Mein Tagesablauf: Trimester 3 Project

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Mein Tagesablauf

Trimester 3 Project


You want to share a typical day in your life with your German penpal. While you are quite confident in
expressing yourself in German, you want to make sure your penpal also gets a visual image of your day. You are
going to create a narrated picture book for him/her.

Components in order:

Please check them off upon completion.

 Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday: Write a narration around the following scenes. Don’t get too fancy
with your language. Stick with what you learned. Below you will find a collection of words and phrases
I would like for you to consider as you are writing.

For some of the scenes one sentence describing what you are doing at what time, is probably plenty. If
you can, though, expand a little bit. For example: Um sieben Uhr gehe ich in die Küche und
frühstücke. Ich esse Cornflakes and trinke Milch. Mmmmh… Das ist lecker (delicious) or Das bin ich
und meine Mutti. Wir frühstücken um sieben Uhr.
Write your script either in OneNote or on paper. Just make sure you don’t lose it from one day to the

o getting up
o breakfast
o going to school
o break
o lunch
o end of the school day
o afternoon
o dinner
o evening
o going to bed

 At home. Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday: Have someone take photographs of you during the said
times. Ideally, you will have 10 photographs, but you could use less (no less than 6) if you grouped some
of the information in one picture (for example: break and lunch could be one picture).

I will provide school pictures for you. Pictures will be available on the P: drive under class projects in my

 At home. Thursday: Get a copy of each one of your pictures on your computer.

 Friday: Put your pictures into Adobe Premiere Elements. You will get guidance from Mr. Morris with
this. Wait until then! You will save your project as “TagesablaufYourName”.

 Friday: E-mail your script to me to have it proof read.

 Monday: Record your script in Audacity and save it as an MP3 file.

 Monday: Drop the MP3 file in your Adobe Premiere Elements project.

 Tuesday: Synchronize the sound file and the pictures. Mr. Morris will also explain how to do that.

 Wednesday: Make a title and credit slide. Mr. Morris will guide you on this as well.

 Wednesday: Export your file as a Windows Media File. Make sure part of the name of the file is YOUR
name. Your file can now be viewed in Windows Media Player.

 Wednesday: Drop the finished project on the H: drive in my folder.

All of your projects will be available for your viewing on my webpage at the end of the trimester. Just look under
Tri3 projects.

If you fall behind in class with the above schedule, finish the portion for that day at home
as homework! THIS IS VERY VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Optional: If you want to be really creative and have fun with this project, you could record sounds in Audacity
that are typical during the time of day you are describing. Those sounds can be embedded just like your narration.
You have also done something similar for the podcasts last trimester.

Reminder: While I want you to have fun with this, I want to stress that the use and application of the language is
the reason for this project. Make sure you demonstrate your German speaking ability!


Vocabulary and Grammar 20 pts. for appropriate use of language with no mistakes
Composition 20 pts. for well thought through narration
Pronunciation 20 pts. for near native pronunciation

Project Management
Pictures 10 pts. for good quality illustrations
Narration 10 pts. for clearly embedded sound file
Title slide 10 pts. for neat and creative title slide
Credits 10 pts. for neat and creative credits

Useful words and phrases:

um ____ Uhr nach Hause zurück

aufstehen zweimal pro Woche
frühstücken nach dem Essen
essen nach der Schule
trinken schlafen gehen
gehen zu Mittag essen
die Küche zu Abend essen
mit dem Auto zur Schule Es ist schon spät.
die Pause Ich bin noch müde.
fernsehen Das macht Spaβ.
die Lieblingssendung ab und zu mal
Hausaufgaben machen manchmal
anrufen den Hund füttern (to feed the dog)
anfangen die Katze füttern

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