Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning Plan (OBTL) : Tagoloan Community College
Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning Plan (OBTL) : Tagoloan Community College
Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning Plan (OBTL) : Tagoloan Community College
To be a premier community-based institution by 2030 producing globally To be dynamic in its commitment to make every Filipino worker by 2030 a world class competent
competent graduates. with a well- balance Knowledge, Skills and Attitude(KSA).
Produce competent graduates fully equipped with knowledge and skills The college of engineering technology strives to deliver effective and realistic training based on
driven by value conforming to global standards. the standards of the industries and provide instruction to ensure quality education and development of
entrepreneurial skills as well as world class technical competencies.
1. Promote academic relevance responsive to the demands of the society; COLLEGE GOALS
2. Provide quality educational programs through its curriculum that conforms 1. To develop appropriate skills and knowledge in engineering technology, particularly in the field
to quality standards both local and global; of Automotive technology and Electronics technology;
3. Assist the learners achieve chosen competency by providing quality 2. To establish linkages with stakeholder through Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) in relation
education and adequate learning facilities and equipment and CHED On-The-Job training program;
Compliant Facilities; and 3. To develop students’ competency both employment and entrepreneurial;
4. Inculcate values to become responsible citizens promulgating economic 4. To contribute the research development outcome of engineering technology through community
development through entrepreneurial activities. extension programs; and
5. To implant proper application of knowledge, Skills and Attitude (KSA) to the students in order
to prepare them to the World Of Work (WoW).
Course Title Integral Calculus Course Code CAL2
Course Description
Calculus II is the continuation of Calculus I. The course aims to further develop and strengthen the students’ understanding of differential and
(Based on CMO No. 24 Series
integral calculus. Topics include the applications of definite integrals, techniques of integration, indeterminate forms, improper integrals of algebraic and
of 2008 & CMO No. 56 Series
transcendental functions.
of 2007)
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By the time of graduation, the students of the BSET-ET/BSET-AT program shall have the ability to:
a. apply knowledge of mathematics and science, engineering technology to solve problems;
b. apply engineering technology design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data;
c. apply design system, component, or processes to meet specified needs w/ appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, social and
environmental consideration;
d. recognize the function on multidisciplinary team;
e. identify and solve real-world engineering technology problems through the application of electronics theory and concepts;
f. understand and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering technology practice;
Program Intended Learning g. communicate effectively on engineering technology activities with the engineering technology community by being able to comprehend and write
Outcomes (PILO) effective reports and documentation, make effective presentation and give and receive clear instruction;
h. identify the impact of engineering technology solutions in societal and environment context and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable
i. recognize the need for, and have the ability to engage in independent and life-long learning;
j. apply engineering knowledge of contemporary issues;
k. use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice safety standards;
l. work both independently and as a contributing member or leader in diverse technical teams; and
m. demonstrate at least one specialized field of Electronics/Automotive Technology practice.
At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
1. properly carry out integration through the use of the fundamental formulas and/or the various techniques of integration for both single and multiple
Course Intended Learning integrals;
Outcomes (CILO) 2. correctly apply the concept of integration in solving problems involving evaluation of areas, volumes, work and force;
3. sketch 3-dimensional regions bounded by several surfaces; and
4. evaluate volumes of 3-dimensional regions bounded by two or more surfaces through the use of the double or triple integral.
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PRELIMINARY Essential Learning Suggested
Assessment Tasks
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) Teaching/Learning
Content (ATs)
Week Declarative Knowledge Functional Knowledge Activities (TLAs)
Orientation of Rules and ▪ Lecture Using
Mission and Vision of Power Point
TCC and Grading System Presentation via ▪ Online
Zoom/Google Meet Assessment with
Integration Concepts and Platform corresponding
Formulas ▪ Online Video Rubrics
1. Review on Anti- presentation ▪ Paper and Pencil
Demonstrate an differentiation ▪ Solving trigonometric At the end of the session/s, the students should be able to: (asynchronous) Test
understanding of 2. Review on Indefinite functions, logarithmic, ▪ Share a video clips ▪ Online
1 -2
Integration integrals exponential, inverse ▪ Integrate using power formula
▪ Integrate trigonometric functions, logarithmic, exponential, presentation Assignment /
Concepts and 3. Simple Power formula trigonometric and ▪ Lecture Learning
Formulas 4. Simple trigonometric hyperbolic functions inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions Quiz
▪ Station ▪ Online Evaluative
▪ Interactive Online Test
5. Logarithmic functions
Discussion ▪ Reflective Essays
6. Exponential functions
7. Inverse Trigonometric ▪ Skills Exercises/ ▪ Worksheets/
functions Drills Modules
8. Hyperbolic functions ▪ Follow-Up through
9. General power formula Messenger
▪ Lecture Using
Power Point
Presentation via ▪ Online
Zoom/Google Meet Assessment with
Platform corresponding
The Techniques of Integration ▪ Online Video Rubrics
1. Integration by Parts At the end of the session/s, the students should be able to: presentation ▪ Paper and Pencil
2. Integration of Powers of (asynchronous) Test
Demonstrate an ▪ perform integration by parts
understanding of
Trigonometric Functions Performing integration ▪ Share a video clips ▪ Online
3-4 3. Integration by Trigonometric using different ▪ perform integration of powers of trigonometric functions presentation
the Techniques ▪ perform integration by trigonometric substitution Assignment /
Substitution techniques ▪ Lecture Learning
of Integration ▪ integrate rational functions using partial fractions Quiz
4. Integration of Rational Station
Functions by Partial Fractions ▪ perform integration using miscellaneous substitution ▪ Online Evaluative
▪ Interactive Online Test
5. Miscellaneous Substitution
Discussion ▪ Reflective Essays
▪ Skills Exercises/ ▪ Worksheets/
Drills Modules
▪ Follow-Up through
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▪ Lecture Using
Power Point
Presentation via ▪ Online
Definite Integrals Zoom/Google Meet Assessment with
Platform corresponding
1. Summation Notation& At the end of the session/s, the students should be able to: ▪ Online Video Rubrics
Riemann Sum presentation ▪ Paper and Pencil
2. Definition of Definite ▪ Write and compute long sums using sigma notation (asynchronous)
Demonstrate an Proving the Mean Value Test
Integrals ▪ Define and evaluate definite integrals ▪ Share a video clips
understanding of Theorem for Integrals ▪ Online
5-6 3. Properties of Definite ▪ Identify and apply the properties of definite integrals presentation
Definite and Fundamental ▪ Discuss and verify/prove the Mean Value Theorem for Assignment /
Integrals ▪ Lecture Learning
Integrals Theorem of Calculus Integrals; and Quiz
4. The Mean Value Theorem for Station
Integrals ▪ Discuss and verify/prove the Fundamental Theorem of ▪ Online Evaluative
▪ Interactive Online Test
5. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
Discussion ▪ Reflective Essays
▪ Skills Exercises/ ▪ Worksheets/
Drills Modules
▪ Follow-Up through
▪ Lecture Using
Power Point
Presentation via ▪ Online
The Applications of the Zoom/Google Meet Assessment with
Definite Integral Platform corresponding
▪ Online Video Rubrics
At the end of the session/s, the students should be able to:
1. Area of a Region in a Plane presentation ▪ Paper and Pencil
Demonstrate an 2. Volume of a Solid of Applying definite ▪ Find the area of the region bounded by curves using (asynchronous) Test
understanding of Revolution integrals in solving work Riemann sum and definite integrals; ▪ Share a video clips ▪ Online
7-8 The Applications problems and finding the ▪ Find the volume of a solid of revolution using different presentation
3. Work Assignment /
of the Definite length of arc of a plane methods; ▪ Lecture Learning
Integral 4. Length of Arc of a Plane curve. Quiz
Curve ▪ Apply definite integrals in solving work problems and Station ▪ Online Evaluative
5. Other miscellaneous finding the length of arc of a plane curve. ▪ Interactive Online Test
application topic (free topic) Discussion ▪ Reflective Essays
▪ Skills Exercises/ ▪ Worksheets/
Drills Modules
▪ Follow-Up through
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▪ Lecture Using
Power Point
Presentation via ▪ Online
Zoom/Google Meet Assessment with
Platform corresponding
▪ Online Video Rubrics
presentation ▪ Paper and Pencil
Demonstrate an At the end of the session/s, the students should be able to: (asynchronous) Test
understanding of
Indeterminate Forms
Solving the different ▪ Share a video clips ▪ Online
9-10 1. Definition ▪ enumerate the different indeterminate forms presentation
Indeterminate indeterminate forms. ▪ evaluate limits of rational functions at a point where the limit Assignment /
2. L’ Hospital’s Rule ▪ Lecture Learning
Forms is indeterminate Quiz
Station ▪ Online Evaluative
▪ Interactive Online Test
Discussion ▪ Reflective Essays
▪ Skills Exercises/ ▪ Worksheets/
Drills Modules
▪ Follow-Up through
▪ Lecture Using
Power Point ▪ Online
Presentation via Assessment with
Zoom/Google Meet corresponding
Improper Integrals
Platform Rubrics
1. Definition of Improper
▪ Online Video ▪ Paper and Pencil
Integrals At the end of the session/s, the students should be able to:
presentation Test
2. Improper Integrals: (asynchronous)
Demonstrate an ▪ evaluate improper integrals with infinite upper limit ▪ Online
a. with Infinite Upper Limit ▪ Share a video clips
understanding of Solving improper ▪ evaluate improper integrals with infinite lower limits Assignment /
11-12 b. with Infinite Lower Limit ▪ evaluate improper integrals with infinite upper and lower presentation
Improper integrals Quiz
c. with Both Upper & Lower limits ▪ Lecture Learning
Integrals ▪ Online Evaluative
Limits Infinite ▪ evaluate improper integrals with infinite discontinuities of the Station Test
3. Improper Integrals with Integrand ▪ Interactive Online ▪ Reflective Essays
Infinite Discontinuities of the Discussion ▪ Worksheets/
Integrand ▪ Skills Exercises/ Modules
Drills ▪ Academic
▪ Follow-Up through Portfolio
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▪ Lecture Using
Power Point ▪ Online
Presentation via Assessment with
Zoom/Google Meet corresponding
Platform Rubrics
▪ Online Video ▪ Paper and Pencil
presentation Test
Polar Coordinate System At the end of the session/s, the students should be able to:
Demonstrate an (asynchronous) ▪ Online
1. Polar Functions ▪ Share a video clips
understanding of Sketching graphs of Assignment /
13-14 2. Polar Graphs Polar Curves ▪ draw the graph of a polar function presentation
Polar Coordinate polar functions ▪ find the area of the region bounded by the polar curve Quiz
3. Area of Regions in Polar ▪ Lecture Learning
System ▪ find the area of the region bounded by 2 polar curves ▪ Online Evaluative
Coordinates Station Test
▪ Interactive Online ▪ Reflective Essays
Discussion ▪ Worksheets/
▪ Skills Exercises/ Modules
Drills ▪ Academic
▪ Follow-Up through Portfolio
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▪ Other Projects/Performance Activities
Evaluation Approaches and Methods
▪ Attendance (Please refer to the Attendance Policy)
▪ Assignment (Related activity designed in the syllabus as feedback to connect the past and present)
▪ Class participation (In this new normal, class participation is hard to evaluate. Thus, consistency on the submission of the modules and
asking questions via online platform shall be classified under class participation.)
▪ Quizzes (Specifically highlighted in the Course Module distributed to the students)
▪ Project (This includes Academic Portfolio.)
▪ Major Exams (Midterm and Final Exams)
Grading Standards
The institutional grading system is given below.
PRAA 30%
Projects 15%
Recitation 5%
Assignment 5%
Attendance 5%
Quizzes 35%
Term Exams 35%
TOTAL 100%
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Consultation Schedule Faculty Member : Mr. Jimbo J. Antipolo, LPT, MEd-Math
Contact Number : 0909-799-6840
E-mail address : [email protected]
Consultation Hours :Thursday (1:00 – 3:00 PM) via Zoom or Google Meet Application
Students’ concerns will also be accommodated on Monday-Friday at 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM via FB Messenger.
Time and Venue : Zoom or Google Meet Application at 1:00 – 3:00 PM
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