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XR 222 845


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Aug.27, 146 i a 2. f 2,212,845

Original Filled April, lo, 1918


- - - -- - /7ve/7 for
- . . . .. Alexander /7Micro/son
22 12845 - . ." \ . . by 27.64 - Affy
OR T N 33' / 64
Patented Aug. 27, 1940 2,212,845
Alexander it. Nicolson, New York, N. Y., assigaor
to Western Electric Company, incorporated,
New York, N. Y., a corporation of New York
Original application April 10, 1918, Seria No.
22,802, now Patent No. 1,495,429, dated lay
29, 1924. Divided and this application April
13, 1923, Serial No. 631,859
55 Claims. (C. 79-71.5)
This invention relates to piezoelectric translat being formed of Wood's metal, which has a melt
ing devices and has for an object to utilize piezo ing point about the same as that of the crystal,
electric effects in the generation of electric oscil may be soldered to the crystal, a conductor A9 be
lations and also in the modulation of alternating ing soldered to the member to form an electri
currents by signal waves or the like. cal connection to the crystai. Electrical Con
In the form of the invention disclosed herein, nections are also made to the crystal by means of
a piezoelectric crystal having a plurality of elec the conductors 48 and 5f which are attached by
trodes is used as a coupling means between the means of Wood's metal or other fusible alloy to
output and input circuits of a vacuum tube ann tin foil sheets 0 and f cemented with ambroid
O plifier. Sufficient energy is transferred through to the opposite sides of the crystal. 0.
this coupling to cause the circuit to generate os If varying currents are supplied to the input
cillations. As will be explained hereinafter, the conductors 89 and 5 of the piezoelectric crystal
crystal has certain frequency selective character At the current variations will produce longitudi
istics which enable it to determine the frequency nal contractions and expansion of the crystal,
5 Of the oscillations. and these variations in the dimensions of the 5
Due to the fact that a piezoelectric body get crystal will produce correspondingly varying
erates electricity in response to pressure changes, electric currents in the output conductors 48 and
the oscillations above described may be modiu 89 of the crystal. The crystal is a dielectric,
lated by mechanically stressing the crystal. As current through the crystal being largely a dis
20 shown, the crystal is provided with a surface placement current. -
adapted to be vibrated by sound waves, and It has been found that a crystal made as indi
means is provided in the output circuit of the cated above responds in a greater degree to cur
vacuum tube for utilizing the sound frequency rents of some frequencies than to currents of
modulated Oscillations. other frequencies. Each such crystal will in ge- .
25 This application is a division of application eral have a plurality of resonant peaks depend 25
Serial No. 227,802, filed April 10, 1918, entitled ing upon the crystal's growth, structure, curing,
Piezophony which issued as Patent 1,495,429, etc. In some crystals all of the resonant peaks
May 29, 1924. have been found to lie in a zone of 300 to 10,000
Further objects of the invention will be ap cycles per second, and in others this zone may lie
parent from the following detailed description above 10,000 and extend to i00,000 cycles per
and claims taken in connection with the accom - Second. It is possible to modify the position of .30
panying drawing, in which the single figure is a the Zone of resonance points for instance by
diagram of an oscillator and modulator circuit. varying the period of desiccation of the crystal.
embodying the invention. The longer the crytsal is desiccated, the higher up
5 The piezoelectric body employed in this inven
tion may be, for example, a sodium-potassium in Of
the scale will the Zone of resonant peaks lie.
course, the masses of the embers 6 and 7
tartrate Crystal or other piezoelectric crystal affect theofvalue of the frequency of maximum
body, and is designated in the drawing. In response the crystal.
my Patent No. 1,414,370, May 2, 1922, Method of Connection is made from device 47 by way of
40 making piezoelectrical crystals, there is described conductors 48 and 39 to the input circuit of a
a method of preparing a thin, or plate-shaped space current amplifier 50, and a portion of the 40
crystal in which the piezoelectric effect is very amplified currents appearing in the output cir
pronounced. cuit of the amplifier are fed back by means of
The eiectrical resistance as well as the natural conductors 49 and 5 to the device 7. Since the
frequency of the crystal made in accordance input and output circuits of the audion are coul 45
with that process depends upon the amount of pled together through the device 47, this circuit
moisture that is permitted to enter or leave the will generate oscillations and their frequency will .
crystal, and therefore, as pointed out in the pat be sufficiently high for these currents to be em
ent referred to, in order to stabilize the electrical ployed as carrier currents for radio signaling or
50 constants of the crystal it may be provided with for wired wireless. The frequency of the oscil
a waterproof coating such as ambroid or wax. lations will in general be determined by one of
The showing of the crystal in the drawing the resonant peaks of the crystal. It is not to
is an edge view of a plate-shaped crystal Such as be implied from this statement, however, that
that referred to above. the circuit may not be made to oscillate at some
55 Members 6 and having extended surfaces and other frequency, for example by the proper use 65

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energy back into said amplifier, said element
of reactances, of which the reactance of the crys tundergoing deformation when alternating voltage
tal may form a part.
In one method of using the circuit, signal or is applied thereto, and the dilations reaching a
maximum, for constant values of voltage, when
sound waves may be caused to impinge upon the the frequency of the applied voltage coincides
extended surface of the member 6, attached to with the elastic natural frequency of the element,
the piezoelectric crystal 47, as indicated by the 11. An oscillation carrying circuit comprising
dashed line arrows in the drawing, to effect mod a reactive element including an elastic structure
ulation of the high frequency oscillations in ac the natural elastic vibration frequency of which 0.
cordance with the signal or sound waves. The is substantially the oscillation frequency of Said
0 amplitude of the high frequency current gen circuit, said structure comprising a dielectric
erated having thus been varied in accordance body provided with electrically conducting Con
with the sound waves, the modified high fre denser armatures connected in said circuit.
quency impulses may be delivered to the outgoing 12. The method of elastically deforming a piezo
line 52. electric body which comprises simultaneously ap S
5 The term piezoelectric means is used herein t plying thereto varying electric forces and vary
indicate means comprising a body, device, or ing mechanical stresses in addition to the me
substance capable of generating an electromotive chanical stresses resulting from said electric
force in response to a change in pressure, inde forces.
pendently of any source of electromotive force 13. The combination with an alternating cur
20 apart from that so generated. rent system of such nature that the frequency of
The invention may be realized in widely dif the alternations is governed by potential varia
ferent embodiments within the scope of the tions in a portion of the same, of a means for
clains. keeping the frequency constant within very nar
The invention claimed is: row limits consisting of a piezoelectric resonator
25 1. An oscillating circuit comprising a piezo having two conducting coatings so connected to
2. An device.
amplifier,a piezoelectric device, and the system that the said resonator is maintained
means controlled by said device for deriving en in vibration by the electric oscillations in the sys
ergy from said amplifier and feeding said energy ten, and which by its reactions causes the fre
back to said amplifier.
quency of said potential variations to be identical
30 With that of its own nechanical vibrations,
3. A space current device having an input cir 14. A Space-current oscillator comprising me
cuit and an output circuit, and means compris chanical vibratory means vibrating under con
ing a piezoelectric device for coupling Said cir trol of output energy from said oscillator for
cuits together. transferring energy from the output to the input
35 4. A system for generating continuous oscilla of the Oscillator.
tions comprising a space current device having 15. An oscillator comprising piezoelectric means
an anode, a cathode and an electrode for con vibrating under control of output energy from
trolling the flow of space current between said said Oscillator for transferring energy from the
cathode and said anode in accordance with vari Output to the input of the Oscillator.
40 ations of the potential of said electrode, and piezo 16. An oscillation generator including a fre
electric means for controlling variations of the quency controlling device, said device compris
potential of said electrode. - ing a piezoelectric crystal, an electrode therefor,
5. In a system in which high frequency Waves a vibratory member associated with said elec
are modified in accordance with a signal, means trode, said member being adapted to vibrate re
for modifying said waves in accordance with Said Sponsively to impressed sound vibrations.
signal, said, means comprising a piezoelectric de 17. In combination, a thermionic device ar
6. A piezoelectric device means whereby said ranged to generate oscillations, a piezoelectric
crystal associated with a plurality of electrodes
device may be controlled in accordance with sig connected to said thermionic device, and signal
5) nal waves, and means for applying high-fre responsive means for altering the relation of one
quency signaling impulses to said device.
7. The method of setting the frequency of an of 18.said electrodes to said crystal.
An oscillating system comprising an input
oscillation carrying electric circuit which con circuit
prises transferring energy from one part of the normallyandnon-Oscillating,
an output circuit, the system being
and a piezoelectric SS
55 circuit to another through a piezoelectric coul body connected with the input circuit and de
pling mechanically tuned to substantially the signed to render the System oscillating and at
frequency to which the oscillating circuit is to substantially constant frequency.
be set. - 19. An oscillating system comprising means for
8. A frequency selective coupling for trans producing oscillations, including a piezoelectric
ferring energy between two circuits, said coupling body designed
comprising a piezoelectric device mechanically quency of the and connected to maintain the fre
oscillations substantially constant.
tuned to the frequency of the energy to be trans 20. An oscillatory System comprising a space
mitted. current device comprising three electrodes, name
9. The combination with two circuits, of a cou
pling for selectively transferring energy of given ly, a flament, a grid and a plate, and a piezo
electric device connecting two of the electrodes,
frequency therebetween, said coupling compris the device being adapted to vibrate mechanically
ing an elastic structure, the natural elastic vibra
tion frequency of which is substantially equal to when stimulated electrically and to respond elec
said given frequency, and said structure compris trically when vibrated mechanically. et 70
ing a dielectric body provided with electrically 21. A piezoelectric device having a given natural
70 frequency, an oscillator arranged to excite said
conducting condenser armatures connected to said device at substantially the said given frequency,
circuits. and means for varying the amplitude of oscilla
10. An amplifier, an elastic capacity element, tions of said device.
and means controlled by said element for deriv 22. In a carrier wave signaling system, a piezo 75 -
is ing energy from said amplifier and feeding said V

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2,212,845 3
to constitute an oscillatory system, the electrical
electric device, an oscillator for energizing said parameters of the system being such as to render
device to cause the same to vibrate at the carrier
wave frequency, and means for modulating the the system stably non-oscillatory when not under
the control of the vibrator, whereby the fre
vibration of said piezoelectric device.
23. In a carrier wave signaling system, a piezo quency of the oscillations of the system when is
electric device arranged to vibrate at carrier Wave the system oscillates will be substantially con
frequency, an oscillator arranged to energize said stant and determined by a mode of vibration
device, and means for modulating the vibrations of the vibrator, a secondary circuit associated
of Said device. with the system, and means for adjusting one of
0 24. An oscillation generating system compris the circuits so as to enhance the energy output 10
ing a closed wave propagating circuit including a of the system.
piezoelectric crystal element for determining the 33. An oscillatory system having, in combina
frequency of the wave propagated therethrough, tion, an electromechanical vibrator with at least
an energy source, and means also included in said two electric terminals, said terminals serving
5 circuit for cyclically abstracting energy from said both for electric stimulation and electric re
source and feeding it into said circuit at a sponse, a source of electric energy, an amplify
tral vibratory frequency of the crystal ele tem ing device and connections to maintain the sys
net. in vibration with a frequency widely inde
25. An oscillation carrying circuit comprising a pendent of the electrical constants of the system
20 piezoelectric device consisting of a piezoelectric exclusive of the vibrator.
34. An oscillatory system having, in combina
crystal and conducting electrode elements there
for, tion, an electromechanical vibrator with at least
26. An oscillation carrying circuit comprising two electric terminals, said terminals serving
a device consisting of electric field producing both for electric stimulation and electric re
25 means comprising electrode members and having sponse, a source of electric energy, a repeating
in the electric field between said members a piezo device and connections to maintain the System
electric crystal. in vibration with a frequency widely independent
27. In a circuit carrying electrical oscillations, of the electrical constants of the system exclu
a device consisting of aetallic plates having be sive of the vibrator,
80 tween them a piezoelectric crystal. 35. A system including a self-oscillating vac
28. In a circuit carrying electrical oscillations, uum tube device having a piezoelectric crystal
a device consisting of metallic plates having be coupling its input and output circuits.
tween them and attached thereto a piezoelectric 36. An electromechanical System having, in
crysta. combination, a vacuum tube having three elec
35 29. An electro-mechanical system having, in trodes, namely, a flament, a grid and a plate, 3.
combination, a vacuum tube having three elec an electromechanical yibrator connected with
trodes, namely, a flament, a grid and a plate, the flament and plate, and connections whereby
an electromechanical vibrator having a plurality the system is adapted to oscillate with a fre
of electrodes, means connecting one of the vibra quency determined by the electromechanical vi 4.
46 tor electrodes to the grid, means connecting an brator. s
other vibrator electrode to the plate, and connec 37. An electromechanical system having, in
tions whereby the system is adapted to Oscillate combination, a vacuum tube having three elec
with the frequency of a mode of vibration of the trodes, namely, a flament, a grid and a plate,
electromechanical vibrator and widely independ an electromechanical vibrator connected with
45 ent of the electrical constants of the system. the flament and the grid, and connections 45
30. An electric systern having, in combination, whereby the system is adapted to oscillate with
an input circuit, an output circuit coupled to the a frequency determined by the electromechanical
input circuit, the electrical parameters of the
circuits being such as to render the system per Se
38. An
electromechanical system having, in
50 stably non-oscillatory, and an electromechanical combination, a vacuum tube comprising three 50
vibrator connected in the input circuit to cause electrodes, namely, a filament, a grid and plate,
the system to oscillate at a frequency of a mode an electromechanical vibrator having two elec
of vibration of the vibrator, the input circuit trodes, means connecting one of the vibrator
being substantially untuned except through the electrodes to the plate, means connecting the
55 vibrator. - other vibrator, electrode to the grid, and con- SS
31. An oscillatory system having, in combina nections whereby the system is adapted to oscil
tion, an amplifying relay having a plurality of late with the frequency of a mode of vibration of
electrodes, a source of energy, an electromechan the electromechanical vibrator and widely inde
ical vibrator, means connecting the relay, the pendent of the electrical constants of the system. 60
60 source and the vibrator together to constitute an 39. An electromechanical system having, in
oscillatory system, the electrical parameters of combination, a vacuum tube each comprising
the oscillatory system being such as to render three electrodes, namely, a flament, a grid and
the oscillatory system stably non-oscillatory a plate, an electromechanical vibrator having two
... when not under the control of the vibrator, electrodes, means connecting one of the vibrator 65
65, whereby the frequency of the Oscillations of the electrodes to the tube plate, means connecting
. . oscillatory system when the oscillatory system the other vibrator electrode to the filament, and
-. oscillates will be substantially constant and de connections whereby the system is adapted to
termined by a mode of vibration of the vibrator, oscillate with the frequency of a mode of vibra
a winding connected with two of the electrodes, tion of the electromechanical vibrator. 70
70 and means connected with the winding for trans 40. An electromechanical system having, in
mitting electric wave energy from the System. , combination, a vacuum tube comprising three
32. An oscillatory system having, in combina electrodes, namely, a filament, a grid and a plate,
- tion, an amplifying relay, a source of energy, an an electromechanical vibrator having two elec
. . electromechanical vibrator, means connecting
5...the relay, the source and the vibrator together trodes, means connecting one of the vibrator 5
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electrodes to the grid, means connecting the 47. An oscillatory system having, in combina
other vibrator electrode to the flament, and co tion, an amplifying relay having a plurality of
nections whereby the system is adapted to oscil electrodes, a source of energy, an electromechan
late with the frequency of a mode of vibration cal vibrator, means connecting the relay, the
of the electromechanical vibrator. Source and the vibrator together to constitute an
41. An electromechanical system having, in . OScillatory System, the electrical parameters of
combination, a vacuum tube having three elec the oscillatory system being such as to render
trodes, an electromechanical vibrator having a the oscillatory system stably non-oscillatory
. plurality of electrodes, means connecting one of when not under the control of the vibrator,
the vibrator electrodes to one of the tube elec whereby the frequency of the oscillations of the 0
trodes, means connecting another vibrator elec oscillatory System when the oscillatory system
trode to another of the tube electrodes, and Con oscillates will be substantially constant and de
nections whereby the system is adapted to oscil termined by a mode of vibration of the vibrator,
late with the frequency of a mode of vibration of a winding connected with two of the electrodes,
15 the electromechanical vibrator and widely inde and means connected with the winding for trans 5
pendent of the electrical constants of the system. Initting electric wave energy to the system.
42. An electromechanical system having, in 48. The method of modulation in accordance
combination, a circuit having an inductance and with signals by means of a piezoelectric devica
an element having capacitance connected to each vibrating between two electrodes which consists
other and a circuit in oscillating relation to the in shaking the device and at least one of its 20
first-named circuit having a piezoelectric ele electrodes in accordance with signals and simul
ment, taneously impressing upon said electrodes elec
43. An oscillatory system having, in cofiabina trical oscillations, the frequency of which is con
tion, an amplifying relay, a Source of energy, an trolled by said piezoelectric device.
electromechanical vibrator and means connecting 49. In combination, a circuit, a piezoelectric
the relay, the source and the vibrator together device therein, and means whereby alternating
to constitute an oscillatory system, the electrical current is caused to traverse said circuit and said
parameters of the system being such as to render device, the frequency thereof being such that the
the system stably non-oscillatory when not under effective reactance of said device, by reason of
30 the control of the vibrator and such that the its dynamic operation, departs substantially 30
frequency of the oscillations of the systern when from that of an equivalent pure capacitance at
the system oscillates will be substantially con the Sane frequency.
stant and determined by a frequency of vibration 50. A circuit adapted to carry electrical oscil
of the virator. lations and means having an energy transfer
4. An electromechanical systern having, in Coupling therewith for impressing said oscilla 35
combination, a vacuum tube comprising a plu tions thereon, said circuit comprising a piezo
rality of electrodes, an electromechanical vibra electric device.
tor having a plurality of electrodes, means con 51. A frequency determining device comprising
necting one of the vibrator electrodes to one of as an element thereof a piezo electric crystal
the plurality of electrodes of the tube, means body having a selected vibrational frequency. 40
connecting another vibrator electrode to another -52. An electromechanical vibrator comprising
of the plurality of electrodes of the tube, and a body of piezoelectric material adapted to be ex
connections whereby the system is adapted to cited by an electric field to undergo mechanical
Oscillate at the frequency of a node of vibration vibrations of a resonance frequency of the body,
45 of the electromechanical vibrator, and widely in the body being so fabricated that the resonance 45
dependent of the electrical constants of the sys frequency will Substantially approximate a pre
tem. determined vibration frequency.
45. An electromechanical system having, in 53. An electromechanical resonator com
combination, vacuum tube apparatus, a Source of prising a body of crystalline Rochelle salt, a pair
energy, an electromechanical vibrator, means of conducting electrodes associated therewith to 50
connecting the vacuum tube apparatus, the enable an exciting field to be impressed upon the
source and the vibrator together to constitute body, the body being so made as to have a natural
an oscillatory system adapted to CSCillate at the
substantially constant frequency of a mode of resonance frequency corresponding to a desired
predetermined exciting frequency.
35 vibration of the electronechanical vibrator, the 54. An electrical transmission path including 55
connections being such as to prevent the opera
tion of the System at other than the Said subs therein a mass set in vibration by electrical cur
stantially constant frequency, and an impedance rent variations in said path and presenting an
in Series with the vibrator. electrical reactance with respect to said current
46. An electromechanical System having, in So as to Set the frequency of the variations,
combination, vacuum tube apparatus, a source 55. An electric oscillator comprising an am
of energy, an electromechanical vibrator, means plifier, an electromechanical vibrator, connec
connecting the vacuum tube apparatus, the tions from the output of the amplifier for supply
source and the vibrator together to constitute an ing current to cause said vibrator to vibrate and
85 oscillatory system adapted to oscillate at the sub connections from said vibrator to the input of
stantially constant frequency of a mode of vibrar said amplifier for supplying impulses to the am
tion of the electromechanical vibrator, the elec plifier to be amplified, both said sets of con
trical constants of the system being of such value nections being free from moving contacts.
... and kind as will enable the vibrator to be the sole
70 control of the frequency, and an impedance in ALEXANDER. M. NICOLSON.
Series with the vibrator.

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