Catanduanes State University: Page 1 of 12
Catanduanes State University: Page 1 of 12
Catanduanes State University: Page 1 of 12
I. Semester/ School
1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
II. University Vision: A green university globally engaged in island research and innovations for societal advancement.
Mission Foster excellence, holistic, outcomes-based education compliant with the requirements of diverse world
market and contribute to the development of productive and value-laden lives.
Goal Uphold the tradition of excellence in instruction, research, extension and production functions in an eco-
friendly environment.
Core Values Respect, Integrity, Social Responsibility, Excellence, Commitment
Institutional Outcomes:
A. A Professional who is morally upright, socially responsible and globally employable.
B. A Leader and Innovator who inspires others and is committed to social transformation and national
C. An Environmental Advocate committed to research, extension and production initiatives.
III. College/Campus College of Education/Main Campus
Bachelor of Science in Agri-Business, Bachelor of Science in Animal Husbandry, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Bachelor of
IV. Program/Degree Public Administration, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship, Bachelor in Elementary
Education, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
V. Program Outcomes
A. Demonstrate broad and coherent knowledge and understanding in the core areas of environmental science. D
B. Disseminate effectively knowledge pertaining to sound environmental protection, conservation, utilization and
C. Generate new knowledge and innovation related to the environment. P
D. Demonstrate the ability to contribute to the protection and management of the environment. P
E. Analyze local environmental issues and problems in the regional and global context. P
F. Practice professional, ethical, and gender sensitive environmental standards in the context of local, national and
global market.
G. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-based
H. Preserve and promote Filipino historical and cultural heritage and support national, regional, and local development
plans, programs and projects.
I. Contribute to the generation of new knowledge by participating in various research, extension and development D
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1 – CO has minor contribution to PO 2 – CO has moderate contribution to the PO 3 – CO has major contribution to the PO
Textbooks/ Instructional
Desired Learning Course Content/ Teaching and Learning Assessment Time
POs COs References Resources/
Outcomes Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) Tasks Table
H 2. discuss how scientific A. In the World: Technology of the Internet
I and technological Ancient, Middle and Philippines Online quiz
J developments affect Modern Ages Laconsay-
K society and the B. In the Philippines Agsalud, P.S.,
environment 2012, UPOU
3. identify the Module in STS,
paradigm shifts in Great Books
the history of S&T. Publishing
A 1 After studying the chapter, II. Intellectual Learning through module Self- Textbooks
B 2 the students shall be able revolutions that Floridi, Luciano. assessment 4.5
C 3 to: defined society 2014. Faculty-student interaction question Laptop hours
D 4 1. articulate ways by A. Copernican Caoili, Olivia. via online
E 5 which society is B. Darwinian 2016 Exercises Cellphones
F 6 transformed by C. Freudian Laconsay- Homework
G 7 science and D. Information Agsalud, P.S., Graded Modules
H 8 technology E. Meso-American 2012 research work
I 9 F. Asian Internet
10 G. Middle East Online quiz
H. African
After studying the chapter, Learning through module Self- Textbooks
A 1 the students shall be able III. Science and Floridi, Luciano. assessment
B 2 to: Technology and 2014. Faculty-student interaction question Laptop 4.5
C 3 1. discuss the role of Nation Building Caoili, Olivia. via online hours
D 4 science and A. The Philippine 2016 Exercises Cellphones
E 5 technology in Government S&T Laconsay- Homework
F 6 Philippine nation Agenda Agsalud, P.S., Graded Modules
G 7 building B. Major 2012 research work
H 8 development Internet
I 9 2. evaluate government programs and Online quiz
10 policies pertaining to personalities in S&T
science and technology in the Philippines
in terms of their C. Selected
Textbooks/ Instructional
Desired Learning Course Content/ Teaching and Learning Assessment Time
POs COs References Resources/
Outcomes Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) Tasks Table
contributions to nation indigenous science
building and technologies
3. identify actual science
and technology policies
of the government and
appraise their impact
on the development of
the Filipino nation
After studying the Learning through module Self- Textbooks
A 1 chapter, the students IV. The Human Floridi, Luciano. assessment
B 2 shall be able to: Person flourishing in 2014. Faculty-student interaction question Laptop
C 3 1. analyze the human terms of science and Caoili, Olivia. via online
D 4 condition in order to technology 2016 Exercises Cellphones
E 5 deeply reflect and A. Technology as a Laconsay- Homework
F 6 express philosophical way of revealing Agsalud, P.S., Graded Modules
G 7 ramifications that are 2012 research work
H 8 meaningful to the Internet
I 9 student as part of Online quiz
10 society 4.5
2. critique human
flourishing vis-à-vis
the progress of
science and
technology so that the
student can define for
himself/ herself the
meaning of the good
Textbooks/ Instructional
Desired Learning Course Content/ Teaching and Learning Assessment Time
POs COs References Resources/
Outcomes Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) Tasks Table
B 2 shall be able to: and humanity cross 2014. Faculty-student interaction question Laptop hours
C 3 1. examine human rights Caoili, Olivia. via online
D 4 in order to uphold 2016 Exercises Cellphones
E 5 such rights in Laconsay- Homework
F 6 technological ethical Agsalud, P.S., Graded Modules
G 7 dilemmas 2012 research work
H 8 Internet
I 9 Online quiz
A 1 After studying the chapter, Learning through module Self- Textbooks
B 2 the students shall be able VI. Why does the Floridi, Luciano. assessment 3 hours
C 3 to: future not need us? 2014. Faculty-student interaction question Laptop
D 4 1. evaluate contemporary Caoili, Olivia. via online
E 5 human experience in 2016 Exercises Cellphones
F 6 order to strengthen and Laconsay- Homework
G 7 enlighten the human Agsalud, P.S., Graded Modules
H 8 person functioning in 2012 research work
I 9 society Internet
10 Online quiz
A 1 After studying the chapter, VII. The Information Floridi, Luciano. Learning through module Self- Textbooks
B 2 the students shall be able Age (Gutenberg to 2014. assessment 3 hours
C 3 to: Social Media) Caoili, Olivia. Faculty-student interaction question Laptop
D 4 1. linked learned 2016 via online
E 5 concepts to the Laconsay- Exercises Cellphones
F 6 development of the Agsalud, P.S., Homework
G 7 information age and its 2012 Graded Modules
H 8 impact on society Ecker, David J. research work
I 9 2. illustrate how social 2014. Germ Internet
10 media and the Catcher, Scientific Online quiz
information age have American
Textbooks/ Instructional
Desired Learning Course Content/ Teaching and Learning Assessment Time
POs COs References Resources/
Outcomes Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) Tasks Table
impacted our lives Kaku, Michio.
2011. Physics of
the Future: How
Science will shape
human destiny
and our lives by
the year 2100.
Tyson, Neil
DeDrasse. 2017.
Astrophysics for
People in a Hurry
Learning through module Self- Textbooks
A 1 After studying the VIII. Biodiversity and Floridi, Luciano. assessment 6 hours
B 2 chapter, the students the Healthy Society 2014. Faculty-student interaction question Laptop
C 3 shall be able to: Caoili, Olivia. via online
D 4 1. determine the IX. Genetically 2016 Exercises Cellphones
E 5 interrelatedness of Modified Organisms: Laconsay- Homework
F 6 society, environment, Science, Health and Agsalud, P.S., Graded Modules
G 7 and health Politics 2012 research work
H 8 2. discuss the ethics and Dubock, Adrian. Internet
I 9 implications of GMOs 2014. The politics Online quiz
10 and potential future of Golden Rice.
impacts GM Crops and
Food. Jul-Sep
2014. Vol. 5,
Issue 3, pp 210-
Duguet, et al. 2013.
Ethics in Research
with Vulnerable
Populations and
Countries: The
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Textbooks/ Instructional
Desired Learning Course Content/ Teaching and Learning Assessment Time
POs COs References Resources/
Outcomes Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) Tasks Table
Golden Rice Case.
Journal of
International Law
and Commercial
Summer 2013, Vol.
38, Issue 4, pp.
Floridi, Luciano. Learning through module Self- Textbooks
A 1 After studying the X. The Nano World 2014. assessment 6 hours
B 2 chapter, the students Caoili, Olivia. Faculty-student interaction question Laptop
C 3 shall be able to: 2016 via online
D 4 1. discuss the major Laconsay- Exercises Cellphones
E 5 impacts(both potential Agsalud, P.S., Homework
F 6 and realized) of 2012 Graded Modules
G 7 nanotechnology on Dayrit, Fabian. research work
H 8 society 2013. Can We Internet
I 9 2. Analyze the issue Build a Culture of Online quiz
10 through the Science through
conceptual STS Nanotechnology?
3. Critique the issue on Zhang, et al. 2011.
its costs and benefits Environmental
to society Impacts of
and Its Products.
Proceedings of the
2011 Midwest
Conference of the
American Society
for Engineering.
Floridi, Luciano. Learning through module Self- Textbooks
A 1 After studying the XI. Gene Therapy 2014. assessment 4.5
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Textbooks/ Instructional
Desired Learning Course Content/ Teaching and Learning Assessment Time
POs COs References Resources/
Outcomes Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) Tasks Table
B 2 chapter, the students (Stem Cells) Caoili, Olivia. Faculty-student interaction question Laptop hours
C 3 shall be able to: 2016 via online
D 4 1. describe the gene Laconsay- Exercises Cellphones
E 5 therapy and its various Agsalud, P.S., Homework
F 6 forms 2012 Graded Modules
G 7 2. assess the issue’s TED Talk: Susan research work
H 8 potential benefits and Lim on “Transplant Internet
I 9 detriments to global Cells Not Organs” Online quiz
10 health TED Talk: Juan
Enriquez on “the
Next Species of
Learning through module Self- Textbooks
A 1 After studying the XII. Climate Change Floridi, Luciano. assessment 6 hours
B 2 chapter, the students and the Energy Crisis 2014. Faculty-student interaction question Laptop
C 3 shall be able to: Caoili, Olivia. via online
D 4 1. Identify the causes of XIII. Environmental 2016 Exercises Cellphones
F 5 climate change Awareness Laconsay- Homework
G 6 2. Assess the various Agsalud, P.S., Graded Modules
7 impacts of climate XIV. Alternative 2012 research work
8 change including Energy Resources Gore, Al. An Internet
9 economic, geopolitical, Inconvenient Online quiz
10 biological, Truth: The
meteorological, etc. Planetary
3. Apply STS concepts to Emergency of
the issue of climate Global Warnming
change and What we can
do about it
Gore. Al. Six
drivers of global
Changing the
Textbooks/ Instructional
Desired Learning Course Content/ Teaching and Learning Assessment Time
POs COs References Resources/
Outcomes Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) Tasks Table
Anthropology and
Climate change.
Hardin, Garrett.
The Tragedy of
the Commons.
Webster, et al.
2008. Reigning in
the Weather,
Jun2008, Vol.29,
Issue 6
Legarda, Loren.
Buhos: A Climate
Total hours
A. Suggested Readings 1. Fabian, Dayrit. 2011. Sustainable Development: An Evolving Paradigm for the 21st Century. Stellar Origins
and References 2. Lin,P. and Hoboken, F. 2007. The ethical and social implications of nanotechnology. New Jersey: John Wiley and
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Sons, Inc.
3. Maboloc, Christopher Ryan. 2010. Eudaimonia and Human Flourishing in Ethics and Human Dignity, Manila, Rex
Bookstore, pp. 15-23
4. Mosteiro, Arnaldo P. 2006. Science, Technology and Society. 2nd edition, Educational Publishing House
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