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Inside The Living Body (Transcript)

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A Documentary by the National Geography

The incredible journey of life from birth, infancy, childhood, puberty,adulthood and
the slow maturity to old age. . . This is the story of our lives froma unique
perspective deep inside our bodies.A fetus develops in the womb. It is an
astonishing 40-week journey froma single cell to a baby ready to be born. Its body
is a miracle of microscopic
design… tiny perfectly formed organs… each made up of perfectly functioning
cells. These cells are the building blocks of our bodies. They make up what we
are. A hundred thousand billion cells… all working in harmony.
 Inside every cell is th
e same extraordinary engine… the machine that tells
each cell how to grow and what functions to perform. DNA is un ique to
everyperson. A chemical blueprint of instructions that creates each new life.
This baby is ready to enter the world… a new born pe
rson whose journeyis about to begin. The journey starts with a challenge

breathe or die. These lungs never breathed before, they’re still full of amniotic fluid
that protected
them for 9 long months. The new born is in danger of drowning.Then body kicks
into survival mode. The adrenal gland right above thekidneys sends adrenalin
surging around the body. It shocks the lungs into life.Muscles we need to breathe
suddenly start to spas
m… and we take our first
breath. It is the most important breath of ou
r life… the first of 700 million. Our
lungs will pump air every single second as long as we live. Air rushes down
thewindpipe down thousands of branching tubes and into nearly 30 million tiny
airsacs (the alveoli). These air sacs pour oxygen into our blood and pump out
thecarbon dioxide we exhale every breath.At the moment of birth, everything
changes. The physical link betweenmother and baby is broken for the first time.
The first hour brings a rapid
change. All the baby’s organs have to adapt to li
fe outside the womb. It is achallenging and risky time. At this age, the heart is no
bigger than a walnut.
The heart is normally working… pumping blood through thousands of miles of 
blood vessels.Other systems are also gearing up. The digestive tract is ready to
clearitself out to make room for its first meal. The bowels are full of
digestiveamniotic fluid and dead cells

a sticky green-black tar-like material calledmeconium.As time passes, more
sophisticated systems start to kick in. Our nextchallenge is the cold. It was a
hundred degrees in the womb. Here at home, 65-degree room temperature is a
shock to the system. The area that controlstemperature is deep within the base of
our brains. It is called hypothalamus

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