Final Project-Comp626 Instructions:: Student's Signature: .. Date: .

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College of Administrative and Financial Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Business Informatics

3rd Trimester, AY 2020-21
 Answer ALL questions/requirements / Present what are required in the CASE STUDIES
 Marks will be awarded for good presentation and thoroughness in your approach
 NO marks would be awarded for the entire project if any part is found to be copied directly
from printed materials or from another student.
 Complete this cover sheet and attach it to your Case Study Output.

Student Declaration:
I declare that:
I understand what is meant by plagiarism (illegal copying of one’s work)
The implication of plagiarism is tantamount to cheating (work will get no pts.)
This project is all my own work and I have acknowledged any use of the published and unpublished
works of other people.

Student’s Signature:………………………………….. Date:…………………………..

Total number of pages including this cover page

Program Course Section Time/Days Due Date Date Submitted

Course Title

Student’s Full Name

Professor’s Name


Teacher’s/Marker’s MARKS
Marking Scheme MARKS
Comments AWARDED
Introduction 10
Body 10
Discussion 10
Conclusion and Recommendations 10
Report Mechanics 10
Teamwork 10
Communication skills 10
Marker’s Name Total Marks/ Marks Awarded 70

Signature Grade Equivalent

Prepare a Technical based on the topics mentioned and following the requirements
given below
The technical report must have the following structure
 Choose any scenario from the real world and prepare a technical report.
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Business Informatics
 The Structure of the Technical Report AY 2020-21
3rd Trimester,
 Prepare a technical report based on the scenario chosen as per the given
topics as below:
Choose one of the following Topics:-
 Data mining and privacy
 Classification and Business intelligence
 Clustering and business intelligence
 Frequent pattern mining and business intelligence


Title Page: This should contain the name of your project, school year, trimester.
List of Contents: Table of Contents with page numbers

1. Introduction: The technical report must include one-to-two paragraph. This is an

overview of the report, a brief description of the main problem to be addressed, and
the ways in which it can be. (10 marks)
2. Body: Describe the topic in detail with proper examples(10 marks)
3. Discussion: Include relevant details about the topics with advantages and
disadvantages(can be supported with the help of diagrams and graphs)(10 marks)
4. Conclusion and recommendations (10 marks)
 Summary
 Findings
 Recommendations
 References(Use APA 6 style)
5. Appendix (if applicable)
 Graphs, tables, diagrams, illustrations if any
6. Report Mechanics (Grammar, Format, Aesthetics) (10 marks)
7. Teamwork and communication skills (20 marks)

General Instructions:
1. Required parts should be complete; all figures, tables and diagrams are clearly and logically
identified and strongly support the text.
2. All paragraphs should be well organized; use of sections is logical.
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Business Informatics
3. The report should include a professional cover page and index. Proper font type (choose
3rd Trimester, AY 2020-21
either Times New Roman or Arial for the entire document), black color and size 12 are
applied with appropriate margins. Choose line spacing 2. Make all subheadings bold.
4. All sources should be correctly and thoroughly documented; appropriate citation forms should
be utilized throughout.
5. Try to put the exact details and avoid unnecessary explanations.(Don’t copy paste from
6. Last date of submission will be ONLINE through MOODLE on or before 15th aug 2021
7. There should be a maximum of only 4 students in a group. Ensure that each of the
members in a particular group are aware of the concept of your project. It should be a
detailed one.
8. Specify the name of the members in the front page.
9. Use the cover page given. For group project, marks will be different for each student based
on their performance or knowledge in presentation.
10. A presentation will be required for the final project and questions will also be asked


Criteria Excellent (10-8) Good (7-5) Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

(4-3) (2-1)
Introduction Required parts are Completed Completed Completed less
complete. between 80 – between 70 – than 70%
All figures, tables and 90% 80 %
equations are clearly
and logically identified
and strongly support the
text. All graphical
documents, sketches,
maps, etc. are creative,
professional and
strongly support the text
Body Information is Information is Details and
Informationis presented logically scattered and examples are
in effective order. ordered with needs further not organized,
Excellent structure of paragraphs development. are hard to
paragraphs and and transitions Details are follow and
transitions enhances Some details somewhat understand.
readability and don’t support sketchy. Unable to find
comprehension. the report specific details.
Discussion Main points well Main points Main points Main points lack
developed with high are present are present detailed
quality and quantity with limited with less detail development.
support. Reveals high detail and and Ideas are vague
degree of critical development. development. with little
thinking. Some critical critical thinking evidence of
thinking is is limited critical thinking.
present. .
Conclusion and Analysis and Analysis and Analysis and
Supporting details are
recommendations conclusion is conclusion is conclusion is
specific to topic and
partially incomplete poorly done
provide the necessary
Report mechanics  No errors Only one or More than two Numerous
 Grammar  Typed; clean; neatly two errors errors errors distract
 Format organized with a Typed; clean; Typed; no from
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Business Informatics
 Aesthetics well-designed report
rd neatly report cover, understanding
cover; effective3 use
Trimester, AYno2020-21
organized; and no table of Simply
of color, References report cover, contents; no typed;poorly
included and no table of use of color,No organized;
contents, references no report cover,
References not no table of
formatted contents, and
page numbers
Communication Effectively Proficiently Delivery Poor delivery
Skills exchanged ideas, exchanged time of and timing of
used ideas information information
brainstorming for for coming up needed to Discussion needs
creative solutions to with solutions be more
issues, had group to issues, smooth, to
commitment to a group exchange of be more
common goal commitment to ideas was controlled and
and a common limited dynamic.
effectively planned a goal and
course of action.
planned a
course of
Teamwork Theprojectwas The project The project The project
carried out by more was carried was carried was carried
than TWO members out by more out by more out by more
The work load and than TWO
than TWO than TWO
variety on each members members members
member seems fair The work load The work The work
Leadership role being and variety load and load and
assumed by each oneach member variety on variety on
member for different seem fair. each each member
tasks is evident Leadershiprole member does not
being assumed seem fair seem to be
by each member Leadership fair or at least
for different role one
tasks is NOT being member has been
apparent assumed by assigned trivial
each non- technical
member for tasks (e.g. writing
different the report)
tasks is
NOT apparent

Comments/ Remarks:

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