Modified Learner'S Material Quarter 2 Mapeh (Arts) G10

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MODIFIED LEARNER’S MATERIAL as negative space, closed off or open

QUARTER 2 be narrow or deep, two dimensional or three
MAPEH (ARTS) G10 dimensional.
Computer/Digital Arts
In the early 1960s, digital or computer art first
WEEK 3-4
came on the scene. Understandably, this was due to the
*Lesson 1: Technology-Based Art: Its technology that was constantly developing, and that
Elements, Characteristics and Adaptation became available at that time. Thus, the early
experimenters were not necessarily artists, but
ELEMENTS OF ART engineers and scientists who had access to and
By gaining a deeper understanding of the elements of experience with the hardware needed. It was they who
art, it will be easier to analyze, unravel, and create any began to recognize the potential of artistic expression
type of artwork from painting and photography to through the application of scientific and mathematical
sculpture and architecture. The elements of art are principles.
concrete visual components that work in tandem with In fact, even in the sample works presented
principles of art that organize and harmonize them. here, you will note a strong scientific or mathematical
1. Line is the foundation of all drawings. look and feel to the creations of many digital artists.
It is the first and most versatile of the Geometric forms and repeating patterns appear
visual elements. It refers to a mark that frequently. More traditional subjects like human beings,
may continuously go across a piece of landscapes, animals, and still-life elements are simply
artwork, or a mark that encloses an incorporated as part of those forms and
area of space and forms a shape. patterns—rather than as the focus.
2. Shape is an enclosed space, a Computer art exhibits became critically
bounded two-dimensional form that acclaimed and highly popular, as digital artists or
has both length and width. It is created computer art masters or “superstars” came to the fore
when lines are joined or overlapped to in Europe, Russia, and the United States.
enclose an area. It can also work with Here are some of their works:
the element space to create positive
and negative spaces.
3. Value is made by the shadows and
highlights within a piece of artwork
created by the light source. It makes a
range of brightness and darkness that Frieder Nake Georg Nees
enables art to appear to be three Polygon Drawings Schrotter (“Gravel”)
dimensional or gives depth.
4. Form includes depth and is
three-dimensional that can be held or
viewed from different positions. It can
be implied by the placement of
shadows and highlights in artwork that Vera Molnar Ronald Davis
give it the appearance of being three (Des) Ordres Mountain and Staurolyte
dimensional when it is not. Plotter Drawing Computer-Generated 3D Art
5. Texture is about how smooth or
rough a surface of an object is. It can be
really creating a unique feeling or draw
attention to the work. This is created
when a two-dimensional piece of
artwork is created with various lines,
values, and colors to imply that it has a
different texture from the actual texture Some digital artists have even used their works
of the canvas or paper. to express their views on political, social, and cultural
6. Color refers to various pigments that issues; as well as to advocate causes that are critical to
can be represented through different modern life, such as the environment and climate
mediums. It is used to create emphasis change. Others even explored the philosophical
or contrast and can also be symbolic relationship between science and technology and the
and present a deeper meaning or arts.
feeling. A deep understanding of color The Philippine Scene
theory helps an artist make better use Likewise, Filipino artists in our country were
of the colors they have at their disposal. influenced by the technology trend in art. However, this
7. Space can be the positive space and was more in the commercial sphere. From the 1960s to
be the objects themselves, the area the 1990s, their computer-generated works were
around the objects and be referred to primarily geared towards illustrating international comic
books. Filipino illustrators earned quite a reputation for
their talents and were highly in demand in this field.
They eventually became equally sought after as Mobile Phone Arts
animators for some of the major film production > changed the way we do things today and can do a
companies in the United States, as well as for animated wide range of things
television series produced in different countries. > a means of personal expression and artistic creativity
However, the younger generation of local artists gained > used for school projects, or reports that require
ground on the concept of computer-generated works as combining images, incorporating text, or even including
a means of serious artistic expression. Today, even the simple animations
more established names in the field—artists and critics > essential tool for most people
alike—have come to accept and recognize digital works > use mobile phone cameras to capture the spontaneity
as fine art. of the moment
> gives birth to a new art form called mobile
Filipino Artists photography
1. Antonio Gorordo is a 55-year-old digital artist who
used traditional painting tools and techniques for Computer Generated Images (CGI)
several years. He was inspired by the works of Ang > application of computer graphics to create images in
Kiukok and Jose Joya. In 2010, he discovered the art of art, print media, videogames, television programs,
digital painting. He created his pieces using Adobe commercials, and videos
Photoshop, a popular photo-editing software. He > visual scenes may be dynamic or static and may be
believes digital art is the new creative frontier offering two-dimensional (2D)
limitless possibilities and accessibility. He encourages > commonly refers to 3D computer graphics to create
artists and art lovers to embrace new technologies in scenes or special effects in films and televisions
making art. > used in foreign movies like Avatar, Pirates of the
2. Anina Rubio is a famous visual artist in the Caribbean, Incredible Hulk and etc.
Philippines; a muralist and a digital artist. She works in
top brands Keds, Guess, Kate Spade, and National Digital Photography
Bookstore or NBS. > capture, create, edit and share digital
Foreign Artist > primary function is to record history, the whole series
1. Jean-Pierre Hébert- is an independent artist of of past events connected with someone or something
drawing, mixed media, and algorithmic art; a co-founder > equate history with writing
of Algorists in 1995 with Roman Verostko. He is a > provide electronic or computer-based photography
pioneer in the field of computer art merging traditional services
art media and techniques, plotters, software, and > mainly used to create, publish, or use digital
custom-built devices to produce original artwork. photographs on computers and/or the Internet
2. Ronald "Ron" Davis - is an American painter. His work > outcome or output is stored in a bitmap (BMP) format
is associated with abstract illusionism, geometric and Some electronic and computing technologies that are
lyrical abstraction, shaped canvas painting, color field part of digital photography
painting, hard-edge painting, and 3D Computer Electronic/digital cameras: capture
Graphics. He uses two-dimensional, three-dimensional, images/photographs and store them in
and digital space. He is behind nearly seventy solo built-in/integrated storage media cards
exhibitions and hundreds of group exhibitions. Computing devices: include webcam integrated with a
computer/laptop or a scanner that enables the
*Lesson 2: Technology-Based Artworks capturing of existing physical (paper/card) images
Digital photography software: purpose-built software
Art and technology have become more
enables the modification of texture, color, brightness,
intertwined than ever before. It provides us with new
and many other image attributes
ways to mix different types of media, allowing more
For today’s younger generation that grew up in
human interaction or simply making the process of
a digital world, even entertainment now comes courtesy
creating something easier. Technology-based arts or
of computer devices. A major component of such
simply digital art, once created, can be easily
entertainment is in the form of video games of every
mass-produced because it is a work made and
conceivable genre, subject matter, and skill level.
presented on digital technology. This includes images
done completely on a computer, hand-drawn images
Video Games
scanned into a computer and finished using software or
> various interactive games played by electronically
applications. It can also involve animation and 3D virtual
manipulating images on a screen
sculpture renderings, as well as projects that combine
> uses specialized electronic gaming devices, computers,
several technologies. Some digital art also involves the
or mobile devices for entertainment.
manipulation of video images.
> modern video games have evolved into sophisticated
The 21st-century artworks are mostly created
with different digital art forms such as mobile phone art,
instantiate many principles that are fundamental in
computer-generated image, digital photography, video
altering behavior, producing learning, and promoting
game, and digital painting with the aid of different
brain plasticity
software and applications of using a variety of gadgets.
> involve predominately active forms of learning; tablet or android phone—can now capture and edit
typically more effective than passive learning images and videos; create, manipulate, and share works
of art; and even compose music. You can be—and
Digital Painting probably already are—a digital artist in your own right.
> a method of creating artwork using a computer
> still makes use of traditional painting mediums such as Computer/digital arts make use of electronic and
acrylic paint, oils, ink, and watercolor, and applies the mechanical devices, rather than the artist’s own hand,
pigment to traditional surfaces, such as canvas, paper, to produce the desired images and effects. Thus, these
polyester, etc. are definitely technology-based art forms. In recent
> employs computer software that drives a type of decades, personal gadgets such as laptops, tablets, and
robot device (such as a plotter) or an office machine Android phones have incorporated the artistic
(such as a printer) that takes the place of the artist’s capabilities of large-scale computers. So, it is now
hand possible for anyone to be a digital artist.
> a technique using a graphics software program to Mobile Phone Art allows you to generate original works
create an artwork that is totally virtual of art for an entire range of purposes. These could be
> finished work is stored in virtual format to be shared personal photographs and videos that you can
through cyberspace manipulate with myriad special effects, both visual as
well as sound and music. They could also be school
Video Technology / Imaging Videos projects or reports that require you to combine images,
Social media purposes incorporate text, even include simple animation.
> Provide a new platform for video materials targeting
the “netizens” of today Image Manipulation Programs and Applications on
> Produce videos that are constantly uploaded to online Mobile Devices
platforms like YouTube—from music, dance, and stage 1. Pixlr – a powerful, free online image editor
performances 2. Pic Collage – allows you to make collages
> Provide tutorials of all kinds to recipes to incorporating photos, stickers, text, and frames
documentaries to news clips to marriage proposals 3. Photo Grid – a downloadable application for android
phones that allows you to make collages out of images
Medical/scientific purposes from your photo gallery
Today’s video technology is that of imaging videos in the 4. Doodle Booth – an iPad application (with a free
fields of medicine and science. Examples are Magnetic downloadable version) that enables you to ‘doodle’ on
Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computerized Tomography your images using available stickers
(CT scans), and the like which are used to create and 5. Photo Booth – an application for taking photos and
record visual images of a patient’s internal anatomy to videos using an iPad or iPad mini (a version for the
diagnose and treat diseases and injuries. Ultrasound iPhone, called Simple Booth, is also available)
tests or sonograms translate sound waves bouncing off 6. Magic Mirror Booth – an iPhone application that
physical objects into images that can be allows you to take amusing, distorted images, simulating
studied—whether a baby developing in the womb (in camera effects
2D, 3D, and 4D options), growths or malformations 7. Pic Monkey – a free online photo editing tool that
inside the body, structural flaws in buildings, as well as provides filters, frames, text, and effects to manipulate
objects in outer space, underground, and deep in the your images
ocean 8. Flipagram – a downloadable application that allows
you to ‘bring your photos to life’ in short videos set to
the music of your choice
*Lesson 3: Artistic Concepts and Ideas 9. PicsArt – free photo editor and drawing application,
of Technology-Based Artwork as well as a social network for you to share your art with
Technology-Based Art others
In the early 1960s, computer art or digital art 10. Snapseed – a photo application that enables you to
first came on the scene. Understandably, this was due to enhance, transform, and share your photos; a free
the technology that was constantly developing, and that downloadable version for Android phones is available
became available at that time. Thus, the early 11. Instagram – a fast and fun way to share images with
experimenters were not necessarily artists, but others; snap a photo, choose from among the available
engineers and scientists who had access to and filters, and share via Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and
experience with the hardware needed. It was they who more
began to recognize the potential of artistic expression
through the application of scientific and mathematical MEDIA-BASED ART
principles. These phenomenal capabilities and possibilities of the
Computer technology has now invaded every electronic or digital media available in today’s
aspect of modern life. It was, therefore, inevitable that technology-driven world have empowered incredibly
it would develop into forms and devices that could be imaginative artistic expressions to advance traditional
mass-produced, mass-distributed, and therefore widely painting, sculpture, and architecture. As quickly as
accessible to everyone. In other words, anyone with a technology can develop new devices, gadgets, and
computer device— from a desktop PC to a laptop, to a techniques, modern artists and designers adapt them to
enhance their creative expression. The advanced
procedures and patterns in photography, film, print subject. Ideally, the best light for photos is within the
media, digital media, and product and industrial design first hour after sunrise and the last hour before sunset
will be explored. > Avoid taking shots facing the light, as this would make
your subject back-lit and most of the details would be
Photography as an Art lost in shadow.
From the Greek “photos” (meaning light) and “graphos”
(meaning writing)
The Photographer as Artist Focusing a camera on a
subject and clicking the shutter is photography as a Media-Based Art in the 21st Century
process. They discern the significant moment or a Media art is constantly expanding, and new
unique expression, framing it in the camera viewfinder technologies are being used at a rapid pace.
with an eye for composition, and then clicking the Open-source software is popularized. It allows people
shutter, and that is photography as art. to freely use and modify existing software.
Video games and web interfaces such as Flicker,
Photography as Communication Myspace, YouTube, Facebook, and Second Life become
Being a modern art form means that photography is new materials for artworks.
now viewed as being more than just beautiful. It is also Museums and other institutions begin to develop
considered one of the most powerful means of policies and procedures for documentation and
communication. conservation strategies specific to media artworks.

Digital Photography Computer Generated Images

Another method for creating a unique picture is to If you want to create original images from scratch, you
capture it first as a digital file. In the case of today’s may make your own illustrations using specialized
electronic technology, that would mean recording the programs for image generation and manipulation.
image using a digital camera or a device with a built-in Examples of Programs: Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw
camera, like your mobile phone, android device, or There are scaled-down versions of such programs
tablet. specifically developed for use on smaller, handheld units
like your personal tablet or Android phone. These
Point-and-Shoot Camera enable you to perform virtually all of the tasks that a
> has been overtaken by the magic of digital program like Illustrator performs but, almost literally, in
photography the palm of your hand. Many of these come at a fraction
> automatically makes all the adjustments in lighting, of the cost of the more complex programs or, in some
focus, zoom-in, and zoom-out, and removal of “red eye” cases, even for free.
> the user is given some leeway for slight adjustments Among such programs are: Smooth,, Xara
> offers image enhancement features like adjusting Extreme, Inkscape, Artweaver, Draw Plus, Gimp, Pencil,
color and brightness imbalances, as well as sharpening Picasa, Paint Star, Adobe Photoshop Express, Corel
or blurring the image Paintshop Pro X5
> offers unique effects like “fisheye” or filters that allow
pre-setting of the photo to be taken with a colored tint Basic image manipulation using offline or open-source
or a special texture software (Photoshop CS5)
> allows the user to immediately review the photos Basic Techniques of Image Manipulation
taken without waiting for a complex developing process There are various ways to manipulate images:
> can delete any unsatisfactory images while storing the - Resizing - Cropping
good ones for future needs - Color Adjustment - Balance
- Brightness & Contrast - Combined Photos
Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) Camera - Combined Text & Photos - Added Effects
> provides the filmless and instant review features of a
“point-and-shoot” type of digital camera Adobe Photoshop – It is a tool to create, modify,
> gives the photographer much more artistic freedom combine, and optimize digital photos and images. It is
and control to select the camera settings to create the used to perform changes such as adjusting optimizing
desired final image with the preferred visual effects digital photos and images. It is used to perform changes
such as adjusting brightness and contrast of the images,
Basic Tips for Taking Good Photographs combines different image elements, and keeping your
Whether you are using a point-and-shoot camera or a images organize.
DSLR, there are basic guidelines for capturing a good
quality photographic image: Steps in Editing and Manipulating Pictures in
> Choose a good location. An interesting location can Photoshop CS
sometimes make the difference between a good and a 1. Open Photoshop CS5 and choose FILE then choose
great photo. OPEN.
> Check that the available background is relatively 2. Choose the folder where the image you want to edit
simple and not too cluttered so that the focus will be on is located using the file explorer on the upper left.
your chosen subject. 3. Once you have selected the folder, you will see a
> Natural light in the outdoors or near a window is preview of all the images found on that folder at the
usually the most flattering or effective for any kind of bottom of the file explorer.
4. From the preview, select the image you want to use.
5. Manipulate the image using the tools.
6. Save.
Week 3-4 (2nd Quarter) (Lesson1-Performance Task 1)
>Modified Learning Task 2:
*Materials needed: 1 short bond paper/oslo; coloring
Name: ________________________________________
*Procedure in making Abstract Artwork
Section: ______________________________________
1. You may use Oslo or short bond paper and coloring
Teacher: ________________________
2. Create a 1-inch border on all sides of the paper.
Score: ________________________________________
3. Place your pencil in the middle of the paper and start
drawing big lines and shapes continuously while your
LESSON 1: Technology-Based Art: Its Elements,
eyes are closed. Do it with 16 counts only.
Characteristics and Adaptation
4. Use marker or ballpen to darken the lines and shapes.
5. Color each space with different colors and hues.
1. Learning Task 1: Examine the following images and
6. Place your name (surname, first name middle initial)
identify the artist and the elements of arts employed. and the date on the lower right corner of your paper.
Then, recognize the element it portrays the most and 7. Submit it on the given schedule.
its distinct characteristics. Write the reasons for your 8. Please be guided with the given criteria for this task.
answer. (15pts) *Criteria for Rating
Neatness ————————————— 5%
Content - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50%
Punctuality - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5%
Total ——————————————100%

a. Artist Name: _________________________________ LESSON 2: Technology-Based Artworks

b. Elements of arts employed in the picture: _________ 3. Learning Task 3: Give the importance of technology in
_____________________________________________ empowering people and in expressing oneself.(10pts)
c. Tell what the picture looks like and state your reason: A. Computer/Digital Art - _________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________

*PICTURE 2 B. Mobile Phone Art - _________________________

a. Artist Name: _________________________________
b. Elements of arts employed in the picture: _________ C. Computer Generated Images -__________________
_____________________________________________ ______________________________________________
_____________________________________________ ______________________________________________
c. Tell what the picture looks like and state your reason: ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ _________________________________________
__________________________________________ D. Digital Photography/Painting - __________________
*PICTURE 3 ______________________________________________
a. Artist Name: _________________________________
b. Elements of arts employed in the picture: _________ E. Video Games - _______________________________
_____________________________________________ ______________________________________________
_____________________________________________ ______________________________________________
c. Tell what the picture looks like and state your reason: ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ _________________________________________
___________________________________________ _____________________________________________
LESSON 3: Artistic Concepts and Ideas of change color effects and others. Include also your name
Technology-Based Artwork and section on the picture.
4. Save the edited image in your phone and attach also a
4. Learning Task 4: Read the following questions and short essay to explain the meaning of the captured
choose the letter of the correct answer. (5pts) image and tell why you appreciate it.
_____1. It is a tool to create, modify, combine and 5. Submit the copy in the group chat or teacher’s
optimize digital photos and images to perform changes messenger.
such as adjusting optimizing digital photos and images. 6. Please be guided with the given criteria for this
a. Instagram b. Adobe Photoshop activity. Paste the printed version in your notebook.
c. Flipagram d. Pic-Collage *Criteria for Candid Photo Essay
_____2. It is the recording of the image using a digital *Criteria for Rating
camera or a device with a built-in camera, like your Creativity——————————————40%
mobile phone, android device, or tablet. Organization ——————————— 5%
a. digital photography c. digital app Content - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50%
b. editing software d. digital arts Punctuality - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5%
_____3. It focuses not so much on the product but on Total ——————————————100%
the process. a. Pic Collage c. Digital Arts
b. Adobe Photoshop d. photography Note: If ever you don’t have any device to use in
_____4. It produces a series of images from a single making the project, you may cut out pictures of people
image. showing good characteristics from the books or
a. Pixel b. Morphing c. Pixlr d. Seriation magazine, paste it in a bond paper and design it with
_____5. It is a type of digital camera which some stickers, texts and colors. Then below the picture,
automatically makes all the adjustments in lighting, write a short essay to explain the meaning of the
focus, zoom-in and zoom-out, even removal of “red eye”
picture/s and tell why you appreciate it.
with the user being given some leeway for slight
adjustments. 7. Learning Task 7: Encircle the letter of the correct
a. Point and Shoot b. DSLR answer. (5pts)
c. Shoot Point d. Point Lens 1. There are different image manipulation programs and
applications that run on today’s android devices. Which
5. Learning Task 5: Rearrange the letters to find the of the following is a powerful free online image editor?
word being described in each number. (5pts) A. Photo Grid B. Pixlr
1. L D I I G T A H Y R A P G T O H O P - means to capture C. Doodle Booth D. 360 Camera
it first as a digital file. ____________________________ 2. Today’s generations are exposed with different
2. S D R L - gives the photographer much more artistic applications online, which apps is a fast and fun way to
freedom and control to select the camera settings to share images with others; snap a photo, and others?
create the desired final image with the preferred visual A. Facebook B. Twitter C. Friendster D. Instagram
effects. _______________________________________ 3. Mrs. Naomi De Jesus has a baby who is turning 1 year
3. O E B D A I O T N T A R S U L L I - designed to run on old. She is planning to have a birthday party and
desktop computers and laptops, so you would need to thinking of using tarpaulin as background design at the
have access to these larger and more complex devices. venue, which applications she may use to create a
_____________________________________________ well-designed tarpaulin? A. Powerpoint B. Adobe
4. I E S C A P K N - specifically developed for use on Photoshop
smaller, handheld units like your personal tablet or C. 360 Camera D. Retrica
android phone creative device that allows you to 4. Memories with good friends are very important to all
generate original works of art for an entire range of of us. It is the reason why people tend to keep it. One of
purposes. _____________________________________ the best way in restoring memories is through
5. O I B L E M O H N P E T R A - allows you to generate photography. Then which term used in recording
original works of art for an entire range of purposes. images using digital camera or a device with a built-in
_____________________________________________ camera, like your mobile phone, android devices, or
6. PROJECT in ARTS #2: Candid Photo Essay A. Digital photography B. Digital painting
(Lesson3-Performance Task 2) C. Digital art D. Digital gaming
Modified Learning Task 6: 5. How will take photos for a candid shot?
*Materials needed: copy of candid picture/s; A. Use natural light B. Choose good location
cellphone/laptop; Editing apps C. Check the background D. Position yourself

*Procedure in making Candid Photo Essay

1. Using a camera, capture a candid moment shows by
the people around your place.
2. The pictures or images must depict good
characteristics shown by the people around you that
seems you also appreciated it.
3. Edit the picture by applying any technique to beautify
your artwork. You can add emoticons, texts, stickers or

(Week 2-3)



Directions: Read the statement carefully and Write

the letter of the correct answer on a 1 whole sheet of

1.These arts make use of electronic and mechanical

devices,rather than the artists own hand to produce
The desired images and effects

A.Modern Arts B.Digital Arts

C.Mechanical Arts D.Traditional Arts

2.Why mobile phone art is important?

A.It helps you create good editing of some photos

B.It allows you to make collages of images and share it

in fast and fun ways.

C.It helps you manipulate personal videos with myriad

special effects both visual as well as sound and music. helps you manipulate personal photographs and

videos with myriad special effects both visua As well as
sound and music

4.this is an electronic game involves human interaction

with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a
video device such as a TV screen or a computer monitor.

A.Video cover B.DSLLR C.Dota all stars D.Video game

5. A fast and fun way to share images with

others; snap a photo, choose from among the
available filters, and share via Facebook,
Twitter, Tumblr, and more.

A. Remini B. Instagram

C. Tiktok D. PixelLab

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