Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science
Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science
Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science
Department of Public Health Science, Faculty of Public
Health Universitas Teuku Umar, Meulaboh -23615, Indonesia.
Department of Public Health Science, Faculty of Public
Health Universitas Teuku Umar, Meulaboh -23615, Indonesia.
Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Politic Science
Universitas Teuku Umar, Meulaboh-23615, Indonesia.
Department of Health Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and
Nursing Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta - 55281, Indonesia.
The aim of the study was to modify the PRECEDE-PROCEED models
to use them as a basis for planning of weaning food interventions
for home-made weaning food on wasting and stunting toddlers. Article History
This study used the method of an observational cross sectional with
one group pretest posttest design. The total population in this study Received: 27 September
was 1,520 toddlers under two years old. The samples in this study Accepted: 04 June 2020
were 63 mothers. The data collection was done through distributing
the questionnaire to the mothers. Then, the data analysis was using a Keywords
sample t-paired test. The results of the study show that the application
Complementary Food;
of the PRECEDE-PROCEED models included knowledge (p=0.03), PRECEDE-PROCEED
attitudes (p=0.01), actions (p=0.005), family support (p=0.004), health Model;
worker supports (p=0.004), and cultural support (p=0.0001). Thus, it Stunting Toddlers;
Wasting Toddlers.
can be concluded that there is the increase in the respondents’
knowledge, attitude, actions, family support, health worker supports,
and cultural support after the implementation of PRECEDE-
PROCEED models in concern to the importance of weaning food
CONTACT Fitriani [email protected] Department of Public Health Science, Faculty of Public Health Universitas
Teuku Umar, Meulaboh -23615, Indonesia.