MCQ On TAFLas Per AKTU Syllabus (Unit 1 and 2)

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TAFL (KCS402) Unit-1 &Unit-2 MCQ

Which of the following is a not a part of 5-tuple finite automata?

a) Input alphabet
b) Transition function
c) Initial State
d) Output Alphabet
A Language for which no DFA exist is a________
a) Regular Language
b) Non-Regular Language
c) May be Regular
d) Cannot be said
A DFA cannot be represented in the following format
a) Transition graph
b) Transition Table
c) C code
d) None of the mentioned
When are 2 finite states equivalent?
a) Same number of transitions
b) Same number of states
c) Same number of states as well as transitions
d) Both are final states
Can a DFA recognize a palindrome number?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Yes, with input alphabet as ∑*
d) Can’t be determined
Which of the following is not an example of finite state
machine system?
a) Control Mechanism of an elevator
b) Combinational Locks
c) Traffic Lights
d) Digital Watches
L= {xϵ∑= {0,1} |x=0^n1^n for n>=1}; Can there be a DFA
possible for the language?
a) Yes
b) No
According to the 5-tuple representation i.e. FA= {Q, ∑, δ, q,
Statement 1: q ϵ Q’; Statement 2: FϵQ
a) Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is false
b) Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 is true
c) Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 may be true
d) Statement 1 may be true, Statement 2 is false
There are ________ tuples in finite state machine.
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) unlimited
Transition function maps.
a) Σ * Q -> Σ
b) Q * Q -> Σ
c) Σ * Σ -> Q
d) Q * Σ -> Q
Number of states require to accept string ends with 10.
a) 3
b) 2
c) 1
d) can’t be represented.
Languages of a automata is
a) If it is accepted by automata
b) If it halts
c) If automata touch final state in its life time
d) All language are language of automata
Finite automata requires minimum _______ number of
a) 1
b) 0
c) 2
d) None of the mentioned
Number of final state require to accept Φ in minimal finite
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) None of the mentioned
Regular expression for all strings starts with ab and ends
with bba is.
a) aba*b*bba
b) ab(ab)*bba
c) ab(a+b)*bba
d) All of the mentioned
The basic limitation of finite automata is that
a) It can’t remember arbitrary large amount of
b) It sometimes recognize grammar that are not regular.
c) It sometimes fails to recognize regular grammar.
d) All of the mentioned
Which of the following options is correct?
Statement 1: Initial State of NFA is Initial State of DFA.
Statement 2: The final state of DFA will be every
combination of final state of NFA.
a) Statement 1 is true and Statement 2 is true
b) Statement 1 is true and Statement 2 is false
c) Statement 1 can be true and Statement 2 is true
d) Statement 1 is false and Statement 2 is also false
An automaton that presents output based on previous state
or current input:
a) Acceptor
b) Classifier
c) Transducer
d) None of the mentioned.
NFA, in its name has ’non-deterministic’ because of :
a) The result is undetermined
b) The choice of path is non-deterministic
c) The state to be transited next is non-deterministic
d) All of the mentioned
Which of the following is correct proposition?
Statement 1: Non determinism is a generalization of
Statement 2: Every DFA is automatically an NFA

a) Statement 1 is correct because Statement 2 is correct

b) Statement 2 is correct because Statement 2 is correct
c) Statement 2 is false and Statement 1 is false
d) Statement 1 is false because Statement 2 is false
Which of the following option is correct?
a) NFA is slower to process and its representation uses more
memory than DFA
b) DFA is faster to process and its representation uses less
memory than NFA
c) NFA is slower to process and its representation uses
less memory than DFA
d) DFA is slower to process and its representation uses less
memory than NFA
What is wrong in the given definition?
Def: ({q0, q1, q2}, {0,1}, δ, q3, {q3})
a) The definition does not satisfy 5 Tuple definition of NFA
b) There are no transition definition
c) Initial and Final states do not belong to the FA
d) Initial and final states can’t be same
What is the relation between DFA and NFA on the basis of
computational power?
a) DFA > NFA
b) NFA > DFA
c) Equal
d) Can’t be said
Subset Construction method refers to:
a) Conversion of NFA to DFA
b) DFA minimization
c) Eliminating Null references
d) ε-NFA to NFA
If L is a regular language, L(Complement) will be:
a) Accepted by NFA
b) Rejected by NFA
c) One of them will be accepted
d) Cannot be said
We can represent one language in more one FSMs, true or
c) May be true
d) Cannot be said
Which of the following is a regular language?
a) String whose length is a sequence of prime numbers
b) String with substring wwr in between
c) Palindrome string
d) String with even number of Zero’s
Under which of the following operation, NFA is not
a) Negation
b) Kleene
c) Concatenation
d) None of the mentioned
It is less complex to prove the closure properties over
regular languages using
a) NFA
b) DFA
c) PDA
d) Can’t be said
Which of the following is an application of Finite
a) Compiler Design
b) Grammar Parsers
c) Text Search
d) All of the mentioned
Which among the following can be an example of
application of finite state machine(FSM)?
a) Communication Link
b) Adder
c) Stack
d) None of the mentioned
If L1 and L2 are regular languages, which among the
following is regular language?
a) L1 U L2
b) L1 – L2
c) L1 ∩ L2
d) All of the mentioned
33. Which of the following does not obey pumping lemma
for context free languages?
a) Finite languages
b) Context free languages
c) Unrestricted languages
d) None of the mentioned
34. The context free languages are closed under:
a) Intersection
b) Complement
c) Kleene
d) None of the mentioned
According to the given transitions, which among the
following are the epsilon closures of q1 for the given NFA?
Δ (q1, ε) = {q2, q3, q4}
Δ (q4, 1) =q1
Δ (q1, ε) =q1
a) q4
b) q2
c) q1
d) q1, q2, q3, q4
State true or false?
Statement: An NFA can be modified to allow transition
without input alphabets, along with one or more transitions
on input symbols.
a) True
b) False
State true or false?
Statement: ε (Input) does not appears on Input tape.
a) True
b) False
1. Which of the following does not belong to input
alphabet if S={a, b}* for any language?
a) a
b) b
c) e
d) none of the mentioned
Regular sets are closed under union,concatenation and
kleene closure.
a) True
b) False
c) Depends on regular set
d) Can’t say
Complement of a DFA can be obtained by
a) making starting state as final state.
b) no trival method.
c) making final states non-final and non-final to final.
d) make final as a starting state.
Complement of regular sets are _________
a) Regular
b) CFG
c) CSG
d) RE
If L1 and L2 are regular sets then intersection of these two
will be
a) Regular
b) Non Regular
c) Recursive
d) Non Recursive
If L1 is regular L2 is unknown but L1-L2 is regular ,then
L2 must be
a) Empty set
b) CFG
c) Decidable
d) Regular
Reverse of (0+1)* will be
a) Phi
b) Null
c) (0+1)*
d) (0+1)
A ___________ is a substitution such that h(a) contains a
string for each a.
a) Closure
b) Interchange
c) Homomorphism
d) Inverse Homomorphism
Homomorphism of a regular set is _______
a) Universal set
b) Null set
c) Regular set
d) Non regular set
Which of the following is type 3 language ?
a) Strings of 0’s whose length is perfect square
b) Palindromes string
c) Strings of 0’s having length prime number
d) String of odd number of 0’s
Which of the following does not represents the given
Language: {0,01}
a) 0+01
b) {0} U {01}
c) {0} U {0}{1}
d) {0} ^ {01}
Concatenation Operation refers to which of the following
set operations:
a) Union
b) Dot
c) Kleene
d) Two of the options are correct
Concatenation of R with Ф outputs:
a) R
b) Ф
c) R.Ф
d) None of the mentioned
RR* can be expressed in which of the forms:
a) R+
b) R-
c) R+ U R-
d) R
Which among the following are incorrect regular identities?
a) εR=R
b) ε*=ε
c) Ф*=ε
d) RФ=R
P, O, R be regular expression over ∑, P is not ε, then
R=Q + RP has a unique solution:

a) Q*P
b) QP*
c) Q*P*
d) (P*O*) *
Arden’s theorem is true for:
a) More than one initial states
b) Null transitions
c) Non-null transitions
d) None of the mentioned
In order to represent a regular expression, the first step to
create the transition diagram is:
a) Create the NFA using Null moves
b) Null moves are not acceptable, thus should not be used
c) Predict the number of states to be used in order to
construct the Regular expression
d) None of the mentioned
0+ε) (1+ε) represents
a) {0, 1, 01, ε}
b) {0, 1, ε}
c) {0, 1, 01 ,11, 00, 10, ε}
d) {0, 1}
Regular Expression denote precisely the ________ of
Regular Language.
a) Class
b) Power Set
c) Super Set
d) None of the mentioned
Which of the following is correct?
Statement 1: ε represents a single string in the set.
Statement 2: Ф represents the language that consist of no
a) Statement 1 and 2 both are correct
b) Statement 1 is false but 2 is correct
c) Statement 1 and 2 both are false
d) There is no difference between both the statements, ε and
Ф are different notation for same reason
The appropriate precedence order of operations over a
Regular Language is
a) Kleene, Union, Concatenate
b) Kleene, Star, Union
c) Kleene, Dot, Union
d) Star, Union, Dot
Regular Expression R and the language it describes can be
represented as:
a) R, R(L)
b) L(R), R(L)
c) R, L(R)
d) All of the mentioned
Let for ∑= {0,1} R= (∑∑∑) *, the language of R would be
a) {w | w is a string of odd length}
b) {w | w is a string of length multiple of 3}
c) {w | w is a string of length 3}
d) All of the mentioned
If ∑= {0,1}, then Ф* will result to:
a) ε
b) Ф
c) ∑
d) None of the mentioned
Which of the following represents a language which has no
pair of consecutive 1’s if ∑= {0,1}?
a) (0+10)*(1+ε)
b) (0+10)*(1+ε)*
c) (0+101)*(0+ε)
d) (1+010)*(1+ε)
(a + b*c) most correctly represents:
a) (a +b) *c
b) (a)+((b)*.c)
c) (a + (b*)).c
d) a+ ((b*).c)
65. Let ∑={0,1}* and the grammar G be:
State which of the following is true for the given
a) Language of all and only Balanced strings
b) It contains equal number of 0’s and 1’s
c) Ambiguous Grammar
d) All of the mentioned
Which of the following is an utility of state elimination
a) DFA to NFA
b) NFA to DFA
c) DFA to Regular Expression
d) All of the mentioned
The behaviour of NFA can be simulated using DFA.
a) always
b) never
c) sometimes
d) none of the mentioned
A regular language over an alphabet a is one that can be
obtained from
a) union
b) concatenation
c) kleene
d) All of the mentioned
Regular expression {0,1} is equivalent to
a) 0 U 1
b) 0 / 1
c) 0 + 1
d) All of the mentioned
(a+b)* is equivalent to
a) b*a*
b) (a*b*)*
c) a*b*
d) none of the mentioned
Which of the following is true?
a) (01)*0 = 0(10)*
b) (0+1)*0(0+1)*1(0+1) = (0+1)*01(0+1)*
c) (0+1)*01(0+1)*+1*0* = (0+1)*
d) All of the mentioned
A language is regular if and only if
a) accepted by DFA
b) accepted by PDA
c) accepted by LBA
d) accepted by Turing machine
Let the class of language accepted by finite state machine
be L1 and the class of languages represented by regular
expressions be L2 then
a) L1<L2
b) L1>=L2
c) L1 U L2 = .*
d) L1=L2
Which of the following is not a regular expression?
a) [(a+b)*-(aa+bb)]*
b) [(0+1)-(0b+a1)*(a+b)]*
c) (01+11+10)*
d) (1+2+0)*(1+2)*
Regular expression are
a) Type 0 language
b) Type 1 language
c) Type 2 language
d) Type 3 language
All the regular languages can have one or more of the
following descriptions:
i) DFA ii) NFA iii) e-NFA iv) Regular Expressions
Which of the following are correct?
a) i, ii, iv
b) i, ii, iii
c) i, iv
d) i, ii, iii, iv
Which of the technique can be used to prove that a
language is non regular?
a) Ardens theorem
b) Pumping Lemma
c) Ogden’s Lemma
d) None of the mentioned
Which of the following language regular?
a) {a^ib^i|i>=0}
b) {a^ib^i|0<i<5}
c) {a^ib^i|i>=1}
d) None of the mentioned
Which of the following are non regular?
a) The set of strings in {a,b}* with an even number of b’s
b) The set of strings in {a, b, c}* where there is no c
anywhere to the left of a
c) The set of strings in {0, 1}* that encode, in binary, an
integer w that is a multiple of 3. Interpret the empty strings e
as the number 0.
d) None of the mentioned
If L is DFA-regular, L’ is
a) Non regular
b) DFA-regular
c) Non-finite
d) None of the mentioned
Which of the following options is incorrect?
a) A language L is regular if and only if ~L has finite
number of equivalent classes.
b) Let L be a regular language. If ~L has k equivalent
classes, then any DFA that recognizes L must have
atmost k states.
c) A language L is NFA-regular if and only if it is DFA-
d) None of the mentioned
Myhill Nerode does the following:
a) Minimization of DFA
b) Tells us exactly when a language is regular
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the mentioned
Finite state machine are not able to recognize Palindromes
a) Finite automata cannot deterministically find the
b) Finite automata cannot remember arbitarily large amount
of data
c) Even if the mid point is known, it cannot find whether the
second half matches the first
d) All of the mentioned
Relate the following statement:
Statement: All sufficiently long words in a regular language
can have a middle section of words repeated a number of
times to produce a new word which also lies within the
same language.
a) Turing Machine
b) Pumping Lemma
c) Arden’s theorem
d) None of the mentioned
While applying Pumping lemma over a language, we
consider a string w that belong to L and fragment it into
_________ parts.
a) 2
b) 5
c) 3 (w= xy^iz)
d) 6
If we select a string w such that w∈L, and w=xyz. Which of
the following portions cannot be an empty string?
a) x
b) y
c) z
d) all of the mentioned
Let w= xyz and y refers to the middle portion and
|y|>0.What do we call the process of repeating y 0 or more
times before checking that they still belong to the language
L or not?
a) Generating
b) Pumping
c) Producing
d) None of the mentioned
There exists a language L. We define a string w such that
w∈L and w=xyz and |w| >=n for some constant integer
n.What can be the maximum length of the substring xy i.e.
a) n
b) |y|
c) |x|
d) none of the mentioned
Answer in accordance to the third and last statement in
pumping lemma:
For all _______ xy^iz ∈L
a) i>0
b) i<0
c) i<=0
d) i>=0
Which of the following one can relate to the given
Statement: If n items are put into m containers, with n>m,
then atleast one container must contain more than one item.
a) Pumping lemma
b) Pigeon Hole principle
c) Count principle
d) None of the mentioned
Which kind of proof is used to prove the regularity of a
a) Proof by contradiction
b) Direct proof
c) Proof by induction
d) None of the mentioned
The language of balanced parenthesis is
a) regular
b) non regular
c) may be regular
d) none of the mentioned
State true or false:
Statement: Pumping lemma gives a necessary but not
sufficient condition for a language to be regular.
a) true
b) false
Which of the following is/are an example of pigeon hole
a) Softball team
b) Sock picking
c) Hair counting
d) All of the mentioned
Pigeonhole principle can be applied in the following
computer science algorithms:
a) hashing algorithm
b) lossless compression algorithm
c) both (a) and (b)
d) none of the mentioned
Which of the following fields may have pigeonhole
principle violated?
a) Discrete mathematics
b) Computer Science
c) Quantum Mechanics
d) None of the mentioned
Which of the following is not an application of Pumping
a) {0i1i|i>=0}
b) {0ix|i>=0, x∈{0, 1}* and |x|<=i}
c) {0n| n is prime}
d) None of the mentioned
Which of the following can refer a language to be non
a) Pumping Lemma
b) Myhill Nerode
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the mentioned
If L1′ and L2′ are regular languages, then L1.L2 will be
a) regular
b) non regular
c) may be regular
d) none of the mentioned
If L1 and L2′ are regular languages, L1 ∩ (L2′ U L1′)’ will
a) regular
b) non regular
c) may be regular
d) none of the mentioned
If A and B are regular languages, !(A’ U B’) is:
a) regular
b) non regular
c) may be regular
d) none of the mentioned
Which among the following are the boolean operations that
under which regular languages are closed?
a) Union
b) Intersection
c) Complement
d) All of the mentioned
If L is a regular language, then (L’)’ U L will be :
a) L
b) L’
c) f
d) none of the mentioned
Which among the following is the closure property of a
regular language?
a) Emptiness
b) Universality
c) Membership
d) None of the mentioned
If L is a language, the reversal of the language can be
represented as:
a) L’
b) L^c
c) L^r
d) more than one option is correct
If L is a regular language, ____ is also regular.
a) L^r
b) L’
c) L*
d) All of the mentioned
Which of the following obey the closure properties of
Regular language?
a) Homomorphism
b) Inverse Homomorphism
c) Reversal
d) All of the mentioned
Which of the following conversion is not feasible?
a) Regular expression to automaton conversion
b) Automaton to Regular Expression Conversion
c) NFA to DFA
d) None of the mentioned
Which of the following cannot be converted in an ordinary NFA?
a) DFA
b) Regular Expression
c) e-NFA
d) None of the mentioned.
NFA to DFA conversion is done via
a) Subset Construction method
b) Warshalls Algorithm
c) Ardens theorem
d) None of the mentioned
State true or false:
Statement: Regular expression can directly be converted to
DFA without intermediate steps.
a) true
b) false
Language classes have the following property:
a) Closure property
b) Decision property
c) Closure & Decision property
d) None of the mentioned
Which of the following are decision properties?
a) Emptiness
b) Infiniteness
c) Membership
d) All of the mentioned
Pick the odd one out of the given properties of a regular
a) Kleene
b) Reversal
c) Homomorphism
d) Membership
For an automata, which of the following are equivalent
DFA,NFA and NFA with epsilon transitions
a) DFA and NFA
b) NFA and epsilon NFA
c) DFA and epsilon NFA
d) All of the mentioned
Which of the following are meant to specify a regular
a) Regular Expression
b) DFA
c) NDFA and epsilon-NFA
d) All of the mentioned
Which of the following problems do not belong to decision
a) Given two languages, are there strings that are in both
b) Is the language a subset of another regular language
c) Is the language same as another regular language
d) None of the mentioned
Given an arbitrary non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA)
with N states, the maximum number of states in an
equivalent minimized DFA is at least.
(a) N^2
(b) 2^N
(c) 2N
(d) N!
Given the language L = {ab, aa, baa}, whih of the following
strings are in L*?
1) abaabaaabaa
2) aaaabaaaa
3) baaaaabaaaab
4) baaaaabaa
(A) 1, 2 and 3
(B) 2, 3 and 4
(C) 1, 2 and 4
(D) 1, 3 and 4
The lexical analysis for a modern language such as Java
needs the power of which one of the following machine
models in a necessary and sufficient sense?
(A) Finite state automata
(B) Deterministic pushdown automata
(C) Non-deterministic pushdown automata
(D) Turing machine
Which of the following pairs have DIFFERENT expressive
(A) Deterministic finite automata (DFA) and Non-
Deterministic finite automata(NFA)
(B) Deterministic push down automata (DPDA) and
Non-deterministic pushdown automata
(C) Deterministic single-tape Turing machine and Non-
deterministic single-tape Turing Machine
(D) Single-tape Turing machine and multi-tape Turing
Which one of the following languages over the alphabet
{0,1} is described by the regular expression:
(A) The set of all strings containing the substring 00.
(B) The set of all strings containing at most two 0’s.
(C) The set of all strings containing at least two 0’s.
(D) The set of all strings that begin and end with either 0 or
Which one of the following languages over the alphabet
{0,1} is described by the regular expression:
(A) The set of all strings containing the substring 00.
(B) The set of all strings containing at most two 0’s.
(C) The set of all strings containing at least two 0’s.
(D) The set of all strings that begin and end with either 0 or

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