Session - 3: Surah 101: Al-Feel I. Spoken Arabic
Session - 3: Surah 101: Al-Feel I. Spoken Arabic
Session - 3: Surah 101: Al-Feel I. Spoken Arabic
I. SPOKEN ARABIC: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Say the following: (1) when you start
anything; (2) when you see something good in others.
ِ ِﺇﻻﱠ ﺑِﺎ ﹶﺓﹶﻻ ﹸﻗﻮ ﷲ
ُ ﺎ َﺀ ﺍﺷ ﺎ ﻣ:۲ ،ﷲ
ِ ِﻢ ﺍ ِﺑﺴ:۱
except with Allah. (There is) no power Allah willed, whatever In the name of Allah
II. GRAMMAR: Use TPI (See page xvii at the end). Please note that the following six attached
pronouns have occurred thousands of times in the Qur’an. Since they occur in an attached form, they can not
be counted alone. Consequently, these 5 minutes of grammar part using TPI should be taken with love and
، ،
his Lord ﻪﺭﺑ his ﻩﺍ-- ﻩ-- He is a righteous
person. ﺎﻟِﺢﻮ ﺻ ﻫ sr.
their Lord ﻬﻢ ﺭﺑ their ِﻫﻢ-- ﻫﻢ -- They are righteous
persons. ﻮﻥﺎِﻟﺤ ﺻﻫﻢ pl.
your Lord ﹸﻜﻢﺭﺑ your ﹸﻛﻢ--- You are righteous
persons. ﻮﻥﺎِﻟﺤ ﺻﺘﻢﹶﺃﻧ pl.
my Lord ﺭِﺑّﻲ my ﻱ--- I am a righteous
person. ﺎﻟِﺢﺎ ﺻﹶﺃﻧ sr.
our Lord ﺎﻨﺭﺑ our ﺎﻧ--- We are righteous
persons. ﻮﻥﺎِﻟﺤﻦ ﺻ ﻧﺤ dl.,
Please note that from now on we will practice ﻲ ِﻫ (she) and ﺎﻬﺭﺑ (her Lord). We will focus only on these
singular feminine forms because they occur frequently in the Qur’an. For details on TPI for feminine
gender, see page xvii. Please note that we have used right hand for showing masculine gender forms.
Therefore we will use left hand for showing feminine gender forms. In a class, both the teacher and the
student should practice this part together.
III. THE MAIN LESSON: Use 3SP. Ponder over the verses & take lessons.
ﺭ ٍﺓ ﺎﺤﺠ
ِ ِﺑ ﻣِﻴ ِﻬﻢﺗﺮ ﺎﺑِﻴ ﹶﻞﹶﺃﺑ ﺍﺮﹶﻃﻴ ِﻬﻢﻋ ﹶﻠﻴ
them birds in flocks,
( ٣)
4. Striking them with
stones of baked clay. with stones Striking them (in) flocks, birds against them
5. Then He made them
like straw eaten up (٥) ﹾﺄﻛﹸﻮ ٍﻝﻣ ﻒ
ٍ ﻌﺼ ﹶﻛ ﻬﻢ ﻌ ﹶﻠ ﺠ
ﹶﻓ ( ٤) ﺠّﻴ ٍﻞ
ِ ﻦ ِﺳ ِّﻣ
(by cattle). eaten up (by cattle). like straw Then He made them of baked clay.
... +
Practice on pronouns No. Person
He is a righteous
His Lord sr.
They are righteous
their Lord pl.
your Lord
You are righteous
pl .
I am a righteous
My Lord sr.
We are righteous dl.,
Our Lord
persons. pl.
Lesson-3: To remember of the meanings, note down the following clues and add more, if you have any.
Arabic Meanings Root Earlier occurrence / Mother-tongue Arabic Meanings Root Earlier occurrence / Mother-tongue
Letters or false link / Grammatical form/ … Letters or false link / Grammatical form/ …
شي Note إن ء اfor remembering رس
?@ BCD Allah willed
the meaning of word ََء.
E% He sent
From the same root as that of
ء ل رَُل: messenger
َْ : did not; َ
َ : you see;
Didn't you
see رأي Haven't you seen?
F birds طير
G* how َُ
َ ََْآ: how are you? E++ in flocks - please note that it is not the name
of a bird as in Urdu!
فع َِ رin Hajj, i.e., striking the stone
E H did, dealt 8# ) striking them
ل with pillars with pebbles
> companions sg. ِ
َ ; pl. أََْ
ِب IJ stones حجر (
أدblack stone) of Kaaba
E J'
Didn’t He
جعل َْ : did not; ََْ: he makes EJ% baked clay
bricks are also made from baked
make? ل clay!
;* their plot كيد ُْ ه+ ََْآ GK straw, stalks
to make ضل أآ: to eat;ِآ% the one who eats;
E9) something go
From the same root as that of
*M# that which is
astray ل $ِّ
َ# eaten up َ&ْآُل: that which is eaten