Derlin Construction Limited Quality Policy Manual: Document History
Derlin Construction Limited Quality Policy Manual: Document History
Derlin Construction Limited Quality Policy Manual: Document History
Uncontrolled manuals are current at time of issue but will not be updated.
Document history.
Quality Manager
QM-2006 D March 2010 page 1 of 21
Derlin Construction Ltd
Quality Policy Manual QM-2006 D
For ease of reference the ISO 9001:2008 section numbers are used in this manual.
List of Quality Procedures 20
Management Structure
Derlin Construction is a family owned civil engineering and construction business. The
business focuses mainly on railway and tube maintenance activities. It serves several
major clients and is a main contractor to Metronet.
1.1 Scope.
The majority of the works are Railway related, and a major element in the Quality System
is the conformance to and demonstration of conformance to the detailed requirements of
this (and all) customers contract terms.
The Company Quality Policy is applicable to all employees and covers all departments
and subcontractors. The Quality Policy and Objectives are defined in this manual.
The company referred to in this manual is Derlin Construction Ltd.
Companies and sub-contractors providing general material or services to the company.
Employees or sub-contract staff who carry site work.
Organisations such as Metronet or other clients.
The management
The Directors and managers responsible for policy decisions and quality system
The terms referred to in the standard can also mean product or deliverables as
appropriate to the work concerned.
The standard
ISO 9001: 2008 –Quality Management System Requirements.
Fig 1
Process links.
The way that each of these processes are controlled and monitored is described in the
relevant Quality Procedures to ensure that the inputs and outputs are consistent with
specified requirements and encompass any statutory or regulatory requirements.
A full list of Quality Management System procedures and process diagrams is given in
Appendix A of this manual.
The sequence and interaction between each of the business processes is outlined in the
flowchart below and in more detail within the operational procedures.
A detailed process map of the Quality Management System is maintained by the Quality
Quality Management Flow Chart CP1
The diagram shown below in Fig 2 illustrates some of the main links between processes.
Each core business processes can be seen as the activities that use inputs, for example
materials, equipment and trained staff for the realization of outputs required by clients.
That is the final construction work and service provided.
Procurement and
Materials Control
Fig 2
Process arrangement diagram
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Quality Policy Manual QM-2006 D
4.2 General
5.1 Management commitment
We acknowledge the joint goals of meeting client expectations and conforming to
regulatory and legal requirements within the agreed scope of operations and this manual.
The Directors and Quality Manager are committed to conducting meaningful Quality
Management Reviews and ensuring necessary resources identified during the review for
the successful achievement of company objectives.
Other staff members are asked to attend Quality Management Review meetings at
appropriate times.
5.4 Planning
5.4.1 Quality objectives
The company has established quality objectives for key functions and levels, within the
The objectives are both measurable and consistent with the company’s Quality Policy
commitment to continual improvement.
QMS procedures have a process structure based on defined objectives, see Appendix 1.
QUALITY; All Derlin’s employees shall adhere to the Quality Policy and its Objectives
COMMERCIAL; All projects to be completed within the budget costings and final accounts
to be submitted within 1 month of completion.
SAFETY; To have no reportable accidents / incidents
ENVIROMENT; All Derlin’s employees shall adhere to the Environmental Policy
PROGRAMME; All works to be completed to agreed dates with Client
COMMUNICATION; Management and employees are to strive to provide effective
feedback at all levels of the management structure
CUSTOMER SATISFACTION; Senior management are to listen to our Clients and fully
respond to all positive / negative feedback which shall be recorded on relevant forms and
have a minimum target of 70%.
Feedback from the Quality Objectives is to be fed back to the monthly management
meeting were it will be processed for improvement and trend analysis.
A major requirement under ISO 9001:2008 is the establishment and fostering of a culture
of continual improvement within all levels of the company, with a proven system to record
and monitor such improvement.
Quality Planning for specific projects shall include the preparation of quality plans relevant
to each contract.
For projects where Derlin’s are the Principle Contractor, i.e. Local Authority and Housing
contracts, a Quality Plan shall be prepared for submission to the Client/Client
Representative, including a Method Statement, programme, and relevant Health & Safety/
Inspection Checklists as applicable, including provision for the compiling and updating of
information for the CDM Regulations.
The detailed format for Quality Plans are detailed within Management and Inspection of
the Works procedure.
Management and Inspection of Works PR3
(UK) Ltd has grown from a small local based successful UK wide organisation of today. Our head
office, based in
The company maintains Job Descriptions, Competences and Training Records as part of
each employee’s development.
The records show education, experience, training and qualifications relevant to existing or
potential work in the company.
Training, Personnel and Information PR2
Health and Safety Supplement PR12
Health and Safety Policy and Arrangements
6.3 Infrastructure
All areas of the company are provided with the infrastructure required to meet client and
regulatory requirements. This includes buildings, workspace, equipment, communications
and supporting services, including those required for Health and Safety Arrangements.
Maintenance of Plant and Equipment PR5
Arrangements for Health and Safety (Section G)
Any design carried out on behalf of Derlin Construction will be carried out by an Approved
Supplier, who shall also be subject to further assessment by the Quality Manager to
confirm their competence.
Designer approval includes the provision of referees, evidence of suitable current
professional indemnity cover, qualifications, experience and membership of professional
bodies. This is obtained through the critical supplier evaluation process.
Procurement and Materials Control PR4
Guidance on Construction (Design and Management) regulations (CDM) in relation to
construction, repair and maintenance are given in Arrangements for Health and Safety
(Section C).
Arrangements for Health and Safety
7.4 Purchasing
7.4.1 Purchasing process
The primary business critical purchasing activity involves the selection, training,
supervision and control of sub-contractors.
The performance of existing suppliers and sub-contractors is evaluated by the Office
Manager to maintain a current list of “Approved Suppliers”.
The, Quality Manager reviews the performance of suppliers and subcontractors.
Adverse quality reports about sub-contractors that give rise for concern are reported at
Quality Management Review Meetings.
Other suppliers of business critical services, material or components are identified as high
priority and reviewed.
Purchases of business critical products or services are only placed with companies or
individuals that are on the Approved Suppliers list.
The status of our suppliers and sub-contract operatives performance is reviewed and
updated annually.
7.4.2 Purchasing information
All purchase orders are sequentially numbered and are raised for the purchase of
materials and services that affect quality.
Purchase orders contain sufficient data to uniquely and clearly identify items or services
ordered including any special quality management system requirements.
Arrangements for Health and Safety (Section S) addresses Trade Contractors.
7.4.3 Verification of purchased product
A basic check of purchased items is carried out and noted for reconciliation with the
relevant delivery note and invoice.
If the company or its clients require verification of purchased products or services to take
place at the supplier’s premises or place of work, details are given on the purchase
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Quality Policy Manual QM-2006 D
Verification of sub-contract operatives work is done through inspection and site auditing
processes, including third party assessment of training. It is then continued through
routine supervision and management activity, including client feedback.
8.5 Improvement
8.5.1 Continual improvement
All elements of the quality management system support continual improvement based on
the application of a plan – do – check - act approach to process change and control.
Corrective and preventive actions resulting from audit results, Quality Action reports and
measurement data analysis contribute to this.
8.5.2 Corrective action
The company implements appropriate corrective action in response to risks, process
gaps, defective materials, work and adverse incidents to ensure that causes are traced
and eliminated where possible.
8.5.3 Preventive action
The company further identifies possible preventive action to eliminate the causes of
potential future risks, process gaps and adverse incidents that could occur in our system.
Preventive actions are evaluated for cost benefit and appropriateness before applying to
the potential problems they are proposed to eliminate.
The company is committed through the measurement and monitoring of key activities to
evaluate success and analyse failure throughout end to end processes.
The company are committed to a programme of Internal Auditing that tests ongoing
conformance and effectiveness of our quality management system.
All members of the company are encouraged to use Quality Action Reports to bring
attention to examples of future risks, process gaps and adverse incidents or Health and
Safety hazards in addition to complaints, and suggestions for improvements in operational
Improvement and Analysis PR7
Health and Safety Supplement PR12
Arrangements for Health and Safety
Managing Director
John McCormack (Snr.)
Director of HSEQ
Rajni Jagpal
Health &