Andersson-M. - 2004 Kin-Selection-And-Reciprocity-In-Flight-Formation - 2004
Andersson-M. - 2004 Kin-Selection-And-Reciprocity-In-Flight-Formation - 2004
Andersson-M. - 2004 Kin-Selection-And-Reciprocity-In-Flight-Formation - 2004
1: 158–162
DOI: 10.1093/bheco/arg109
The reasons for conspicuous ‘‘V’’ and other flight formations in birds are debated. Theory and recent empirical advances show
that energy saving is one important function of flight formations, but some aspects remain poorly understood. Combining
theories of animal flight and sociality, we suggest that some of the variation in flight formations has its base in kin selection and
reciprocation. The bird leading an acute V formation saves less energy than does the trailing participants. The disadvantage of
leading is reduced in more obtuse formations, and when the longitudinal distance between neighbors is small, the leading bird
can save about as much energy as others. Therefore, acute V formations are predicted to occur mainly in circumstances
conducive to kin selection or reciprocity. These mechanisms seem possible, for example, in small flocks of adults with offspring,
such as in swans, geese, and cranes. Inclusive fitness advantages may then favor an energetically expensive leader role for adults.
V formation of migrating swans, geese, cranes, cormor- (Figure 1) (see Badgerow, 1988; Speakman and Banks, 1998).
A ants, pelicans, flamingos, or other large birds is a spec-
tacular sight that gives rise to interesting questions. Why such
The trailing birds, in contrast with the leader, can make
substantial energy savings (Hummel, 1995; Weimerskirch et
regular formations? Most smaller birds that migrate in flocks al., 2001). Other species use more obtuse or bow formations
do so in less ordered groups (Alerstam, 1990). What is the (Hummel, 1995), in which the leading bird is only a little
advantage of V formation (Figure 1), and why do mainly large ahead of its nearest neighbors, the longitudinal distance
birds use them? At least two hypotheses may explain such between neighbors increasing along the arms of the forma-
formations: energy saving and communication (for review, see tion (Figure 3). In such formations, energy savings are
Alerstam, 1990; Speakman and Banks, 1998). probably more equable (Hummel, 1995). Why is there such
Energy saving is well supported both theoretically (see variation in formation shape?
Badgerow and Hainsworth, 1981; Hummel, 1995; Lissaman We suggest that the variation is related to flock kinship
and Shollenberger, 1970) and empirically (see Badgerow, structure and to reciprocity that depends on group size. Acute
1988; Cutts and Speakman, 1994; Hainsworth, 1987, 1988; V formations may often include relatives, in particular parents
Hummel, 1995; Speakman and Banks, 1998). Weimerskirch et and offspring and siblings. Gains in inclusive fitness might
al. (2001) showed that great white pelicans (Pelecanus make parents willing to accept a less favorable lead position, if
onocrotalus) have lower heart and wing beat rate, glide more their relatives will benefit. Reciprocity, with individuals taking
often, and save as much as 11–14% energy when flying in the turns at the lead position, may also be involved.
vortex wake from another bird (Figure 2).
Flight formation may also enhance communication and
orientation of the flock (see Cutts and Speakman, 1994;
Gould and Heppner, 1974; Hainsworth, 1988; Hummel, 1995; Energetics of flight formation
Speakman and Banks, 1998). The evidence for this function is In the wake of an aircraft, two counter-rotating trailing
weaker than for energy saving, but both mechanisms might vortices create air downflow behind the wingtips, and uplift
work together. outside the wake (see Hummel, 1995; Lissaman and Shollen-
Still, several interesting aspects of flight formations remain berger 1970) (Figure 2). The vortices are a grim reality; they
poorly understood, such as their variation in occurrence, size, can approach tangential velocities of 100 m/s and extend
and form. Theory suggests that large birds make greater many kilometers behind a heavy aircraft, horizontal tornadoes
energy savings than do small birds by formation flight (see with sometimes disastrous consequences for other planes that
Alerstam, 1990). Yet, not all large long-distance migrants use happen to fly into them. Under controlled conditions,
formation flight. Groups of raptors often soar high together however, a trailing plane can save much energy by suitable
with cranes or pelicans in thermal uplifts during migration, lateral positioning in the upwash behind the leading plane
but raptors rarely use formation flight. Other species often (Chichka et al., 1999; Hummel, 1973, 1995).
leave the uplift in conspicuous formation (Alerstam, 1990). Photographs of the wake of birds flying in clouds of helium
Why don’t raptors use flight formations? bubbles also show that birds leave two trailing vortices (see
Other questions concern formation shape. Swans, cranes,
Pennycuick, 1989; Spedding, 1987). The birds in a flock can
large geese, and other large birds often use acute V formation
therefore fly more cheaply in V formation, saving energy in
the uplift from the frontal neighbor (see Hummel, 1995;
Address correspondence to M. Andersson. E-mail: malte.andersson@ Lissaman and Shollenberger, 1970; for review, see Alerstam, 1990; Norberg, 1990; Speakman and Banks, 1998). Lateral
Received 22 November 2002; revised 22 February 2003; accepted 12 distance strongly influences energy savings (Chichka et al.,
March 2003. 1999; Hummel, 1995; Lissaman and Shollenberger, 1970).
Behavioral Ecology vol. 15 no. 1 International Society for Behavioral Ecology 2004; all rights reserved.
Andersson and Wallander • Kin selection and reciprocity in flight formation? 159
Figure 2
A vortex is formed in the wake of each wingtip, creating downflow
behind the wing and uplift outside the wake, as indicated at the tip of
the right wing of the right-hand bird. A trailing bird can take
energetic advantage of this uplift by flying at a suitably lateral position
relative to the bird ahead. Theory suggests that the optimal wingtip
overlap for the trailing bird is about one tenth of the wingspan b.
A distance of about 0.78b separates the centres of the two trailing
vortices from a bird or aircraft.
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