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European Journal of Education Studies

ISSN: 2501 - 1111

ISSN-L: 2501 - 1111
Available on-line at: www.oapub.org/edu

doi: 10.5281/zenodo.2600513 Volume 5 │ Issue 12│ 2019



Aminuddin Prahatama Putra,
Atiek Winarti
Lambung Mangkurat University,
Banjarmasin, Indonesia

The low level of creative thinking skills is due to the absence of student worksheet
which can be used to explore students' creative potential. This research aims to produce
the Ecology concept student worksheet using mind map strategies to improve students'
creative thinking skills. This study uses two stages of the Plomp development research
model, namely the preliminary stage and the prototype stage, while the assessment
phase is not carried out. The research subjects in the field test were 16 students of class
X natural science 2 in SMA Negeri 12 Banjarmasin. Data collection uses performance
instruments creative thinking skills. Descriptive quantitative data analysis. The results
of the study show that: The developed student worksheet is effective. For the results of
testing the effectiveness of class X natural science 2 data obtained for fluency indicators
71.56% (high), flexibility 77.43% (high), authenticity 75.50 (high), specifying 73.93%
(high) and indicators assessing 82.81% (high). The conclusion is that the ecological
concept student worksheet using the mind map strategy developed is effective for
training students' creative thinking skills.

Keywords: learning result, creative thinking skill, student worksheet, mind mapping

1. Introduction

Biology is one of the subjects taught from high school to college to equip students with
the ability to think logically, analytically, systematically, creatively and the ability to
cooperate. Students are educated to be creative so that they are not only consumers of
knowledge but also able to produce new knowledge. For this reason, the teacher's role
is required in preparing the material, processing the learning process and assessing
student competencies according to curriculum demands (Silvia et al., 2015). Based on
the reality in the field, the assessment in measuring the ability to think creatively in
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Masliani, Aminuddin Prahatama Putra, Atiek Winarti

Biology is still not optimal. Thinking skills are capital that must be possessed by
students as a provision in facing social development and knowledge in the community
(Priantini, 2016).
Changes in the curriculum have the essence to improve the learning process.
Educators are required to be able to provide knowledge, attitudes, and skills through
learning pattern strategies in the 21st century (Hosnan, 2014). The 21st-century learning
methods must be directed to encourage students to seek information from various
sources, formulate and solve problems, train analytical thinking/decision making, and
emphasize collaboration and collaboration in solving problems.
Indonesia has the 2013 Curriculum which explicitly includes attitudes/characters
as competencies that must be achieved and learning strategies that are used emphasize
more on modern pedagogical dimensions in learning, namely using a scientific
approach. The 2013 Curriculum focuses on the importance of preparing human
resources who have soft skills and hard skills. Biology lessons require soft skills and
hard skills that are reflected in 4 elements of the nature of learning which include
attitudes, processes, products, and applications (Suhartini et al., 2016).
The implementation of the learning process is carried out by developing a
culture of reading and writing. Therefore, the teacher must describe the syllabus and
lesson plan into learning tools such as student worksheet and learning media
(Government Regulation, 2005). With the student worksheet, students will have a
culture of reading and writing, so that the ability of creative thinking skills will
develop. With the learning media, students are not bored, will be challenged, and
interested. Thus it is expected that the process of teaching and learning activities in the
classroom can take place effectively and efficiently (Government Regulation, 2005).
Learning is said to be effective and efficient if: (1) the teacher plans the learning
process that is making syllabus and lesson plan analysis, student worksheet, teaching
materials, and assessment sheets, (2) the teacher carries out the learning process, (3) the
teacher carries out learning outcomes assessment owned by students (Government of
Indonesia, 2005).
Student worksheet is one of the right learning alternatives for students because it
can help students to add information about concepts learned through systematic
learning activities. Student worksheet has several benefits if used in the learning
process, namely: (1) activating students in the learning process, (2) helping students in
developing concepts, (3) helping students obtain notes about the material learned
through learning activities, and (4) help students to add information about concepts
learned through systematic learning activities (Suyitno, 1997).
Biology learning emphasizes understanding concepts and real applications in the
field. The problems that occur at this time in the field, in the learning process often the
teacher becomes the center of learning (teacher centered) and students are still the
recipient's object. The use of the current learning system learners are only given
knowledge verbally, so that students receive knowledge in the abstract without
experiencing it themselves. Even though Biology subjects have a close relationship
between concepts and surrounding environment, so students do not have the
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opportunity to develop their knowledge and ability to think creatively. For this reason,
we need teaching materials that can make students think more creatively. In developing
teaching materials a teaching material is needed that is valid, practical and effective,
besides that it also requires an appropriate approach / method to help students
understand the material taught and is expected to be able to improve students' creative
thinking skills.
The results of the researchers' preliminary study obtained information that
Biology learning in Public High Schools in Banjarmasin City still uses teacher-centered
conventional learning so that students are less skilled and creative. The development of
the mind map of student worksheet aims to improve learning by involving students in
activities and providing meaningful learning experiences.
Research conducted by Riyanto (2013) on the effect of mind map methods on
science learning completeness in Full Day School students concluded that: (1) The mind
map method applied in learning influences the completeness of learning science in Full
Day School students, (2 ) learning with conventional methods can help improve
learning achievement but has not been able to improve the completeness of learning in
Full Day School students with completeness of only 0.70%, (3) learning by mind map
method can improve learning completeness of Full Day School students with a level
completeness of students reached 93.75%.
One learning model that provides opportunities for students to improve the
learning process is the guided inquiry model. Using a guided inquiry learning model is
a series of activities that involve learning activities to the maximum of all students'
abilities to search and investigate systematically, creatively, logically, analytically, so
that they can formulate their own findings with self-confidence. Inquiry not only has a
positive impact on critical thinking (Zaini & Rusmini et al., 2016, Zaini & Asnida, 2016;
Zaini et al., 2017), but also creative thinking. Guided inquiry learning benefits students
in understanding basic concepts, expressing better ideas and developing creative
thinking skills. Creative thinking skills are one of the abilities demanded in the 21st
century (Suhartini et al., 2016).
Creative thinking skills are the ability to find many possible answers to existing
problems based on data or information. The characteristics of operational creative
thinking skills can be formulated as abilities that reflect fluency, flexibility (flexibility),
originality in thinking, and the ability to elaborate (develop, enrich, detail) an idea
(Munandar & Utami, 1992).
Fitriani (2010) concluded that the active learning model using mind maps can
improve biology learning outcomes of the students in SMA Negeri 8 Tangerang Selatan.
Saliyem (2012) also concluded that teaching and learning activities using the student
worksheet Guess Flow TGT cooperative learning model can improve the creative
thinking skills of the students in SMA Negeri 1 Banjarmasin.
Based on interviews and observations, researchers found real conditions in the
field that students' creative thinking skills were still not trained enough so that
creativity from students did not emerge. This has an impact on the low daily test results
on some learning materials so that they do not reach the minimum standard. Therefore,
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students must be trained to be accustomed to using student worksheet that is more

honing their creative thinking skills.
The weaknesses of the student worksheet that have been used so far are: (1) the
student worksheet has not been specific, (2) the student worksheet only contains the
tasks of students to answer questions in a monotonous manner, (3) the student
worksheet is not supported by interesting images (4) the student worksheet is
inadequate to achieve the minimum competencies requested in Basic Competence. The
teacher is monotonous in teaching and learning activities in the classroom and is
verbalism. Teachers continue to dominate the teaching and learning activities in the
classroom. Teachers as centers of learning or known as Teacher Centered Learning
(Yunanto, 2004).
One of the learning material that has not yet reached the minimum standard is
Ecology material. Daily test scores for Ecological material for 3 years (2013/2014 to
2015/2016) averaged 66.5, while the minimum standard for the material was 70. Based
on information from fellow Biology teaching teachers that Ecological material was very
large and generally memorized. Based on the findings in the field, the researcher wants
to develop and apply one of the learning tools, namely developing and implementing
the student worksheet of the Ecology concept using the mind map strategy on the
students' creative thinking skills.

2. Material and Methods

This research is development research that develops the student worksheet mind maps
to improve creative thinking skills. The research method used is a design with one
group pre-test post-test. The development design used in this study refers to the
development of Plomp and Nieveen (2010) which consists of 4 stages or phases,
namely: (1) preliminary research, (2) prototyping stage, (3) assessment stage, and (4)
systematic reflection and documentation. This development research is limited to the
prototyping stage. The formative evaluation used in this study is a Tessmer evaluation
technique consisting of self-evaluation, expert review, one-to-one evaluation, small
group or micro evaluation and field test (Tessmer, 1998). This research focused on the
field test.
The research subjects in the field test were 16 students of X class of natural
science 2 in SMA Negeri 12 Banjarmasin. The effectiveness data is obtained from the
results of creative thinking skills in the field test which includes indicators of fluency,
flexibility, authenticity, detailing, and assessing. The assessment was taken from the
students' answers in working on the LKPD and post-test, with the formula as follows:

achieved score
Percentage score = x 100%
maximum score

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The percentage value obtained is then categorized by adapting the category from
Karim (2015), which is very high (81.25 <X ≤ 100.00), High (71.50 <X ≤ 81.25), Medium
(62.50 <X ≤ 71.50), Low (43.75 <X ≤ 62.50), and Very low (0 <X ≤ 43.75).

3. Results

The results of the student worksheet effectiveness test on the field tests conducted on
students obtained from the average post-test data and student answers to the student
worksheet can also be seen in Table 1.

Table 1: The student worksheet effectiveness on each indicator of creative thinking

Students’ Learning Result
No Indicators of Creative Thinking Skill (post-test average and student worksheet)
Percentage Category
1 Fluency 71.56 High
2 Flexibility 77.43 High
3 Authenticity 75.5 High
4 Specifying 73,93 High
5 Assessing 82,81 Very High

Based on Table 1, it can be seen that the effectiveness of student worksheet on each
indicator of creative thinking skills is in the category of high to very high. Therefore, it
can be stated that the student worksheet is developed with an effective mind map
strategy to improve the creative thinking skills of high school students in learning the
Ecology concept with a mind map strategy.
Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the effectiveness of
student worksheet on creative thinking skills for fluency indicators is 71.56% (high),
flexibility is 77.43% (high), authenticity is 75.50 (high), specifying is 73.93% (high) and
assessing is 82.81% (high).

4. Discussion

Learning outcomes of students using student worksheet mind map strategies have
reached the school minimum score of 70. This can be stated, that learning outcomes are
classified as effective by using the student worksheet mind map strategy. Learning
outcomes obtained by the average value in the field test is better than the initial test.
This is thought to be caused by one of the advantages of the developed student
worksheet, namely there are examples of working according to indicators of creative
thinking skills so that it will facilitate learning. In addition, the role of inquiry cannot be
ruled out, Zaini (2014) reports that inquiry has a positive effect on learning outcomes
and processes.
Putri (2015) states that by training students with mind mapping-based student
worksheet that have been developed can train students' thinking skills to develop
better. Student worksheet can also improve student learning outcomes because in the

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learning process it can provide motivation and can provide opportunities for students
to actively participate in the learning process. It also can improve student learning
outcomes, because in the learning process it can provide motivation and can provide
opportunities for students to actively participate in the learning process. Learning using
the student worksheet mind map can change the habits of learners by listening and
receiving information from the teacher to learn by thinking a lot and finding it directly.
Buzan (2007) states that mind maps are solutions that are expected to facilitate
students in understanding learning material. Learning to use mind maps is one method
that can be used as an alternative teacher to teach. Mind maps are creative recording
methods that make it easier for students to be able to remember a lot of information
because with a map of the mind of students it is enough to remember the main ideas or
ideas to be able to stimulate memories easily. Learners can save time, arrange writing
regularly, explore more ideas, have more fun with their respective creativities and get
better learning outcomes with mind maps.
Based on the results of the study, the overall average with high and very high
categories was obtained on the five thinking skills indicators. The tendency of students'
cognitive learning outcomes is high if the value of doing student worksheet is also high.
These results indicate that the learning process performance outcomes of students
during the learning process on the Ecology concept using student worksheet with mind
map strategies to improve students' creative thinking skills have been very good. This is
in line with Putri's research (2015) which states that the application of learning with
student worksheet has a significant influence on students' creative thinking skills. Dewi
et al. (2013) stated that the mind mapping method influences creative thinking skills
and students in learning social studies.
Achievement of learning outcomes of students after following the process of
learning the Ecology concept using student worksheet with mind map strategies tends
to increase in each indicator. This was allegedly caused by the superiority of the student
worksheet that was developed in growing and improving the creative thinking skills of
students in learning Ecology concepts.
The creative thinking skills of students on fluency indicators show high results.
The developed student worksheet can be used well to learn the concept of Ecology in
high school. This is allegedly caused by the superiority of the developed student
worksheet, namely problems that are equipped with images in the student worksheet
unit are things that relate to the lives of students, making it easier for students to find
problems and associate with the material learned then pour it in the form of mind
maps. The advantages of the student worksheet are thought to be able to foster the
ability of students to understand and express, explain and give meaning to information
data, so that they can interpret images or phenomena according to their visual abilities
to motivate students to find and find their own problems.
The skills of students' creative thinking on flexibility indicators show high
results. According to Karim and Normaya, (2015) students who are able to make
hypotheses on indicators of flexibility, one of which is caused by the superiority of the
student worksheet that provides motivation for students to find and find their own
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answers to a problem they face. As explained by Sanjaya (2006) learning strategies with
a series of learning activities that emphasize the process of thinking creatively and
analytically to find their own answers to a questionable problem.
The creative thinking skills of students in the authenticity indicator show high
results, which means that the developed student worksheet can be used well to learn
the concept of Ecology in high school. This was allegedly caused by the advantages of
the developed student worksheet, namely the problems that were supplemented with
the pictures in the student worksheet unit had become commonplace, making it easier
for students to relate the material to be studied. design, image, color, are in accordance
with the contents of the Ecology concept material being studied, so students will be
motivated to make an analysis of the data they find.
The creative thinking skills of students in the detailed indicators include high
categories, meaning that the developed student worksheet can be used very well to
study the ecological concepts in high school. This is thought to be due to the detailed
step of the students being asked to make an experimental design to be used in
investigations in the school ecosystem so that the material that must be processed on
this indicator already exists in the previous indicator. Besides the student worksheet
there are examples of working according to the indicators of creative thinking skills so
that it is easier for students to obtain the required material in accordance with the
problem based on the data found. On the Indicator detailing it does not rule out the
possibility that there are still some students who get a value of 2, this is due to the
mistakes of students when interpreting indicators detailing, so when pouring in the
form of mind maps at the stage of designing the experiment is also right.
The creative thinking skills of the students in the indicator assessed that making
conclusions showed good results with very high categories, meaning that the
developed student worksheet could be used very well to learn the concept of Ecology in
high school. This is thought to be due to the assessment stage of students being asked to
make guesses according to the facts to make a conclusion so that the material that must
be processed on this indicator already exists in the previous indicator. Besides student
worksheet, there are examples of working according to the indicators of creative
thinking skills so that it makes it easier for students to obtain the material needed in
making rational conclusions by considering the information that fits with a problem
based on the data found. In the Indicator, assessing does not rule out the possibility that
there are still some students who get a score of 2, this is due to the mistakes of students
when answering in the indicator assessing to make a conclusion, so when pouring it in
the form of mind maps it is also not right.
The creative thinking skills of the students in the indicator assessed that making
conclusions showed good results with very high categories, meaning that the
developed student worksheet could be used very well to learn the concept of Ecology in
high school. This is thought to be due to the assessment stage of students being asked to
make guesses according to the facts to make a conclusion so that the material that must
be processed on this indicator already exists in the previous indicator. Besides the
student worksheet, there are examples of working according to the indicators of
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creative thinking skills so that it makes it easier for students to obtain the material
needed in making rational conclusions by considering the information that fits with a
problem based on the data found. In the Indicator, assessing does not rule out the
possibility that there are still some students who get a score of 2, this is due to the
mistakes of students when answering in the indicator assessing to make a conclusion,
so when I put it in the form of a mind map is not right.
Based on this study, learning using mind maps combined with inquiry models
has a good impact on student learning outcomes and creative thinking skills. However,
this does not mean without difficulties, the inquiry learning model requires
considerable time for teachers and students to get used to (Zaini, 2016).

5. Conclusion

Based on the findings, it can be concluded: the developed student worksheet includes
effective training of creative thinking skills in students, including fluency indicators
71.56% (high), flexibility 77.43% (high), authenticity 75.50 (high), specifying is 73.93%
(high) and assessing is 82.81% (high).


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