Production Planning Business Process Modelling Using UML Class Diagram
Production Planning Business Process Modelling Using UML Class Diagram
Production Planning Business Process Modelling Using UML Class Diagram
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Abstract — Business processes present a core of business Today, business process management is a broad discipline that
organizations from the occurrence of process view on the makes remarkable progress in areas such as business process
organization. With the advent of globalization and frequent mining (automatic discovery of process models from raw
economic changes, there is an increased level of complexity of event data produced by common information systems found in
enterprise-environment relations, and consequently a raising
organizations), systematic identification of typical process
need for managing these processes. Business process modelling is
a necessity and prerequisite for business process management behaviors based on information provided by the Workflow
and therefore many business process technices and languages Patterns initiative, syntactic verification of complex business
were developed. In the past five decades, business processes are process models before implementing them through IT and
managed through automated systems and these business process automatic execution of business process model [3].
modelling techniques have been used for the purpose of Computing and communication innovations are still leading
documentation of information systems requirements and needs. actuators of change in organizational business processes and
This paper presents one solution for modelling of production contribute to motivation for business process modelling.
planning business process in a mid-sized organization in Serbia, Business processes are modelled with an aim to provide a
utilizing UML class diagram.
comprehensive understanding of a process and a base for
Key words – business process; business process modelling; analysis. An organization can be easily analysed and
production planning process; UML diagrams; integrated based solely on correctly modelled business
processes [1].
Motivation for business process modelling does not have to be
Business process can be defined as a set of activities inside an tightly connected to computer science, altough main reason for
organization, with description of their logical order and business process modelling is documentation of information
dependencies, whose objective is to produce a desired result systems development needs and requirements. There is an
[1]. In this paper, focus will be set on production systems, increased interest in software process modelling in an
whose basic function in general is to meet the dynamic needs organizational context, as it has been perceived that true cost
of the market and surroundings and whose balance exist only benefits occur when software processes are aligned with
if the relationship between supply and demand, environmental organizational processes [4]. With the need for business
requirements and state of the elements in production system process management, modelling and automation, business
remain unaltered. Therefore, any change in the system process modelling distinguishs itself as field in system
environment and in the system itself disturbs the state of egineering, with numerous business process modelling
equilibrium, that is, acts on the system as a disorder. techniques and languages [5].
Accordingly, the disruptive effects are the main source of
constant need for management in the system. Production Crucial business process in a production system is production
management in a production system is not possible without management process. Production control process consist of
relevant, quality, timely and reliable information about the several subprocesses: Production Planning, Engineering
system state and behaviour. Therefore, all business processes Decision Making and Production Control. The focus of this
must be managed. paper will be automation of production planning process in an
organization in Serbia. Production planning process consists
Business process management is a trend that occured in the of creation of numerous time and resource planns based on
1920’s and is known as first business process management system requirements, systems objectives and goals placed
wave, where they were implicitly defined as work procedures, before the system.
and were not automated. Automation of business processes
occurs with second business process management wave during This paper will discuss the importance of business process
1990’s, which was enabled through ERP systems [2]. modelling, it’s techniques and languages and in which way
UML class diagrams model the information on the domain of Production planning UML class diagram is presented in
interest, in this case the production planning process, in terms Figure 3. Class diagram shows identified classes, relationships
of objects organized in classes and relationships between between them and associated attributes. For the purpose of this
them. UML class diagrams allow modelling, the static paper, class diagram is modelled as a conceptual model and
structure of an application domain, in terms of concepts and therefore does not show class methods or access level
modifiers for the class attributes.
17th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, 21-23 March 2018
Identified classes included in the diagram presented in Figure some work place and every work place is allocated in
3. are: an organizational unit, therefore WorkPlace and
OrganizationalUnit classes are modelled.
Class Product, further generalized into classes
Element, Material or FinishedGoods; VI. CONCLUSION
Class ProductModel, as every product instance must The presented study indicates the importance of business
have suitable product model. Product can be process management and business process modelling,
modelled through BillofMaterials class and/or mentions most commonly used business process modelling
WorkingDrawing class; and techniques, with a particular focus on usability of these
techniques for software development and shows in which way
Class ProductionPlan that includes Unified Modelling Language diagrams can be used for
ManufacturingResourcePlan and modelling of production planning process in a mid-sized
OperationalPlan. ManufacturingResourcePlan company in Serbia. The final result of the paper is UML class
refers to plans made for manufacturing resources, diagram that consist of crucial identified abstractions i.e.
modelled by ManufacturingResources class, and classes, their attributes and relationships between them.
they include ToolandEquipment, Machinery,
Employee and Energy classes; Developed conceptual, UML class diagram for production
Each manufacturing resource is located in a planning process can further be used for development of other
warehouse, therefore there is a Warehouse class that types of UML diagrams and as background for object-oriented
relates to GoodsReceipt and OutboundDelivery software development.
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