The document is a test paper for a Computer Science class containing 70 multiple choice and short answer questions covering various topics related to computer hardware, software, operating systems, networks, security and Microsoft Excel. Some of the questions ask students to define terms like Application software, Network Topology, Fiber Optic and Register. Other questions ask students to distinguish between concepts like LAN and WAN, ROM and RAM, Compiler and Interpreter. A few questions ask students to explain concepts like how viruses spread through networks and how a boot sector virus works.
The document is a test paper for a Computer Science class containing 70 multiple choice and short answer questions covering various topics related to computer hardware, software, operating systems, networks, security and Microsoft Excel. Some of the questions ask students to define terms like Application software, Network Topology, Fiber Optic and Register. Other questions ask students to distinguish between concepts like LAN and WAN, ROM and RAM, Compiler and Interpreter. A few questions ask students to explain concepts like how viruses spread through networks and how a boot sector virus works.
The document is a test paper for a Computer Science class containing 70 multiple choice and short answer questions covering various topics related to computer hardware, software, operating systems, networks, security and Microsoft Excel. Some of the questions ask students to define terms like Application software, Network Topology, Fiber Optic and Register. Other questions ask students to distinguish between concepts like LAN and WAN, ROM and RAM, Compiler and Interpreter. A few questions ask students to explain concepts like how viruses spread through networks and how a boot sector virus works.
The document is a test paper for a Computer Science class containing 70 multiple choice and short answer questions covering various topics related to computer hardware, software, operating systems, networks, security and Microsoft Excel. Some of the questions ask students to define terms like Application software, Network Topology, Fiber Optic and Register. Other questions ask students to distinguish between concepts like LAN and WAN, ROM and RAM, Compiler and Interpreter. A few questions ask students to explain concepts like how viruses spread through networks and how a boot sector virus works.
Father Name ______________________ Roll Number _______
Class: 1st /year -
Computer Science Marks : 100 Exam Format : A Project
Time : 2 Hours | Date _________________ Examiner Sig __________ Chapter#: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1
MCQ's S/Q L/Q Total
Subjective Type
Answer the following short questions [] (2 x 50 = 100)
]50 رکںی۔[وکیئ ےس دنمرہج ذلی وساالت ےک رصتخم وجاابت رحتری ii) List primary components of Computer system i) Give an example of data and information ? ? iv) Write down different components of an iii) Define Application software ? Information System ? v) Give two reasons for the importance of vi) What do you know about work group computer network ? computing ? vii) Why we use workgroup computing ? viii) What is the function of Internet ? ix) What is DSL ? x) State the use of Repeater ? xi) What is MAN ? Give an example ? xii) Distinguish between LAN and WAN ? xiv) How de jure standard differs from de facto xiii) What is De-facto Standard ? standard ? xv) Define Network Topology ? xvi) How tree topology is constructed ? xvii) Define data communication ? xviii) List out types of data ? xix) What is Fiber Optic ? xx) What is Communication Satellite ? xxi) Define Broad Band ? xxii) Define reprographics ? xxiii) Why does SRAM use less power than DRAM ? xxiv) Differentiate between ROM and RAM ? xxv) Differentiate between PROM and EPROM ? xxvi) Define computer bus ? xxvii) What is expansion bus ? xxviii) What is DMA ? Define it . xxix) State the purpose of data segment register xxx) Write down the function of memory address ? register ? xxxi) List some general purpose register ? xxxii) Define instruction register ? xxxiii) Define Register ? xxxiv) Define general purpose registers ? xxxv) State the purpose of input / output instruction ? xxxvi) Give two parts of instruction format ? xxxvii) How does an instruction differ from operation ? xxxviii) Why we use operating system ? xxxix) Distinguish between low level and high level language ? xl) Define port ? xli) What is the use of biometrics for data security ? xlii) Explain virus activation in computer ? xliii) How does virus spread through networks ? xliv) How does a boot Sector Virus Work ? xlv) Define Hacker ? xlvi) Enlist any four different types of viruses ? xlviii) Why does a computer need an operating xlvii) State the purpose of password ? system ? xlix) Give some example of GUI operating l) What is meant by Multi user operating system system ? ? lii) What is the most powerful feature of li) What is the role of Window Explorer ? worksheet and why ? liv) Write functions that totals cell B3 through B10 liii) What is Named range ? ? lv) What is Chart ? lvi) Define DNS Addressing ? lvii) What is Email ? lviii) Define Email attachment ? lix) Differentiate between asynchronous and lx) What is bandwidth ? Explain bandwidth briefly asynchronous ? ? lxii) Differentiate between the Serial and Parallel lxi) Differentiate between compiler interpreter ? Ports ? lxiii) Differentiate between the ROM and RAM ? lxiv) What is computer virus ? lxvi) What do you mean by plug and play ? Does lxv) Define the types of viruses ? Windows 2000 provide the feature ? lxvii) Give a comparison between Command Line lxviii) Differentiate the File Management and disk operating system and Graphical User interface ? Management ? lxx) What do understand the by the term named lxix) Differentiate the Single-User operating ranges ? Can it help in simplifying the worksheet system and Multi-User operating system ? ?