Part 1 - (Dictionary & Exercises)........................ 6 Part 1 - (Dictionary & Exercises)........................ 156
Part 2 - (Dictionary & Exercises)........................ 12 Part 2 - (Dictionary & Exercises)........................ 162
Part 3 - (Dictionary & Exercises)........................ 18 Part 3 - (Dictionary & Exercises)........................ 168
Part 4 - (Dictionary & Exercises)........................ 24 Part 4 - (Dictionary & Exercises)........................ 174
Part 3 - (Dictionary & Exercises)........................ 30 Part 3 - (Dictionary & Exercises)........................ 180
Part 6 - (Dictionary & Exercises)........................ 36 Part 6 - (Dictionary & Exercises)........................ 186
Dictionaries - Exercises - Tests
1. abandon (bir yeri, kişiyi veya şeyi) terketmek 14. abusively kötü ve şiddet içeren bir şekilde
• He claimed that his parents had abondened him. • He behaved abusively towards his wife and children.
(bir aktiviteyi veya işi) bitirmeden bırakmak = kaba ve aşağılayıcı bir şekilde
give up • The caregiver was accused of not adequately feeding the
• The authorities have abandoned any attempt to rescue the old man and speaking abusively to him.
15. bachelor bekar erkek
2. abbreviate (bir kelimeyi veya bir yazıyı) kısaltmak = • My brother remained bachelor for a long time till he got
shorten married last summer.
• He abbreviated his first name to Alec. (sadece ünvanlarda ve bazı kalıp
kullanımlarda)üniversite mezunu kişi
3. abduct bir kişiyi kaçırmak = kidnap • He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy.
• The man was accused of abducting the little girl.
16. background arka plan, bir şeyin arkasındaki manzara veya
4. abnormal garip, normalden farklı görünüm
• My sister has an abnormal fear of dogs. • He is a powerful person but he prefers to remain in the
5. abolish (bir sistemi veya uygulamayı) resmi olarak
sonlandırmak 17. bail kefalet, teminat
• Many people are against abolishing the death penalty. • The man was freed on bail and he started to work again.
6. abort (bir süreci, planı veya aktiviteyi henüz 18. bake fırında pişirmek veya pişmek
tamamlanmadan) durdurmak = stop • I need to learn bake cakes.
• The soldiers were told to abort the mission. • The bread is baking.
8. absence (bir yerde) bulunmama, mevcut olmama 20. bald saçsız, kel
X presence • I can see my father’s bald head in the crowd.
• Many people wanted to see you in your absence.
21. ban yasak, yasaklamak = prohibit
9. absolutely tamamen • The authorities declared a ban on smoking in all public
• You were absolutely right when you objected to the plan. places.
• There is absolutely no difference between these two ideas. • He was banned from driving for three years.
10. absorb emmek, içine almak = soak up 22. band şerit, bant, kurdele
• Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and moisture • All the patients in this hospital wear a wrist-band with their
from the soil. name and details on it.
müzik topluluğu
11. abstain (from) yapmamak, yapmaktan kaçınmak • He was a drummer in a famous rock band.
• His doctor told him to abstain from drinking and smoking.
23. calamity felaket, afet, bela = disaster
12. abstract soyut, gerçek olaylara veya şeylere • Many people were killed in the calamity.
dayanmayan = theoretical • Many people describe drugs as the greatest calamity of our
• It is not easy to agree on abstract principles such as justice. age.
1. abandon ____ a. to officially stop a person or many people from doing something
2. abort ____ b. overturn in the water
3. absorb ____ c. to make an object or shape by cutting wood or stone
4. abrupt ____ d. to stop; come or bring to an end
5. ban ____ e. to leave someone or something somewhere
6. candid ____ f. someone injured or killed in an accident or war
7. capsize ____ g. the beginning of the day, when it begins to get light
8. carve ____ h.
an event that causes a lot of damage or makes a lot of people suffer
9. casualty ____ i. honest, especially about something unpleasant or embarrassing
10. cease ____ j. to take in liquid, gas, or heat and hold it
11. catastrophe ____ k. a famous person, especially in entertainment or sport
12. dawn ____ l.
sudden and unexpected, often in an unpleasant way
13. capture ____ m. one of the people competing in an election
14. candidate ____ n. to catch someone so that they become your prisoner
15. celebrity ____ o. to stop a process before it has finished
1. John had a very difficult childhood since his father _______________ him when he was six years old.
2. According to studies, people with higher levels of fitness are _______________ of handling stress
more effectively than those who are less fit.
3. Millions of dollars were invested in this project; nonetheless, the technical problems forced the
engineers to _______________ the mission.
4. Corduroy is a popular fabric normally associated with _______________ or outdoor wear.
5. There is a great deal of debate about the advantages and disadvantages of _______________ all
tariffs and adopting worldwide free trade.
6. People with sensitive skin have to be _______________ about using products without irritants.
7. Carbon is a naturally _______________ non-metallic element which forms the basis of most living
8. There are a few different methods you can use to _______________ your average monthly expenses.
9. Panoramic images, including those which are _______________ by digital panoramic cameras are
either substantially taller or wider than standard images.
10. When ear infections prevent one or both of the ears from functioning correctly, a child may lose his
_______________ and experience dizziness.
11. There are some _______________ where a simple painkiller can alleviate serious headaches.
12. _______________ punishment is the practice of executing prisoners after they are convicted of a very
serious crime.
13. In general, antibiotic use is considered very safe and _______________ necessary for the treatment of
a variety of illnesses.
14. Located _______________ in the city of Milwaukee, the America’s Black Holocust Museum was
created to remember those who suffered and died because of racial discrimination.
15. The potato skin contains all the vitamins and nutrients, whereas the inside is basically just starch.
Therefore, it is best to _______________ a potato with the skin intact when preparing potatoes for a
1. According to researches, when children witness parental maltreatment, they are more likely to behave
---- as adults.
centrally / abusively
2. An infant can’t think in ---- terms like an adult can because it has not reached an advanced stage of
cognitive development.
abstract / abrupt
3. The ---- of the concert was a huge disappointment for the singer’s fans, who had been waiting for him
for hours.
cancellation / carriage
4. Some of the best-known ---- fan clubs today are for musicians or movie stars.
bachelor / celebrity
5. One of the worst ---- in Turkey took place in 1999, when an earthquake measuring six-point-seven on
the Richter scale struck the industrialised town of İzmit.
calamities / backgrounds
6. One way to understand the violence that occurred in the First World War is to examine the number of
---- though the exact figures are still disputed.
careers / casualties
7. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation or commonly known as CPR is a life-saving method that is used in
emergency situations where a person’s heart has ---- beating.
ceased / capsized
8. Some bacteria types are ---- of surviving or even thriving in the coldest environments like polar regions.
capable / candid
9. All life forms, except for viruses, are made up of ----, which are the smallest metabolically functional
cells / bans
10. Despite the widespread assumption that drinking alcohol is an integral part of growing up, young
people should ---- from drinking heavily.
absorb / abstain
A) outrageous B) gentle C) energetic D) plentiful
A) stabilize B) eliminate C) encounter D) inhabit
A) pick B) reflect C) argue D) forbid
A) relaxed B) adverse C) notable D) apparent
A) stuff B) disaster C) weight D) adventure
A) cry B) yell C) end D) produce
A) decrease B) identify C) edit D) avoid
1. People who earn a b_______________ of science in information technology study both the technical
field of computer science and the business fields of management and communication.
2. Worldwide production for all beverage c_______________ is approximately 475 billion per year
3. I have been attending a language course for a couple of months with a group of students from very
different b_______________.
4. If your dog exhibits a_______________ behaviours suddenly, you should first consult a veterinarian to
understand whether it has a health problem.
5. The minister’s son was a_______________ by some terrorists last week and they are demanding a £5
million ransom.
6. Because the boss is going to the United States, Mark will be in charge in his a_______________.
7. In music, a musical b_______________ is a group of musicians that works together to perform music.
8. In order to have a c_______________ in computer programming, you will need to complete a formal
education programme which is available at a wide range of universities.
Complete the following dialogue and paragraph with a suitable word from the word list of this session.
Hurricane Katrina,
which hit the US a few Tony
years ago, was a(n) (1)
____________ event in You’re absolutely right.
many aspects. It caused almost 2000
(2)____________ and
hundreds more were missing
for months after the hurricane.
Besides, it took months In 1865, the United States
for the government to (1) ____________ slavery with
(3)____________ the the 13th amendment to the United
exact property damage. Well, as far as I States Constitution. However, the
remember, most of the abolishment of human slavery was
damage was primarily (2) ____________ a long and difficult
focused in Louisiana process spanning nearly a century
and Mississippi. from the time of the country’s founding.
There are (3) ____________ factors
bringing it to an end, most of which fall
under economic developments, various
forms of activism, political action, and
the Civil War of 1860. Also, a more
well-known factor that led to the
abolishment of slavery was the
abolitionist movement that was
(4) ____________ influential in the 19th
1. A solar ---- occurs when the Moon passes 6. Before you buy a kitchen ---- such as a blender
between Earth and the Sun, thereby obscuring or cheese-slicer, you had better make sure it
Earth’s view of the Sun totally or partially. doesn’t end up collecting dust in a dark corner
of your cupboard.
A) acquaintance B) adjustment
C) majority D) objection A) garment B) imitation
E) eclipse C) gadget D) implication
E) knob
2. A new India arose above demographic 7. Adult frogs are characterised by long hind
distinctions to unite peoples of various legs, a short body, webbed digits, protruding
geographic, economic, ethnic, linguistic and eyes and the ---- of a tail.
religious ----.
A) oasis B) majority
A) anecdotes B) blazes C) absence D) impression
C) backgrounds D) races E) ailment
E) consumptions
3. Voting is used in democratic elections, in 8. When it comes to breaking bad ----, experts
which the options are ---- for public office, and say it’s essential to regain your ability to make
the preferences of the citizens determine who a choice about that action.
gets to hold those offices.
A) idioms B) habits
A) capitals B) tailors C) insults D) mansions
C) sections D) differences E) labour
E) candidates
5. Authorities will assess the ---- and draw 10. Experts say that immigrants to developed
up plans to prevent secondary disasters or countries lower the hourly ---- of native-born
evacuations. workers.
37. Those to whom depression is just a ---- 44. The president of Nigeria has said the federal
defined condition may be surprised by the government is taking measures to ensure
variety of the disease. massive agricultural production to ---- the
food crisis in the country.
A) rarely B) painfully
C) marvellously D) portably A) label B) illuminate
E) vaguely C) remain D) tackle
E) peel
42. One could spend hours ---- the markets of 49. ---- in an after-school club reduces children’s
İstanbul’s shopping districts since there are a risks of becoming involved in drugs or
lot around. alcohol, or committing crimes.
A) halting B) refunding A) Gasping B) Settling
C) instructing D) wandering C) Guiding D) Trusting
E) paraphrasing E) Participating
43. In the early 1500s, priests cooperated with 50. A recent PC World article highlights a recent
soldiers and managed to ---- the natives of trend to engage the users to help ---- and
South America with Christianity, not violence. classify threats rather than relying on the
seller to make all the decisions.
A) apply B) pacify
A) identify B) validate
C) amuse D) hinder
C) trade D) flatter
E) pause
E) shuffle
1. Using a dental sealant, a thin plastic coating, 7. Although there are many things that damage a
is a safe, painless and low-cost way to protect marriage, ---- of respect for one another is the
your child’s teeth from ----. most destructive one.
2. Giving organs and tissues upon ---- is a 8. Humans are the only primates that don’t have
generous act that helps save the lives of many, pigment in the ---- of their hands.
and helps others to recover their health.
A) muscles B) odours
A) flavour B) decease C) petals D) packs
C) location D) nuisance E) palms
E) carriage
3. Because learning comes easy to gifted 9. Part of being a responsible ---- owner is doing
children, they may not learn the value of ----, everything within your power to ensure your
yet without it, even the smartest person may pet’s good health.
not be successful. A) pioneer B) raid
A) effort B) muscle C) parrot D) spot
C) mortality D) metaphor E) rack
E) calamity
4. Unintentional weight ---- is an increase in 10. Being guided by fixed ----, trains are uniquely
body weight that occurs when a person takes susceptible to collision since they frequently
in more calories than the body needs or uses, operate at speeds that do not enable them to
causing increased fat storage. stop quickly.
6. Although for many purposes it is convenient to 12. Fresh air, breathtaking ---- and outdoor
think of a(n) ---- as having distinct north and activities are the main attractions of New
south poles, the concept of poles should not be Zealand, with a tremendously friendly, honest
taken literally. and helpful population.
37. We must not stand ---- by while scientists 44. Never use ordinary pens for keeping records:
warn us again and again that our planet is in their ink, especially in ballpoint pens, can ----.
A) notify B) illustrate
A) conclusively B) idly C) fade D) prescribe
C) embarrassingly D) hazardously E) spare
E) rationally
41. When they felt the floor shaking, the father 48. During the war, as part of a national security
grabbed the baby and the whole family ---- measure, each outgoing letter which passed
out of the house. through military post offices was carefully ----
A) verified B) witnessed for confidential material.
C) dashed D) improved A) retired B) censored
E) identified C) scared D) twinkled
E) utilized
42. We all know that a lot of children have
footballers that they look up to and ----. 49. Our hope is to provide support for teachers
and schools ---- with the problems by using the
A) disturb B) collide advice and solutions from their peers.
C) idolize D) frighten
E) discard A) verifying B) voting
C) invading D) dealing
E) foreseeing
43. The first step in creating your podcast is to
record the audio. The next step is to ---- the
audio recordings that you have created. 50. Just before dark our guide ---- us beside a fine
clear mountain stream where we set up camp.
A) glide B) edit
C) handle D) last A) founded B) halted
E) narrate C) drifted D) overcharged
E) penalized
276. timber kereste, kalas 288. uniform üniforma; değişmeyen, bir örnek
• The forest territories are being cut down for timber. • The town police wear dark blue uniforms.
• The price rises will not be uniform across the country.
277. timeless modası geçmeyen
• There is a timeless quality in his works. 289. venture (risk içeren) iş; cüret etmek, riske girmek
• I wish you luck in your new business venture.
278. timetable tarife, program = schedule
• The two countries are to try to agree on a timetable for 290. verbal sözlü; sözel
formal talks. • I gave her a verbal warning.
285. unearth toprağın altından çıkarmak; ortaya çıkarmak 298. wise akıllı, akıllıca X foolish
= uncover • It would not be wise to leave all the work to her.
• Fossil hunters unearthed the bones of an elephant
believed to be 500,000 years old.
299. wit nükte, espri; espri yapma becerisi
• The detectives have unearthed documents indicating
• He was known for his biting wit.
her responsibility.
akıl, zeka
• John is the only one with the wit to use the information.
286. uneasiness huzursuzluk, tedirginlik
• She had a feeling of uneasiness the first time she
300. witch cadı
entered the room.
• Witches often wear a pointed black hat, and have a pet
black cat.
1. The old man was arrested for trying to _______________ drugs across the country’s border.
2. Make a daily _______________ of the things to be done during the day, and ensure that you stick to it.
3. I can’t put up with the new girl in the class. She is always acting _______________ and thinks she’s
superior to us.
4. Turkeys are _______________ animals with personality and character and has keen awareness of
their surroundings.
5. They say, _______________ and happiness are two things which increase by sharing them with
6. To be a good journalist, you should have a love for people and places and a strong desire to
_______________ the truth.
7. The old woman clutched the handbag _______________ in her hand as she walked through the
gathering crowd.
8. School administrations believe that wearing a(n) _______________ can help children have a feeling of
belonging to the school community.
9. A wristwatch can be gifted during the first year of a relationship to symbolize _______________ love
that is strengthened by time itself.
10. Nuts serve as a good _______________ option for diabetics, as they are loaded with proteins and
11. The _______________ carries pollen from the male flowers to red female flowers for pollination.
12. _______________ is an enemy that everyone is trying to defeat in their daily life to do their things on
13. Extensive research and studies have been conducted to _______________ whether the drug really
works to cure obesity problems.
14. Bedbugs are _______________ black bugs that bite you when you are sleeping and they like to hide in
the cracks in furniture.
15. Sound is the most common type of _______________ communication in animals, and they use it as a
medium to convey their messages.
1. ----, a condition more frequently observed in men, can be the result of sleep disorders or nasal
Snoring / Sneezing
2. ---- have shells and they are known to be one of the slowest creatures on the planet.
Snakes / Snails
3. Copper ---- are very commonly used in the process of supplying electricity as they have a high level of
wires / tires
4. While diving, keep an eye out for the ---- as they are really powerful and can take you along.
slopes / tides
5. ---- potatoes can be quite useful for you to clear up the skin pores in a proper way.
Smashed / Unfolded
6. A ---- is a must for men’s formal clothing and is incomplete without a pin or clip.
tip / tie
7. To make the dressing table a fit piece in your room, the ---- of the dresser should match that of the
width / slot
8. There are many potential entrepreneurs, wondering how they can raise enough money for a business
venture / verdict
9. You should not select a ---- mat for practising vigorous or active forms of yoga which can include some
really difficult postures.
slippery / tiresome
10. Rabbits are ---- and delicate creatures; they have a fragile body, hence require good care and attention.
timid / tiny
A) gruesome B) wearisome C) loathsome D) bothersome
A) discomfort B) toleration C) utterance D) selection
A) tender B) fiery C) awful D) bright
A) calm B) stiff C) neat D) flat
A) erase B) shorten C) bother D) entrust
A) tame B) sheer C) fair D) even
A) sad B) hard C) shy D) fake
1. An u_______________ in the stomach or a constant sick feeling can be a symptom of high blood
2. To v_______________ the purity level of gold jewellery, a marking system is devised, which indicates
the amount of pure gold that is contained within a jewellery item.
3. The w_______________ of a badminton court must be 20 feet or roughly 6.1 metres, according to
international rules.
4. A neat and t_______________ kitchen always reflects refined taste of an individual.
5. Keratin hair treatment is a great way of straightening frizzy and curly hair; giving it a
s_______________, beautiful appearance.
6. Researchers in Latin America, Asia and even some parts of Europe have begun to question the
w_______________ of the westernization model.
7. Wearing s_______________ clothes can help children to feel good about themselves, and foster social
8. Through hands-on challenges, authentic artefacts and guidance from real archaeologists, visitors will
u_______________ the mysteries of Egypt, its culture and its people.
Complete the following dialogue and paragraph with a suitable word from the word list of this session.
1. The criminal had a convincing ---- and 6. During the peak of the Ottoman ----, the
unfortunately, the police let him free. borders of the empire was stretching from
Asia to Europe.
A) verdict B) comprehension
C) impact D) alibi A) mercy B) reign
E) genius C) request D) coordination
E) inferiority
2. A teacher should be able to have ---- in order 7. Although my father was a heavy smoker, due
to answer the questions about whatever he to his health problems, he had to give it up and
teaches as a subject. now he is used to the ---- of it.
3. For the first time in its history, the company 8. Realizing that she has a natural ---- for
staff supported a female ---- for the post of the teaching, my sister has decided to be a teacher
chairman. for her future career.
4. Our country should do something to extend 9. Most of the finds acquired are either broken
the railway ----, or else, roads will keep on or in a state of ----, so archaeologists haven’t
being a danger to people. been able to reach any specific clue for the
ancient civilization.
A) mystery B) network
C) coherence D) negligence A) decay B) safety
E) urge C) complication D) tiresome
E) modesty
5. Today, the ---- of the Stonehenge attract a 10. As far as I know, TOEFL is the ---- of Test of
number of people to Britain but no one knows English as a Foreign Language.
why ancient people built this site.
A) altitude B) alteration
A) priorities B) skills C) demonstration D) abbreviation
C) remedies D) remains E) decline
E) adversities
37. The boy was making his living delivering the 44. The girl is so conceited that she sometimes
piles of the newspapers ---- with a string to the ---- herself that she could have been a model if
grocery stores every morning. she had been given the opportunity.
38. However much he tried, the old man couldn’t 45. When we want something to be heard soon, we
---- the memory from his mind that his always tell it to Peter because he quickly ---- it
children had abandoned him taking all his to anybody he knows in the company.
A) competes B) relieves
A) issue B) occupy C) alternates D) complements
C) precede D) relieve E) relays
E) erase
46. The staff have been so busy with completing
39. Language group students ---- to have careers the annual report lately that most of them
in different branches of jobs varying from usually ---- their lunch so as to finish the work
teaching to working in the media sector. in time.
40. I was going to ---- tomatoes this summer but 47. In contrast to what every student knows, the
unfortunately our balcony is in shade, which is Babylonians ---- Pythagoras’s theorem about
not good for such vegetables. 1,000 years before he was born.
41. Trying to find where the switch was in the 48. Empathy is often ---- as the ability to “put
dark, the boy ---- the white walls as his hands oneself into another’s shoes”, or to experience
were greasy since he had been trying to fix his the emotions of another being within oneself.
bike for hours.
A) assigned B) appointed
A) devised B) skipped C) fetched D) characterized
C) remained D) smudged E) sought
E) cleared
49. Hard though the search was, the scientists
42. Knowing that my friend is quite familiar with never considered ---- it because they had
the area I have been living in, I just ---- a map devoted themselves to science.
of our apartment so that he could easily find
it. A) separating B) terminating
C) remaining D) stimulating
A) exploited B) determined E) distinguishing
C) calculated D) captured
E) sketched 50. Doctors say that exercise is good to ---- the risk
of a heart stroke but they never think that we
43. Despite the fact that the car skidded on the can hardly find time to do it with the everyday
road and ---- off the cliff, miraculously, no one rush we are in.
was killed.
A) lessen B) compromise
A) plunged B) seized C) interact D) hasten
C) adjourned D) eroded E) intrude
E) detected
Dictionaries - Exercises - Tests
9. avalanche çığ
• Avalanches are set off by a combination of factors, 21. brush fırça; fırçalamak
including temperature and sudden vibrations. • The teacher gave the kids paint and brushes.
• Have you brushed your teeth?
1. A cover ---- is planted after the harvest of 6. The Archives of American Art received an ----
regularly planted ones. It protects soil from of $3.6 million for dramatically increasing the
erosion and improves soil conditions. accessibility of its resources on the web.
2. Parents must make sure their children get 7. The night hotel team was confused about what
appropriate sleep, exercise and ----. to do but the fire ---- arrived very promptly
and put out the fire.
A) humiliation B) nutrition
C) indication D) quantity A) brigade B) intensity
E) puberty C) immunity D) sanction
E) revenue
3. The abolition ---- provided a unique forum 8. Around 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 28, 1986
where African Americans and whites worked in Florida, the seven ---- members of the Space
together to abolish slavery. Shuttle Challenger were already strapped into
their seats.
A) rotation B) storage
C) movement D) trim A) scope B) crew
E) warden C) turmoil D) trigger
E) utility
4. ---- are the most essential link in your chain 9. More people are going to ---- for emotional
of climbing safety, a chain which begins with disorders than in the last decade.
your climbing rope.
A) psychiatrists B) syndromes
A) Knots B) Witches C) qualifications D) objections
C) Trucks D) Plagues E) managements
E) Phenomena
5. 95% of people who are caught in ---- are 10. When compared to last year, ---- goods orders
caught by a slide that was triggered by actually declined by 2%.
themselves or a member of their party.
A) disgrace B) altitude
A) occupations B) massacres C) durable D) adoption
C) innovations D) enterprises E) maneuver
E) avalanches
37. A kid whose problems are handled ---- will 44. When packaging, you must fill each carton
become a considerate person in his later tightly and completely because unfilled boxes
years. tend to ---- and break open.
38. The wild hurricane ---- through several 45. Mobile users rely on their laptops working
counties and caused thousands of people to and being ready to work at anytime, so they
lose their homes. learn how to ---- their laptop’s battery life.
39. Sandra feels extremely miserable nowadays 46. According to several reports, sales of
as she thinks she has no real friends to ---- her Blue-ray Discs have ---- sales of HD-DVD discs
in these difficult days. in recent years.
40. Writing helps to ---- thoughts and to organize 47. There is an incredibly simple way to ---- DNA
them logically and concisely. from a banana and other types of cells.
41. It is not necessary for you to have an unlimited 48. One of the most common mistakes that
budget or special abilities to ---- a beautiful buyers make is not planning out a space
house near the sea. before they start to ---- it.
42. As you might ----, life was very difficult for 49. To make sure you’re not ----, consumers are
villagers in the past as they had no modern strongly urged to write down shelf prices,
tools at all. watch the register display and check the
receipt before leaving the store.
A) impair B) guess
C) mock D) order A) struggled B) undertaken
E) pacify C) stimulated D) overcharged
E) shimmered
43. One of the coolest things about being in
Cannes during the festival is the chance to ---- 50. Following the fall of the monarch, opposition
into a big celebrity. elements attempted to reorganize and to ----
the government by force.
A) prevent B) perform
C) bump D) resort A) invert B) distinguish
E) settle C) dispense D) adhere
E) overthrow