Business Studies 2021 22
Business Studies 2021 22
Business Studies 2021 22
The courses in Business Studies are introduced at + 2 stage of Senior Secondary Education as formal
commerce education is provided after the first ten years of schooling. Therefore, it becomes
necessary that instructions in these subjects are given in such a manner that students have a good
understanding of the principles and practices bearing in business (trade and industry) as well as their
relationship with the society.
Business is a dynamic process that brings together technology, natural resources and human
initiative in a constantly changing global environment. To understand the framework in which a
business operates, a detailed study of the organisation and management of business processes and
its interaction with the environment is required. Globalisation has changed the way organizations
transact their business.
Information Technology is becoming a part of business operations in more and more organizations.
Computerized systems are fast replacing other systems. E-business and other related concepts are
picking up fast which need to be emphasized in the curriculum.
The course in Business Studies prepares students to analyze, manage, evaluate and respond to
changes which affect business. It provides a way of looking at and interacting with the business
environment. It recognizes the fact that business influences and is influenced by social, political,
legal and economic forces.
It allows students to appreciate that business is an integral component of society and develops an
understanding of many social and ethical issues.
Therefore, to acquire basic knowledge of the business world, a course in Business Studies would be
useful. It also informs students of a range of study and work options and bridges the gap between
school and work.
● To inculcate business attitude and develop skills among students to pursue higher
education, world of work including self employment.
● To acquaint students with the dynamic nature and interdependent aspects of business;
● To develop an interest in the theory and practice of business, trade and industry;
● To help students appreciate the economic and social significance of business activity and the
social cost and benefits arising there from;
● To acquaint students with the practice of managing the operations and resources of
Students would prepare only ONE project in the entire academic session, which is divided
into 2 terms i.e. Term I and Term II.
Part A: Foundation of Business
Concept includes meaning and features
Unit 1: Evolution and Fundamentals of Business
Sole Proprietorship-Concept, merits and limitations. ● List the different forms of business
organizations and understand their meaning.
● Identify and explain the concept, merits and
limitations of Sole Proprietorship.
Partnership-Concept, types, merits and limitation of ● Identify and explain the concept, merits and
partnership, registration of a partnership firm, limitations of a Partnership firm.
partnership deed. Types of partners ● Understand the types of partnership on the
basis of duration and on the basis of liability.
● State the need for registration of a
partnership firm.
● Discuss types of partners –active, sleeping,
secret, nominal and partner by estoppel.
Hindu Undivided Family Business: Concept ● Understand the concept of Hindu Undivided
Family Business.
● Identify and explain the concept, merits and
Cooperative Societies-Concept, types, merits, and limitations of Cooperative Societies.
limitations. ● Understand the concept of consumers,
producers, marketing, farmers, credit and
housing co-operatives.
Company - Concept, merits and limitations; Types: ● Identify and explain the concept, merits and
Private, Public and One Person Company – limitations.
Concept ● Understand the concept of private and public
companies and one person company.
● Understand the meaning of one person
● Distinguish between a private company and
a public company.
Formation of company - stages, important ● Highlight the stages in the formation of a
documents to be used in the formation of a company.
company ● Discuss the important documents used in
the various stages in the formation of a
Business finance: Concept and Importance ● State the meaning, nature and importance of
business finance.
Owners’ funds- equity shares, preferences share, ● Classify the various sources of funds into
retained earnings, Global Depository receipt (GDR), owners’ funds.
American Depository Receipt (ADR) and ● State the meaning of owners’ funds.
International Depository Receipt (IDR) – concept ● Understand the meaning of Global
Depository receipts, American Depository
Receipts and International Depository
Borrowed funds: debentures and bonds, loan from ● State the meaning of borrowed funds.
financial institution and commercial banks, public ● Discuss the concept of debentures, bonds,
deposits, trade credit loans from financial institutions and
commercial banks ,public deposits&Trade
● Distinguish between owners’ funds and
borrowed funds.
Entrepreneurship Development (ED): Concept and ● Understand the concept and need of
Need. Process of Entrepreneurship Development: Entrepreneurship Development (ED),
Start-up India Scheme, ways to fund startup. Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual Property Rights and Entrepreneurship ● Understand the process of Entrepreneurship
Small scale enterprise – Definition ● Understand the definition of small
Role of small business in India with special ● Discuss the role of small scale business in
reference to rural areas India with special reference to rural areas
Government schemes and agencies for small scale ● Appreciate various schemes of NSIC and
industries: National Small Industries Corporation DIC with special reference to rural, backward
(NSIC) and District Industrial Centre (DIC) with area.
special reference to rural, backward areas
Internal trade - meaning and types of services ● State the meaning and types of internal
rendered by a wholesaler and a retailer trade.
● Appreciate the services of wholesalers and
Total 24 10
Total 73 40
Students would prepare only ONE project in the entire academic session, which is divided into 2
terms i.e. Term I and Term II.
Term 1:
Unit 4: Planning
Unit 5: Organising
Total 29 20
Part B Business Finance and Marketing
9 Financial Management 20 15
10 Financial Markets 18
12 Consumer Protection 05 5
Total 43 20
Total 72 40
Unit 6: Staffing
Unit 8: Controlling
Financial Markets: Concept, Functions and ● Understand the concept of the financial
types market.
● Explain the functions of the financial
● Understand capital market and money
market as types of financial markets.
Money market and its instruments ● Understand the concept of the money
● Describe the various money market
Capital market: Concept, types (primary ● Discuss the concept of capital market.
and secondary), methods of floatation in ● Explain primary and secondary markets as
the primary market types of capital market.
● Differentiate between capital market and
money market.
● Discuss the methods of floating new issues
in the primary market.
● Distinguish between primary and secondary
Stock Exchange – Meaning, Functions and ● Give the meaning of a stock exchange.
trading procedure ● Explain the functions of a stock exchange.
● Discuss the trading procedure in a stock
● Give the meaning of depository services and
demat account as used in the trading
procedure of securities.
Securities and Exchange Board of India ● State the objectives of SEBI.
(SEBI) - objectives and functions ● Explain the functions of SEBI.
The course in Business Studies is introduced at Senior School level to provide students with
a sound understanding of the principles and practices bearing in business (trade and
industry) as well as their relationship with the society. Business is a dynamic process that
brings together technology, natural resources and human initiative in a constantly changing
global environment. With the purpose to help them understand the framework within which a
business operates, and its interaction with the social, economic, technological and legal
environment, the CBSE has introduced Project Work in the Business Studies Syllabus for
Classes XI and XII. The projects have been designed to allow students to appreciate that
business is an integral component of society and help them develop an understanding of the
social and ethical issues concerning them.
The project work also aims to empower the teacher to relate all the concepts with what is
happening around the world and the student’s surroundings, making them appear more clear
and contextual. This will enable the student to enjoy studies and use his free time effectively
in observing what’s happening around.
By means of Project Work the students are exposed to life beyond textbooks giving them
opportunities to refer materials, gather information, analyze it further to obtain relevant
information and decide what matter to keep.
One Project to be done throughout the session, as per the existing scheme.
1. The objectives of the project work:
● probe deeper into personal enquiry ,initiate action and reflect on knowledge and skills,
views etc. acquired during the course of class XI-XII .
● analyse and evaluate real world scenarios using theoretical constructs and arguments
● demonstrate the application of critical and creative thinking skills and abilities to produce an
independent and extended piece of work
The teacher plays a critical role in developing the thinking skills of the learners. A teacher should:
● help each learner select the topic after detailed discussions and deliberations of the topic;
● play the role of a facilitator to support and monitor the project work of the learner through
periodic discussions;
● guide the research work in terms of sources for the relevant data;
● ensure that students must understand the relevance and usage of primary evidence and
other sources in their projects and duly
d acknowledge the same;
● ensure that the students are able to derive a conclusion from the content; cite the
limitations faced during the research and give appropriate references used in doing the
research work.
● educate learners about plagiarism and the importance of quoting the source of the
information to ensure authenticity of research work.
ts may work upon the following lines as a suggested flow chart:
Choose a title/topic
Organization of material/data
Present material/data
● Introduction of topic/title
● Citation of the materials referred to, in the file in footnotes, resources section,
bibliography etc.
5. Term-Wise Assessment of Project Work:
● Project Work has broadly the following phases: Synopsis/ Initiation, Data Collection, Data
Analysis and Interpretation, Conclusion.
● The aspects of the project work to be covered by students can be assessed during the two
The teacher will assess the progress of the project work in the term I in the following manner:
4-5 Planning and organisation: forming an Significance and relevance of the topic; 5
action plan, feasibility or baseline challenges encountered while
study, Updating/modifying the action conducting the research.
plan, Data Collection
The teacher will assess the progress of the project work in the term II in the following manner:
6-7 Content/data analysis and Content analysis and its relevance in the
December- interpretation. current scenario.
Conclusion, Limitations, Conclusion, Limitations, Bibliography,
Suggestions, Bibliography, Annexures and Overall Presentation.
Annexures and Overall Presentation
of the project.
8 Final Assessment and VIVA by both External/ Internal Viva based on the 5
Internal and External Examiners project
6. Viva-Voce
● At the end of the stipulated term, each learner will present the research work in the Project
File to the External and Internal examiner.
● The questions should be asked from the Research Work/ Project File of the learner.
● The Internal Examiner should ensure that the study submitted by the learner is his/her own
original work.
The teacher should help students to identify any one project from the given topics.
20 marks assigned for Project Work will be divided into two terms for 10 marks each.
The objective of introducing this project among the students is to give a first hand experience
to them regarding the different types of business units operating in their surroundings, to
observe their features and activities and relate them to the theoretical knowledge given in
their textbooks. The students should select a place of field visit from the following: – (Add
more as per local area availability.)
The following points should be kept in mind while preparing this visit.
1. Select a suitable day free from rush/crowd with lean business hours.
2. The teacher must visit the place first and check out on logistics. It’s better to seek
permission from the concerned business- incharge.
3. Visit to be discussed with the students in advance. They should be encouraged to
prepare a worksheet containing points of observation and reporting.
4. Students may carry their cameras (at their own risk) with prior permission for
collecting evidence of their observations.
a) The raw material and the processes used in the business: People /parties/firms from
which they obtain their raw material.
b) The market, the buyers, the middlemen, and the areas covered. c) The countries to which
exports are made.
d) Mode of payment to workers, suppliers etc.
e) Working conditions.
f) Modernization of the process over a period of time.
g) Facilities, security and training for the staff and workers.
h) Subsidies available/ availed.
i) Any other aspect that the teachers deem fit.
2. Visit to an Industry.
a) Sources of merchandise.
b) Local market practices.
c) Any linked up businesses like transporters, packagers, money lenders, agents, etc.
d) Nature of the goods dealt in.
e) Types of buyers and sellers.
f) Mode of the goods dispersed, minimum quantity sold, types of packaging employed.
g) Factors determining the price fluctuations.
h) Seasonal factors (if any) affecting the business.
i) Weekly/ monthly non-working days.
j) Strikes, if any- causes thereof.
k) Mode of payments.
l) Wastage and disposal of dead stock.
m) Nature of price fluctuations, reason thereof.
n) Warehousing facilities available\availed.
o) Any other aspect.
4. Visit to a Departmental store
5. Visit to a Mall.
a) Take a product having seasonal growth and regular demand with which students can
relate. For example,
● Apples from Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir.
● Oranges from Nagpur,
● Mangoes from Maharashtra/U.P./Bihar/Andhra Pradesh etc.
● Strawberries from Panchgani,
● Aloe vera from Rajasthan,
● Walnuts/almonds from Kashmir,
● Jackfruit from South,
● Guavas from Allahabad,
● Pineapples from North East India,
● Tea from Assam,
● Orchids from Sikkim and Meghalaya,
● Pottery of Manipur,
● Fishes from coastal areas.
(i) Research for change in price of the product. For example, apples in Himachal
Pradesh during plucking and non plucking season.
(ii) Effect on prices in the absence of an effective transport system.
(iii) Effect on prices in the absence of suitable warehouse facilities.
(iv) Duties performed by the warehouses.
(v) Demand and supply situation of the product during harvesting season, prices
near the place of origin and away.
Students may be motivated to find out the importance of producing and selling these
products and their processed items along with the roles of Transport, Warehousing,
Advertising, Banking, Insurance, Packaging, Wholesale selling, Retailing, Co-operative
farming, Co-operative marketing etc.
The teacher may develop the points for other projects on similar lines for students to work
The teacher may assign this project as ‘group’ project and may give different products to
different groups. It could conclude in the form of an exhibition.
Taking any one AID TO TRADE, for example Insurance and gathering information on
following aspects
They should find details of the procedure and link it with their Text knowledge.
The specimens of documents collected should be pasted in the Project file with a brief
description of each. They may also visit railway godowns/dockyards/ transport agencies and
may collect pictures of the same.
At the end of the stipulated term, each student will prepare and submit his/her project report.
Following essentials are required to be fulfilled for its preparation and submission.
1. The total project will be in a file format, consisting of the recordings of the value of shares
and the graphs.
2. The project will be handwritten.
3. The project will be presented in a neat folder.
4. The project report will be developed in the following sequence-
Cover page should project the title, student information, school and year.
List of contents.
Acknowledgements and preface (acknowledging the institution, the news papers
read, T.V. channels viewed, places visited and persons who have helped).
Topic with suitable heading.
Planning and activities done during the project, if any.
Observations and findings while conducting the project.
News paper clippings to reflect the changes of share prices.
Conclusions (summarised suggestions or findings, future scope of study).
Appendix (if needed).
Teachers report.
Teachers will initial preface page.
At the completion of the evaluation of the project, it will be punched in the centre
so that the report cannot be reused but is available for reference only.
The projects will be returned after evaluation. The school may keep the best
V. Project Five: A visit to any State Emporium (other than your school state).
At the end of the stipulated term, each student will prepare and submit his/her project report.
Following essentials are required to be fulfilled for its preparation and submission.
1. Nature of the business organisation (emporium)
2. Determinants for location of the concerned emporium
3. Is the space rented or owned
4. Nature of the goods dealt in
5. Sources of merchandise of the emporium
6. Role of co-operative societies in the manufacturing and/or marketing of the merchandise
7. Role of gifts of nature or natural produce in the development of goods/merchandise
8. Types of buyers and sellers
9. Modes of goods dispersed, minimum quantity sold and type of carrying bag or package
used for delivery of the products sold
10. Factors determining the pricing at the emporium
11. Comparison between the prices of goods available at the emporium with the prices in the
open market. Also highlight probable causes of variations if any.
12. Kind of raw material available naturally, used in making the products
13. The technique used in making the products i.e., hand made or machine made
14. Has the child labour being used in making the products sold at the emporium
15. Are the products eco-friendly, in terms of manufacturing, disposal and packing
16. Seasonal factors if any affecting the business of the emporium
17. Weekly/ Monthly non-working days
18. Mode of billing and payments - Cash, Credit Card/ Debit Card, Swipe facility.
19. Does the emporium sell its merchandise in installment / deferred payment basis
20. Do they provide home delivery and after sales services?
21. Different types of promotional campaigns / schemes
22. Assistance by Sales Personnel
23. Export orientation of this emporium and procedure used
24. Policies related to damaged/ returned goods
25. Any government facility available to the emporium
26. Warehousing facilities available / availed
27. Impact of tourism on the business of emporium
28. Additional facility offered to customers
29. Any Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) assumed by the emporium
30. Contribution made by the emporium to its locality
The teacher should help students to identify any one project from the given topics.
Students are supposed to select one unit out of four and are required to make only
ONE project from the selected unit.
20 marks assigned for Project Work will be divided into two terms for 10 marks each.
1. Changes witnessed over the last few years on mode of packaging and its economic
impact. The teacher may guide the students to identify the following changes:
a) The changes in transportation of fruits and vegetables such as cardboard crates being
used in place of wooden crates, etc. Reasons for above changes.
b) Milk being supplied in glass bottles, later in plastic bags and now in tetrapack and through
vending machines.
c) Plastic furniture [doors and stools] gaining preference over wooden furniture.
d) The origin of cardboard and the various stages of changes and growth.
e) Brown paper bags packing recycled paper bags to plastic bags and cloth bags.
f) Reuse of packaging [bottles, jars and tins] to attract customers for their products.
g) The concept of pyramid packaging for milk.
h) Cost being borne by the consumer/manufacturer.
i) Packaging used as means of advertisements.
Fayol’s principles
1. Division of work.
2. Unity of command.
3. Unity of direction.
4. Scalar chain
5. Espirit de corps
6. Fair remuneration to all.
7. Order.
8. Equity.
9. Discipline
10. Subordination of individual interest to general interest.
11. Initiative.
12. Centralisation and decentralisation.
13. Stability of tenure.
They may enquire into the application of scientific management techniques by F.W. Taylor in
the unit visited.
Tips to teacher
(i) The teacher may organize this visit.
(ii) The teacher should facilitate the students to identify any unit of their choice and guide
them to identify the principles that are being followed.
(iii) Similarly they should guide the students to identify the techniques of scientific
management implemented in the organisation.
(iv) It may be done as a group activity.
(v) The observations could be on the basis of
The different stages of division of work resulting to specialisation.
Following instructions and accountability of subordinates to higher authorities.
Visibility of order and equity in the unit.
Balance of authority and responsibility.
Communication levels and pattern in the organisation.
Methods and techniques followed by the organisation for unity of direction and
coordination amongst all.
Methods of wage payments followed.The arrangements of fatigue study.
Derivation of time study.
Derivation and advantages of method study.
Organisational chart of functional foremanship.
Any other identified in the organisation
vi. It is advised that students should be motivated to pick up different areas of visit. As
presentations of different areas in the class would help in better understanding to the other
vii. The students may be encouraged to develop worksheets. Teachers should help students
to prepare observation tools to be used for undertaking the project.
Examples; worksheets, questionnaires, interviews and organisational charts etc.
III. Project Three: Stock Exchange
The purpose of this project is to teach school students the values of investing and utilising
the stock market. This project also teaches important lessons about the economy,
mathematics and financial responsibility.
The basis of this project is to learn about the stock market while investing a specified amount
of fake money in certain stocks. Students then study the results and buy and sell as they see
This project will also guide the students and provide them with the supplies necessary to
successfully monitor stock market trends and will teach students how to calculate profit and
loss on stock.
The students may be required to report the prices of the stocks on a daily basis and present
it diagrammatically on the graph paper.
They will understand the weekly holidays and the holidays under the Negotiable
Instruments Act.
They will also come across terms like closing prices, opening prices, etc.
During this period of recording students are supposed to distinctively record the
daily and starting and closing prices of the week other days under the negotiable
instrument act so that they acquire knowledge about closing and opening prices.
The students may conclude by identifying the causes in the fluctuations of prices.
Normally it would be related to the front page news of the a business journal, for
Change of seasons.
Spread of epidemic.
Strikes and accidents
Natural and human disasters.
Political environment.
Lack of faith in the government policies.
Impact of changes in government policies for specific industry.
International events.
Contract and treaties at the international scene.
Relations with the neighbouring countries.
Crisis in developed countries, etc.
The students are expected to find the value of their investments and accordingly rearrange
their portfolio. The project work should cover the following aspects;
1. Graphical presentation of the share prices of different companies on different dates.
2. Change in market value of shares due to change of seasons, festivals, natural and human
3. Change in market value of shares due to change in political environment/ policies of
various countries/crisis in developed countries or any other reasons
4. Identify the top ten companies out of the 25 selected on the basis of their market value of
It does not matter if they have made profits or losses.
IV. Project Four: Marketing
1. Adhesives 40. Lipstick
2. Air conditioners 41. Microwave oven
3. Baby diapers 42. Mixers
4. Bathing Soap 43. Mobile
5. Bathroom cleaner 44. Moisturizer
6. Bike 45. Music player
7. Blanket 46. Nail polish
8. Body Spray 47. Newspaper
9. Bread 48. Noodles
10. Breakfast cereal 49. Pen
11. Butter 50. Pen drive
12. Camera 51. Pencil
13. Car 52. Pickles
14. Cheese spreads 53. Razor
15. Chocolate 54. Ready Soups
16. Coffee 55. Refrigerator
17. Cosmetology product 56. RO system
18. Crayons 57. Roasted snacks
19. Crockery 58. Salt
20. Cutlery 59. Sarees
21. Cycle 60. Sauces/ Ketchup
22. DTH 61. Shampoo
23. Eraser 62. Shaving cream
24. e-wash 63. Shoe polish
25. Fairness cream 64. Shoes
26. Fans 65. Squashes
27. Fruit candy 66. Suitcase/ airbag
28. Furniture 67. Sunglasses
29. Hair Dye 68. Tea
30. Hair Oil 69. Tiffin Wallah
31. Infant dress 70. Toothpaste
32. Inverter 71. Wallet
33. Jams 72. Washing detergent
34. Jeans 73. Washing machine
35. Jewellery 74. Washing powder
36. Kurti 75. Water bottle
37. Ladies bag 76. Water storage tank
38. Ladies footwear 77. Wipes
39. Learning Toys
The teacher must ensure that the identified product should not be items whose
consumption/use is discouraged by the society and government like alcohol
products/pan masala and tobacco products, etc.
Identify one product/service from the above which the students may like to
manufacture/provide [pre-assumption].
Now the students are required to make a project on the identified product/service
keeping in mind the following:
1. Why have they selected this product/service?
2. Find out ‘5’ competitive brands that exist in the market.
3. What permission and licences would be required to make the product?
4. What are your competitors' Unique Selling Propositions?[U.S.P.]?
5. Does your product have any range of details?
6. What is the name of your product?
7. Enlist its features.
8. Draw the ‘Label’ of your product.
9. Draw a logo for your product.
10. Draft a tagline.
11. What is the selling price of your competitor’s product?
(i) Selling price to consumer
(ii) Selling price to retailer
(iii) Selling price to wholesaler
On the basis of the work done by the students the project report should include the
1. Type of product /service identified and the (consumer/industries) process involved
2. Brand name and the product.
3. Range of the product.
4. Identification mark or logo.
5. Tagline.
6. Labelling and packaging.
7. Price of the product and basis of price fixation.
8. Selected channels of distribution and reasons thereof.
9. Decisions related to transportation and warehousing. State reasons.
10. Promotional techniques used and starting reasons for deciding the particular
11. Grading and standardisation