Microscopy and Cells

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Jastrow Electron microscopy atlas

One way to investigate protein trafficking is to use radioactive amino acids.
A tissue was soaked in a solution of radioactive amino acids for a short period of time and then transferred to a solution with non-radioactive
amino acids.
The table below shows the amount of radioactivity as a percentage of the total radioactivity of the total radioactivity in the cells of this tissue,
found in three organelles, at three different times being transferred to the non-radioactive solution.

Percentage of total radioactivity in cells after tissue transferred to non-

Organelle radioactive solution
5 min 10 min 45 min
Vesicles 0 5 60
rER 80 10 5
Golgi apparatus 10 80 30
Total radioactivity 90 95 95

(a) The vesicles containing radioactivity can either come from rER or the Golgi apparatus. Using evidence from the table, suggest whether
these vesicles come from rER or the Golgi apparatus.
(b) Suggest an explanation for the difference in the total radioactivity between 5 minutes and 10 minutes.
(c) Comment on the reliability of the data collected.

• Little radioactivity in vesicles at 5 and 10 minutes

• High radioactivity in rER at 5 minutes and in Golgi apparatus at 10 minutes
• Vesicles therefore come from Golgi apparatus

Data was collected at large intervals rather than continuously, hence some radioactive amino acids were in vesicles from in their way from rER
to Golgi apparatus and were not sampled.
Total is not 100% due to background losses

The data is collected at large intervals rather than continuously, so the data cannot be reliable enough. Use of a data logger may improve the
reliability and capture radioactivity fully at all times.

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