Hydrology: Rainfall-Runoff Modeling Using The HEC-HMS Model For The Al-Adhaim River Catchment, Northern Iraq
Hydrology: Rainfall-Runoff Modeling Using The HEC-HMS Model For The Al-Adhaim River Catchment, Northern Iraq
Hydrology: Rainfall-Runoff Modeling Using The HEC-HMS Model For The Al-Adhaim River Catchment, Northern Iraq
Rainfall-Runoff Modeling Using the HEC-HMS Model for the
Al-Adhaim River Catchment, Northern Iraq
Ahmed Naseh Ahmed Hamdan 1 , Suhad Almuktar 2,3 and Miklas Scholz 3,4,5, *
1 Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, The University of Basra, Al Basra 61004, Iraq;
[email protected]
2 Department of Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Basra,
Al Basra 61004, Iraq; [email protected] or [email protected]
3 Division of Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, P.O. Box 118,
221 00 Lund, Sweden
4 Department of Civil Engineering Science, School of Civil Engineering and the Built Environment, University
of Johannesburg, Kingsway Campus, P.O. Box 524, Aukland Park, Johannesburg 2006, South Africa
5 Department of Town Planning, Engineering Networks and Systems, South Ural State University (National
Research University), 76, Lenin Prospekt, 454080 Chelyabinsk, Russia
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +46-(0)-462228920
Abstract: It has become necessary to estimate the quantities of runoff by knowing the amount
of rainfall to calculate the required quantities of water storage in reservoirs and to determine the
likelihood of flooding. The present study deals with the development of a hydrological model
named Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC-HMS), which uses Digital Elevation Models (DEM).
This hydrological model was used by means of the Geospatial Hydrologic Modeling Extension
(HEC-GeoHMS) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to identify the discharge of the Al-
Adhaim River catchment and embankment dam in Iraq by simulated rainfall-runoff processes. The
Citation: Hamdan, A.N.A.; meteorological models were developed within the HEC-HMS from the recorded daily rainfall data
Almuktar, S.; Scholz, M. for the hydrological years 2015 to 2018. The control specifications were defined for the specified
Rainfall-Runoff Modeling Using the period and one day time step. The Soil Conservation Service-Curve number (SCS-CN), SCS Unit
HEC-HMS Model for the Al-Adhaim Hydrograph and Muskingum methods were used for loss, transformation and routing calculations,
River Catchment, Northern Iraq.
respectively. The model was simulated for two years for calibration and one year for verification of
Hydrology 2021, 8, 58. https://doi.
the daily rainfall values. The results showed that both observed and simulated hydrographs were
highly correlated. The model’s performance was evaluated by using a coefficient of determination of
90% for calibration and verification. The dam’s discharge for the considered period was successfully
Academic Editor: Andrea Petroselli
simulated but slightly overestimated. The results indicated that the model is suitable for hydrological
Received: 26 February 2021 simulations in the Al-Adhaim river catchment.
Accepted: 24 March 2021
Published: 26 March 2021 Keywords: hydrologic model; remote sensing; HEC-HMS; Al-Adhaim River; rainfall/runoff
precipitation amounts can lead to droughts damaging soil and endangering crops [3]. Ex-
cessive precipitations may also lead to runoffs, which occur when water that is discharged
exceeds river, lake or artificial reservoir capacity. Often rainfall-runoff models are used
for modeling or predicting possible floods as well as rivers and lakes’ water levels during
different boundary conditions [4].
Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC-HMS) is a hydrologic modeling software devel-
oped by the US Army Corps of Engineers of the Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC),
which contains an integrated tool for modeling hydrologic processes of dendritic water-
shed systems. This model consists of several components for processing rainfall loss,
direct runoffs and routing. The HEC-HMS model has been widely used, for example, in
many hydrological studies because of its simplicity and capability to be used in common
methods [5].
The Geospatial Hydrologic Modeling Extension (HEC-GeoHMS) is a public-domain
software package for use with Geographical Information Systems (GIS), GeoHMS ArcView
and Spatial Analysis to develop several hydrological modeling inputs. After analyzing
the information of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM), HEC-GeoHMS transforms the
drainage paths and watershed boundaries into a hydrologic data structure that represents
the watershed response to rainfall [6]. An important feature of the HEC-GeoHMS model is
the assignment of the curve numbers (CN), which are related to the land use/land cover
and soil type of the Al-Adhaim catchment.
Several researchers have used the HEC-HMS hydrological model to represent flow
by simulated rainfall-runoff processes. In this regard, a study conducted by Oleyiblo
et al. [7] on the Misai and Wan’an catchments in China used the HEC-HMS model for flood
forecasting. The results were calibrated and verified using historical observed precipita-
tion data, which showed satisfactory results. Saeedrashed et al. [8] used computational
hydrological and hydraulic modeling systems designed by using the interface method,
which links GIS with the modeling systems (HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS). They conducted
a floodplain analysis of the Greater Zab River. Their model calibration and verification
processes showed satisfactory results. Martin et al. [9] used HEC-GeoHMS in the Arc-Map
environment to predict floods by hydraulic modeling. They obtained flood hazard maps
by exporting the HEC-RAS model output results to Arc- Map, where they were processed
to identify the flood-expanded areas. The results from the flood hazard maps showed that
the areas more prone to floods were located in the river middle reach.
HEC-HMS has also been used by Tassew et al. [10] to conduct a rainfall-runoff simu-
lation of the Lake Tana Basin of the Gilgel Abay catchment in the upper Blue Nile basin
in Ethiopia by using six extreme daily time-series events. The Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency
(NSE) accounts for the comparison between the simulated and observed hydrographs.
The coefficient of determination R2 was 0.93 indicating that the model was appropriate
for hydrological simulations. HEC-HMS and GIS were successfully used to simulate the
rainfall-runoff process in the Karun river basin in Iran [11], as well as the inflow designed
floods and dam breach hydraulic analyses of four reservoirs in the Black Hills, South
Dakota [6]. Other examples include the modeling of the watershed in Ahvaz, Iran [12,13],
the simulation of the runoff process for the adjoining areas of the Lagos Island and Eti-Osa
Local Government Areas and the assessment of the influence of different levels of water-
shed spatial discretization on the HEC-HMS model’s performance for the Uberaba River
Basin region [14].
Generally, it is important to mention that in Iraq, and especially in the area under
assessment, very few studies have used such a modeling approach. Large input data have
been prepared for the model, including maps of DEM, land use/land cover, soil type and
curve number, in addition to the rainfall data and observed discharge values. Furthermore,
the Al-Adhaim catchment characteristics have been created and prepared using HEC-Geo
HMS, which were subsequently exported to HEC-HMS. This study will provide good
support for other researchers to continue with such studies for adjacent catchments as well
as other catchments, providing water resources management control in Iraq.
Hydrology 2021, 8, 58 3 of 17
The main objective of this study is to develop the HEC-HMS hydrological model using
remotely sensed data such as DEM. The hydrological model was used in combination with
HEC-GeoHMS and GIS to identify the flow by simulating the rainfall-runoff processes for
the Al-Adhaim catchment. Model input parameters were calculated for the HEC-HMS
model. The rapid increase of water demand in Iraq, as well as the predicted water storage
problems due to various factors (mainly climate change), can be assessed by hydrological
modeling, which can help decision-makers to take preemptive actions such as storing
water in the dams, depending on rainfall-runoff predictions. Furthermore, the calibrated
parameters of this model can be used for future hydrological studies in this and adjacent
2. Methodology
The Al Adhaim hydrologic model was created by means of HEC-GeoHMS and par-
ticularly by using DEM of the studied areas, obtained from the United States Geological
Survey (USGS) website. HEC-GeoHMS creates an HMS input file, such as the catchment of
the area under study, a stream network, sub-basin boundaries, and different hydrological
parameters in an Arc map environment via a series of steps. An HEC-HMS model for
the Al-Adhaim catchment was developed, and simulations were run with daily rainfall
recorded data.
Figure LayoutofofAl-Adhaim
The Al-Adhaim dam is a 3.8 km long and 150 m high earth-filled embankment dam.
Its width is about 10 m at its highest point. It was built in 1999, and consists of a spillway
intake, a bottom outlet gate shaft, and a power intake (Figure 1). Its storage capacity, live
storage and spillway discharge are about 1.5 × 109 m3, 1 × 109 m3 and 1150 m3, respectively.
Hydrology 2021, 8, 58 4 of 17
Al-Adhaim dam is located downstream of the river, within the administrative bor-
ders of the Diyala Province (34◦ 320 N and 44◦ 300 E, about 135 km northeast of the capital
Baghdad, 65 km southeast of Kirkuk Province, and 70 km upstream from Al-Adhaim’s con-
fluence with the Tigris River). The main purposes of this dam are flood control, irrigation
and obtaining hydropower energy (Figure 1).
The Al-Adhaim dam is a 3.8 km long and 150 m high earth-filled embankment dam.
Its width is about 10 m at its highest point. It was built in 1999, and consists of a spillway
intake, a bottom outlet gate shaft, and a power intake (Figure 1). Its storage capacity,
live storage and spillway discharge are about 1.5 × 109 m3 , 1 × 109 m3 and 1150 m3 ,
respectively. The crest of the dam, which is 15 m long, follows an ogee spillway shape
profile according to the United States Bureau of Reclamation standard. It has an elevation
of 131.54 m and is designed to pass a probable maximum flood discharge of 1150 m3 /s [15].
The bottom outlet gate shaft is used for water release for irrigation purposes. The
structure consists of an intake structure, which was used for releasing water through a
closed conduit, which gradually transitions from a squared to a circular section. The
intake is divided into two openings with the transition from a square section of 6 × 6 m2
to a 6 m diameter circular one, which starts the circular tunnel section. The gate shaft
accommodates two gates: the upstream one (the guard gate) and the downstream one (the
regulating gate).
The power intake was used for releasing water for irrigation and power generation
purposes. This outlet includes a 50-m high reinforced concrete shaft at the beginning of
the tunnel, which includes two emergency gates. The inlet is a 6.5 × 16 m2 streamlined
rectangular opening with a shape gradually changing from a 4.5 × 4.5 m2 square section to
4.5 m diameter circular section.
The reservoir’s water surface area is 270 km2 at an elevation of 143 m, which is
the maximum water elevation, and 122 km2 at an elevation of 130 m. The reservoir
volume is 3750 million cubic meters (MCM). The highest operating elevation is 135 m,
corresponding to an area of 170 km2 and a volume of 2150 MCM (Table 1), and the lowest
operating elevation is 118 m, corresponding to 52 km2 and a capacity of 450 MCM. The
water elevation and corresponding area and volume of the reservoir at the beginning of
the hydrological year are shown in Table 2 [15,16]. The gates’ opening coefficients were
used for calibration, because the discharge gate was downstream of the dam. The initial
elevation of the water in the reservoir at the beginning of the hydrological year was also
provided by the Central Statistical Organization of Iraq [17].
Table 1. Water elevation and corresponding area and volume of the reservoir [15,16].
Table 2. Elevations and the corresponding water volumes at the start of the hydrological year [17].
Table 2. Elevations and the corresponding water volumes at1 the start of the hydrological year [17].2
Date Elevation (m) Capacity (BCM )
Date Elevation 1120.71
(m) 0.60
Capacity (BCM 2)
1/10/2015 120.71
115.22 0.60
1/10/2016 115.22113.94 0.31 0.27
1/10/2017 113.94117.20 0.27 0.42
1 Elevation:1/10/2018 117.20
meters above sea level; 2 BCM: Billion Cubic Meters. 0.42
1 2
Elevation: meters above sea level; BCM: Billion Cubic Meters.
2.2. Daily Rainfall Data
2.2. Daily Rainfall Data
The rainfall season begins in October and ends in April for the majority of the Iraqi
The rainfall
territory. seasonrainfall
The average beginsincreases
in October andsouthwest
from ends in April for the majority
to northeast of the Iraqi
due to topographical
territory. Therecorded
effects. The average rainfall increases
daily rainfall from
data southwest
were to northeast
downloaded from the due to topographical
Power Data Access
ViewerThe recorded
website. daily
Figure rainfallthe
2 shows data were downloaded
maximum from for
rainfall amount the the
PowerlastData Access
ten years for
Viewer website. Figure 2 shows the maximum rainfall amount for the last
the studied area that occurred exactly on 17 November 2015, which approached 39 mm ten years for the
[18]. area that occurred exactly on 17 November 2015, which approached 39 mm [18].
Figure Distributionof
occurred on
on 17
17 November
2015 (Power Data Access Viewer website; https://power.larc.nasa.gov/data-access-viewer, (ac-
2015 (Power Data Access Viewer website; https://power.larc.nasa.gov/data-access-viewer, (accessed
cessed on 26 March 2021)).
on 26 March 2021)).
2.3. HEC-GeoHMS
HEC-GeoHMS is working under the GIS environment, which is a geospatial hydrol-
ogy tool allowing users to determine sub-basin streams as an input for the HEC-HMS
hydrological model [17]. In this study, Arc Map 10.5 and HEC-GeoHMS were used.
Table 3. The hydrological model named Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC-HMS) catchment
model parameters for Al-Adhaim.
elevation model
model for
for Al-Adhaim (downloadedfrom
Al-Adhaim (downloaded fromUnited
vey (USGS) [19] and modified by the authors).
(USGS) [19] and modified by the authors).
3.2. HEC-GeoHMSDevelopment
Terrain pre-processing
Terrain pre-processing andand model
model development
development usingusing HEC-GeoHMS
HEC-GeoHMS is is shown
shown in in
Figure 4. In terrain pre-processing, the DEM sinks were filled, flow direction
Figure 4. In terrain pre-processing, the DEM sinks were filled, flow direction and flow and flow
accumulation were
accumulation were estimated,
estimated, and
and catchments
catchments were
were separated.
separated. The
catchment boundaries
were drawn and stored as different shapefiles. Then, a suitable outlet point
were drawn and stored as different shapefiles. Then, a suitable outlet point was selectedwas selected
at the
the outlet
outlet point
point located
located at ◦ 0
at 44°17′33.937″
44 17 33.937” EE and ◦ 0
and 34°0′14.846″
34 0 14.846”N. N.After
those basins
basins were
merged, the longest
longest flow
flow path
path and
and basin
basin centroid
centroid were
were determined.
determined. After
After processing,
processing, the
developed model became ready to export to HEC-HMS software. Extra
developed model became ready to export to HEC-HMS software. Extra processing was processing was
with HEC-GeoHMS and includes the estimation of hydrologic parameters, such as the
curve numbers.
Figure 4. Pre-processing and model development: (a) raw digital elevation model; (b) fill sinks;
Figure 4. Pre-processing and model development: (a) raw digital elevation model; (b) fill sinks; (c)
(c) low directions;
low directions; (d) catchment
(d) catchment polygon;
polygon; (e) raster;
(e) basin basin raster;
(f) flow(f) flow accumulation;
accumulation; (g) generated
(g) generated pro-
project; (h) basin merge; (i) longest flow path; (j) Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC-HMS)
ject; (h) basin merge; (i) longest flow path; (j) Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC-HMS) legend; legend;
(k) HEC-HMS schematic; and (l) basin
(k) HEC-HMS schematic; and (l) basin centroid.centroid.
Figure Soilmap
Procedures to get the land use/cover for the Al-Adhaim catchment include down-
loading of the raster file of the global soil type from the website http://due.esrin.esa.int/
page_globcover.php, (accessed on 26 March 2021). Data were then exported to Arc map to
clip the study area from the global map of soil types and convert it from the raster file to
the shape file. A symbology has been performed afterwards. Finally, a shape file has been
created by converting the raster to polygons to get a file that can be merged with the soil
type file to calculate the curve number. The land use in the Al-Adhaim catchment is either
Ever 5. SoilForest,
Green map ofDwarf
the Al-Adhaim
Scrup orcatchment
Open Sea(adapted
(Figure and
6). modified by the authors).
Figure 6. Land use classification of the Al-Adhaim catchment (adapted and modified by the au-
Figure 7. Curve Number calculations for the Al-Adhaim catchment (adapted and modified by
Figure 7. Curve Number calculations for the Al-Adhaim catchment (adapted and modified by
3.3. Parameters Estimation
3.3. Parameters
3.3.1. EstimationConservation Service Curve Number
Loss Model—Soil
3.3.1. The
models inConservation
HEC-HMS wereService Curve Number
calculated by subtracting the volume of water
that The
was loss models in
intercepted, HEC-HMS
infiltrated, were calculated
stored, evaporatedbyorsubtracting
transpired the volume
to the of water
rainfall water
that [10]. We used
was intercepted, the Soilstored,
infiltrated, Conservation
evaporatedService Curve Number
or transpired loss (SCS
to the rainfall watercurve
ume [10]. method
We usedtothecalculate the direct runoff
Soil Conservation from
Service a design
Curve Numberrainfall.
loss (SCS curve number)
method Fortothe loss model,
calculate the SCS-CN
the direct runoff has
fromtwo parameters:
a design the curve number (CN) and the
For abstraction (Ia). The
the loss model, thedefault
SCS-CN initial abstraction
has two ratio the
parameters: wascurve
to 0.2 but thenand
(CN) varied
after the
initial model calibration.
abstraction The CN
(Ia). The default is aabstraction
initial function ofratio
landwasuse equal
and soil type
to 0.2 butestimated
then varied by
using the HEC-GeoHMS toolkit of Arc Map 10.5. The percentage of imperviousness
after the model calibration. The CN is a function of land use and soil type estimated by for
each sub-basin
using was assumed
the HEC-GeoHMS to beof0%
toolkit (the
Arc Mapentire
10.5.catchment was assumed
The percentage to be completely
of imperviousness for
pervious). The CN values for each sub-basin were calculated by using
each sub-basin was assumed to be 0% (the entire catchment was assumed to be completely formula (1) [21,22].
pervious). The CN values for each sub-basin were calculated by using formula (1) [21,22].
∑ A CNi
CN = ∑ i (1)
CN = ∑ Ai (1)
where Aii is
where is the
the area (km22))of
area (km ofthe
sub-basinandand CN
corresponding curve
curve number.
number. IaIa
(mm) is
(mm) is obtained
obtained by by multiplying
multiplying the the loss
loss coefficient
coefficient byby the
the potential
potential abstraction
The potential
The potential abstraction
abstraction is is aa function
function of
of CN
CN and
and calculated
calculated by by using
using the
the formula
formula (2)
(2) [22].
3.3.2. Transform
3.3.2. Transform Model—Soil
Model—Soil Conservation
Conservation Service Unit Hydrograph Method
The transform
The transform prediction
prediction models
models inin HEC-HMS
HEC-HMS simulate
simulate the
the process
process of excess
excess rainfall
direct runoff in the
direct the catchment
runoff[10]. During
[10]. Dur-
the the
ing analysis of the
analysis study
of the data,
study the the
data, SCSSCS
Unit Hydrograph
Unit Hydrograph model
used to transform
used the
to transform
excess rainfall into runoff.
the excess rainfall into runoff.
The basin
The basin lag
lag time
time parameter
parameter values
values have
have been
been calculated
calculated during
during data
data processing
processing byby
means of the HEC GeoHMS application and stored in the attributes’ table
means of the HEC GeoHMS application and stored in the attributes’ table of the sub-basinof the sub-basin
data layer.
data layer. Basin
Basin lag
lag times
times were
were initially
initially calculated
calculated inin hours
hours for
for the
the sub-basins
sub-basins by by using
Equation (3)
Equation (3) and
and were
were then
then converted
converted toto minutes
minutes when
when used
used with
with HEC-HMS.
. .
(S + 1)0.7 L. 0.8
Lag= (3)
Lag = ∗ (3)
1900 ∗ Y0.5
Hydrology 2021, 8, 58 10 of 17
where S = maximum retention (mm) as defined by Equation (2), lag = basin lag time (hour),
L= hydraulic length of the catchment (longest flow path) (feet) and Y = basin slope (%).
Table 4 shows the Loss and Transform Model parameter value estimations.
K= (4)
where Vw is the flood wave velocity, which can be taken as 1.5 times the average velocity,
and L is the reach length. The average velocity was obtained from the stream gauging
sites. The value of K was used also in the calibration process within short limits based on
Equation (4) until the simulated hydrographs approached the observed ones.
The rainfall runoff processes of the dendritic catchment systems were simulated by
using the hydrological modeling system of the HEC-HMS software. After considering the
pre-processing in the HEC-GeoHMS, the model was imported to the HEC-HMS software
as a basin file. Figure 8 shows the basin model file. HEC-HMS input data are important to
run the rainfall-runoff modeling.
The calculated parameters, such as loss parameters (curve number, initial abstrac-
tion and percentage of imperviousness), transform parameters (lag time) and routing
parameters (k and x), were added to the sub-basins and the reaches either manually or
automatically from the GIS attribute tables. The precipitation, temperature, evaporation
and discharge gauge data were added as time series using the time series data manager,
while the elevation-area table was added as paired data.
Three files were created for rainfall data input in the meteorological folder, correspond-
ing to the hydrological year intervals 2015–2016, 2016–2017 and 2017–2018. For the control
run, daily rainfall was started on 1 October at 00:00 and ended on 30 September at 00:00.
The selected time interval for the hydrograph was of one day for the three corresponding
hydrological years.
ology 2021, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW
Hydrology 2021, 8, 58 11 of 17
Figure 9.and
Figure 9. Observed Observed and simulated
simulated discharge discharge
values forvalues for outlet
the dam the dam(a)outlet (a) calibration
calibration of 2015–2016;
of 2015–2016; (b) calibration of
(b) calibration Figure
of 9. Observed
2016–2017; and (c) and simulated
validation of discharge values for the dam outlet (a) calibration of 2015–2016;
2016–2017; and (c) validation(b)
of calibration
2017–2018. of 2016–2017; and (c) validation of 2017–2018.
Figure 10. Regression scatter plot for the (a) calibration period for the dam outlet for the years 2015–2016; (b) calibration
period for the dam 10.for
outlet Regression
Regression scatter
the yearsscatter plotfor
2016–2017; forthe
and the (a)
(c)(a) calibration
validation period
period forthe
the thedam
dam dam outlet
outlet forthe
for for
the theyears
years 2015–2016;(b)
2017–2018. (b)calibration
period forthe
The model was run for one year of daily rainfall data for validation purposes. The
The model
Thebymodel was run
oneyear of daily
dailyrainfall data for validation purposes. The
runoff was simulated using was
the hydrological year
year ofinterval rainfall
2017–2018 datain for
the validation
validation purposes. The
runoff was simulated by using the hydrological year interval 2017–2018 ininthe validation
model. The model calibration parameters were applied to the validation model. The sim- the validation
runoff was simulated by using the hydrological year interval 2017–2018
model. The model
The modelcalibration
parameterswere wereapplied
applied to to
thethe validation
validation model.
model. The The
ulated and observed hydrograph and regression scatter plot for the outlet section for the
ulated and and observed
observed hydrograph
hydrograph and and regression
regression scatter
scatter plot plot
for for
the the outlet
outlet section
section for for
validation period of the years 2017 and 2018 is presented in Figures 9c and 10c. As ob-
the validation
validationplots, period
period of the years 2017 and 2018 is presented in Figures 9c and 10c. As
served in the calibration theofobserved
the yearsand 2017 and 2018hydrographs
simulated is presentedare in almost
9c and 10c. As ob-
served in in
thethe calibration
calibration plots,
plots, the the observed
observed and and simulated
simulated hydrographs
hydrographs are almost
are almost iden-
tical except for the peak discharge, which is higher for the simulated graph. The R for the 2
2 for
tical except
except for for the
the peakpeak discharge,
discharge, which
which is is higher
higher forfor
thethe simulated
simulated graph.
graph. TheThe
R 2R
for the
validation period of 2017–2018 is 0.906 for the outlet section.
the validation
validation period
period of 2017–2018
of 2017–2018 is 0.906
is 0.906 forfor
thethe outlet
outlet section.
Hydrology 2021, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 18
Hydrology 2021, 8, 58 13 of 17
A similar result for 2R2 of 0.9 was obtained by Oleyiblo et al. [7] on Misai and Wan’an
A similarinresult
catchments Chinafor R ofHEC-HMS.
using 0.9 was obtained
Tassewby et Oleyiblo et aal.comparison
al. [10] did [7] on Misaiofand
the Wan’an
catchments in China using HEC-HMS. Tassew et al. [10] did a comparison
and simulated hydrographs and the performance of the model was as follows: NSE of the observed
= 0.884
the R hydrographs
2 = 0.925. It and
follows thethe
that performance
model is of the model
suitable for was as follows:
hydrological NSE = 0.884
simulations in the
and the R2 = 0.925. It follows that the model is suitable for hydrological simulations in
Gilgel Abay Catchment. Barbosa [14] used seven different methods to investigate the per-
the Gilgel Abay Catchment. Barbosa [14] used seven different methods to investigate the
formance of the HEC-HMS model: MAE, RMSE, RSR, NSE, PBIAS, R2, and KGE. The re-
performance of the HEC-HMS model: MAE, RMSE, RSR, NSE, PBIAS, R2, and KGE. The
searcher concluded that the HEC-HMS model represents the hydrological processes of the
researcher concluded that the HEC-HMS model represents the hydrological processes
basin under investigation efficiently. The results suggest that the subdivision of a catch-
of the basin under investigation efficiently. The results suggest that the subdivision of
ment does not result in the improvement of the HEC-HMS model’s performance without
a catchment does not result in the improvement of the HEC-HMS model’s performance 2
significant differences in physiographic characteristics; for example, the values of R
without significant differences in physiographic characteristics; for example, the values of
ranged between 0.72 for two sub-basins to 0.73 for 32 sub-basins. From the above, it can
R ranged between 0.72 for two sub-basins to 0.73 for 32 sub-basins. From the above, it can
be concluded that the model performs considerable well, and the simulation can be judged
be concluded that the model performs considerable well, and the simulation can be judged
to be satisfactory.
to be satisfactory.
During modeling using HEC-HMS, it was noticed that the main parameters which
During modeling using HEC-HMS, it was noticed that the main parameters which
affect runoffquantities
However,lag lag
time and percentage of impervious area were less affected by the
time and percentage of impervious area were less affected by the runoff results. runoff results.
3.6. ReservoirModelling
According the Department
Department of of Environment
[17],the observed
the observed annual
umes discharged from the dam concerning its outlet were 1.15, 0.81
volumes discharged from the dam concerning its outlet were 1.15, 0.81 and 0.81 billion and 0.81 billion cubic
cubic (BCM),
meters whilewhile
(BCM), the simulated volumes
the simulated volumeswere were
1.22, 0.93
0.930.909 BCM BCM
and 0.909 for thefor
logical yearyear
hydrological intervals 2015–2016,
intervals 2016–2017
2015–2016, 2016–2017andand
2017–2018, respectively
2017–2018, respectively(Figure 11a).
(Figure Ad-
ditionally, the
Additionally, thesimulated
values for
for the average annual
dischargeflow flowwere
29.3 3 /s,
3/s, while the
while the observed values [17] for the outlet outlet were
were 36.42,
36.42, 25.83
25.58m 3 /s
m3/s for
for hydrologicalyear yearintervals
intervals 2015–2016,
2015–2016, 2016–2017 and and 2017–2018,
shown Figure11b.
indicatea aslightly
overestimated discharge
discharge flow.
Figure Observed
Figure Observed and simulated
and hydrographs
simulated hydrographscorresponding
the annual
the water
annual volume
water discharged;
volume and
discharged; (b)(b)
and the
annual discharge
annual flow.
discharge flow.
Table5 5shows
simulationrunrunfor the
for dam
the dam storage
indicate that the storage and the pool elevation at the beginning of the hydrologicalyears
that the storage and the pool elevation at the beginning of the hydrological years
were compatible with Table 2 for all years assessed in this study. The results
were compatible with Table 2 for all years assessed in this study. The results showed thatshowed that
2015–2016can canbebeconsidered
considered as as wet
wet ones, with peak
ones, with peak storage
However, for for this
this period
period the storage capacity was just underthe
the storage capacity was just under the
maximum limits, accounting for approximately 1.5 BCM at the elevation of 131.54 m, which
maximum limits, accounting for approximately 1.5 BCM at the elevation of 131.54 m,
is when the spillway comes into operation.
which is when the spillway comes into operation.
Hydrology 2021, 8,
Hydrology 2021, 8, 58
of 18
Storage (BCM)/Elevation
Storage (BCM)/ElevationPeak Inflow
Peak Inflow Peak Discharge InflowInflow
Volume Vol- PeakStorage
Peak Storage
Year (m) at the Start
(m) of the
at the Hy-
Start of the Peak Discharge (m3/s)/Date
(m3 /s)/Date
(m3/s)/Date (m3 /s)/Date ume (BCM) (BCM)/Elevation
(BCM) (BCM)/Elevation(m)
drological Year Year
742.4/ 742.4/ 133.3/
2015–2016 0.60/120.71
0.60/120.71 1.3201.320 0.860/124.6
12 April
12 2016
April 2016 1616April
396.9/ 396.9/ 142.1/
2016–2017 0.31/115.20
0.31/115.20 0.8950.895 0.438/118.4
24 March
24 March 2017 2017 2626March
2017–2018 0.27/113.94 625.1/ 625.1/ 142.4/
142.4/ 0.9530.953 0.438/118.4
2017–2018 0.27/113.94 18 February 2018 26 0.438/118.4
18 February 2018 26 February2018
February 2018
BCM,billion cubicmeters.
billion cubic meters.
Figure 12a–c
Figures 12a–cshow
showthethe Al-Adhaim
Al-Adhaim reservoir
reservoir simulations for the
simulations for the year
year intervals
intervals 2015–
2016, 2016–2017
2016, 2016–2017 and
and 2017–2018.
2017–2018. These
These figures
figures show
show that
that during
during the
the summer
summer season
season when
there was
there was almost
almostno norain,
occurred,and thethe
and pool elevation
pool approached
elevation approachedits minimum.
its mini-
mum. This is due to the fact that the main water source for the Al-Adhaim riverrainfall.
This is due to the fact that the main water source for the Al-Adhaim river is In
is rainfall.
contrast, during the period of precipitation, the storage capacity increased,
In contrast, during the period of precipitation, the storage capacity increased, reaching reaching peak
peak values
inflow of 742.4,
values 396.9396.9
of 742.4, and 625.1 m3 /smcorresponding
and 625.1 3/s corresponding to maximum
to maximum rainfall values
rainfall val-
of 39.91, 29.14 and 33.41 mm for the year intervals 2015–2016, 2016–2017
ues of 39.91, 29.14 and 33.41 mm for the year intervals 2015–2016, 2016–2017 and 2017– and 2017–2018,
2018, respectively.
The model
The model used
used inin our
our research
research isis useful
useful inin predicting
predicting runoff
runoff volumes
volumes andand flooding
in the area of interest. Figure 12 shows that the peaks of the estimated discharges
in the area of interest. Figure 12 shows that the peaks of the estimated discharges for the for
the hydrological years from 2015 to 2018 occurred between March and May, which is
hydrological years from 2015 to 2018 occurred between March and May, which is consid-
considered to be the time in which severe flooding takes place in the area. Moreover, it can
ered to be the time in which severe flooding takes place in the area. Moreover, it can be
be noted that during the March to May period, runoff depth and volume increased, and
noted that during the March to May period, runoff depth and volume increased, and
therefore, special attention should be dedicated to dam outlet management during this
therefore, special attention should be dedicated to dam outlet management during this
period in the coming years.
period in the coming years.
Figure 12. The simulation run for the Al-Adhaim reservoir concerning the intervals (a) 2015–2016; (b) 2016–2017; and (c)
the discharge gauge located downstream of the dam by calibration of the parameters for
two hydrological years and verification for one hydrological year. The results show a good
agreement between observed and simulated flows, and R2 was 0.9 for both calibration and
verification. The correlation between simulation and observation was good, but the total
volume of discharge storage for these years was slightly overestimated. The conclusions
from the analysis are listed below:
1. The HEC-HMS model can be used to obtain satisfactory simulated hydrological
models and is a valuable tool for the management of dam storage by forecasting
rainfall amounts.
2. The simulation results of runoff discharge peaks are slightly different compared with
the observed data.
3. In the summer season with almost no precipitation, there was no flow and the pool
elevation approached minimum limits. On the contrary, during the period of precipi-
tation, the storage capacity approached the peak inflow of 742.4 m3 /s for the years
2015–2016, which corresponds to maximum daily rainfall of 39.91 mm.
4. The area of interest does not have an available discharge station other than the one
located near the outlet. Discharge stations could provide real observed discharge
data that can be used to validate the modeling results. Therefore, the provision of an
upstream discharge station is vital.
5. The development of serious water policy and planning strategies in accordance with
the results obtained from this study could reduce the probability of floods and may
help in the management and control of the dam outlet.
6. During modeling using HEC-HMS, it was noticed that the main parameters which
affect runoff quantities were the curve number and then initial abstraction.
7. HEC-HMS model results were good for flood forecasting concerning the Al-Adhaim
catchment. Data can be exported to simulate a 2-dimensional flood inundation map
using a hydraulic model such as HEC-RAS. They can also be used for forecasting the
rainfall using a suitable program to predict flooding for long-time periods.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.N.A.H., S.A., and M.S.; methodology, S.A.; software,
A.N.A.H.; validation, S.A., A.N.A.H. and M.S.; formal analysis, A.N.A.H.; investigation, S.A.; re-
sources, A.N.A.H.; data curation, S.A. and A.N.A.H.; writing—original draft preparation, A.N.A.H.;
writing—review and editing, S.A. and M.S.; visualization, S.A., A.N.A.H. and M.S. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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