Golden Dust™: Founded by Marijana Gabrielsen
Golden Dust™: Founded by Marijana Gabrielsen
Golden Dust™: Founded by Marijana Gabrielsen
Golden Dust is a beautiful energy that comes from the Archangel Jophiel.
The energy “Golden Dust” is perfectly combined with Gold Reiki, although
it can be used separately.
This is the energy that is connected to our third eye that works on our
It is transforming everything that should be improved. You are going to
feel the energy of Golden Dust into your physical eyes as well.
When working with this energy you might literally see golden color in
front of your eyes. It is transforming and it is beneficial for your sight,
perception, vision, better seeing, both physically and metaphorically. It is
further good for creativity and bringing up the best in ourselves.
Using Golden Dust
You can use Golden dust as a meditative technique or as hands-on
To use as hands-on healing, simply place your hands on your eyes (or
someone else) and activate the energy by mentally stating once: “Golden
dust”. Hold your hands in this position for 5-15 minutes, or for as long as
you feel.
To use as a meditative technique, activate the energy by mentally stating
once: “Golden dust”. Then stay in a meditative state for 15 minutes, or for
as long as you like.
For distant healing, simply cup your hands together and imagine the
person inside the cupped hands. Then start the energy flow.
Passing on the attunement
Have the receiver preferably sitting on a chair, with hands in prayer
Hold the receiver’s hands and mentally state once: “Golden Dust
Attunement”. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds, or until you feel a
sense of completeness.
Then you are done and can proceed to the next if there are more
For distant attunements simply imagine that you are holding the
receiver’s hands.
When you are done, use the disconnect and grounding exercises
explained in this manual.
When performing attunements or healing sessions, you spiritually
connect to the person you are sending healing to. Cutting the etheric
threads that are created is important. If you do not do this, staying
connected to that person is possible. This could result in the draining of
your energy.
All you have to do when finished with the healing is to make a fast “karate
chop” in front of you while saying something like “Cut all threads!” Do this
one to three times. Often after doing this, you will most likely feel a relief.
After cutting threads, it’s good to do a grounding exercise. If you have
outside access, stand on the ground bare feet and mentally say, “I now
ground!” Stand for two to five minutes. If you do not have access to the
ground or it’s just too cold, just imagine that you are standing on the
This is an important exercise to do to balance yourself after a healing
session because if you have accumulated too much energy in your body,
it could result in a headache. If you have too little energy, it could result in
tiredness. Grounding will either relieve you from being overenergized or
give you new energy.