Product Catalog: Operating Theatre Panel
Product Catalog: Operating Theatre Panel
Product Catalog: Operating Theatre Panel
Product Catalog - OT Panel
Away from the patient environment, in the oper- PME increases continuity of services, even for your
ating room and intensive care unit (ICU) the TNS most sensitive medical loads. It promotes a robust
network is well protected by the RCD 30 mA - SI preventive maintenance regimen, significantly
model for load sensitivity and the RCBO compact reducing the risk of outages and increasing
model. RCD protection must be installed for all patient safety by minimizing complications of
TNS sockets and lighting systems as a minimum. power failure.
Lastly, to complete the electrical protection It reduces recovery time in case of outage by
design, the IEC standard recommends installing alerting maintenance personnel in real time.
the Isolated Smart Panel less than 25 m from the Direct interface with the electrical distribution
IT sockets. system in the operating room allows maintenance
personnel to troubleshoot any alarm remotely.
Product Catalog - OT Panel
The Nurse
• test insulation monitoring system
• warned of faults
• monitor of environment
• notified of maintenance
• notified by SMS text
message of fault
The Surgeon • consults via PC to
• remains concentrated locate fault
on the patient • performs switchboard
• benefits from stability and fault diagnosis
security power supply
• views state of each operating room
• generates event reports
• sets alarm threshold for temperature
and relative humidity
Main LV
Operating ward Operating ward
feeder feeder
63A D curve
Main Emergency
Isolated Panel supply supply
(Single Phase
Monitoring to
maintenance or
operating ward
(x6) work station
Monitoring ModBus RTU
Vdc IM20-H
Monitoring to
Operating room