AspenProcessEconAnalyzerV7 3 1-Usr
AspenProcessEconAnalyzerV7 3 1-Usr
AspenProcessEconAnalyzerV7 3 1-Usr
User Guide
Version Number: V7.3.1
March 2011
Copyright (c) 2000-2011 by Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer, Aspen Capital Cost Estimator, Aspen In-Plant Cost Estimator, the aspen leaf
logo and Plantelligence and Enterprise Optimization are trademarks or registered trademarks of Aspen Technology,
Inc., Burlington, MA.
All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
This document is intended as a guide to using AspenTech's software. This documentation contains AspenTech
proprietary and confidential information and may not be disclosed, used, or copied without the prior consent of
AspenTech or as set forth in the applicable license agreement. Users are solely responsible for the proper use of
the software and the application of the results obtained.
Although AspenTech has tested the software and reviewed the documentation, the sole warranty for the software
may be found in the applicable license agreement between AspenTech and the user. ASPENTECH MAKES NO
2 Getting Started...................................................................................................17
Starting Aspen Process Economic Analyzer ........................................................ 17
Starting a Project Scenario .............................................................................. 18
Creating a New Project Scenario ............................................................ 18
Importing an Aspen Process Economic Analyzer 5.0/5.1 Project Scenario .... 22
Opening an Existing Project Scenario ................................................................ 24
Working with Templates.................................................................................. 26
Adding a Template. .............................................................................. 26
Creating a Project by Importing a Template............................................. 27
Understanding the Icarus Interface .................................................................. 27
Project Explorer ................................................................................... 28
Main Window ....................................................................................... 29
List View ............................................................................................. 32
Palette ................................................................................................ 34
Customizing the Icarus Interface............................................................ 38
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer's Toolbar............................................. 40
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer Menu Bar ............................................ 42
Working with Project Scenarios ........................................................................ 46
Saving Project Scenarios ....................................................................... 46
1 Introduction 3
Deleting Project Scenarios ..................................................................... 47
Salvaging Project Scenarios................................................................... 48
Unlocking Project Scenarios................................................................... 49
Copying Project Directories.................................................................... 50
Preferences ................................................................................................... 51
General............................................................................................... 52
Forms ................................................................................................. 53
Backup/Recovery ................................................................................. 53
Process ............................................................................................... 54
Locations ............................................................................................ 55
Logging............................................................................................... 58
1 Introduction 4
HYSIM Report Generation.................................................................... 138
HYSYS Report Generation.................................................................... 140
SimSci’s PRO/II with PROVISION Report Generation ............................... 142
Loading Simulation Data ............................................................................... 144
Viewing Data Derived from Simulator ................................................... 146
Working with Block Flow Diagrams ................................................................. 147
Displaying the Block Flow Diagram ....................................................... 147
The Drag & Find Feature ..................................................................... 148
Accessing Commands in the Block Flow Diagram.................................... 149
Zooming ........................................................................................... 150
BlockFlow Diagram View Menu ............................................................. 151
Mapping Simulator Items to Icarus Project Components.................................... 152
Component Status.............................................................................. 160
Deleting Mappings.............................................................................. 160
Tower Configurations .................................................................................... 161
Sizing Selection ........................................................................................... 172
Project Sizing Selection................................................................................. 172
Specifying Additional Components .................................................................. 174
Working with Process Flow Diagrams .............................................................. 174
Editing the Layout .............................................................................. 175
Process Flow Diagram View Menu ......................................................... 175
Setting Grid Properties........................................................................ 178
Editing Connectivity............................................................................ 178
Adding a Stream ................................................................................ 180
Drawing a Disconnected Stream........................................................... 182
Working with Streams......................................................................... 183
1 Introduction 5
Copying Areas ............................................................................................. 206
Deleting Components.................................................................................... 206
Re-numbering Components ................................................................. 207
Deleting Areas ............................................................................................. 207
Re-Numbering Areas .......................................................................... 208
Using the Custom Model Tool......................................................................... 208
Creating a Template ........................................................................... 212
Running the Custom Model Tool at Project-Level for Batch Update............ 213
1 Introduction 6
Unit Cost Library (UCL) ................................................................................. 277
Developing and Using an Equipment Model Library (EML) .................................. 278
Creating an EML................................................................................. 278
Adding an Item to an EML ................................................................... 279
Adding an EML Item to a Project Scenario ............................................. 281
Developing and Using a Unit Cost Library (UCL) ............................................... 285
Creating a Unit Cost Library................................................................. 285
Adding an Item to a UCL ..................................................................... 286
Adding a UCL Item to a Project ............................................................ 288
Creating an Assembly of UCL Items ...................................................... 290
Working with Cost Libraries ........................................................................... 294
Copying a Library Item ....................................................................... 294
Deleting a Library Item ....................................................................... 294
Escalating Library Costs ...................................................................... 294
Importing a Cost Library ..................................................................... 295
Duplicating a Cost Library ................................................................... 296
Deleting a Cost Library ....................................................................... 297
1 Introduction 7
Accessing AUM_Air ............................................................................. 349
The Initial Design ............................................................................... 351
Modifying Air – Instrument, Plant Data ................................................. 352
Guide for the Air Utility Model (AUM) .............................................................. 355
SPECS Organization Chart ................................................................... 356
About this SPECS Book ....................................................................... 356
About an Air Plant Unit........................................................................ 357
About Distribution Piping for an APU ..................................................... 358
Schematic ......................................................................................... 359
Configuration of Air Utility Project Components ................................................ 359
Project Components ........................................................................... 360
An “Air Plant Unit” - APU ..................................................................... 360
Schematic of an Air Plant Unit.............................................................. 361
General Layout .................................................................................. 362
Multiple Air Plant Units for Multiple Areas .............................................. 362
Compressor Redundancy: Multiple, Stand-by, Start-up ........................... 363
Design Considerations .................................................................................. 363
Units of Measure ................................................................................ 363
Air Utility Area ................................................................................... 364
Air Utility Project Components ............................................................. 364
Instrument Air (IA) Requirements: Air Flow Rate ................................... 364
Plant Air (PA) Requirements: Air Flow Rate............................................ 365
Compressor Model Selection Method..................................................... 365
Interactive Specs ......................................................................................... 369
User Preferences ................................................................................ 369
Equipment Redundancy....................................................................... 370
Equipment Configurations ................................................................... 370
Basis for Design: Preferences - 1......................................................... 371
Configuration Layout Method and Distribution ........................................ 373
Example layout – group of areas served by APU “A” ............................... 374
Circuit Preferences: Configuration of APUs............................................ 374
Sample Layouts: One APU .................................................................. 375
Sample Layouts: Multiple APUs ........................................................... 375
Design Methods ........................................................................................... 375
Basis for Sizing Air Distribution Piping................................................... 375
Sample AUM_Air Worksheets ......................................................................... 377
List of AUM_Air Worksheets ................................................................. 377
Welcome Worksheet ........................................................................... 378
Control Center Worksheet ................................................................... 378
Guide Worksheet................................................................................ 379
Status Worksheet............................................................................... 384
Preferences Worksheet ....................................................................... 386
Configuration Part 1: Assignment of Plant Air to Areas Not Requiring
Instrument Air ................................................................................... 388
Configuration Part 2: Assignment of Areas to an APU.............................. 388
Report – Equipment Component Stats .................................................. 389
Report – Pipe Stats............................................................................. 391
1 Introduction 8
Overview of Workbooks ...................................................................... 396
Revising Premises .............................................................................. 405
Saving AEM Workbook ........................................................................ 407
Discussion of Economic Premises ......................................................... 407
Reviewing Results in Aspen Icarus Reporter..................................................... 413
Accessing Aspen Reporter ................................................................... 413
Which Report Mode? ........................................................................... 416
Standard Reports ............................................................................... 417
List of Standard Reports...................................................................... 421
HTML Reports .................................................................................... 424
Management Reports .......................................................................... 426
Excel Reports..................................................................................... 429
Data Trending.................................................................................... 433
Importing Data into Aspen Icarus Reporter............................................ 437
Creating a User Database.................................................................... 438
Reviewing Results in Icarus Editor .................................................................. 439
Accessing Icarus Editor ....................................................................... 439
Printing a Single Section ..................................................................... 440
Icarus Editor Toolbar .......................................................................... 440
Report Sections.................................................................................. 441
Reviewing Investment Analysis ...................................................................... 448
Viewing Investment Analysis ............................................................... 448
Equipment Summary .......................................................................... 449
Project Summary ............................................................................... 450
Cashflow ........................................................................................... 457
Executive Summary............................................................................ 462
Using the Reporting Assistant .............................................................. 464
Steps to customize the Run Summary worksheet: .................................. 467
Aspen Process Economic AnalyzerWB_TRA.xls>>Template worksheet: ..... 468
Aspen Process Economic AnalyzerWB_TRA.xls>>User defined functions: .. 468
Item Evaluation ........................................................................................... 470
Index ..................................................................................................................507
1 Introduction 9
1 Introduction
Main Features
Links to Process Simulator Software
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer, formerly known as Aspen Icarus Process
Evaluator, uses expert system links to effect the automatic transfer of your
process simulator output results. Links are available to process simulator
programs from AspenTech, Chemstations, Hyprotech, SimSci and others.
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer can link to virtually any commercial and
proprietary process simulator program.
1 Introduction 11
Sizing of Equipment
Size of equipment is a prerequisite to costing and the results of size
calculations performed during process simulation are loaded automatically by
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer. With Aspen Process Economic Analyzer,
you can revise sizes, enter your values for unsized equipment or develop
sizes using Aspen Process Economic Analyzer’s built-in expert sizing
1 Introduction 12
automatically re-size all project components and stream flows. You can
change the plant location (choosing from twenty-two different countries), and
Analyzer’s plant relocation technology will automatically revise the design and
cost basis parameters, including parity exchange rate, workforce rates,
productivities, and construction practices.
1 Introduction 13
This workflow is recommended if you are bringing process simulator data
into Aspen Process Economic Analyzer. However, Aspen Process Economic
Analyzer lets you perform the same evaluation on a process comprised of
areas and components that you add in Aspen Process Economic Analyzer,
rather than mapped from simulator models.
During the project workflow, you can go back to previous steps to refine
the project.
The Guide
This guide contains the following:
1 Introduction 14
Chapter 1 Introduction an overview of Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
and the user's guide, as well as a list of related documentation and
information on technical support.
Chapter 2 Getting Started instructions on how to start Aspen Process
Economic Analyzer, open a project, enter project specifications, and work with
the Icarus Interface.
Chapter 3 Defining the Project Basis instructions on defining
specifications: units of measure, standard basis, component map, design
criteria, investment analysis, raw material, product, operating unit costs, and
Chapter 4 Loading and Mapping Simulation Data instructions on
preparing different kinds of simulator reports for use in Aspen Process
Economic Analyzer, loading simulator data, mapping simulator models to
Icarus project components, adding additional components to simulator
models, and viewing and defining simulator models in Block Flow Diagram
(BFD) and Process Flow Diagram (PFD) view.
Chapter 5 Defining Project Components instructions on defining project
components, which are the pieces of the process plant that, when linked
together, complete a process.
Chapter 6 Sizing Project Components instructions on sizing project
Chapter 7 – Piping and Instrumentation Models – instructions on connection
pipelines between components and creating piping line list reports for
connected lines.
Chapter 8 – Developing and Using Cost Libraries instructions on developing
cost libraries and adding library items as project components.
Chapter 9 – Changing Plant Capacity and Location instructions on
modifying plant capacity and locations, as well as details on the parameters
affected by these modifications.
Chapter 10 - Analyzer Utility Modules – instructions on using Analyzer Utility
Modules for cooling water and air.
Chapter 11 - Evaluating the Project instructions on running a project and
item evaluations and reviewing capital costs, operating costs, and investment
analysis reports.
Related Documentation
In addition to this document, a number of other documents are provided to
help users learn and use Aspen Process Economic Analyzer. The
documentation set consists of the following:
Installation Notes
Aspen Economic Evaluation and Exchanger Design and Rating V7.3
Installation Guide
1 Introduction 15
Known Issues and Workarounds
Aspen Economic Evaluation V7.3 Release Notes
Icarus Reference
Aspen Icarus Reference Guide, for Icarus Evaluation Engine (IEE)
Technical Support
Online Technical Support Center
AspenTech customers with a valid license and software maintenance
agreement can register to access the Online Technical Support Center at:
1 Introduction 16
2 Getting Started
2 Getting Started 17
You can change the position of these windows, as explained later in
Customizing the Icarus Interface (page 38).
2 Getting Started 18
Note: You can create scenarios in project directories other than the default
one provided by Aspen Process Economic Analyzer. See Preferences –
Locations on page 55 for instructions on adding project directories.
2 Getting Started 19
5 Enter a Project Description. The description can be up to 500 characters in
length and can be comprised of letters, numbers, and punctuation. . The
description can be edited later by accessing Project Properties from the
Project Basis view (see page 60).
6 In the Units of Measure section, you can keep the default basis of
Inch-Pound (IP) or select Metric. The Units of Measure selection cannot be
changed after creating the project scenario.
7 If desired, enter more details about the project scenario in the Remarks
field. Remarks can be up to 6,000 characters in length and can be
comprised of letters, numbers, and punctuation. Remarks can be edited
later by accessing Project Properties from the Project Basis view (see
page 60).
8 Click OK.
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer displays the Input Units of Measure
Specifications dialog box, which allows you to customize the units of
measure that appear on specification forms.
2 Getting Started 20
For example, if you want to use CM/H (centimeters per hour) instead of M/H
(meters per hour) to specify conveyor belt speed in your metric-basis project,
do the following:
9 Select Velocity and Flow Rate; then click Modify.
10 On the Velocity and Flow Rate Units form, enter CM/H as the new unit
name for M/H. Then enter the conversion factor between the two units in
the Conversion field. In this example, the conversion factor between the
two units is 100 because:
100 CM/H = 1 M/H.
11 Click OK to accept the modifications and return to the previous dialog box.
When finished modifying input units of measure, click Close.
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer displays the General Project Data form,
where you can select a country base and currency.
2 Getting Started 21
The default country base is US and the default currency is Dollars (USD).
Changing the country base automatically changes the currency to that of the
country base. You can, however, enter a currency different than that of the
country base. Just be sure to also enter a currency conversion rate (the
number of currency units per one country base currency unit).
Country base affects various system default values. Chapter 36 of Icarus
Reference provides a table listing the default values used for each country
This is the only time you can enter country base and currency. Other
specifications on this form can be entered later by selecting General Project
Data in the Project Basis view (see page 61).
2 Getting Started 22
To import an Aspen Process Economic Analyzer 5.0/5.1 or Analyzer
2.0B project scenario:
1 Do one of the following:
On the File menu, click New.
Note: You can create scenarios in project directories other than the default
one provided by Aspen In-Plant Cost Estimator. See Preferences – Locations
on page 55 for instructions.
2 Getting Started 23
The Select Import Type dialog box appears.
5 Select either Aspen Process Economic Analyzer 5.0 and 5.1 or Analyzer
2.0B and click OK.
The Browse for Folder dialog box appears.
2 Getting Started 24
The Open Existing Project dialog box appears.
Note: In the pictured dialog box, the project named Expansion has been
expanded on the tree structure to show the scenario named BaseCase.
The tree structure on the left side of the dialog box displays the projects in
the default project folder:
...\AspenTech\Economic Evaluation V7.3\Data\Archives_Aspen Process
Economic Analyzer
Clicking “+” next to a project expands the view to display the scenarios under
that project. Selecting a scenario displays the following scenario information
in the pane on the right:
o Version of Aspen Process Economic Analyzer in which the
scenario was created
o Name of the user who created the scenario
o Name of the computer on which the scenario was created
o Units of measure used in the scenario
2 Click a scenario; then click OK.
The project scenario opens. The Main Window now displays Project Explorer
and the List view. See “Understanding the Icarus Interface” on page 27 for
instructions on working with these and other features now available on the
Palette Shortcut
You can also open a project from the Palette, which appears to the right of
the Main Window in the default interface arrangement (it can also be floated
in the Main Window or dragged onto the Main Window and re-sized, as shown
2 Getting Started 25
To open a project from the Palette :
In the Projects view tab, right-click a scenario; then, on the menu that
appears, click Open.
2 Getting Started 26
Creating a Project by Importing a Template
You can create a new project based on an existing template.
To do this:
1 Launch the Aspen Economic Evaluation application.
2 Click File | New.
3 On the Create New Project dialog box that appears, specify the project
and scenario name.
4 Click the Template button on the right of the dialog box.
The Import Template dialog box appears showing h all available templates.
5 Click the template you want to import; then click OK.
The Project Properties dialog box appears, on which you can continue to
enter information for the new project.
2 Getting Started 27
Title Bar - Displays the project file name and current Main Window view.
Menu Bar - Displays menu options.
Toolbar - Allows access to Aspen Process Economic Analyzer functions. See
page 40.X X
Main Window - Provides workspace for all Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
documents, List view, specification forms, and other views. See page 29.X X
Project Explorer - Organizes project items in tree format. See page 28. X X
Palette - Allows access to libraries, projects, and components. See page 34. X X
Project Explorer
Project Explorer is a graphical representation of the project. It has three
Project Basis view
Process view
Project view
Each view organizes items in a tree format.
To switch views:
Click the appropriate tab at the bottom of Project Explorer. (Stretching the
width of the Project Explorer will display the full names on the tabs.)
The different views are described on page 28. X X
2 Specifications folder
3 Specification
2 Getting Started 28
2 Main Project, containing a group of simulator areas
3 Process simulator area
4 Unmapped simulator block (yellow)
Mapped simulator block (green)
Main Window
The Main Window is located to the right of Project Explorer by default. The
Main Window is a workspace for all Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
documents, the List view, and other views. The relative size of each window
can be adjusted by clicking on the division bar and dragging it to the desired
2 Getting Started 29
Here, the Main Window in Workbook Mode displays several tabs because a
component specifications form and a project specifications form have been
Workbook Mode
By default, the Main Window is in Workbook Mode. In this mode, tabs are
placed at the bottom of the window. These tabs represent all windows open in
the Main Window. Clicking on a tab brings the associated window to the
Clicking Tile or Cascade on the Window menu displays all windows open in
the Main Window. Regardless of the window arrangement, the tabs are still
at the bottom of the Main Window when in Workbook Mode. Clicking the
maximize button ( ) on a window returns all windows to full tab view.
Clicking the condense button ( ) on the menu bar displays all windows open
in the Main Window as they were when last condensed.
2 Getting Started 30
This is how the Main Window appears when in Workbook Mode with
Cascade selected as the condensed window arrangement.
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer lets float Project Explorer, the Palette, and
the Properties Window in the Main window. When in this state, these windows
behave identically to other windows that are part of the Main Window. See
“Customizing the Icarus Interface” on page 38 for details.
You can turn off Workbook Mode by unmarking Workbook Mode on the
View menu.
When Workbook Mode is off, no tabs are displayed. In this Mode, to bring a
window to the front, you must click on the desired window or select the
desired window from the Window menu.
2 Getting Started 31
List View
The List view in the Main Window displays details on items selected in
Project Explorer. For example, when you click on an area in Project Explorer’s
Project view, the List view displays a list of all components in the area. This
is referred to as the “area-level” list (shown below), in which the components
are displayed in rows with component details in columns. When you click on a
component in Project Explorer’s Project view, the List provides information
only on the selected component, with component details listed in rows. This is
referred to as the “component-level”.
Note: In the interface arrangement pictured here, the Palette and the
Properties Window have been hidden to make room for the Main Window.
to press
hide or display the Palette ALT+1
hide or display the Properties Window ALT+2
hide or display Project Explorer ALT+0
Filtering Mechanism
You can limit area-level lists to a single category of component. To do so,
click the drop-down arrow on the toolbar and click on a category.
2 Getting Started 32
For example, if you click “? Incomplete Items,” the list will only include
components that still have specifications that need to be entered in order for
the component to be included in an evaluation.
Column Settings
You can select which columns appear on the area-level list and in which
To move a column to the right on the List View, click Move Down.
To move a column to the left, click Move Up.
2 Getting Started 33
To return the columns to the default setting (shown above), click Reset.
4 Click OK to save the settings.
When you restart Aspen Process Economic Analyzer, all columns will be
displayed in the default order unless Save Window States is selected in
Preferences (by default, Save Window States is selected). See “Saving
Window States” on page 40 for more information.
The Palette contains elements that you can apply to the project scenario. If
you think of Project Explorer as a picture of the project scenario, you might
think of the Palette’s contents as the pigments and dyes used to first sketch
out and then color in that picture.
For example, if you wish to import areas or components from another
scenario into your current scenario, you can double-click on the scenario in
the Palette to get a listing of its areas and components and then drag the
area/component to the Project Explorer’s Project View. (See “Importing Areas
and Components” on 202.)
2 Getting Started 34
Finally, when you add a component to the project scenario, you can choose
from the components listed in the Palette’s Components view. Then, after you
add the component, it appears in Project Explorer’s Project view. (See
“Adding a Project Component” on page 186).
2 Getting Started 35
In the default interface arrangement, the Palette appears on the right side of
the screen. Like Project Explorer, it can be displayed in a variety of ways. See
“Customizing the Icarus Interface” (page 38) for display options. To
hide/display the Palette, press ALT+1 or used the checked command on the
View menu.
As indicated previously, the Palette has four views: Projects, Libraries,
Components, and Templates. The Components view, shown below, has a
scrollable split window that displays details on equipment items. The division
bar can be adjusted to hide or expand the details section.
Note: The Palette pictured in this section has been dragged onto the Main
Window and re-sized.
2 Getting Started 36
Properties Window
When you select a field on a specifications form, the Properties Window
provides a description of the field. The description often includes minimum,
maximum, and default values.
Here, the Properties Window (docked on the right side of the screen)
displays information on the Heat Transfer Area field, which is selected on the
specifications form.
Clicking on the Properties Window freezes and unfreezes the content. When
the content is frozen, you can move to another field while retaining the
description of the original field in the Properties Window.
2 Getting Started 37
Like the Palette and Project Explorer, the Properties Window can be displayed
in a variety of ways. See “Customizing the Icarus Interface” on page 38 for
display options.
Templates Tab
Use the Templates tab to access templates. Shown below are the ten
templates included in Aspen Process Economic Analyzer. If you had created
custom templates, they would appear on this list.
2 Getting Started 38
Clicking on a border of any of these three windows accesses a pop-up menu
from which you can select Allow Docking. When Allow Docking is marked, the
window can be docked to any edge.
Note: When the Float In Main window is selected on the pop-up menu, the
Allow Docking option is inactive.
When multiple windows are docked to the same edge, you can use the
division bar to adjust the relative sizes. You can also use the Contract/Expand
( / ) buttons to either switch from one window to the other or split the
2 Getting Started 39
Saving Window States
If you are using the default Preferences, Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
will save the interface arrangement. This way, when you open Aspen Process
Economic Analyzer the arrangement is the same as you left it.
You can also set the Preferences so that Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
opens displaying the default arrangement. See “Preferences,” particularly the
subsection on the General tab view (page 52), for more information.
2 Getting Started 40
The following toolbar buttons are available in Aspen Process Economic
Click to
Save the current project. See “Saving a Project Scenario” on page 46. X X
Load Capital Costs and other reports. See page 413 for instructions. X X
Zoom in. Active in PFD and Block Flow Diagram (BFD) view.
Other buttons that appear on the toolbar are always inactive in Aspen Process
Economic Analyzer. They are for use in other Icarus programs.
2 Getting Started 41
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer Menu Bar
File Menu
Click to
Save As Save the current project scenario as a different file. Details on page 46.
2 Getting Started 42
Run Menu
Click this to
Load Data Load simulator data. See page 144 for details.
Map Items Map simulator items to Icarus project components and size
components. See page 152 for details.
Develop This sub-menu contains commands for use in Aspen In-Plant Cost
Schedule Estimator only.
Scan for Scan for potential errors in the project evaluation.
Add Entry for Generate report based on template in Reporting Assistant. See
Reporting pages 464 through 464 for instructions.
Regenerate Regenerate the Block Flow Diagram. If you have indicated that some
Block of the simulator streams are utility streams, the placement of blocks
Diagram will reflect this.
Regenerate Regenerate the Process Flow Diagram. See “Working with Process
Process Flow Flow Diagrams,” page 174, for details.
Reroute All Reroute all streams on the Process Flow Diagram.
Re-number Re-number project components or project areas so that the
numbering contains no gaps. Details on page 207. X X
2 Getting Started 43
View Menu
Click this to
Toolbar View or hide the toolbar. See page 40 for description of the toolbar.
Status Bar View or hide the status bar. See page 27 for description of the status
Project View or hide Project Explorer. See page 28 forr description of Project
Explorer Explorer.
Palette View or hide the Palette. See page 34 for description of the Palette.
Properties View or hide the Properties Window. See page 34 for a description of X X
Block Flow Display Block Flow Diagram of the loaded simulator data. See
Diagram page 147 for details.
Process Flow Display Process Flow Diagram. This command is not active until you
Diagram have mapped the simulator items. See page 174 for details. X X
2 Getting Started 44
Tools Menu
Click this to
Report Editor Launch Icarus Editor. See “Reviewing Results in Icarus Editor” on
page 439 for instructions.
External Access the simulator link for importing simulation data. See page 140
Click this to
2 Getting Started 45
Window Menu
Click this to
Cascade View the Main Window contents in Cascade mode. See page 29. X X
Tile View the Main Window contents in Tile mode. See page 29.
Arrange Icons Return all minimized windows to the bottom of the Main Window.
# XXX View opened window in the Main Window.
Help Menu
Click this to
2 Getting Started 46
If you are using the default Preferences settings, Aspen Process Economic
Analyzer will ask if you wish to save any changes when you close the project
You can select in Preferences not to have this prompt appear (see page 52).X X
Note: You can save scenarios to project directories other than the default
one provided by Aspen Process Economic Analyzer. See “Preferences,”
particularly the “Locations” subsection on page 55, for instructions.
2 Getting Started 47
A dialog box asks you to confirm deletion.
Note: You can select in Preferences not to have this prompt appear (see
page 52).
2 Getting Started 48
A window appears asking if you wish to save the cached information found in
2 Click Yes.
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer displays the Salvage Project As dialog
2 Getting Started 49
A project can only be unlocked by the user who checked it out or by an
You can now open the project scenario as you normally would.
2 Getting Started 50
Note: You can copy project directories only in Aspen Process Economic
Analyzer V7.3. To use an Aspen Process Economic Analyzer 5.0/5.1 project
scenario, you must import it first (see page 22 for instructions).
The settings in Preferences allow you to specify how Aspen Process
Economic Analyzer will act each time it is used.
To access Preferences:
Click To do this
2 Getting Started 51
Cancel Close Preferences without saving changes. (Clicking Apply and then
immediately clicking Cancel would have the same effect as clicking OK.)
In the General tab, you can select the following:
Select which prompts appear.
Close Project – prompt to save any changes when closing project.
Overwrite Project – prompt to confirm overwriting project that has the same
name as the one being created.
Delete Project – prompt to confirm deletion of project.
Delete Area – prompt to confirm deletion of area.
Delete Component – prompt to confirm deletion of component.
Cancel Component Edit – prompt to save changes when you click Cancel after
editing a Component Specifications form.
Delete Library – prompt to confirm deletion of library.
Delete Report Group – prompt to confirm deletion of Report Group in Aspen
Capital Cost Estimator. Does not apply to Aspen Process Economic Analyzer.
Display results after evaluation - mark to have Aspen Process Economic
Analyzer open a detailed results report after you run an evaluation.
Scan for Errors before evaluation – mark to have Aspen Process Economic
Analyzer scan for errors before evaluation.
Item Report
Select which type of report you wish to display when generating an Item
HTML Item Report – mark to display the HTML Item Report, like the one
shown on page 470, in the Main Window
Capital Cost Report – mark to display the Capital Cost Report in Icarus Editor.
Reporter Report – mark to display the Single Component Summary, exported
from Aspen Icarus Reporter, in the Main Window.
Save Window States – mark to have Aspen Process Economic Analyzer save
the position of Project Explorer, the Main Window, the Palette, and the
Properties Window, as well as selected columns on the List view. Unmark to
have Aspen Process Economic Analyzer open with the default interface
arrangement (shown on page 27). X X
Display Aspen Capital Cost Estimator & Analyzer Choice Dialog on Aspen
Process Economic Analyzer – mark to have Aspen Capital Cost Estimator ask
you at startup whether to use Aspen Process Economic Analyzer and/or
Analyzer in the Aspen Process Economic Analyzer environment. This option is
2 Getting Started 52
included here because Preference selections (except for file locations) made in
one product affects all other Aspen Icarus products in the AES suite.
Show Report Group in Aspen Capital Cost Estimator – mark to have Aspen
Capital Cost Estimator display Report Groups.
The Forms tab view provides options related to Component Specification and
Installation Bulk forms.
Display P&I Installation Bulks in Grid – mark to have Aspen Process
Economic Analyzer display all items on the Installation Bulk specification
forms for Pipe and Instrumentation. If you unmark the checkbox, Aspen
Process Economic Analyzer allows you to select, when opening the form, the
items to include.
Use OK Button in Installation Bulks Form to Go to Main Component
Form – mark to have Aspen Process Economic Analyzer return you to the
main Component Specifications form when you click OK at an Installation
Bulks form. Otherwise, clicking OK simply closes the Component
Save Component When Switching to Different Installation Bulk or
Main Component Form – mark to have Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
save the Component specifications when you switch to a different form on the
Component’s Options menu.
The Backup/Recovery tab lets you select when backups are to be
performed. You can select both options.
Automatic Task Backup – select this check box to have Aspen Process
Economic Analyzer perform a backup before executing major tasks, such as a
project evaluation.
Timed Backup (Interval, in minutes) – select this check box to have
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer perform a backup at a specified interval.
Specify the interval in the box provided.
Timed Recovery (Interval, in minutes) - select this check box to have
Aspen Economic Evaluation write a recoverable file at the specified interval.
Specify the interval in the box provided. If an Economic Evaluation application
crashes, when you open the Aspen Economic Evaluation application that
crashed, you are be prompted to recover your file and save it with a new
Note: After a project has crashed and been recovered (under the new name),
the original project that crashed should be deleted as it may no longer be in a
stable state.
After deleting the crashed project, you can rename the recovered project to
the previous name if you want.
You can also select to either have Aspen Process Economic Analyzer overwrite
the project backups or create unique backups.
2 Getting Started 53
Overwrite Project Backups – select this check box to have Aspen Process
Economic Analyzer overwrite the previous backup every time the program
performs a backup.
Unique Project Backups – select this check box to have Aspen Process
Economic Analyzer retain previous backups by creating a unique backup each
time. Depending on the frequency of backups (see task and timed backup
options above), selecting Unique Project Backups could result in large
amounts of disk space being consumed by backups.
The Process tab view provides options for importing from an external
Import Connected Streams – select this check box to include connected
streams when importing an external project.
Import Installation Bulks – select this check box to include installation
bulks when importing an external project.
The Process tab view also provides options for unsupported simulator models
and custom model tool activation.
Map Unsupported Models To Quoted Cost Item – select this check box to
have Aspen Process Economic Analyzer map, by default, unsupported
simulator models to quoted cost items.
“Unsupported Models” refer to models not listed in the Project Component
Map Specifications dialog box shown on page 84. Aspen Process Economic
Analyzer does not recognize them and, therefore, cannot map them to Icarus
project components. If this option is left unselected, Aspen Process Economic
Analyzer will not map unsupported models. As a result, a unit operation could
appear disconnected in the Process Flow Diagram (PFD).
Quoted cost items are not project components, but act as place markers to
ensure that unit operations remain connected in the PFD.
Note that marking this option will not affect the mapping of supported
simulator models. If a simulator model is listed in the Project Component Map
Specification dialog box, then the specified mapping will be used. Further, if a
simulator model is listed and has no default mapping (that is, Current Map
List section is blank), then it is assumed that the user does not want to map
such simulator models to any Icarus project components.
For example, if this option is marked, a USER unit operation in Aspen Plus can
be mapped to a quoted cost item if this option is marked. This ensures that
the unit operation remains connected in the PFD.
Activate Custom Model – select this check box to activate the Custom
Model tool explained on pages 208 through 214.
2 Getting Started 54
In the Locations tab view, you can select:
Project Directories
Add/remove alternate project directories and set the default project
directory. See “Adding Project Directories” on page 55 for instructions.
Note: In some cases the description warns against changing the location.
Note: Make sure to create the IP and MET subfolder structure when
changing the source locations for library files that are units dependent (for
example, Basis for Capital Cost, EML, UML, Custom Piping Specs, and so
2 Getting Started 55
...\AspenTech\Economic Evaluation V7.3\data\My Econ_Process
...\AspenTech\Economic Evaluation
These directories, by default, are the sole choices of project directory when
opening or saving a new project, as well as the only directories displayed on
the Palette’s Projects view.
2 Select the folder you wish to add as an alternate directory and click OK.
2 Getting Started 56
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer adds the directory to the Alternate
Project Directories list.
3 To set an alternate project directory as the default, select it and click Set
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer displays a prompt asking you to confirm the
4 Click Yes to set the new default.
If the old default location is not on the list of alternate project directories,
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer displays another prompt asking if you wish
to add it to the list.
2 Getting Started 57
5 Click Yes or No.
Note: Adding the old default directory to the alternate project directory list
lets you easily revert to it.
6 Click OK to save the changes to Preferences.
Before the added project directory appears on the Create New Project dialog
box and elsewhere, you will need to either restart Aspen Process Economic
Analyzer or else right-click on the current project in the Palette and click
refresh on the pop-up menu.
The Logging tab view is reserved for future releases, in which it will be used
to help clients with Technical Support issues. It is not currently activated.
2 Getting Started 58
3 Defining the Project Basis
The Project Basis defines specifications that pertain to the overall project
scenario. These specifications influence the design and cost estimate by
defining system defaults and environmental variables.
Project Basis Specifications are accessed from the Project Basis view in
Project Explorer.
A red arrow on an icon indicates that you can right-click on the item to access
a pop-up menu.
Project Properties
Project Properties are initially specified when creating a new project.
Note: If you are modifying a file you will need to later select the file in the
project. To do so, right-click Basis for Capital Costs in the Project Explorer’s
Project Basis view, click Select, and select the file.
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer displays the Basis for Capital Costs
library in Project Explorer.
5 Click OK to accept the modifications and return to the previous dialog box.
6 When finished modifying input units of measure, click Close.
You can change the basis for all output units of measure by selecting a
different basis in the Unit of Measure Basis section; however, note that this
voids all previous customizations.
2 To customize only individual units, such as velocity and flow rate units,
select the unit type and click Modify. Then, for each unit you wish to
change, enter the new unit name and the conversion factor (between the
old and new units).
General Specs
General Specs greatly affect the total capital and operating cost of the
The section of the Standard Basis file containing General Specs appears in a
specification form.
Note: You must clear the Contingency Percent field for the system to
calculate the contingency based on your changes.
Field Description
Process Also drives the design allowances for all
Description equipment whose material cost is system-
generated. User-entered costs are not
affected. A new and unproven process has
a higher design allowance compared with a
proven process. This is applied against all
non-quoted equipment
Process Used to adjust contingency. Highly
Complexity complex implies high
temperature/pressure and more
Project Information
Project Location Adjusts the various location dependent
cost fields based on the actual
geographical location of the project site.
The system calculates values such as
freight (domestic and ocean), taxes/duties,
wage rates and workforce productivities.
Project Type Used to determine the configuration of the
project’s electrical power distribution and
process control systems.
Contingency This field will have the value of the
Percent contingency percentage calculated by the
standard basis expert based on user
specification of project information. This
allows you to modify the value estimated
by Aspen Process Economic Analyzer. This
value represents:
Construction Contingency
Material Contingency
Engineering Contingency
Components Included
• Project
Project Type Operator Center Control Center
Grass roots/Clear field YES YES
The system
develops a Plant addition - NO NO
project schedule
based upon the
All others NO YES
estimate scope
of work including dates and durations for design engineering, procurement,
delivery of materials and equipment, site development and construction. The
construction schedule is integrated with the cost estimate to provide the basis
for estimation of schedule-dependent costs such as equipment rental
requirements, field supervision and construction management.
The schedule commences at the start of basic engineering, as indicated by
the date for basic engineering in the standard basis file.
In addition, the General Specs provide defaults for various general design
conditions that control project design methodology. This in turn affects costs
for equipment, material and manpower, and the overall project schedules.
These defaults are not editable in Aspen Process Economic Analyzer. The
following defaults (based on their major categories) are used by Aspen
Process Economic Analyzer to convey specifications for the project design
Specifies an adjustment, as a
percentage, to the schedule durations
developed by the system for delivery of
equipment items, bulk materials, control
system. This adjustment applies to
receipt of vendor data and fabricate/ship
lead times.
Construction Schedule Adjust (%):100
Specifies an adjustment, as a
percentage, to the schedule durations
developed by the system for all
construction manpower.
Bar Symbol: *
Construction Workforce
Construction Workforce specifications are divided into General Rates and Craft
General Rates
The General Wage Rates information globally sets wage rates and
productivities for all crafts.
To access:
1 Right-click on General Wage Rates in the Project Basis view’s Basis for
Construction Workforce folder.
2 On the menu that appears, click Edit.
Craft Rates
Craft Rates set the wage rate and productivity individually for each craft.
To access:
1 Right-click on Craft Rates in the Project Basis view’s Basis for Capital
Costs\Construction Workforce folder.
2 On the menu that appears, click Edit.
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer displays the Wage Rate Info specifications
form in the Main Window.
3 To add multiple definitions to Craft Wage Rates, click the Add button on
the button bar:
4 Use these fields to set the wage rate and productivity individually for each
Field Description
Craft Wage rates and productivities may be
wages/prod. assigned to individual crafts. Those
crafts not referenced are assigned wage
rates and productivities specified in
General Wage Rate or the system
default values.
The Material and Man-hour specification forms in the Indexing folder allow
you to manipulate the material and/or man-hour costs for process equipment
and installation bulks. You can also adjust these indexes by location by using
the Location specification form.
For example, you could specify to increase the material costs associated with
a type of process equipment.
Indexing is used to tailor Aspen Process Economic Analyzer to mimic your
work methods and costs. If your equipment costs for a category are
consistently offset from Aspen Process Economic Analyzer’s values, use
Indexing to correct that.
To adjust by location
1 Right-click on Location and click Edit.
Process Design
The Process Design specifications are used in Aspen Process Economic
Analyzer projects that contain a simulator input. These specs allow Aspen
Process Economic Analyzer to map simulator models into Icarus project
components. For example, a distillation column model in a simulator may be
mapped to a combination of equipment such as a double diameter tower, an
air-cooler (for a condenser), a horizontal tank (for a reflux drum), a general
service pump (for a reflux pump) and a thermosiphon reboiler.
The Process Design Specifications indicate the default settings that the
system uses for mapping all models of the same class. These specs can be
customized in files and used in many projects.
To access:
1 Right-click on Simulator Units of Measure Mapping Specs in the Project
Basis view’s Process Design folder.
2 On the menu that appears, click Edit.
Note: Each simulator cross-reference UOM file contains a basis (which may
be METRIC or I-P). The basis indicates the Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
base units set to which simulator units will be converted.
The left side of the screen displays the simulation output units. The right side
of the screen displays the corresponding Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
units. The conversion factors between the two units are entered in the lower-
center section of the screen.
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer provides a set of common simulator units
and their conversions to Aspen Process Economic Analyzer units. You can
modify and/or add units to these files.
Specifying the Mapping for a Simulator Unit
4 Enter the conversion factor between the two units (the simulation unit and
the Aspen Process Economic Analyzer unit) in the Conversion Factor box.
In the example below, the conversion factor between 100 CM/HR = 1 M/H
Deleting a Mapping
To delete a mapping
Select the simulator unit; then click Delete.
Removing a Unit
To access:
1 Right-click Project Component Map Specifications in the Project Basis
view’s Process Design folder.
2 On the menu that appears, click Edit.
Design Criteria
After the simulator model is loaded into Aspen Process Economic Analyzer,
mapping and sizing of the items can be performed. If an item is already sized
inside the simulator, the sizing parameters are automatically brought into
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer and used.
Items not sized by the simulator can be sized following the instructions in
Chapter 6. In addition to process information obtained from the simulator,
certain design specifications may be required before sizing can be
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer’s Sizing Expert uses design values based on
the user-defined field values on specification forms in the Design Criteria
sub-folder. The values on these forms provide the basis for developing design
specifications from operating conditions for all equipment to be sized.
Design pressure and temperature entered on the Common specifications form
applies to all equipment except equipment for which you have separately
specified these design conditions.
Design Pressure
Click on the Design Pressure field to open the Design Pressure
Specifications form. The specifications form lets you specify rules for
calculating the design pressure based on the range in which the operating
pressure falls. The design pressure is calculated from the operating
pressure using the formula shown on the form. You can modify the
pressure limit (upper and lower limit) as well as parameters A and B.
In addition to entering design pressure and temperature (see instructions
under Common, page 91), you can enter the following design criteria for
Pump Overdesign Factor
The pump overdesign factor is used by Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
to increase the volumetric throughput of the pump and the power
requirement of the pump. The total volumetric flow rate calculated from
the simulator information is multiplied by the value provided in this field
to estimate the design flow rate for the equipment.
For example:
o Operation flow rate: 250 GPM
o Pump overdesign factor: 1.1
In addition to entering design pressure and temperature (see instructions
under Common, page 91), you can enter the following design criteria for
Driver Type
Specifies the driver type used for compressors. The default value is
“None.” The selections are NONE, GAS ENGINE, MOTOR, TURBINE.
Heat Exchangers
In addition to entering design pressure and temperature (see instructions
under Common, page 91), you can enter the following design criteria for heat
Launch MUSE
MUSE™ performs detailed simulation of multi-stream plate-fin heat
exchangers made from brazed aluminum, stainless steel or titanium.
A valid MUSE version 3.3 license is required to use this feature.
Select “Yes” to launch MUSE during interactive sizing of plate fin heat
exchangers. Select “No” to run MUSE in the silent mode.
Furnace Fractional Efficiency
The furnace duty obtained from the simulator is the absorbed duty. Total
fired duty is obtained by dividing the absorbed duty by fractional
efficiency. This value should be <1.0.
Fuel Heating Value
The Lower Heating Value (LHV) used to estimate the fuel consumption by
fired furnaces.
Air Cooler Inlet Temperature
This field represents the default value that shall be used as the inlet air
temperature in the case of Air Coolers.
Air Cooler Exit Temperature
Air Cooler Exit Temperature is used when estimating the surface area of
air cooled heat exchangers. The value given in this field is used as the exit
temperature for the air cooler.
If the field is empty or has value of 0.0, then the Sizing Expert assigns the
exit air temperature value to be 10.0 DEG F greater than the inlet air
For example, if the Air Cooler Inlet Temperature is 77.0 DEG F and you do
not enter the Air Cooler Exit Temperature, Aspen Process Economic
Analyzer uses 87.0 DEG F as the default value.
Apply 2/3 Rule for Design Pressure
In the design of shell and tube heat exchangers, design engineers
sometimes apply the 2/3rd rule in calculating the design pressure. As per
Note: The final surface area in general is greater than the calculated
value because of mechanical considerations.
In addition to entering design pressure and temperature (see instructions
under Common, page 91), you can enter the following design criteria on the
packed towers:
Packing Type
Two types of packings, random and structured, are used in packed towers.
The type of packing affects the flood point pressure drop estimation and
the packing efficiency (HETP) value.
The value in this field is used by the Sizing Expert in the calculation of the
tower diameter and height.
Packing Factor for Packings
Packing factor is used in the Kister and Gill correlation to estimate
pressure drop at the flood point. Once the pressure drop is known, the
flood velocity is calculated using the latest versions of the generalized
pressure drop correlation (GPDC) charts for both the random and
structured packings.
Packed Tower Derating Factor
With certain systems, traditional flooding equations consistently predict
higher flood points than those actually experienced. To allow for such
discrepancies, an empirical derating factor (< 1.0) is applied. The derating
factor is multiplied by the predicted flood vapor load or liquid load
obtained from the traditional equation to obtain the actual or derated flood
load for the given system.
The derating factors are often vaguely related to the foaming tendency of
the system. The higher the foaming tendency, the lower the derating
If you do not enter a value, Aspen Process Economic Analyzer uses 1.0 as the
derating factor.
Packed Tower Flooding Factor
Packed towers are usually designed for 70 to 80 percent of the flood point
velocity. This allows a sufficient margin for uncertainties associated with
the flood point concept and prediction and to keep the design point away
from the region at which efficiency rapidly diminishes (just below the flood
The Sizing Expert uses the default value specified if the user-provided
value is not available.
The concept of HETP (height equivalent of a theoretical plate) enables
comparison of efficiency between packed and plate columns. Because
there are only a few variables that significantly affect HETP and due to the
unreliability of even the best mass transfer models, rules of thumb for
HETP successfully compete with the mass transfer models.
For the packing types available in Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
(given in the Icarus Reference), Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
estimates the HETP value based on the packing shape, dimensions and
type of material. If a user-provided value is available, then the Sizing
Trayed Towers
In addition to entering design pressure and temperature (see instructions
under Common, page 91), you can enter the following design criteria for
trayed towers:
Trayed Tower Flooding Factor
Flooding is the condition where pressure drop across a tray is sufficient to
cause the dynamic liquid head to be equivalent to the tray spacing plus
the weir height. At this point, the liquid backup in the downcomer is just
at the point of overflowing the weir on the plate above. When this
happens, the column fills with a foamy liquid and becomes inoperable.
The flood factor is the fractional velocity approach to flooding, i.e., (Actual
Vapor Velocity)/(Vapor velocity at the point of flooding).
The Sizing Expert uses the default value specified if the user-provided
value is not available.
Foaming Tendency
Vapor disengagement is easy in non-foaming, low-pressure systems.
However, vapor disengagement from downcomer liquid in foaming
systems is difficult as the liquid hangs on to the entrained vapor.
Sufficient residence time must be provided in the downcomer to allow
adequate disengagement of vapor from the descending liquid. Industrial
practice has created a guideline for the mum downcomer velocity of clear
liquids based on their foaming tendency.
The following values for the downcomer liquid velocity are used based on
the choice for the above field.
18 24 30
Low 0.4 – 0.5 0.5 – 0.6 0.6 – 0.7
Moderate 0.3 – 0.4 0.4 – 0.5 0.5 - 0.6
High 0.2 – 0.25 0.2 – 0.25 0.2 - 0.3
In addition to entering design pressure and temperature (see instructions
under Common, page 91), you can enter the following design criteria on the
For example:
Vessel operation pressure: <250 PSIA
Diameter: 6 FEET
Calculated vessel height: 6 X 3 = 18 FEET
Residence time overrides Process Vessel Height to Diameter Ratio.
Minimum Vessel Diameter
The Minimum Vessel Diameter field is used if the vessel diameter
calculated by the sizing routines is less than this value.
Vapor/Liquid Separator Sizing Method
When sizing vertical and horizontal vapor liquid separators, Aspen Process
Economic Analyzer computes the maximum allowable vapor velocity using
the method selected in this field.
o Liquid Entrainment Method:
This is an empirical correlation developed by Watkins and is a
function of vapor and liquid densities, and the parameter Kv,
Agitated Vessels
In addition to entering design pressure and temperature (see instructions
under Common, page 91), you can enter the following design criteria for
agitated vessels:
Agitator Type
The various types of agitators that can be chosen for design are described
in the Icarus Reference. The type of agitator selected determines the
default driver power and impeller speed. This is used to estimate the
agitation requirements in tanks.
Storage Vessels
In addition to entering design pressure and temperature (see instructions
under Common, page 91), you can enter the following design criteria for
storage vessels:
Number of Holding Days
Storage vessel sizing is determined by estimating the volume of liquid
required for a certain period of operation. Aspen Process Economic
Horizontal Vessels
In addition to entering design pressure and temperature (see instructions
under Common, page 91), you can enter the following design criteria for
horizontal vessels:
Vapor Area /Cross-Sectional Area
Once Aspen Process Economic Analyzer calculates the maximum vapor
velocity, the velocity and flow rate are used to determine the vapor space
required. The vapor space is then divided by the vapor area /cross-
sectional area to get the total required cross-sectional area.
The process vessel height to diameter ratio overrides this field.
Separation Factor Multiplier
For horizontal vessels, the separation factor is normally higher under
similar operating conditions than for vertical vessels. Therefore, the
calculated separation factor is multiplied by the separation factor
Minimum Boot Length
Vertical Vessels
In addition to entering design pressure and temperature (see instructions
under Common, page 91), you can enter the following design criteria for
vertical vessels:
Minimum Disengagement Height
This is the height from the liquid level to the mist eliminator.
Minimum Height Above the Mist Eliminator
Used in the calculation of the total vessel height.
Height of Mist Eliminator
Height of mist eliminator section.
Minimum Ht. Btw Low and High Liquid Level Taps
The liquid level based on residence time should meet this minimum
specification. (Field is at bottom of form, not in Vertical Vessels section.)
Ht. Btw Inlet Nozzle and High Liquid Level Tap
Represents the height between the inlet nozzle (center line) and the high
liquid level tap. (Field is at bottom of form, not in Vertical Vessels
Ht. Btw Low Liquid Level Tap and Tangent Line
Represents the height between the low liquid level tap and the tangent
line. (Field is at bottom of form, not in Vertical Vessels section.)
Vibrating Screen Feed Material
This field specifies the solid material type used by solids handling
equipment. The material type affects the screen unit capacity which is
defined as the amount of solids (TPH) flowing through one square foot of
screen cloth based on material, having 6 to 8% moisture, screen cloth
having 50% or more open area; 85% screen efficiency.
Based on the choice made for this field and the screen opening size, the
screen unit capacity is estimated.
The following choices are available for this field:
o Sand and Gravel
o Limestone/Crushed Stones
Configurations Flash
Use this form to specify design criteria for flash configurations.
Utility Specifications
Most chemical processes require heating or cooling process utility fluids to
operate. In many cases, the choice of which utilities are used plays an
important role in determining the total project cost by defining heat transfer
equipment sizing. In addition, utility costs form an important part of the
operating costs of the plant.
In the design of heat exchangers and reboilers, Aspen Process Economic
Analyzer permits you to select appropriate process utility fluids for the
application. You can select utility fluids from the list already present in Aspen
Process Economic Analyzer or can create your own based on utility fluid
classes allowed by Aspen Process Economic Analyzer. Once the utility
resource for the equipment is selected either by you or by the Sizing Expert,
then an actual utility process stream is created for the equipment. The utility
stream contains the amount of utility used by the equipment. During the
operating cost evaluation, Aspen Process Economic Analyzer processes all the
utility streams connected to the equipment to determine the utility cost for
every utility resource used in the project.
You can override these selections by a combination of disabling/enabling
appropriate utilities and re-mapping and re-sizing the equipment items.
Alternately, you can specify the desired utility in the interactive Sizing Expert.
This method is available even if the utility has been disabled.
To modify or create a utility stream:
1 Right-click on Utility Specifications in the Project Basis view’s Process
Design folder.
2 On the menu that appears, click Edit.
Investment Analysis
Investment Parameters
To specify parameters required for investment analysis:
1 Right-click Investment Parameters in the Project Basis view’s
Investment Analysis folder.
2 On the menu that appears, click Edit.
Period Description
This field allows you to enter text indicating the name/description of a period.
The period is defined in “Number of Weeks per Period.” The period description
is used in the display of some of the results in the spreadsheets.
Tax Rate
The tax rate for investment analysis, in terms of percent per period, is used
to calculate the percentage of earnings before taxes that must be paid to the
Depreciation Method
There are four depreciation methods allowed in Aspen Process Economic
Analyzer. The description of each follows:
Straight Line — The straight line method is used most commonly. In this
method, the Salvage Value is subtracted from the Total Project Cost. This
result is then divided by the Economic Life of Project, so that the project is
depreciated evenly over its economic life.
Sum of the Digits — When this method is used, the Depreciation Expense
decreases during each period of the Economic Life of Project. Therefore, the
highest value for the depreciation occurs in the first period and decreases
every period thereafter. The sum of the digits multiplier is n/((N(N+1))/2),
where N is the Economic amount is the Total Project Cost less its Salvage
Value. For the duration of the project’s economic life, this factor is multiplied
by the depreciable amount.
Double Declining (Balance) — When this method is used, the project is
depreciated in geometric increments. The multiplier for the first period is 2/N,
where N is the Economic Life of Project. For the second period the
depreciation rate, D2, is (1-D1)D1 where D1 is 2/N. For the third period, the
depreciation rate, D3, is (1-D1)D2. For the fourth period, the depreciation
rate is (1-D1)D3. These factors are multiplied by the Total Project Cost. This
process (multiplying the factor by the capital cost) continues until the Straight
Line Method produces a higher value for the depreciation. When the Straight
Line Method produces a higher value, this higher value is used for the
remaining depreciation calculations.
Accelerated Cost Recovery System (ACRS) — The ACRS approach assumes
that operations begin during the second half of the first period and stop
Escalation Parameters
Products Escalation
This is the rate at which the sales revenue from products of the facility is to
be escalated (increased) in terms of percent per period.
Utilities Escalation
User-entered percentages reflecting the anticipated utility price increase each
Operating Supplies
This field indicates the cost of miscellaneous items that are required in order
to run the plant in terms of cost per period.
Laboratory Charges
This is a cost per period indicating the cost of having product analyzed each
Operating Charges
This includes operating supplies and laboratory charges. It is specified as a
percentage of the operating labor costs. (If you specify a value for either
“Operating Supplies” or “Laboratory Charges”, the system will add the two
entered values and calculate the percentage of Operating Labor Costs. (This is
done for compatibility with earlier releases of the system.)
Plant Overhead
This field consists of charges during production for services, facilities, payroll
overhead, etc. This number is specified as a percent of operating labor and
maintenance costs. This number should not be used for the construction of
the facility, only for operation after start-up.
G and A Expenses
This represents general and administrative costs incurred during production
such as administrative salaries/expenses, R&D, product distribution and sales
costs. Specify this number as a percentage of subtotal operating costs.
Facility Type
This field defines the facility type. The following types are currently available:
Chemical Processing Facility
Food Processing Facility
Oil Refining Facility
Petrochemical Processing Facility
Pharmaceutical Facility
Pulp and/or Paper Processing Facility
Specialty Chemical Processing Facility (A specialty chemical is defined as a
chemical which is produced in low quantity and has a usually high price per
The type of facility affects the number of operators/shift and maintenance
costs of facility equipment.
Process Fluids
Process Fluids indicate the types of fluids involved in the process. The
selection affects operating and maintenance costs. The selections are:
Liquids and Gases
Liquids and Solids
Liquids, Gases, and Solids
Gases and Solids
The Operating Unit Cost form specifies Labor Unit Costs and non-heat transfer
Utility Unit Costs.
Labor Unit Costs are given for Operators and Supervisors. The total cost of
operating labor is calculated by:
Determining the total number of operators and supervisors necessary to run
the facility for a certain number of hours.
Adjusting that number for the number of hours the facility operates per
Multiplying that number by the respective Labor Unit Costs and adding them
The loaded wage rate paid for operating the facility in terms of the cost per
operator per hour. Operator labor includes labor that is associated with
operating the facility.
The loaded wage rate paid for supervision in terms of the cost per supervisor
per hour. Supervision includes all labor associated with overseeing personnel
who operate the facility.
The unit cost per KWH of electricity used for the facility.
Potable Water
The potable water unit cost per MMGAL or MB used for the plant.
The fuel unit cost per MMBTH or MEGAWH used for the plant.
Instrument Air
The instrument air unit cost per KCF or MB.
Process Stream
This field provides a list of fluid streams present in the current project. You
can select any stream to represent the raw material. Also, there is a provision
in Aspen Process Economic Analyzer for you to provide actual value for the
raw material rate if none of the process streams represent the raw materials
for the project. In this case, you must specify the field value as “none.”
This field gives the total rate of raw materials consumed for the process in the
desired rate units.
When a new raw material fluid is specified, Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
checks whether enough information has been specified to estimate the raw
material cost.
Rate Units
This field describes the flow rate units for the current raw material. The
choices available for the field vary with the selection made for Specification
Basis and your choice of Base UOM:
Specification Basis I-P METRIC
Unit Cost
This field provides the cost value per unit mass, volume or energy used to
estimate the raw material cost for the project.
7 When you are done entering raw material specifications, click OK.
The new stream appears in the Existing Stream list on the Develop Raw
Materials Specifications dialog box. You can enter a maximum of 150 raw
material streams using this dialog box. When done, click Close.
Product Specifications
An investment analysis conducted on any process needs to include an
accurate figure for the project’s total revenue. In order to do so, it is very
important to accurately account for all the products obtained from the
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer allows you to identify simulation streams as
product materials for the process. Once the simulation stream is defined,
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer determines the necessary amount of
product materials generated based on the information provided in the product
material specification file.
The product material costs are directly placed in the PROJSUM.ICS
spreadsheet, where they are used for further cashflow analyses.
Process Stream
This field provides a list of streams present in the current project. You can
select any of the streams to represent the product material. Also, there is a
provision in Aspen Process Economic Analyzer for providing an actual value
for the product material rate if none of the process streams represent the
product materials for the project. In this case, you must specify the field
value as “none.”
This field defines the total rate of product materials obtained for the process
in the desired rate units. Do not enter a value if you have specified a process
When a new product material is specified, Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
checks whether the minimum information necessary to estimate the product
material cost has been specified.
The following minimum information must be present before Aspen Process
Economic Analyzer can proceed with the estimate.
Rate Units
This field describes the flow rate units for the current product material. The
choices available for the field vary with the selection made for Specification
Basis and your choice of Base UOM:
Specification Basis I-P METRIC
Unit Cost
The field provides the cost value used to estimate the product material cost
for the project.
6 When you are done entering product specifications, click OK.
The new stream appears in the Existing Stream list on the Develop Product
Specifications dialog box. You can enter a maximum of 150 product material
streams using this dialog box. When done, click Close.
Developing Streams
After opening a project, new streams can be developed. You have the option
to develop completely new streams or use an existing stream as a base.
When an existing stream is used as a base, the new stream can be either
copied from the existing stream (Absolute Basis mode) or copied from and
linked dynamically to the existing stream (Relative Basis mode).
To develop streams:
1 Right-click Streams in the Project Basis view’s main folder (at the
2 On the menu that appears, click Edit..
If the Primary Fluid Component is specified, the other needed information will
be filled in with default values. This feature is only apparent when no
temperature or pressure is entered into the Develop Stream specifications
form and the Primary Fluid Component is changed. After changing the
Primary Fluid Component, either press Enter or click on another field and the
default values will be loaded. If either the pressure or temperature value is
changed from the default value, clicking OK, Apply, or Update will estimate
the properties at the new condition(s).
Base Stream
The Base Stream field contains the name of the stream on which the
displayed stream was based. This cannot be changed.
If the name begins with the character “$”, the stream was created using
Absolute Basis and the stream name following this character is that of the
parent stream. A stream created using Absolute Basis uses the data from the
parent stream; however, if the parent steam’s data changes afterward, the
Absolute Basis stream is not updated.
If the value begins with the character “@”, the stream was created using the
Relative Basis and the stream name following this character is that of the
parent stream. A stream created using Relative Basis is updated when its
parent stream’s data changes.
After you click Apply, Aspen Process Economic Analyzer normalizes the
Fraction values to total a sum of one.
The values shown above would change into the values shown on the next
The mixture information specified in this dialog box is used to estimate
properties as a mixture of the specified composition. If no mixture information
The check also combines duplicate entries into one entry by combining the
two fraction specifications.
After the check is done, the components are sorted in order of decreasing
fractional amount, as shown above. When you click OK, Aspen Process
Economic Analyzer loads into the specifications form the name of the fluid
with the highest fraction and the properties of the mixture generated from the
contributions of the individual components.
Stream Connectivity
Process streams are “connected” to project components in a real way. You
can see this in the Process Flow Diagram (PFD) that you can display after
loading and mapping simulator blocks. Each stream has a Source end and a
Sink end. The Source end connects to an Outlet port on a component and the
Sink end to an Inlet as depicted below:
end of a stream and move the mouse over a component, only Inlet port(s)
turn green, thereby indicating their availability for making a connection to a
Sink end.
The same concept also carries into the Interactive Sizing form (see
page 221). Only streams whose Sink ends are not connected are listed in the
pulldown for any Inlet. This explains why the Inlet and Outlet pulldowns will
include different streams.
Since the connectivity in the PFD and the Interactive Sizing form are two
ways of looking at the same information, Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
tracks your changes and synchronizes them in both views. Thus, if you
change the connectivity in one view, Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
automatically changes it in the other view.
When you first map and size components, the streams in the simulator will be
connected to the project components and the underlying process conditions of
those streams are available for further use. For example, you may create new
streams based on the properties of any stream, connected or not, then use
these new streams as Sources/Sinks for connecting new components (you
might do this to set up spares). You may also add a New Mapping to an item
already mapped and the newly mapped and sized item utilizes the underlying
stream properties.
Note: See page 120 and 120 for descriptions of the buttons and fields on this
Enter values for the new stream. See page 120 for descriptions of the
different fields.
4 When done, click OK.
3 Enter a name for the new stream in the Create Stream window. This name
must not be the same as any existing streams in the project. Click OK.
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer displays the specifications form for the
newly created stream. The data is that of the Base Stream. Data appears
gray (dimmed) to indicate that it is relative to a referenced Base Stream.
this form.
Even in a Relative Stream, you may override any value with a manual entry.
If you do so, the text turns black, indicating that that value is absolute and
therefore no longer references a Base Stream.
4 Make modifications to the data and click OK.
Deleting a Stream
Note: Only user-added streams and streams added by the Sizing Expert as
utilities can be deleted.
To delete a stream:
1 At the Delete tab view, select the stream to be deleted. You may need to
use the scrollbars to locate a stream if a large number of streams exist in
the currently opened project.
Specification Libraries
The default specifications are derived from files that you can access, when
outside of a project, from the Palette’s Libraries view.
Creating a File
to use in a project.
Modifying a File
To import a file:
1 In the Palette (Libraries view), expand the library to which you wish to
import a file.
2 Except for Investment Parameters and Project Component Map
Specifications, right-click on the units of measure basis folder –
Inch-Pound or Metric. For Investment Parameters, right-click on the
Investment Parameters folder. For Project Component Map Specifications,
right-click on the simulator type folder.
3 On the pop-up menu, click Import.
4 In the Select a File for Import dialog box, locate the file and then click
Duplicating a File
To duplicate a file:
1 In the Palette (Libraries view), right-click on the file you wish to duplicate,
and then click Duplicate on the pop-up menu.
2 Enter a file name and description (optional) for the new file.
Deleting a File
Note: You cannot delete files named Default, only modify them.
2 Select a new file from which to derive default specifications and click OK.
If the process you wish to evaluate in Aspen Process Economic Analyzer is
based on a simulator file report from a process simulator software program,
the first step, after creating a project scenario and defining the Design Basis,
is to load and map simulation data.
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer supports reports from the following
AspenTech’s AspenPlus Version V7.2 or higher
Chemstations’ ChemCAD for Windows Version 5.3.2
HYSIM Version STD/C.271
HYSYS Version V7.2 or higher
SimSci’s PRO/II with PROVISION Version 5.61
Pacific Simulation’s WINGEMS 2.0
WinSim’s DESIGN II for Windows Version 8.17
Note: In ChemCAD for Windows, just click the Output menu from the menu
2 Specify the following for report options:
Select Streams
Print All Streams: Y
Mass flow rate X
Mole flow rate X
Temperature X
Pressure X
Mole Vap frac X
Enthalpy X
Molecular wt. X
Total act.dens X
Mass flow rate X
Mole flow rate X
Molecular wt. X
Vap. Act. Dens X
Vap. Viscosity X
Vap. Cp X
Vap. Thrm. Cond X
Liq. Surf. Tens. X
Mole flow rate X
Molecular wt. X
Liq. act. Dens X
Liq. Viscosity X
Liq. Cp X
Liq. Thrm. Cond. X
Mass flow rate X
Molecular wt. X
Density X
Tray profile X
Tray properties X
Tray sizing X
Packed column sizing X
Mass flow rate X
The operation names and stream names can not contain the following
+, -, *, or spaces
The ASCII report has to be created in the default units specified by HYSIM
for the ENGLISH and the SI modes of operation. You can run a simulation
in any simulator-provided units. However, prior to creating the report file,
you must convert the units to the default specifications provided by
During the sizing procedure for the column operation, if user_section is
chosen, care should be taken to check that the stage numbers are not
repeated in the different sections of the same column operation. The
following two examples demonstrate the correct and incorrect
Correct Incorrect
3 Select the process simulator project you created; then click Open.
4 Click the Browse button for the Export File field. The Export File will
contain the exported simulation results data from the selected HYSYS
project. Do not include any file extensions for this file. The import tool will
automatically assign a d01 extension to this file.
5 Select the location and enter the file name you want to be used to contain
the exported data. You can also select an existing file.
6 Click Save.
7 On the Tools menu, click Connect. HYSYS will automatically start with
the selected project.
The following figure shows the file Cheplant.hsc in the HYSYS interface.
Note: These files should always go together, in case you want to copy them
to another location.
D:\test\cheplantn.d01 Icarus database file
9 On the Simulator Link dialog box, click Disconnect. The tool will close
HYSYS. If you want to keep HYSYS running and make changes to your
simulation, you can use the Export Again button to export the data again
into the Export File.
10 Exit the import tool.
11 Start Aspen Process Economic Analyzer and create a new project.
12 Select Hyprotech’s HYSYS as the Simulator Type.
13 When selecting the simulator report file, select the Export File (the file
with the extension .d01) created using the import tool
14 To load, map, and size this project, continue as described in this guide.
Note: See the note in the KEYWORD section regarding COLUMN sidestripper’s
9 Click Close to finish.
10 Use the default options for remaining unit operations.
The Open dialog box appears, showing all simulator files in the Report
folder. You can browse other drives and folders as well.
Note: The List view now displays the pathname of the selected simulator file
when you select Simulator File Name in Project Explorer.
6 Do one of the following:
7 Click Yes.
Note: You can move a block by clicking on the center of the block and
dragging it to the desired location. This will also move the streams connected
to the block. If the simulator data is reloaded, the block and stream locations
will be regenerated by Aspen Process Economic Analyzer.
In addition to the blocks displayed in the Process view, the BFD displays
streams, direction of stream flows, inlets, and outlets.
The commands on the View menu change when the BFD is active.
Block commands
The Map command and Delete Mappings command are explained in the
next section, Mapping Simulator Items to Icarus Project Components, starting
on page 147. Alteration of mapping will alter the blocks' color based on its
You can use the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons to increase or decrease the
magnification by degrees:
You can also select an exact magnification by using the Zoom dialog box.
The View menu contains some options that are only displayed when the Block Flow
Diagram is active
Use this to
Toolbar View or hide the toolbar. See page 40 forX X
Palette View or hide the Palette. See page 34 for
Workbook Mode Turn Workbook Mode on and off. See
page 29 for an explanation of Workbook
Capital Costs View Launch Aspen Icarus Reporter for
interactive reports (on-screen, HTML, or
Excel) or Icarus Editor for evaluation
Note: If an item is mapped, its icon is green. If an item is not mapped, its
icon is yellow.
The Map dialog box appears.
If you clicked the Map button on the toolbar or clicked Map Items on
the Run menu, only the Map All Items check box is available in the
Source section.
Map Selected Item(s) Map the selected simulator block or the simulator blocks in
the selected simulator area. This option is available only if
you selected Map from a pop-up menu.
Last Mapping Map a block according to the last time it was mapped. This
option retains only the type of Icarus project component(s)
to which the block was last mapped.
Default Use the Component Map Specs file for the basis. This
applies to every unit operation except for Compressors
defined in Aspen Plus and Aspen Hysys. The compressor
unit operation will be mapped to either the default
compressor mapping specified or a Turboexpander if the
unit op models an expander instead of a compressor. This
is the only unit operation that can potentially be changed
from the specification in the Component Map Specs file
when this option is selected during mapping.
Default and Simulator Use the Component Map Specs file for the basis, but
Data override the mapping using specific data in the simulator.
There are several examples where this applies:
1. If this option is selected and a reboiler type is
specified in the unit op, an equivalent reboiler type
will be used in the mapping.
2. If a compressor unit operation is used to model a
turboexpander in Aspen Plus or Aspen Hysys, the
turboexpander model will be selected during
mapping instead of a compressor.
3. Mapping of Aspen Plus or Aspen Hysys distillation
columns is based on the section definitions in the
unit op. Thus, if multiple sections are defined in
the unit op, an equivalent column type (e.g. double
or multi-diameter) will be used in the mapping. If
only a single section is defined, a single diameter
column will be used in the mapping.
Further, if the Preferences | Process | Use Automatic
Mapping Selection when Available was selected, then
additional engineering rules of thumb will be used for a
selected category of equipments (for example, pumps,
compressors, and heat exchangers) to come up the
mapping recommendations. (Note: Currently this mode is
active only when blocks are mapped one at a time.)
Users are encouraged to review these recommendations
and either accept them or select a different equipment type
based on their knowledge of their processes and practices.
Note: All simulator items are displayed because Map all Items was selected
at the previous dialog box. Those components being mapped have asterisks
next to them.
If you selected Map Selected Item(s) on the Map dialog box, the
Simulator Items list displays just the selected simulator block(s). If you
selected Map all Items, the Simulator Items list displays all simulator
The Current Map List displays any components that are already mapped to
the simulator block highlighted on the Simulation List.
The Configuration option box is active only for blocks representing column
models. (In the sample project, Block B7 represents a column model.)
You must use the arrow scroll buttons to see all ten possible configurations.
Selecting a configuration type automatically fills in the Current Map List with
the components required for that configuration type. See Tower
Configurations for more information.
4 Click New Mapping to map a block highlighted on the Simulator Items
list to an Icarus project component.
Suffix To indicate
6 Select a component.
The Project Component Map Preview dialog box now displays the
component category's item symbol (for example, AG) and the component
type (for example, DIRECT) in the Current Map List. More component
details are displayed in the Icarus Project Component Description
Each component mapped from the block must have a unique name; if another
component already has the default component name, Aspen Process
Economic Analyzer prompts you to enter a unique name after you select
another component.
7 Click OK to complete the mapping.
If you selected to size the mapped component(s), Aspen Process Economic
Analyzer also performs automatic sizing or, in cases in which a single item is
being mapped to a single component for which interactive sizing is available,
the Interactive Sizing form appears. See Chapter 6, Sizing Project
Components, page 215, for information on this feature.
Component Status
You may notice a "?" in the Status column of a project component mapped
from the simulator block. This indicates that there are still specifications that
need to be entered for the component.
Deleting Mappings
To delete mappings:
Right-click in the simulator area or simulator block in Process view; then,
on the menu that appears, click Delete.
Note: Flow rate of the Spray Cond Total Recycle (SCTR) stream is calculated
using Ratio of Recycle to (Ovhdliqprod + Reflux) Flowrates = mSCTR / (mOVH
LIQ PROD+ mREFLUX). Ratio of Recycle to (Ovhdliqprod + Reflux) Flowrates
is an input specified in the Design Criteria.
mSCTR = mass flow rate of the SCTR stream.
mOVH LIQ PROD = mass flow rate of the Overhead Liquid Product stream.
mREFLUX = mass flow rate of the Reflux stream.
Ratio of SC Trim Duty to Overall Duty is an input specified in the Design
B B = Spray Condenser Cooler Duty
B B = Spray Condenser Trim Duty
B B = Total Overhead Condenser Duty, obtained from
Simulator Data
Then the temperatures of the streams exiting the Spray Condenser Cooler
and Spray Condenser Trim exchangers are calculated using:
a Q = mCpDeltaT calculation.
Flow rate of the streams exiting the SC Tot Recycle Trim Splitter are
determined using:
SC Trim Splitter Flow Split Ratio = mSCRTSEx1 / mSCCEx B B B B
(this is the one that subsequently goes through the SC TRIM exchanger)
B B = mass flow rate of the SC Rcy Trim Splitter Ex2
Sizing Selection
This section outlines the workflow of the sizing selection feature available in
Aspen Icarus Process Evaluator. Sizing selection is a mechanism that lets you
pre-define and/or define sizing rules for project components. Specifically, you
can set rules on equipment models or specific project components to be sized
with one or more custom models.
Specifying Additional
Icarus project components can be added to areas mapped from a simulator
report. However, these project components must initially be added in a user-
added area. You can later rearrange the components in Project Explorer’s
Project view, drag components from a user-added area to an area mapped
from the simulator report.
Follow the instructions for adding a project component on page 186.
Note: If you eventually select Reroute All Streams on the Run menu,
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer chooses the most logical routes for all
Status Bar View or hide the status bar. See
page 27 for a description of the
status bar.
Project Explorer View or hide Project Explorer. See
page 28 for a description of
Project Explorer.
Palette View or hide the Palette. See
page 34 for a description of the
Properties Window View or hide the Properties
window. See page 34 for a
for details.
Edit Connectivity Activate the Edit Connectivity
feature. See “Editing
Connectivity,” page 178, for X X
2 Set the Across and Down grid increments in the Increments section.
Specify in the Units section whether the specified increments are in
inches or centimeters.
3 Select the Snap to Grid check box to turn on Snap to Grid mode. When
you drag a block in this mode, the block’s bounding outline moves in
increments corresponding to the grid.
4 Click Color to select a grid color.
5 Finally, in the Visibility section, click whether to show or hide the grid.
6 Click OK to apply the settings.
Editing Connectivity
The Edit Connectivity feature lets you make changes to the layout of items in
the PFD. Because this involves connecting and disconnecting streams to
ports, the Ports Visible option should be on, as it is by default.
If the ports are not visible, click the Ports Visible button .
4 Move the cursor over a stream. Click when you have placed the cursor
over the desired stream.
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer disconnects the Sink end of the stream
from the inlet port on the current component, then automatically re-connects
it to the inlet port on the inserted component.
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer also creates a new stream, which appears
white and has properties relative to the initial stream. Aspen Process
Economic Analyzer connects the Source end of this new stream to the outlet
port of the inserted item and the Sink and to the inlet port of the original.
The added item can now be sized manually or using the Size Item option,
which either automatically sizes the item or, if interactive sizing is available,
accesses the Sizing Expert. The Sizing Expert, explained in Chapter 6, will
utilize the newly connected streams.
Adding a Stream
From PFD view, you can create a new stream and specify its connectivity. The
process of developing streams is explained in detail under Developing
Streams, page 118.
7 Click when you have placed the cursor over the desired outlet port.
8 Move the cursor, which now appears as crosshairs, to an inlet port.
9 Click when you have placed the cursor over the desired inlet port.
Use this to
Modify Access the Develop Stream dialog box listing the stream’s
specifications, which you can modify.
Disconnect Erase the stream from the screen and store it, so that you
can select it when using the Draw Disconnected Stream
feature (see page 182).
When developing an Aspen Process Economic Analyzer project, you can add
project components in Project view to user-defined areas (areas not mapped
from the simulation report). Once added, you can drag them to different
areas. Components are categorized as follows:
Note: The Recent Items folder in the Components view stores the last 10
project component selections.
2 To drag, click the component and hold down the mouse button.
3 Move the cursor until over the area where you want to place the
4 Release the mouse button.
5 Enter an item description (required) and User Tag Number (optional), then
click OK.
The component is added. Project Explorer displays a block for the component
under the selected area. The List view displays general information. You may
notice a question mark (?) in the Status column on the List view. This
indicates that there are still specifications that need to be entered for the
component. To enter the specifications, follow the instructions under Entering
Component Specifications on page 190.
Color coding
Red Border: An entry must be made in the field. All specifications forms
have at least one required entry field.
Evaluate button and reviewing the resulting report. See page 470 for
more information
Fields with red borders are required. If there’s a combination of two fields
with green borders and one with a thick gray border, an entry must be made
either in the two fields with the green borders or in the field with the thick
gray border.
To define installation bulks for the component:
1 Click the Options drop-down and select the type of bulks to define.
installation bulks.
After defining the component and installation bulks, save the specifications
form by clicking OK.
Note: You can select in Preferences to have Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
return you to the main Component Specifications form after you click OK (see
page 53).X X
Mat’l/Man-hours Adjustments
Using Mat’l/Man-hours Adjustments, you can specify percent adjustments of
system-calculated values as follows:
Category Percent adjustment for
Mat’l/Man-hours Additions
Using Mat’l/Man-hours Additions, you can add lump sum material costs and/or
man-hours to a specified COA. All additions are reported “as is.” Additions are
neither indexed nor adjusted by Mat’l/Man-hours Adjustments. Up to 20
additions can be defined per component.
Note: To reduce the time required to retrieve data when multiple items have
been added, select in Preferences to not display all items. If Display P&I
Installation Items is unmarked on the Preferences General tab view, selecting
Pipe – Item Details will display a dialog box from which you can select the
item you wish to edit or select to add a new item. See page 52 for
It displays the piping you are adjusting on the Pipe Details Installation
Bulk form.
Duct installation bulk items specify individual runs of process ductwork and
associated fittings and insulation. Up to 5 duct lines may be specified for each
component. Use the same methods described for multiple lines of pipe.
The Steel installation bulk specifies the following:
In addition, up to three different steel items may be specified.
Instrument installation bulk items specify individual instrumentation loops or
parts of loops with associated sensors, transmitters and signal cabling. Up to
50 loops may be defined for each component.
Note: To reduce the time required to retrieve data when multiple instrument
items have been added, select in Preferences to not display all items. If
Display P&I Installation Items is unmarked on the Preferences General tab
view, selecting Instrumentation will display a dialog box from which you can
select the item you wish to edit or select to add a new item. See page 52 for
The Electrical installation bulk specifies local equipment lighting, control
wiring and power/cable and motor starters for up to three different types of
electrical loads.
The Insulation installation bulk specifies insulation and fireproofing for
component and installation bulk steel. For components, the insulation type,
jacket type, thickness and area may be specified. For component and steel
fireproofing, type, rating and area may be specified.
default, installation bulks are included and connected streams are not.
To import an area or component:
1 Have Project Explorer’s Project view open, since you will drag the
component or area there.
2 In the Palette’s Projects view, double-click on the project scenario from
which you wish to import. This displays the project areas in the scenario.
3 Expand an area folder to display the components in it.
Note: You can only display the areas and components of a scenario that has
the same units of measure as the current scenario. If units of measure are
different, a message will appear in the Status bar notifying you of this when
you double-click on the scenario.
To import a component:
Drag the component to the desired area in Project Explorer, Project view.
3 Drag the scenario from the Palette to Project Explorer’s Project view.
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer displays a confirmation window.
Note: You can only import scenarios that have the same units of measure as
the current scenario. If the units of measure are not the same, a dialog box
will inform you of this when you try to import.
Copying Components
The Copy command copies a selected component and all of its associated
installation bulks. This is useful if you want to add a component which is
similar to an existing item. The item can be copied and modified with less
effort than creating a new item.
Remember to change the Item Description when copying components to
distinguish the copy from the original.
Note: If the area contains a component with the same name as the one being
pasted, Aspen Process Economic Analyzer changes the new component’s
name so that “#1#” appears at the beginning.
Note: You cannot use this feature if a component specs form is open that
would let you edit data that would also be editable in the spreadsheet view.
Copying Areas
Use Area Copy and Paste to create or modify an area specification that is
identical to an existing area.
Deleting Components
The Delete command removes a component and all associated installation
bulks from the project.
Note: You can select in Preferences not to have this prompt appear (see
page 52).
Re-numbering Components
After deleting components, you may wish to re-number the remaining
components so that the numbering contains no gaps and reflects the order in
which components were added.
For example, if you add components A, B, C, D, and E in that order, the
automatically generated Order Numbers would be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, respectively
(the Order Number appears on the List view). If you then delete components
B and C and re-number, components A, D, and E would have Order Numbers
1, 2, 3, respectively. The order in which they were created would still
determine the Order Numbers.
To re-number components:
On the Run menu, click Re-number and then click Project Components
on the sub-menu.
Deleting Areas
The Delete Area command removes the selected area and all of its
To delete an area:
1 Right-click the area in Project Explorer.
2 On the menu that appears, click Delete Area.
A confirmation dialog box appears.
Re-Numbering Areas
Areas have reference numbers that are internally stored and then used by the
Evaluation Engine. They are not visible in the current version of Aspen
Process Economic Analyzer. Just as with components, re-numbering is
intended to close gaps in the numbering after deletion.
To re-number areas:
1 On the Run menu, click Re-number.
2 On the menu that appears, click Project Areas.
Note: Before using this tool, you must select the Activate Custom Model
option on the Process tab in Preferences. See page 52 for information on
accessing Preferences.
1 In Project Explorer, Project view, right-click the pump or mixer
component that you wish to customize.
2 On the menu that appears, click Custom Model.
The User Custom Model dialog box appears. It displays the name of the
project, scenario, and project component selected for the operation. It also
displays available Microsoft Excel (.xls) template files.
Input specs have been placed on the Custom Rules along with sample
alterations for the following:
Mixer with three inlet streams and one exit stream
Pump with connection streams, material and man-hour adjustments
Pipe item details
The Output worksheet displays the same component specification slots as on
the Input worksheet. However, you can customize the values on the Output
Creating a Template
To create a template for a component:
1 Open GeneralModelTemplate.xls; then save it as another file. The
folder in which you store Custom Model files is specified on the Locations
tab in Preferences (APICustomModelDir). The default is:
AspenTech\Economic Evaluation V7.3\Program\API Custom Models
2 Starting on Row 6, Column B for item information, enter the slot names
for the specifications that you want to have sent from Aspen Process
Economic Analyzer when the file is run for a component.
Note: the output will be based on the values in the Output workbook in
Excel. If the Output workbook contains formulas based on input, changes in
input since originally running the Custom Model will affect the output when
the Custom Model is re-run.
This re-runs all custom models stored in the Custom Model tool.
Note: To see the list of the Equipment and Slots of those Equipment which
will be affected by mapping when you do Map Based On Last Session, see
Appendix A. The slots listed on the table in Appendix A WILL CHANGE.
component is one of those for which interactive sizing is available (see list on
page 216), the Interactive Sizing form is displayed during sizing. See “Using
the Interactive Sizing Form” for instructions on connecting a component to
streams during sizing.
If sizing is not available for a component, the Size option as unavailable.
The Re-Size command will clear all the previous sizing results and then size
the equipment based on the current process conditions (those that you have
entered and those available from the currently loaded simulator file).
Therefore, if the component being re-sized is one of those for which
interactive sizing is available, the Interactive Sizing form that appears is
If you would like to keep some of your component specifications (i.e., not
have them replaced by those calculated by the Sizing Expert), do not use the
Re-size command. Instead, use the Size command or the Size button to
access the Interactive Sizing form with current specifications retained, rather
than cleared. Then, clear all fields except those you want to retain and click
OK to execute sizing. Aspen Process Economic Analyzer will re-calculate only
the blank fields.
11 Click that stream and, in the Basis group, click Relative. The new outlet
stream will be based upon the inlet stream.
12 On the Create Stream dialog box, enter a stream name, such as
Note: In order for the Sizing Expert to run, you must select process fluid
streams (one at Inlet and one at Outlet conditions) for at least one side (hot
or cold side).
3 Click on the Hot Inlet Stream field and then click to access a
drop-down list that includes all utility resources and user-created streams.
Utility Resources
If you specify a utility resource as a stream, the Sizing Expert will estimate
the actual utility rate required for the heat transfer and use this rate to create
utility streams as though they were user-specified. The utility stream names
are prefixed by “ICU” and are present under the Utility category in the
Develop Streams dialog box. These utility streams differ from utility resources
in that they have an actual flow rate whereas a resource is a “reservoir” that
can provide utility streams at any required flow rate.
Default Utility Resources Available for I-P Projects
B If you are cooling a fluid, select a heat sink utility to use as a cooling
Click on the Cold Outlet Stream field and then click to access the
drop-down list of utility resources and user-created streams.
If you are heating a fluid, select the stream carrying the heated fluid from the
If you are following the example, select the Process-OUT stream that
you created in the previous set of instructions (see “Creating Streams,”
pages 218 through 221).
If you are cooling a fluid, select again the heat sink utility to use as the
cooling medium.
Click Apply. Aspen Process Economic Analyzer fills in the other fields on the
Interactive Sizing form.
3 To add or remove a custom model to the sizing selection list, click New
Sizing; then click your choice on the list of available custom models (see
Figure 3).
The current sizing list for the equipment model is order dependent (see figure
Figure 4: Current Sizing List with System sizing and two custom models
Once this library has been specified, it must be selected in the project (see
figure 5).
Sizing Areas
The Area sizing feature in Aspen Process Economic Analyzer develops length
and width of an area from the equipment in the area. When actual area
dimensions are not available, you can get a better estimate of area length
and width from the system when these parameters are not specified in the
area specs form.
Sizing Requirements,
Calculations, and Defaults
Certain types of components have minimum input requirements for sizing.
Those requirements are provided in the following sections, along with
explanations of how the sizing is calculated for different component types.
Air Coolers
Sizing Procedure
The air cooler thermal and detailed mechanical design equations are given
Q = Heat Duty
U = Heat transfer coefficient
A = Bare tube surface area
MTD = Mean Temperature difference
LMTD = Log mean temperature difference, based on
purely countercurrent flow
f = Temperature correction factor
N_bays = Number of bays
N_tube_rows = Number of tube rows
N_tubesPerRow = Number of tubes per row (takes into account the
presence of a fan shaft)
Tube pitch = 2.5 INCHES
Tube thickness = 0.125 INCHES
Bay width = 4 ft to 20 ft
Tube rows = 3 to 6
Maximum Tube = 3*Bay width
Agitated Tanks
Sizing Procedure
The capacity of the agitated tank is determined by the following equation:
C = Q * (T_r / 60.0)
C = Capacity , CF
Q = Liquid volumetric flowrate, CFH
T_r = Liquid residence time, MINUTES
The diameter of the agitated tank is determined using L/D and geometry:
C = (/4) * D^2 * L
D = Diameter of vessel, FEET
L = Fluid height, FEET
H = Vessel height, FEET
h_d = Vapor disengagement height, FEET
The project component must have at least one process stream connected to
the inlet and exit. Also, since the sizing procedure is based on the liquid
holding period, at least one of the streams should have liquid phase.
The design pressure and temperature are based on the operating pressure
and temperature as modified by your entries on the Design Criteria
specifications form.
Sizing Procedure
The capacity requirement for the compressor is calculated from the inlet
stream information. The inlet stream flow rate and density are used to
estimate the total volumetric flow rate through the compressor.
The compression ratio (exit to inlet pressure) is obtained from the operating
pressures of the inlet and exit stream.
The compressibility factor (inlet and exit) is based on user-specified
information, if available, or estimated by the sizing expert based on the
Primary Fluid Component.
The Icarus Evaluation Engine estimates the driver power if it is neither user-
specified nor provided in the simulator report. The engine currently uses a
mechanical efficiency of 100% to arrive at the brake horsepower. The brake
horsepower, thus calculated, is compared against a table of available
standard motor sizes. If the calculated brake horsepower is not found in the
table, then the motor with the next higher horsepower is selected.
Minimum inlet pressure for air compressors is 14.696 PSIA
Sizing Procedure
The sizing expert estimates the solid flow rate from the inlet stream
information. The crushing ratio (feed to product size) is set at 4.
Work index is the total energy in KWH/TONS, needed to reduce the feed to a
size so that 80% of the product will pass through a 100 micron screen. The
sizing expert in Aspen Process Economic Analyzer assumes a default value of
13.81 for the material work index.
The total driver power required for the crusher is calculated using material
work index and the value of the product size.
The following equation is used to estimate the driver power:
P = 1.46 (T_m) (W_i) ( 1/(d_p ^ 0.5) - 1/(d_r ^0.5))
P = Driver power, HP
T_m = Crusher capacity, TPM
W_i = Material work index
d_p = Product size, FEET
d_r = Feed size, FEET
Additional Information
Final Product size
Sizing Procedure
The sizing program calculates the crystallizer capacity based on the inlet and
exit stream information.
Default value of 0.83 MM is used as final product size if the user-specified
value is not available from the simulator report.
In addition, the following defaults values are used for the design parameters:
Growth = 0.36 MM/H
Based on the minimum and maximum values for the required fields in the
component specification form, the number of additional crystallizers are
The number of additional items required for the given drying operation is
determined from the knowledge-based engine in Aspen Process Economic
Analyzer, which analyzes minimum and maximum values for the required
fields in the specification form.
Dust Collectors
Sizing Procedure
The sizing program estimates the vapor volume flowing through the dust
collector using the exit stream information available from the simulator
In case of cyclones, the sizing program assumes a default linear velocity of
150 FPS. The height to width ratio is fixed at 2.5.
Using the above defaults, the volumetric rate through the separator is
obtained using Zenz correlation represented by the following equation:
Q = 2.5 (D ^ 2) V / 16
Q = Vapor volumetric rate, CFS
D = Cyclone separator diameter, FEET
V = Linear velocity, FPS
In case of baghouse dust collectors, the sizing program uses Nylon as the
default filter cloth material to determine the air to media ratio which then
determines the diameter of the separator.
Sizing Procedure
The sizing program calculates the total amount of filtration product rate based
on the exit stream information. Based on the type of filter selected, the
average dimension of the filter equipment is selected and the filter size is
then optimized for the given operation such that the dimensions selected for
the equipment are within the minimum and maximum values as specified by
the knowledge-based engine.
In case of batch filtration, a default batch time of 0.25 HOUR is used. In case
of plate and frame filters, default value of cake thickness of 0.3 FEET is used.
In the case of continuous operation, the cycle time default is 0.08 HOUR.
Based on the actual capacity requirement and the maximum and minimum
sizes provided by the knowledge-based engine, the number of identical items
is determined.
Heat Exchangers
The heat exchanger sizing program estimates the heat transfer area required
for the given operating conditions. The model also performs detail estimation
of the number of tubes, tube length, and other internal components of the
heat exchanger based on either user-defined specifications (from the process
simulator report or the Design Criteria specifications form) or system defaults.
Sizing Procedure
The process stream(s) are classified into various categories. The Primary Fluid
Component class that you specify for the process fluid(s) flowing through the
heat exchanger is used to estimate the following design parameters:
If only the process fluid conditions are specified by the simulator model, the
heat exchanger sizing program determines the appropriate utility from the list
of utilities that you specify using the Utility Specifications accessed from
Project Basis view (see page 102). If multiple utilities are available for heat
transfer, then the sizing expert uses the utility fluid with a temperature
approach closest to the process fluid. This minimizes the heat transfer losses.
However, a minimum of 1 degree Fahrenheit difference in the final
temperature of the process fluid and the utility fluid must exist for the utility
fluid to be selected for the process. If an appropriate utility fluid is not
available for the heat transfer process, the heat exchanger sizing program will
terminate without estimating the heat exchanger size requirements.
The mean temperature difference (MTD) is estimated based on the fluid
temperature for both the shell and the tube side. It also depends on the flow
configuration for shell and tube heat exchangers, which is specified by the
number of shell and tube passes. For reasons of compactness of equipment,
the paths of both fluids may require several reversals in direction. Mean
temperature differences in such cases can be obtained by applying a factor
(called the F-factor) to the terminal temperature difference. The logarithmic
mean temperature difference (based on purely counter current flow) is
multiplied by the F-factor to obtain the mean temperature difference.
If the temperatures are not properly entered then appropriate warning
messages are displayed. In such cases it recommended that you check the
inlet and outlet temperatures of the shell and tube side streams and verify
that they are realistic.
The overall heat transfer coefficient is either directly obtained from the
simulator report or evaluated based on the shell and tube fluid properties
(film resistance, fouling tendency present for the various processes in the
system database).
The heat exchanger sizing program determines the position of the fluids in
the shell and tube heat exchanger. The position depends on both the process
and utility fluid class.
General Information
The utility requirement is estimated only when the system determines the
utility fluid. If both shell and tube side fluid stream information is specified in
the simulator report, then the system assumes that both of the fluid streams
are process streams and that no utility fluid is expended.
Presently, the model defaults are used for determining the material of
For shell and tube heat exchangers, if the heat transfer surface area
calculated by the sizing program is greater than the largest heat exchanger
designed by the design and cost engine, then the heat exchanger is divided
into multiple shells with identical configurations. The capital cost estimation is
then calculated based on the complete heat exchanger.
Sizing Procedure
The sizing program calculates the total capacity requirements for the selected
pump based on the total flow rate of the inlet fluid stream(s) obtained from
the simulator.
Flow Rate/Capacity
Pump flow rate is obtained from the simulator information. If the information
does not exist, then pump flow rate is calculated based on the stream flow
rates. The stream is assumed to be completely liquid phase and no check is
made for presence of vapor phase.
The pump flow rate obtained from the simulator information is multiplied by
the pump overdesign factor, also referred as the capacity over-design factor,
present in the Design Criteria specifications file.
Pump % Efficiency
Pump efficiency is directly obtained from the simulator. If the value is not
present in the simulator report, then the default value of 70% is used.
new factor to all the pumps in the project. Modifying the overdesign factor for
a pump using the Interactive Sizing form (page 221) applies the factor only to
that particular pump. This allows you to either specify the factor for all pumps
or specify the factor individually for each pump.
Driver Power
If you specify a driver power in the component specification form then this
value is used. If the user does not provide the value then it is calculated by
the cost engine. The Icarus Evaluation Engine calculates the hydraulic
horsepower based on the capacity, viscosity and head, and then uses the
pump efficiency to estimate the brake horsepower. The brake horsepower is
compared against a set of standard available motor sizes to estimate the
pump driver power.
If multiple inlet streams are present, the minimum value of pressure is used
for determining the operating pressure of the equipment.
H = total pump head, FEET
h_d = discharge head, FEET
h_s = suction head, FEET
No friction losses at the entrance and exit.
No static head on suction and discharge sides.
Velocity heads are not included in estimating the suction and discharge
The specific gravity of the fluid is based on inlet streams conditions. The
discharge pressure for the pump is based on the maximum value for the exit
stream(s). The suction pressure is based on the minimum value for the inlet
Sizing Procedure
The sizing program determines the capacity of the screen based on the inlet
flow rate estimated from the stream information.
The screen opening size is used to determine the final product size.
The feed material for the vibrating screen is obtained from the Design Criteria
specifications. The following choices are available:
Sand and Gravel
Limestone/Crushed Stones
The material type affects the screen unit capacity which is defined as the
amount of solid (in tons per hour) flowing through one square foot of screen
cloth based on material, having 6 to 8% moisture, screen cloth having 50%
or more open area; 85% screen efficiency.
Based on the material selected and the screen opening size, the screen unit
capacity is chosen. Further, the sizing program assumes that five layers of
particles are present on the screen. The surface area required for the
vibrating screen is obtained.
Based on the maximum and minimum values specified by the knowledge base
for the screen capacity, additional items required by the operations are
Sizing Procedure
The distillation column sizing module can be used to size the following Icarus
process equipment:
The following simulator models can be used to generate the necessary
process information required for successfully executing the application:
Simulator Models used
Sidestrippers attached to tower models are separated from the main tower
model during the loading process. Sidestrippers load information from the
same tables in the report from which the main tower information is discerned.
————— ————— ———————— —————— —————— ————— ——————— ———————
Information is obtained for the sidestrippers in the same manner as for the
main tower unit (Refer to information for obtaining process data for main
tower unit).
The inlet and outlet fluid conditions for pumparounds are obtained from the
stage information to which the unit is connected. Additionally, the duty
associated with each pumparound is loaded into the unit. This unit is then
separated during the loading process and is treated as an independent
simulator model which can be mapped and sized on its own.
For example, the information required by pumparound units in PRO/II are
obtained from the following part of the column report:
Table 2: Stage molar liquid flowrates and Stage molar vapor flowrates
are loaded. (Column 1 and 2)
Inlet and exit streams (and their stage numbers) are loaded in the mapping
For example, in the case of a RADFRAC model for AspenPlus, the following
portion of the report is loaded in Aspen Process Economic Analyzer:
9 STAGE 10
When sizing information is present in the report, the mapping program loads
all the relevant information present in the sizing sections.
For example, in the case of a RADFRAC model for AspenPlus, the following
portion of the sizing report is loaded in Aspen Process Economic Analyzer for
every section:
— — — — — — — — —
— — — — — — — — — — —
HETP FT 2.00000
Sizing Procedure
The sizing procedure varies depending on the type of internals desired and
the simulator model used for the operation. The procedure described below
gives a description of the actual steps used by the sizing module to estimate
the sizes for the different types of trayed and packed towers.
EOC = efficiency, O’Connell Correlation
L = viscosity of liquid, CPOISE
= relative volatility of key component
A default value of 1.5 is used for the relative volatility of key components that
you can modify on the Design Criteria specifications form. The liquid viscosity
is either directly obtained from the report or estimated from the fluid
Once the internal height of the column is estimated (based on the actual
number of trays), additional height for vapor disengagement and liquid
return is based on your Design Criteria specifications.
In general, the number of stages provided by the simulator report
represent the theoretical number of stages. However, if detailed design of
the tower has been done by the simulator using tray efficiency, then the
number of trays are actual trays. If Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
finds that the number of trays are actual, then it uses the value to
estimate the height and does not add any additional tray efficiency.
Section 1:
Diameter = 5 FEET
Tray Spacing = 24 INCHES
Stages = 2 to 4
Section 3:
Diameter = 8 FEET
Tray Spacing = 18 INCHES
Stages = 8 to 10
The sizing program will design a double diameter tower with the following
Top Section = 6 FEET
Top Section Tray = 30 INCHES
Top Section Stages = 2 to 7
Bottom Section = 8 FEET
Bottom Section = 18 INCHES
Tray Spacing
Bottom Section = 8 to 10
The program estimates the cross sectional area for each stage. Then, the
maximum value is used to design the single diameter tower. In case of double
diameter tower, the program estimates the diameter for the bottom section
and the top section based on the cross sectional area estimated for each
“Distillation Design”, by Henry Z. Kister.
“Applied Process Design For Chemical And Petrochemical Plant”, Volumes 1
and 3, by Ernest E. Ludvig.
“Standard Handbook of Engineering Calculations”, by Tyler G. Hicks
“Chemical Engineers HandBook”, by Perry and Chilton, 6th Edition.
D 0.0956 Wv / K L v 12
D = Diameter, FEET
Wv B B = vapor flow rate, LB/H
B B = liquid density, LB/CF
B B = vapor density, LB/CF
FL = Pressure drop at flood point
Fp Packing factor
Note: You can provide the value for the packing factor on the Design Criteria
specifications form. The system defaults are used for each of the different
types of packings if you do not enter a value.
Once this pressure drop is known, the flood velocity is calculated using the
latest version of GPDC (Generalized Pressure Drop Correlation) charts for
both random and structured packings.
HETP Prediction
You can provide the HETP value on the Design Criteria specifications form. If
the value is not specified, rules of thumb prediction reported in literature are
used to predict the packed tower efficiency.
For random packing columns, the following rules are used for estimating HETP
HETP = 1.5 dp
dp = Packing diameter, INCHES
HETP > DT for DT < 2 FEET
For estimating the structured packing efficiency, the following rule of thumb is
HETP, = 1200 /ap + 4
ap = Packing surface area per unit volume, SF/CF
System Defaults
The following system default values may be modified on the Design Criteria
specifications form and Component Specifications form:
General Defaults
Top vapor = 4 FEET
Bottom sump height = 6 FEET
Horizontal Vessels
The following graphic shows a typical horizontal vessel.
Design Requirements
The maximum number of exit streams is three; two of the streams can be
Calculating Diameter
Vessel diameter is based on the maximum allowable vapor velocity inside the
separator, to reduce the liquid entrainment in the vapor.
The following two methods are available in Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
(chosen from the Design Criteria specifications) to obtain vapor velocity.
Liquid Entrainment Method
Particle size separation method.
The above relation for Separation Factor is valid for a “W”(SF) between 0.006
and 5.0. If “W” falls outside the range, the sizing program gives a warning
message and the limiting value of W is used to estimate Separation Factor.
For example, if calculated value of W is 0.001, then the value used in the
correlation is 0.006. If the calculated value of W is 10.0, then the value used
in the correlation is 6.0.
K = dp * (g * rho_v * (rho_l - rho_v)/ (mu_v^2) )^0.33
v = disengagement velocity
g = gravitational constan
rho_l = liquid density
rho_v = vapor density
v_m = disengagement velocity
f = design factor multiplier for disengagement velocity
v = disengagement
v_csa = Vapor area
v_vol = Vapor volumetric flow
r_vc = Vapor area/cross sectional area
t_csa = Vessel cross sectional area
D_v = Vessel Diameter based on vapor flow
= 3.14
Calculating Length
Vessel liquid holdup volume is obtained based on the light liquid flowrate and
the residence time. The vessel length is then calculated as given below:
l_vol = l_vfr * r_t
l_vol = Liquid holdup volume
L = Length
l_vfr = Light liquid volumetric flowrate
r_t = Residence time
r_vc = r_vc
After estimating the length (L) and diameter (D) of the vessel, the ratio of
L/D is compared with the Process Vessel Height to Diameter Ratio specified on
the Design Criteria specifications form.
hl_vfr = heavy liquid volumetric flow rate
hl_vel = heavy liquid velocity
l = boot length
d = boot diameter
Vertical Vessels
The following graphic shows a typical vertical vessel.
l_vol = liquid holdup volume
l_vfr = light liquid volumetric flowrate
r_t = residence time
l_ht = liquid height based on residence time
LLLTap_ht = minimum height between low liquid level tap and
tangent line (design criteria)
ddHLLTap_ht = height between inlet nozzle and high liquid level
tap (desig criteria)
d_ht = disengagement height
me_ht = mist eliminator height
mea_ht = Height above the mist eliminator
If the calculated l_ht is less than the minimum height between the taps,
specified in the design criteria, then the minimum height is used.
Interconnecting Volumetric
P&ID Lines
Connect pipelines between components in an Aspen Capital Cost Estimator
project, estimate the project, and create piping line list report for connected
lines with the same line tag.
3 On the list in the Connect From and Connect To groups, click the
desired equipment item.
5 Repeat Steps 1-4 above to connect all the desired lines between the
equipment items.
The GUI displays four lists. All the streams are displayed in the STREAM list
box. All equipments and their associated pipelines in the project are displayed
in the last two list boxes. The middle list displays all mapped streams and
Note: Use Filter to display all unmapped equipment and all unmapped lines
if needed.
To save all the stream mappings to lines and update the project:
Click Update Project.
To create an EML:
1 With no project open, go to the Palette’s Libraries tab view.
2 Expand Cost Libraries in the tree-structure, and then expand Equipment
Model Library.
The libraries are divided into Inch-Pound and Metric.
3 To create a library for use in projects with an Inch-Pound units of measure
basis, as in the example used in these instructions, right-click Inch-
Pound; then click New on the pop-up menu.
Note: If you just added a library, the Library dialog box is displayed, and
you can skip to Step 2. If not, follow these steps:
1 Go to the Palette’s Libraries tab view.
6 Click OK.
7 Enter the descriptive data for a the item in the Develop Equipment Model
Library form. If following the example, enter the data exactly as shown
below. Be sure to correctly enter the sizing parameters, CAPFLOW and
PWRDRVR; Aspen Process Economic Analyzer knows to use GPM (or L/S
for METRIC) and HP, respectively, for these parameters.
6 On the Select an Equipment Model Library Item dialog box, select the
item you added; then click OK.
Note: If you want to use sizing parameters with the EML, you must use one
of the sizing parameter symbols listed below:
Symbol Description
AREA Heat Exchanger Area
AREAH Area Height
AREAL Area Length
AREAW Area Width
CAP Liquid Volume
4 Click OK.
5 In the Develop Unit Cost Library form, enter information for the new item.
Note: Costs for the item will be allocated to the specified Code of Account
(COA). See ICARUS Reference, Chapter 34, for COA definitions.
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer uses the Material Cost Per Unit and Labor
Cost Per Unit to cost the item in an estimate. If Labor Hours Per Unit is
specified and Labor Cost Per Unit is left blank, Aspen Process Economic
Analyzer will calculate the labor cost using the project wage rates at the time
of the estimate.
The Unit of Measure can be designated for “each” or by any appropriate unit
(i.e., “1000 SF” ). Be sure to sufficiently describe the item so that you know
what the unit costs include when the item is retrieved at some future date.
The quantity is entered when the library item is retrieved into a project.
The Date and Source are for your reference and are not transferred into an
6 When done entering specifications for the item, click OK.
To add a set of items as in the ASBABT example, repeat the process (Steps
2-4) to add the following items in addition to the one shown in the previous
Code of Mat’l Cost Per Labor Cost Unit of Date of
Reference No. Item Description Account Unit Per Unit Measure quotation
After the above are added, the Library dialog box will appear as shown
7 When done adding items to the UCL, click Close on the Library dialog box.
6 On the Select a Unit Cost Library Item dialog box, select the item you
added and click OK.
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer retrieves the unit cost data you set up in
5 At the Select a Unit Cost Library Item dialog box, select the first item
to add to the assembly and click OK.
7 Click Add.
8 On the Select a Unit Cost Library File dialog box, select the UCL
containing the next item to add to the assembly and click OK.
9 On the Select a Unit Cost Library Item dialog box, select the next item
to add to the assembly and click OK.
The file is now included in the Palette and its items can be added as Aspen
Process Economic Analyzer project components.
Limiting Conditions
It is possible that on extreme capacity scale-ups, sizes of certain equipment
or bulk items may surpass a system limiting value. In this case, an error
condition would be issued. The user would then examine the scaled model for
Scale-up Candidates
ASM rules apply to the following types of project information:
1 Area specs: distances, dimensions, cost per unit weight
2 Project Component specs: specific rules based on item type and
specification, typically size dimension, capacity, power and occasionally
number of items
Note: Several sanitary process equipment items associated with batch food
processing are not scaled.
3 Installation specs: quoted costs, hours and numeric dimension specs for
piping, duct, civil, steel, electrical, insulation, paint. Text-based sizes such
as pipe schedule, wire size, etc. are symbolic and are not scaled.
4 Project Component Quoted Cost and Hours: While ASM has rules for
quoted cost and hours, the ASM rule may not be the best for your type of
item. Here, it’s better to apply a % Adjustment to the system’s estimated
cost in an amount that will bring the estimated cost up to your quoted
value. Then, on scaling, the new reported cost will be calculated by
applying your % Adjustment to the estimated cost. Based on the scaled
o Quoted hours: based on item type
o Quoted weight: based on item type
Relocation Terminology
Baseline project: initial case, before executing ARM.
Relocated project: after ARM processing of the baseline project.
Relocation: a process of evaluating an initially formulated project
(baseline project) to a new location (relocated project).
Locations: a general location, characterized by a city and country name,
which is used to represent a particular EPC function. The function may or
may not be physically sited in that city.
Engineering location: city and country name used to characterize the
engineering workforce assigned to the project.
Plant location: city and country name used to characterize the plant site.
Baseline Reports
Relocation Reports
ARM Specs
Construction Engineering
Fee Cost
Construction Material
Cost Cost
This will
display the Decision Analyzer dialog box, Figure 2.
Note: ARM shares space with ASM and AEM and Evaluate Project on the
four-part Decision Analyzer dialog box.
3 Select the check box Change Plant Location to.
4 Click the Plant Location from its pull-down list.
5 Click the Engineering Location from its pull-down list.
6 Use the remaining check boxes to select options to:
o Enable escalation for Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
o Retain your defined construction start date and duration. If
unchecked, a new date will be developed on relocation.
Note: The last line on the Decision Analyzer dialog box displays three pieces
of information:
plant location
currency name
currency symbol, in parentheses
This information is a reminder to users of the Analyzer Economics Module
(AEM) who are interested in reporting costs in currency different from the
plant location currency. For this, two entry slots are provided for an exchange
rate and symbol. If AEM is not invoked, values so entered will not affect the
reporting aspects of relocation aspects. In Figure 2, the user elected to run
AEM. This would take place immediately after ARM completed the relocation
process, described as follows.
Figure 2. Decision Analyzer Dialog Box – Illustration for a plant to be
engineered in Rotterdam and constructed in Singapore. The currency of the
plant location is displayed in the last wire-frame.
Location Specs
ARM is formulated for 89 locations in 33 currencies. Locations listed below
include the four Icarus country base locations. The locations are similar to
those in the Aspen Richardson International Cost Factor Manual list.
Locations are organized and sorted by continental region, country and city.
For Canadian and US locations, names include state, province or territory.
Conventional short forms of country and city names are used for simplicity.
Regions - The number of locations for each region is listed in Table 1.
City Locations outside the US are listed in Table 2
US locations are listed in Table 3.
Project Data
The ARM knowledge base contains a comprehensive set of values for project
level data. These should be considered as a starting point in the evaluation of
a project. Concerned users should replace the ARM knowledge base values in
their relocated project with more representative values obtained from
company surveys of the intended site.
Currency: Exchange rate (FEX), as of the first day of the basis year, with
exchange rate and currency units scaled to meet Icarus currency formats.
Scaled currency units are provided at three levels: 3-character symbol, 8-
character name and 24-character description. Values are listed in Table 4.
o Currency: 33 currencies are defined; some ARM locations
share the same currency
o Exchange rate, for each location. The ARM knowledge base
works with exchange rates relative to the currency of each of
the four country bases (US, UK, JP, EU). The currency table
contains the rates as of the listed date.
o Exchange rates are scaled in size to conform with Icarus
exchange rate formats (0.01 to 99.9 in value)
o Scaled currency symbols, names and descriptions are defined
to conform to Icarus format; these contain symbols such as K
to represent thousands and M to represent millions of scaled
currency units, as indicated in Table 4.
TABLE 4. List of Currencies
Exchange Rate,
Currency Currency per USD
Country Currency Description Name Symbol (1 Jan 2010)
Argentina Argentine Peso Peso-A P 3.8434
Australia Australian Dollar Dollar-A A$ 1.1144
Brazil Brazilian Real Real R 1.7578
Canada Canadian Dollar Dollar-C C$ 1.051
China Chinese Yuan Renminbi Renmimnbi R 6.8291
Colombia K Colombian Peso K Peso K-P 2.05533
Egypt Egyptian Pound Pound-E PDE 5.5581
European Union Euro Euro EUR 0.6961
The ARM knowledge base contains a comprehensive set of construction
workforce values, which should be considered as a starting point in the
evaluation of a project. Concerned users should replace the ARM knowledge
base values in their relocated project with more representative values
obtained from company surveys of the intended site.
The following are provided by ARM for each construction work force location:
Field Craft rates – hourly rates (“nearly all-in”) for each of 28 field crafts
in the construction work force slate and a foreman differential for each
location. By “nearly all-in”, we mean that each craft rate is a unique
composite of the following rate contributions:
o Craft Worker Base Hourly Wage Rate
o Health, Welfare, Pension
o Fringe Benefits
o Hourly Indirect Rate for:
Temporary Construction
Consumables and Small Tools
FICA Unemployment Workers Compensation Insurance
Multi-level construction
Craft rates in the ARM knowledge base do not include indirect
construction costs for the following categories as these would be
determined during project evaluation:
o Construction Equipment Rental, including Fuel, Oil, Lubrication,
Maintenance (FOLM)
o Field Supervision
o Contractor Home Office Costs
Construction workforce productivity – one value is provided for each plant
location, relative to the construction productivity at the country base
Field indirect costs, including construction equipment rental (see Project
Data, below), field supervision, home office costs
Work week: hours, number of shifts, overtime
Construction equipment rental: slate of items (see Project Data, below)
Extent of hand excavation vs. machine excavation
Construction confidence level, associated with the sources of the ARM
knowledge base data, used to compute a value of construction
contingency. Contingency is computed as the root-mean square value of
Material Costs
Location Indexing
The ARM knowledge base contains a set of location indexes which will
adjust country base material costs to the plant location. Two sets are
o The first deals with equipment costs.
o The second applies to bulk materials.
Use of the supplied location indexes should be considered as a starting
point in the evaluation of a project. Concerned users should replace the
ARM knowledge base values in their relocated project with more
representative values obtained from company surveys of the intended
The location indexes make use of Aspen Richardson values for the average
split of local vs. imported materials. Costs of local and imported materials
are figured by applying location values for freight, taxes, VAT, and other
expenses. Location indexes are stored for each of the four-country bases
and are used to characterize material costs by account code (100 to 299
for equipment, 300 to 999 for bulk materials.)
o Unit cost of rebar, ready-mix concrete, in the currency of the
plant location
o Material cost confidence level, associated with the sources of
the ARM knowledge base data, used to compute a value of
material cost contingency. Contingency is computed as the
root-mean square value of the user material contingency and
material cost confidence level. For example, if the user
contingency before relocation UC =18% and the ARM location
confidence value LC = 10%, then the computed contingency
after relocation is
= (UC2 + LC2) = (182+102 )
P = 20.6%
Analyzer Utility Modules (AUM) – Design
and Scope Generators for Utility Systems
One of the difficulties with process economic analyses, both capital cost and
payback determination, is the lack of scope definition for non-process or
outside boundary limit (OSBL) portions of the project. With AUM modules
creating utility systems in harmony with the process sections of a project,
more accurate, realistic and confident business assessments can be made for
cost and economics.
Each AUM module works in the same way. It extracts information on the
specific utility needs of each project component and area in your project. You
can then interactively revise default values for design preferences and
configuration, evaluate messages, review reports of design results. On
completion, a press of a Load button will automatically transfer to your
project, a list of selected, sized, designed project components assembled
within a unique date- and time-stamped utility area. Should a prior utility
area of the same type be present in your project, you can chose to delete the
old one and replace it with new scope.
All of this takes place in times measured in minutes rather than traditional
days and weeks. Of course, evaluation time depends on the size of the
project. For front end engineering design work, AUM modules can be revisited
in each cycle of scope change to ensure the project needs are properly
satisfied by each utility system.
A Control Panel, a task bar button and numerous hypertext links provide for
easy navigation and rapid access to a status report, specs for preferences and
configurations, reports, an a guide. Messages are provided to assure data
integrity; an error condition will disallow loading of results into your project.
1. Overview
Note: Worksheet names are shown in italic bold face to distinguish the
names from text.
Preparation Workflow
The Cooling Water Design model requires a stream-based project built in
either Aspen Process Economic Analyzer or Aspen Decision Analyzer, with
components that require cooling water connected to one or more cooling
water utility resources.
The flow rates, water temperatures, duties and components provide the basis
for the design requirements. The cooling water model will first diagnose the
project’s requirements and initiate a design. The user can then revise the
design basis and review early design metrics for a variety of design scenarios,
settle on a design basis and load the design results into the project.
Figure 2.2d. Error message if the project was not evaluated
3 Select the Cooling Water Model: To do this, click Run | Utility Model
(Figure 2,2a) or press the “U” button on the button bar (Figure 2.3a):
When the cooling water model is invoked, it:
(a) analyzes for project cooling water requirements
(b) works from Preferences (user-modifiable, default set of design
parameter values)
(c) prepares an initial design.
Results of the initial design and any subsequent interactive scenario are
presented in a Capture worksheet. If the design meets with the user’s
approval, a user click of the parked Load button will load the design results
into the project, at which time the project can be re-evaluated.
The Preferences and Circuits worksheets allow the user to modify the
default design basis. Each spec change will result in a new design. Hyperlinks
provide rapid access from one sheet to another and sections in a sheet. The
Control Center toolbar button opens the Control Center worksheet, which
has hyperlinks to other sheets and their major categories. Worksheet tabs
are color coded to match hyperlinks at the top of each worksheet.
The following sections provide a detailed description of the work process as
well as detailed descriptions of each worksheet, category and item.
Worksheets: Seven worksheets are provided, of which Preferences and
Circuits are for user input, to revise the design basis:
Welcome: greetings, workflow graphic
ControlCenter: navigation
Status: message center
Preferences: design selections
Circuits: circuit definition
Capture: early design metrics
Guide: help
Button Actions: The Control Center toolbar is always available during a
model session. A click will open the Control Center worksheet and a hyperlink
click will direct you to a chosen worksheet. When the Control Center toolbar is
parked together with the Excel Web toolbar you can quickly search forward
and backward.
Figure 3.2 Extract, sample of a Preferences sheet showing click box method
of selection
Design Preference Categories:
Cooling Tower (values in this section affect the circuitry, sizing of
cooling towers and flow-related equipment such as circulation pumps
and distribution piping)
(a) Design Capacity, excess capacity
(b) Design Temperature: Summer wet bulb temperature (see
Cooling Tower discussion of wet bulb temperature, approach
gradient, range)
(c) Messages relating to cooling water resource requirements
vs. design preferences
(d) Number of Cooling Towers
Figure 3.3 Extract from Circuits sheet – Initial Configuration (left), Step 1
The following (see Figure 3.3, left side) are reported for each area being
served by a recognized cooling water utility resource stream:
Initial Sort Sequence: sequenced by area, from the area with highest
cooling water requirements to the area with the lowest
Area Name: user-assigned name, carried into the cooling water
design model from project area specs
Area Type: user-assigned area type, carried into the cooling water
design model from project area specs
Area CW Rate: area cooling water (CW) flow rate, the sum of all
recognized cooling water flow rates for equipment in an area as
adjusted by the Excess Capacity value in the Preferences worksheet
Initial Circuit Number: always 1 as all areas are initially assigned to a
single circuit
Initial Circuit ID: always “A”
2 Step 1 – Assignment of Areas to Circuits (User entry one of two)
Please refer to Figure 3.3 (right side):
Figure 3.4 Extract of Circuits sheet – defining area spacing using the B/R
Each line item in this section represents an area and its properties. Areas are
sorted and sequenced in descending total circuit flow rate and then by area
flow rate. Circuits are labeled A, B, C, D with circuit A being the one with the
highest flow rate; B is next etc. An area that was tagged as circuit 2 in step 1
may be in a circuit with the lowest flow and would be organized accordingly
and given a Circuit ID letter depending on the other circuit flows.
This section displays the properties and attributes of each area in the
sequenced list.
Figure 4.4 (case b). Illustration of one cooling tower used to serve multiple
circuits. For this case, the model will provide one cooling tower for all
circuits and a set of circulation pumps for each circuit.
Figure 4.6 Schematic of cooling water piping for a 3D area type (OPEN,
Figure 4.7 Schematic of Line Types Serving Areas Requiring Cooling Water
Figure overview_4.8 shows a cooling tower with air and cooling water
streams and their temperatures.
Terms used in the cooling tower industry, illustrated in Figure 4.8, are:
Cooling tower: a device used to cool water by the countercurrent
action of ambient air against a downward flowing stream of water to
be cooled. The cooling process involves the cooling of entering water
The Air Utility Module automatically and interactively:
selects, designs, and sizes air plant project components that conform to
o Project scope design basis
o Interactive entries for air utility design and configuration
Augments the scope of your project with a list of designed air utility
project components in a unique air utility area on the click of the Load
Interactive session enables a review of results prior to LOAD creates
o Status messages, suggestions to alleviate design clashes
o Interactive report of equipment and distribution piping design
With the Air Utility Module, you can review, revise, add other project
components and/or Run the augmented project to obtain a new project
The Air utility model can be
applied to projects that have been created using
o Aspen Process Economic Analyzer, Aspen Decision Analyzer
o Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
within Aspen Process Economic Analyzer or Aspen Process Economic
Using AUM_Air
Accessing AUM_Air
To access AUM_Air:
1 Starting with an open project that has been evaluated, click Run, then
click Utility Model. Or, click the U button to access utility models.
The Utility Model dialog box appears:
To load the Air – Instrument, Plant data into your Icarus project:
When you are satisfied with the model and the Status worksheet shows that
there are no errors, you can load the Air – Instrument, Plant model into
the project.
1 Click the Maximize button on the parked Load | Cancel | Minimize
dialog box.
When the Air – Instrument, Plant data has been loaded into Aspen Icarus,
the following confirmation message appears:
3 Click OK.
The Air – Instrument, Plant data is now included in your project.
Note: Clicking Yes does not actually delete the Air – Instrument, Plant
data in your project. You can click Yes, modify the Air – Instrument, Plant
data, then choose not to replace the previous Air – Instrument, Plant data
with the modified data by clicking Cancel on the Load | Cancel | Minimize
dialog box.
4 Click Yes.
5 Modify the data to your satisfaction.
If you want to replace the loaded data with your modified data, follow the
steps below.
1 Click the Maximize button on the parked Load | Cancel | Minimize
dialog box.
When the Air – Instrument, Plant data has been loaded into Aspen Icarus,
the following confirmation message appears:
3 Click OK.
The Air – Instrument, Plant data is now included in your project.
If you want to keep loaded Air – Instrument, Plant data and not replace it
with your modified data, follow the steps below.
1 Click the Maximize button on the parked Load | Cancel | Minimize
dialog box.
In the conceptual design phase, lacking a plot plan, this method is used to
develop air distribution piping.
Some runs may be long, some short.
Components in the augmented project scope definition may be modified,
deleted, new ones added.
The following is a brief description of the methods used.
Areas assigned to an APU are collected in the sequence of the project and
are assembled in a column-row array
Array dimensions are determined from area dimensions
Row and column dimensions are figured from total area, number of areas
and an initial aspect ratio of 3:2
Air Distribution
Piping is developed for Instrument Air as well as Plant Air.
Piping for each service is developed in the same way, except for
volumetric flow and line size
Distribution Piping
The APU feeds air to the array through a Main Feeder (MF)
The Main Feeder length is defined in Preferences
Two Main Manifolds (MM) are used on extra-wide arrays, els one or none
for an array one column wide
Each MM feeds a Main Line (ML)
Main lines feed Branch Lines (BR)
A tee of the Branch line supplies air to an Area Feeder (AF)
Area Feeders connect to Area Headers (AH)
Area headers, for 2-D area types such as Grade, Pad, etc supply air to the
I-P transducers, control valves
o P&ID information from the original project provide the
requirements for I-P and control valve components
o Utility station requirements are developed for each area based
on anticipated air tool usage and area size
A plant air connection is made off the Area Header Plant
for each utility station
Area headers, for 3-D area types such as open steel structures, etc supply
air to Risers, then Laterals which then connect to I-P transducers and
control valves.
o Utility station requirements are developed for each 3-D type
area based on anticipated air tool usage and area size
Project Components
The Instrument and Plant Air Utility Model creates a set of project
components in accordance with the needs of your:
Project Scope definition
Design and selection preferences for Instrument and Plant Air
Typical components
Air Compressors
Interstage and After-coolers
Air Filters
Air Receivers
Air Dryers
Air distribution piping (instrument, plant air)
Utility Stations (air, water, steam, condensate drain services)
Associated installation bulks would be developed during project run
Design Considerations
Units of Measure
Designed Components
Volumetric Air Flow Rate
Equipment Selection and Design
o Compressor Model Selection
o Interstage and After Coolers; choice of
Air Coolers (for rack mounting)
Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers
o Air Receivers
o Air Filters
o Air Dryers
Units of Measure
Values are reported in the Unit of Measure set of the user’s project, in the:
Utility Module interactive worksheets and reports
Augmented user’s project file
Air Receivers
Interactive Specs
Design Basis
o Equipment Redundancy
o Equipment Configurations
o Selection Specs
o Design Preferences
o Air Distribution
Areas and Air Plant Units
Air Distribution Configuration
o Assignment of APUs to Areas
User Preferences
User enters specs interactively in MS Excel SPECS workbook
Preferences worksheet– design and equipment configuration basis
o Organized by category
o Color coded
o Either/or selections are provided with a base (default) value
o Numeric selections are provided with a base (default) value
o Help messages assist selections
o Error messages are issued for out-of-limit or design clash
CONFIG worksheets: basis for distribution air piping to areas
o Part 1: Assignment of plant air to areas devoid of equipment
o Part 2: Assignment of an APU to an area
Equipment Configurations
Equipment configuration choices:
If low capacity type is selected, may generate multiple low capacity
High capacity compressors may require project mid- and/or high voltage
power distribution levels.
o Utility services for compressors
Steam lines: run distance from boiler house to turbines
Cooling water lines: run distance from cooling water
6 Air Receivers
o Common or separate receivers for instrument air and plant air?
o One main receiver at 100% capacity or two, each at 50%
o Install a stand-by spare?
o Horizontal or vertical vessels?
o Maximum diameter
o Maximum tangent-to-tangent length
o Instrument air supply time during emergency shut-down
o Plant air supply time during emergency shut-down
7 Air Dryers (Dual Bed–one working, one regenerating)
o Common air dryer for instrument and plant air?
o Is plant air to be dried?
o One main dryer at 100% capacity or two, each at 50% capacity
o Air purge rate
8 Air Filters
o Instrument air
Number of pre-filters
Number of post-filters
o Plant air
Number of pre-filters
Number of post-filters
9 Distribution piping
o Minimum line size for air piping
o Distance from APU to process area
o Typical tie-in run length from one APU to another
APU Configuration:
o Choose default (one APU for all) or assign each Report Group to
one of four APUs
Design Methods
Sizing Distribution Piping
Schematic of Distribution Piping
Welcome Worksheet
The dialog box shows the default Capital Costs report file name, Cap_Rep.ccp.
This is the report reviewed in Icarus Editor. If you want it to have a different
name, type the file name in the Report File field.
2 Click OK.
If you are using the default Preferences, Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
scans the project specifications for errors and/or inconsistencies and any
Note: You can select in Preferences to skip the scan for errors (see
page 52).
You have the option to continue or stop the evaluation process (except in the
case of FATAL errors, which stop the evaluation process). You should carefully
review these and fix any problems before proceeding.
When the project evaluation is done, Aspen Process Economic Analyzer lists
all errors found in the capital cost evaluation for your reference.
If you are using the default Preferences, Aspen Process Economic Analyzer
automatically displays the Investment Analysis spreadsheets in the Main
Window when the evaluation is complete. See “Reviewing Investment
Analysis” on page 448 for a description of these spreadsheets.
Note: You can select in Preferences not to have Aspen Process Economic
Analyzer automatically display the Investment Analysis (see page 52). X X
To load AEM:
1 On the Run menu, click Decision Analyzer.
2 On the Decision Analyzer dialog box, mark the Develop Detailed Process
Economics Reports check box.
3 Enter the desired reporting currency symbol to use for the reporting of all
4 If the plant location currency is different from the currency used on the
reports, enter the exchange rate as the ratio of Report Currency/Plant
Location Currency.
5 Click OK.
In Excel, two workbook files open: SPECS and RESULTS.
SPECS Workbook
The SPECS workbook consists of the following worksheets, which you can
navigate by clicking the sheet tabs at the bottom of the workbook window:
The Guide provides you with an online reminder of helpful information, which
you may refer to during an interactive scenario session:
Purpose of Analyzer's Economics Module (AEM) and what AEM does.
The three classes of information from which AEM works.
The two workbooks for new scenario premises.
Details on the worksheets containing input.
Details on the worksheets containing results.
Strategy - how to use this module effectively for evaluating business and
economic options.
Control Panel
The Control Panel allows you to revise high-level stream premises. It features
spinner controls and reset buttons, enabling you to change unit prices and
instantaneously see the resulting economic metrics and graphed results.
Decision Center
The Decision Center is AEM's navigator. It enables you to move quickly across
all of AEM's user-interactive worksheets, all of which are included in horizontal
format. To view all the worksheets in a vertical format, use the DC_V
Both the horizontal and vertical formats enable you to quickly locate high
level and lower level categories and the ultimate worksheet locations.
Important error messages are displayed on the Decision Center header.
An NPV graph displays the current state of the scenario including high-level
error messages with pointers to error locations.
This worksheet contains the same content as the Decision Center worksheet
in a vertical format.
Input Worksheets
The two input worksheets are for user-interactive revisions to premises. They
define your economic scenario. Revisions are immediately reflected in the
Status, Statements, EPC, and Figures worksheets. See page 405 for
Stream Input
In the Stream Input worksheet, you can revise the stream factor to determine the
impact of turndown, turnarounds or a proposed expansion; split production into a
domestic and export stream with their associated unit prices; revise prices of by-
products, raw materials, and utilities. An important aspect of the Stream Input
worksheet is the use of periodically changing values of stream factor, unit costs
and percent to export. This feature will enable you to study the impact of market
cycles and identify economic threats and opportunities related to production over
the life of the project.
Status Worksheet
View the Status worksheet for a quick summary of which values on the input
worksheets have been revised, need correction, or are incomplete.
Capture Worksheet
The Capture worksheet and its initiating buttons
enables you to review and capture highlights of up
to 50 economic scenarios. A set of buttons is
provided to initiate the capture of current scenario
highlights in advance of working on the next
RESULTS Workbook
The RESULTS workbook consists of six worksheets, which you can navigate by
clicking the sheet tabs at the bottom of the workbook window.
The following is an overview of the worksheets.
EPC Worksheet
The EPC worksheet provides before and after information regarding the
engineering, procurement and construction aspects of your project. The term
“before” refers to the state of your project based on your initial premises,
prior to interactively changing from one scenario to another in Analyzer’s
Economic Module. The EPC workbook provides costs in both the currency of
the plant location and a user-defined “reporting currency. For example, if your
project were modeled using the European Union country base (EU, currency
in Euro) and you wished to see costs reported in Euro for a project relocated
to Mexico (reporting currency in k-Peso), you could define the reporting
currency to be Euro and enter the desired exchange rate between the Euro
and k-Peso. You would define the reporting currency and exchange rate along
with the relocation country, at Run time. The EPC worksheet would report
plant location costs in both Euro and k-Peso. This worksheet currently
provides the only connection between costs in the country base currency and
plant location currency.
The EPC worksheet provides the following information:
EPC results based on the initial premises (before the scenario)
o Status of stream data
o Exchange rate used to compute plant location costs in the
country base currency
o Summary costs, man-hours in both plant location and country
base currencies
o EPC start and end dates
o Breakouts of costs and man-hour for direct materials,
engineering and construction and project indirects.
Design Basis
The Design Basis worksheet provides summary-level presentations of income,
product revenue, manufacturing costs, margins, raw material costs, utility
costs, and earnings based on your initial economic premises.
The following is an excerpt:
Note: Revisions made in the workbook have no impact on the actual project
To revise premises:
1 Select either the Project Input or Stream Input worksheet.
2 Go to the Select field of the item you wish to change. Pressing TAB moves
the cursor to the next field, while pressing CLEAR+TAB moves the cursor
to the previous field. You can also use the mouse and arrow keys.
The Select field can contain one of the following symbols (not case-sensitive):
Enter To denote
B Use of base value.
R Use of revised value.
P Use of period-to-period values on the Stream Input
For example, changing the symbol from “B” to “R” acts as a toggle between
the base and revised value.
In the event a symbol is not entered, the base value will be used.
As soon as you move from the revised field, the revision is reflected in the
Status, EPC, Statements, and Figures worksheets.
Note: Viewing the workbooks in a split screen arrangement lets you instantly
see the results of modifications. To do so, click Arrange on the Window menu,
select Horizontal, and click OK. You will likely need to adjust the zoom to
about 50%. Keep ECOSYS.xls minimized.
For example, if you revise the required working capital percentage on the
Project Input worksheet (shown in window at the top of the split screen
pictured below), the Cash Flow bar chart on the Figures worksheet (shown in
the lower window) will change.
Project Input
As described previously, base values are listed to the right of the item
category. The Select field and Enter Revised Base Value field enable alternate
studies. First, enter either an “R” (not case-sensitive) in the Select field to
revise the base value. Then enter a revised value in the Enter Revised Base
Value field. You can then enter a “B” (not case-sensitive) in the Select field to
Scenario Reporting
Title and date data: will be displayed in the headers of the various
worksheets and in the footer of the Status worksheet.
Currency for Scenario Reporting: every cost value in the Economic
Analysis workbook will be in the Reporting Currency and converted from
the plant location currency by the designated exchange rate.
Plant Location Currency: costs in country base location currency are
developed by the Icarus Evaluation Engine (IEE) and are revised by
Analyzer’s Relocation Module (ARM). Costs in the plant location currency
are reported only in the EPC worksheet if the user elects a reporting
Reporting Currency: this currency is defined upon entering the Analyzer’s
interactive Economics Module along with an exchange rate relative to the
plant location currency. The exchange rate may be changed, within limits,
in the Project Input worksheet. This will enable a user to trend a project
over a period of time, should exchange rates vary from the initial premise.
Costs in the reporting currency are reported in all worksheets.
Exchange rate: number of currency units of Reporting Currency per unit of
Plant Location Currency. The exchange rate may be modified in the
Project Input worksheet to reflect a more current or anticipated future
Reporting of Cash flows: in millions of reporting currency units.
A timeline is established with a calendar start date to enable the study of
economic cycles and report the timing of events. A base calendar start date is
automatically generated to accommodate the base start date of engineering.
However, as new premises are added, the lead-time between start of
calendar and start of engineering may be too short to accommodate other
efforts such as studies and changes to the fixed capital investment. Or, you
may wish to base your reporting calendar on a calendar year basis or your
company’s fiscal year. Once you select the start date of the reporting
calendar, you might wish to review your initial premise for the start date of
The engineering start date may be modified as well as the calendar start date.
Messages are provided in this section for lead-time, pre-planning time and
float to help you to establish timing of other events (see next section on
Capital Investment).
Start Date of the Reporting Calendar: defines (a) the project timeline, (b)
enables the escalation to the start date of the calendar of costs entering
the workbook from Analyzer that are founded on the “System Cost Base
Date”, and (c) enables the dating of tasks and events, including:
o Strategic planning and decision engineering
o Contractor’s engineering and procurement
Time Period
Period: the designated period is a year. Only yearly periods can be
accommodated with this release.
Hours per period: determines stream factor, stream flows per period. Your
initial premise may be revised in the Stream Input worksheet.
Capital Investment
Decision Engineering Studies: duration is developed from the cost entry
and placed on the timeline.
Owner’s Engineering: duration is developed from the cost entry and
placed on the timeline.
Increment/Decrement to FCI (fixed capital investment, also known as
total installed cost, total project cost) at the System Base Date: enables
studies of FCI such as the trade-off between inside and outside battery
limits (ISBL/OSBL), plant capacity (with associated change in stream
factor – see Stream Input), and impact of FCI changes during engineering
on process economics, etc. Consider two uses of this feature (1) to
determine the impact on IRR and NPV of a 10% increase in capital cost
and (2) making a utility stream by adding more capital and setting the
utility stream cost to zero. A change here will impact the phase duration of
engineering, procurement and construction as well as their expenditures
along the timeline. In the AEM workbooks, FCI undergoes a number of
adjustments from the time it is evaluated by the Icarus Evaluation Engine
(IEE), as follows and as reported in the EPC worksheet:
o Initial evaluation in Analyzer performed by applying design and
cost specifications to the list of project components for the
specified production capacity of the process facility and plant
o In the AEM workbooks:
Currency revision of FCI from the Plant Location
Currency to the Reporting Currency, using exchange
rate first established during Plant Relocation and then
under Scenario Reporting in AEM.
Escalation from “System Base Date” to the Start Date of
the Calendar.
Percentage Increment/Decrement adjustment (this
Phase Durations
Duration of EPC Phase: base value, from Analyzer (CPM-based planning
Delay or Early Start of Construction: enables study of impact of delay
prior to start of construction or early start. The planning schedule includes
early start. Analyzer splits construction from EPC duration to enable
delays to be studied. A negative delay value results in an early start. As
phase durations are revised, so too are dates of key events along the
timeline. As stream flows and expenditures are moved along the entire
time line by changes in phase durations (or other revisions), they will be
evaluated for escalation or unit costs/prices that are assigned to each
Base values of the following items come from your system input and may be
Project Capital Evaluation, a single value is expanded in AEM for individual
treatment of expenditures along the calendar timeline for:
o Engineering
o Materials
o Construction
Product Escalation: individually for domestic and export product; period-
to-period price/cost values take priority over escalation.
By-products: period-to-period price/cost values for an individual by-product
take priority over escalation for that by-product.
Raw Materials: period-to-period price/cost values for an individual raw
material take priority over escalation for that raw material.
Utilities: period-to-period price/cost values for an individual utility take
priority over escalation for that utility.
General: for remaining categories.
Stream Input
This worksheet allows you to revise base values (assigned or default) for
product, by-product, raw material and utility streams. Either a single value,
applicable to every period (subject to escalation if a cost), or a period-to-
period value (not subject to escalation) may be assigned. Indicate use of base
(“B”), revised (“R”) for a single value for all periods, or individual period-to-
period values (“P”). Symbols are not case-sensitive.
Production Operations
Stream Factor, to study the impact of turndown and expansion.
Price of domestic and export product and percentage of production devoted to
export product. The production capacity is reported for reference.
Price of each by-product. By-product rates are reported for the designated
production capacity. The current version is limited to reporting 25 by-
Raw Materials
Price of each raw material. Consumption of each raw material is reported for
designated production capacity. The current version is limited to reporting 25
raw materials.
Price of each utility; for ISBL/OSBL studies, consider revising an ISBL utility
stream cost in lieu of its production by an OSBL unit and revision of the FCI
(Project Input>Capital Investment>Increment/Decrement to FCI) to account
for the OSBL unit’s FCI – Consumption of each utility is reported for
designated production capacity.
Reporter lets you select and run multiple Standard reports or Excel reports or
Update On Demand reports. These selections can be remembered by clicking
the Remember Selections button shown in the figure below. These
selections are retained and shown the next time the Reporter application is
run. In V7.3, reporter remembers these selections product as well as project
In V7.2 and prior versions the selections are cleared once the reports are
displayed. In V7.3 these selections are retained until you choose to do
Run Report – Run selected report. See pages 417 (Standard reports), 430 (Excel reports),
Open Workbook – Open the last Excel workbook created. See page 433 for instructions. X X
Create User Database – Export SQL database. See page 438 for instructions.
Create New Trend in Excel – Export trending database to Excel. See page 435 for X X
View Existing Trend Data – Open the trending data workbook in Excel. See “Data Trending,”
pages 433 through 437, for instructions
Clear All Saved Trends – Clear the trending database. See page 434 for instructions.
Report Descriptions
Open the necessary category and sub-category folders and click on a report
to display a brief description of that report in the Description section.
Opening a Report
Not all of the reports contain each of the features described in this guide. For
example, the Contents view only appears on reports with multiple sections.
In order to see all the features described, select the Contractor – COA
Summary report located in the following folder:
Capital Cost Reports\Direct Costs\COA Summaries
If there are multiple sections, a tree-structure Contents view appears on the
left side of the window, allowing you to jump to a section simply by clicking
the section in the Contents.
The arrow buttons on the toolbar let you page through the report:
Contents view by clicking the Toggle Group Tree button . This makes
more room for the report.
2 Make any desired changes to the default settings; then click OK.
Report Descriptions
Open the necessary category and sub-category folders and click on a report
to display a brief description of that report in the Description section.
2 Click Yes.
Your browser displays the report.
Management Reports
With Management Reports selected in the Report Mode section, the Reports
section displays a tree-structure grouping of Management reports. These
reports are intended to serve as snapshots of the project scenario.
Overwrite existing Reset the existing workbook with the selected report as
workbook the only worksheet; any previously created worksheets
will be cleared.
Append to existing Add the report as another worksheet in the existing
workbook workbook; previously created worksheets will be retained.
Create new workbook Specify a new workbook in which the selected report will
appear as a worksheet.
Clicking Create new workbook expands the dialog box to let you select a
folder and enter a file name.
Note: Do not enter a file extension or period when entering a new workbook
2 Make your selection; then click OK.
4 Click OK.
The Export Status dialog box informs you when the export is done and asks
if you would like to open the workbook now.
Excel Reports
With Excel reports selected in the Report Mode section, the Reports section
displays a tree-structure grouping of Excel reports.
To open a report:
1 Select the check box next to the desired report.
You can select multiple report check boxes to open multiple reports.
Marking a folder’s checkbox will open all of the reports in the folder.
2 Click the Run Report button or click Run Report on the File menu.
Reporter searches for the last Excel workbook to which you exported a report.
If no existing workbook is found and this is your first export to Excel
during this session, Reporter creates DefaultWB.xls in the Reporter
output folder:
Select To do this
Overwrite existing Reset the existing workbook with the selected report as
workbook the only worksheet; any previously created worksheets
will be cleared.
Append to existing Add the report as another worksheet in the existing
workbook workbook; previously created worksheets will be retained.
Create new workbook Specify a new workbook in which the selected report will
appear as a worksheet.
Selecting Create new workbook expands the dialog box to let you enter a
workbook path and name.
Several of the larger Excel reports generated by Aspen Process Economic
Analyzer take advantage of the AutoFilter feature in Excel.
Data Trending
Data Trending facilitates comparison of scenarios by allowing you to review
capital cost summaries of different scenarios in a single Excel workbook. If,
3 Click OK.
The Trending Data Update dialog box tells you when Reporter has finished
adding the trend data.
The Export to Excel Trending Workbook dialog box gives you the choice of
either appending the trend data to the existing file or creating a new file.
4 Click Yes.
Excel displays the trending workbook containing a spreadsheet for each of the
capital cost categories. Each set of trend data entered into the trending
database is displayed on a separate row. (The workbooks for any categories
excluded at the Export Trend Data into Excel dialog box are blank).
The right-hand pane contains the report and the left-hand pane contains a
tree-structure Contents view that lets you jump to sections of the report.
Note: Click on the toolbar to turn the Contents view on and off (or click
Contents on the View menu).
Find (CTRL+F) – find any text string within the current document
Report Sections
Title Page
Two title pages are produced. This way, if the report is being printed on fan-
fold paper, one of the title pages will be produced on a page facing up.
Contract Structure
The Contract Structure section provides names of contractors and reporting
Table of Contents
The Table of Contents lists section names and the page number on which
each starts. The number of sections may vary depending on the number of
Report Groups. If the project contains only one, then there will be only a
single summary. If more than one, there will be a separate summary for
each, plus a summary for the total project.
Project Summary
e Project Summary provides an overview of project costs.
Note: In the Excel mode, additional spreadsheets are generated that report
details with regards to utilities, raw material and products. For instructions to
generate customized investment analysis reports, see Using the Reporting
Assistant in Excel mode, page 466.
Equipment Summary
The Equipment Summary (EQUIP.ICS) contains a list of project components
used in the analysis.
Project Information
Project Name Aspen Process Economic Analyzer project name
Project Brief description of Aspen Process Economic
Description Analyzer project, from Project Properties
Analysis Date The date and time this analysis was performed
and Time
Simulator Type The name of the process simulator from which
process data was imported
Simulator The version of the process simulator
Simulator Report The name of the process simulator report file
Simulator Report Date and time of the process simulator report file
Economic The name of the Icarus system used for the
Analysis Type evaluation
Aspen Process Version number for Aspen Process Economic
Economic Analyzer system
Analyzer Version
Project Directory Directory path for the current Aspen Process
Economic Analyzer project
Descriptions for the following parameters are provided in more detail under Investment Parameter
specifications (page 105).
Time Period
Period Description Duration of time
Operating Hours Number of hours in specified period
per Period
Number of Weeks Number of weeks in specified period
per Period
Number of Periods Set to 20 periods for investment analysis
Start Date for The beginning date for EPC (engineering,
Engineering procurement, and construction)
Duration of EPC The calculated EPC duration in weeks
Length of Start-up Number of weeks scheduled for start-up
Period beyond the end of the EPC phase
Duration of The calculated construction duration in weeks
Construction Phase
Completion Date for The calendar date for the end of EPC
Capital Costs Parameter
Working Capital Percentage of total capital expense per period
Percentage required to operate the facility until the
revenue from product sales is sufficient to
cover costs.
Operating Costs Parameters
Operating Supplies Indicates the lump-sum cost of operating
Laboratory Charges Indicates the lump-sum cost of laboratory
User Entered Indicates the user-entered value for total
Operating Charges operating charges.
(as percentage)
Operating Charges Includes operating supplies and laboratory
(Percent of charges. If the user enters a lump-sum value
Operating Labor for either “Operating Supplies” or “Laboratory
Costs) Charges”, the addition of the two values will
override the “User Entered Operating Charges”
Plant Overhead Consists of charges during production for
(Percent of services, facilities, payroll overhead, etc.
Operating Labor
and Maintenance
G and A Expenses General and administrative costs incurred
(Percent of Subtotal during production such as administrative
Operating Costs) salaries/ expenses, R&D, product distribution
and sales costs.
General Investment Parameters
Tax Rate The percent per period of earnings that must
be paid to the government.
Desired Rate of Indicates the desired (i.e., user- entered)
Return return rate, in percent per period, for the
Economic Life of Indicates the length of time in terms of periods
Project over which capital costs will be depreciated.
Salvage Value The expected value of an asset at the end of its
(Fraction of Initial usable life for the company. The difference
Project Capital Rate at which project capital expenses may
Escalation increase expressed in percent per period. If the
addition of Engineer-Procure-Construct (EPC)
period and start-up period is greater than one
whole period, Project Capital Escalation is used
to escalate the capital expenses for periods
beyond the first period.
Products Escalation Rate at which the sales revenue from products
of the facility are to be escalated (increased) in
terms of percent per period.
Raw Material Rate at which the raw material costs of the
Escalation facility are to be escalated (increased) in terms
of percent per period.
Operating and Rate at which the operating and maintenance
Maintenance Labor costs of the facility are to be escalated
(increased) in terms of Escalation percent per
period. The operating labor costs include
operators per shift and supervisory costs.
Utilities Escalation User-entered percentages reflecting the
anticipated utility price increase each period.
Operating Labor
Operators per Shift The number of operators per shift per hour
necessary to operate the plant.
Unit Cost The wage rate for each operator expressed in
cost per operator per shift.
Total Operating Total operating labor cost obtained by
Labor Cost multiplying number of operators per shift by
the unit cost and by Operating Hours per
Cost/8000 Hours The cost of maintaining the facility equipment
for 8000 hours of operation of the facility.
Total Maintenance The total maintenance cost of the facility per
Cost period.
Supervisors per The number of supervisors per shift per hour
Shift necessary to oversee personnel who operate
the facility.
Unit Cost The wage rate for each supervisor expressed
in cost per supervisors per shift.
Total Supervision Total supervising labor cost obtained by
Cost multiplying number of supervisors per shift by
the unit cost and by Operating Hours per
Utilities Costs
The utility cost breakdown is given below for electricity, potable
water, fuel and instrument air as well as user defined process utilities
such as steam.
Note: The Process utilities details are available only when the results
are viewed in Excel. These are made available through separate
The description of each utility includes:
Rate The rate of use of the utility in terms of
amount per hour.
Unit Cost The unit cost of the utility in cost per amount.
Cashflow (CASHFLOW.ICS) calculates the net present value (NPV), internal
rate of return (IRR), profitability index (PI), payback period, etc.
The spreadsheet displays the cashflow information shown by period. The beginning part of the
spreadsheet contains data/results carried over from the Project Summary (PROJSUM.ICS)
Item Description
A number will appear in this category only after the time allotted for all prior
phases (engineering, procurement, construction and startup phases) has
SP (Products The total products sales value per period calculated
Sales) in PROJSUM.ICS.
SPF (Forecasted Reserved for future use.
Sales Annuity
SF (Forecasted Reserved for future use.
S (Total Sales) Indicates the amount received per period from sold
products. This number is either SP or SF.
Includes both capital and operating expenditures per period listed
CAP (Capital Indicates, by period, total funds spent prior to startup.
Costs) Unescalated Cumulative Capital Cost: Indicates the
total capital costs spent through the current period.
This is based on the Total Project Capital Cost in
Capital Cost: Indicates, by period, the amount of
initial, non-variable costs associated with the project.
This number is based on the Total Project Capital Cost
found in PROJSUM.ICS.
Cumulative Capital Cost: Indicates capital expenditures
through period n. For example, the number in period 4
Indicates, by period, the amount of money available after capital and
operating expenses have been paid. This number is obtained by subtracting
Capital Costs and Operating Costs from Sales.
DEP Depreciation Expense: the amount by which the value of the capital
cost decreases each period. The Total Project Capital Cost is depreciated, via
the chosen depreciation method, over the useful Economic Life of the facility.
The Straight Line Method assumes that the item will depreciate by a constant
amount over its Economic life. When the Sum of the Years Method is used,
the depreciation expense decreases during each year of the project’s useful
life. When the Double Declining Balance Method is used, the project is
depreciated in geometric increments. The Accelerated Cost Recovery System
assumes that the project begins operating in the second half of the first year,
rather than in the beginning of the first year.
E Earnings Before Taxes: funds available after all expenses have been
paid. This number is obtained by subtracting the Depreciation and the
Interest Expenses from the Revenue.
TAX Indicates amount owed to the government. This number is obtained by
multiplying the tax rate by Earnings Before Taxes.
NE Net Earnings: funds available after taxes have been paid. This number
is obtained by subtracting the Taxes from the Earnings Before Taxes.
TED Total Earnings: total cash available from project. This number is
computed by adding the Depreciation Expense to the Net Earnings. Since the
depreciation expense is a non-cash expense (no cash actually leaves the
facility in order to pay the depreciation expense) adding the depreciation to
the net earnings gives the total cash flow obtained from the project. Inclusion
of the Depreciation Expenses reduces the amount of taxable income.
TEX Total Expenses (Excludes Taxes and Depreciation): the total expenses
of the project including capital, operating, and any interest expense.
FVI Future Value of Cumulative Cash Inflows: sums the Sales received
through period n and indicates what the Sales would be if they had been
received in the current period. For example, the value in period 4 is what the
Simulator Type The name of the process simulator from
which process data was imported
Version The version of the process simulator
Report File The file name of the process simulator
report file
Report Date Date and time of the process simulator
report file
Economic Analysis The name of the Icarus system used for the
Type evaluation
Version Version number of the Icarus system.
System Cost Base The capital costs basis date of the system.
Date The Adjusted Total Project Cost represents
the calculated capital cost of the project
(calculated at this base date) escalated to
the Start Date of Engineering.
Project Directory Directory path for the current Aspen Process
Economic Analyzer project
Analysis Date Date investment analysis was run.
Country basis Country basis for the capital costs/schedule
Project Type Project type identified in the standard basis
Design code Selected design code for equipment
Prepared By Identifier for the preparer of the process
The global copy of these files resides in the \Data\ICS folder. The files are
copied into the individual project folder when the investment analysis results
are invoked
Note: If copies of these files already exist within the projects, then they may
not be replaced and so may have to be replaced manually by the user. In the
case of ICARUS projects that are migrated from previous versions, any older
versions of these files will be saved as a backup and the newer versions will
be used.
The Run Summary worksheet in the Aspen Process Economic
AnalyzerWB.xls workbook is the sheet that can be customized by the user.
The Aspen Process Economic AnalyzerWB_TRA.xls file stores the
customizations that are in turn used by the Aspen Process Economic
AnalyzerWB.xls. The Aspen Process Economic AnalyzerWB_TRA.xls files
The template to be used in the Run Summary worksheet
Any additional user defined functions (UDF) that the user wishes to
The default Aspen Process Economic AnalyzerWB_TRA.xls that is
provided with the system can be used to review these aspects of the file. The
sections below explain this further.
The Template worksheet has three columns that you can modify.
This column denotes
Here is an example:
Dest Column Heading Source/Formula
C Time Now()
D Project Name 'Project Summary'!C8
Keep the following in mind when editing the Template:
Entries must begin at cell D10
Processing of entries will end when a cell in column D is empty
The Source/Formula should not contain “=”; for example,
Now(),'Project Summary'!C8
If you intend to define and use other functions, see the sections below.
Every time Add Entry for Reporting Assistant is selected, the latest data is
entered on the bottom row of the report. This way, you can compare results.
Note: If the evaluation has already been run, you only have to click Item
2 Right-click on the component and click Item Report on the pop-up menu.
You can also click the Evaluate button on the Component Specifications
form to run the item evaluation and display the Item Report.
The following table lists the Equipment and Slots of those Equipment which
will be affected by mapping:
Important: When you do Map Based On Last Session, the slots listed on
this table WILL CHANGE.
Object Name Attributes wiped out during re-size
DAT MIXER CpTangentTangentHeight
CpDesignGaugePressure CpLiquidVolume
DAT OPEN TOP CpTangentTangentHeight
DAT REACTOR CpTangentTangentHeight
DCP ANSI CpPumpEfficiencyPercent
EP DIAPHRAGM CpTemperature
Liquid specif. grav.
Flow rate
Driver power
No. of identical items
EP DUPLEX CpTemperature
Index 507
Analyzer Utility Model (AUM) Automatic Item Evaluation checked
notes 124 command
Anchor bolts Tools menu 45, 471
civil installation bulk 198 Automatic task backup 53
Apply 2/3 Rule for Design Pressure
Design Criteria 93 B
Apply button
Develop Stream specifications Backup options
form 120, 219 Preferences 53
Installation Bulks form 192 Backup/Recovery tab 53
Interactive Sizing form 226 Base Design Value
Mat'l Man-hour Adjustments Analyzer Economics Module
form 194 (AEM) 405, 406
Preferences dialog box 51 Base Stream
Area Develop Stream specifications
adding 186 form 121
deleting 207 Develop Streams dialog box
icons 28 126–128, 181
importing 203 BaseCase, default scenario name
List view display of items 32 19
mapping 152 Basis
pop-up menu 187 Map dialog box 154
re-numbering 208 streams 118, 121, 128, 126–
simulator 146, 154, 160, 174 128, 181
type 186 Basis for Capital Costs
Area Dimensions 202 construction workforce 74–77
Area Information dialog box 186 indexing 78
Area Name 202 input units of measure 63
Area Type 202 introduction 62
ARR(Accounting Rate of Return) libraries 129, 130
Cashflow spreadsheet 461 output (reports) units of
ASME measure customization 65
pressure vessel design code selecting defaults 130
selection 69 BFD See Block Flow Diagram (BFD)
Aspen Icarus Reporter Block Flow Diagram (BFD)
accessing 413 displaying 147
creating a user database 438 Drag & Find feature 148
Data trending 433 introduction 147
Excel reports 426–433 right-click commands 149
HTML reports 424–426 View menu 151
importing data 437 Zoom commands 150
Management reports 426–429 Bottom sump height
menu bar 416 towers, design criteria 94
report mode 416 BS5500
standard reports 417–424 pressure vessel design code
Aspen Plus selection 69
link to Aspen Process Economic Buildings 185
Analyzer 136 By-products
map specs 86 escalation 411
models used in sizing towers 245 Stream Input worksheet 412
Aspen Plus simulator program 86
Auto Filter 433
Index 508
C Trend menu, Aspen Icarus
Reporter 434
Cached project information 48
Close command
Cancel button
File menu 42
Develop Stream specifications
COA See Code of Account (COA)
form 120
Code of Account (COA)
Preferences dialog box 52
allocating UCL item costs to 287
Cold Inlet Stream field 226
changing 299
Cold Outlet Stream field 226
Capacity over-design factor See
Color coding
Pump overdesign factor
Component Specifications form
Capital cost parameters
Project Input worksheet 410
Component Map Information 158,
Capital Costs
Cashflow spreadsheet 458
Component Name 159
depreciation 107–108, 459
Component Specifications form
errors 394
accessing 190
escalation 108, 455, 458
color coding 190, 191
Executive Summary spreadsheet
Options button 191, 192
P&ID button 195, 198
Investment Parameters 108
Component Status 160
Project Summary spreadsheet
Components See Project
452, 453, 454–455
reports 52, 442, 445
Components view
toolbar button 41, 413, 439
Palette 35, 36
View command 44, 151, 176,
413, 439
design criteria specifications 93
Capital investment
sizing 216
Project Input worksheet 409
Computer name
Capture worksheet
scenario information 25
Analyzer Economics Module
Configuration options
(AEM) 400
mapping 156, 161
Cascade command
Window menu 30, 46
workforce 74–77
Cash Flow Summary
Construction schedule
reports, Icarus Editor 445
Project Schedule Data Sheet 446
Cash flows
Project Input worksheet 408
General Specs 67, 68, 70
Cashflow spreadsheet 457–461
Project Summary spreadsheet
Cashflow spreadsheet 457–461
Contingency Percent field
General Specs 67, 68
map specs 87
simulator report preparation
fees 455
reports 446
Control Center button bar 350
link to IPE 11, Also See
Control centers
instrumentation loop 200
Control Panel worksheet
installation bulk 198
Analyzer Economics Module
material costs and man-hours
(AEM) 396
Control signal
Clear All Saved Trends command
instrumentation loop 200
Index 509
Control valve Currency Conversion Rate
instrumentation loop 200–201 creating a project 22
Copy button Executive Summary spreadsheet
toolbar, Icarus Editor 441 462
Copy command General Project Data 22, 62
library items 294 Project Summary spreadsheet
project components 205, 206 451
Cost libraries Currency Name 21
deleting 297 Currency Symbol 21
duplicating 296 Current Map List
Equipment Model Library (EML) Project Component Map
278–283 Specifications dialog box 85
importing 295 Custom Model
introduction 277 instructions 208–212
Unit Cost Library (UCL) 285–290 Preferences 54
Costs See Capital costs; Direct Custom Tasks command
costs; Equipment; Labor; Tools menu 45
Operating costs; Project cost; Cut command
Project direct costs; Total project components 205
direct cost; Total project cost; Cyclone inlet linear velocity
Utility costs design criteria specifications 102
Design Basis worksheet 402
distribution graph, Figures D
worksheet 404
EPC worksheet 400 Data trending
Country Base 21 Aspen Icarus Reporter 433
Craft code 78 DC_V worksheet
Craft rates Analyzer Economics Module
construction workforce 77–78 (AEM) 397
Create New Project dialog box 18, Decision Analyzer command
23 Run menu 395
Create New Trend in Excel Decision Analyzer dialog box 395
command Decision Center worksheet
Trend menu, Aspen Icarus Analyzer Economics Module
Reporter 435 (AEM) 397
Create Stream dialog box 125, Delete button
127, 219, 220 Pipe Details form 197
Create tab view Delete Mappings command 160
Develop Streams dialog box 125 Deleting
Create User Database command areas 207
File menu, Aspen Icarus Reporter components 206
416, 438 mappings 160
Create User Database dialog box projects and project scenarios 47
Aspen Icarus Reporter 438 Density
Creating Develop Stream specifications
project scenarios 18–22 form 122
streams 218–221 Depreciation expense
Creating a new project 18 Cashflow spreadsheet 459
creating projects by importing Depreciation method
templates 27 Project Input worksheet 411
Currency Depreciation Method
Analyzer Economics Module Cashflow spreadsheet
(AEM) 395, 400 (CASHFLOW.ICS) 458, 459
Index 510
Investment Parameters 107 Direct costs Also see Total direct
Project Summary spreadsheet cost
(PROJSUM.ICS) 453 Directories
Design code project, locations - Preferences
Executive Summary spreadsheet 55–58
463 Disconnect command
Project Summary spreadsheet streams 183
451 Disconnected Streams dialog box
Design Code 183
General Specs 69 Discounted cash-flow rate of return
Design Criteria See Internal Rate of Return
libraries 129 (IRR)
selecting defaults 130 Display results after evaluation
Design Criteria specifications 90 Preferences 52
Design pressure Docking 38
applying 2/3 rule for 94, 240 Documentation 15
design criteria specifications 91 Double Declining (Balance)
sizing agitators 235 Investment Parameters,
sizing heat exchangers 241 Depreciation Method 107
sizing towers 251 Draw Disconnected Stream button
utility specifications 105 toolbar 183
Design temperature Draw Disconnected Stream button
design criteria specifications 92 toolbar 41
sizing agitators 235 Draw Disconnected Stream
sizing heat exchangers 241 command
sizing towers 251 View menu, PFD 183
utility specifications 104 Draw Disconnected Stream
Desired Rate of Return command
Cashflow spreadsheet View menu, PFD 177
(CASHFLOW.ICS) 457 Duct installation bulk 197
Executive Summary spreadsheet
Investment Parameters
specifications 107 Earnings
Project Summary Cashflow spreadsheet 459
(PROJSUM.ICS) spreadsheet Economic Life of Project
452 Investment Parameters 107
Detailed Process Economics reports Project Summary spreadsheet
Error! Not a valid bookmark (PROJSUM.ICS) 452, 457
in entry on page 395 ECOSYS.xls 395, 406
Develop Equipment Library Model Edit Connectivity button
form 281 toolbar 41, 178, 179
Develop Product Specifications Edit Connectivity command
dialog box 116 View menu, PFD 177, 178
Develop Stream specifications form Electrical
120, 219, 221 installation bulk 201
Develop Streams dialog box 125, material costs and man-hours
126, 219, 220 193
Develop Utiltiy Specifications dialog Electricity
box 103 operating unit costs
DIN specifications 112
pressure vessel design code E-mail
selection 69 reports 426, 427, 432
Index 511
EML See Equipment Model Library Evaluate Project button
(EML) toolbar 41, 393
Engineering schedule Evaluate Project command
Project Schedule Data Sheet 446 Run menu 43, 393
Engineer-Procure-Construct (EPC) Evaluation
period item 470
Cashflow spreadsheet Preferences 52
(CASHFLOW.ICS) 457 project 393
Executive Summary spreadsheet Evaluation Engine 16, 243, 438
(EXECSUM.ICS) 462 Excavation and backfill
Investment Parameters 108 civil installation bulk 198
Engineer-Procure-Construct period Excel
Project Summary spreadsheet Analyzer Economics Module
(PROJSUM.ICS) 452, 453 (AEM) 395–412
EPC See Engineer-Construct- Excel Custom Model files 208–212
Procure (EPC) period Excel reports
EPC Phase Auto Filter 433
Project Input worksheet 410 descriptions 430
EQUIP.ICS opening 430
investment analysis Exchange rate See Also Currency
spreadsheets 449 Conversion Rate
Equipment Analyzer Economics Module
adding 186 (AEM) 400, 408
cost 449 EXECSUM.ICS 462–463
Equipment Model Library (EML) Executive Summary spreadsheet
adding an item to 279 462–463
adding EML item as a component 281 Exit command
creating 278 IPE File menu 44–46
definition 277 Expenses
Equipment Summary Cashflow spreadsheet 459
investment analysis Export to Excel Trending Report
spreadsheets 449 dialog box
ERROR message 394 Aspen Icarus Reporter 435
Error Messages command Export to Excel Workbook dialog
View menu 44 box
Escalating library costs 294 Aspen Icarus Reporter 427, 431
Escalation Export to SPECS Command
Cashflow spreadsheet File menu 42
(CASHFLOW.ICS) 458, 459 Export Trend Data into Excel dialog
cost libraries 294 box
Investment Parameters 108 Aspen Icarus Reporter 435
Project Basis worksheet, External Simulation Import Tool
Analyzer Economics Module command
(AEM) 402 Tools menu 45
Project Input worksheet 411 External Simulation Import Tool
Project Summary spreadsheet command
(PROJSUM.ICS) 453, 455 Tools menu 140–142
Estimate Class 62
Estimate Date 62 F
Evaluate button
Component Specifications form Facility Type
191, 470 Investment Parameters 109
Evaluate Item command 470 FATAL message 394
Index 512
Figures worksheet General rates
Analyzer Economics Module construction workforce 74–77
(AEM) 404 General Specs 66–69
File menu Gray borders
Aspen Icarus Reporter menu bar Component Specifications form
416 191
IPE menu bar 42 Green borders
Fit into one page Component Specifications form
Zoom dialog box 150 191
Float in Main Window command 38 Grid Settings command
Flow rate units View menu, PFD 177, 178
product specifications 117 Grids
Fluid classes viewing in Block Flow Diagram
utility streams 103 (BFD) 152
Foaming tendency viewing in Process Flow Diagram
trayed towers, design criteria 96 (PFD) 178
Foreman wage rate Grids Visible command
general wage rates 76 View menu, BFD 152
Form work Grout
civil installation bulk 198 civil installation bulk 198
Fraction basis 123
Freeze Content button H
Properties Window 37
Freight Heat exchangers
General Specs 68 design criteria specifications 94
Fuel sizing 239–242
operating unit costs utility specifications 102
specifications 112 Help menu 46
Furnace fractional efficiency Helper wage rate
heat exchanger design criteria 93 general wage rates 76
FVI (Future Value of Inflows) HETP (height equivalent of a
Cashflow spreadsheet 459 theoretical plate)
packed towers, design criteria 95
Hot Inlet Stream field 223
Hot Outlet Stream field 226
G and A Expenses HTML reports
Cashflow spreadsheet descriptions 424
(CASHFLOW.ICS) 458 Item Report 52
Investment Parameters 109 opening 425, 426
Project Summary spreadsheet Hyprotech
(PROJSUM.ICS) 454 link to IPE 11, Also See HYSIM,
Galvanizing (for steel) HYSYS
paint installation bulk 202 HYSIM
General and administrative costs map specs 88
Investment Parameters 109 models used in sizing towers 245
Project Summary spreadsheet simulator report preparation
(PROJSUM.ICS) 454 138–140
General investment parameters HYSYS
Project Input worksheet 411 map specs 89
General Project Data models used in sizing towers 245
creating a new project scenario simulator report preparation
21 140–142
project specifications 61
Index 513
I general wage rages 75
INFOmational message 394
Icarus Editor
Input Units of Measure
printing report 441
Specifications dialog box 20,
printing report section 440
reviewing results 439–448
Installation bulks
toolbar 440
accessing 192
Tools menu 45
civil 198
Icarus Evaluation Engine (IEE)
duct 197
243, 438
electrical 201
Icarus interface 27–39
instrumentation 198
Icarus Object files 132
insulation 201
Icarus Project Component
introduction 192
Selection dialog box 158, 282,
material man-hour additions 195
288, 291
paint 202
Icarus Reference 16
pipe details 195
IEE See Icarus Evaluation Engine
pipe spec 195
Preferences 53
Import command
steel 198
File menu 42
Installation manual 15
Libraries view, Palette 132, 295
Instrument air
Import Connected Streams option
operating unit costs
Preferences 54
specifications 112
Import Data command
utility costs, Project Summary
File menu, Aspen Icarus Reporter
spreadsheet 456
Instrument volumetric model 198–
File menu, Aspen Icarus Reporter
Import Installation Bulks option
installation bulk 198
Preferences 54
loop adjustments 200–201
Import Selection dialog box
material costs and man-hours
Aspen Icarus Reporter 437
areas 203
installation bulk 201
components 203
material costs 193
project from previous version
Interactive sizing 215–221
Interactive Sizing form 155, 159,
scenarios 204
222, 226
specification files 132
Interest rate
Inch-Pound (IP), units of measure
Project Input worksheet 411
20, 131, 132
Interface layout 27–39
Incomplete items 33
Save Window States option
Project Basis specifications 78
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Indicating signal
Cashflow spreadsheet 460
instrumentation loop 200
Statements worksheet 403
Indirect costs
Status worksheet 400
general wage rates 75
Investment Analysis
Project Summary spreadsheet
project specifications 105–118
viewing in MS Excel 449
reports 454
Investment Analysis View
Unit Cost Library (UCL) 277
View menu 44, 448, 449
Index 514
Investment Parameters moving to another directory 134
libraries 129 Project Component Map
project specifications 105–112 Specifications 129
selecting defaults 130 specification libraries 129–133
IP, units of measure 20, 131, 132 Unit Cost Library (UCL) 285
IPE 5.0/5.1 Utility Specifications 129
importing from 22–24 view 34
IPELog.txt Liquid entrainment method 99, 258
Preferences, Logging 58 List view
IRR (Internal Rate of Return) description 32
Cashflow spreadsheet 460 mapped components 160
Item evaluation 470 simulator file name 145
automatic 471 Status column 160, 188
Item Report Load Data button
instructions for running 470 toolbar 41, 145
Preferences 52 Load Data command
Item Report command 470 Run menu 43, 145
J plant relocation 299
plant/project location 68, 451
JIS Preferences 55–58
pressure vessel design code Logging
selection 69 Preferences 58
Job Number field 62 Loops
Junction boxes instrumentation installation bulks
instrumentation loop 200 198
modifications 200–201
Labor cost per unit M
Unit Cost Library (UCL) 287 Magnification
Labor hours per unit Aspen Icarus Reporter 418
Unit Cost Library (UCL) 287 Block Flow Diagram (BFD) 150
Labor Unit Costs Main product
operating unit costs Project Summary spreadsheet
specifications 111 456
Laboratory charges Main Window
Project Input worksheet 410 display options 38
Laboratory Charges interface, default position 28
Investment Parameters 109 printing 42
Project Summary spreadsheet understanding 29–31
452, 454 Management reports 426–429
Ladders, steel - installation bulks Man-hour indexing 78
198 Manpower Productivity Expert
Length of Start-up Period (MPE)
Investment Parameters 110 Tools menu 45
Libraries Manufacturing cost parameters
Basis for Capital Costs 63, 129 Project Input worksheet 410
cost libraries 264–297 Map All Items option
Design Criteria 129 Map dialog box 154
Equipment Model Library (EML) Map command
278 pop-up menu 153
input units of measure 63–64 Map dialog box 153
Index 515
Map Items button MTD See Mean temperature
toolbar 152 difference (MTD)
Map Items command Multi-core runs
Run menu 43, 152 instrumentation loop 200
Map Selected Item(s) option MUSE
Map dialog box 154 design criteria specifications 93
Map Unsupported Models To
Quoted Cost Item N
Preferences, Process tab 54
Mapping simulator models Net Earnings
instructions 152–160 Cashflow spreadsheet 459
specifications 85 Net Present Value (NPV)
units of measure mapping specs Cashflow spreadsheet 460
81–84 Statements worksheet 403
unsupported models 54, 86 Status worksheet 400
Mass flow Net Return Rate (NRR)
Develop Stream specifications Cashflow spreadsheet 461
form 122 New command
Material and man-hour additions File menu 18, 23, 42
installation bulks 195 New Component Information dialog
Material and man-hour box 188
adjustments New Project button
installation bulks 193, 210 toolbar 18, 41
Material and man-hour indexing 78 NPV (Net Present Value)
Material cost per unit Cashflow spreadsheet 460
Unit Cost Library (UCL) 287 NRR (Net Return Rate)
Material costs Cashflow spreadsheet 461
indexing 78 Number of Periods for Analysis
Material Index Info form 79 Investment Parameters 107
Material streams Number of shifts 75
product specifications 115 Project Input worksheet 410
Mean temperature difference Number of Weeks per Period
(MTD) 240 Investment Parameters 106
Menu bar
Aspen Icarus Reporter 416 O
IPE 28, 44–46
OK button
Metric, units of measure 20, 131,
Develop Stream specifications
form 120
Microsoft Access Database (.mdb)
Installation Bulks form 53, 193
file 438
Mat'l Man-hour Adjustments
MIRR (Modified Internal Rate of
form 194
Open button
Cashflow spreadsheet 461
toolbar 24, 41
Mixture button
Open command
Develop Stream specifications
File menu 24, 42
form 120
Palette Projects view 26
Mixture Specs
Open Existing Project dialog box 25
developing streams 122
Open Workbook command
Modify command
File menu, Aspen Icarus Reporter
simulator block 146
416, 433
streams 183
Opening an existing project 24
Modify tab view
Develop Streams dialog box 119
Index 516
Operating and Maintenance Labor Tools menu 45
Escalation Order Number 207
Investment Parameters 108 Overall column efficiency
Project Summary spreadsheet design criteria specifications 97
(PROJSUM.ICS) 453 tower sizing 252
Operating charges Overdesign factor 227
Cashflow spreadsheet 457 heat exchangers 94, 241
Investment Parameters 109 pumps 92
Project Input worksheet 410 Overtime
Project Summary spreadsheet hours,general wage rates 76
452, 454 rate, general wage rates 76
Operating costs Overwrite Project Backups option
Cashflow spreadsheet 459 52, 54
Figures worksheet 404
introduction to IPE 12 P
Investment Parameters 109
product specifications needed to P&ID button 195, 198
evaluate 116 Packed towers
Project Summary spreadsheet design criteria specifications 95
452 sizing 255, 256
raw material specifications Paint
needed to evaluate 113 material costs 193
Operating Hours per Period Palette
Investment Parameters 110 Components view 35, 36, 187
Project Summary spreadsheet cost libraries 278–297
451 description 34–36
Operating labor and maintenance Docking and undocking 38
Project Input worksheet 410 dragging components from 187
Operating labor and maintenance floating in Main Window 38
costs hide/display 36
Cashflow spreadsheet 457, 458 interface, default position 28
Investment Parameters 109, 111 Libraries view 34, 129–133,
Project Summary spreadsheet 278–297
453, 456 opening projects 25
Operating Mode Projects view 25, 34, 36, 50, 56
Investment Parameters 110 Recent Items folder 187
Operating supplies specification libraries 129
Project Input worksheet 410 unlocking projects from 50
Operating Supplies View menu 44, 176
Investment Parameters 109 Paste button
Project Summary spreadsheet toolbar, Icarus Editor 441
452 Paste command
Operating Unit Costs project components 205, 206
libraries 129 Patents and royalties
project specifications 110–112 Project Input worksheet 410
selecting defaults 130 Payout period
Options button Cashflow spreadsheet 461
Component Specifications form Period Description
191, 192 Investment Parameters 106
Options menu Phase durations
Component Specifications form Project Input worksheet 410
53, 191, 192 Phases
Options sub-menu Stream Input worksheet 412
Index 517
PI (Profitability Index) Locations tab view 55–58
Cashflow spreadsheet 461 Logging tab view 58
Pile types 71 Process tab view 54
Pipe Details installation bulk 195 prompts 52
Pipe Spec installation bulk 195 saving window states 52
Pipe volumetric model 196–197 Tools menu 45
Piping Prepared By field
installation bulks 195–197 general project date 62
material costs and man-hours Present Value of Cashflows
193 Cashflow spreadsheet 460
volumetric model 196 Pressure vessel design code
Piping and Instrumentation General Specs 69
Drawings (P&ID) manual 195, Primary fluid component 120, 123,
198 219
Plant bulks Print command
component categories 185 IPE File menu 42
difference from installation bulks Print Preview command
192 File menu 42
Plant capacity Print Setup command
changing 299 File menu 42
Plant location Printing
changing 299 Aspen Icarus Reporter 420
Plant Overhead forms and reports in Main
Cashflow spreadsheet 457 Window 42
Investment Parameters 109 Icarus Editor 440
Project Summary spreadsheet Pro/II
452, 454 models used in sizing towers 245
Platforms, steel - installation bulks R/R minimum 94
198 simulator report preparation
PO (Payout Period) 142–144
Cashflow spreadsheet 461 Problem description
PODE (Payout Period Desired SimSci report preparation 143
Cashflow spreadsheet 458 Process Complexity
Ports Visible button contingency affected by 70
toolbar 41, 178 General Specs 67
Ports Visible command Process connection
View menu, PFD 177 intrumentation loop 200
Potable water Process Control
operating unit costs specifiations General Specs 68
112 Process Description
utility costs, Project Summary contingency affected by 70
spreadsheet 456 equipment design allowance
Precooler affected by 70
suffix for mapping 157 General Specs 67
tower configurations 162, 247, Process Design specifications 81–
249 105
Preferences Process equipment 185
accessing 51 Process Flow Diagrams (PFD) 174–
Backup tab view 53 183
buttons 51 Process Fluids
description 51 Investment Parameters 110
General tab view 52 Process options
introduction 51 Preferences 54
Index 518
Process Stream field Project Summary spreadsheet
product specifications 117 453, 455
raw material specifications 114 Project capital evaluation
Process vessel height to diameter Project Input worksheet 411
ratio Project component
design criteria specifications 98 connecting to stream 179
vessel sizing procedure 261, 263 Project Component Map Preview
Product escalation dialog box 156, 158, 161
Project Input worksheet 411 Project Component Map
Product sales Specifications
per hour, Project Summary dialog box 84
spreadsheet 455 libraries 129
per period, Project Summary project specifications, Process
spreadsheet 455 Design 84–90
total, Project Summary selecting defaults 129
spreadsheet 453 Project components
Product specifications adding 186
investment analysis component specifications 190
specifications 115–118 copying 205
libraries 130 deleting 206
selecting defaults 130 Equipment Model Library (EML) items
Product Support on the Web 281
command importing 203
Help menu 46 installation bulks 192
Production re-numbering 207
Stream Input worksheet 412 Unit Cost Library (UCL) item 288
Production operations Project cost
Stream Input worksheet 412 Cashflow spreadsheet 457
Productivity adjustments 75 contingency percentage 67
Products Escalation Project Summary spreadsheet
Investment Parameters 108 455
Project Summary spreadsheet Project Data Sheet
453 reports, Icarus Editor 444
Profitability Index Project Description
Cashflow spreadsheet 461 Project Properties 20, 60
Project areas See Area Project Summary spreadsheet
Project Basis 450
Basis for Capital Costs 62–78 Project directories
default specifications 129 alternate directories 55
General Project Data 61 copying 50
introduction 59 default, setting 57
Investment Analysis 105–118 Project evaluation
Process Design 81–105 Preferences 52
Project Properties 60 running 393
specification libraries 129 scan for errors 52, 393
Streams 118–129 Project Explorer 28
Project Basis view 28 Docking and undocking 38
Project Basis worksheet floating in Main Window 38
Analyzer Economics Module interface, default position 28
(AEM) 402 relation to Palette 34
Project Capital Escalation View menu 44, 176
Cashflow spreadsheet 458, 459 Project in use - message 49
Investment Parameters 108 Project Input worksheet
Index 519
Analyzer Economics Module view 34, 36
(AEM) 397, 405–406 PROJSUM.ICS
Analyzer Economics Module investment analysis 450–457
(AEM) 407–411 Prompts
Project Location Preferences 52
General Specs 68 Properties Window
Project Name description 37
Aspen Plus - Aspen Process Docking and undocking 38
Economic Analyzer simulator floating in Main Window 38
link 136 Freeze Content button 37
Cashflow spreadsheet 462 interface, default position 28
Create New Project dialog box relationship to specifications
19, 23 form 37
Project Summary spreadsheet View menu 44, 176
450 PROVISION See SimSci's Pro/II
Save As dialog box 47 with PROVISION
Project Properties Pump overdesign factor
creating a new project 19 design criteria specifications 92,
Project Basis specifications 60 243
Project scenarios sizing procedures 242, 243
creating new 18 Pumps
deleting 47 design criteria specifications 92
importing 204 sizing 216
opening existing 24 PV (Present Value)
salvaging 48 Cashflow spreadsheet 460
saving 46 PVI (Present Value of Inflows)
unlocking 49 Cashflow spreadsheet 460
Project Schedule Data Sheet PVO (Present Value of Outflows)
reports, Icarus Editor 446 Cashflow spreadsheet 460
Project Summary PVOP (Present Value of Outflows –
reports, Icarus Editor 442 Products)
Project Summary spreadsheet Cashflow spreadsheet 460
(PROJSUM.ICS) 450–457 PVOS (Present Value of Outflows –
Project Title Sales)
General Project Data 62 Cashflow spreadsheet 460
Project Summary spreadsheet
451 Q
Project Type
contingency affected by 70 Question mark in Status column
Executive Summary spreadsheet component specifications 160,
463 190
General Specs 67, 68 Quoted cost item
Project Summary spreadsheet mapping overhead/bottoms split
451 to 247
Project view 29 mapping unsupported models to
projects 54
creating from imported Quoted cost items
templates 27 mapping unsupported models to
Projects 85
copying 50 Quoted equipment 185, 192
creating 18–22
deleting 47
opening existing 24
Index 520
R Re-numbering
areas 208
Rate field
project components 207
product specifications 117
Report files
raw material specifications 114
Reporting Assistant 464
Rate Units field
Report templates
product specifications 117
Reporting Assistant 465
raw material specifications 114
Reporter See Aspen Icarus
Raw material
costs, Cashflow spreadsheet 457
Reporting Assistant 464–469
costs, Executive Summary
spreadsheet 463
Analyzer Economics Module
costs, project specifications 115
(AEM) Error! Not a valid
costs, Project Summary
bookmark in entry on page
spreadsheet 453, 455
escalation 108, 453, 458
customizing 464–469
project specifications 112–115
data trending 433–436
Raw Material Escalation
Excel Error! Not a valid
Cashflow spreadsheet 458
bookmark in entry on page
Investment Parameters 108
395, 426–433
Project Summary spreadsheet
HTML 424–426
Item report 470
Raw Material Specifications
Management reports 426
investment analysis, project
producing 393, 395, 470
basis 112–115
Standard reports 417–424
libraries 130
Reroute All Streams command
selecting defaults 130
Run menu 175
Raw materials
Reset button
escalation 411
Develop Stream specifications
Stream Input worksheet 412
form 120
Residence time
civil installation bulk 198
design criteria specifications 96,
Recent Items folder 187
Reconnect Sink command
sizing crystallizers 237
stream, Process Flow Diagrams
sizing vessels 258, 260, 263
(PFD) 183
Re-Size command
Reconnect Source command
project component pop-up menu
streams, Process Flow Diagram
155, 217
(PFD) 183
RESULTS workbook
Red borders
Analyzer Economics Module
Component Specifications form
(AEM) 400–405
Refrigerant 224
Cashflow spreadsheet 459–461
Relation attributes 438
Royalties See Patents and
Relative Basis
royalties, Project Input
streams 118, 121, 126–128, 181
Run Report command
introduction 12
File menu, Aspen Icarus Reporter
Remarks field
project properties 20
Project Properties 60
Re-number command S
Run menu 207, 208 Sales
Index 521
Cashflow spreadsheet 458 Select Import Type dialog box 24
Salvage Project As dialog box 49 Select Simulator Type dialog box
Salvage Value 144
Project Input worksheet 411 Sensor
Salvage Value (Percent of Initial instrumentation loop 200–201
Capital Cost) Separation factor
Cashflow spreadsheet 458 design criteria specifications 99
impact on depreciation 107 sizing vessels 258
Investment Parameters 107 Show Page Bounds
Project Summary spreadsheet View menu, BFD 152
452 View menu, PFD 177
recouped 460 Sieve tray design 254
Salvaging project scenarios 48 Signal cabling, instrumentation -
Save As command installation bulks 198
File menu 42, 47 SimSci's Pro/II with PROVISION
Save button models used in sizing towers 245
toolbar 41, 46 R/R minimum 94, 257
Save command SHORTCUT column operation
File menu 42, 46 257
Save Project As dialog box 47 simulator report preparation
Save Window States checkbox 142–144
Preferences 52 Simulation reports
Saving Aspen Plus 245, 247
cached information 48 ChemCAD 137–138
project scenarios 46 HYSIM 138–140, 245, 247
window states 52 HYSYS 140–142, 245, 247
Scan for Errors before evaluation loading 29
Preferences 52 Pro/II 142–144, 245
Scan Messages 394 selecting 145
Scenario Description Simulation Sciences Also See
General Project Data 62 SimSci's Pro/II with
Project Summary spreadsheet PROVISION
451 link to IPE 11
Scenario Name Simulator data
creating a new project 19 loading 144–146
importing Standard Basis from mapping 152–160
5.0 23 mapping specifications 85
Project Summary spreadsheet unsupported models 54
451 Simulator File Name
Scenario reporting project specifications, Process
Project Input worksheet 408 Design 145
Scenarios Simulator Type
creating 18–22 Executive Summary spreadsheet
importing 204 463
opening existing 24–27 project specifications, Process
Schedule Design 144
Project Input worksheet 408 Project Summary spreadsheet
Project Schedule Data Sheet 446 450
Screens Simulator Units of Measure
design criteria specifications 101 Mapping Specs
Select a Suffix dialog box 157 libraries 130
Select command project specifications, Process
Project Basis pop-up menu 133 Design 81–84
Index 522
selecting defaults 130 moving to another directory 134
Single Component Summary SPECS workbook
Report Analyzer Economics Module
Preferences 52 (AEM) 396–400
Site development 185 Spreadsheets
Size button 215, 222 customizing 464–469
Size Icarus Project Component(s) SQL database
options exporting to Microsoft Access
Map dialog box 155 438
Size Item option 180, 215 Stairs, steel - installation bulks 198
Sizing Standard Basis
calculations 232–263 file, selecting 133
ChemCAD items 138 input file, General Project Data
defaults 232–263 61
HYSIM items 139 Standard reports
mapped components 155, 159, descriptions 417, 421–420
215 navigating 418
overview 215 opening 417
parameters 90, 93, 95, 96, 98, printing 420
100, 102 searching 420
requirements 232–263 Start date, basic engineering
Sizing Expert 102, 155, 180, 215– Executive Summary spreadsheet
221 462, 463
Sizing Method field General Specs 68
Equipment Model Library (EML) Project Summary spreadsheet
281 451, 452, 455
sizing parameter symbols 283 Starting program 17
Snap to Grid checkbox Start-up period, length
Grid properties 178 Investment Parameters 110
Snap to Grid command Statements worksheet
View menu, BFD 152 Analyzer Economics Module
View menu, PFD 177 (AEM) 403
Soil conditions Status bar 28
General Specs 68, 71 View menu 44, 176
Solids handling information Status column
design criteria specifications 101 List view 160, 188
Source Status worksheet
Map dialog box 154 Analyzer Economics Module
Specification basis (AEM) 400
product specifications 117 Steam utility 224
raw material specifications 114 Steel
Specification files installation bulk 198
creating 131 material costs and man-hours
deleting 133 193
duplicating 132 Straight Line
importing 132 Investment Parameters,
introduction 129 Depreciation Method 107
modifying 131 Stream Input worksheet
moving to another directory 134 Analyzer Economics Module
selecting 133 (AEM) 411–412
Specification libraries Analyzer Economics Module
customizing 130–133 (AEM) 405–406
introduction 129
Index 523
Analyzer Economics Module templates
(AEM) 397 adding 26
Streams creating projects from 27
absolute basis 127 Templates Tab 38
adding 125, 180 TEX (Total expenses)
basis mode 127 Cashflow spreadsheet 459
connecting to equipment during Tile command
sizing 221–228 Window menu 30, 46
connectivity, Process Flow Time period
Diagram (PFD) 178 Project Input worksheet 409
creating 125, 180 Timed backup 53
creating from Project Explorer Timed Recovery 53
218–221 Toolbar
deleting 128, 183 buttons 40
material 115 description 40
modifying 119 docking 40
process 117 interface, default position 28
product specifications 115 View menu 44, 176
relative basis 127 Tools menu 45
Streams List command Total direct cost
View menu, BFD 152 Capital Cost report, Icarus Editor
View menu, PFD 177 448
Subcooling Equipment Summary
tower configurations 162 spreadsheet (EQUIP.ICS) 449
Suffixes Total earnings
mapping 157 Cashflow spreadsheet 459
Sum of the Digits Total Expenses
Investment Parameters, Cashflow spreadsheet 459
Depreciation Method 107 Total Manpower Schedule
Supervision reports, Icarus Editor 444
costs, Project Input worksheet Total Operating Cost, Executive
411 Summary spreadsheet 463
System cost base date Total project cost
Executive Summary spreadsheet Cashflow spreadsheet 457
463 Project Summary spreadsheet
Project Summary spreadsheet 455
451 Tower configurations
mapping 156, 164–172, 246–
T 249
Training command
Tax Rate Help menu 46
Cashflow spreadsheet 457 Transducers
Investment Parameters 107 instrumentation loop 200
Project Summary spreadsheet Transmitters, instrumentation -
452 installation bulks 198
Taxes Trayed towers
amount owed, Cashflow design criteria specifications 96
spreadsheet 459 sizing 252, 253, 256
General Specs 68, 70 Trend menu, Aspen Icarus
indirects, Project Summary Reporter 416, 434, 435
spreadsheet 454 Trending database reports 433–
Template files 436
Reporting Assistant 465 Trim cooler
Index 524
suffix for mapping 157 Project Summary spreadsheet
tower configurations 162, 247, 456
249 Utility Specifications
libraries 129, 130
U project specifications 102–105
selecting defaults 130
UCL See Unit Cost Library (UCL) Utility stream
Unique Project Backup options 54 creating 102
Unit Cost field modifying 102
product specifications 118 Utility Unit Costs
raw material specifications 115 operating unit costs
Unit Cost Library (UCL) specifications (non-heat
adding an item to 286 transfer utilities) 112
adding UCL item to a project 288 utility specifications (heat-
creating 285 transfer utilities) 105
definition 277
Units of measure
input customization 20, 63
output (reports) customization Valve tray sizing 255
65 Vapor disengagement height
project properties 20 towers, design criteria 94
scenario information 25 Version
Unit Cost Library (UCL) 287 scenario information 25
Units of Measure Specification Vessel
dialog box 82 design criteria specifications 99–
Unlock command 49 101
Unsupported simulator models diameter, General Specs 69
Preferences 54 height to diameter ratio 98, 261,
Update button 263
Develop Stream specifications sizing 216, 257
form 120 View Existing Trend Data command
User Custom Model 208–212 Trend menu, Aspen Icarus
User name Reporter 416, 437
scenario information 25 View menu 44, 176
escalation 411 W
list of availiable utility resources
224 Wage rates
Stream Input worksheet 412 construction workforce
usage estimation 123 specifications 74–77
Utilities Escalation WARNing message 394
Cashflow spreadsheet 458 What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get
Investment Parameters 108 Zoom dialog box 150
Project Input worksheet 411 Window menu 46
Project Summary spreadsheet Window states, saving 52
(PROJSUM.ICS) 453 Workbook mode
Utility costs understanding 29–31
Cashflow spreadsheet 457 View menu 44, 176
Executive Summary spreadsheet Workforce reference base
463 General Wage Rates 75
heat-transfer utilities 105 Working capital
non-heat transfer utilities 112 Project Input worksheet 410
Working capital percentage
Index 525
Project Input worksheet 406
Working Capital Percentage
Investment Parameters 108
Zoom dialog box 150
Aspen Icarus Reporter 418
Block Flow Diagram (BFD) 150
toolbar 41
Index 526