Level 4 (Next)

2. Organization must create organization culture in environment and implement it effectively
by covering criteria of standard of corporate social responsibility ISO 26000 as follow
2.1 Organization must be responsible for its impact to environment by:
1. Impact of decision making and implementation of organization to social and environ-
ment, especially significantly negative impact
2. Implement preventive action for unintentionally negative impact to avoid recurrence

Practice Guidelines for Entrepreneurs

• Organization must have process for • Organization must define methods in
building organizational culture and implement evaluating impacts from decision and operations
effectively. Samples of organizational culture of organization on community and environment,
building process are especially significant negative impacts
- Process to inculcate common belief to • Organization must evaluate significant
personnel in organization on organization’s ability negative impacts on community and environment
in reducing impacts on environment, climate in case of decision on product/service development
change mitigation, natural resource sustainable and/or improvement machine/equipment
use production process venue business strategy
- Process in creating value and awareness • Organization must provide action plans or
on environment measures for handling and preventing significant
- Activities to promote personnel partici- negative effects
pation which will reflect value demonstration on • Organization must review and verify
environment regularly measures for significant effect prevention
- Practice guidelines to keep behavior which to ensure that it is still appropriate with situation
will become organizational culture in environmen- change
tal concern • In case of operation mistakes, organization
- Method set up for evaluating the persistence must set up appropriately measures to correct
of organizational culture the mistakes and avoid recurrence, and record
operation results


Criteria of Green Industry Level 4 (Next)
2.2 Organization must have transparency in decision making and operation which affect
environment. Organization must reveal it clearly, correctly and completely by
1. Affected persons from organization’s implementation can access directly to information
source which is easy to understand
2. Updated information for appropriate time, being fact, clear and reliable, related persons can
evaluate precisely

Practice Guidelines for Entrepreneurs

• Organization must indicate clearly • Organization must prepare information
stakeholders of each part, including impacts on system in order that affected persons can get access
stakeholders of each part for instance staff and directly and it is easy to understand. Moreover,
family, stockholders, suppliers, sub contractors, information system must be appropriate with time
dealers, customers, public sector, community frame, facts. Presentation must be clear and reliable
• Organization must classify information in order that stakeholders of each part can evaluate
system about impacts and inform stakeholders of correctly effects from decision and operations of
each part the organization
• Organization must provide process of
operations to ensure that information system is
up-to-date and accurate


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development

Criteria of Green Industry Level 4 (Next)

2.3 Organization must provide promotion for ethical implementation in environment seriously by
1. Announcement to define environmental value and criteria of organization clearly
2. Implement with respect to management structure that supported ethical operation in
environment in organization
3. Provide supervised and controlled mechanisms to follow up, promote and enforce for ethical
implantation in environment
4. Encourage and promote ethical implantation in environment
5. Prevent and improve conflict of interest in organization that may lead to non ethical
implementation in environment
6. Preparation report of ethical implementation in environment

Practice Guidelines for Entrepreneurs

• Organizational culture must be based • Organization must define and preserve the
on fundamental values about honesty, equality system to stimulate and promote regularly ethical
and justice. These values include concern on implementation on environmental issues
community and environment and determination for • Organization must define and preserve the
dealing with effects which result from decision and system to prevents and corrects conflict of interest
operations of organization toward stakeholders’ which will lead to non-ethical implantation
benefits • Organization must define and preserve the
• Organization must have indicators and system which will help for ethical and non-ethical
define organization’s values and principles on implementation report without any fear of being
environmental issues threatened
• Organization must set up management
structure to promote ethical implementation
on environment in the organization, including
decision making process and relationships building
with other organizations


Criteria of Green Industry Level 4 (Next)
2.4 Organization must respect, consider and respond to stakeholder’s interest in environment

Practice Guidelines for Entrepreneurs

• Organization must respect, consider, take • Organization must give importance to
action in response to benefits of stakeholders of some stakeholders who are affected significantly
the organization although objectives of the orga- by operations of the organization
nization are restricted in response only to owner’ • Organization must evaluate and take into
benefits. Members, customers or association of account relationships building of stakeholders for
which organization is a member. However, rights following up the relationships and their influence
to request benefits for individuals or group of on the organization
people must be considered as individual or group • Organization must take into account rela-
of people are stakeholders of the organization tionships building of stakeholders and expectation
• Organization must indicate stakeholders from society/community and sustainable develop-
• Organization must give importance and ment
pay attention to benefits as well as legal rights of
stakeholders in response to concerns

Criteria of Green Industry Level 4 (Next)

2.5 Organization must follow to environmental laws and provisions

Practice Guidelines for Entrepreneurs

• Organization must indicate and collect • Organization must define and preserve the
laws and regulations and provisions on environ- follow up system in order to know matters of law
mental issues for which organization must be responsible
• Organization must follow all provisions • Organization must define and preserve
of law which cover operations of the organization the system used to review obedience to law and
although those law and provisions are not enforced provisions which are related to the organization
appropriately during defined time frame
• Organization must have a system to ensure
that sector with which organization has relations
carry out operations in the frame of law


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development

Criteria of Green Industry Level 4 (Next)

2.6 Organization must respect international environment implementation in case of law or
law enforcement is not sufficient to protect environment and the organization must impel to respect
implementation of international standard

Practice Guidelines for Entrepreneurs

• Organization must respect implementation • Organization must consider opportuni-
of international standard and rules of law ties and channels in law to invite organizations
• In case that law or law process is not and sectors responsible for related laws to solve
sufficient for protecting environment or society, conflicts
organization must put forward the respect for • Organization must avoid misconduct with
international practice guidelines at a minimum other organizations in operations which do not
• In case that law or legal process contradicts follow international practice guidelines
international practice guidelines, organization must
put forward the respect for international practice
guidelines most widely possible

Criteria of Green Industry Level 4 (Next)

2.7 Organization must respect human rights in term of good environmental condition and
recognize the importance of environment and international human rights

Practice Guidelines for Entrepreneurs

• Organization must indicate and collect • In the situation where human rights are not
laws related to human rights concerning environ- protected, organization must take action in order
mental issues that human rights are respected. Organization must
• Organization must define and conserve the avoid getting profits from these situations
system which enhances human rights and accep- • In the situation where law and use of law
tance of human rights importance and universality enforcement are still not appropriate to protect hu-
• Organization must define and conserve the man rights, organization must follow the principles
system which enhances respect and promotion of of respect for international norms of behavior
law concerning human rights, especially which are
related to environmental issues


Criteria of Green Industry Level 4 (Next)
3. Organization must prepare environmental implementing report which is communicated to
the public

Practice Guidelines for Entrepreneurs • Organization must prepare a report on

• Organization must indicate and collect results of operations in environment issues to
information on results of operations in environment communicate to public, which might be included
issues in organization annual report or through electronic
• Organization must have process to decide communication channels
which information must be communicated to pub-

5) Practice Guidelines for Green Industry Level 5:

Green Network
Criteria of Green Industry Level 5
1. Organization must provide environmental management system and creation organization
culture with respect to Green Industry criteria of Level 4 in all aspects

Practice Guidelines for Entrepreneurs

• Organization must be accredited green industry, level 4 from Committee of Green Industry
Promotion and Development


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development

Criteria of Green Industry Level 5 (Next)

2. Organization must implement promotion, creation and interrelation of environmental activity
with stakeholder throughout supply chain, community and consumer with substantial achievement and
to develop continuously and sustainably by:
1. To promote supply chain that leading to Green Industry and implement effectively by
operating throughout supply chain and to develop continuously and sustainably
2. To promote community participation, community development and cooperate with
community in encouraging awareness and promote earning, good understanding in sustainable con-
sumption by emphasis and attention to environment
3. To provide learning and awareness of consumer in sustainable consumption

Practice Guidelines for Entrepreneurs

• Organization must indicate stakeholders • Organization must set up plans to promote
of organization operations people in the supply chain who do not deliver
• Organization must define and preserve the directly product and service to organization, but
system in promoting, creating and interrelating through someone else, and also wholesaler and
activities on environment issues with stakeholders retailer to participate in environment activities for
• Organization must prepare a project or continuous improvement and sustainable develop-
plan related activities on environment issues with ment
stakeholders of the organization according to • Organization must set up projects or plans
capacity and readiness of stakeholders in environ- operations related to promotion, creation and
ment activity participation interrelation of activities on environment issues
• Organization must define and preserve the with community who is affected organization’
system which helps supply chain of the organiza- operations for creating awareness on environment
tion to become green industry. It must include at and understanding of sustainable consumption
least suppliers, subcontractors and service provid- • Organization must have activities or
ers procedures to develop knowledge and create
• Organization must set up projects or op- understanding and awareness on sustainable con-
eration plans related to promotion, creation and sumption to consumers who are group customers
interrelation of activities on environment issues of Trade Agency or organization’s product users
with supply chain of the organization. It must in-
clude at least suppliers, subcontractors and service


Criteria of Green Industry Level 5 (Next)
3. Organization must prepare implementation report which is related to promotion, creation
and interrelation of environmental activity with stakeholder and achievement report for distribution.

Practice Guidelines for Entrepreneurs

• Organization must collect information • Organization must prepare a report on
on results of operations related to promotion, results of operations to show successful outcomes
creation and interrelation of activities on envi- of operation
ronment issues with stakeholders of supply chain, • Organization must define ways of operation
community and consumers diffusion

Guidelines and Assessment Framework of Green Industry Level

5, Green Network (Supplementary)
● Components of assessment are divided into 2 parts
1. Assessment by Green Industry Auditors

 Assess consistency of green industry Assessment Criteria Assessment Results

criteria which covers supply chain, community must be judged “pass” by both auditors and
and consumers neighboring communities
2. Assessment by Communities ● Scope of Suppliers Only first tier will be
 Neighboring community: population considered as follow
living in the organization/establishment ‘s neigh- Establishment will conduct supplier risk
borhood assessment according to international standard or
 Methods: Questionnaire will be sent to definitions of Ministry of Industry which consist
each local government to conduct. The survey of 3 groups as follow
must not be conducted directly in the establishment
 Sample Size 50 persons minimum for 1. Group of High Impact on Environment
each local government , in total not less than 200 - Establishments in the country which are
samples. Random sampling is conducted under class 1,2 and 3 factories must be all accredited
statistical principles “level 2” or above from the Ministry of Industry
 Means of satisfaction from the survey will - Establishment in a foreign country or
not be less than 70% establishments in the country which are not class
1,2 and 3 factories must provide assessment
evidence of the applicants showing that it is in
compliance with green industry criteria of level
2 or above


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development

2. Group of Medium Impact on ● Levels of Impact on Environment must

Environment be considered from
- Establishments in the country which are - Severity : 3 levels of severity ( low,
class 1,2 and 3 factories must be all accredited level medium and high)
1 and have planned to be accredited green industry, - Opportunity which will have an impact
level 2 minimum within 1 year on 3 levels : low medium and high
- Establishment in a foreign country or
establishments in the country which are not class ● Risk Assessment Method
1,2 and 3 factories must provide assessment Risk Assessment is a step which indicates
evidence of the applicants showing that it is in risk levels of all dangers related to work activities
compliance with green industry criteria of level 1 which cover place, machines, equipments,
and have planned to be accredited green industry, personnel and work process. This may cause
level 2 minimum within 1 year injures/sickness, property damage, damage on
3. Group of Low Impact on Environment environment or combined consequences. Supplier
- Establishments in the country which are distribution should be based on academic principles
class 1,2 and 3 factories have a plan to obtain in international standard of risk assessment or
accreditation of level 2 minimum within 3 years standards that Ministry of Industry approved.
- Establishment in a foreign country or
establishments in the country which are not class
1,2 and 3 factories must provide assessment
evidence of the applicants showing that they have
a plan to obtain accreditation of level 2 minimum
within 3 years


Process of Green Industry
Accreditation Grant

Process of green industry accreditation grant

Entrepreneurs Application Submission

Application Registration

Document Review

Not approved

Call for Correction

Level 1 to 3
Provincial Industrial Officer or Central
Office is authorized to certify the Green Issue Certificate
Industry by considering application
form and submitted document.

Level 4 to 5
The Green Industry’s certifying
sub-committed is authorized to certify
the Green Industry thru document and Publication
on-site assessment


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development

• Accreditation Consideration
Level 1 to 3 (Assigned organizations) Applicant: must submit a certifying document or
Provincial Industry Office/ Green Industry activity certificate as below
Promotion and Development Office are the (1) In case that the certifying document or
assessors who consider qualifications from certificate mentioning the expiry date, it must be
documents and the application form still valid on the day of application submission
(2) In case that the certifying document or
** Green Industry Promotion and Develop- certificate without the expiry date, a document/
ment Office issues accreditation certification and evidence to show that the organization is still
processes as follow carrying on environment operations must be pro-
(1) Issue green industry certifications vided
according to the levels obtained
(2) Propose to the Permanent Secretary to 2. In case that applicants do not get accredited
consider the approval for projects/activities which were granted for
(3) Register accredited organizations in level 2 by the sub-committee of green industry
the list accreditation
(4) Send the certificate to accredited
organizations and a copy to the assigned Applicant: must submit documents as below
(1) Documents of environment policy
announcement and evidence showing
Documents that applicants must submit in communication on environment policy such as
order to obtain accreditation level 1 meeting minutes, photos, board announcement
or others
1. Documents of environment policy (2) Environment plans which are related to
announcement environment policy as stated in (1)
2. Evidence showing communication on (3) Document, evidence, outcomes of
environment policy such as meeting minutes, operation of at least an activity/project
photos, board announcement or others
Documents that applicants must submit for
Documents that applicants must submit in green industry accreditation application
order to obtain accreditation level 2 level 2
1. In case that applicants get accredited for Certifying document or activity certificate
projects/activities which were granted accreditation showing that the Sub-committee of green industry
of level 2 by the sub-committee of green industry accreditation granted level 3:
accreditation (1) In case that the certifying document or
certificate mentioning the expiry date, it must be
still valid on the day of application submission
(2) In case that the certifying document or
certificate without the expiry date or the date is
already expired, a document/evidence to show that
the organization is still carrying on environment
operations must be provided


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development

Documents that applicants must submit for Documents that applicants must submit for
green industry accreditation application green industry accreditation application
level 4 level 5
1. Green industry level 3 certificate or 1. In case that the organization get accredited
certifying document or project/activity certificate level 4, the following documents must be submitted
showing that the Sub-committee of green industry (1) Certifying document of green industry
accreditation granted level 3 level 4
2. Report on operations related to organiza- (2) Report on promotion, creation and
tional behavior for environment building interrelation of environmental activity with
3. Report on environment operations, which stakeholders and summary report of outcomes for
is communicated to public diffusion
2. In case that the organization do not get
accredited level 4, the following documents must
be submitted
(1) Certifying document of green industry
level 3 or certifying document or project/activity
certificate showing that the Sub-committee of
green industry accreditation granted level 3
(2) Report on operations related to orga-
nizational behavior for environment building
(3) Report on environment operations,
which is communicated to public

Marks Project /Activity title which was accredited for level 1, level 2 and level 3
can be checked on
* Accreditation consideration
For Level 4 and level 5, the sub-committee of green industry accreditation is
the accreditation assessor.
The Assessment will be conducted on site
** Central Administration of Provincial Industry Office is the organization
which issues certification and processes as follow:
(1) Issue green industry certifications according to the levels obtained
(2) Propose to the Permanent Secretary to consider the approval
(3) Register accredited organizations in the list
(4) Send the certificate to accredited organizations and a copy to the assigned


Criteria and Conditions of
Green Industry Accreditation

The Ministry of Industry gives service on 6.1 Scope

green industry accreditation as the objectives are
This document determines levels of green
to promote, support and put forward organizations,
industry, definitions and applicants’ qualifications,
industrial establishments, factories or mining es-
condition certification, follow-up, new assessment,
tablishment of Thailand to succeed sustainably in
accreditation repeal, cancellation of accreditation,
management of impact on environment, impact
appeal, petition, argument, confidentiality, change
on climate mitigation, efficient and sustainable
notification and others, including accreditation ap-
use of natural resources. Operations of Ministry
plication form, how to demonstrate green industry
of Industry accreditation aims at helping and
label in the appendix
stimulating and improving to upper level on envi-
ronmental management and putting continuously
6.2 Green Industry Levels
into practice in order to be productive and effective
Green Industry has 5 levels as follow

Level 1 Green Commitment means organization which has commitment demonstrated

by policy, goals and action plans to reduce environmental impacts, and effective
organizational internal communication

Level 2 Green Activity means organization which carries on activities in compliance

with policy, goals and plans which have been set to reduce substantially
environmental impacts as commitment states

Level 3 Green System means organization which has systematic environmental

management including follow-up, assessment and revision aimed to continuous
development as well as receiving a widely-recognized award on environment
and accreditations on a variety of environments

Level 4 Green Culture means organization which has cooperation of employee in all
level organization to implement friendly environment in all aspects of business
operation until it becomes a part of organization culture

Level 5 Green Network means organization which demonstrates network extension

throughout green demand chains by promotion business partners and allies
entering into accredited green industry process


6.3 Applicant’s qualifications 3) When sub-committee or head of the
Applicants must have the following quali- central administration of the sector or head of
fications local office consider for approval, the Ministry of
- Juristic persons or person who obtained Industry will issue an accreditation certificate by
permit for factory operation, mine resources of (3.1) Certificate as shown in Appendix 7.3
patent permit or establishment having business (3.2) Certificate with duration of accredita-
registration in industry or mine operation tion as follow
- whose accreditation was cancelled, un- • Accreditation Certificate of Green Industry
less it occurred more than 6 months Level 1 duration of one year
- who work in compliance with related • Accreditation Certificate of Green Industry
laws Level 2 duration of 2 years
• Accreditation Certificate of Green Industry
6.4 Accreditation Level 3, 4 and 5 duration of 3 years
(3.3) It cannot be transferred to others
1) Applicant must submit the application
form to the Ministry of Industry by using the model 4) Accreditation label must be shown as
of green industry accreditation application form, stated in Appendix 7.4
as stated in the appendix 2.7 with evidences and
documents mentioned 6.5 Conditions of Accredited Persons

2) When the Ministry of Industry receive Accredited persons must follow these
the application form, the process will be document following conditions
verification/assessment for obtaining green 1) Accredited persons must preserve
industry accreditation as follow activity/system which was certified according to
2.1) Consider application form and details green industry criteria of each level for the entire
of the applicant. If there are some details to be duration of accreditation
improved, the applicant will be notified by written 2) Accredited persons can refer to level
statement. obtained only
2.2) In case of accreditation application of 3) If accredited persons modify significantly
green industry level1 to level 3, officers working activity or system, the Ministry of Industry must
in the central administration of the sector or officers be informed
working in local office 4) If accredited persons transfer business
will be assigned to process document or place, accreditation certificate will be
verification according to the criteria of green automatically expired. Accredited persons must
industry, level 1 or level 2 or level 3 as per inform the Ministry of Industry to request anew for
request and will summarize results of document accreditation assessment and sub-committee’s ap-
verification to head of the central administration of proval and cancellation of the former accreditation
the sector or head of local office who is assigned certificate.
to approve the accreditation 5) Certification or logo must not be misused
2.3) In case of the accreditation application which will cause misunderstanding.
of green industry, level 4 or level 5, a committee 6) Accredited persons must stop the adver-
will be appointed to process accreditation assess- tisement by printing media related to accreditation
ment of green industry level 4 or level 5 as per when it was repealed or cancelled for any reason.
request, and summarize the result of the assessment 7) Accredited persons must clearly identify
to sub-committee for approval to customers that certificate or accreditation
granted does not include approval from the


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development

Ministry of Industry for products or service. 4) Accreditation Renewal

8) Accredited persons must collaborate with (1) Certificate of Green Industry level 1
the Ministry of Industry for each assessment cannot be renewed at the same level
9) Accredited persons must submit docu- (2) Certificate of Green Industry level 2
ments and evidences to the Ministry of Industry can be renewed at the same level, but the green
when requested. industry operations must not be the same as the
10) Accredited persons must set up standards former accreditation
and prepare safety equipment necessary for (3) Certificate of Green Industry level 3 to
personnel of the Ministry of Industry for each 5 can be renewed at the same level
assessment for their safety while working.
11) Accredited persons must prepare all 5. The Ministry of Industry will process the
complaint records and results regarding the com- renewal. The new assessment must be notified by
plaints which are related to accredited activity or written in advance for not less than 90 days before
system, and must submit the complaints and the the expiry date by accredited persons.
results to the Office when requested.
12) If accredited persons wish to terminate 6.7 Accreditation Repeal
accreditation, the Ministry of Industry must be
If accredited persons cannot assure activity
informed in advance, not less than 90 days by
or environment management system as accredited
and/or did not follow regulations and conditions,
the Sub-Committee may consider for accreditation
6.6 Follow-up and accreditation renewal
repeal for one of these following reasons:
1) The Ministry of Industry must follow up (1) Accredited persons did not follow
accredited activity or system of each level at least regulations and conditions that the Sub-
once a year or at appropriate frequency. When Committee specified
the follow-up period is reached, if accredited (2) Accredited persons do not follow the
persons do not allow to be assessed, the Ministry significant criteria of the green industry level which
of Industry may terminate accreditation. was obtained
2) The Ministry of Industry may conduct the (3) Accredited received a complaint and
assessment before its usual assessment period for the Sub-Committee agree that it will affect the
these following cases accreditation
(1) Any doubt on environment manage-
ment deterioration which does not comply with
level of accreditation obtained
(2) Any significant change which affects
the activity and the procedures of accredited
persons for example major change in structure of
the organization
(3) When complaint or information
is verified and it is found out that accredit persons
do not follow these present regulations and
3) For the follow-up assessment, the entire
activity or system can be checked or partially as
per suitability.


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development

6.8 Accreditation Cancellation 6.10 Confidentiality

Accreditation will be cancelled because of The Ministry of Industry will treat confi-
one of these following reasons dentially information, documents received from
1) Accredited persons ceased business applicants or accredited persons, but will not
2) Accredited persons are bankrupted be responsible for any damage on applicants or
3) Accredited [persons request cancellation accredited persons which results from information
by written disclosed by others, except by the Ministry.
4) The Ministry of Industry announces
modification or cancellation of criteria of green 6.11 Change Notifications
industry level which was obtained
1) In case that criteria and conditions related
5) Accredited persons did not allow the
to accreditation are modified, the Ministry of
Ministry of Industry to conduct the assessment
Industry will notify the changes to applicants or
follow-up within 30 days counting from the due
concerned people.
date of the follow-up as informed in the letter of
2) Accredited persons must ensure
the Ministry of Industry
improvement in order to comply with new criteria
and conditions within a specified time frame.
6.9 Petition, Appeal and Argument
The Ministry of Industry will then reassess the
1) Any petition to decision or any process improvement.
which has an impact on applicants or accredited
persons 6.12 Others
2) Applicants or accredited persons can
1) The Ministry of Industry will not be
submit a petition request within 30 days, starting
responsible for any misuse of accreditation or
from the day where the Ministry of Industry
non-respect of specified criteria or conditions
informs the result or the progress. It must be a
2) The Sub-Committee will consider for
written request submitted to the Sub-Committee.
issuing a new accreditation to accredited persons
(1) The Ministry of Industry will appoint the
for the following cases:
committee which consists of a group of people to
(1) Accreditation certificate reaches its
consider the petition and inform the result within
expiry date and the rules stated in 6.6 have been
60 days, starting from the day where the Ministry
of Industry receives the petition.
(2) Accreditation certificate is damaged or
(2) During the petition process, the former
judgment is still applied.
(3) Accredited persons change their name
(3) The determination of petition is the final
and it will not affect the accredited management
(4) Person who submits the petition will be
A new certificate obtained under (2) and
responsible for expenses of the petition, except
(3) will have the same expiry date as its former.
the petition rising from the Ministry of Industry’s
3) The Ministry of Industry will publish
the list of accredited persons on the website of the
3) Appeal and Argument
Ministry of Industry and the sectors controlled by
Appeal and argument must be submitted in
the Ministry.
written to the Ministry of Industry or the chairman
of sub-committee who will process accordingly to
find out a conclusion .


Sample of the
Green Industry
Form and Certificates


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development


Demonstration Ways of
Green Industry
Accreditation Logo

1. Green industry accreditation logo belongs 5. The green industry accreditation logo
to the Ministry of Industry. The form, the must be used only with products or services related
proportion must be as stated below. The logo must to accredited activities. If there are other products
be in an appropriate size and must be in green only. or services included, it should be mentioned that
2. Only accredited persons can show the accreditation does not cover these products.
green industry accreditation logo. 6. The green industry accreditation logo on
3. The green industry accreditation logo must products or packages must not lead to miscommu-
be shown with level and number of accreditation nication that it is for accrediting products.
which are clearly readable. The logo and the text
must be in green.
4. The green industry accreditation logo
can be used only for advertisement and sales


Guidelines for Industrial
Sector Improvement
following the 11th
National Economic and
Social Development Plan

Guidelines for Industrial preparation for new economic area development by

specifying zones for industry development of each
Sector Improvement area to be suitable with the size of community and
Industrial sector improvement aims at the carrying capacity of each area. It will provide
changing the industry structure into a structure information on pollution carrying capacity of each
with quality and sustainability by emphasizing area to be used as standard of industry development
on science, technology and creativity application to be balanced with area and community.
towards green industry and low carbon. It is based 2) Developing and promoting agro-processing
on creative and environmental friendly knowledge industry and new industries, based on knowledge,
for well-balanced and sustainable development by creativity, local wisdom and innovation to increase
1) Developing the ecology industry and the value and improve products’ quality to be
restoring continuously the environment of main environmentally friendly and safe, in compliance
industrial estates of the country by creating with the international standard. Marketing oppor-
awareness on industry living with its community. tunities will be increased, following the number
It promotes collaboration of private sector, of world population by promoting the development
community, educational institutes and public sector group forming in form of cluster, collaboration
in development, from setting up the guideline frame network will be built and linked to enterprise or
for developing standards of important components other businesses, and concerned sectors, including
of ecology industry, measures for management in research promotion and production and product
environment and natural resource quality and im- processing development.
pacts on health of people living in concerned areas,
to having an environment alert center in the con-
cerned areas, setting up the measures for the private
sector’s investment in restoring environment with
the community and the government sector in form
of promoting activities for society. It also includes


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development

3) Increasing productivity and efficiency of Good Collaboration Enhancement between

the industrial sector by developing fundamental Countries in Supporting Ethically the
factors which help increase efficiency and Economic Growth without Impact on
production standards. Supporting the applica- Environment
tion use of science, technology and innovation 1) Process following the frame of
to increase industrial product value in order to environment collaboration at sub-region level
reduce imported products from overseas, including e.g. environment action plan and biodiversity
collaboration between public sector, private sector, under the collaboration framework of Mae Khong
educational institutes and specialized training Sub-Region of 6 countries and collaboration in
centers to equip the personnel with skills, creativity Mae Khong sustainable development and at region
and knowledge. level e.g. Agreement in the ASEAN Ministerial
4) Promoting and supporting the link Meeting on the environment, as well as commit-
between building the big industry estate and the ment between countries on the environment
local industry and spreading industry development 2) Promoting production and consumption
to local areas by building the link among medium, of products and services which help reduce green-
small enterprise and OTOP entrepreneurs and the house gas emission, pollution, inefficient natural
big industrial sector through supply chain, as well resource use and impacts on environment e.g. green
as promoting medium and small enterprise where industry expansion, alternative energy, low-carbon
technology and innovation are used, in parallel production, efficient water management by
with business matching for common technology spreading knowledge on efficient and appropriate
and innovation development. technology use and low cost, motivation in the
private sector, partnership collaboration building
between public and private sectors.


Industrial Standard
Products following
Sufficiency Economy of
Industrial Sector
(TIS 9999 No.1-2556)
Guidelines for Sufficiency Economy of 3. Planning
Industrial Sector Integration in a Whole The organization should have a plan to
Organization implement, by defining clearly authority and
responsibility, monitor, assess and review and
1. General
improve appropriately to support operations on
In order to implement efficiently the
sufficiency economy and comply with capacity of
guidelines for Sufficiency economy of Industrial
management of the organization. The organiza-
sector, top management should have a role in
tion should
leading the organization to use continuously the
(1) Assess capacity at present and in the
guidelines to plan, implement, monitor, assess
future of the organization, including readiness on
and improve.
staff, procedures, technology, budget by consid-
In order to show the faith in philosophy
ering history and origin of the organization and
of sufficiency economy and commitment to use
the area where business is conducted, as well as
productively the guidelines of sufficiency economy
philosophy, vision, mission, value of business
in the industrial sector, top management should be
operations of the organization
a role model and
(2) Define strategy to support principles of
guidelines for sufficiency economy in industrial
2. Organisation
sector and policy on sufficiency economy of the
(1) Planning directions of the organization
organization, by considering internal and external
by integrating sufficiency economy in industrial
environment. This includes the need and expecta-
sector as a part of philosophy, vision, mission,
tion of stakeholders, factors of success and failure
value, strategy, culture, structure and all processes
of the industry in the past, at present and in the
and communication to the personnel of the organi-
future and uncertainty of the future, social, technol-
zation to ensure understanding and efficient work
ogy, economy, environment, political, rule changes
(2) Ensure that the personnel of the
inside and outside the country
organization has a unity and take part in practicing
(3) Plan and specify strategic goals which
sufficiency economy in industrial sector
can be assessed at all levels of the organization
(3) Provide personnel, technology, method,
and persons
budget, sufficient equipments which are necessary
(4) Manage strategic risks, including
for work and ensure that natural resources and local
specifying indicators of risk management
wisdom are used productively and efficiently
(4) Ensure that the organization follows laws
(5) Communicate strategy, strategic goals,
and conduct a business with transparency
policy and risks to the personnel in the organization
and moral
in order that they will understand and implement
(5) Review the results of sufficiency
economy operations during a defined time frame
and use the results to improve and plan next


4. Implementation 4.2 Economy
Organization controls operations in dif- The organization should
ferent aspects e.g. personnel, economy, society (1) build or conduct a secure business by
and environment in order to comply with defined exploiting the main capacities of the organization.
strategies, strategic goals and policy on sufficiency (2) consider profit sharing-based compensa-
economy. tion in short and long terms in order that all partsof
Organization should specify channels and the organization get appropriate and fair benefits.
communication tools inside and outside the orga- (3) expand or invest on business in
nization concerning operation, outcome and result accordance with financial status of organization,
of the efficient implementation. by considering capacity of debt coverage and other
bindings and risks of the organization and partners’
4.1 Personnel in short and long terms.
The personnel should (4) use and develop appropriately the
(1) organize a staff training or other possessed technology, be able to manage in
operations to make them understand philosophy accordance with organization’s need, its environ-
of sufficiency economy ment, geography and society.
(2) Create awareness and form the staff (5) promote development and transfer
to be economical, patient, diligent, disciplined, advanced and modern technology, including
self-independent, fair, kind-hearted, generous and selection of important and useful parts to be
honest adjusted according to organization’s need and
(3) Support the personnel for knowledge, environment
theory and new concepts to develop their own (6) study management science and advanced
potential and the organization’s in adaptability and modern technology, including selection of
and response to new changes, and have the balance important and useful parts to be adjusted according
between career and living to organization’s need and environment
(4) Enhance the balance between the (7) give supports to create a good atmosphere
quality of working life of the personnel and their to enhance all staff’s creativity which will lead to
family and readiness preparation for retirement innovation creation and development
living, including saving since working age, health (8) create innovation on production factors,
care, good family building, network building for products, procedures, technology, organization or
socialization after retirement, preparation for the management which are useful and comply with
costs after retirement e.g. ability to conduct the strategy and lead to sustainability of the organiza-
living, preparation for making a living. tion and society
(5) Support the personnel for knowledge and (9) enhance innovation development from
understanding of natural resource and ecological wisdom of the organization, community and
system utility, including soil, water, forest and society. It may be developed by collaboration of
ecological diversity for developing mind, living community, experts, business networks, consumer
existence and interdependence organization, public sector and other sectors.


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development

4.3 Society 5. Monitor, assessment and revision

Organization should Organization should define methods,
(1) study history, tradition and culture of monitor, assess and review operations according
community and society where organization is to the stated time frame to show that
located, as well as preservation and restoration of (1) operation of the organization complies
good tradition and culture to keep them last with stated strategies, objectives and policy
(2) promote activities which lead to unity of (2) operation of the organization complies
organization, community and society. with guidelines of sufficiency economy of the
(3) participate, with experts, business industrial sector
network, consumer organization, public sector (3) stated strategies, objectives and policy
and other sectors accordingly, in knowledge and are still appropriate for changes of internal and
resource sharing for strength and self-dependency. external environment
(4) promote and support labor use and (4) there are protection and solution measures
production factors in community and society for in case that operations have tendency not to comply
mutual help with policy, strategy, objectives and guidelines of
(5) share knowledge and promote imple- sufficiency economy of the industrial sector
mentation of sufficiency economy philosophy in
community and society 6. Improvement
Organization should improve, develop and
4.4 Environment expand systematically and continuously operations
Organization should following guidelines of sufficiency economy in the
(1) use resources worthily by taking into industrial sector through policy, strategy, objective,
account resource acquisition and maximum monitor, assessment and revision of protection and
utility from raw material provision, utility and solution operations, or personnel and partner’s
waste management, and consider impact on next participation
(2) acknowledge and show impacts on
environment from organization’s operation, and
seek knowledge or new methods to reduce and
eliminate impacts on environment
(3) develop products and environmentally-
friendly procedures and avoid production which
lacks management or pollution protection
(4) use efficiently and productively energy,
study alternative energy in order to apply it to
organization’s business operation.
(5) define ways of systematic water manage-
ment which covers provision, monitor, treatment
and drainage without destroying natural water
sources, and consider utility for business operation
of community and society.
(6) participate in conservation, development
and restoration of soil, water and forest which are
fundamental for living of community and society.


Dr.Witoon’s Support Team (WTST)

1. Dr. Witoon Simachokedee

2. Dr. Decha Chatutananant
3. Mr. Chatchawan Jittiruangkiat
4. Mr. Sawat Likitprayoonpong
5. Dr. Sirakarn Leungsakul
6. Mrs. Duangkamol Suriyachat
7. Dr. Satid Terdkiatikul
8. Dr. Tarnkamol Tarvornpanich
9. Mr. Tinnawat Kaewsawee
10. Mr. Boonsiri Angkurat
11. Dr. Jutharat Ahchawarattaworn
12. Ms. Arunya Kotchan
13. Mr. Thana Alapach
14. Ms. Natthaya Netayasubha
15. Dr. Artite Pattanapongchai
16. Mrs. Siripen Kusalanon


The Guideline for
Green Industry
Promotion and Development

Green Industry Assessment



1.Green Industry Manual 4th Edition (in Thai) , May 2556
2.ISO 14001:2004: Environmental Management Systems - Requirements with Guidance for Use.
Geneva: ISO, 2004.
3. ISO 26000 : 2010 Guidance On Social Responsibility. Geneva: ISO, 2010.


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