9792 PHYSICS: MARK SCHEME For The May/June 2013 Series
9792 PHYSICS: MARK SCHEME For The May/June 2013 Series
9792 PHYSICS: MARK SCHEME For The May/June 2013 Series
Pre-U Certificate
9792/03 Paper 3 (Part B Written), maximum raw mark 140
This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner
Report for Teachers.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.
Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2013 series for most IGCSE, Pre-U,
GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level components and some Ordinary Level
Page 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
Pre-U – May/June 2013 9792 03
Section A
(b) e.g. jumping from a wall, doing a high jump, diving into a swimming pool (1) [1]
[Total: 13]
[Total: 10]
3 (a)
[Total: 11]
(ii) no energy loss in secondary as second coil terminals are not connected (1)
all energy loss is in primary or core (1) [2]
[Total: 9]
5 (a) volume of molecules very much smaller than volume of container (1)
all collisions elastic (1)
no force on molecules except on contact OR time of collision is negligible compared
to the time between collisions (1)
(d) (i) internal energy is sum of kinetic and potential energies of the molecules (1) [1]
[Total: 16]
(b) (i) (4.40 − 2.3) × 10–14 = 2.1 × 10–14 (J) (1) [1]
(c) directions opposite and arrow of electron very much larger than arrow of proton (1) [1]
[Total: 12]
(ii) the intensity of radiation at a distance from the star (at the Earth) (1) [1]
[Total: 9]
Section B
8 (a) (i) (speed is constant but) direction is continuously changing (towards centre) (1)
velocity is changing) with time (so body accelerates) (1)
by Newton’s 2nd Law a force is required / for acceleration towards centre (1) [3]
[Total: 20]
(c) (i) Working line shown and clear conversion of natural logs to exponentials (1) [1]
(ii) In table
m/mo = 0.88 (1)
∆vr = 7.7(4) (1) [2]
(iv) With V = 2.6 × 103 ; (m/mo) = 0.15 m = 0.15 × 2.04 × 106 = 306 000 kg (1)
With V = 8.0 × 103 ; (m/mo) = 0.54 m = 0.54 × 2.04 × 106 = 1 101 600 kg (1)
Difference in mass = 796 000 kg (1) [3]
[Total: 20]
(iii) (During the charging process charge builds up on the capacitor plates)
The increasing charge repels oncoming charge more and more (1)
so less charge is added to the plates each second OR as p.d. across capacitor
rises there is less p.d. across resistance of circuit 1 so less current (1) [2]
[Total: 20]
11 (a) Basic answer: Motion affects the rate of clocks (or rate at which time passes) (1)
More detail: Moving clocks run slow / time passes more slowly in a moving
reference frame
Idea of comparison between rest and moving frames:
Compared to a clock at rest (1)
(ii) Time elapsed on station clock = 3.0 × 105 / 30 = 104 s = 2 h, 47 min 40 sec (1)
Time elapsed on train clock = 104 / 1.048 = 9542 s (1)
Adjustment required = 458 seconds (7 minutes 38 seconds) (1)
Train clock must be put forward (1) [4]
(iii) Agree. Traveller has lived through a different amount of time than a person who
stayed at the station (1)
Less time has elapsed for traveller so he has travelled into the future relative
to the station (1) [2]
[Total: 20]
4 π × 8.85 × 10 −12 (
1 × 10 −15)2
229 N (1)
This is very large / ezuivalent to a weight of 23 kg i.e. recognition that this force
is comparable to macroscopic forces (1) [3]
(c) (i) ∆t ≈ (1) [1]
2πmc 2
(ii) Mesons (have mass so they) cannot travel at or above the speed of light (1)
The maximum distance a meson can travel is about (no more than) R ∼ c∆t (1)
Strong interaction cannot exceed the distance a meson can travel during ∆t (1)
Maximum mark 2 [2]
h h
(iii) Use of R ∼ c∆t to give an expression for mass: m ≈ ≈ (2)
2πcR 2πcx 2 ∆t
3.5 × 10–28 (kg) (1) [3]
(iv) State that about 1/5 of a proton mass and 400 electron masses. (1)
Must be a new kind of subatomic particle. (1) [2]
(d) (i) For a long range they must exist for a long time (∆t must be large without limit) (1)
The uncertainty in energy must be very small (∆E must be very small) (1)
Hence rest mass m (= ∆E / c2) must also be (arbitrarily) small (1) [3]
(ii) Full credit for an explanation in terms of exchange particles that identifies and
explains either the increased rate of exchange of force-carriers or the increased
energy/momentum associated with each exchange at short distance.
e.g. At shorter distances the exchange particles exist for a shorter time so they
can exchange more energy/transfer more momentum and create a stronger
e.g. At short distances the field is stronger so more exchange particles can be
created and exchanged thereby increasing the force.
Give part credit for answers that refer to the coulomb’s law / inverse-square law
(i.e. as r gets smaller 1 /r2 gets bigger) but limit maximum to 1 mark if exchange
particles are not mentioned. (2) [2]
Maximum 2 marks
[Total: 20]
13 (a) (i) The Law of Conservation of Energy OR The 1st Law of Thermodynamics.
(c) (i) Entropy is related to the arrangement or organisation of particles in the egg (1)
The original state is low entropy and the final state high entropy (1)
The original state is low entropy because it is more ordered or has a lower
probability or is realised in fewer ways than the final state (1) [3]
(ii) There are a very large number of ways in which the particles can be arranged. (1)
Mixing is a random process (1)
The number of ways in which the egg can be in a scrambled/mixed state is
greater than the number of ways it can be in an unmixed state (1)
Hence it is much more likely to end up in a mixed state (1)
The mixed state represents a (macroscopic) equilibrium (1)
Maximum mark 3
(N.B. these marks can be observed in either c(i) or c(ii)) [3]
(d) Idea that the direction from past to future is aligned with or defined by the direction
of increase of entropy (or the direction of ever increasing ‘disorder’) (2) [2]
Accept the idea that the universe is moving from a state of low entropy to one of
high entropy or from a state of low probability to one of higher probability
(e) (i) There is only one way in which the universe can exist (1)
so there is no distinction between past and future (nothing changes) (1) [2]
Not possible to define an arrow of time when the molecules are evenly spread. (1)
Not possible to define an arrow of time when entropy is close to a maximum. (1)
Maximum 3 marks [3]
(iii) Idea that random particle motions have a small but non-zero probability of
moving all the particles into a small region once again. In this case entropy
would decrease for a while before increasing once again so there could be a
reversal. (2)
Idea that it is a dynamical equilibrium so fluctuations away from equilibrium will
occur and some might be quite large, providing periods of time during which
entropy decreases – again a reversal of time’s arrow. (2)
Maximum 2 marks [2]
[Total: 20]