OLHS COVID Phase-IV BackToSchool Flyer
OLHS COVID Phase-IV BackToSchool Flyer
OLHS COVID Phase-IV BackToSchool Flyer
The start of the new school year can be a taxing time for parents, and with COVID-19
cases surging again, this year’s back to school activities are proving even more
stressful than normal. Many are wondering how to best protect their kids’ physical
health in the classroom, while also ensuring they get the education and social skills
they need. It is no easy feat, but fortunately, there are resources available to help
navigate this difficult time.
FACT: After a year without in-person instruction, it’s time for kids to return to the classroom.
Despite the increased chance of infection posed by the Delta variant, the risks to students from school closures is too
big to ignore. The damages we’re seeing from keeping schools closed over the last year include “virtual dropouts,”
food insecurity, safety, and adverse impacts on social, physical and mental health, among others. Allowing students to
return to school will help prevent these serious issues from persisting. In the meantime, there are also many steps we
can take to protect their health and safety in the classroom.
FACT: Masks work, and they are needed in schools now, more than ever before.
Face masks that cover the nose and mouth should be worn by everyone over 2 years old, as they have proven
effective at slowing the spread of COVID-19. This simple, proven tool provides particularly important protection for
young students who are unable to get the vaccine yet. When buying or making your child’s face mask, make sure it
fits snugly against the sides of their face, is secured with ties or ear loops, includes multiple layers of fabric, allows for
breathing without restriction, and is able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape.
FACT: Masking, social distancing and hand hygiene are key to protecting students in
the classroom.
Aside from face masks, social distancing and maintaining proper hand hygiene are two of the best ways we can
prevent the spread of COVID-19 in schools. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends school
students should be at least three feet apart. You can impart good hand hygiene to your kids by teaching them to
scrub with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, making sure to get the back of their hands, between their fingers
and under their nails. You can also teach them to measure the time by singing Happy Birthday twice.
Schedule your vaccination appointment on the MyChart portal today. Visit ochsnerlsuhs.org/vaccine for more facts,
or call 844-888-2772 with any additional questions. For more COVID-19 information and resources, visit the Center for
Disease Control and Prevention (cdc.gov) or the
Louisiana Department of Health (ldh.la.gov) website.